Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 21, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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    "When a Girl Marries"
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problem of a Girl Wife
Copyright, 1919, King Feature Syn
dicate, Inc.
"Hello Barbara Anne! This cer
tainly is my four-leaf clover day!"
cried Carl Booth, as he strode up
to where I stood waiting after he
had hailed me on tlje avenue. "Come
on into one of these cute little boxes
where they pour ice cream sodas
and sich for the starving.
"I haven't time," 1 began, but
Carl's downcast face made me
ashamed of myself. When had he
ever been too busy to tind time tor
me back in the days when I needed
a friend like this big pink and
white innocent of a man? "But I'll
make it," 1 smiled.
Carl beamed and we marched into
a little tea room whose delightful
front tables overlook the avenue
from behind great outtlung case
ment windows. There we sat lux
urously sipping frosted chocolates
and nibbling hermits, those deli
cious little cakes with raisins and
nuts and citron and all sorts of
jolly surprises hidden behind their
demure yet bulging brownness.
And as we ate like happy children
and chatted of the old days at Hal
dune's, I poked out my pretty new
pumps and told Carl the story of
my shoe-shop spree.
"They're scrumptious!" declared
Carl, eyeing my slippers with favor.
"And perfectly right you were to
buy while the buying is good. I
can remember the days when you
used to liuy insoles and wear shoes
that were too wide because the A's
didn't come in the cheaper makes."
"Oh. Carl, was. there ever an old
dear like you?" i cried. "To think
of your remembering that —and the
width of my shoes. You have the
most wonderful memory!"
"About some things," said Carl
dryly. "But I was almost forget
ting the thing I had on my mind.
Won't you and Mr. Harrison come
to dinner at my diggings some
night next week? I've a little two
by-four apartment with a very
young kitchennette, and though I
bate to boast about myself, 1 sure
can broil a steak. It' ever I lose
my knack as a go-getter of ads,
I'm thinking of becoming a steak
chef. Name the night, Barbara
"Oh you mustn't bother." I pro
tested, knowing Jim probably
wouldn't want to accept.
"No bother. Pleasure," beamed
Carl. "Name your uight."
Since there was no way out but
the ugl.v one of fibs, I suggested
Thursday, and added:
"If that's all right for Daisy."
"Daisy?" repeated Carl. "Oh,
yes, to be sure—Daisy. 1 a:a a o
oial dub. Didn't realize that smce
she was at the first party it would
be a slight to leave her out of this.
Daisy's such a quite little mouse,
folks are likely to forget her. But
you wouldn't Barbara Anne. You'd
never hurt anyorm."
Suddenly a CIOCK boomed the hour.
"Six!"- 1 cried in chagrin and as
tonishment. "Oh, Carl, you've up
set all my plans: I was going over
to the garage for . / car and then
call for my husbaoa. I hardly ever
miss driving him home on a pleas
ant afternoon."
"Want to 'phone you'll be right
along?" asked Carl.
I acted on the suggestion, but
Jim's line was busy. So I thought
it best t' hurry over to the garage
and 'plie.,e trom there. At the gar
age entfnnce 1 bade Carl a hasty
farewell and hurried to the tele
phone. Jim's line was still reported
busy, so without more ado I drove
over to the office. When I started
into the elevator the boy stopped
"Looking for Mr. Harrison?" he
said. "Him and Mr. Hyland and his
young lady left not live minutes
So there was nothing for me
to do but to get back into the car
and drive home. I felt annoyed
with Jim. and yet—since 1 hadn't
said I would call for him —there
w;. .i't any reason why he should
he waited. 1 knew I had only
l ■self to blame. Still—stubbornly
enough—l persisted in feeling hurt.
Jim might have guessed I would
I had a bad time getting the little
car to start. One cylinder insisted
on missing. It was fifteen or twenty
minutes before I cleaned a con
nection and got away. Then, at a
crowded corner, a traffic cop held
me up and delivered an angry ora
tion because I hadn't observed his
upflung hand and had driven along
when he was halting traffic. It took
me twice as long as it should have
taken to drive home.
And when I go_t to our apartment
the little car wouldn't run neatly
alongside the curb, but had to be
backed and driven out into the
street before I could park decently.
So I arrived at my own door in a
state of nerves—jumpy and uncom
fortable. The final insult to my
happiness and intelligence took
place when a third search of purse
failed to reveal my latchkey.
Bertha opened the door in re
sponse to my ring, and her smiling
face sobered immediately on see
ing me.
rAfy head itched unbearably and my
1 hair was coming out by the handful.
Afewapplicationaof Wild root loosened
and removed quantities of dandruff—
the itching stopped. Today it is thicker
and more beautiful than ever."
For sale here under a
money-back guarantee
Wlldroot Shampoo Boap, used in connection I
with Wlldroot. will hasten the treatment. J
"Mr. Harrison come in yet?" I
asked, ignoring Bertha's individu
ality and personality.
"Ves'm, and gone out," said Ber
tha sadly.
"Gone out Where? When will
j he be back?" I demanded.
I "He said, ma'am, he waited at the
office till quarter past six and here
| until seven, and that he had to go
j over to Mr. Tom Mason's on most
important business, and would you
I please follow him at once, as the
three of you would dine together.
And he'd no more than gone when
the phone rings and Mr. Cosby asks
if you'll please step in as soon as
you come home. He said it's most
important and that he wouldn't ask
only he needs you special and with
out delay."
Bertha ran it all so breathlessly
that I got the sense of grave things
pending, and, turning, pressed my
i linger to the elevator bell.
"Bertha, please get Mr. Harrison
,at Mr. Mason's," 1 said, "and tell
| him to call me at once at Mr.
i Cosby's. Then you ana Angy have
I your supper and go to a movie.'
| At that moment the elevator ar
| rived, so I hastily took four silver
-4 quarters from my purse and thrust
* ing them into Bertha's hand, stepped
] wearily into the elevator and hur
j ried to answer Lane Cosby's sum
[ mons.
To l>c continued.
Advice to the Lovelorn
j About eleven months ago I met a
I young man some years my senior
whom I respected very much. Since
j then I have learned to care for him.
iOf late, I often tind myself thinking
of him during work. Now this young
I man intends to go back to the coun
jtiy of his birth, and does not want a
i sweetheart. He is always very polite
lo me and no more. I love him very
I dearly and wish you would advise me.
Sometimes sweethearts do inter-
I fere with ambitions. I don't doubt
'that your friend will achieve his am-
Jbition earlier if he succeeds in remain
ling heart free. But his security Is very
uncertain. Who can be sure that he
I won't fall in love next week, to-mor
row, to-day? As for you, 1 am sorry
that you have happened to fall in love
with an unresponsive youth, but the
only course Is for you to abandon
hope in connection with a young man
who insists on being merely polite,
(and to meet as many other young
! men, cultivate as wide a variety of
human interests as possible.
Dear Miss Fairfax:
I am eighteen and engaged to a
lady twenty-seven. We love each
other dearly. I look much older
than I am, and easily pass for
twenty—three or twenty-four. Do
, you think the difference in age is
any obstacle to our marriage.
M. L. J.
It need not be. But in your case,
; since you are so very young, would
it not be wiser to defer your mar
riage for a year or two? Meanwhile
you can both make sure of the reality
of your affection and of your suita
bility to each other.
I ' "I' "H ' |KT
Blouse 2934. Skirt 2605
Here is a model ideal for sports'
wear. The blouse is new and attrac
tive. The skirt is a plaited model, cut
with necessary fulness and graceful
lines. Satin, crepe de chine or Geor
gette would be suitable for the blouse,
and serge, satin, taffeta, linen or ging
ham for the skirt.
The Blouse is cut In 7 Sizes: 34.
36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 Inches bust
measgure. Size 38 requires 3 1-2
yards of 36 Inch material. The Skirt
is cut in 7 Sizes: 22, 24, 26, 28, 30,
32 and 34 inches waist measure. Size
24 requires 2 1-2 yards of 54 inch ma
terial. Width of skirt at lower edge
is about 2 3-4 yards with plaits ex
This illustration calls for TWO sep
arate patterns which will be mailed
to any address on receipt of 10c. FOR
j EACH pattern in silver or lc. and 2c.
j stamps.
Telegraph Pattern Department
For the 10 cents inclosed please
send pattern to the following
Size Pattern No
City and State
Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service Bp McManus
Scientific Discussions
by Garrett P. Serviss
Referring to the question of the
cause of the former genial climate
in the Polar regions, which has been
revived by Stefansson's discovery of
coal on a new land within the Arctic
circle, two correspondents simultan
eously champion the theory that the
great climatic change was due to
an alteration in the position of the
earth's axis of rotation. And both
find support for the theory in the
story of the disappearance of the
mammoths. One of them says:
"The axial change was undoubt
edly due to a cosmic accident, be
cause what apparently occurred was
a violent, sudden change, as evi
: denced by the overwhelming of the
large animals feeding on tropical
vegetation by an instant drop to Arc
tic frigidity, which caused them to
be frozen solid and to be so com
pletely incased in ice as to preserve
their flesh and stomach contents for
many thousands of years."
Now, whatever may have been the
case millions of years ago, when the
| coal beds were deposited, it is cer-
I tain that there has been no tropical
i climate in the Arctic regions and no
I great and sudden change in the
j earth's axis within the period of
| time in which the large animals re
] ferred to, viz., the mammoths, lived
in Siberia and Alaska.
[ They seem to have reached their
i meridian in the Pleistocene epoch,
I during which the great glacial in
! vasions occurred, and they were con-
I temporary with early man in Eu
rope. Whatever the nature of the
accidents by which their bodies were
embedded and frozen in the muddy
soil of the Siberian tundra, it can
j not have been due to a sudden drop
Ito frigidity in the climate, because
| the mammoth was distinctly a cold
I weather animal, specially clothed
\ with long, heavy hair, supplemented
! with thick underwool.
i He was used to an Arctic climate
j and so fond of the cold that when
the ice during the glacial epoch ad
i vanced southward these huge mam
| mals followed it, carrying their
warm garments of hair and wool
[ with them, as is sufficiently proved
by the drawings that the men of the
old Stone Age left on cavern walls
and elsewhere on their gigantic ele
phantine contemporaries.
It is probable that the preserva
tion of so many bodies of manmals
in the frozen mud-sinks along Si
berian and Alaskan rivers was due
to local causes, such as thaws and
floods, instead of to any vast and
sudden climatic change affecting a
whole hemisphere. As to the sup
position that they fed on tropical
vegetation, read the following, writ
ten in 1915 by Dr. W. D. Matthew,
a foremost authority on this subject.
He is speaking of the bodies of mam
moths found in Siberia and Alaska:
"The contents of the stomach
show that these animals fed upon
the same vegetation, grasses and
sedges, birches, alders, poplars, etc.,
that prevails to-day in the far
In a word, the mammoth belonged
to a much later age than that when
genial climates prevailed nearly all
over the earth, even including the
Arctic and Antarctic lands. To re
turn to what seems to be the most
popular theory of the cause of that
genial period and of its disappear
ance, viz., a change in the earth's
axis of rotation,., we may take up
Professor W. C. Pickering's sugges
tion that all the planeto formed by
the breaking up and condensation of
rings left off during the contraction
of the original nebula from which
the solar system was developed,
would, at first, rotate on their axis
in a retrograde direction, i. e., con
trary to their revolution around the
This appears to be an inevitable
result of the inverse square law as
applied to the velocity of particles
revolving at slightly different dis
tances from their common center
of motion. The outer particles of
a ring traveling slower than the in
ner ones, when the ring becomes a
globular planet the effect of this dif
ference in velocity would be a back
ward rotation.
But the tides produced in the un
solidifled planets by the attraction
of the sun would, in a manner the
details which cannot be entered
upon here, produce a gradual re
versal of the direction of rotation
by tipping the axis over. The end
of this process would be reached
when the axis, having been tipped
over end for end, was brought into a
position at right angles to the plane
of the planet s revolution around
the sun, the planet then rotating in
a forward direction, after which
there would be no change.
Now it is a fact of observation
that the outermost planet of the
solar system, Neptune, still rotates
backward, while the next nearer ono,
Uranus, appears to be approaching
the point of change from a back
ward to a forward rotation. That
Saturn and Jupiter once rotated
backward seems to be indicated by
the retrograde revolution of their
most distant satellites. The earth
has passed into the state of forward
or direct rotation but its axis is still
more than 23 degrees from perpen
dicularity to the ecliptic.
Extremely interesting possibilities
depend upon these considerations,
but they relate to an immense an
tiquity, and there is no room to dis
cuss them here. Another time they
may be taken up. ' J
By Virginia Terhune Van de Water
Copyright, 1919, Star Company
"Oh, father!"
Desiree's exclamation of distress
made her parent regard her inquir
j ingly.
- "Well?" he queried. "What is
the matter?"
"I cannot bear to hear you speak
as if you thought that he —I mean
that anybody in our employ had
taken my pendant. .It is hardly !
Samuel Leighton drew his brows I
together. "My dear child," he pro- !
tested, "I am accusing nobody. But j
I have common sense which tells ;
me that an article of jewelry does j
not disappear by magic. Your ro
mantic nature makes you very un- j
practical at times. Just listen to
reason. Did not both of the maids
come and go freely in your room I
while the box containing your pen
dant was there?"
"Certainly they did," Desiree ad
; mitted. "But they have been in and
j out of my roqm for two years, and j
I never missed a thing. Moreover, j
Norah and Annie had excellent ref- j
erences from their former em-1
"Yes —which is all in their favor. :
Nevertheless, I would like to know !
Norah's present address. Have you I
| it?"
Desiree shook her head. "No, I j
i don't know where she is."
"When you get a chance ask An- j
nie if she knows. To-morrow will j
; be time enough for that —although 1
I agree with you that Norah is [
I probably innocent. The only per- i
sons who handled that box after it I
left your room were Smith and ]
Perry. The latter called my atten- !
j tion to this fact." ,
"But," Desiree ventured. "My j
Perry may not be sure. One of the
clerks in his store might have j
opened the box."
Mi - . Leighton Is Positive
"Impossible!" her father retorted. I
"Perry took the case from Smith. I
Nobody touched it after that until J
he opened it and found it empty.
"All of which makes me repeat
my statement. Smith must be
Desiree moistened her lips. They
felt stiff, and her voice was un
steady as she remarked:
"The letter you received from
that man down in the South proves i
that Smith is honest."
"It would seem so," was the calm I
rejoinder. "But there may be some !
twist in the matter. I admit the l
fellow impresses me with a sense j
of sincerity. If he is not honest I j
am mistaken in my estimate of hu- I
man nature. Nevertheless, appear- [
ances are not in his favor in this |
case. •
"I intend to take no steps in the i
matter yet. To do so would defeat i
our ends. But I mean to keep my
eyes open. That's all. If Smith is
all right events will prove it be
He stopped abruptly. Smith stood
in the doorway.
"I beg your pardon," the chauf
feur said. I just wanted to let Miss
Leighton know that I am here if I
am wanted.'
Samuel Leighton looked slightly j
embarrassed. Desiree sprang to her
"Oh, yes. Smith," she said hastily. |
"Will you , step into the pantry, i
please? J want to show you about
arranging the glasses and punch
Mrs. Duflield gazed after the man
and girl as they left "the room.
"Do you know"—with a nervous
laugh—"he quite startled me coming
in so suddenly and quietly as he
did? I really thought at first that
he was a guest—he looks so very 1
well in his evening clothes.
"Don't you think, Samuel, that he |
ought to have worn a different kind !
of a coat from that—a short-tailed j
coat, you know? Why, one will not |
be able to tell him from one of the |
guests of the evening."
Her brother did not smile. "You i
evidently did not notice that Smith i
wore a black vest and a black tie, j
which are not conventional in eve
ning dress," he remarked. "But he j
certainly looked like a swell. That's I
the trouble with him. He's too in- I
femally good-looking. It's difficult |
to believe that a chap like that
could have anything out of the way [
in his character. It's especially
hard for a wojnan to believe it.
"Desiree is too romantic in her •
notions. I could see that she was !
quite disturbed by my suggestion
that he"—with a nod toward the
dining room—"might not be quite '
honest. It's not a pleasant thing j
to consider, but one must take no j
A Word of Praise
"No, of course not," Mrs. Duffield !
agreed. "Yet I confess that when !
1 saw him just now it seemed very
ridiculous to harbor any suspicions
of him. He is very refined in ap
Samuel Leighton gave vent to a
snort that might have meant deri
sion or impatience. '
"I declare you are as bad as De- '
sirce!" he exclaimed. "Just because j
a fellow has a certain air you are !
sure of his morals. I admit," he ■
added more gently, "that Smith is |
good looking. And the friend from
whom he borrowed that suit that he I
is wearing to-night must have a i
mighty good tailor for one in his j
position. I noticed the good cut of
the coat."
"I hope he did not overhear what
you said," Mrs. Duffield said, tenta
tively. |
"So do I," her brother returned.
"It might put him on his guard."
David DeLaine had overheard a
part of the sentence which his com
ing had interrupted. The words—
"lf Smith is all right, events will
prove it before" —
Before what? DeLaine longed to
know the answer to that question.
He had received a distinct impres
sion in the minute in which he had
i faced the group in the drawing
i room. Samuel Leighton had been
j arguing with his daughter, and he
j —the chauffeur —was the subject of
j that argument. Desiree must have
: been championing his cause in some
i dispute!
i He tried to heed what Miss Leigh
ton was now telling him about the
arrangement of a cut glass bowl and
I glasses on a silver tray on a side
I table. His eyes were fastened upon
hers—but she was sure his thoughts
were not on what she was saying.
To be continued
Little Talks by
Beatrice Fairfax
I A correspondent in one of the de
! purtments of the Government in
j Washington writes me a letter that
j contains a few wholesome hints for
j "Every-wontan."
She says she is twenty-nine, but
i looks forty because she hates her
j job. All her life, since she can re-,
j member, she has wanted to write, or
las she puts it: "My life has been
j passed not in reality, but in living
, the stories I haven't time to write."
She goes on to tell that it was
| necessary for her to earn her living
l as quickly as possible, owing to lack
|of money at home. And that she
I had to fit herself for something that
[ could be depended on to bring in
] the pay envelope without any ele
ment of uncertainty. Stenography
and typewriting seemed surer than
anything else, and she applied her
self until she became proficient in
them, and took a Government job.
She has been earning her living
and helping along the family by
! this means for the last ten years,
j She says she has a good position, as
such positions go, but that the work
|is deadly and that she, "has no
| words to express her aversion for it."
i And she writes to ask me if her lack
| of enthusiasm for her job is what
i makes her look so old.
Unhesitatingly, I answer that noth
ing is more aging than earning one's
I living by means of an uncongenial
! task And if she has arrived at the
, point where it is impossible to put
any spirit or enthusiasm in her work,
the best thing for her to do is to
seek another job.
Enthusiasm the Best Tonic.
The best tonic and preserver of
youth and good looks is, undoubt
edly, enthusiasm. A vital interest
as a whetstone for every faculty and
the years glide by leaving little or
|no trace of their footprints. Gen
j uinely busy people have no time'in
j which to get old. Hard work never
I ages like monotony and boredom. It
'is the daily grind, unsweetened by
fervor or inspiration, that turns wo-
So if you would keep young, vital,
and interesting and yet have no con
suming occupation to. fill your life,
Daily Dot Puzzle
. \ -2a kj,
; 27 4
S °* ' -liT
.33 6* *
11% "14
I Draw from "i to two and so on
to the end.
men into pottering old creatures be
fore their time.
"it's up to you" to create one with
out delay for entirely seltish reasons.
The war did wonders for slowly
mummifying women. It arrested
their desiccating processes, and put
spirit into their humdrum lives. It
taught them to eliminate trifles, and
for the first time it warmed their
hearts and their hands in the fire of
enthusiasm. i
You were amazed when you met
these women, hurrying to their Red!
Cross or other war work, how young
and attractive they had grown; just
as you wonder to-day, when you see
them slipping back into the old rut,
how dull and listless they are be
coming. And you wonder why any,
woman in her senses lets go of any- j
thing that worked such a miracle in I
her appearance as having a consum-.
ing interest in life.
And as it is with boredom and
monotony, so it is with hatred, vex
ation, "envy and all uncharitable
ness"—as the prayer book puts it.
If your soul is devoured by these
things it s a waste of time and money |
to go to a "beauty parlor." Your I
trouble is deeper than it is in the |
power of cold cream and white lo
tion to assuage. Skin food and face
peeling are wretched substitutes for
the "Divine efflatus." Do you recall
Macbeth's lines:
"Cure her of that.
Cans't thou minister to a mind i
Pluck from her memory a rooted !
Raze out the written troubles of I
the brain,
And with some sweet oblivious!
Cleanse the stuff'd bosom of that
perilous stuff v
Which weighs upon the heart?"
lster h tTh n ims h elf.^ atient mUBt minA j
twen ty-n i ne'Yut 'ZoZm g "fo7ty nw
minister to herself. She musT fit I
herself for taking up the work she 1
Garments of Quality HH^T
of Summer Outing Wearing Apparel
Friday and Saturday
dress^Vkirts^nH 8 °", Sale Frida y and Saturday, our entire stock of summer
their present vXITv trem , endousl y low prices-as low as a quarter of
tafnfj n nL *t I s IS / Sale you cannot afford to overlook; you cer-
dispiay ll in mir 3 Sma " °' Th ' St E °° ds are
Good Quality Materials (ft -| Q(- Blue and Black rt>l aa
$5.00 Values £pl..i/0 $5.00 Values
Different Designs (US* Qr Junior Sizes, 13 to 17 d* AAr
$12.95 Values SIO.OO Values Jp^t.yO
Good Quality Materials, Sizes 16 and 18 Only QT
$5.00 to SB.OO Values
Plaid and Plain Voiles, Dotted Good Quality; $9.00 to Q£T
Swiss; $12.00 <|J A Q r $12.00 Values
Values tPAJCti/O
Different Models; sls (I*r7 QT Different Designs (Pi C\ QfT :
Values $ • $29.95 Value s±Z).i7o j
Slightly Soiled; Up to QQ Slightly Soiled; Up to QQ/* ■
$7.00 Values tj $3.00 Values t/t/x-f !
ladies Bayaar
Buy Wisely Bu y Wisely
8-10-12 S. FOURTH ST.
AUGUST 21, 1919.
loves, study evenings and at odd
times, and give herself a chance to
There are several excellent text
books written on the construction of
the short story, which is the branch
of literary art in which she desires
to specialize. She will be able to
get these books in any lending li
brary, and the amount of informa
tion they have to impart is highly
Rettcr to Have Tried and Lost
There are classes in short stoiy
writing several good ones here in
Washington—that will not seem like
study at all, so quickly does the time
pass when one is vitally interested.
Then I should advise her, having a
working knowledge of the art in
which she hopes to distinguish her
self, that she take some leave with
out pay from the department and
set to work to put her ingenuity to
the test.
Even if she should not succeed in
getting anything accepted by the
publishers, she will have the satis
faction of knowing that she has
backed her own hand to the limit.
And doubtless she would go- back lo
her stenography and typewriting
with a better grace, or perhaps she
might get a secretaryship to some
literary man or woman and find
some congenial occupation in help
ing to hand along the torch. The
possibilities of finding a greater
measure of contentment are endless,
and it is better to have tried and
lost than never to have tried at all,
to amend Tennyson.
Day!SchoobJlonday, August 23th; Night School, Monday, Sept. 1
Troup Building 15 S . Market Square i
">c management, method, courses, teachers, etc., of this school J
CnnmSl a PP Iov e<l by the National Association of Accredited }
Co.mnercial Schools ol the United States. '§
Bell JBo Enter Anytime Dial 4393 J
Come and Get the NATIONAL SEAL 3
J Nothing is so disastrous to one'*
3 ! peace of mind, andj therefore, tc_
j one's good looks, as doing over and
1 1 over again work in which she lia4
f | no heart. Haven't you seen wotuerf
I j on the streets, in the shops, or it\
B ! street, cars so palpably distressed be-
I I low the surface that to look at then}
-1 at all is like looking at emotions uu
" ] der glass. Poor square pegs in round
>' I holes that lack the ingenuity or thoJ
| industry to move along to the square;
| holes where they fit and belong. j
We want you and your family to'
j | know Krumbles—know their dc
ji licious flavor —know their unusuahy
good taste—know their remarkable
I health value. During the war wo
j learned how to make Krumbles
! ter than ever—by creating a new
~ blend of choice cereals. Tni.. a
our proposition.
Buy a package of Krumbles from
' your grocer for 15 cents. Use tli
7 whole package, and if you arc not
| thoroughly satisfied—if Krumbles uo
j not more than please you, your grjj
' I cer is authorized to refund your
-1 money.
e I Remember that Krumbles is matl6
r ( by the same company which prol
duces Kellogg's Toasted Cora
1 Flakes. Buy your trial package to*
, day. Kellogg Toasted Corn Flak t
Co., Battle Creek, '"'ch.