Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 20, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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Long Wedding Celebrations
Require the Winter
New York, Aug*. 20.—There are no
divorces in Lithuania. January
brides there are in plenty for 90
per cent, of the weddings in this
new Baltic republic, now waiting
to have the League of Nations fix its
boundaries, occur during the winter
Cupid ha 3 to wear furs and mit
tens hi this land but his darts are
Just as deadly. You see a Lithuanian
wedding lasts for a week or more.
Time cannot be spared from the
fields and farms for such a general
celebration in the summer months
but in the winter all the relatives
of tho bride and groom can do full
Justice to the occasion. Moreover,
winter is the time when social affairs
and family visits prosper. Roads
are poor and few in some parts of
tho country. Winter makes every
marsh and lake a highway. Neigh
bors are brought nearer when the
gaily painted sledges may be driven
across lots.
Lithuanians say there are no di
vorces because native wives are real
helpmates, partners in the farm, and
thoroughly domestic in their tastes.
Maybe it is because long marriage
celebrations aro more potent.
The Lithuanian marriage fest be
gins when tho bride gives a big party
to her friends on "Maiden Night."
The groom, too, has a small and un
intersting affair.. After midnight he
and his friends visit the bride's
home. Then comes the ceremony
of removing the flowered wreath of
girlhood and substituting the ma
tron's cap.
The wedding always takes place
on Sunday in peasant circles. If it
is a grand one in a church, the
whole edifice is illuminated brightly.
The bride is led in by two young
men and followed by her brides
maids. The groom and his escorts
. follow. Behind the wedding party
come the two mothers.
During the whole ceremony it is
i rigid etiquette and custom for the
bride to weep. If she does not the
older women scold her until she
k. After the ceremony comes the
W feasting and dancing. First the
bride's mother entertains. Then the
groom's mother is hostess. Celebra
tions sometimes last for more than
a week for after these two big par
ties the relatives of bride and groom
follow suit.
Marriage is a serious business in
Lithuania. When a man marries he
marries for life. His wife is not his
slave. Neither one is the boss. The
wife does light work in the fields
and attends to her domestic duties.
l Race suicide has never threatened
A Lithuania.
) Middletown
Philip A. Snyder,
Aged 77 Years, Dies
Philip A. Snyder, aged 77 years, died
| at the homo of hi daughter, Mrs. Geo.
Schadt, Brown street, yesterdav
morning at C.45 o'clock from Cardiac
Asthma, being ill for the past year.
He was born in Adams county, Janu
. - ary 3. 1842, and was married to Miss
Sue Whitcomb, also of Adams county,
who died In Middletown 22 years ago.
Mr. Snyder resided in town for the
past 45 years. Ho served in the
capacity of the borough tax collector
for a number of years. He was a
veteran of the Civil War, being a
member of Campany B. Twenty-first
Pennsylvania Cavalry, serving two
enllstmerAn of three years, taking
part in t~e battle of Gettysburg He
was a member of the First UnlJPd
Brethren church and at one time was
tho Sunday school superintendent.
k He was a member of Poketo Trib'\ !
No. 316, O. O. R. M., Grand Armv uf
the Republic, Post No. 68, and Wash
ington Camp, No. 87, P. O. S. of A.
He is survived by two daughters,
Mrs. George Schadt, of town, with
whom he resided and Mrs. L. F. Bev
erlin, Harrisburg. Three sisters,
Mrs. Mary Gilbert, Gettysburg; Mrs.
Jacob Kline, Hanover and Mrs. Etta
Wagner, York; two brothers, Charles
Snyder, Gettysburg and William
Snyder, of Littlestown. Funeral ser
vices will be held on Friday after
noon at 2 o'clock from the home of
his daughter, Brown street. The
, Rev. E. A. G. Bossier will officiate,
assisted by the Rev. Fuller Berg
stressor, of the St. Peters Lutheran
church. Burial will be made In the
Middletown cemetery.
Miss Lou Frey, of York, Is spend
ing sometime in town as the guest
| of the Misses Theo and Lydla Laverty,
' North Union street.
Miss Frances Hickernell has re
turned home from a month's visit
to relatives at Penmar.
Miss Virgle Eby. of Philadelphia,
is spending sometime In town as the
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Eby, East Main street.
All Spanish American War Veter
ans, Members of the Philippine Cam
paign, Cuban Campaign and Cuban
Occupation, are urged to meet at
1 Fox's restaurant, Emaus street, to
* morrow evening to make plans to
take part in the Welcome Home
Celebration parade on Labor Day,
r Monday September 1.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. James Young and
daughter. Frances Young, of Phila
delphia, are spending sometime in
town as tho guests of tho former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Young,
North Union street.
Jesse Stipe, who had been visit
ing his brother. Perry Stipe, West
Water street, was called to his home
at Youngstown, 0., on account of the
illness of one of his children,
Mrs. Mary Stager has returned
home from a two weeks' visit to rela
k tlves at Hartford, Md.
, Harry Hawk had his tonsils and
aduolds removed at his home, Wither
spoon avenue, by Dr. J. F. Blechtr
t atvi Dr. O. M. Swartz, yesterday after
i"he Rev. G. H. Brown, pastor of
•cre First Zlon Baptist church left
for Swlftford, Vt, wherr
,-c will attend the Baptist Associc
'ton Meeting.
. ' Dr. E. T. B. Shopr who had his
#*ntal parlors in the late, Dr. D. W.
s. Laverty, property, North Union
street, moved to the MeNair, property
on the opposite side of the street,
tJeveral pigs dropped from a car
that was going west on the Penn
( sylvanla Railroad on Monday below
l. Royalton, when the door in some
manner opened up. Several of them
were foung dead the next morning
by the track walker.
The home baseball team played the
Bethclehem Electrical team of Steel
ton in the fair grounds last evening.
They were to play the .Klein Choco
late team, of Elizabethtown, but the
s game was postponed until Tuesday
evening, August 26. On Saturday
afternoon the home team will com
bat with the Colurqbia, A. C. team
on the fair grounds.
The Ladles' Bible class of the
Church of God Sunday school and
taught by J. B. Martin held Its regu
lar monthly meeting in the lecture
room of the church last evening.
Miss Catharine Freichler who spent
the past week in town returned to
her heme at Sliarpshurg.
Mrs. H. M. Peck and son, of Phila
delphia, are spending sometime in
town as the guests of the former's
ft Live Store" "Always Reliable jj
I Ail $2.50 T he second Da y of this Week was a winner—The Shirt Sec- 77777; 111
Shirts ** on was . a f avore d spot in this "Live Store"—All week you'll find this Shirt Depart- .
ment moving at a lively rate of speed—The values we have are bringing in the Shirt buyers—We Shirts
$1.89 are selling a great many Silk Shirts for Christmas gifts. Did you stop to consider this before? $2 89
„ Many of the women folks are selecting these beautiful Silk Shirts at the semi-annual
Where Everything Is Marked Down (Except Collars and Interwoven Hose)
|j At our low prices and putting them away for gifts, a very sensible idea indeed—The II
men folks recognize the wonderful savings on high grade Shirts and are stocking up to the limit —There is every good
fabric in these big assortments; every coloring is represented—lt will pay you to buy Shirts for present and future use at our extremely low
1 All $1.50 Shirts $1.19 All $3.50 Shirts $2.89 All $7.85 Silk Shirts $6.89 I
1 All $2.00 Shirts $1.59 All $5.00 Shirts $3.89 All $8.85 Silk Shirts $7.89 |
1 All $2.50 Shirts $1.89 All $6.85 Shirts $5.89 All $lO 00 Silk Shirts .$8.89 |
Hart Schaffner & Marx, Kuppenheimer & Society Brand Clothes I
j //m jm All go in this Semi-Annual Clearance Sale—
s jiofjfy None reserved—A clean-up of all Spring and Summer Cloth
's •y- • , j n ß> Hats and Furnishings—Our greatest and most successful sale is now
P swing—Values and money savings are here for you and your ffl
I All $25.00 Suits $18.75 All S4O 00 Suits $31.75 |
| jh'' All $30.00 Suits $23.75 • All $45.00 Suits .$35.75 |
A^ I
brother, G. E. Brestle and family,
North Spring street.
At a meeting of the Mother's Con
gress Circle and the Red Cross Mem
bers held on Monday evening at was
decided that they would take part
In the Welcome Home Celebration
parade. Those who will take part
will notify thep following who were
appointed as a committee: Mrs. H. S. I
Roth, Mrs. E. L. Beck and Mrs. D. W.
be held in the Parish House of
St. Peter's Lutneran church next
Wednesday evening.
Miss Marion Peck, of Philadelphia,
is the guest of Miss Helen George,
North Spring street.
Charles Kennedy who spent some
time in town as the guest of his
' mother, Mrs. Alice Kennedy, East
High street, returned to Pittsburgh.
The Star of Bethlehem Lodge, Ifo.
45, Shepherds of Bethlehem, will cele
brate the seventeenth anniversary of
its lodge in the Red Men's Hall, Ann
street, on Friday evening. A tir.c pro
gram is being arranged.
A boy's essay—"For the pig to die
is to be born again to a sphere of
greater utility. When we get out of
bed we brush our hair and clothes
with its bristles; for our breakfast
we have a crisp, savory slice of
bacon, or maybe its sausage. When
we arrive home for our dinner we find
some tender chops awaiting us. and
they make us feel as strong as, a
prize fighter. And we dream of bacon,
AUGUST 20, 1919.
pork chops and sausages, and the
cause of all this is the pig."—Boston"
IF YOU SUFFER from any
LUNG TROUBLE, do not delay.
See Demonstration at Gorgas' Phar
macy, 16 North Third street.—Adv.'
mrw"w WMi BUNION*