Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 21, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Snaps Emanuel Pitches Good
Game, Despite Many
The Galahad team, runners up in
the Allison Hill Baseball League,
Journeyed to Dillsburg last evening
and took the strong Dillsburg A. C.
into camp in a slugging match with
a score of 9 to 5.
Both teams were hitting the ball
hard and splendid fielding kept the
score low. The Dillsburg plajsers
connected safely thirteen times but
only in the second inning were-they
able to hit timely, collecting six ot
the hits in this frame, the balance
being well scattered. The White
Knights infield played airtight ball i
having thirteen assists. Fortna had!
a pretty assist nailing a runner at
third base, he also made a pretty |
throw to first base after catching a
fly ball after a long run the man be
ing called safe on a very close play.
The White Knights also hit thir
teen safe wallops the maority of
which were placed hits and came at
the right time. The Dillsburg in
field was also there and played good.
Smith having six assists to his cred
Galahad started off with a rush j
by scoring in the first inning when!
Klerner was hit by the pitcher and ;
came racing home on Gibblin's two-1
base wallop to right leld. Galahad I
added another in the second when:
Fortna singled, went to second on a|
passed ball, takes third on a fielder's \
choice, Emanuel going out pitcher |
to Ist and scored when the short- j
stop fumbled Foland's hot sizzler. !
The large Dillsburg crowd broke j
into a frenzy when they got four i
runs in their half of the second on j
six hits and two bad throws of Co
baugh's from left field. Fast playing 1
on the part of Galahad infield pre- 1
rented more runs in this inning. Cap-!
tain Starry got the ha ha from the'
when these runs were scored!
as he went to Dillsburg last week j
with a picked team which he dis- j
covered when arriving there was |
represented as the Galahad team but j
in fact only three or four of the j
regular Galahad players wera along I
and the game not gotten by the Gal- i
ahad management. This picked i
team got a severe trouncing and
Captain Starry secured a game stat-i
vv hile W. B. Nuform Corsets are popular
t\ fc&Sa*mr£i priced corsets, they are not in any sense
; ■,,.■/! r ' !■■ cheap corsets, but combine in Fit, Style,
Material. Workmanship and Trimming, all
Pb' l 'ib3BaH| ' duulltlcs ot inucb higher priced coraeta.
For Sale by BOWMAN & CO.
. Announcement
We desire to announce that a special demon
stration will be given at our show room all
week upon the merits of the Lovekin Automatic
Gas Water Heater.
Fortunately ice have secured the services of
a man who has specialized in this sort of work
and he will discuss the economical features of
the heater, together with many additional ad
vantages derived from the installation of the
Lovekin Gas Water Heater.
Many times you have asked yourself the fol
lowing questions:—
Can I afford to purchase an Automatic Gas
Water Heater?
Do Automatic Gas Water Heaters Use a lot
of Gas?
Would an Automatic Gas Water Heater re
quire much attention, and would it continually
need adjusting?
We cordially invite you to visit our show
room during the demonstration of this wonder
ful heater, when all the above questions will be
fully explained.
Harrisburg Gas Company
14 S. Market Square
- Middletown Harrisburg Steelton
i 1
ing that he would bring the regular
Galahad team to Dillsburg and when
they secured a two run lead In the
1 second they were Jubilant, but their
| cheerfulness did not last loug for
i Galahad tied the score in the third.
Snaps Emanuel then took up the
hurling and only one run was secur
ed off his delivery in the five innings
that he pitched.
Galahad put the game on ice In
the fourth inning on three hits, a
base on balls and an error which
netted four runs.
The last and final run of the game
I was scored in the sixth inning when
| Reilly singled and scored on Starry's
two base hit.
The Galahad players were well
pleased with the excellent treatment
received and will play them again
on September 3rd.
The score:
Galahad 1 1 2 4 0 1 o—9
Dillsburg 0 4 0 0 1 0 o—o
Kalbfus Death Accidental,
Says Verdict of Jury
Warren, Aug. 21.—Inquiry into the !
deaths of Joseph Kalbfus, secretary
of the Pennsylvania State Game Com
mission, of Harrisburg, and E. \V. I
Kelly, of Dußois, killed when a train
struck their auto August 10, was held
here last evening by Coroner L. B.
Chapman. The crew of the express I
train which struck the automobile'
was examined.
' j Several residents who witnessed the
! accident also told their stories. The
Jury returned a verdict of accidental
death, but recommended t/iat the
State Highway Department eliminate
I the crossing and erect signs reading
j "Dangerous Crossing" 200 feet on
| each side of the crossing until such
j a time as the roadway is reconstruct
, cd.
Tons of Cold Storage
Meats Are Seized
! Philadelphia, Aug. 21. Seven
, i tons of cold storage chickens and
; fifty-two cold storage calves which
; have been held for more than a year,
| were seized here yesterday by Fed
! erail officials under the Lever food
i act, which provides against hoarding.
I The action is in the nature of a
libel against the goods on the ground
i that meat and chickens were held
j in unreasonable quantities for an un
: reasonable time in order to affect
! prices.
Whether criminal action will be
i brought against Morris & Co., one
j of the "big five" packers, owners of
' the calves, and against William G.
j Howard & Co., of Chicago, in whose
j name the chickens were being held,
I will rest entirely with United States
' District Attorney Kane.
They Also Cost Railroads
Large Sums of Money,
Says One Writer
Noise orders are to be rigidly en
forced on the Philadelphia and Mid
dle divisions of the Pennsylvania
railroad. Sometime ago a notice was
posted calling attention to the un
necessary whistling of engines In the
vicinity of Lemoyne. Recently com
plaints have been made regarding
continual whistling in the yards at
Enola, and in this city. From now
on it will be, "Whistle When Rules
Require It."
On the Middle Division the use of
engine whistles to call in flagmen
at Tyrone was abolished and signal
bells substituted. This will be done
wherever practicable. Whistling
when unnecessary It is said has cost
the railroads considerable money.
Whistling Is Costly
Having read recent articles about
the introduction of telephone signals
on railroads to call in the flagmen, a
subscriber to the Railway Age ex
presses "wonder if we do profit by
experience. He adds that "whistles
and other noises (some unnecessary)
have cost the American railroads un
told millions of dollars in law suits,
often resulting In re-locatlon of ter
minals, elevation of terminals, ele
vation of tracks, electrification, etc..
to abate the noise nuisance. What
thought or attention has been given
to a noiseless locomotive. The chief
offenders are noisy exhausts. Why
not muffle them? A noisy, shrill
whistle, made of cast iron without
musical tone, a harsh metallic clang
ing din called a bell and noisy, open
pop valves! For years efforts were
made to secure a tuneful bell and
whistle and to produce muffled safety
valve, and considerable success was
attained, as indicated by the large
number In service.
Xoise Producers
"This progress was cast to the
winds a few years ago by the intro
duction of so-called high lift or In
creased efficiency safety valves, that
open with the roar of a 13-inch gun.
Likewise the composition tuneful
bell and chime whistle have had to
give place to cast iron and pressed
steel. Evidently our daddies made a
mistake in giving too much consider
ation to the sensitive ear and slum
bering public, for the muffled safety
valve has now gone into the discard
and evidently was not considered a
necessity on the United States Rail
road Administration standard locomo
To Class Dispatchers as
Railroad Officials
Reports that train dispatchers are
to be classed as officers by the rail
roads and treated as such, because
of their arduous duties, appear to be
correct, inasmuch as the Northwest
region, railroad administration, has
received a new set of rules. Train
dispatchers are to receive the same
treatment as other division officers
in the matter of loss of time through
sickness and in exemption from dis
cipline in the way of suspension or
marking of their records. And they
are to have the privilege of resign
ing, rtuher thaai being discharged.
Furthermore, a dispatcher, if
charged with offenses that might
mean dismissal from the service, is
to have the privilege of a hearing
before an officer than his immedi
ate superior. Two weeks vacation a
year and one day off once a week
are to be accorded them.
Railroad Notes
Several firemen who had been on
the extra engineer list will shortly
be given runs on the Middle division.
About fifty per cent, of the firemen
furloughed in this city have been re
turned to yard duty on the Pennsy.
F. W. Smitih, Commissioner in
the Freight Department of the Fed
eral Railroad Administration is in
Harrisburg to-day telling Pennsy
and Reading men how to handle
freight and urging shippers to be
more careful in packing and in mak
ing shipments not properly marked.
The four transportation brother
hoods and other labor crafts in Ty
rone have arranged to have an old
fashioned gathering at Stevens Park,
Tyrone, Labor Day.
The West Virginia Governor, John
J. Cornwell, has sent letters to the
Governors of other States calling
attention to the loss of revenues
from taxation which would fall on
the States if the Plumb plan of rail
road operation should be adopted.
He estimates that Federal owner
ship, to West Virginia, would mean
a loss of $3,000,000 In taxes yearly.
Shoe Workers Paid $l2O
a Week, Probers Reveal
Boston, Aug. 21. —Inquiry into
the high cost of shoes by the coun
ty grand jury yesterday developed
that some shoe workers had been
earning $l2O a week. These in
stances were few, but it was testi
fied that many made S6O a week,
while the average was about S4O!
Boys have been getting S3O a week
It was said that a pair of shoae
sold by a manufacturer for $5.50
was displayed in a store 400 yards
from the factory marked sl2.
Federal Judge Upholds
Wartime Prohibition
New York, Aug. 21. Holding
that the war emergency still exists,
Federal Judge Augustus N. Hand,
in an opinion handed down yester-"
day, refused to grant a temporary
order sought by Scatena, Lawson
and Perelli, owners of vineyards in
California with a place of business
In this city, fo restrain Federal au
thorities here from enforcing pro
visions of the wartime prohibition
At the recent convention of the
editors of the California papers a
delegate told about the first editor
he worked under.
"Right or wrong, he was always
right. I recall on one occasion where
the paper announced the death of Wil
liam R. Jones, who, it turned out, was
not dead. Accordingly next day the
paper printed the following note:
'Yesterday we were the first news
paper to publish the death of Wil
liam R. Jones. To-day we are the
first to deny the report. The Morning
Star is always in the lead." "—Pitts
burgh Chronicle-Telegraph.
Austrians Want to
Take Treaty to Vienna
Before Signing It
Paris, Aug. 21. The Austrian
delegation told the supreme council
yesterday that it would be necessary
for them to take the completed text
o' the Treaty to Vienna and to sub
mit it to the assembly for approval
before the delegates can sign it.
this suggestion brought expressions
of surprise from members of the
council, as it had been thought the
Austrian delegation had full powers.
The council is urging the Austrians
to make some arrangement 'to sign
the Treaty without taking it to
The signing 'of the Treaty, as a
result of this unexpected develop
fftf.u lt T^ as , said - Way be postponed
cnmr,i^T e i ~ 0 September. The
Treaty text will not be
nnalU b® A u str >ans, it is generally
anrtVf ,Z \ at least two weeks
f,?? . Austrians insist upon tak
thft l-ii 0 L en " a b e f ore signature
to the delay? a y wl add days
no 7n h fa SUpreme counc " has ap
cial dut\- a S ommittee with the spe
£' a ' dat > °f answering the Austrian
i, on " rn ' n r Austrian interests
member The American
nrii! 1 r££ tRe committee is Mr
£ Franc™* chalrman is J * aa Gout.
2IT You Want a Home of 8
2 Your Own Start Today |
I • A 1 §
g *
£ Harrisburg's Newest SUB-DIVISION, located between 19th St., Sycamore and Park £
111 Terrace, South of Derry Street N S
Section No. 2 in LAFAYETTE comprises 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th jS
Streets on Sycamore and Pemberton Cross Streets •
g Section No. 2to Be Sold in One Big Sale Hj
I Today and Tomorrow Aug. 21-22 i
g | Salesmen on the Ground Continually Today and Tomorrow | 1|
m Here Are th * Terms—Easy Enough For Any Man to Take Advantage of Them— £
.Why Not Do It Today or Tomorrow
| i | —!
lls 1 A DOW " and sl ° I No Interest, No Taxes For 1
P I I 1 f r M ° nth 12 Years on Time Contracts
||ji £ Special Discount for large Cash Payments gg
■ • Co A ßi s e /^J a ? or l before buying—LAFAYETTE LOTS are certain to increase in value due to Harrisburg's ranid inert... ;
.LAFAYETTE has been approved by the City Planning Commission-LAFAYETTE has sewers, water, gas and electricitt LAFAV*
ETTE ts in the one-fare zone and is an ideal place for a Home. s electricity. LAFAY
a Out First Call Our Office, Bell 626 or Dial 6226, Room 308 Bergner Building and we'll send Out
Tnda v ° ne ° Ur Automobiles to take you there or take Oberlin Street Car or Steel
y ton Car via 19th street and get off at 19th and Sycamore Today
I -
■ Don't Forget the Sales Days—Thurs. & Fri., Aug. 21 & 22] ■
jim Under Management of Rf
B LOtS frfc LOTS / I
| Room 308 Bergner Building fig
Packers Insist Competition
Exists in Their Trade
Washington, Aug. 21.—Independent
packers appearing before the Senate
Agriculture Committee yesterday
challenged most of the statements of
the Federal Trade Commission on
'which proposals for straight regu
lation of the five dominant concerns
in the industry are baaed.
The independent representatives
insisted that they meeting and
furnishing lively competition at both
ends of the industry—in the purchase
of livestock for their plants, and in
the sale of meats to the retailer—
and expressed the conclusion that the
law of supply and demand would
serve sufficiently to protect the con
sumer. Their view was supplemented
by that of a retail butcher, and given
minor support in the appearance of
a vegetable cannery representative
and the head of a milk condensing
business, to object to licensing pro
visions of the Kenyon bills which
they felt would apply to their busi
ness if not changed.
Fetes Schwab During
Presentation of Medal
Johnstown. Pa., Aug. 21. Nearly
20,000 persons from every corner of
Cambria county and many from all
sections of the United States gath
ered at Loretto yesterday to honor
Charles M. Schwab, steel magnate,
director of the Emergency Fleet
Corporation during the war and
known as "Cambria county's fav
orite son." The principal events
of the day were the hoiating of a
great American flag on the flagpole
presented to Mr. Schwab by fellow
citizens, and the conferring of the
medal and rank of chevalier of the
Legion of Honor of France by N. J.
Casanave, French minister plenipo
tentiary to the United States.
A Perfect Complexion
Dark skin, Pimples, Large Pores,!
Blackheads, Freckles &c., should be j
treated not covered. Paints arrd
powders close the pores. Treatments ;
by a specialist are very expensive, i
A simple treatment that acts like!
magic can easily be made by any'
person. Just get two ounces of or- I
dinary Cutol at your drug store, dis- j
solve it in half pint of Witch Hazel, j
and bathe the face neck and arms, j
This mixture acts immediately, i
makes the skin a soft youthful |
white, removes all shine, and by its'
harmless antiseptic action Pimples, !
Blacheads, Large Pores, Freckles. |
etc.. yield quickly. One application
lasts the entire day and is imper-1
AUGUST 21,1919.
Unusual Bargains in >
First Class Mechanical Condition
311 S. Cameron St., Harrisburg
Bell 3302 Dial 4410