Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 20, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 MORE FOOD IS BOUGHT FROM THE POST OFFICE Mail Carriers Bring in Many Orders For Fruits and Vegetables The second day of the food sale through the local post office started off with a rush to-day as soon as the carriers came back from their first hour of delivery. Although the sales at the window of the central station have fallen oft to practically nothing, orders are be ginning to pour in bv the other route. At the window occasional buyers itop to inquire about prices or to Place a small order, but in compari son with the order system there is really very little action there. Early this morning the orders had ICloverdaO 1 GINGER ALE | jl is MORE than |j 1 a pleasing drink || STT You know that Lemons are |u MMf not only delightfully re fJß]J freshing but they're good for you -- so are Limes so are Oranges—so they're all used in WJ m CLOVERDALE GINGER ALE ■Aj iMißtmnmm even *Le Cane Sugar Syrup B i'lf a&flr SM we use 1 135 nutritive value. * DM Mjri Alntmnlikl I MTF Then, Cloverdale Mineral B jp fjj Water , g truly beneficial ._ m fa TOaP ' ts good for the stomach and ky S5 the s y® tem in general. nl -Hii3 #l[ Genuine Jamaica Ginger is UJ " i ri7V*jiinvigorating and a splendid H§ tonic—we use it exclusively in K'jJ m l||i||j|fj CLOVERDALE GINGER ALE |g in preference to cayenne pepper Fm j( "It Doesn't Bite" |j <3T [T All the merits of many bever ages are tastefully combined MBit K'N Jj into CLOVERDALE, a mm IM REAL GINGER ALE, one that uj|l||3 furnishes delightful enjoyment A/Majl wn while you're drinking it and whose Lj u§ benefits do not stop there. Taste jftEESBlk mt it today—everybody likes the fla- BfABWi RW vor of CLOVERDALE. BmUI Order a Case Sent Home j 2 full-sized glasses to the bottle- - $9 jjjjj °Always Serve Cold 53 jjjjjj Wholesale brink a Bottle of Cloverdale Every Day napSjj Copyrighted, 19" by ClorerdUe Soring Co. J Say KING OSCAR to your dealer and pass him 7c, and then he will give you your money's worth of real smoke corufort. * John C. Herman & Co. Try One To-day Pa. HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWER PUT IN FIRST CLASS SHAPE Hedge Clippers—Grass Shears—Sides and Edge Tools Sharpened All Kinds of Machinery Repaired FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP Court a.nd Cranberry Streets WEDNESDAY EVENING, passed the two hundred mark and were still groins strong, and It is estimated that before the day is over the carriers are going to begin to look forward with no enthusiasm at all to the influx of food to fill these orders which begins next week. Canned fruits still leads the list in popularity with canned vegetables a close second. Of course, there are still many people who are more or less doubtful about all government food and they are buying in small quantities to see Just what #he stuff will be like. Forihcr soldiers are going to it with avidity as they know just how good it is. but they are steering clear of the old standby, "corned willy," which is not at all bad when you have it occasionally, but pretty poor when you eat it three times a day. cold, for many days, and finish thd meal off with hard tack. However, corned beef in the majority of homes is getting a good reception. DIES OF HEART FAILURE London, Tuesday. Aug. 19.—-Mark Francis Napier, president of Rou ter's Telegram Company, died at In verness to-day of heart failure. THOUSANDS TO ATTEND SECOND CATHOLIC PICNIC Splendid All-Day Program Is Arranged by Knights of Columbus Everything is in readiness for the second annual Catholic picnic to be held at Hershey Park to-mot row. Chairman Joseph P. Durborow, of the Knights of Columbus com mittee on picnic activities, an nounced to-day that his commit tee had not neglected a single fea ture that would help to make the event a success. Influence has even been exerted with the weatherman to keep "Old Sol" shining all day. Large delegations are expected from Lancaster, Reading, York, Lebanon, Carlisle and Waynesboro, and there will probably be more than 5,000 present. Trains will leave the Philadel phia and Reading station at 7.55 and 10.20 a. ra., 1, 3.40 and 6.45 p. m. It Is expected that large crowds will go on the 10.20 and the 1 o'clock trains, and special arrange ments have been made to accom modate them. On the return trip trains will leave Hershey at 4.8 4, 7.30 and 9.57 p. m. Immediately upon reaching the park luncheon will be served, after which the program will be begun. There will be free dancing continu ously from 2 until 5 p. m. At 1.30 the athletic events will start on the ball field, the first number being a 100-yard dash for men, followed by a 75-yard dash for boye, a 50- yard dash for women and a 50-yard dash for girls. After the races will come the contests which will fur nish merriment for the picnickers. There will be a walking to the spot blindfolded contest for women, a running broad jump for boys, po tato race for girls, standing broad jump for men, ball throwing con test for women, shoe race for boys, needle-threading race for girls, dis tance ball throwing for men, sack race for boys, potato and onion peeling race for women and an egg race for girls. More than forty prizes have been provided. Prompt ly at 3 o'clock a ball game will be staged between the Knights of Columbus All-Stars and St. Mary's Catholic Club, of Steelton, which will go nine innings. George A. Morrissey, in charge of the athletic program, has announced the fol lowing lineup for the All-Stars: T. Euker and Levan, pitchers; Cock lin, catcher; Palmer, first base; Madden, second base; Gerdes, short stop; Schaefer, third base; Embick, right field; Hylan, left field; Levan and T. Euker, center field. The reg ular St. Mary's team under the lead ership of Nicholas P. Zerancc, which played In the Allison Hill League during the past season, will be on the field. At 4.30 the Fourth Regiment of the Knights of St. George Cadets, comprising compa nies from Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lebanon and Steelton, will give a uniform drill and will be reviewed by Brigadier General John Czerniski and staff. After the drill supper will be served and at 6 o'clock the band concert will commence. Dancing in the evening will be by admission. In addition to the program ar ranged, all the regular park,attrac tions will be at the disposal of the picnickers. Knights of Pythias Hold Annual Outing At the regular meeting of Enter prise Lodge, No. 508, Knights of Pythias, arrangements were made for the annual picnic to be held at Boiling Springs Park to-morrow. The program which has been drawn up by the picnic committee, fol lows: First event, baseball, Married Men vs. Single Men, 10 a. m.; sec ond event, quoit pitching contest, 1 p. m., prize, box of cigars; third event, tug-of-war, men, prize, sur prise; fourth, tug-of-war, women, prize, 23 cans of corn; fifth, nail driving contest, women, first prize, box of candy, second prize, Knights of Pythias cushion top; sixth event, three-legged race, boys, prize, two flash lights; seventh event, fat man's race, prize, bucket of lard; eighth event, fat women's race, prize, bucket of lard: ninth event, gymnasium shoes, second prize, pocket knife and case; tenth event, wheelbarrow race for women, prize, one ham; eleventh event, cigar flash light: twelfth event, hobble skirt race for women, first prize, 5 pounds sugar, second prize. 2M pounds sugar; third prize, 2% pounds sugar; thirteenth event, pea nut race for children, prizes, lolly pops; fourteenth event, eating con test, first prize, clock, second prize. 5 pounds sugar; fifteenth event, long race for young men, prize, ciga ret and match safe. There are several other prizes to be collected by the committee which will be given as second and third prizes in some of the events. An other enjoyable feature the commit tee has promised is dancing. Beautiful souvenir badges can be had that day at the grounds from the chairman of arrangements. Chancellor Commander Olsey and committeemen. Special cars will leave Market Square at 8 a. m. Americans Should Lie Where They Fell, Advice of Pershing Washington, Aug. 20.—General Pershing In a cablegram to the War Department has expressed the opinion that bodies of American soldiers who died abroad should be left near where they fell. "I believe that, could these sol diers speak for themselves, they would wish to be left undisturbed, where, with their comrades, thoy fought the last fight," he said. "Those who rest In England gave their lives in the same cause and their remains represent the same salvation as those" who lie on the battlefields. "The graves of our soldiers con stitute, if they are allowed to re main, a perpetual reminder to our allies of the liberty and Ideals upon which the greatness of America rests. Recommend that none of our dead be removed from Europe un less their nearest relatives so de mand after a full understanding of all the sentimental reasons against such removal." PLAN NEW DRIVE Paris, Aug. 20.—(Havas.)—Ru manian military authorities are pre paring for an offensive east of the Dniester river for the purpose of joining forces with General 'Den:, kine's army in southern Russia, ac cording to the Eecho de Pari*. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad, HAJtRISBUTtG TELEO*CXFH MERCHANTS GLAD FOR PROHIBITION State Body Is Told It Makes Business Better; Presi dent For League Scranton, Pa., Aug. 20—Endorse ment of the League of Nations and thanksgiving for the advent of na tional prohibition were expressed in the address of Harry Shaffer, of Lock Haven, president of the Penn sylvania State Retail Merchants As sociation at the opening session of the annual convention. Mr. Shaffer urged the delegates to record as favoring the entrance of" the United States into a League of Nations as an essential safeguard of peace. He also said national prohibition means better business conditions. At the conference of the various local association Secretaries of the | Now For Section No. 21 NOW ' /-rT^r, I asrSffls • ATH • S 1 Jp -.-AT-:- i tec $' K • Harrisburg's Newest SUB-DIVISION, located between 19th St., Sycamore and Park || Hg Terrace, South of Derry Street 9 31 Section No. 2 in LAFAYETTE comprises 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th Streets on Sycamore and Pemberton Cross Streets 3 Section No. 2to Be Sold in One Big Sale |j | Thursday and Friday Aug. 21 and 22 ( | I. | Salesmen on the Ground Continually Sales Days §f • 131 HYOU have always wanted a Home of your own. Why not stop wishing? Act! The low terms on which we sell lots at LAFAYETTE cn- P-I' < ables every person to buy. Here are the prices—it's a great opportunity for you—but you. must act quickly. | ■ BI $ \ i\ D ° wn and sl ° INo Interest, No Taxes For fig || I 11 I Per Month Pays I 2 Years on Time Contracts ®| jjgj p For It p Special Discount for large Cash Payments | Hi M Consider these factors before buying—LAFAYETTE LOTS are certain to increase in value due to Harrisburg's rapid increase in popu- 111^1 lation. LAFAYETTE has been approved by the City Planning Commission—LAFAYETTE has gewers, water, gas and electricity. LAFAY ETTE is in the one-fare zone and is an ideal place for a Home. 9 ~ HOW TO GET TO LAFAYETTE I p First Call Our Office, Bell 626 or Dial 6226, Room 308 Bergner Building and we'll send one of our Automobiles to take you there or take Oberlin StreetCar or Steel ton Car via 19th street and get off at 19th and Sycamore 3 Don't Forget the Sales Days—Thurs.& Fri., Aug. 21 & 221 3 ___- Under Management of I j ■ LJ LOTS *tiILLOTSEK LOTS I Room 308 Bergner Building amwHanummnamnrf Merchants' Association the follow ing officers were elected: President, E. T. Messick, Pitts ton. Vice-president, Miss M. I. Carroll, Scranton. Second vice-president, C. M. El liot. Lock Haven. Third vice-president, H. A. Clap per, Pittsburgh. Fourth vice-president, R. C. Jobe, Bethlehem. Secretary - treasurer, Wi 11 lam Smedley, Philadelphia. Mrs. Castle, Treman's Wife Nearly 18 Months New York, Aug. 20.—Mrs. Irene Castle, widow of Vernon Castie, famous dancer and aviator, was married to Captain Robert E. Trc man, of Ithaca, N. Y., at the Church of the Transfiguration in this city on May 3 last. She had already been the wife of Captain Treman for almost a year. On May 21, 1918, a few days more than three months after the tragic death of Vernon Castle at the flying field at Fort Worth, Tex., when Mrs. Castle by all publishe 1 accounts was still in grief over the death of her husband, she and Cap tain Treman, then a lieutenant tn the flying service, went to Pickens, S. C., where they were married by the Rev. FYank A. Juhan. pastor of the Christ Protestant Episcopal I Church, of Greenville, S. C. Prince of Wales Is Given Welcome on Edward Island Charlott-stfrtcn, P. E. 1., Aug. 20. I —The Prince of Wales was wel- ! corned to Prince Edward Island yes- j terday and put in several busy I hours before he returned to his ] ship last night. The battleship Re nown and the cruisers Dragon and | Dauntless, bearing the Prince and j his party, arrived in the harbor and I at noon the Prince came ashore. Nature's Tonic Of Herb I ! Purifies the Blood. Corrects Stomach Troubles. Stimulates the Liver. Relieves Chronic Constipation by ! Regulating the Bowels. VITOLYN makes Rich Red Blood ! and BUILDS YOU UP. VITO means LIFE. Vitoiyn will give You LIFE and j PEP. Sold by Forney, Kennedy, Golden 1 Seal Pharmacy and all other drug- I gists. Stevens Medical Co., Inc., 518 Van derbilt Ave., Brooklyn. Also manufacturers of Stevens Catarrh Compound, a sure prevent ive for Hay Fever. V AUGUST 20, 1919, Unusual Bargains in THREE USED CARS First Class Mechanical Condition 1918 DODGE SEDAN HAYNES 7-PASS. TOURING CADILLAC 7-PASS. TOURING SEE MR. CHURCH CADILLAC-HINTON CO. 311 S. Cameron St., Harrisburg Roll 3392 Dial 4419