Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 14, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
POTATO GROWERS MEET TOMORROW Spraying Demonstration Will Be Held on Jones Farm A potato growers' field meeting, under the auspices of the Dauphin County Farm Bureau, will bo held to-morrow afternoon on the farm of William H. Jones, four miles east I Banner Value Day; Big One Day Event; Friday! | p?;$7.5Q jfo 33c SI.OO A s|s2.oo 557.50 i§? 50c 8 I Women's cJhSuit, 111 Ij For V' *>' For' i 1 J2?£SS 1 %SS>]4Bll;frißA Mfl af *)wl! omen ' s , Dresss Women ' s Capes Women ' B Skirts | hi material, slightly unmatched colors sizes 2to 6 years only n . tce,y trimmed; all [v., jl3 - !j§i U ; U on?y 18 tt d Po,din; values to $20.00; terlal with pockets and but- |j 10 v s■•■■...i ■!.— - \ Floor.———— f X—Second 3 * lIC LJaullCl V dIUC LJay .18 someming linitjllc dresses in the lot. only 5 Capes in the lot. ton lined, only 23 in the lot. IIS IU • • * 11* r. • .1 so YWt V Second Floor. V Second I' J*• n,,,,,. .J S' ~ T~Z > f— ——— in our store s selling program. It is the bsg OfSiii , v , v [U S 95c fs3 89c @51.95 DAYeventthatsur P as ses anything that has the $9 95 79C I p or U-.l -p nature of a one day sale. Prices are marked down with- hjEJn f c/C m [u ° r or For out regard to value. Lots are small in many cases but that Vj. For J For For Girls' Dresses Men's Pants Serge Dresses only adds to their desirability. Not only savings are here Women's Coats Women's Auto Capes Women's Skirts S S soned%oro f r S G sr Z cfT S io To" Made ° f Khaki ' sizes 30 ' For women (navy blue >' 1D St ° re f ° r Y OU tomorrow but worthy goods of the kind Made of all Wool G Made all Wool Plaids. Made of Gray Mixed Wash H 1 STEaSSta IheVof * "i SLS'n 'thTl'ob lu v Floor / \ Fir,. Fi,.r._ /V second Floor very early. Store opens at 9A. M. and closes at SP. M. °". 3 -!'... and 43 - the omy 39 in me lot. N. mrnrnn iimi wimin ________ "" j |Jj I pfßanner V alue August Hosiery Sale w f§; Banner Value Sale of Muslin Underwear fg| 11 I ~ Several Thousand Pairs of Hosiery For Women and Children k The Greatest August Event of Its Kind We've Ever Held 11 1 Great Mill Purchase at Advantageous Prices coming season There are hundreds of items in t-h' 1 k *'f ; y you: for the ■ m mere are hundreds of items in this sale, beautifully trimmed, artistically made dainty | U W women should supply themselves for months to come at these prices and at the same time | musli n underwear in an almost endless variety. The values are unsurpassed. Sale on Friday. A outfit the boys and girls for school with hosiery of reliable quality at the biggest savings in Women's Muslin AO Children's Princess /C! Prettv Envelcoe d lon I ft] U many months. | Gowns at "OC Slips at Chemise at $1.09 BLi M 500 Pairs Children's 300 Pairs Women's /Lr 250 Pairs Women's I teHal P Tce[v S fhmmeTTvlth nTu embrowTT" nicTTniT-hv'' 5 ' t, ' l ,7 rned ' ful ! cut - weU mude of Lacc trimmed buck anVfront. Shown in aI y? H Stockings. Pair .. C Lisle Hose. Pair.. Silk Hose. Pair. . . ' e m h ro i dery , , n , e qu , Uy mU8llI? . alzes 2to 12 yeara , ■ | *|l 3 p a i,. s for 7 C Dnirs for SI.OO Women's Fibre Silk Hose, seamless, fash- |.. • , _ OU'IJ ' A/2 1* on ;-> ~r . r ■ I Sii Phiidren's Riirk Pihbed Cotton Hose re Black T.isle Seamless, fashioned ioned feet, double sole and heel, garter tops, B INainSOOk GoWHS d* t 1 A niaren S mUSlin 'M Oeauiltu! Envelope OA Ifi 1 j I hoe, and toe, first auai.ty, sizes 5 Barter in chan,pagnc ' sray and at Drawers at OC Chemise at $1.09 |^j hi jrA n • \\t Slip Over style, prettily trimmed with lace ! of good quality muslin, hemstitched ! Made of finest nainsook, lace trimmed 1!^ iM _ _. _ . _ OOU rairs Women S 911 qnn r> • W1 and embroidery, cut full, good length, all ruffle - full cut, nicely made, sizes 2t012 ' I>at ' k aml front, a large assortment of pretty Sfil S 350 Pairs Girls; zL- Cotton Hose. Pair "C 300 Pairs Women s <9l 4C **. ( ..... ■ © Stockings. Pair 'mIXSKS' wom e „? B Ts'r<.ai ""'HO,',, Nainsook Gowns djl OA Girls' Cambric Body O Women's & Misses zIQ. || hi "" . fashioned feet, lisle reinforced toe and heel, of U/ J, a mj ■.. . . Drawers at JL L Ml Girls' Black Ribbed Cotton Hose, rem- "7QQ P a i rs Women S A Barter tops, first quality, in black, cordovan. &t Y V Waißtß at .. C/L ~ „ 7 ....... Si forced heel and toe, first quality, sizes 8 * an a rr ciiiicii o navy, silver, gray and field mouse Slip Over styles, lace and embroidery trim- r, . P , „ Muslin Drawers made of good quality ma- ni h| to 9Vi. C||l. Hrscsa Pai'i* k-/ Ll L mod, full cut. well made; regular and extra R f inforcefl seams, taped buttons, full cut, ferial, finished with tucks and embroidered tg HJ 311K nose. - b O V ira nicely made sjzes , to 14 yettrs ruffle, in open and closed styles, also In a JSs _ . . Women's Silk Hose, (fibre and thread 1 1 rri n_\i/ J. _ _ . J i envelope style, all sizes. hi 500 Pairs Bovs /fl Silk), fine quality, mock seam, full length lOU V airs WOmen S fl* 1 AC A/I 1* r> r- 1 . I R k S Stockings. Pair .. Silk How. Pair. . . Muslin Gowns $1 OA Envelope Chemise OA Corset Covers ** qj g| jIH tions, but will not hurt the wear and we 150 pairs Women's Black Thread Silk Hose, I yAU 4/ IL a f C | Ss Boys' Black heavy ribbed reinforced heel consider this a wonderful bargain. They heavy quality, full length hoot, mock seam,' I In Slip Over and High Neck I.onr Sleeve Made of n iinsnn'u- .rillli M and toes, first quality, a splendid quality for come In black, white, brown, gray and field fashioned feet, silk lisle garter top, first I styles, embroidery and lace trimmed, full cut, embroiderv, 'pretty 'styles full cut nl-Tlv .h,M ° f f oo '' nilin ' :ook ' lilco and I | wear, sizes 7to 11. mouse. I quality. I a u sjaes. | madcj sizes 36 to 44 ™ly | enßn trimmed, full cut, nicely finished, |hi hj KllllfllTll ll*M First Floor. |SinBaBaBnHBMBBnnHBHRISSBIB99gaHHaHißi i S \ banner Value Day Friday I Banner Value Day Friday Only I I Bi Banner Value Day Friday 1 (N WASH. SKIRTS 5' f' 2oo Voile Dresses fp Pi 2000 Stunnind Waists j? 111 11 Three Bid Lots Go Into This Sale Values to SIO.OO 8 I Tllere are six lots in this sale and you can rest assured that we have made f iljj Mj | b-1 \ Lot 1 I Lot 2 Lot 3 </ <J save money. Sale on Friday. Banner Values. I P Wash Skirts Wash Skirts Wash Skirts OneoltheßigFeatureitems WAKTS 95c WAISTS $1.79 WAISTS $3.89 IU 1 TT i rhr r\n \7QIHAC ;n are 8 0in S se H these smart voile dresses on Banner 1 A 1315 I S , Values to $5.00 values to Values $1.50 Value Dcay, Friday, in one cf the largest events this ctnrc A wonderful assortment of Beautiful White Voile Waists. fine Crepe de Chine and IliJ 4D /I C. "9 h as had in a Inner time Three o i t t pretty Voile Waists in white and Jammed with lace and em- Georgette Waists, lace and em- IIS |k| . r J V ,3 S |)9 n , , aa ln , 3 lon g time. These are the prettiest dresses > . , . broidery, shown in a number of broidery trimmed, in a number Ini Bit . £kX an <J- that have been shown this season, many of them arrived ' ' <,a so n very pretty styles, perfectly of pretty styles, shown in flesh, lOJ JS iZJ during the past week. Every one of them is a beautv tailored models, sizes 3b to 46. made and finished, sizes 36 to white and black, sizes 36 to 46. I 2§j [y anT a whipco G rd ba TiTe C fineTt°ma! Excellent quality of Gabardine I I J h , e , are the b e st grades of voile and are in florai banner Value OA _ \VAIT RQ lhi KiJ terials :ind the best tailoring. ,|, ;-m ri a e The' aA2%kirt?"that and well tailored, big pockets, I 8 and other designs. The range of colors include the best I 8 WAISTS QQ WAIS TS PT , .Ok/ ||U |U These are from our regular we sold throughout the season at b M trimmed, waist measures I I tone S- 1 hey are daintily made and prettily trimmed. All The largest and most attrao WAISTS Beautiful Georgette and Crepe ISI ZzS stock—our best skirts. They tit $2.0. Buy them for next sea- ■ B slzes f nr irH umi-r.n d.... 4 u • I mrj,eac ana most dtirae- ■ de Chine Waists, new Fall color- H Illil 111 as skirts should fit. All sizes JJ" n if J V' U d °"'f need them now. 2S, 29 and 30 only. A wonderful H I . 1 ' Z three at this tive assortment of lino Voile • Pretty Crepe do Chine ar."d ings, such as taupe gray brown I 'si {§! from 24 to 36 waist measure, but ? v ,v to pay hißher n prices lot of skirts at the lowest price I 8 P" Ce * None on approval, none sent C. O. D., none exchange- Waists over shown in our store Georgette Waists, nicely em- navy, bisque, flesh, white and Ihi only a few above 30 waist than over next year. Sizes from of the season. Better buy two I I able, none returnable. white and colors in the sc.,son'.. '"•°' d crcd. also in plain tailored black, handsome beaded and | IU measure. jlto 30 waist. or three of them. | I Kaufman's, 2nd Floor ... . style, flesh and white, full cut, embroidered models with and I Kil Jk* I B | latest models, sizes 3b to 46. all sizes, 36 to 46. without collar, sizes 36 to 46 I MMHHHHBBHBMBBHHOBBnBBD Ivaiifninn*H Second Floor. lOBnvHBaBBHBBHBHHHHnMHW ~ mmanJ LML.a tTiUMmtrws ____________ I jD —MM———SMi l\ Jl II ft 1111 11*8 FirMf FIOOT. WWBMtfXJUATJI^—HrMWgg—BgM— —I^l I 14c jg 9c 44c 'o3For|Q c 95c J 15c J51.45" J 79c 1 I C F£S' s J e ± Handkerchiefs Leather Purses Bathing Caps Sateen Petticoats MT„'S Dress Shirts 1 M Vests sleeveless and low neck cotton Vests high neck, long double finger tips, 2 clasp. 3 row. 300 womer/s hemstitched Cot- omen s Leather Purses. 150 v/omen's Rubber Bathing P;;®"y Sateen Petticoats, made 191 Men's Dress Shirts made |M tests, ciess ana tpn neck, sleeve, open front, sizes Ito 6; embroidered in white black assorted styles, back and top women a KUUDcr Bathing ot fine quality sateen in white, gt llg! sizes 36 and 38. 3 for 25c. gray and brown. ' ' I ton Har.-dkerchlefs. strap Caps, in green and red. navy, emerald and Copen blue, f , a . , ~r all jSjl hi First Floor First Floor P \ First Floor First Floor * V j, prettily tailored flounces. 1 4 to 11 . 1.-o talue. [U N e<onq ' ">r. ~ V First Fl"'- " \ First Floor. S| ii 'f&j'- 35c 10c 59c 79c $1.45 95c | |&]i 75c $1.35 I B >-r' For ' For For For J For [*• For j For 1 ® Boys , Union Suits Men's Hose Men's Union Suits ft oys ' Bathing Suits 2 ; pairs Women's Oxfords Play Oxfords & Sandals -jt p Children'sPumps,Oxfords,Shoes i-M J kJUya Uttimilg UUILd and p umlJ3 . Oxfords are black 4 , nalrs rhlMrpn's Piov fi, "* UIIICII S A Uliips _ 72 t' alrß Children's Mary |}M .Zl 131 Boys' Mesh Union Suits. 339 pairs Men's Hose, black ,"9 Men's White Ribbed Un- in? Bovs' Bathing B,'ults nla'n and tan and brown kid; Rouls fords and Sand Oxfords are P, i n,p8 ' . Oxfo ' ds wl a n d S Sj 32; 53c value. Oct; 25c value. <2, .1,00 U*l." d h.V 2 ,kln R„„,a„ „lt; .!„ IU. canva. co.cr; mlllurr c.tt; .1... IH4 ,o 2. Hl 8 k JjJ II Fir.t Floor . v . . 6 to 8 heels: Hize 3 only - shoes are white canvas; button hi lif 95c 65c Z $1.95 95c iZ: $3.95 29c i? 59c "© 29c 1 | For | por por L4.--L For tj-j For [T'l For [>. For W For W Bed Sheets Window Shades Curtain Stretcher Acme Freezer Electric Irons Cretonnes -rc a .„ r . . H Hjl 72x90 Seamed. Bleached Bed Good quality dark green Good, strong Curtain Stretch- 2-quart Ice Cream Freezer; ITOIIb GreiOlHieS UOlSter LaSCS DreSS GmghdmS |[g Sheets, good quality. Shades, size 3x6. er. with stationary pins. frepzes cream In sto 10 min- Economy Electric Iron, fully 36-inch Cretonnes. In excel- 4 2x7 2 Bleached Muslin 80l- 3'-inch wide good mmlltv LSI rfl ~,," C U,r,,, B —~" n0.....00. lent designs and colorings. st cr Cases. Dress Gingham S % \ y . •. " THURSDAY EVENING, of Harrisburg. At this time a potato spraying demonstration will be held and a field of potatoes will be raised, part of which were left unsprayed and the other treated by spraying. By observing the difference between the sprayed and unsprayed potatoes, it will readily prove the value of a little extra labor and expense in making and applying Bordeaux mix ture as a spray material. Prof. E. L. Nixon, extension specialist in plant pathology, will be at the meeting to discuss the vari ous diseases confronting the potato growers of Dauphin county and the means of controlling these diseases. All farmers or growers growing one- half an acre or more are invited to attend this field meeting. Negro Gangs Wage Battle With Pistols Baltimore, Aug. 14. A pitched battle in which many shots were exchanged by two gangs of negroes on Whatcoat street was stopped Tuesday night by police before it had time to gain much headway. To-day the leaders faced Justice De marco in the Northwestern Police Court. No one was wounded. KJkimissrcnßQ TEtixsmaLPH Austrian Soldiers Oppose Efforts to Establish Monarchy Berlin, Aug. 14.—1t is reported from Vienna that the entire armed forces of Austria are protesting against alleged efforts to establish a monarchy. The soldiers, in a demonstration before the Parlia ment building, urged that the re publican form of government be re tained. There were similar demon strations in the country districts. Baby Strangles Itself While in Its Bed Baltimore, Aug. 14. —Her head j wedged between the matress and the side of the bed. Frances L. King, six months old. daughter, of Mrs. Thomas King. 1512 Clifton avenue, was strangled yesterday morning' while her mother was on the first j fioor of the house. Mrs. King had given the baby her j bottle and gone to the lower fioor ! to attend to household duties. She j returned in half an hour to find that ! the infant, evidently scrambling I around the bed, had become so wedged that it could not get away. Apparently its struggles had caused I death and it had been unable to cry. New Jap Ambassador to Come to U. S. San Francisco, August 14. K. Shidehera. vice minister of foreign i affairs in the Japanese cabinet, has i been appointed Japanese ambassa dor at Washington to succeed Vis ! count Ishii, according to cable ad i vices received from Tokio by the j Japanese-American, a local Japan ese language newspaper. AUGUST 14, 1919. Nature's Tonic is Bestfor Constipation! Physicians will tell you that a i tonic made of nature's products is 1 superior for constipation tliun chemi cal laxatives that gives temporary relief. The habitual use of laxatives is detcrimental to the system and pro- I longs constipation. For this reason scientists have turned to natural remedies that produce the desired results and do away with the ill effect of medicinal laxatives. After many years of careful study and experience, we have perfected a tonic named VITOLYN. It is a natural tonic of Herbs, Roots, Fruits and Seeds which not only relieves Also Manufacturers of Stevens Catarrh Compound, a sure preventive of Hay Fever. Stevens Medicine Co., Inc., 54S Vanderbilt Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.—Adv. i constipation hut also builds and strengthens the body. We have thousands of gratifying letters from men and women who have tried VITOLYN, thanking us for this wonderful preparation ana i praising its results. Take VITOLYN and he convinced. VITOLYN is en dorsed by physicians and is free from alcohol. iron or narcotics, scientifically prepared. Full direc tions and formula are on each pack age. ' Put up in Tablet form only and sold by Kennedy, Keller, Gorgas, Gol den Seal Forney and ull other drug gists. 5