Readiivj aivd all ike " When a Girl " By ANN LISLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problem of a Girl Wife CHAPTER OCIiXXVIII. (Copyrighted, 1919, King Feature Syndicate, Inc.) When Carlotta and I were ready to go our Individual ways at the end of our lunch X demanded the check and signed it with a nourish. Gone are the s°'< i,d *OS when 1 had always to let the other eirl pay the check, and also gone and departed are the days when I i,oa to"S?w m i y ST. all the smart shops. Jim lidUy that I signed because I didn t have the actual money to pay. ■ But I flourished several bills of . large denomination right under he nose, and explained that l wa^ led the cash because one of the smart shoe shops where 1 hadn t a ha,Lgc was having its semi-annual sale, our luncheon ended with dttle com on places and let us down comfort ably from the emotional and excit ing discussion we'd been having. Then I hurried over to the shoe store and had a perfect orgy of i.uying. I've always loved being well shod, and I felt it was wise to lay in a big supply of pretty shoes at this sale. So I got gray suede ox fords, a pair of pretty brown pumps, some white sport, shoes and two pairs of duncing slippers, one black satin and one pair of white brocade. "Now, you ought to have some patent leather pumps with big cut steel buckles," suggested the clerk. "Are they great bargains?" I asked, dallying with temptation. "I should say so. They'll be fifty per cent, higher within six months," said the clerk so convincingly that | Our Great August | Furniture Sale | H " J Many Wonderful Bargains j |H Are Offered in Library ,| i | and Davenport Tables At this BETTER furniture store you have an i pi unequalled assortment to choose from. Kg Adam, Hepplewhite, Gueen Anne, William and == Mary, Louis XVI. Italian Renaissance, Colonial, H '• pSi Chippendale and Arts and Crafts styles in Ma- M ! cST hogany, American Walnut, Golden Oak and || Eumed Oak. Reduced prices range from: = $22.50 Up f§' ( § J | Desks At Specially Reduced Prices ( | I I iHs 1 = We've a desk that will fit in with any sur- rounding. Desks of every period style—Ma- H hogany, American Walnut, Golden Oak, Fumed || H Oak, Birdseye Maple. ■ $22.50 Up | 1 GOLDSMITH'S I H Central Penruis. Best Furniture Store NORTH MARKET SQUARE WEDNESDAY EVENING, I felt it wise to get the patent leathers. When it came to buckles, I hesi tated for a moment or two. "But they'll last a lifetime," said the clerk, seeing my hesitancy. So I felt I had a right to indulge. And when he suggested stockings, 1 realized that I might as well gel them here to make sure of having the right match for the colored shoes. "Now," the name and address, please," smiled the cjerk pleasantly when I had selected several pairs of stockings. I gave it to him and opened my purse to pay. "One hundred and twenty dollars, j please," said the man. I almost tumbled off the bench. "But I thought you advertised sale shoes at $3.85 a pair." I protested as quietly as I could. "But I haven't been showing you sale shoes," said the clerjc. "You; wouldn't care for them. And, be sides, they come in the wider size...; | I couldn't fit you. These are ex- j cellent values you have selected i and very reasonable, too. Nothing , over sixteen dollars. Really, to get six pairs of slippers, buckles and I hosiery at such a small figure is j like having a little bargain sale of ! your own when you consider how j much higher things are going." i I laughed, trying to pretend X was at ease. "Well, of course, if they're not sale shoes, I'll Just take the ones I need and wait till another time for the stockings," I said. "As a matter of fact, that's what I'll have to do, for I haven't the money for ] all my purchases." Why not send them C. O. D. —or, j better still, charge them?" sug- | gested the clerk. "Of course, no one carries so much cash. But really you can't afford to let such values go." "We've no account here," I con- Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service - By McManus THE OCEAvN MAT BE FINE I I WltvH THE FOLKti WOULD I <0 BACK AN TAKE BUT IjIVE ME THE GOOD HURRT - CAN THi'b BE h-Vf r J OFF THAT IMMODEST 13ATHIN'- /.iAaX \ It THE OLO THE r —' DAU k .. A * i I,'lSi • b ' 5 .. T • J A 'A 7 • 2.2. < 34, * •* '*•33 /jg3s 33f 37 \ 41 J. •© I *4* f #43 47 • < I " \•; * mm j • h\ •5o • 52 If 5b - j >5 4 Draw from one to two and so on to the end. IF YOU SUFFER from any LUNG TROUBLE, do not delay. See Demonstration at Gorgas* Phar macy, 16 North Third street.—Adv. j H THE WHOLESOME 11 BAKING Igssa POWDER jjgMKflipj Look for the fa,jiff big pound tin |AmnG —sixteen full Pqwpo ounces. The j powder with a food value. Go buy it today J. ■ ■ —*. HARRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH "—: —: —: —; I[l Scientific Discussions by Garrett P. Serviss ! "God Almighty first planted a gar den," says Lord Bacon in his fam ous "Essays," and he adds that gar dening is "the purest of human I pleasures." It is to be hoped that some at I least of those who, at the call of I the Government two summers ago, ] planted "war gardens" will now continue to plant gardens for their own pleasure. If you do not wish to raise vegetables, then raise flow ers. Indeed, it was of ornamental gardens, or "flower gardens," that Bacon wrote, and the fact that so philosophical a thinker as he was gave so much serious attention to what we now call the "aesthetic" side of life, the side concerned with the appreciation and cultivation of beauty, ought to encourage every body to develop that higher part of this nature which is above ordin ary utilitarianism. Bacon was very brief in his es say on gardens, as in all his es says. It was his method to com press a multitude of thoughts and suggestions into a little space, and the compression is so great that sometimes a single sentence of his writing expands, while the reader ponders upon it, as wonderfully as the endless colored ribbon that the ! prestidigitateur draws from a pellet behind his teeth until it lies in a rainbow heap as high as his chin. "The breath of flowers," says Bacon, "is far sweeter in the air, ( where it comes and goes like the warbling of music, than in the hand; therefore nothing is more fit for that delight than to know ■ what be the flowers and plants that do best perfume the air." He gives a list of them with their seasons, and when you read what I am now going to quote it will be strange if your imagination does not present you with a picture of the great philosopher, in his quaint . Elizabethan clothes, treading upon a carpet of flowers and expanding his nostrils to catch their sweet ness. "Those flowers which perfume the air most delightfully, not passed by as the rest, but being trodden upon and crushed, are three; that is bur net, wild thyme and water-mints. Therefore you are to set whole al leys of them, to have the pleasure when you walk or tread." Given the perfumed atmosphere | of a garden, other consequent de | lights follow, which Bacon did not mention, though he must have ; known and appreciated them. They I are voices of birds and insects drawn to the flowers, and the ani i mated spectacle of ceaselessly mov ing and changing colors and forms due to the constant presence of throngs of the jewelled inhabitants of the air. What is more pleasure-giving and ! thought-inspiring that the sight of i the "burly, dozing humble bee," as I yellow with pollen as an argosy j of the golden age of adventure, ] rummaging deep in the corolla of I a flower, and buzzing from one rich j cup to another, a true "freebooter" lof the atmosphere? It is worth while to plant a little garden simply to draw to it these bass-viol players of the insect world. But, indeed, a garden is a me tropolis for insects. As the city I is the best place to study human i nature, because there you can find i an abundance of varied specimens, . following- their characteristic- oc cupations and revealing their pe [ culiarities under the stimulus of I many-sided contact, so the garden j presents you with an omnium i gatherum of insect species, where lit is both easy and interesting to, j distinguish between the evil doers j on one hand, and the innocents and benefactors on the other. As their tribes pass before you, | you should consider them philo ! sophically, as Bacon would have | done. If there are two or three | ant-hills of different species in your ' garden they will afford you • the I materials for writing an Iliad and lan Odyssey—which, perhaps, you ! had better keep for your own ex i elusive reading, because there are i more Troys than Homers. I Gardens are harbors for the most ! beautiful butterflies, which come like fairy-painted ships to visit them. The alleys are avenues that some times glitter with processions of brilliant-winged beetles, so ex t quisitely colored and polished that '• they seem like living jewels. Blue • birds, brown birds, red birds and . singing birds love a garden if it has ■* a few brancjiy trees overhanging the flowers. And when the gem of the animal creation, the ruby, throated humming bird, visits your garden you will feel repaid for all the money and time and labor it has cost, leaving you the beauty of the flowers as pure profit. Jugo-Slavs to Plan a Republic Cleveland, Aug. 20.—Fifteen hun dred delegates representing the Jugo-Slavonian Republic Alliance will meet here in September to plan a fight against monarchistic elements in Jugo-Slavia and to lay the found ations of a republican government. Italy's ambitions in the Adriatic and Serbia's proposed hegemony in the Balkans will be attacked, accord ing to L. F. Truger, a member of TOO MUCH FISH I FOR THE SAILORS Used For Food After Being Killed in Mine Explosion London, Aug. 20.—American sail ors on mine-sweeping duty in the North Sea, probably will not crave fish when they get back home. When mines are exploded in the process of clearing out the barrage, thou sands of lish are killed. One of the little sub-chasers in the fleet scoops up hundreds of pounds of them each evening when operations cease for the day, and distributes among the several vessels for food. The men enjoyed it for a time but now hate the sight of a flsh. One catch included a salmon which was cruising around miles out from land. Anglers say that a salmon should not be so far from land. , Advice to the Lovelorn HAS A SOLDIER FRIEND DEAR MISS SFAIRFAX: About a year ago on our way to New A ork, my brother and I encoun- ' tered a regiment of soldiers due for I overseas. My brother gave them some % re 5 s and b °oks. and we talked with them. One in particular I liked \ery much. He was well mannered and a perfect gentleman. He asked me wouldn't I write. We kept up a correspondence for ten months. When ho came home I met him with some flowers and he called once, and said he liked me very much. Previous to coming" home he was real serious irt his letters. But I said perhaps when we meet again we will both change our minds. He even wrote from the camp that lie liked me lhore than he thought. When mustered out he wrote lie had to go home, but would return the next week. His home is in New Hampshire. I haven't seen him since. That is three months ago. He writes me after neglecting me for six weeks that if I forgive him he will come down to see mesoon and explkin everything. I wrote a very nice letter, saying I would. Kindly tell me what you would do if you were I. I think a great deal of him because he is far from the ordinary. ANXIOUS. I fear you have expected too much from this accidental pleasant friend ship. It would be unwise to make any further advance toward this young man or to think of him in the light I of a lover unless he should unmis tagably prove himself to be one. REFUSED TO GO OUT WITH HIM DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: Several months ago I met a girl for the first time and I asked her if she would go out with me. but she refused, saying that her parents would not allow her. Now. Miss Fairfax, I know that the only possible way for us to con tinue our friendship would be for me to become acquainted with her par ents. As she shows no signs of invit ing me to her home do you think it would bo proper for me to suggest it to her? Several times I have met her in church, but being refused once I would not ask her again if she will go out with me. I am very much inter ested in her. F. F. P. I think it would be perfectly proper for you to ask the young lady if you may call on her, and I wish you the best of luck. Never a pout when sent on this errand —she has a vision 01 lunch with GUNZENHAUSER'S AMERICAN-MAID BREAD in dainty slices. She ought to be encouraged. Keeps her cheeks red and her little legs fat and round. Ihe GUNZENHAUSER Bakery ' | 100% American I' \2i\, DAILY HINT ON FASHIONS fj Ij "A COVER ALL APRON" 272 3—"This style is fine for. ging ham, seersucker, lawn, percale and calico, also for sateen, drill and khaki. The Pattern is cut in 4 sizes: Small 32-34, Medium 36-38, Large bust measure. Size Medium will require 5 3-4 yards of 27-inch ma- , terial. This would make a good service uniform in tan or blue galatea with pipings of red or white. A pattern of this illustration mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents in silver or stamps. Telegraph Pattern Department For the 10 cents Inclosed pleaae send pattern to the following address: Size Pattern No Name Address City and State MFor Ihe Kiddies y/^OUnQStfiTS MgS want a lot for the, KMy ; Triangle Mints nickel Ihey spend Mm ™lofewveriSd for candv-and ihey sugar and ihe purest certainly CJB I II >°? when they buy^ Triangle Mints. > There are lots of fresh, crisp / / Trianales in a package and eveiy / X one has that delightful, lingering X / Triangle Mints are as pure as / / candy can be made. X ,o X Wrapped in tinfoil lined X i with wax paper. -Evcrlasiingli-TRI ANGLI Good" y "PEPPERMINTS N i 1 O, Wintergreeo ClomClnpamgn , AUGUST 20, 1919. TIT FOR TAT. Two men who are quite well off,! but very miserly in their expendi-1 tures, met recently in the gallery of a theater. Each was annoyed to be seen by the other in the cheapest place of the house. "What brings you here?" each I asked the other. "To tell the truth," said the first,! "I've got a frightful cold in my head j and as the heat ascends I came up ! here where it was warm. Besides, I I'm a terrible sufferer from rheuma- | tism. But what brings you here?" ! ! Interior Painting j V A great many people are looking for- y{ ' ward to having their homes redecorated \ ■t 1 for fall and winter. Many have already \ J selected wall paper and draperies. 1 i €][ Look about the house and see where a \ f/ fresh coat of paint on the wood ivork will I greatly add to the beauty and comfort of j i the home. We shall be glad to estimate \ V on interior painting and suggest that you \ \ place your order with us at once. It is / t easier for us to do the "work now than it / | will be later on. J V THE BLAKE SHOP / 1 w Interior Decorations j i S 225 North Second St. |jl "My opera glasses!" "Your opera glasses?* "Yes; tliey enlarge too much. I can't see from the boxes what is go ing on on the stage. I have to comc. up here in the gallery to be able to see with them at all!" Connells ville News. Horlick's the Original Malted Milk. Avoid Imitations and Substitutes 7