Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 14, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
RECEIVER IS [ NAMED TO RUN IDLE FURNACES To Direct Resumption of Mills Idle Nearly Six Months New York, Aug. 14.—Stanton S. j Freeman of this city was appointed •"ederal receiver of the Seaboard •Reel and Manganese Corporation, wj direct resumption of operation of | mast furnaces in Temple. Pa., which i have been idle for nearly six I months. The receiver was appointed after , suit had been tiled by Philip E. Wright of Philadelphia, a creditor, j and subscribed to by William R. topkins, president of the concern, j asserting the corporation's assets j have dwindled from a book value j of $1.720.694.59 to about $950,000. | Doubt was expressed, whether, if ! plant and equipment were liquidat- j ed, liabilities would be covered. | Thirteen Cement Firms in This State Indicted as Trust to Force Prices Washington, August 14. Anti trust action to break up "The Ce- j ment Manufacturers' Protective As- ] sociation," an alleged combine of ! nineteen corporations manufacturing i cement in Pennsylvania. New Jersey, j Maryland and West Virginia, was or- > dered yesterday by Attorney General I A. Mitchell Painter, and Federal suit | to enjoin perpetually the members of | the Association from "conspiring to 1 limit production and treble the prices | of cement," was entered in the United States district court at Trenton, New Jersey. Thirteen of tho cement companies named as defendants in the Govern ment complaint have mills d Penn sylvania and the Protective Asscci- i ation, which was formed in 1915. un til recently had its headquarters in I Philadelphia. Ten of the companies j are Pennsylvania corporations. Corporations in 'till The Pennsylvania corporations j named in the government bill as | forming the association are: The Atlas Portland Cement Com pany, Coplay, Pa ; Northampton. P.i.:| Hudson, N. Y. Alltntown Portland Cement Com- j paliy, Kvansville, Pa. Alpha Portland Cement Company, Manheim. West Virginia: Mnha. N. J.: Martins Creek. I'a.. Cleme'iton. N. Y. j Bath Portland "cinent Company. ; Bath. Pa. Coplay Cement Manufacturing Com- I pany, Coplay and Saviors. Pa. Dexter Portland Cement Company, Nazareth, P... Giant Portland C-ment Company, Egypt, Pa.; and Norfolk. Va. Hercules Cement Corporation. Her cules. I'a Lawrence Cement Company, deig fried, Lehigh 'ortlanl Cement Company., Oinior.d. West Co:,lay. F' gtlsvlllj and j Newcastle, Pa.: Ford wick, Va. Nazaretli Portland Cement Com- : pany. Bath. Pa. Penn-Allen Cement Company, Naz- ■ areth, I'a. Pennsylvania Cement Company. ; Bath. Pa. Phoenix Portland Cement Company. | Nazareth, Pa. Congress Has Right to Define Intoxicating Liquor, Senate Committee Holds Washington, Aug. 14. To secure uniform and efficient administration and enforcement of the prohibition law Congress clearly has the right to | define what is intoxicating liquor, | the Senate Judiciary subcommittee ] held in a formal report filed late i yesterday on the amended House | prohibition enforcement law. In support of its contention, the i subcommittee appended an elabo- | rate brief, understood to have been j prepared by counsel for the Anti- J Saloon League of America, citing | many court decisions and precedents, j Only a few explanations for the i changes made in the House bill were | contained in the report. In some cases, the report said, the House [ provisions were regarded as "un- j necessarily burdensome." No rea- j son was cited for adding the pro- j vision to permit home manufacture j and use of light wines and cider. Packing House Men Threaten to Abandon Arbitration Plan Chicago, Aug. 14. Threats to | abandon the arbitration plan of ! settling labor troubles were made j by representatives of packing house employes yesterday at the hearings on wage increase demands before Federal Judge Alsehuler, Federal arbitrator. The threats followed reaffirmation by Judge Alsehuler of his decision that workers who walked out last week should lose seniority rights and return as new employes. J. W. Johnstone, secretary' of the Stock Yards Labor Council, said he I intended resigning and advising the organization to close its doors. He said the seniority decision makes it impossible to abide by previous agreements. Publicly Owned Car Lines Urged by Expert VVaiihlngton, August 14. Delos F. Wilcox, former member of the New | York State Commission and an ex- | pert in public utility matters, ap pearing before the Federal Electric Railways Commission yesterday de clared that municipal ownership of fered the best solution of the present problems facing the street railways of the country. Othr witnesses at the session were W. C. Bliss, chair man of the Rhode Island Commis sion; Z. W. Bliss, a receiver of the Rhode Island Company, and Mayor Gillen, of Newark. 1)R. DICKSON DIES Gettysburg, Aug. 14.—Dr. John R. Dickson, dean of the medical pro- ! feseion in Adams county and wide- | ly known throughout the State, died at his liorie here last night. Jj-. Dickson was incapacitated by illness several years ago but only recently had his condition become critical. He was 67 years old and leaves his wife, three sons and a daughter. Professor J. Allen Dickson, of Get tysburg College; Dr. J. Moore Dick son and Martha Dickson, of Gettys burg, and Joseph C. Dickson, of North Carolina. Dr. Dickson was a graduate of Lafayette College and the University of Pennsylvania. He first practiced his profession in Hunterstown and later located in Ci.ttysburg. THURSDAY EVENING, STORE CLOSES > ifgß 0 J STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX ' JQXfUf/IlUUtfrW* SATURDAYS AT SIX HUM, 11101—-338 UNITED UARIIISHURU. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1010. • • 19 Late Modek in~ FRIDAY BARGAINS SET Dolmans and Capes . „ wash sat™ chemise in Notions Water ' Tumblers ■ Women's Stockings Cretonne Cushions a \auety of models ! p, (T* i ~ trimmed with lace and 3) 10.50 Odds and ends of but- Heavy glass water ; The prices we are Everybody will sure- georgette; strap and tons suitable, for coats, 1 tumbler suitable for res- ! quoting today, will ly want one 01 these s ion der effects in The entire lot will be sold "at much less than 1 suits and dresses. All taurants hotels or make a good buy for beautiful ci ctonne cush- ■ • b > thev originally cost. Yes, so much less that in sizes and colors. Fri. hmrrlino- house* Fri* ' you, for.your immediate 1 ? lls V tilled with - s z 1,1 cac is > V some instances it is only a fraction of what Bargains, card, boardm ft houses. In. and fu necds A silk floss in many varied but every size in lot. similar models have sold for this season. : , - bargains, oz., light weight cotton patterns ot wonderful • These garments represent all the later and very oc * 69 c j stocking with reinforced designs, hri. Bargains, $2.50, $2.98, $3.25 best selling models in styles and materials. Co 11 ingb our ne's BowMAN-s-Basement heel and toe. Fri. Bar- 98c and $1.39 These Dolmans and Capes in moire, velour. Jer- American Maid Tap silk I g ains ana i v r - .i •.! ,i I , BOWMAN S—second Floor .v-.o c j sey and serge. Most ot them are navy, with the ; crochet cotton. Mer- ; j 2ic | bow MAN s—second Floor exception of a few in Pompian, tan and deer. eerized finish in white, „ 1 — ~ One of those unusual once-a-vear opportuni- ecru and colors; 200 Dinner Sets \\ omen's plain colored Domestics 1 ties—sl6.so. ' vds. to a ball. Fri. Bar- stockings in full fashion- gains, Fine quality porcelain !* d P ure th . read Sll . k ' Art Ticking 31 and 36 Jute Rugs rr>l, m dinner sets neatlv stockings make inches wide; good pat- r , __ . 6 Balls 49c • 4', ' " j an attractive stocking terns in nink blue t-m T • l Corsets Dress Goods * decorated. These sets ,j for summer wear. Short " £ n ' " t HnrH 1 J rUgS ... 7 1 consists of 100 pieces, silk stocking, lisle tops l r ri Bargains vd j cilled borders. Fri. Bar- Odd lot of high priced 36-inch Palm Beach 3apants. w.itciproof, h u t several pieces are ' and soles in lavender, i ' ' '' 1 gains, corsets of best quality. suiting; 4 best styles. oooness and washable. broken in each set Fri 1 rose, sand, gray and 424 c Qr -o • i m, n White coutil and beauti- Fri. Bargains, yd., These are guaranteed Bargains Der set I green. First * grade I ' , 2 , 36x72 inches; $1.39 ful' brocades. Mostly ree rom ru ici. u. > stockings. Fri. Bar- Cullies and cic- 8.3x10.6 ft.* $5.98 all large sizes. All clean | Bargains, pair, $13.50,, $15.00 and gains, pair, tonnes ;06 inches wide, merchandise in good 44-inch Plaid and 49c $lB 00 M nfntllr , coveri "F s I 9x9 ft.; $5.98 styles. Fri. Bargains, Check suitings or skirt- BowMAN's-Mam Floor * ' 69c or merdrapenes. Fri. JW..Q- ings, medium colorings, BowMAN-s-Basement I BOWMAN'S-Mam Floor Bargains, >d„ 9xl- ft., $6.98 suitable for children's Rnvs' Rlon*e* I - ——— 19c BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor u 1 T7 ' F> .- J IMOUsCS _______ school wear. Fri. bar- j c u r r t-n t . o-ains vd., n . ~u i • 11 Small Lot Of Dress ginghams in omen s N ests * Boys khaki blouses, > . J- plaids, light and dark ~~T —— . , 79c with attached collar, and patterns: cut from the '* lousPS Women slight weight sport blouses with short j L<apeS $<3.95 piece. Fri. Bargains, _ . tine cotton ribbed vests 40-inch bilk and V ooi sleeves; 6 to 14 years. vd ' Printed georgette made from fine cotton Poplins, also silk and Fri. Bargains, ' o. • 7 , 0 • /• t- Ifie blouses in light and dark ! yarns. Low neck, sleeve- wool crepes; 12 good " _ . specially r riCCCi JOT rLlld- shades. Round and less in sizes 36 and 38. colors in the weaves. 35c Unbleached sheeting; square necks; trimmed Fri. Fargains, Fri. Bargains, yd., BOWMAN-S— second lio.r of - tllC - ScdSOtl Clca7~d/lC€ fine, even, round thread; itith narrow bands of -q 29 inches wide; will ribbon. These can be ° ( ' . T ovplv r-inec dpv#i/->rori ,'t-i cntin _.. Tv 11 bleach easilv. Fri. Bar- had with long or short Fl °° r 1 boitmax-s-m.,. f,o, Plav Su,t ? and Shantung. The cape is not onh a smart ! pains, vd., ' sleeves. Also a few for boys and girls-a ! T ra P for P resent ,vear but gives just the de- 25c £ c " e "t hroklerv Fincil Clpcircinop of small lot to clean out in s.red_ amount of wannth for cool days and .. . . I trimmed Fri Bareainf Final Clearance OI ; even.ngs. Th.spr.ce ,sso remarkably low and ; . £au p hla nket m trimmed In. Bargains, Girl, Girls' Middy Camp so much below actual cost that any woman in xBO .ni'ved ss ' oo 110 W'nsh Skirts Outfit, Police Outfit, n , ec< ot a !' a P ' s ! 10 make early selection as j we io-hts slb Fri Bar' BOWMAN-S— Third Floor 11U VVJbII Soldier and Boy Scout! ! there are only a few to be sold. Choice, $3.95. | Rights 5 lb. Fu. Bat- . p.— Fri. Bargains, ' BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. * ' $7 89 Choice at 75c ~ : 32-inch Madras in Vcnise Medallions Modish service giving styles in wash skirts are s-second Trimmed Hats Clearance Sale of | adequatelv represented in this lot. The clever j .. j n e 1 1 * ' ' * '' I a\ a i use of pearl buttons, novel pockets and belt make Clearance of all P — x ords 324 c „._f s anc these skirts particularly attractive. Infants Shoes , summer millinery, in- White canvas pumps, BowMAN-s-second Floor I S ia f es ' Ba, "? a,ns There are only 110 skirts in the lot. It is an eluding every high black calfskin pumps, ! ea °h> unusual opportunity for real economv to pur- A small lot of infants' priced trimmed or rib- j patent leather pumps, ————— , chase one or more." Choice, $2.98. ' soft sole shoes in white, bon hat, black calfskin oxfords Camisoles BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. black aild taU ' Fvl Bat "" $3 75 brOWO Calfskin OX- j . j BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor — * | fords with high or low ! Crepe de chine and } vash satl 9 camisoles \\ lute Goods raperies BOWMAN-s-second Floor Every remaining style. No C. O. D.'s : lace ribbon and shoul- Fancy white voiles; 36 Fi-ured and bordered shape in summer hat, No Exchanges.. All i der cltecl; not all sizes , odd j . fi| inches wide in checks, ~,:F, 'I?. I ! ! that is untrimmed, Sales Final. j each style but shadow Venise and Vol stripes and figures good marquisette m white SaucePan C 1 nn sane | every size in lot. Fri. shadow, \ emse and \ al. quahn- Frif Bargains, yi 36 inches wide. SI.OQ bowmaxXlm.,. P ,.„ 1 Bargains, | m insertions and edges. vd., br i- Bargains, yd., ( 2-qt. saufe pan made BOWMAN-S— Third Floor ■—QZ r ' SSI .25 nm! 81 75 krl, Bar^a i ns y d> ' 50r oo of fine aluminum. Fri. i ' 0,. ! OOC n BOWMAN'S—Second Floor "C .... ... i Bargains, , White poplin, extra .. . , l AO v ——————— BOWMAN'S—Main Floor qualitv: 27 inches wide, i . curtain voile 49c Silks Wash Goods . ! Fri. Bargains, vd., I m whlte; ver >' good BowMAN-s-Basement Bandeau Brassieres . 50c* quality. Fri. Bargains, ! 36-inch fancy silk in a Remnants of all grades | . , ColD™ yd., „ . tv v i • £ 1 • , _r c„ ar . i . j ! Various styles .of Urgandy Lollars White nainsook; good I J 37c Preserving Kettle big range of stripes and ot finest cotton dtess ; brassieres in front and • quality. Fri. Bargains. °' C plaids, such as: Chiffon, fabrics, such as Printed back dosing. Not ail Round and square or yd„ 36-inch Sunfast Mad- j 8-qt. preserving kettle laffe a Messahne and \ odes. Tissues and | sizes in the lot. Fri. gaudy collars. All are 21c ras in green and brown made of pure aluminum. I Fouismes. borne with o in ghams, also Skirt- Bargains, Hem and desirible mer Mercerized Table Da- ;W. Fri. Bargains, Fn. Bargains, | overbids mask: 58 inches wide. J - ' $1.69 ; colors. Fri. Bargains, salts and larious othei | BOWMAN-S— second Floor each, Fri. Bargains, yd., 4dc BOWMAN-s —Basement ; vd., ' weaves. Fri. Bargains, 43c Remnants of curtain 59 yd., # # Huck towels, bleached materials in_ useful r ,,. R , ' 39c Unio " Suits BOWMAN'S—Main Floor and hemmed; good size. lengths. Fri. Bargains, Clothes Basket Remnants of many ; Fri. Bargains, each, . . grades of silk such as : nch Fvtr „ Finp We are offering today 15c I One-Half Price Medium sized clothes Crepes, Satins and fancv , . . J , , men's union suits of BOWMAN'S second Floor BowMAN's-Fourth pioor basket made of good s ilks in lengths, suitable Shirting Madras; dark high grade at a great * ripa ranee of | quality willow. Fri. for waist, skirt or dress. and medium tones. Fn. savings. These are made Bargains, Fri B ' • d Bargains, yd., from fine quality lisle, . A r $1.69 fine mesh, sleeveless, 2o Middy Dresses A Clearaway of Sl - 45 59c *<•. )™g;h. dosed ;ia BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Crotch lit SIZeS 34, 36, ' n VOlle, gingham n 38 and 40. Fri. Bar- aad Hnene. Clearance 20 bummer Dresses w ' M °p i ; ; ; gains', I price, Fine thread cotton White Voile Waists j 85c j $1.95 Choice $2.95 mop,, five foot . 1 BOWMAN'S and handle. Fn. Bargain, SpeCial at $1.59 Mattimr Rues' striped voile, check Dainty cotton voiles in figures, plaids and plain 49c and plaid gingham white. Some ginghams and lawns. Button and BowMAN-s-Basement, Cris P voile waists, some with square Japanese matting rugs middy dresses in rose lace trimmed; ruffles, scalloped tiers, crush collars and trimmed with two rows of val lace. woven or stencilled it a wbße ' and Copen girdles and some with vestee effects. Round and . - Others with round neck and small collars, in terns Fri Rnrmins and wb^ e combina square necks. Mostly small sizes. Serving Tray slip-on styles. Some with jabot front, square ' tions. \ erygood A clearance of attractive, serviceable summer _ _ neck and collar trimmed with Venise pattern 6x9 ft.; $1.98 styles in mostly small dresses for street wear, the price pf which is so 1514x1014 inch serv- l ace . Also tailored models with pink.and blue QQft • OR sizes, but very excel much below the former selling price that it must m? tra y mahogany shawl collars and cuffs and others with collars ' lent values, move each and every one Of them in short order, finish. Fri. Bargains, an d cuffs of hair line checks of pink with white 9x12 ft.; $4.98 9- $2.9.1. 98c plaiting. 10 ior oq BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. yJy BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. IZXIZ It., SD. Vo BOWMAN'S—Third Floor ——„„_ BOWMAN'S—Basement 1 i BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor L^— HARJRISBXJRG TET.EOB^PIt AUGUST 14, 1919. 3