Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 20, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
ft MILES OF L ROAD CONTRACTS Bork to Be Sturtcd on Nearly ■ Three Million Dollars' p Worth Soon Within the next Hi \ V • //J\ few days State BV\\ fy*S/Jk Highway Com- IN\\\A /Toil mlsntoncr Lewis HEgyCOyjO 8. Sadler will let I contra( 'ts for a ■ 1 of 63 miles ■IWTgHQQBti of state Highway. ■ | (MgyteKSl The bids were op ■OTSiSBISJ ened yesterday an( l tj,e low bid- —" ILV'HVMIL rj ders show the work, if let on Hat basis as is in nearly every in- Bancc the case, will cost In all $2,- ■49,520.83. The bids are now being ■Embarrassing Hairs BCan Be Quickly Removed ■ (Beauty Culture) ■ Hairs can be easily banished Horn the skin by this quick, paln- H>ss method: Mix into a stiff paste ftme powdered delatone and water, on hairy surface and in 2 or rub off, wash the skin and be free from hair or blemish. in very stubborn growths, application is sufficient. To disappointment, buy the dela ~ in an original package. 10 keys to memorize!\ All lOkcysat fingertips—quickly memorized. You odd, multiply, subtract, divide faster, easier, more accurately. Operators use touch method and acquire lightning speed. Does all that complicated ma chines can do and morel Ask for practical demonstration in your office on your own work. [ GEORGE P. TILI.OTSON 206 LOCUST ST., If A RRISBURG Opp. Orpboam Theater '■ Sale* offiAiu and icrvica Mtationc in principal cirim THE GLOBE "Keep Your Eye On the Clock" THE GLOBE • THE GLOBE'S One Thousand Suit Campaign OVER— # N Well, we've gone "over the top" by a wide margin, and now every purchaser of a Man's or Boy's Suit is assured the FIVE PER CENT. BONUS. We told.you in the beginning that if we sold over One Thousand Suits by August 30th we would refund FT\ E PER CENT, to every purchaser. On Saturday we passed the 1000 mark. To-day the Clock says 1040. I Now Just Another Word—- Clothing is going higher and higher and we want to impress upon every person the importance of buying now. Don't put it off. Don't say, "I'll wait until next week," but come TO-DAY. In addition to our greatly reduced prices, you are assured an additional FIVE PER CENT, return. S2O Suits at SI4AO S4O Suits at p? Sfl $25 Suits at fjilQ.Sft $45 Suits at<s37 50 S3O Suits at 50 SSO Suits at 50 $35 Suits at S6O Suits at fljß SO Hot Weather Clothes Reductions sls Palm Beach Suits . sio.oo sls Breezweve Suits . . $11.50 $lB Palm Beach Suits . $14.50 S2O Mohair Suits $17.50 S2O Flannel Suits $17.50 $25 Silk Pongee Suits .$18.5Q THE GLOBE % • WEDNESDAY EVENING, tabulated and worked out In detail by Assistant Commissioner Biles, who will announce the results within a very short time In order that there may be no delay in starting the work, which will be completed for the most part before the snow files the coming winter. Appointments Governor Sproul | to-day announced the appointment | of Webster Griffith, Ebensburg and John D. Walker, Johnstown, to be members of the Board of Trustees for the Western State Hospital for the Insane at Blairsville, Indiana county. Confer on Guard ■ — Adjutant General Frank D. Beary, Major Gen eral William Price, commander qf the Pennsylvania National Guard and other officers were in confer ence at Jit. Gretna to-day relative to the reorganization of the National Guard. The annual rifle competi tion will end to-morrow and junior rifle teams will receive $4 95 pay and the senior teams and executive officers total of $1,795.92. Examiners Named State Bank ing Commissioner John S. Fisher to day announced the appointment of S. 15. Dennison, of Warren, and It. S. Huth, of Scranton, as State Bunk Examiners. The resignation of Ex aminer C. H. Barlow, of Wilkes- Barre was also announced. Mr. Dennison was connected with the Warren Savings Bank and Mr. Ruth is an expert accountant. Mr. Bar low is leaving the State service to become special examiner and audi tor tor the banks of Scranton. DANIEL MADER DIES Daniel Mader, widely known Dauphin county farmer, died last night at his home in Coxeetown of acute indigestion. He was 69 years old. For a half century Mr. Mader was a prominent member of the Coxestown Church and was the pioneer trucker along the river road. He leaves the following chil dren: Mrs. Harry Wagner, Mrs. Blain Hassler, Mrs. Roy Hockcr, Laura, Nellie, Walter and Clarence Mader. Funeral services will be held in the Coxestown Church Sat urday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, the Rev. J. G. Davjs officiating. Burial in East Harrisburg Cemetery. SUED WITH P W FACE Also Had Blackheads, Was Healed With Cuticura. "I had pimples, blackheads and enlarged pores, and they disfigured my face foe several weeks. Some of the pimp lea scaled over and some came to a H .. p) head. They were scattered over my face and itched. A T Then I used Cuticura Soap 3* si and Ointment, and I used about twocakea of Cuticura Soap and | twobozecofCuticuraOintmentwhen I v/as completely healed." (Signed) Miss Lillian Eicher, 4034 FairtUl St., Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 3, 1919. Use Cuticura for every -day toilet purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. 2 - 5c 7. 0 *>~>! 23 ad 60c, Talcom 25c. Sold throughout UM world. For sample each free address: "CvticmJUb. orjtoHeff, Dept. H, MikUa, Mam.** By Cutfaga So*? ihty tt withwl—g. BOOTLEGGERS ARE HELD FOR COURT Two Confess to Bringing Whisky and Gin to Steelton John FlamUch, a Reading hotel proprietor, and Jesse W. Long, of Shllllngton, a small town near that city, were each held under $750 bail for the United States court by Com missioner John A. F. Hall, on charges of violating the war-time prohibition law prohibiting the sale of distilled liquors. The two men. it is alleged, brought quart bottles of whiskey and gin to Steelton lact Thursday. Friday and Sunday, and sold it at $4 to $5.50 a quart. Both made wrlfcte nconfes sions to Chief of Tolice Hiram r. Longnuker, at Steelton. These wtre produced at the benring this morn ing. Long, it is alleged, bouht the whis key from Flamlsch. who has a liquor license for y4l Chestnut street, Read ing, then brought it to Steelton. lin Sunday Officer Dmitar Kajganlc. I of the.Steelton force, who had been told by the chief to watch for Illegal liquor sales, caught the two men in their machine with a suitcase con taining eleven quarts of whiskey, in the rear of the outo. He placed them i under arrest, and testified before I Commissioner Hall that on the way I to headquarters he was offered S2OO I if he would release them. Fether Released From Charge of Girl Murder Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 20. Don ald W. Fether, of Los Angeles, Cal., student at Cornell University, charged with murder in connection with the death of Miss Hazel Crance, i of Ithaca, in Cayuga Lake, July 19, j was ordered released on the ground of insufficient evidence by Supreme Court Justice Michael H. Kiley, at Cazenovia, last night. Justice Kiley reviewed the evi dence in proceedings on a writ of habeas corpus. Authorities of Tompkins county had ordered the student held for the September Grand Jury at Ithaca. Attorneys for the accused claimed that the proceedings under which Fether was being held were illegal and that as yet there was no evidence of crime. Fether had known Miss Crance but a few days when he invited her for a canoe ride on Cayuga Lake, from which she never returned. He claimed the boat was accidentally upset and that he was unable to res cue his companion. Two Men Drown When fug Sinks During a Storm Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 20. Two men were drowned when the tug Maurice and two empty sand barges sank in the Delaware river off Glou cester. N. J., last nij. t during a heavy electric and wind-storm. Three other members of the tugs crew were rescued. Several motorboats and other small craft moored in the river were dragged from anchorage and sent adrift. It is feared a number of them were sunk. Considerable property damage was caused by the storm. HAKRIBBURa^SiS&iTELEGRXPa OF theJJ \ L MOTIVE POWER IS GROWING SLOWLY Federal Administration Has More Engines Coming; Car Order Is Short Motive power conditions are im proving slowly. New equipment is being turned over almost daily to the Federal Railroad Administration, but the arrival of the new equip ment is not showing much improve ment in overcoming train delays. A number of railroads report engines sidetracked because of needed re pairs, and lack of forces to make the lepairs. On June 30 the total number of new engines turned over to the United States Government was 1,504. These locomotives are now in service. The order for lvrw equipment is still un filled, a total of 526 engines being still on the order books. I.ocomotives Received To date the following locomotives have been received: Cight Mikado 533 Heavy Mikado 233 I.tght Mountain 25 Heavy Mountain 14 Light Pacific 36 Heavy Pacific 13 Light Santa Fe 15 Heavy Santa Fe 116 Light Mallet 15 Heavy Mallet .......... 47 Six-,wheel Switch 230 Light-wheel Switch 143 Total 1.504 The Federal authorities report big shortages on the tar orders. The United States Railroad Administra tion ordered 100,000 cars. Only 60,- 430 have been received from the builders up to June 30. Cars arc also needed at present. Repair shops on the various lines are working over time to keep up the oquipmnt. Pittsburgh Division Is Showing Coal Records Since the last general notice, is sued on August 6. relative to coal economizing, additional tests we,e made on the Pittsburgh division, showing most gratifying results ir economizing. In two trips made by train Ro. 35, running east with ten cars, twenty-five minutes was made up on each, and 370 and* 253 shovclsiul, respectively, were used. The weight was 7,770 and 7,413 pounds. < In the freight service, train 135S made the run with forty-nine cars in five hours and twenty-six min nutcs, with 547 shovels, weighing 17,046 pounds, while train 950 made the run in five hours and thirty nine minutes with fifty-three cars, using 900 shovelsful, weighing 16,- 200 pounds. An engtneman and fireman made seven successive trips between Pitts burgh and Conemaugh without per mitting steam to blow off at the safety valves. These performances are highly commended by Supcrin. tendent It. T. Morrow. Railroad Notes The eight-hour rest order on the Pittsburgh division has been an nulled because of a shortage of trainmen. F. W. Smith, of the claims de partment of the railroad adminis tration, will speak to freight agents in Harrisburg to-morrow. He will explain safe methods for packing and how to prevent losses. Seventy-five employes of the Mid dle division yesterday assisted in dragging the Juniata river at Lewis town for the body of Miss Mildred Alice Holden, who was drowned near McVeytown on Sunday. John Cook, special officer for the Philadelphia and Reading Railway at Lebanon, who has been on the sick list, is again on duty. The relief statement of the Read ing Relief Association for the month of June shows receipts, $28,645.57, and expenses, $21.- 576.04. John Seheifele and E. O. Borrell, of the -Philadelphia and Reading Railway, who attended a confet ence of the committee of the Inter state Commerce Commission at Washington, returned home. The object of the meeting was to con fer on the experiments and the re sult of handling the trains on the Frackvillc grade by means of air. ' Standing of the Crews IIARRISRi nr, SIDE Philadelphia Dlvl-lon. The 117 crew to go first after 3.30 o'clock: 114, 121, 127. Firemen for 121. Conductors for 114. Brakemen for 117, 121. Engineers up: Baston. Rennard, Koeneman, Brown, Shoaff, Schlegel mileh, Bickel, Anderson. Firemen up: Kautz, Clark, Kirchoff, Strickler, Shlskoff, Kase, Klmmich, Stitzcl, Copp, Bickel, Ellis, Dlckover, Vogclsong. Brakeme.n up: Weaver, Wiebuer, Smith, Frank, Home, Boughter, Brooks, Kiliian, Zollers, Itannon, An derson, Silks. Middle Division. — The 256 crew to go first sifter 2 o'clock: 251, 15, 34, 30. 17, 225, 26. , Firemen wanted for 23, 15, 34. Flagmen for 34. Engineers up: Enrley, Rowe, Cook. Krelgtr, Moretz, Nickles, Kreps, Hawk, Fisher, Fitler, Brink, Leib, Sweigart. Firemen up:- Buss, C. H. Myers, Elickor, Grabill, Brookhat, Bowers, Delancey. Keiter, Isenburg, Kertz. Brakemen up: Steininger, Clemm, Forbes, Foltz, Linn, Kipp, Bell. Ynrd Board. —Engineers wanted for 6C. 22C. Firemen for none. Engineers up: Myers, Heffleman, Iluffington, Auman, Milller, Biever, Essig, Beck With, Machamer, Gibbons, Cless, Ewing. Firemen up: Hoover Holtzman, Rive, Roberts, Bums, Houdeshel, Gardner, Runley, Dearotf, fetinc, Paul, Ross, Sour-eer, E. Krug'-r, Mensch, Engle, W. C. Kruger, Henderson, Sel way. ' EIV OLA SIDE Phlladelphln Division. The 248 crew to go first after 3.45 o'clock: 213, 249, 261, 232, 236. Engineers for 251, 232. Conductors for 213, 249. Flagmen for 213. Brakemen for^2sl. Brakemen up: Arbegast, McCon nel), Spcnce, Renshaw, Harhian, liurl, Coover. Middle Division. —The 226 crew to go first after 1.45 o'clock: 255, 114, 112, 119, 113, 102, 222, 245, 239. Brakemen for 116, 112. 102. Yard Ilonrd.— Engineers up: Shuey, Fleckinger Myers Guibe. Firemen up: Holmes Hnwbaker Al bright .Boyer, A. W. Wagner. Engineers for 3d 129. I'tSSENttKn SERVICE Middle Division—C. Hollenbaugh, L. H. lticedorf, W. G. Jamison, J. H. Uitmer. Engineers wanted for none, firemen up: F. A. Potteiger, H. G. Hess, A. L. Reeder. H. B. Thomas, J. L. Fritz. R. F. Mohler, B. C. Shene felt, E .1. Shessley. Firemen wanted for 23. I'hlliidcliihln Division Engineers up: W. O. Buck. H. W. Gillums, C. B. First, H. Smcltzer, V., C. Gibbons, M. 1-leam, C. Madenford, E. C. Snow. B. A. Kennedy. Engineers wanted for none. ' Firemen up: J. M. Piatt, W. Ault house, F. L. Floyd, M. O. Shaffner, J. S. Lenig. f Firemen wanted for 98. Lion Tears Leg of Boy at Sunbury's Carnival Snnhary, Pa., Aug. 20.—When a big male lion stuck its claw through the bars of its cage at a carnival showing here, it struck George Nagle, aged 9, son of C. William Nagle and badly tore his right leg before attendants I beat It off with iron bars. The child was taken to the Mary M. Packer hospital where doctors said he would recover. The boy got too close to the cage while an attendant's back wffs turned. 'KILLED BY LIGHTNING Huniinel.stowii, Aug. 20.—Ralph Keller was instantly killed by light ning yesterday afternoon. The fatal stroke came during the heavy elec trical storm while he was sitting at his desk in the office of the Hofter's quarry. Several other workmen were slightly injured. He is sur vived by his wife and five children. Funeral announcement will be made later. KARL 11. CROOK DIES Hummelstowii, Aug.' 20.—Eail Bertram Crook, son of Mr. and Mrs Ellis W. Crook, of Hoernerstown, died yesterday afternoon. Funeral services will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the house. Burial will be made in a Hummela town "Cemetery. , ajiiiiiiiiiiminiiiiimiiiiiii I REIHW™ I 3 ew re H I | T is oversize, has an extra ply of 1 pwj J | A fabric and an extra heavy tread. I fcjj I Its big size and its red top with light fr"* I side-walls distinguish it from every pi J other tire made. CT— ' - Each month since this tire was S^"l put on the market it has been neces- S™| ■jjl sary to add to equipment in order to g I ZZf meet the demand. SHHf ■H - Its popularitythas been instantane- > FH* 3| I ous and permanent and will continue pj 1 to grow because it has features that KjjZf clo other make of tire is duplicating. H 1 Next time-BUY FISK 1 3 . At all Dealersß FISK CORD TIRES FISK BLACK NON-SKIDS FISK INNER TUBES tj Biaw mi—'—lM ■■■ll——l ■ ■ IWIIII I llS— ■—llJ—gj—L—W," J l r BOY SCOUT NOTES A meeting of the activities com mittee of the Steelton Council will be held this evening at 8 o'clock in Trinity parish house. Plans are being made whereby Boy Scouts cun sepure their own cots and blankets for use during camping trips. The athletic teams are planning to give a variety show some time in September. The funds are to be used to purchase athletic equip ment. A meeting of the teams has ( United States Grain Corporation Will Sell Flour to Wholesalers and Jobbers The United States Grain Corporation is prepared to divert from-its flour purchases and to sell and deliver to Wholesalers % and Jobbers straight wheat flour, clean and well milled, in 140- pound jute sacks, basis, $10.25 per barrel delivered in carload lots on track in territory east of the Illinois and Indiana line and east of the Mississippi river from Cairo to the Gulf. Wholesalers and jobbers in purchasing flour from the United States Grain Corporation must guarantee not to sell at more than 75 cents per barrel additional, and the wholesaler and jobber in turn must require a guarantee that retailer will not sell at more than $1.25 per barrel over the wholesaler's price, in original pack age, and at a price not higher than 7 cents a pound for broken packages of any size. , All applications originating in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, must be sent to the undersigned. UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION H. D. IRWIN, Second Vice President 272 Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa. j li AUGUST 20, 1919. been called for this evening at 7.30 in Trinity parish house. GOOD START IN GAME PRESERVATION Although game breeding in the United States is still in its infancy there are to-day more than a mil lion affiliated bird students and con servationists, and half that number of sportsmen who are working for 11 bird, and game preservation, says the American Forestry Association, of Washington, which" is conducting a national bird-house building con test to aid in this worthy movement. It has been shown that many wild game birds can be propagated suc cessfully in captivity. In nature probably less than 10 per cent of the eggs of game birds develop into ma ture birds. By artificial cultivation as high as an 80 per cent yield has often been attained.