Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 21, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Commissioner Sadler Expects
Cars Will Be Much Safer
■' Here as Result
signed fittingly to
punish automobile
T pL' r '~ar-3 number of thefts
if the authorities
fc diligently enforce these laws. Re
ports from police authorities
" throughout the State point to the
%■ * fact that would-be motor thieves
are thinking twice before committing
a crime which may send them to the
penitentiary for ten years. Not all
of the thefts of motor cars which
have taken place in Pennsylvania
have been reported to the automo
bile division of the State Highway
Department. However, the records
filed show that for the last two
years at least one machine a day
has been stolen in Pennsylvania. The
exact number reported to the State
v Highway Department up until Au
gu-t 20. was 776. of which, it was
al-- reported. 115 had been recov
ered either by the owners or by po
lice authorities. The State Highway
Department upon receipt of infor
mation that a car has been stolen
places a special card in the files at
tached to the originat application
card giving the manufacturer's
number. Should a thief, or a person
who secured a car not knowing that
it had been stolen, apply to the au
tomobile division for a license for
a car bearing this manufacturer's
number, the theft would immediately
be detected. The automobile divis
ion proposes amplifying this system
before the 1920 season begins and
*• special request will be made of all
/ automobile license holders that they
k notify the division immediately,
" when a car has been stolen. In the
future the records of the automo
' bile division will show the number
of stolen motor vehicles reported
each week and the number that have
been recovered.
Health Appointments. Colonel
Edward Martin. Commissioner of
Health, has appointed Colonel Wil
liam J. Crookslon. associate medical
director and Colonel William G.
Turnbull, director of the Cresson
Sanatorium, as delegates to the
twenty-first annual convention of
the American Hospital Association,
which will be held at Cincinnati,
•■September S to 12. Inclusive. The
convention is called for the pur
pose of considering the problems of
the hospitals of the different states,
and is sanctioned by the governors
of the respective states.
Coaldalo Complaint. The bor
ough of ('oaldale. Schuylkill coun
ty. has filed complaint with the
Public Service Commission against
the Panther Valley Water Com
pany. alleging unjustly increased
rates and unsatisfactory service.
" You Con .
- Beautify your
—and rid the skin of un
sightly blemishes, quicker
and surer, by putting your
blood, stomach and liver in
* good order, than in any
other way. Clear complex
* ion, bright eyes, rosy
' cheeks and red lips follow
the use of Beecham's Pills.
They eliminate poisonous
matter from the system,
purify the blood and tone
the organs of digestion —Use
Laiyeit Sale of Any Medicine in the World,
told everywhere. In boxes, 10c., 2Sc.
For itching Torture
There is one remedy that seldom
fails to stop itching torture and relieve
skin irritation and that makes the skin
soft, clear and healthy.
* Any druggist can supply you with
zerr.o, which generally overcomes all
skin diseases. Acne, eczema, itch, pim
ples, rashes, blackheads in most cases
give way to zemo. Frequently, minor
blemishes disappear overnight Itching
usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe,
antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and
dependable. It costs only 35c; an extra
large bottle, SI.OO. It will not stain, is
not greasy or sticky and is positively
safe for tender, sensitive skins. "
The E. W. Hose Co., Cleveland, O.
-111 MIL) LIFE
Experiences that read like fiction
are given daily by men and women
of unquestioned honesty and in
tegrity on behalf of Tanlac. Dis
couraged and depressed over their
inability to regain their lost health,
thousands testify how Tanlac quickly
corrected their troubles and lifted
their spirits to the level of the
t world's cheerfulness.
For y&srs Thos. Pickrell, the well
known Reading banker, says he took
treatments and medicine without
getting one particle of good until
he found Tanlac. "My stomach was
so badly disordered that I could
scarcely eat anything, as food
caused pain in my stomach, a cnok-
Ving sensation in my throat and a
sickish feeling. Tanlac is a remark
able remedy and I gladly recom
mend It. Tanlac is now sold here
by all leading druggists.
i Honor Men Who Marched in
the Peace Day
London, Aug. 21.—The provisional
regiment of American soldiers who
followed General Pershing in the
Peace Day procession was the first
sample of American fighting troops
' to march in London. Other organi
i zations seen here had been on their
I way to the battlefields, while these
jmern wee returning,
i "Here were the Americans in steel
helmets, marching in companies eight
! abreast with bayonets fixed,' said
i the Daily Express. "They were as
; jovial as any when the procession
i halted, for a time, but while they
; marched their faces were as serious
• and as immovable as the gravest of
graven images. They made a pro
j found impression on the onlookers,
j Their marching was Roman in its
I iron sternness and precision."
| "A magnificent regiment it was,"
I said the Daily Telegraph, "young
: men all of them and the quintessence
iof the alert and lithe. Khaki clad
| in brown steel helmets they looked
j most workmanlike.
"How magnificently they marched, j
swinging past in perfect alignment,
with a long, easy stride, heads held
j high and shoulders squared." said 1
! the Daily News. They are greeted
: vociferously with as good cheering
| as I ever remember having heard in ;
"There was a grim, indomitable
. look about Pershing's men," said
| the Daily Sketch, "an effect greatly 1
l heightened by their shell helmets, '
| and it made all the more wonderful ,
! the burst of clear color which fol- :
| lowed as their massed banners came
i by. Old Glories, along with the rest, j
I held American fashion so that the !
fabric flew freely and no shred of ,
j color was lost. The cheering of
I the crowd turned at the sight to a j
j great 'Ah' of delight. Except for ;
| the passing of the massed colors of
j the Guards with their laurelled [
; staffs, it was the most picturesque j
moment of the procession."
"'Good old Yanks,' thus are the!
; Americans affectionately if some
what familiarly greeted," said the
1 Morning Post in its story of the !
| procession.
Predict Every Playhouse
in Chicago Will Close
By Associated Press.
Chicago. Aug. 21.—Eight down
town theaters remained closed to
; day as a result of the strike of I
; actors, stage hands and musicians. !
! There is little chance of any of the j
; closed houses being reopened for ;
to-night, according to the leaders 1
j in the movement, against the pro- !
j ducing managers association. Tho
i managers of the houses affected said :
I the strike lines seemed to be tighten- :
; ing.
Predictions were made to-day by .
j leaders of the strike that buries- j
I que, vaudeville and motion picture
| houses soon would close unless the
I' producing managers recognize the
equity association of actors and ar- ,
Retail Merchants to
Come Here in 1920
Members of the Retail Merchants' j
| Association of Pennsylvania in ses- j
| sion at Scranton yesterday voted to I
come to Harrisburg next year. The l
invitation to come to Harrisburg I
was from Harrisburg Chamber of j
Commerce and v.-as presented to the '
convention by M. Lee Goldsmith and |
Warren R. Jackson, secretary of the '
j Chamber of Commerce. This con- 1
■ vention will bring about 500 mer- 1
chants to Harrisburg.
Rand concerts will be given this i
evening at Fourth and Seneca
streets and Reservoir Park. At <
; each concert there will be commun
| ity singing. Interesting programs
; have been announced. At Reservoir
Park. Abner Hartman will lead the
singing and the Municipal Band will
Mrs. Florence Ackley Lev will :
j direct the singing at Fourth and I
Seneca streets with Mrs Rudv as i
accompanist. Ten soldiers from the .
j local recruiting station will assist in
! the singing.
By Assorintca Pi est.
Athens, Tuesday, Aug. lj. I
; Greeks and Turks, who form the •
j majority of the populations in t! -
■ district of Dode Agach. according to '
trustworthy information received '
here, are greatly aroused over rc- '
• ports that the American Peace dele- !
gates in Paris are favorable to con- I
tinuance of Bulgarian rule in the
; district. The report adds that the !
.reeks and Turks are preparing to '
resist continued Bulgarian oecup-j- '
tion by arms. ,
By Associated Press.
Washington. Aug. 21.—Confer
ences at Shanghai locking to an ad- !
.lustment of relations between 1
North and South China are to he,
resumed immediately with pros
pects for an early agreement, dis- :
patches to the State Department j
report Wang Tong has been ap
pointed head of the delegation from !|
North China.
By Associated Press.
San Salvador. Aug. 21.—Major
General W. C. Gorgas. former sur- 1
I geon general of the United Stales
Army, who has been visiting Gen- j
tral and South American cities with '
a party of representatives of tlieii
Rockefeller Foundation, arrived to- I
day front the Panama canal to '
study sanitary conditions here. |
By Associated Press.
Paris. Aug. 21.—The French air
plane Goliath, which has not been
seen since it left Mogador, Morocco,
for Dakar, last Saturday morning! i
generally was given up as lost in
aviation circles to-day. The Farman '
Company, builders of the airplane!
which carried eight passengers, was '■ j
still without news of the machine, j
By Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 21. J. D. A.!
Morrow, vice-president of the Na-|
tional Association, will be the firit
witness in the investigation of coal
prices and distribution by the Sen
ate Interstate Commerce subcom
mittee next Tuesday.
Ity Associated Press.
Paris, Aug. 21. —The Cross of the I
Legion of Honor was presented •o
the city of Strasbourg, capital o'
Alsace, by President Poincare, to
day. The insignia also will be bo
•towed upon Phalsburg and Bitsch.
Russians Transfer Effects
From Omsk to Irkutsk
By Associated Press.
Tokio. Sunday, Aug. 17. The
all-Russtan government at Omsk
has transferred its gold reserve and
archives eastward to Irkutsk, ac
cording to a particularly reliable re
port received here. Other infornta
jj "The Live Store" "Always Reliable" I
I Store Closes at Noon Today 1
The Day of all Days at the Semi-Annual
Where Everything Is Marked Down (Except Collars and Interwoven Hose)
I —we are right on our toes every minute f
taking care of the great numbers of people who are coming here
to save money on high-grade merchandise, which we are selling at our ex- \ ;
tremely low prices. We are exceedingly glad that in face of all the serious J I
high market conditions that this "Live Store" is prepared to sell at such ad- A jfgh,
vantages in big savings. It's because we have an established policy to carry
nothing over from season to season, and you will do well to stock up to the
limit of your financial facilities at this time. It's your savings and you should
be deeply interested in getting all you can for the money spent.
It's not hard to understand why this "Live Urns ; jfflifjillf lira
Store" is a busy store. One look at the crowds who come here daily IragF jllj§
is enough to convince the most doubtful that people are not buying here just L |
for the fun of it. It's the dependable merchandise and substantial savings i|||jlg|p
that are causing this vast number of buyers to seek out this busy store, where mSfm 1
j|j they are assured of square dealing, honest representations and greater values
with unequaled DOUTRICH service and courtesy. It's a pleasure to spend
money in a store in which you can have such absolute confidence as the buy
ing public have in this "Live Store." ] nmryrnm,
| All Shirts, Hats, Underwear, Hosiery, Pajamas, ft
Neckwear, Trousers, Boys' Wear and all 1
J Hart Schaffner & Marx, Jw ■ I
IKuppenheimer & if B |
Society Brand Clothes if 1
At sale prices—The greatest and most sue- //m jPIL 1
cessful sale ever conducted in Pennsylvania is now on and it's Wf
your opportunity to save. Buy now!
Tht Huum si KnjTathflntf
Q All $25.00 Suits $18.75 n jo • < ,x.
I All $30.00 Suits $23.75 I fI O W Sweater*< VS
AU $35.00 Suits $27.75 < V oweazer S J
All S3B 00 Suits $29.75 j All S2 - 98 Sweaters ... .$2.39 ( am S j 2 00 Bovs' Suits $8 75
I All $40.00 Suits $31.75 j All $3.50 Sweaters ... .$2.89 { As 350 Bovs' Su ts $975 I
I All $45.00 Suits $35.75 {AU $3.98 Sweaters ... .$3.19 J £55 00 Bovs' Su s $lO 75 I
All $50.00 Suits $39.75 I All $5.00 Sweaters ... .$3.89 l £g SI&S Bovs' Suit! '.'.'.!'. IlKs I
1 All $60.00 Suits $48.75 fAU $6-50 Sweaters .$4.89 ( All $20.00 Boys' Suits $15.75 i
|| Ail $1.50 B. V. D.'s $1.19 All 39c Black Cat Hose ... ,33c All SI.OO Boys' Kaynee Shirts .79c E
tion from Siberia indicates that the
Omsk government's position is
growing weaker instead of stronger
because of the advance of the Bol
sheviki and the desertion of Siber
ian troops.
It is believed here that the Japan
ese army, if it becomes necessary,
will attempt to prevent an advance
of the Bolsheviki east of Irkutsk.
On Trail of Smugglers
Who Try to Get Money
of Crown Princess Out
By Associated Press.
Berlin, Wednesday, Aug. 20.—The
mvstery surrounding the identity of
the individuals Involved in an at
tempt to smuggle 20,000.000 marks
across tho German-Swiss frontier is
approaching solution, according to
private reports from Weimar,
where Chief of Police Ernest of Ber
lin is conferring with cabinet minis
ters relative to steps to be taken.
Police authorities claim to have
under arrest or detention all per
sons engaged in the conspiracy
which collapsed when the airplanes
which were to carry the money,
securities and jewels into Switzer
'AUGUST 21, 19'9.
land were intercepted near N'uicm
burg, Bavaria.
A London dispatch received last |
I night stated that the valuables and
money which were being taken to
Switzerland were believed to be the
property of the former German
| crown princess.
I NMhvtUo, Tenn., Aug. 21.
. Street car service throughout the
! city was entirely suspended to-day
I as a result of the strike of conduc
! tors and motormen of the Nashville
Railway and Light Company which
began last night. Tho strikers de
manded reinstatement of all em
ployes discharged for joining tho
union, return of union men to their
old runs and recognition of tho
right of the men to organize.