Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 20, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
MINERS WILL REFER DEMANDS TO COMMITTEE Five Men From Each District Will Be Appointed on Commission Wilkes-BnPrc, Aug. 20. —The trl ciistrict convention of United Mine Workers of America has decided to refer the wage scale and other de mands to a committee of fifteen, five from each district. The com mittee is to be named to-day. Noth ing official was broached regarding the nature of the demands, but the sentiment in the main features will be an eight-hour day for all classes of mine workers and a wage in crease of fifty per cent. The representatives of the three anthracite colliery districts Nos. 1, 7 and 9, of the United Mine Work ers of America, yesterday wer.-t on record for a decrease of their work ing hours and for a boost of wages to sixty per cent, above the pres ent level, which includes war bon uses. The demand represents the offi cial claim of 14,000 workers, and it will be finally laid before the na tional delegates at the Cleveland convention in September. John L. Lewis, acting president of the United Mine Workers of Amer ica, was called from Indianapolis yesterday to take charge of the an thracite workers' meeting. Until he arrived the business was in charge of Thomas L. Kennedy of the Ha*'— ton region. Insurgents who have bolted the union and are still contesting the election of officers in district No. 1 attended yesterday's sessions, but re mained quiet. It was possible de velopments from them that caused the national officer to be called to the city. An effort will be made to tone down the anthracite demands before final action is taken at the conven tion. It is believed the curtailment of hours will be stricken out of the present demands, but that the draft of agreement to be offered the op erators in 1920 will insist upon the HO per cent, wage increase unless living conditions are ameliorated. Under the rule of the past the in crease would be transferred to the price of coal. GASINTHESTOMACH IS DANGEROUS Ileronimenda Fully Ise of Magnesia To Overcome Trouble. Canned by Fermenting Food and Aetd Indigestion. Gas and wind in the stomach ac companied by that full, bloated feel ing after eating are almost certain evidence of the presence of exces sive hydrochloric acid in the stom ach. creating so-called "acid indiges tion." Acid stomachs are dangerous be cause too much acid irritates the delicate lining of the stomach, often leading to gastritis accompanied by serious stomach ulcers. Food fer ments and sours, creating the dis tressing gas which distends the stom ach and hampers ttie normal func tions of the vital internal organs, often affecting the heart. It Is the worst of tolly to neglect such a serious condition or to treat with ordinary digestive aids which have no neutralizing effect on the stomach acids. Instead get from any druggist a few ounces of Bisurated Magnesia and take a teaspoonful in a quarter glass oi water right after eating. This will drive the gas, wind and bloat right out of the body, sweeten the stomach, neutralize the excess acid and poevent its formation and there is no sourness or pain. Bisurated Magnesia tin powder or tablet form never liquid or milk) is harmless to the stoma 1 "., inexpen sive to take and the uest form of magnesia for stomach purposes. ~t Is used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion. —— t 100% Vitality for Weak, Nervous, Men If yon suffer from loss of appetite; can't sleep; If your nerves are jumpy and yon go about depressed by that "all-in feeling," try MAKE-MAN TABLETS THE SAFE IRON TONIC Thoußanda hate been restored to perfect health and tiger bv this wonderful strength builder, it will rejuvenate YOt. Contains no in- Inrioiiß drug* is ••irmcrivei.v • JBe gura you )< fl. our Mono- J ;; /J it.-a.. 1 ■ j iiw#tat be [Price 50c SvVrol'n Ashland Supply House I St 6W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. COOL BLOOD -a The best health in surance that one can carry during the hot weather is to keep the I head clear and the M blood cool. The liver must be stirred up and the bowels kept regu lar. Remove the accumulation of poisons in the digestive organs and avoid clogging in the intestines by using MUNYON'S PAWPAW PILLS CONSTIPATION and PILES Cured I With Dr. Young's Rectal Dilators mm No drugs or opera* (L. TL jT • tion necetiaary. W WW W t3r Thouaands cured ffl II IE in by thissimploharni* H || II |H loss, scientific treat mm f m JjH xnent. Used by any. Uf If 10 fm l one. Valuable book W 10 VH Free. Complete Hot S3.7ft. Leading drug. ▼ gists or mailed on reeelpt o# trie*. Guaranteed satisfactory, f E TOUHB & CO. Grand CrMCini Chicafo ill WEDNESDAY EVENING. WANT RATES TO MAKE RAILROADS SELF SUSTAINING Railway Executives Suggest Federal Board With Broad Powers I Washington, Aug. 20. Recom j mendations of the Association of Railway Executives for return of the railroads to private operation under conditions that will insure adequate revenue and maximum service to the public were laid bc- I fore the House Committee on Inter state and Foreign Commerce to-day by Thomas N. Dewitt Cuyler, chair man of the association. Congress, under the plan, would direct the Interstate Commerce Commission "to approve rates which will enable the railroads to be self sustaining." The rate regulating authority to be vested exclusively in the central commission and re gional subcommissions. There would be no guarantee of income or divi dends by the Government. Would Have Broad Powers Broad regulatory powers would be vested in a Federal transportation board to be created as a co-ordin ate body with the Interstate. Com merce Commission. This board, to be composed of three commissioners appointed by the President, would be charged with general oversight of transportation from the point of view of the public interest. It would re lieve the Interstate Commerce Com mission of all functions except rate regulation, valuation and account ing. In regulating rates the commis sion would act upon certiiicaticyi by the board from time to time of the amount of revenues needed by a railroad to pay operating expenses and a "fair return" on the value of its properties and maintain credit sufficient to attract new capital necessary for the expansion of facil ities. It was believed, Mr. Cuyler said, the railroads should have from $700,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 of new capital annually for expansion of facilities to meet the growth of population and industry. To Distribute Traffic The proposed board also would have authority to distribute traffic when necessary to relieve congestion of certain lines, to require the use of joint terminals when in the pub lic interest, and, in times of national emergency to consolidate all lines into a unified system. It also was recommended that Congress author ize the consolidation of existing lines into strong, competitive systems," when considered to be in the public interest. The association recommended, Mr. Cuyler said, a great unification of public regulation of the railroads bv broadening national control. It believed, he said, there should be exclusive national control of the is sue of securities and the expendi ture of new capital. Provision for Federal incorporation of interstate carriers also was advocated. "To avoid the risk of financial dis aster," upon' return of the roads to private operation, Mr. Cuyler said the railway executives believed it necessary that the guaranteed stand ard return from the Government be continued until it was possible to "restore the equilibrium between revenues and expenses," and make the carriers again self supporting. It was proposed that this readjust ment of rates be undertaken by the Interstate Commerce Commission in' consultation with the Director Gen eral of railroads and the proposed Federal transportation board. Not Bragging About the Program, but Just Wait and See What Happens A "back to the land" movement j will be fostered by more than two I hundred Harrisburgers to-morrow | afternoon, when the members of the Hirrlaburg Chamber of Commerce will go to Guadaloupe, just back of Fort Hunter, for their annual picnic. The trip will be made in automobiles from Market Square at 12.15 o'clock, and the return to the city will be made shortly after supper in the eve ning. A certain amount of secrecy has shrouded the arrangements for the big picnic. Mercer B. Tate, chair man of the committee in charge, for instance, is not bragging about the stunts and plans that have been ar ranged. Other members are equally reti cent, merely nodding knowingly when they are asked about the huge affair. The picnic committee, how ever, wouldn't assume such a satis fied air, if it didn't have everything in completion for a bang-up success, said one Chamber member to-day. Mr. Tate was talking about things this morning. "There will be lunch and supper," he said, "and transportation to the grounds and back. We have plenty of automobiles. Fcr further infor mation, come out and see for your self." CONVALESCENT SOLDIERS REACHING CARLISLE Carlisle. Pa., Aug. 20. The fol lowing Pennsylvania overseas con valescent soldiers have arrived at the United States Army General Hospital No. 31: Francesco It. Bruelli, private, Sykesville; Charles A. Dill, private, Bradford; Itichard J. Sullivan, priv ate, McKeesport; Joseph J. Speeler, private, Pittsburgh; Thomas Montig ney, private, Wiikes-Barre; William K. Ritchey, private, Breezewood; Charles Shoemaker, private, Allen town; Stanley Andrews, private, Fair Chance; Russell Williams, priv ate, Sugar Notch; Carl R. Schifiidt, corporal, Harrisburg; Walter E. Aument, private, Lancaster; Carl Schlemmer, sergeant, Punxsutawney; Fred Drexler, private, Altoona; Ed gar I. Wilson, f private, Gilton; Joseph Grillo, private, Butler; Doyle Larish, private, Berwick; David J. Irwin, mechanic, Washington; George W. Gallagher, private. Gar rick; George A. Gross, cook, Golds boro; Edward L. Hinkle, private, Harrisburg; George 11. Lick, priv ate, Erie; George B, Fort, musician, Harrisburg; Michael Snee, corporal, Kingston; Jesse C. MeClellan, priv ate, Renfrew; Earl Lundquist, cor poral, Gil City; Oscar Kestler, priv ate, Millmont; Clarence Lytle, priv ate, Lilly; Jerome Balmer, corporal, Harrisburg. XAB 118 BOLSHEVISTS Youngs town, 0., Aug. 20. One hundred and eighteen Russians, al leged Bolshevists, are held in the county jail to-day as the result of a raid bf- Federal officials last night . on un alleged Bolshevik meeting in East Youngstown. Highly rudical speeches were made, it is said. An automobile load of red flags and Bolshevik propaganda were seized, i Federal officials said charges of ■edition would be filed. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. AdY,.' UPTOWN SITE IS APPROVED FOR AVIATION FIELD Flying Men Are Pleased With Ground at Cameron and Maelav Streets Following the action taken by the City Council yesterday in adopting I the resolution of Mayor Keister that ] the city gain the consent of the State ito take over the tract of land be tween the P. R. R. yards and the i Pennsylvania State Insane Hospital, I for an aviation landing ground, an i inspection of the sit was made yes terday afternoon. t V. Grant Forrer, with Colonel James B. Kemper and Lieutenants Liggett and Gunther, of the Trans continental Route Mapping Squad ron, made a visit to the Held and j the two flying officers thoroughly inspected it from every viewpoint. Both officers were unanimous in their statement that they would not hesitate to bring their ship into the field just as it is now. Lieutenant Liggett, who came In from Hazelhurst Field two weeks ago and was forced to land at the small field near Middletown with the result that he nosed over and smashed up his landing gear, was en tirely satisfied. "We can use this field as a 'three-way' approach field without any trouble whatever, and with a little work it can be con verted into a 'four-way' field, he said. "Of course, the small ditches in the middle of the field will have to be drained and the fence removed, but that can be done very easily. The soil is sufficiently well packed to permit landing in the worst weather. It is essential that Ilarrisburg get busy and put the field in shape, so that the next time planes come over the city looking for a place to come in. they will see the big white 'P 53' (Harrisburg's official designa tion) from a long distance. Held in Good Shape Lieutenant Gunther was equally enthusiastic about the possibilities of the Cameron and Maclay streets f To Insure the High Quality of Transportation to which Packard Owners are Accustomed I * IT is a fixed Packard principle that price is will tell you that there is little gamble in such a incident to quality. purchase—less than in many an ordinary car w, . , • t> i j _ fresh from the hands of its manufacturer. i Price advances in Packard cars are never made for any other reason than to maintain the _ , , . highest standards To men about to purchase Packards, a price . Wff ssstfS£Svr , drars chasing high grade steel and lumber ana fittings. When they buy a Packard they are buying e tx i * i 1111 f highest grade of motor car transportation. The Packard people have always ed t at t e They are buying the nerve rest which comes spirit.of the artisan is equally important and are from t J ave ling in the utmost comfort, confident that the advantage the Packard owner They are bu^ing the mie saving which comes * from gets in the performance of his car largely a having speedy, reliable transportation at their call for busi matter of the quality of workmanship and the ness or pleasure. Spirit of the workman. And they are buying fifty thousand, a hundred thousand 1? i> *8? miles of such transportation, more if they wish, without the j necessity for another initial investment. A Packard price advance is interesting to the Always with the highest possible used-car value to be present Packard owner because it draws attention to cashed in at any time. the cash value of his investment in transportation. Because the miles are built in the Packard ready for the We know of no motor car which brings today ne " , " an '° use when , the firßt ° wner iv f' . . curh a hi ah nprrpnfqo P f itc nnrrhnsp nrira on Packard representatives are always glad to talk about the SUCtI a nigh percentage or Its purchase price on true va j ue 0 £ motor transportation whether you are ready I the used car market. to purchase or not. You will find a call at Packard head- Men whose first fine cars were used Packards quarters interesting and profitable. "oAsk the Man Who Owns One" PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. of Philadelphia Front- & Market Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. , I GOOD ROADS RAISE j A LAND VALUES j I . The Hot property owner doesn't JL ---jjL I •wait for 4 real estate boom— 5 It*-~ | HXRRIBBURO TECEORXTH site. "The field could be "used at once it the telephone poles and wires were taken down," said Lieut. Gunther. "As it is now, no flier could come into the field from the eastern or southern side without los ing at least a hundred yards of valuable space; that is, his gliding angle would have to be sufficiently large to clear the wires, with the re sult that his wheels would not touch ground until near the center of the field. Then if the soil were hard and dry he might glide too far be fore he could stop. It would be very little trouble to put the wires under ground on the Cameron and Maelay streets sides and I'm sure that the telephone company in your city is public spirited enough to do that for a flying field and all that it will mean to Harrisburg." Both officers are with the plane which landed Saturday near Oberlin, and expressed the hope that they would get away to-day if the weather dried up their field. Both look for ward to the founding of a good transcontinental route and hope that Harrisburg will have a suit able field ready when they make the return trip from the coast. Mayor Keister doubtless will an nounce his committee to-day, which is authorized by the City Council to work with those committees from the Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs, the Chamber of Commerce. City Planning Commission and Council. Potash "Find" Found to Be Unimportant Stnio College, August 20. —Dr. Wil liam Frear, professor of experiment al agricultural chemistry and vice president, of the exjeriment station at Pennsylvania State College, an nounced to-day on his return from Tioga county that the potash "de posits" reported there are unimport ant. After a thorough inspection of the reported deposits. Dr. Frear said that his investigations satisfied him that the existence of any great rock containing deposits of saltpetei in Pennsylvania is improbable. HI'RT IX COLLISION In a collision with a trolley car, John A.May, of Lemoyne, was knocked from the wagon which he was driving this morning at Six teenth and Briggs streets, and suf fered a lacerated scalp. May is 64 years old. He is a driver for E. K Eraser, of West Fairview. MONEY PLEDGED TOY.M.C.A.WORK Finance Committee Approves Large Expenditures For Enlarged Program The finance committee of the Pennsylvania Young Men's Chris tian Association, met yesterday in the Penn-Harris with Chairman VV. D. B. Ainey of the Public Service Commission, in the chair. The last State meeting in January authorized the whole program, in cluding the district work, provided the funds could be secured for the added extension of the district work. This the finance committee agreed to guarantee at once, au thorizing the State secretary to go ahead with all possible aeitvity to the permanent manning of the dif ferent districts." ' The budget for this combined work for the next twelve months was adopted and provides for the expenses and maintenance of the office, publicity and general ex penses attached thereto, aside from the salaries and expenses of the eight district men to be'appointed for giving special attention to the smaller tpwns yet unorganized. The object of this departure which has been under considera tion and careful study for several years is that the association may reach every man and boy of asso ciation age in the entire State and do for that man and boy what needs to be done. The Y. M.C. A. with its equipment and personnel skilled in industrial developments of all kinds, and in special work for boys andumen has for now over seventy five years succeeded in demonstrat ing to those who have taken notiio that it is the organization adapt able to the needs as found in our communities, including cities and rural lines. Its record is open for inspection to all. James B. Graham, president of the Northern Central Trust Com pany at Williamsport, was elected chairman of the finance committee. In accepting this position Mi. Graham assured the chairman that the finance committee will not be found wanting in meeting the de mands now luid upon them. At this time the budget for the year was adopted, amounting to, in rour.d numbers, a little over $60,000. This the committee proposes to secure in the future. The committee will oe ready at an early date to submit final details of the campaign which will be State-wide. The following gentlemen are the members of the finance committee, and represent many of the leading citizens of our State, under who.'.e person supervision the interests of the State will be cared for: James B. Graham, Williamsport; Franklin Williamson, Lancaster; Austin Blakeslee, Dußois; Charles L. Hus ton. Coatesville; W. F. Bennett, Warren; T. J. Gillespie, Pittsburgh: Thomhs L. Kane, Kane; GifTord Pinchot, Milford; E. O. Emerson, Jr., Titusville; G. W. Gensemer, Pine Grove; John H. Brooks, Scran ton; John W. Walters, Johnstown; W. S. Lane, Greensburg; W. Lovell Baldrtdge, Hollidaysburg; H. M. Keller, Mazleton; Christian Walter, Wilkes-Barre; E. J. Stackpole; Har risburg; Ernest Mayer, New Brigh ton; J. M. Steele, Philadelphia. Republicans Make Big Gain in Mifflin County Lowistown, Pa., Aug. 20. Voters party enrollment figures just com piled in the County Commissioners' office show that since August, 1917. the Republicans have gained 705 votes, while the Democrats' gain is only 169. Newton Hamilton Bor ough is the only one of the twenty seven voting districts in the county where the Democrats lead in the party enrollment; Heretofore Demo cratic districts are now Republican. The total of enrolled voters in the county are as follows; Republicans, 4,364; Democrats, 2.288; Socialists, 219; Prohibitionists, 37; Washington, 8. The number of unenrolled voters has decreased from 2,879, in 1915, to 844 in the present year. MISSION' OFFERING $96,728 Lancaster, Aug. 20. With the close here of the annual Christian and Missionary Alliance Convention, attended by several thousand dele gates from all sections of the coun try, announcement has been made that collections taken for mission work total $96,728, or more than $20,000 above last year's aggregate. AUGUST 20, 1919. CHINA TO WAIT Peking, Sunday, Aug. 17. A | mandate declaring war with Ger- ! many at an end will not be issued ' until the Treaty with Austria is signed, it was announced to-day. Meanwhile the Government is con sidering what measures will be taken when the mandate is issued, such as whether Germans will continue to enjoy the right of extra terri toriality. Dr. Lewis Says Hot Sun and Heat Weaken the Eyes Tells How to Strengthen Eyesight 50% In One Week's Time in Many Instances A Free Prescription Yon C'nn Have Fllleil and t'se nt Home. New York. N. Y.—Do you wear glasses? Are you a victim of eye strain or other eye weakness? If so, you will be glad to know that, ac cording to Dr. Lewis, there is real hope for you. He says that exposure to sun, smoke, dust or wind often produces eyestrain, and people living | in warm climates should frequently t bathe the eyes and be careful to pro tect them from extreme light. This prescription will prove of great value to many eye sufferers. Many whose eyes were failing say that they have had their eyes restored through the principle of this wonderful free prescription. One man says, after trying it: "I was almost blind; could not see to read at all. Now 1 can 1 read everything without my glasses | and my eyes do not water any more. At night they would pain me dread fully, now they feel tine all the time, i It was like a miracle to me." A lady | who used it says: "The atmosphere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using tltls prescription for | fifteen days everything seemed clear. , I . can even read tine print without ' glasses." It is believed that thou sands who wear glasses can now dis card them in a reasonable time and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be ALL MAKES STOVE and Di?PAIPC , FURNACE KEF AIKS o™; M„n MANUFACTURERS STOVE REPAIR COMPANY 2 E. Washington Street, HAGERSfTOWN, SID, NO TRACE OF GOLIATH Paris, Aug. 20. Nothing has ! been heard from the French air- I plane Goliath, which left Mogadier, Morocco, for Dakar on Saturday morning. Hope Jias not been aban doned and searching parties are con tinuing their work inland. The coast between Mogadier and Dakar has been scoured by men sent out to took i for the machine. spared the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonder fully benefited by following the simple rules. Here is the prescrip tion: Go to any active drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto Tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and allow to dis solve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear up per ceptibly right from the start and in flammation will quickly disappear. If your eyes are bothering you even a little, take steps to save them now before it is too late. Many hopelessly blind might have been saved if they had cared for their eyes in time. NOTE—Another prominent physi cian to whom the above article was submitted said: "Bon-Opto is a very remarkable remedy. Its constituent ingredients are well known to eminent eye specialists and widely prescribed by them. The manufac turers guarantee it to strengthen eye sight no per cent in one week's time in many instances or refund the money. It can be obtained from any good druggist and is one of the few preparations 1 feel should be kept on hand for regular use in almost every family." Sold in this city by the Kennedy, the Croll-Kellcr and J. Nel son Clark stores. 5