Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 21, 1919, Page 18, Image 18

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Six-Hour Day and Sixty Per
Cent. Wage Increase Also
Wilkcs-Barre, Pa., Aug. 21.
Addressing the tri-district conven
tion of the United Mine Workers
here yesterday, William Green, sec
retary-treasurer of the organization,
declared that the chief demands of
the miners next April will be for
a closed shop, a six-hour work day
and an increase in wages of about
60 per cent.
There will be minor demands but
the hope of the miners is based on
a closed shop. "We want every man
to join the union." said Mr. Green,
"as the closed shop is the only way
we will get what we want."
He declared that mine workers
believe they can produce as much
coal in a shorter work day as they
are producing in an eight-hour day.
John L. Lewis, acting president of
the International organization, is
presiding at th i convention but he
called upon Green to define the
aims of the organization.
A scale committee has been named
and the scale for 1920 will prob
ably be reported to the convention.
Try the New Way—No Pain, No
Fuss—Just Solid Comfort.
In one minute after an application
of Dash Balm you'll get the surprise
of your life. Your tired, tender,
smarting, burning" feet will literally
jump for joy.
Dash Balm is easy and simple to
use. No fuss, no trouble; you just ap
ply it over the surface of the foot
night and morning, or when occasion
requires. Just a little and rub it in.
It's simply wonderful the way it
ends all foot misery, while for feet
that sweat and give off an offensive
odor, there's nothing better in the
IMPORTANT —It is not necessary
to use the balm unless there is a good
deal of soreness and inilammation. In
most cases Hush Antiseptic Powder
sprinkled between the toes and in
the sock or stocking will usually be
found sufficient.
Most dealers can supply you, but if
not don't accept a substitute. We will
gladly send either. Mall charges paid
on receipt of 35 cents, silver or
stamps. Allan J. Dash Manufacturing
Co., Oiean, N. Y.
'' A
From Fare Lv. A.M.
Harrisburg $2.75 4.40
Hummelstown 2.75 4.56
Swatara 2.70 5.02
Hershey 2.70 5.05
Palmyra 2.60 5.12
Annville 2.50 5.22
Cleona 2.60 5.26
Lebanon 2.50 5.33
Reading Termin. (ar
rive) ... 8.15
(War Tax 8 Per Cent. Additional)
RETURNING Special Train
will leave Philadelphia, Reading
Terminal, 10.00 P. M., same date
for above stations.
These special excursion tickets
will be good only on date of ex
cursion on above special train in
each direction; they will be ac
cepted on any train, date of ex
cursion, from Philadelphia to
destination and return to Phila
Tickets do not include transfer
through Philadelphia. Conven
ient transfer between Reading
Terminal and Chestnut Street
Ferry by Subway trains. Children
between 5 and. 12 years of ago,
half fare.
Philadelphia & Reading
$1.50 "l dly. Sp'ol. wkly. Eur'pn. plan
*2..">0 upUly. * 14.(1(1 up wkly. Amr. plan
Pacific at Arkansas ave. Cap. 600;
running water in rooms; private
baths; extensive porches and dance
lloors; choice table. Bath houses on
premises for guests; private entrance
to beach. Garage. Bkit.
Kentucky Ave., near beach. Baths
elevator, fine table, bathing privi
leges. American plan. Alwavs open
Capacity 350. Booklet. A, E. MARION.'
Kentucky av. & Beach. Heart of At
lantic City. Cap. 500; modern through
out. $3 up daily; sl6 up weekly;
American plan. A, C. EKHOLM.
fg.OO Up Dly. *ls Up Wkly. Am. Plan
Cor. Pacific & Arkansas Aves. Safely
built (no so-called tire-trap construc
tion), wide halls and stairways; ele
vator; hot anu cold running water in
rooms; private baths; bathing from
hotel; use of bathhouses and shower
baths free; private walk to beach;
orchestra; dancing; white service;
fireproof garage. Booklet and auto
map mailed.
Ocean End Kentucky Ave.
All conveniences. $2.50 day up. sl4
up weekly. Bathing from hotel.
Formerly of the Tennessee.
Superior Moderate Hate Hotel
Virginia ave.; close to beach; capac
ity, 350; elevator, etc.; bathing from
hotel: $3 up dally, reduced weekly,
including excellent table and service.
Special September rates; booklet.
Visit the
A welcome always awaits you. Wrlta
the Mayor or any one.
Tentative Program Arranged
For Afternoon River
Pinal plans for the canoe races,
tilting contests and other boat
events which will be features of
Kipona, on the Susquehanna, Labor
Day, will be formulated at a meet
ing of Harrisburg canoeists to-moi
row evening on the upper deck of
George K. Reist's boathouse, at the
foot of South street.
A census of canoe owners id
Harrisburg yesterday developed the
fact that there are more than 600
canoe owners in this city and Ir i
Kindler, chairman of the committee
in charge of canoe contests, is cer
tain that every canoe will be on the
river Labor Day.
Chairman Kindler has arranged
a tentative plan of events for the
afternoon, which includes a halt
mile race' for men, singles; half
mile mixed and male doubles; quar
ter-niile doubles for girls; quarter
mile obstacle race, a tilting contest
and two war canoe races, one be
tween teams representing Tech,
Steelton and the Academy and the
other between teams representing
the Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs and
the Chamber of Commerce. This
program will be submitted for the
approval of the canoeists to-morrow
Steelton on Hand
Raymond Suydam, of the Steel
ton Canoe Club, assured Chairman
Kindler last evening that the Steel
ton Club would be on hand with a
big bunch of contestants in the
various canoe events. The Steelton
High school war canoe team is being
selected and will start practice
cruises in a few days. All three of
the big war canoes have been over
hauled and are now at the Reiat
boathouse, where any of the teams
may obtain them for practice cruis
ing. Chairman Kindler will assign
coaches to any of the teams upon
Entry blanks are being printed
to-day and will be distributed to the
various boatliouses and sporting
goods stores in the city. Every
canoeist is urged to get his entry
blank and file his entry for the vari
ous events promptly so that the pro
gram may be completed.
Plan Decorations
Arrangements have been com
pleted by the committee so that
every canoe on the river during
Kipona will be properly decorated.
At Dintaman's and Reist's boat
houses a supply of standards and
Japanese lanterns will be placed
for distribution to those canoeists
who do not care to decorate their
own canoes. The standard decora
tions include two poles and four
lanterns and every canoeist will be
required to carry these lights in or
der that the course may be made
perfectly safe.
No canoeist, however, need use the
decorations provided by the commit
tee if he desires to enter the con
test for the best decorated canoe.
Already several score of canoeists
are planning their entry for the big
Kipona cup that will go to the own
er of the best decorated boat on
the river.
More than 100 singers were pres
ent at last evening's rehearsal un
der the direction of Mrs. Florence
Ackley Ley, held at Fahnestocl:
hall. This big chorus will sing dur
ing the historical pageant in the
evening celebration.
U. S. Intervention in
Mexico Certain, View
Held by Congressmen
Washington, D. C., Aug 21. A
program of singifieant silence rein
forced the wetchful waiting policy
of the administration. Aside from
making public telegrams received
from General Dickman at Fort Sam
Houston, Texas, reporting the move
ment of the punitive expedition into
Mexico, there was no comment forth
coming from either the War or State
Departments on the situation.
As indicated by officials yesterday
the administration is taking the at
titude that a punitive expedition is
no variation from routine which can
be interpreted as a step toward in
tervention, and that when the ex
pedition returns across the Rio
Grande, the incident will become a
closed chapter in diplomatic records
This is not the view held in Con
gress, where the impression pre
vailed that) Intervention is only a
question of time with each new inci
dent of the kind which has required
the latest punitive expedition, adding
I more fuel to the flames.
Americans Camp
in Mexican Hills
After Long Trail
Ry Associated Press.
Mnrfn. Texas. Aug. 21.—The Ameri
can punitive expedition that raced
into Mexico in search of James Ren
teria's band of bandits, who held
Lieutenants Peterson and Davis for
ransom, went to camp in the moun
tains last night after a trying 36-
hours of campaigning through rug
ged country.
Since the troops crossed the Rio
Grande early Monday morning they
have been riding constantly during
daylight hours in pursuit of the ban
The Mount Vernon to
Bring Pershing Home
Ry Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 21. General
Pershing cabled Secretary Baker yes
terday that he planned to sail from
France on the transport Mount Ver
non, September 1.
Ry Associated Press.
Paris, Aug. 21.—(Havas) —At the
meeting of the Supreme Council of
the Peace Conference Tuesday, Vis
count Morley, one of the British
delegates, declared it to be in the in
terest of the Allies to alleviate the
burden on Austria, and asked for a
revision of the economic and finan
cial clauses of the treaty with that
country, according the the Echo de
Paris. It is believed here that the
Austrian treaty may be signed Au
gust 30.
Ithaca, N. Y., Aug. 21. Robert
E. Treman yesterday denied a re
port published in New York city that
he and Mrs. Irene Castle were mar
ried at Pickens, S. C., in May, 1918.
He says that afthat time he was
near Detroit, in Army service.
Carnegie Will, 4,500
Words Long, Will Be
Probated Next Week
New York, Aug. 21.—Andrew Car
negie's will, which is to be filed for
probate next week will dispose of an
estate valued at $50,000,000. all that
remains of the $500,000,000 or so
accumulated by the ironmaster in
his business career. This was learn
ed to-day from one of the represen
tatives of the estate.
The will is said to be about 4,500
words long. Several personal friends
and former servants of Carnegie are
to get small legacies. The bulk of
the estate, it is understood will go
to members of the Carnegie family,
although his daughter, Margaret,
now Mrs. Iloswell Miller and others
were provided for before his death.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart]
Friday's Shopping List of Worthwhile Economies
Women's and Misses' Women's White Skirts A
noon wear and for vacation days are now marked at reduc- uj. ~ i 1 ' $2.98 Skirts, sizes tip to 31 waist SI.OB
tions which brings them to less than makers' prices. -u... *■,?"< , '....1 A . $4.95 Skirts, sizes up to 35 waist ..!!$3.75 ,
Regular $12.50 Dresses; sizes up to 40. Special,. .$7.50 $5.95 Skirts, sizes up to 35 waist $4.75 %
Regular $18.50 and $20.00 Dresses; sizes up to Flll*Tll'fcU.X*o Of CllclX , clCt'6I > Dlv es, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Fit*#.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. _ .
■ „ x ..JftiTlfL,, Friday Sale of Men's Shirts
Men's Blue Overalls worth that denotes*dependability? and f. 1 ' 35 '. S l -50 and $2.00 Negligee Shirts, soft and laundered
savings that are real. cuffs, sizes 14 to 18; slightly counter soiled. Special, Fri-
T? /2ig] 1"1 ppfl Davenport Beds in gold oak, fumed oak and ma- d ''" %
X V/V-zLILIV/V/VA llOgany, roll edge mattress. August Sale Price, $59.00 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store.
Four-piece frosted brown reed living room suite, *
Men's blue overalls and coats, broken sizes. Special Fri- upholstered in two-tone plush. August Sale Price,
day only, 69£ ... $237.00
Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart, Men's Store. hofstered m' fl^cr^nne" 11 Augu'st"'sSe' Vr\ct' SpoCialS ill ColOr0(l DI^SS
Brown fibre chairs and rockers, spring seats. Au- /-Nr-Nrl ci
t l M • 11 T4 * 1 & ust Sale Price $12.95 vjUUvllb
Jewelry OPGCIEIiV Jtl ICOU Brown fibre firesidc chairs and rockers, upholstered in
f p ancy cretonne, loose cushion seats. August Sale $4.50 wool plaids, 48 inches. Special Friday only, yard,
I Augus?"sa?e C price r °° m "$11509 s2 ' s ° Afmy flannCl ' 56 incheS ' Spedal Friday onl *yS f
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Fourth Floor. .a r , c .
50c fancy ear rings. Special Friday only, rench Serge, 42 inches. Special Friday only, yard,
$1.25 and $1.50 white ivorv picture frames. Special Fri- $2.19
day only, 75£ $2.50 silk and wool Poplin, 40 inches, 20 shades. Special
50c glass salt and pepper shakers with silver tops. Spe- * d - • "-V .*'', •• ■
cial Friday only, pair, 39£ "RrSPTTI OTI t A \\Vri f*tl OFI fOT* day only, yard, !f?!?.?' Ulc lcs ' pcci gg gg
$2.25 silver plated bread trays. Special Friday only DdbtJlllcll I l\. 111 dL 110110 10l $1 25 navy serge, 40 inches. Special Friday oniy" yard,
• pl*bcf # "SI 00
Rogers silver plated gravy ladles. Special Friday only, FlClciy (DH-Iy D 'ives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor.
Rogers silver plated tea spoons. Special Friday only, V 3 ;
j n7on $1.49 $2.70 Casseroles with green and white lined insets; nickel
plated frame. Friday only $1.98 TiVlY* QH rl TTAyvifl
Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. gg c dustless floor mops. Friday only 45£ -*■ VJi X vyiL/ll dlld XXO±±TO
$1.50 folding wash bench; two tub size. Friday only,
$1.19 $6.50 porch swings, 56 inches long, complete with chains
_ . PI • E PI • 1 (* Automobile sponges. Friday only 15£ and hooks. Friday only $5.25
rlTn CF Slut P"N T OT* 2 rolls of 10c crepe toilet paper. Friday only, 21£ 10c scrub brushes. Friday only
Xaliilllg kJCtIIJ X\JX 98c lipped aluminum sauce pans; 2 qt. capacity. Friday $5.00 optic crystal goblets, in hand cutting. Friday only,
only, 65< dozen $3.50
H yifjJTV 98c si dewa lk brooms of fibre. Friday only 79£ $1.98 water pitchers; 3 pint size; in floral cutting. Fri
*7 98c oblong chip clothes baskets. Friday only, day only, $1.49
Boys' and Girls' $2.60 fancy striped Bathing Suits. Spe- Dlves ' Pomeroy & Stewart ' Basement - Dives -
cial, Friday only, $1.24
Men's and Boys' 25c Navy Bathing Trunks. Special, Fri-
Dlves, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Voiles Price Lowered for Girl's and Children's White '
Friday Dresses Unusual Savings
Friday Sale of Toilet Goods
45c Voiles, 36 inches, neat styles. Special Friday only, Sizes run from 6to 14, and the materials are all of fine
yard.l 23£ quality white voile, organdie and lawn.
Violet Buttermilk Toilet Soap. Special Friday only, box. 75c Voiles, plain and fancy styles. Special Friday only, Regular $3.75 Dresses' ! $2.98
25£ yard, 49£ Regular $3.95 Dresses $4.95
35c Aubry Sisters' face powder. Special Friday only, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Regular $6.50 Dresses $4.95
60c Aubry Sisters' Cold Cream. Special Friday only, 25c Voiles in many neat styles. Special Friday only, Regular $7.50 Dresses $5.95 '
43£ yard 15£ Regular $8.50 Dresses $6.50
25c Peroxide. Special Friday only, 19£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Regular SIO.OO Dresses ....$8,50
10c toilet soap. Special Friday only, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
25c Colorite. Special Friday only, 15^
Palm Olive Soap. Special Friday only 1 -• • ,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. VjUI S
Dresses: Special FndaySaleofCoatSweaters
T nwavYfx "GVII $4.98, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50 Silk Fibre and Mercerized
I jHTm T)S TOx J? all -d i oe a <tA co r" u rv • C° at Sweaters, belted and sash models. Special, Friday *
j.vy.L o. Mux Regular $3.95 and $4.50 Gingham Dresses in sizes 6 to on i v '
14 years. Extra Special, Friday only, $2.95 *
$21.50 electric or gas lamps; finished in antique copper, _ _ _ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's store.
, j i j , • c. _ r? -j r f Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor
verde green and old brass, in five patterns. Friday only,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement
Friday Specials in Low . Black Dress Goods and
Grocery Specials for Friday Shoes Linings
bUch ". si ' 2sblackMohair ' 50inches ' Specia ' Fridayonly 'i 1
T ?Fran^aunelr? tab Ipk ott e ' £ Men's SI.OO black and white tennis oxfords, broken sizes. $2.50 silk Poplin, 40 inches. Special Friday only, yard,
nix sorrflakes oacWe • Spedal Friday ° nly
Heinz baked beans 18 oz' cans' 2 cans Women's $3.50 white canvas pumps, broken sizes. Spe- $6.00 men's wear Serge in black, 54 inches. Special Fri
wil-4 11 L a,£ cial Friday only $2.29 . day only, yard $4.95
KnWnl?\m a toilet soatf' cake Children's $1.75 white canvas pumps and oxfords, broken $1.25 Surf Cloth for bathing suits. Special Friday only,
Kokopaim touet soap, cake, 4y 3 $ sizes Special Friday only, $1.19 yard, ....c ...95^
Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement _ V
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Street li.ar.
' ' ' ' ' Ji
Hibernians Score
Great Britain; Call
Upon U. S. Support
By Associated Press.
Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 21.
Great Britain was denounced and
the United States called upon to ex
tend its moral and material sup
port to the Irish republic in resolu
tions passed at yesterday's session
of the Pennsylvania division of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians. The
resolutions were adopted after fer
vent appeals for Ireland's freedom
by Harry Boland, secretary of the
Sinn Fein organization.
J. B. Carruthers, of the State Y.
M. C. A., has received telegrams
from his daughter and son, who are
now in the United States, both hav-
Ins returned from China about the
same time but by different routes.
They expected to meet at Yoka
homa, but missed each other. The
son, Donald Carruthers, sent word
from San Francisco. He has been
secretary of the Legation Guards,
military branch of the Y. M. C. A.
at Peking. He will be home about
September 1. Word from the daugh
ter, Helen, came from Vancouver,
B. C. She is returning with her hus
band and little daughter after four
years of missionary work at Kal
Marietta. Pa., Aug. 21. —Professor
George lee, of Latrobe, has been
elected supervising principal of the
Marietta public schools, to succeed
Miss A. Esther Mueller, of Lancas
ter, who served the past few years.
There will be an entire new corps
| of teachers In the High school this
Engineers and Firemen
o£ England Are Given
Increase in Wages
London, Aug. 21. An agreement
has been reached between Sir Auck
land Geddes, British Minister of Re
construction, and the locomotive en
gineers and firemen; settling the
men's demands, it is announced.
The government offered the loco-'
motive engineers and motormen of
electric lines flften shillings daily,
and the firemen eleven shillings, these
wages being a substitute for the
present system of wages and war
bonuses. Representatives of the men
recommended acceptance of the gov
ernment's scale.
During the evening program at
Paxtang Park to-morrow a featur
AUGUST 21, 1919.
will be singing by the Moorhead
Choral Society, it was announced by
the Mummers' Association which is
arranging for the Mardi Gras to be
held there. The committee of ar
rangements Includes: Walter L.
Montgomery, chairman; C. O. Back
enstoss, secretary; William E. Orr,
J. Grant Hoffman, Harry O. Beck,
Harry M. Brooks, Robert Buck, Sr.,
Hiram S. Eisenberger, H. A. Gun
derman, R. Ross Seaman, Sam T.
Kinsinger, Elmer Stacks, Samuel
Hiner, George W. Schreffler, G. M.
Keefer and A 1 Redman, Jr.
City Brings Suit For
Dock Destruction
By Associated Press.
Trenton, N. J., Aug. 21.—The city
iof Newark commenced suit in the
New Jersey Supreme Court against
the Mac Arthur Brothers Company
and in the alternative. Mason uu)''
Hanger-MacArthur Brothers, Inc.,
for one million dollars damage as
compensation for the destruction by
fire January 25 and 26, 1918 fc of
the city dock on the Port Newark
ship canal. Tho city claims dam
ages on the contention that the fire
was caused by the negligence of the
alternative defendants' employes.
Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator— Ad
Why not use more peaches?
They can be had at the West End
Electric Co., Green and Maclay,
at reasonable prices, fresh every
day from the orchard.