Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 20, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
2 DAY'S NEWS IN CITIES AND TOWNS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA LIGHTNING KILLS WOMAN IN BLAIR Bolt Strikes Chimney, Then Turns on Mrs. Mary Regina Rice Altoona, Aug. 20.—While closing a window on the second floor of her home at Eldorado, during a storm yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Mary Re gina Ebersole was struck and killed by a bolt of lightning. Her lifeless body was found shortly afterwards by Louts Conrad, whose home ad joins and who made an investiga- Cicn. Mrs. Ebersole had been working In the kitchen when the storm broke and she went bo the upper story to close the windows in the bedroom. One of the windows was close by the chimney which was struck, the bolt diverting to the woman's body and striking 'her on the breast. The upper portion of her body was badlv burned and her hair and eye brows singed. The current followed her body down the right side ana tore off the right shoe. Court Takes Child From Careless Relatives I.etinnon, Aug. 20. —ln juvenile court here yesterday Judge Henry swarded Clarence Fortna, North Ann ville township the custody of Elmer Zellers, twelve year old lad of this city, after it was proven he is being neglected by his mother, Mrs. Annie Zellers, and his aunt, Mrs. Harry Moudy. An older brother, William Zellers, aged 14 years, of whom cus tody was sought on the same charge by Mr. Fortna, was paroled for the time beink- SOLDIER COMES HOME Marietta, Aug. 20. Chester Stump, of Bainbridge, who was in the foreign war zone fbr over a year, has returned to his home, hav ing been mustered out of the service. He was attached to the infantry and spent about thirteen months over seas. fcliSj sS're RHief DELL-AN S Mfor ineigestic:* Says Eat Less To Put on Flesh And Get Strong Thin weak, nervous wrecks, who want to put on flesh, get strong and fine, can almost invariably do so in two or three weeks by taking with each ineal a 5-grain tablet of the great French nerve and blood build er known among druggists here as Blood-Iron Phosphate. Big eaters are often thin as a rail simply because the food they eat is not assimilated. Blood-Iron Phosphate, by strengthen ing the nervous system and enrich ing the blood, promotes the normal activity of those vital organs upon which the processes of assimilation and metabolism depend, thus enabling you to make use of the very last bit of nourishment from the food that you eat. If you don't feel well, if you tire easily, don't sleep well or are too thin, go to Geo. A. Gorgas or any other good druggist and get enough Blood-Iron Phosphate for a three weeks' treatment —it costs only 50 cents a week—and take as directed. Eat less, chew your food thoroughly, ahd if at the end of three weeks, you don't feel stronger and better than you have for .months; if your eyes aren't brighter and your nerves steadier; if you don't sleep better, antl your vim. vigor, endurance and vital ity aren't more than doubled, the druggist will return your money for the asking and Blood-Iron Phosphate will cost you nothing. 'fHENRY GILBERm ] (NO SON DISTRIBUTORS js Buffalo Forge Co. "| i H DRILL PRESSES { ' B FORGES I HABDWARESMiLL " jffUES J WEDNESDAY EVENING, Mechanicsburg Aspirants File Nomination Papers Mechanicsburg, Pa., Aug. 20. Nomination papers are finding their way to the commissioners' offlce and the following petitions were i tiled from Mechanicsburg: Council- j man, S. A. .Burgard, Republican, Third ward; L. S. Sutton. Republi-j can, First ward; C. H. Matthew, Re- I publican, Third ward; H. M. KlocU ner, Democrat, Third ward; G. H. Derrick, Democrat, First ward; E. E. Nailor, Democrat, Fifth ward; W. O. Myers, Democrat, Fourth ward; W. A. Fink, judge of election. Fifth ward; Howard Sutton, inspector, Fourth ward; C. M. Cocklin, judge of election, Third ward; John Spriggs, election inspector. Third ward; H. T. Bender, judge of election. First ward; G. W. W. Garretson, judge of election, First ward. Two Hurt in Collision When Automobile Skids ! Mcchnnlosbiirg, Pa., Aug. 20.—Chas. Nailor tried to turn his automobile | out of the way of a motorcycle which was speeding toward him last evei nirig, but the machine skidded and Nailor was unable to avert a collision. The motorcycle was overturned and .the occupants, J. R. Seaman and wife were thrown out and injured. Their hurts were attended to by a local physician. Neither the automobile or motorcycle were badly damaged., | Nailor engaged an automobile to con | vey the injured husband ahd wife to | Harrisburg. They were not seriously ihurt. The accident happened, at the lower end of town. Army Captain Aspires For Place on York Ticket York. Pa. Aug 20. Excitement was caused in local political circles i yesterday, when Dr. J. Fletcher Lutz. of Glen Rock, at present bearing the rank of captain in the army, filed his petition at the last minute as a candidate for the Republican nomina tion for the offlce of County Treas ! urer, opposing Stuart Lafean ! Another late hour petition was that i of George T. Eckert, of Felton, a soldier who lost his arm in France, who desires the Republican nomina tion for the offlce of Register of Wills. His opponent is Samuel B. Meisen helder. Renovo Yardmaster Dies at Lock Haven Hospital i • Sunbury, Aug. 20. W. H. Ryan, j a former resident of Sunbury, pass- | ed away at the Lock Haven hospital j on Monday. The remains were taken to Renovo for burial. He was the son of the late Michael Ryan, of Sunbury, and was yard master at the Renovo yards of the Pennsylvania railroad. He was aged 50 years and is survived by a wife and several children. His brother, C. D. Ryan, of Renovo, and a sister, at Milton, also survive. He had been ill about a year. Sale of 2.75 Beer Casts Clearfield Co. Man Permit Clearfield. Pa., Aug. 20. Judge ! Bell yesterday revoked the retail li- j quor license held by Jacob Snyder, of Blue Ball, this county, for selling 1 2.75 per cent beer. This is the only case known of in this section 2.75 beer has been sold. When Pall ed before the court. Snyder said that he did not know whether or not it was a violation of the law to sell 2.75 per cent beer and Judge Bell replied "Then I will satisfy your mind on that point by revoking the license granted you by this court." Knights of Friendship Hold Session in Reading Heading, Pa., Aug. 20.—Grand Sir j Knight Marshal H. A. Gerhart, Philadelphia, presided at the opening session of the fifty-ninth annual State convention of the Knights of Friendship here yesterday. It is proposed that a committee of five bo appointed to take" some ac tion to honor the members who served in th e World War and that a past grand sir knight marshal as sociation be formed. Bolt Fires Barn and Crops Near Millersburg i Millersburg, Aug. 20.—During the 1 sever thunder storm yesterday the barn on the farm of Roy Heinbatfeh, a half mile northeast of Millersburg was struck by lightning and destroy ed. The cattle ho>ses and other farm stock were rescued with the excep tion of a cow which was killed by the bolt which set the barn on fire. The seasons crops and farm machin ery were entirely destroyed. The loss will be about $5,000 with about half of that amount insured. Harrisburg Man Buys Real Estate in Perry Liverpool, Aug. 20.—The public sale of the property .of the late John Koch, familiarly known as "Daddy" Koch, was well attended here. Some of the antiques brought fancy prices. One' small kitchen mirror was auc tioned off at S4O. The • real estate was sold to Frank Kock, who bought , the small property for $500; William j Ball, of Harrisburg, bought the large | property for S6BO. The vacant lots | were sold to Paul Cox for $475. BUYS DILLBBIRG PAPER Dlllsburg, Pa., Aug. 20.—The Dills burg Bulletin has been sold to J. W. Yeisley, of Cressona and Millport. The new owner will take possession immediately. Mrs. Yeisley will man age the local paper until her hus band severs his connection with other business. TALK With False Teeth? SURE Dr. Wernet's Powder Keeps them firm. Prevents sore gams. White. Flavored. Antiseptic. If your dental plate is loose or drops, to get instant relief use Dr. Wernet's Powder regularly. , You can eat, laugh, talk with ease. Guaranteed by Wernet Dental Mfg. Co., 116 Beekman St., N. Y. 25c, 50c, ft SI.OO. ,At Drug and Department Stores. Refuse > , Thim im thm oririahi*"i'fk STATE'S PYTHIANS IN ANNUAL GATHERING Members of Order Gather at Lancaster iind Are Heartily Greeted and Given Freedom of City by May or Trout's Spokesman; Will Dance Tonight Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 20. The fifty-second annual State convention of the Knights and Sisters of Pythias is being held here. The convention was opened yesterday morning in the Martin Auditorium, after a short parade through the principal streets of the city. All at tendance records were broken and the meettrig place was packed. Alderman W. S. Doebler called the session to order and the audience sang "America." A short prayer was then made by the Rev. M. W. Schweitzer, Calico Lodge, No. 400. After this Captain William C. Rehm gave a short address of welcome. He said that the visiting Knights and Sisters of Pythias were as welcome to Lancaster city and county as the flowers of* May. • The city solicitor then gave the "key of the city" to' Norval R. Dougherty, grand chancellor, on be half of Mayor Trout, who could not attend the meeting. The audience sang the "Star Spangled Banner." Mr. Dougherty gave a short talk and thanked the local Pythians and city officials for their co-operation. He said there were more than 8,000 READING STARTS WAR ON PROFITS Farmers and Grocers Oppose Forestalling Ordinance at Mayor's Conference Heading, Pa., Aug. 20. —Farmers and retail grocers clashed with citi zens and the city council in a spe cial public conference here yesterday arranged by Mayor Filbert to dis cuss an ordinance introduced by Councilman Hunter providing reg ulations to govern the purchase of products from the farmer by the re tail grocer before they have been brought to the market stands. The ordinance makes it unlawful to purchase or contract for any products while they are on their way to the city markets, and conferences between dealers, which result in a fixing of a uniform price for goods offered in the are also barred. The Retail Grocers' Association was represented by Joseph R. Dick inson, attorney. A number of prom inent grocers were at the session. In addition there were at least a dozen farmers. All members of council were in their seats and the citizens, in addition to their elected officeholders, were represented in the no uncertain statements of How ard Quaintance and Harry Eckman. The session frequently became stormy. Occasionally the mayor was compelled to call for order when a number of men engaged in per sonal arguments. The corridor out side of the council chamber was filled with a crowd of people, all anxious to hear what each side had to say in regard to the bill. "I dont believe," declared John E. Clouser, a grocer who opposes the ordinance, "that half the people of Reading deal in the markets and can prove to you that in many in stances the price of things at the grocery stores are less than in the market. I can prove that by some of the best citizens of Reading." Councilman Hunter, father of the bill which has aroused such general discussion, asked if it is not true that grocess go into the markets before the people have had a chance at the stands and pick the choice of provisions, "leaving the less desir able for the regular market patrons. Walks Seven Miles When Copperhead Bites Hand Lewistown, Pa., Aug." 20.—Lloyd Briton, of Granville, is suffering from the bite of a copperhead snake. While working for the Vincent Lum ber company in the Licking Creek valley he reached for a stone and a snake that lay coiled nearby struck him on the fleshy part of the middle finger of his right hand. Briton was alone and crushing the wild indigo plant he made a poultice for the wound, then walked seven miles across the mountains to the office of a doctor. The arm is badly swollen. ACCEPTS MOUNT UNION CALL Mt. Union, Aug. 20 —The Rev. David Stewart Curry, of Clarinda, lowa, who was given a unanimous call to the pastorate of the First Presbyterian church of Mount Un ion, according to a telegram re ceived by Charles Howard Welch, secretary of the committee, has ac cepted the call, and will take up the work with the local Presbyterians the coming month. PICK MANY BLACKBERRIES Lewistown, Pa., Aug. 20. H. H. Fisher and family, of Granville! have picked and shipped in excess of 1,000 quarts of blackberries this season for which they received 10 cents a quart or double what has been paid for them in years gone by. Fisher's family consist of eleven children and when they made an attack on a patch of wild berries it was cleaned out in a short time. STILL SEARCH FOR BODY McVeytown, Pa., Aug. 20.—Several hundred men, about 100 of them from the Juniata shops at Altoona, have dragged the Juniata river in cessantly for the past sixty hours in the vain hopes of recovering the body of Miss Mildred Alice Holton, 16 years old, who drwned in the Juniata while bathing at Zooks Is land Sunday. WILL BUILD NEW CHURCH Columbia, Pa., Aug. 20. Holy Trinity Catholic parish at a meeting in the parish hall added $14,500 to the first subscriptions of $16,000 to ward the erection of a new church building to replace the present struc ture which has been In use more than sixty years. Another meeting will be held to arrange for a can vass of the parish to complete the subscriptions. ATTEND REUNION HERE Marietta, Aug. 20.—A large num. I her of members of the Ream family , in Lancaster county attended the j annual reunion of this clan in Res , ervoir Park, Harrisburg, yesterday. A feature of the reunion was the "notes" read by returned soldiers. N. W. Ream re-elected presi dent of the clan and another re union voted tor next year* BXKRIUUUUU TLLUiRAPfI Pythians ift the Wonjd War and that many of them lost their livfcs. He told the audience that the Pythian Sisters and Knights had come to Lancaster because they knew it was famous for its hospiltality. The music furnished by Burger's Military Band was one of the chief features of the session. The band gave several selections and received much applause. Mrs. Alice B. Dale, grand chief of Pythian Sisters Qf Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Sophia Rassler, grand shield of Pythian Sisters of New Jersey, also addressed the Knights of Pythias on behalf of their sisters. John N. Hetrick gave a short greet ing address. In the afternoon both the Knights and Sisters of Pythias held business meetings at their respective head qyartcrs. In the evening the Pythian Sisters gave a reception in the Hotel Brunswick ball room. To-day is being spent in making preparations for the election and dance. The election will be held on Thursday afternoon and the dance will be held to-night at the Hotel Kossmere. REPORT VALUES OF COAL LANDS Xortliiimberland Co. Commis sioners Get Einal Eig ures From Experts Sunbury, Aug. 20.—Estimates of of the value of the coal lands In Northumberland county have been practically completed by Engineers Sekol and Monroe, the county com missioners were informed here to day. Some slight changes are being made, but the report presented to the commissioners will be practically unchanged. The previous estimate of $107,000,000 will substantially be the final figure. The representatives of the coal companies whose lands in Northum berland county are affecft-l by the increase in valuations, will confer with the commissioners at a meet ing at the ourt house on Friday of this week. The figures as estimated by the engineers will not be placed on the assessment books until the com panies are given an opportunity to state their case. Should an agree ment be reached, the assessments will he laid and the taxes collected. Should the companies decide to fight, the case will be carried to the county court. Mt. Wolf Workmen Get Fortune in Labor Bonuses Mt. Wolf, Pa., Aug. 20. Between fifty and seventy-five thousand dollars were paid out to-day by the Mt. Wolf branch of the American Wire Fabrics company to employes in bonuses. The money will be paid on a sliding scale. Over 300 employes will be affected and 100 draw about S3OO apiece. Miner Confesses Theft of $l,lOO at Coupon Store Altoona, Pa., Aug. 20.—After one administration of the third degree, Robert Ducoli, 21, coal miner, con fessed yesterday that he had stolen $l,lOO from the mining company store at Coupon, and led the police to the woods where he burled the cash. Every penny was recovered. Ducoli was held for trial. WANTS TO BE SPEAKER Hagcrstown, M., Aug. 20.—Leon R. Yaurt.ee, one of the Democratic candidates for the Maryland House of Delegates from this county, has announced his candidacy for the speakership of the House if elected this fall. Mr. Yourtee served two terms in the Legislature and is well known at Annapolis and throughout the State. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS OF SONS New Cumberland, Aug. 20.—Mr. and Mrs. George Capp, of Bellavista, announce the birth of a son, George Aaron Capp, Sunday, August 17. Mr. and Mrs. William Chronister, of Second street, announce the birth of 1 a son, George William Chronister Monday morning, August 18. Mr' and Mrs. Arthur Zimmerman an nounce the birth of a son on Tuesday August 19. WOMAN EXPERT ANOLER Lewistown, Pa., Aug. 20.—Mrs Lizzie Hamilton, of the Lewistown Narrows, caught 35 pounds of eels a 10-pound river carp and two suck ers weighing four pounds each while fishing 'in the Juniata river in the Lewistown Narrows last night. This is said to be the largest catch made by an individual with hook and line in a decade. . LITTLE LINES FROM NEARBY F.nhant—Miss Ethel E. Aungst, who spent the past week visiting friends in Lewistown, has returned home. DUlsburg Harry Spahr, a rural mail carrier, caught In the woods near here two monkey faced owls. Turnpike—-The canning factory at this place was reopened yesterday by Albert Rehmeyer, the proprietor. DnlliiKtown —Harry Mowory, York, and Miss Anna Bailey, this place, were married by the Rev. Robert D. McKeehan. Marietta —Mrs. Susanna R. Weaver, 74 years old, of Martic, Lancaster county, dropped dead as she arose from the dinner table. Windsor Charles Adair, Lower Windsor township, has purchased 80 acres of farming and wood land ad joining his own farm, for $3,500. Gettysburg The seventh annual picnic of the Marsh Creek Hunting Club was held yesterday in the mountain west of Cashtown. Laurel —A reception will be held on Thursday evening in the New Har mony Presbyteriun church in honor of the returned soldiers and sailors York —Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Sanner and frank Gise, of this city, have re turned home from an auto trip of 1,700 miles and through 11 States. Gettysburg—Private Curtis Klme, perhaps the youngest soldier who went to the European war trom Hungry Thieves Feast on Loot Outside Home Hagcrstown, Md., Aug. 20.—Break ing into the residence of County Commissioner D. Harry Anthony while he and members of the family were in this city attending a band conoert, thieves stole three large cakes, some bread and several jars of fruit and going outdoors feasted on their loot. Later the same men, it is supposed, stole a ham and other eatables from the dinner table at the residence of Abram Martin, near Maugansville, while Mrs. Martin was out pf the dining room and made their escape. • Bolt Hits Railroad Station; Stuns Employe Ilager.stown. Md., Aug. 20. —Dur- ing a severe thunderstorm yesterday a bolt of lightning struck and badly damaged a corner of the Western Maryland railroad depot in this city. Baggageman Garver was stunned and hurled against a platform and injured when the bolt, which hit a large chimney, followed it into the baggageroom, tearing away a large glass awning and creating fissures in the brick walls. The damage amounts to about SSOO. Surplus Fund to Be Used as Memorial Halifax, Aug. 20.—Halifax is to have a public park as a memorial to its soldiers, the celebration com mittee has decided. A committee, consisting of W. Thomas Willits, Dr. J. W. Neff, M. W. Ettor, G. M. Smith and C. C. Baker was appointed to look for a suitable site. The celebration com mittee, after paying all bills, finds a surplus of over S4OO. This will be used for park purposes. Husband Killed on Way to Bedside of Dying Wife Columbia, Pa., Aug. 20.—While on the way to the bedside of his dying wife, Herbert Bailey, a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey, of this place, was struck by a train and in stantly killed at a New Jersey cross ing yesterday morning. The tele gram announcing his death reached Columbia shortly before noon. His wife, who was overcome by gas, died during the morning. Palmyra Will Assist Hummelstown in Welcome . Palmyra, Aug. 20.—Representatives of the Hummelstown P. O. S. of A., paid a visit to Washington Camp No. 192, Palmyra on Monday and invited the latter to participate in the wel come home ceremonies which will be staged at Hummelstown on Labor Pay. The Palmyra Sons immediately accepted the invitation with the an nouncement that they will turn out in force and help make the celebra tion a grand success. Bite of Insect Results in Blood Poisoning Mechnnlcnbiirg, Pa., Aug. 20.—Bit ten by an insect, H. M. Hess, a West Main street groceryman, has liis right hand swathed in bandages and is being treated for blood poison. Hess remembers that some days ago he was bitten. WILL ATTEND CONVENTION Mechanicsburg, Pa., Aug. 20. Mechanicsburg Union of the W. C. T. U. will be represented at the an nual meeting of the Cumberland County W. C. T. U., which will he held in the Evangelical church at Lemoyne on Thursday, August 21, by Mrs.-Ella Cline and Mrs. P. L. Beist line. Among the other members who will be present from this place are Mrs. John H. Bowman, Mrs. C. E. Umberger, Mrs. W. A. Cornman, Mrs L. G. Firestone and Mrs. J. A. Gohn. STORM HEAVY IN MIFFLIN Lewistown, Pa., Aug. 20. Two unusually hard storms visited Mif flin county, one on Monday evening and the other on Tuesday afternoon. The sky grew so dark lights were turned on in all business places. The downpour of rain was heavy and much damage was done to vegeta tion in gardens and on farms. Many low lands were Hooded. SISTERS ARE BRIDES Glenville, Pa., Aug. 20.—The Rev. W. H. Ehrhart performed a double wedding ceremony when two sisters. Katie Ellen Miller and Florence Luella Miller, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William Miller, near Green Ridge were married respectively to Leroy Hinkle, Hanover, and George Hamilton Lau, Porter's. PASTOR ON VACATION New Cumberland, Aug. 20.—0n ac count of the pastor, the Rev. H. C. Heighes taking a vacation, there will be no preaching in the Church of God on Sunday, Aug. 24. ENTERTAIN AT CARDS New Cumberland, Aug. 20. Mrs. Edith Feight entertained at cards at her home on Market Square yesterday afternoon. [Other State News on Pnge 4.] Adams county, has been discharged and returned home. Wayneaboto —Sentiment Is running high at Penmar park over the water famine, and the failure of the Rou zerville Water Company to adequately serve its consumers. Gettysburg —The annual reunion of the King-Mcllhcnny families, two of the oldest families in Adams county, was held to-day at the Great Cono wago church near Hunterstown. Felton— S. 8, Grove, engaged in the lumber business here, figured in his seventh automobile accident, when in trying to turn his car around it overturned on him. He escaped ser ious 'injury. Marietta —On Saturday there will be a base ball contest at the Mari etta Storage Yards between Maytown and the Storage Yards nine, the pro ceeds to be given to the Community "louse Fund. IloiizcrvlUc —Announcement of the marriage of Elmer Baker and Miss Elizabeth Wcddle, which occurred in May, 1918, and has been kept a sec ret, is now made here. The couple were married in Baltimore. Carlisle —The third annual reunion of the Lebo family will be held on Saturday at Boiling Springs Park. A business meeting will be held at 2 P. M., after which there will be games and sports. Several prominent speak- I era will make address#* LIVERPOOL WILL HOLD BIG PICNIC Sunday Schools Ready to Hold Outing at Rolling Green To-morrow Liverpool, Aug. 20. —Fair weather is all that is needed to make the J annual Liverpool Sunday school pic nic to be held to-morrow t Rolling Green Park a success. Many people already have arrived here for the event and many more will be here by evening. Nothing has been left undone In the arrangements. At 8 o'clock Thursday morning autos will transport all picnickers free to the park. An unusual program of games and contests has been arranged for the day. The Liverpool Citizen's Band will furnish music. All stores and business places will be closed and the town people will have a gala day at Rolling Green. Retired Pennsy Employe Dies Suddenly at Home Columbia, Pa., Aug. 20. — Henry L. Wanbaugh, a retired Pennsyl vania railroad carpenter, and. a vet eran of the Civil War, fell dead late yesterday while working at repairs in a house near his homo. He was descending a ladder when he was attacked by heart disease and dropped to the lloor in the room in which 'he was working. He was seventy-seven years old and the last of his family. His nearest surviv ing relative is a granddaughter, Mrs. Walter Deaner, of Mr. Wanbaugh belonged to the Pennsyl vania Railroad Veterans Associa tion, the P. It. R. Relief, Grand Army of the Republic and Bain bridge Council, No. £3l, O. U. A. M. He was a prominent member of Trinity Reformed church. Mail Flier Forced to Land Near Reedsville Lewistown, Pa., Aug. 20.—United States mail airplane No. 92, becom ing lost in the heavy storm that passed over this section on Monday afternoon, was forced to land in a wheat field of Harry Reed, near Reedsville. The aviator was on his way from Cleveland to Beliefonte. The machine came down with force enough to cause it "to sink into the ! soft ground. Ten bags of mail were | being carried in the machine. The driver had reached the vicinity of Beliefonte, but could not land there on. account of the storm. Steering towards Lewistown he became be wildered. The machine was but slightly damaged and the driver un injured. He remained at Reedsville over night. Merchants Take Steps Against Shoplifters Hagerstown, Md., Aug. 20. —While consumers are arrayed against re tailers here who are accused of profiteering, merchants of the city have organized to fight, expose or prosecute female shoplifters who are accused of stealing hundreds of dol lars worth of goods. The •mer chants as individuals hesitated about taking action against the women, some of them being prominent so cially and wealthy, and they finally agreed to organize for self protec tion and to apply the law whenever necessary. The merchants have employed a lawyer to handle all such cases and hope to break up the practiic. % Reading Supervisor Tells Foremen of Improvements Lebanon, Aug. 20. Supervisor Joseph G. Brand, of the Harrisburg division, Philadelphia and Reading railroad, yesterday morning held a conference with all section foremen employed between Reading and Har risburg, at his offices hero concerning work and improvements contemplated during the next few months. New equipment recently received was demonstrated and the foremen made familiar with its operation. This is expected to bo of valuable assistance in rush work and derailments in the future. Greencastle Masons Will Observe 50th Anniversary Greencastle, Pa, Aug. 20.—Mount Pisgah Lodge, No. 443 P. and A. M., will observe the 50th anniversary of its founding next Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings. On Sunday evening religious services will be held in the Presbyterian church. The sermon will be delivered by the Rev. T. O. Keister, of Staunton, Va„ a member of the Lodge. On Monday and Tuesday evenings' meetings will be held in the lodge rooms, with a number of prominent speakers in at tendance. 3j fcmin Jpsnw ' What does your coffee cost you More money headaches- | sleeplessness? There's a reason in fact there are many reasons for changing from coffee to Instant Postum j —at grocers AUGUST 20, 19T9. New Bridge at Burnham Completed by Contractors Lewistown, Pa., Aug. 20. The new concrete bridge at Burnham, near here and just completed, is " lan a hundred foot span with -4-foot abutments. During the con struction the contractors had much to contend with, as unusually high water carried away much of their scaffolding and other material and caused them big loss. ' -T - • I I I -i I 11 'I I * 1 Some Plain Facts About I Furniture Shortage ——r—" at I Grand Rapids, Mich., as most people know, is the furniture center of the United States. Twice a year 350 of the leading furniture manufacturers of the country, in addition to about 40 local makers, exhibit their samples there and take orders for six months ahead. This year the Summer expositfon-and-sale was sched- J tiled to begin June 2d and continue for one month. It closed practically within a week €As a matter of fact most of the factories were oversold the first !jj More than 2200 retail buyers i attended the sale. The highest S number in former years was I 800 of the buyer* were there }"j the first day—all of them within If the week. Formerly they* used i h to come gradually—Eastern buy- I v nr 1 ers first, Western buyers later— fe 1 1 after the Fourth of July. f This year they pounced upon | J Grand Rapids at one time. Hotels had to put from 4to 16 ft igSqKSfa cots ' n a room to house them. ft Private homes had to open their doors. Factpry showrooms were bombarded. Literally hun- g dreds of buyers were clamoring to get in at 8:30 o'clock I on the first Monday. When admitted the buyers over ran the place, made out their own orders (prices are always marked in plain figures on the furniture), took. [ these orders to the office and said, "Ship as soon as you can." Some of the factories closed up their display roomstj SI after the first day "to see where they were at." Most |s of them were sold out. Now why this condition? Here were buyers from stores in every part of - the 1 country offering to | Because they had let their stocks run down (§ff :| daily last,year after the ■ I -JKSIm I armistice, expecting lower | prices, which did not —IJ come and will not come. In addition the strike in |§) the big furniture centers of Rockford, 111., and ' ' jLt4lf Jamestown, N. Y., pre vented them from mak ing furniture. All this means a shortage of furniture —a bjg shortage It means prices will not drop they will even go | higher, and are going higher. | Why then do we continue our August Sale? Because we have the goods, bought long enough ago to have secured low prjees. And because we are merchants and not speculators We could close the sale now, mark up the | H prices on the basis of 1 S M P resent wholesale costs I y 9 niture next winter and T '*' P- H s P r ' n ff at abnormal U But our way is to "f~ p|i, B sell as we buy —so the | uT" 1 —— sa ' e continues. After .investigating the Grand Rapids market, talking with manufacturers and dealers, we reach the conclusion | that we are selling furniture—our kind—at lower prices I than any other store in Harrisburg. The people must know this fact, for our August Sale I is increasing over any former year. There have been so many shortages—actual and |1 threatened —food, wool, ice, coal—that we hesitated to K tell of this furniture shortage. But the story of Grand Rapids is so unusual and so full of meaning that we feel the public is entitled to know the facts.- It will act as it I thinks wise. THINK IT OVER. Speeders Add $240 to State Highway' Treasury GettyNbnrg, Pa., Aug. 20. Two hundred and forty dollars was added to the treasury of the State High way Department last week by fines imposed for violating speed laws on the Lincoln Highway. State Police Shaver and Confer made twenty-four arrests for exceeding the speed limit of thirty miles. Each offender was fined $lO and made pay costs of $4.25.