Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 21, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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Founded ISSI
■ —•
Published evenings except Sunday by
Te!ecrak Building, Federal Sqaere
President and Editor-in-Chief
T. R. OYSTER, B%uineat Manager
BUS. M. STF.INMETZ, Managing Editor
A. R. MICHEN'ER, Circulation Manager
Exeeattve Beard
fembers of the Aseociated Prese—The
Associated Press is exclusively en
titled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this
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lished herein.
11l rights of republication of special
dispatches herein are also reserved.
t Member American
Bur'eau of Circu
lation and Penn-
Assoc la-
Western office'
l Chfcago, ?ii.' ld ' nS
Entered at the Poet Office in Harris
burg, Pa., as second class matter.
. By carrier, ten cents a
.ff'.'fi/'iiy * week; by maii. $3.00 a
year In advance.
Wealth takes into itself the qual
ities by which it is won. — HOLLAND.
THE outlook is for a great Re
publican victory in Dauphin
county at the polls in Novem
ber. Every indication points in that
direction. The Republicans never
were better organized and the Dem
ocrats never more demoralized.
There is a reason for this lack of
interest in Democratic affairs other
than the mismanagement of the
party's organization, bad though
that has been. It lies in the ex
cellent record Republican officials
in the county have made in the
past eight years. When it was pos
sible for Democratic leaders to
point out the faults of Republican
administration or the shortcoming
of Republican officials, the Repub
lican ticket often faced a hard tight.
But the county is normally Repub
lican, and when the voters are con
tent with the conduct of public af
fairs and have confidence in the
men elevated to office there is al
ways a waning of interest in Demo
cratic activities. That is precisely
what has happened in the past six
or eight years. Not even the most
captious of Democrats has been able
to find anything to criticise in the
court house, but many betterments
in public service and praiseworthy
measures of administration have
come to the attention of the pub
lic and have been instrumental in
establishing the favor with which
the people now regard the Repub
lican organization and the men for
whom it stands sponsor.
Honest, efficient conduct of pub
lic affairs is the best advertisement
any political party can offer.
Postmaster Sites might utilize the
big bill board at Third and Walnut
streets to boost his grocery trade.
"Curse the Kaiser," says the p. O.
clerk and carrier.
THE farmer appears to be the
only manual worker in tue
country who knows that pro
duction depends upon effort and that
all wealth is based on the human
capacity, or desire or ability to
A Washington dispatch quotes
one of the great agricultural author
ities of the - Nation as saying that
the farmer did his full part during
the war; that he speeded up pro
duction and thereby saved the world
from starvation. This is absolutely
true. The farmer knew that every
thing we eat comes from the earth
and that unless he labored indus
triously and put into the earth more
seeds than ever before he would not
be able to harvest more foodstuffs.
He has neither cut down his number
of working hours nor decreased his
efficiency. If anything, he has added
to his efforts and increased his pro
ducts. Correspondingly he has in
creased his profits.
But in many trades the workmen
have asked for fewer hours and at
the same time have cut down their
productivity during the hours they
do work. This means that less of
the world's goods is being made now (
than before, and so long as this
continues the old law of supply and
demand will work to keep prices
very high in all lines.
Let us not try to fool ourselves.
We must work, and work hard if we
are to live. The way to get more
of the world's goods is to work
harder. We may not work so long
as we used to think necessary—for
the eight-hour day is an accepted
principle—but we ought to work
harder while we are on duty if we
expect to earn more wages and get
our own necessities at more reason
able prices.
Make no mistake about it. Cut
tiug down the world's supply of
those things which men need or de
ore will never add to the wealth of
trie world, either in profits to the
employer or in wages to the employe.
l.Vbor is determined to have a larger
of the profits than formerly,
an*, this is as it should be; but no
labor union in the world can in
crease its wages beyond the power
ot an industry to pay, and every
time production is decreased in any
line o£ trade just so often the ability
of the industry to pay higher wages
is lessened. Production is the life
blood of industry- Take it away and
the most prosperous business in the
world will wither and die.
The farmer is prospering not
i alone through the higher prices he
is getting for his products, but be
cause he is growing larger crops,
planting a bigger acreage and har
vesting larger yields. The rest of
lus must learn that lesson. We must
' plant more if we are to harvest
i more; we must produce more if we
: want to continue to get more pay.
| Of course you are preparing to take
; a big part in the Kipona festivities.
I It's a day for hospitality and friendly
i exchanges. Everybody will be on the
| river or at its edge on Labor Day.
WE INVITE that ignorant Paris
dressmaker, who told an As
sociated Press reporter the
j other day that American women
I were ashamed to show their ankles
!in public because they are not
i pretty, to come to Harrisburg and
i learn the truth. Yes, sir. that's what
I we said, right here in Harrisburg.
! Why any day. any hour, in Market
! street, with the highstep cars and
j the tight, short skirts working over
j time, we could convict that raah
| French person of error on two
j counts, as they say in court.
Firstly, American women, or Har-
I lisburg women at least, are not
' afraid to put their ankles on dis
-1 play. Yea, they go even beyond
that modest stage. And secondly,
their ankles are not the kind of
which any woman need be ashamed.
Indeed, even bashful, circumspect
persons, happily married and sup.
posed to be far removed from the
wiles ot' feminine charms, have so
remarked to us. And no later than
last week, when a windstorm scat
tered the crowds and drove many
fair visitors from the Island Park
pageant to Valley Traction Com- I
pany cars, a venerable minister of
the gospel observed to us. a twinkle
in his eye, that he could not fully
understand how it was that a
woman never learned to keep her '
skirts much below her knees while
boarding a street car until she had j
passed her fiftieth birthday. And as !
we searched our puny intellect i
for a suitable reply, it occurred to
us that even the half-century mark |
has left some ladies, then moving
rapidly across the landscape toward i
the cars, with ample excuse for such '
display as the ignorant French
modiste says ourwomen are ashamed
to make. Maybe some of our ladies
occasionally do feel shame, but it is
not of the variety bred of skirts
kept below shoetop height. No, in
deed. ~
Children's welfare work is a God
given privilege for all who realize the
importance of getting the little peo
ple started right.
NOW that Congress has killed
the daylight saving law the
members and Senators who
voted to override the veto must
prepare to pay the piper. They must
expect that when they come before
the people next time friends of the
daylight saving, and they are in
great majority in the nation, will
look up their votes on this question
and act accordingly.
President Wilson did admirably
in the matter and keenly sensed the
sentiment of the country with re
spect to the repeal of this law,
which was highly beneficial to mil
lions of people.
Those who voted to take away
this extra hour of daylight
may have pleased a few farmers,
but they have robbed hundreds of
home-gardeners of their opportunity
to cultivate vegetables and next
year many families will be deprived
of their supplies because of this
foolish fear of Congressmen to take
issue with opponents of the day
light saving plan, who are not in
the main farmers, but owners of
coal mines, electric light and gas
Congress, at a time when we
should be saving in every direction,
has repealed the only genuine con
servation measure that has stood
the test of the war. It saved mil
lions of tons of coal every year and
gave pleasure to millions of people
who henceforth must spend an
hour of daylight in sleep that dur
ing the past two summers they have
used to good advantage. It is such
nonsensical conduct, such bold defi
ance of the wishes of a great major
ity of the people that make for
discontent and give the enemies of
our form of government food for
their radical discussions.
Governor Sproul is telling the other
Governors in Utah to-day a few
things about good old Pennsylvania
which ought to open their eyes to
the splendid character of this State
and its tremendous resources. An
exchange of news by these state
leaders ought to be helpful and in
spiring. Our own Governor has a
great subject and none is more
familiar with it than the present
distinguished occupant of the guber
natorial chair.
State H'ghway Commissioner Sad
ler should act as host in general for
the thousands of tourists who will in-
Ivade Pennsylvania next year. Why
not have an invitation issued in be
half of the Commonwealth to a
selected list of a million motorists
throughout the East. Thousands now
accustomed to tour New England and
elsewhere would be glad to visit
I Pennsylvania once they learned the
Bj the Kx-Commit tec man
Auditor General Charles Snyder
will lay before the probers into the
I collapse of the North Penn Bank
I such facts as he is in possession of
j that may throw light on the involve
i ment of former State Banking Com
missioner Daniel S. Lafean, of York,
l in the matter. Yesterday afternoon
State Treasurer Harmon G. Kephart
| was quizzed by Assistant District At-
I torneys Joseph M. Taulane and
! James Gay Gordon, Jr., as well as
| Deputy Attorney General B. J.
It was following Mr. Kephart's
visit that the fact that Mr. Snyder
had been summoned became known.
■ "I have sent to Harrisburg to get
j the minutes of the meeting of the
State Revenue Board at which Mr.
j Snyder made his observations about
i the efforts being made by former
j Insurance Commissioner Charles A.
Ambler to transfer the funds of the
Pittsburgh Life and Trust Com
pany, which he held as receiver, to
a small bank in Philadelphia," said
Mr. Kephart.
"These minutes will show whether
I Mr. Lafean was present at that
, meeting. They will be given to the
! District Attorney's office. They
asked me a number of things in
j connection with the meeting and Mr.
I Lafean, and I Ijave sent for the min
; utes so that there will be no mis
i take."
—Congressman John J. Casey, of
1 Wilkes-Barre, has informed Thomas
' Kennedy, president of district No.
| 7 of the United Mine Workers, that
ihe accepts the invitation to be the
speaker at the Labor Day rally of
miners at Fisher's Hill, in Hazle
ton, on September 1.
—The taxpayers of Wyomissing,
at a special election, approved a
loan of SSO,uOO for permanent street
and sewer improvements.
—Captain George F. head
of the State Police, has motored to
Maine where he will spend his va
—Postmaster Frank C. Sites has
been summoned to Washington to
confer with other members of a
committee on pastmasters' salaries.
He will be absent most of next week.
—M. Harvey Taylor, who has been
getting over the county a bit, says
his candidacy is moving along to
suit him and he expects a big vote.
Peace, Then Stability
[From the Journal of Commerce.]
On the other hand, the President
performs a needed public service
by insisting that there can be no
settled conditions, here or elsewhere,
until the treaty of peace is out of
the way and the work of liquidating
the war .has become the chief con
cern of our Government and of the
other governments of the world.
He presents his critics with a piece
of stubborn economic truth when
he says that until then business will
inevitably remain speculative, sway
ing now this way and that, with
contingent gains and losses, both
of which the consumer will be re
quired to make good. It belongs
to the category of the obvious, but
it cannot be too often repeated, that
there can be no peace prices so long
as our whole financial and economic
system is on a war basis. Equally
necessary, truism though it also be,
is it to push home the President's
reminder that while there is any
possibility that the peace terms
may be changed or may be held
long in abeyance, or may not be
enforced because of divisions of
opinion among the powers concern
ed, it is idle to look for permanent
"Dry" Era Booms Tobacco
Prohibition is going to give an
impetus to tobacco growing in Cuba,
according to Dr. Luis N. Menocal,
one of Cuba's most famous surgeons
and brother of President Mario G.
Menocal of Cunba. who was at the
Hotel Majestic in New York yester
day en route to his summer place
at Lake Placid.
"When people are deprived of
liquor they naurally turn to some
other stimulant, and tobacco is the
most likely one," said Dr. Menocal.
"For that reason the tobacco grow
ers? look for a record-breaking sea
son and are preparing for unprece
dented demands in the tobacco
market. The next crop has been
calculated at about $60,000,000. '
Dr. Menocal declared that thou
sands of visitors from Cuba, held
rack by the war, were preparing to
visit New York this late summer
and fall and that New York hotels
and shopping centers will do a rec
ord business as a result. He said
that the Cubans were very prosper
ous just now and that many thou
sands of dollars will be left here
by visitors from that country during
the next few months.
A Creed
So brave a man as Premier
Clemenceau abruptly told complain
ers in the French Chamber of Dep
uties that it is harder to make
peace than to make war, and in a
somewhat similar vein the poets re
mind us that it is not enough to
memorialize those who fought and
fell for the freedom of the world,
but even more important so to live
as to be worthy of their supreme
sacrifice. In the Detroit Free Press
this need is set down as an act of
faith in these simple yet strong
Lord, let me not in service lag.
Let me be worthy of our flag;
Let me remember, when I'm tried,
The sons heroic who have died
In freedom's name, and in my way
Teach me to be as bra%-e as they.
In all I am. in all I do
Unto our flag I would be true;
For God and country let me stand,
Unstained of soul and clean of hand,
Teach me to serve and guard and
The Starry Flag which flies above.
The Easiest Way
[From Blighty, London, [
A vast and determined looking
woman wore a very large hat one
evening at the theater.
"Madam," said the attendant po
litely, "I must request you to re
move your hat. It is annoying this
gentleman behind you."
The massive lady turned and
haughtily surveyed the complain
ant. "Do you mean that little
weedy, undersized creature?" she
"This gentleman behind you,"
the attendant corrected her.
The lady settled herself down in
her place. "You will find it easier
and plasanter," she said, de
cisively. "to remove,him!"
Call in the Junkers
Erzberger says "brutal measures"
are needed to bring out hidden
money for taxation. Well, nobody
knows any more about brutal meas
ures than the German*.
1 s- ?•>
No Wonder
Germany Quit
Of the Army Recruiting Station
"The American soldier differed
from others, just as our boys differ
from foreign boys.
"Whether it is that we are Inher
ently more ingenious, have more
practical mechanical sense, or sim
ply, in our normal boyhood, have
greater opportunity to exercise such
faculties, is hard to say. We know
at least that for a century, our na
tion has been famed for its inven
tions. Perhaps we inherited inge
nuity, or acquired it as a racial char
acteristic because of the exercise of
it, by our pioneer forebears, when
necessity induced many improvisa
tions. Why or how we got these at
tributes matters little—the point is
we have them. The manner jn
which they showed in the actions of
our troops was interesting—and to
our Allies a constant source of sur
prise. For instance, when our
troops first took over a narrow
gauge railway system, it was veiy
short of cars of different types.
Timber was next to nil. Our men
scoured the battlefield, salvaged all
the old, dilapidated, demolished
German equipment, and soon turned
out a number of staunch cars,
proudly bearing in large letters, U.
S. A. The engines used were of
French and English make—and of
course were of wholly different type
than any with which our men were
familiar. However, they soon be
came acquainted with them—and
the British headquarters sent fre
quent inquiries as to why we were
not sending engines lit whole or in
parts back to the base shops for
usual repairs. Our replies, that all
repairs were being made by our
men in our improvised field shop,
did not convince, and a British ma
jci came down to us —an the theory
that 'seeing is believing.' Another
tl.ing that astounded the Tommy
operators—engine drivers and train
ciews—was the disregard our men
had for the rule of the road that
maximum speed of trains would not
et.ceed four miles per hour. Our
mer. hit it up as fast as ths little
dinkies could travel. Of course
there were many derailments. ThooC
dinkies would stub their toes and
take pretty little headers. A dinky
in the ditch, flat on her back,
v heels in the air, would make the
Tommys ruefully smile, and shake
their heads over the 'crazy Yanks.
But here again American methods
astonished. In two shakes we would
jack up and skid that dinky back
onto the rails and be on our way
Another stunt that brought us to
official notice at British headquai
te.rs, was our attempt to increase
our comfort. We had to depend,
for light, upon oil lamp, lanterns,
candles * and sputtering, smelly
acetyline burners. On the Thiexval
Ridge we found a German airplane
demolished, but with engine prac
tically intact. The latter was im
mediately brought in, taken down,
cleaned, repaired and soon in run
ning order again. Now, if you
please, we were going to have o
small electric light plant, and have
a camp de luxe. But that engine
had a voracious appetite for petrol,
and our increased requisitions
brought an inquiry as to the reason.
The 'crazy Yanks' soon drew an of
ficial veto of their scheme. When
the French officers tried to teach
our engineers how to build brush
revetement materials fasciwe
gabions and hurdles —they explain
ed with great detail just how those
things were made, and not content,
e\en had the manufacture demon
strated, by groups of French ex
perts. Little did they realize that
at some time in his boyhood, nearly
every American kid builds caves,
huts, robbers' dens —and in doing it
uses brush of all kinds in approved
l.iifket weave and in patterns no
basket weaver ever heard of. So
all that was necessary to teach us
how to make this material was to
tell us the measurements and givu
us one look. The Germans accom
plished a great engineering feat
when they built the Leviathan
formerly the 'Vaterland.' A wonder
ful ship it was, with wonderful en
gines and capable of great speed foi
its size. Yet when we seized it
our engineers found much piping in
it for which they could see no use.
They promptly removed it, did some
more tinkering with the engines
and got more speed out of them
than their original makers could.
Orders were that only minor re
pairs to ordinance might be made
in the field. For all other repairs
thf guns must be sent to the shops.
Our man couldn't see it, so made
THE most important body in Rus
sia to-day is the organization of
Russian Co-operatives, which
represents twenty million members
or one hundred million customers.
The foundation of the co-operatives
is the Russian peasant, the back
bone of Russia to-day.
The co-operative idea is about
forty years old and well adapted
to Russian psychology. It is based
on the village store or artel. The
artels combine in turn into a union
of stores, not of members, and' the
unions combine into a union of
unions. The co-operative institu
tions are of three kinds—consum
ers', purchasers' and credit. The
very rich do not join and certain
officials are excluded.
To-day in European Russia and
Siberia the co-operatives present the
many repairs in the spot. Strictly
against orders, our artillerymen
rode the guns—loaded on the recoil
—and so were able to fire last and
furious. The French automatic rifle
—the Chauchot —was demonstrated
to us, and then we had a contest
with the French demonstration
platoon. Each was given a .certain
number of targets and allowed to
shoot for three minutes. Good work
wuold be gauged by the number of
hits, and proportion of targets hit.
One of our Chauchot teams, upon
taking its position to fire, found it
self in a hollow so that it couldn't
see its target. Time was flying:
they wanted to score every second
—so without hesitation the gunner
picked up his gun, got off his
tummy, and holding the gun by 'he
legs that should be on the ground,
tripod fashion, fired the gun from
the shoulder, as if an ordinary rifle.
The French thought he was crazy!
To make it better the gunner no
ticed his first shot ricochetting and
tearing the target, so he con inucd
grazing the ground and when lie
finished the target was chewed .to
pieces. Such quick solutions of
problems; unhesitating remedies:
got the job done, no matter how at
titude, often led our Allies to think
we surely were crazy, but also en
abled us to amaze thein With re
At 'Er Boy Baron I
The following paragraph from
Baron Rosen's "Forty Years of a
Diplomat's Life," appearing in serial
form in the Saturday Evening Post,
should make the hair of the Cali
fornia prospectus writers curl with
envy.' (At the time of which he
writes the barn was Russian consul
general at New York —during the
late 'Bos and early '9os.)
During the summer we made some
little excursions, and also went on a
week's visit to our Boston friends in
their seaside cottage at Pride's
Crossing, on the so-called North
Shore, the summer resort of the
wealth and fashion of Boston. I
remember how, on one of those
gloriously fine mornings when all
nature seems to smile and quiet glad
ness pervades the universe, we were
lounging, our host and I, on the
veranda overlooking the sea, com
fortably stretched out on deck chairs,
with a little table between us bear
ing refreshing beverages and the
finest flavored Havanas, listening to
the soft breathing of the mighty
ocean, our faces fanned by the gen
tle breeze wafted across the waters,
the bearer of life-giving ozone —in
a word, in a state of as perfect bliss
as is but rarely attainable in this
vale of tears —when the morning pa
pers from Boston were brought in."
People Ask, "Will it Work?"
[From the Kansas City Star.]
The Plumb plan for railroad or
ganization, is being characterized as
"Socialistic" and as founded on
soviet economics. But of course the
name of the thing is a minor matter.
The American people are practical.
They aren't particularly concerned
about theories. What they want to
know is, will the plan work?
They were pretty hopeful about
the adventure into Government
management of railroads two years
ago. But in the school of hard
knocks their hope has largely van
ished. Even the moderate innova
tion of Government management has
failed to work. They can't begin
to see where the innovation of Gov
ernment ownership plus manage
ment by employes could be a success.
The hard headed American who
finds himself digging into his pocket
to make good the enormous railroad
deficit, is mighty shy of a plan, un
der no matter what name, that
promises to continue or increase that
i deficit.
I strongest hope of reconstruction.
I But they need American co-opera-
I lion and credit. They fear the entry
iof Japanese capital as being im-
I perialistically inclined. They believe
[ the spirit of American capital will
I allow them to preserve their own
i spirit and not threaten their social
| and political institutions. They see
j the influx of foreign capital as in
-1 evitable and are desirous of enter-
I ing into business relations with
I America more than with any other
! They have now established a com-
I mission in this country with head
| quarters in New York, to explain
| their organization to American busi
i ness men, secure credit and co-
I operation, and to study our methods,
j They would welcome a mission from
I the United States. The Nation's
1 Business for September.
| He Likes the "Telegraph"
Writing to the editor-in-chief of
\ The Telegraph from Washington, an
i experienced and brilliant publisher
I and editor pays us this compliment:
"I want to congratulate you on
j the splendid paper you issue. It
: ranks both typographically and in
: handling of news with the best met
! ropolitan dailies. I have been sur
prised to see what a remarkably
j good paper you print in a city the
size of Harrisburg. I am myself a
| daily newspaper publisher and see
! from time to time nearly all the big
1 papers, but I think you have the
j best paper, size of city taken into
] account, I have ever seen, and cer-
I tainly one of the best in any city.
I That it is appreciated is evidenced
, by your excellent advertising
• patronage."
lli'jh Cost of Unprepared ness
[Philadelphia North American.]
We were absolutely unready for
the colossal enterprise, a condition
I in which President Wilson and Sec
retary Baker took complacent satis
faction, as an evidence of our un-
I warlike principles. The first need
! was food for the military and naval
' forces, including an army of an in
! definite number of millions. The
| Government, having utterly neglect
jcd preparation, had to gather im
-1 mediately prodigious supplies of
| food and equipment. It plunged into
j a veritable orgy of buying—not on
the basis of fixed prices or with re
gard to the general needs, but as a
competitor of the public, of every
housewife. Its agents had virtually
no instructions except to get the
needed goods; price was a secondary
consideration. Staples were bid up
to famine rates almost over night;
and not only that, but 'the market
was swept bare of many of them.
President Wilson, intent upon his
mission to reorganize the world and
deeply concerned over the distresses
of Europe, was only languidly Inter
ested in the situation in the United
States. In December, 1914, when the
possibilities of national peril were
already plain, he rebuked those who
implored defensive preparation as
"nervous and excited." "We have
always found means," he said, "to
J defend ourselves." With the same
i unseeing neglect, just four years
later, he dismissed pleas for prep
aration to meet a swiftly developing
crisis with the placid observation
that "we must apply the wisest ac
tion to circumstances as they arise,"
j and ignored the subject until it was
forced upon his notice by the menace
of a great industrial upheaval. Then
his eleventh-hour solution was to
raise wages again, raise railroad
rates to pay them, and so raise the
cost of living once more.
Although many things have con
tributed to starting and keeping in
motion the "vicious cycle" which is
testing the endurance of the Amer
ican people, one of the foremost
causes has been unpreparedness in
its three manifestations unpre
paredness before the war; conse
quent inefficiency, extravagance and
waste during the war, and unpre
paredness for the necessary read
justments after the war.
Just a Metaphor
[From Birmingham Age-Herald.]
"They were married in an air
"The latest fad, I understand. How
long was it before they got back to
earth ?"
"About six weeks."
"You don't mean to tell me .they
were up in an airplane that long?"
"I was speaking figuratively. At
the end of six weeks the average
honeymooners strike terra flrma with
!.a sickening thud."
AUGUST 21, 1919.
The landlord isn't exactly bring
ing down the house.—Detroit News.
The idea of the food-price prob
ers should be to take the profiteer
by the ear and shake the profit out
of him.—Pittsburgh Sun.
With hogs selling at twenty-four
cents on the hoof there is many a
silk-purse that isn't worth a sow's
ear.—London (Ontario) Free Press.
In Budapest a reactionary is any
body whose conscience bothers hint
after he has killed a property-own
er.—lndianapolis Times.
It seems another blow at the
food-supply of the world when pro
hibition steps in and blights the
wild-oats c*)p of coming genera
tions. New York Morning Tele
If Mexico could only be made safe,
it might become a great winter re
sort for Americans. And then the
Mexican bandits could become
hotelkeepers. Long Island City
If the trouble continues, it will be
necessary for some one to march
boldly into Mexico and read the
League of Nations Covenant to the
Mexicans.—Boston Shoe and Leath
er Reporter.
The German mark, which usually
passed for twenty-five cents Ameri
can money, was quoted this morn
ing at six and one-quarter cents.
1 This is obviously a great mark
down. —Boston Transcript. •
Even the man without a dollar
is fifty cents better off than he once
was.—Greenville (S. C.) Piedmont.
"Superfluous Kings"
[Alice Meynell in the Atlantic
"Which had superfluous king 3
for messengers
Not many moons gone by."
—Antony and Cleopatra.
As the kings lags, and then pass
away from the stage of the world,
many men will ask what there is
to regret. Assuredly nothing, if
not royalty, in the mind of Shake
speare. Mankind will in time prob
ably forget or deny that there was
ever anything in the life of the
world answering to Shakespeare's
royalty in Perdita, or to his prince
llness in Arviragus and Guiderius.
or to his kindliness in ear, or to hiy
j glory in Cleopatra.
He confronts us with the utter
most of pride of life in the royalty
he sings; confronts us—no, rather
brings us to our knees before the
arrogant splendor he conceives:
"\\ here souls do couch on flowers
we'll hand in hand,
And with our sprightly port make
the ghosts gaze."
| It is the pride of life and the
pride of death. Only hand in hand
| with a queen does Antony ventuie
on the prophecy of that immortal
vanity. If to him are given the
most surprising lines in any of the
tragedies, it is only as the lover of
a queen that he has the right to
To him is assigned that
startling* word, the incomparable
word of amorous and tender cere
"I am dying, Egypt, dying."
That territorial name, murmured
to his love in the hour of death
and in her irms—l know not iii
the rccorrs of all genius any other
such august farewell.
Saving SI.OO a Week
(If Invested at 4 Per cent. Interest
Compounded Quarterly)
J >' ear $ 63.05
2 years 108.25
* years 225.4 7
3 >ears 287.67
>'eurs 63g G8
15 years 1,066.39
20 years 1,589.60
25 years 2,227 28
30 years 3,005.38
35 years 3,954.81
*0 years 5,113.29
50 years 8,251.07
75 years 24,546.45
100 years 68,620.89
$2.00 a week (or $26.00 a quarter)
for 15 years amounts to $2,133.98,
a sum of which would go far toward'
securing a modest home, or putting
a boy or girl through college, or
furnishing a fund to take advantage
of some other opportunity. SI.OO a
week (or $13.00 a quarter) would
provide the same amount in less
than 25 years.
Your invested savings work for
you even if your other income stops.
They always form a reserve to meet
emergencies and also enable one to
take advantage of unexpected oppor
lEmutto.(Eljat j
The Kipona Executive Committea
proposes that there shall be a war
canoe race in which teams repre
senting the Chamber of Commerce,
the Kotary Club and the Kiwanis
Club shall be the contestants.
Doubtless this will be one of tho
features of the celebration, and it
re-calls that in the early days of tho
city boat racing on the Susquehanna
was an event equal in importance
and interest to the Kipona of to-day.
Among the men who manned the
eight oared shells in those famous
contests were Ed. Kauch, Owen 11.
Copelin, former city treasurer, and
the late Charles Etter. The Harris
burg Boat Club was the name of
their organization and they had a
boathouse on the island abutting on
the piers of the llarket street bridgo
of handsome design ju*t nearing
completion in June of 18S9 when
the big flood demolished the build
At the same time another club
which had a handsome house with
large storage facilities at Front and
Maclay streets went out of business,
i the tiood ruining the structure and
[ its furniture. The place was never
[ occupied after that, although large,
well built and ot\ handsome design,
it stood vacant until half carried
| away by lumber thieves and was
demolished when the city began Its
river park improvements. In its
day it was a noted landmark along"
the Susquehanna.
The boat races held under tho
auspices of the Harrisburg Boat
Club drew thousands of spectators
a fid made a great holiday in Harris
burg, visitors coming from as far as
Philadelphia and Williamsport. Tho
events were well staged and exciting.
In addition to the four oared shell
race, there were two scull races,
duck boat contests, canoe races and
tub races, the last attracting wide
attention and causing much amuse
ment. The course lay between the
Market street bridge to the water
house and return around a stake
boat there, but the audience had
no "front steps" on which to sit and
the water was not so deep for there
was no dam in the river at tho
lower end of town.
• * *
Members of the old boat club
rowed in regattas at Philadelphia,
Newark, Seneca Lake, Columbia,
Sunbury and other places where
contests for national championships
were staged and always made a
good showing. Among the most
enthusiastic club members were
Thomas T. Weirman, Luther Gorgas,
E. C. Kepple, Theodore G. Calder,
Dr. C. Westbrook, Charles F. Etter,
E. C. Raucli, O. M. Copelin, Charles
E. Covert, William R. Denehey, F.
R. Sites, J. Herman Knisely, Homer
Harris, William Myers, Charles
Schriver, John D. Lemer and E.
Bergstresser, some of whom have
since passed beyond.
And they had accumulated a valu
able lot of property when the big
flood came down and gave rowing
here a solar plexus blow from which
it is only now showing signs of
recovery. The equipment included
two four oared shells, three double
sculls and four singles, worth $2,500
at least.
* * *
Some of the others who were fa
mous oarsmen on the river were
Lyman D. Gilbert and Judge 51c-
Phei-son, then young lawpartneis l
in this city and both now dead.
"Jack" McPherson was also a crack
cricket and baseball player, cricket
being a game then in vogue here.
The cricket Held was at Maclay and
Fifth streets. Gilbert and McPher
son had a two oared scull on tho
river and they took their exercise
together even as they did their legal
work together and it was not an
unusual thing for them to go down
the river as far as Middletown and
back or up the river to Rockville
and back in a single afternoon and
still be fresh enough to attend a
dinner party or dance in the even
: ing. They were among the best
athletes in the city in those times.
1 Still another who knew how to
handle a scull was the late Osceola
Daugherty, a well known engineer
on the Pennsylvania Railroad, hut
he took his pleasure alone, being
one of the best single oarsmen in tho
State. Almost any fair afternoon
his boat might be seen on the river.
The sailboat was also a common
sight on the Susquehanna in those
days. Perhaps the most daring of
the sailboat navigators was the late
Sam Knox, whose father purchased
for him in Baltimore the "Joseph
ine," a sailing vessel that carried
twenty-three yards of sail, the
largest amount ever used on a boat
here. This boat made speed records
for a number of years on the river
and also went out of business fol
lowing the 1889 June flood. The
motorboat has superceded the sail
boat, but there would be more sport
than ever in sailing with the better
surface offered by the dam and the
increased depth, especially if tho
Navy gets the channel through to
Kockville, which now seems possi
One of the noted oarsmen of tho.
Eighties, now residing in Harris
burg, and who more than once con
tested with Harrisburg talent for
the supremacy of the Susquehanna,
is John S. Musser, former president
of the Harrisburg Rotary Club and
head of the Dauphin! Electrical Sup
plies Company. Mr. Musser waa
then a member of the Columbia
Boat Club, one of the most noted
organizations on the river, and
there was keen rivalry between the
Harrisburg and Columbia orgaoiza-,
tions. It was nip and tuck between,
them and some good stories arA
exchanged when he and some of the
old Harrisburg four-oared experts
meet to talk over old times. Mus
ser got his early training as an ath
lete on the top of one of the old
fashioned high wheel bicycles, being
one of the first to take up that sport
in Columbia and he still has numer
ous trophies he won in those con
tests. He rode to Washington and
made a tour of Canada on his high
wheeler, feats to tax the endurance
of any athlete when the type of
machine he rode and the condition
of the roads in those days is con
sidered. Consequently when he went
In for boat racing he was as hard
as nails and soon won the position
of stroke oar of his crew.
[From the Boston Transcript]
The following composition on
"The Angelus" was written by a New
York schoolboy: "This picture was
painted by a Malay, it contains a
man and a woman, a pitchfork,
wheelbarrow and a church steeple!
The man and the woman are very
poor and they have been digging
potatoes because they need them to
live on. The potatoes look quite
small. Just at sunset they hear a
bell ring, it is the Angelus, it means
they must pray. So they bow their
heads and pray for bigger potatoes."
Saw It Coming
[From the Albany Journal]
One 1s inclined to suspect that
Mr." McAdoo saw something coming
when he resigned from the position
of director of railroads*