Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 14, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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    News of One Day Gleaned in the Cities and Towns of Central Pennsylvania
•Tiamokin Company With
draws Suit; Grants Eight-
Hour Day and Increase
♦iunbury. Pa., Aug. 14—Settle-
Swtnt of the strike at the J. H. and
C. K. Eagle silk mills at Shamokin
and the withdrawal of the com
pany's suit for an injunction to re
strain the strikers from stopping
workers ana for $500,000 damages
for alleged damage to its mills was
announced last night. The settle
ment was brought about by Presi
dent Judge Cummings of the
Northumberland county court, be
fore whom the suit was being tried.
The men agreed to accept an
eight-hour day, twelve and one-half
per cent advance in wages and in
addition they are to have a com
mittee of thirteen workers repre
sent them in settling grievances. The
strike has been in effect fourteen
weeks and is said to havccost $600,-
000 in wages alone. About 3,500
workers were affected.
In its suit the company asked for
an injunction restraining officers of
the United Textile Workers of
America and officers of district No.
0. United Mine Workers of America,
from violence, threats or intimida
tion against the olficcrs, agents and
employes of the concern. Damage
of half a million dollars were also
asked from then® unions for alleged
losses suffered by the silk corpora
tion during the strike. The silk
mills are located in the mine region.
Soldier Recalls How
Order Saved His Life
Marietta, Aug. 14.—John Bollock,
son of Jacob Bollock, has returned
from the battlefields of France, and
Pas interesting stories to tell of the
life through which he and many
others passed through especially in
the Argonne forest. He tolls of the
order his sergeant gave him to get
his team from a dangerous spot.
When ho left the men behind and
wont to get his horses and wagon
a shell exploded and killed twelve
in the party where he had been but
a few minutes before. He was struck
on the left ear by a piece of shrapnel
and bears the wound to this day.
Ministers Warn Town
Council Against Shows
Columbia, Pa., Aug. 14.—The min
isterial association of this place has
filed a petition with borougli council
protesting aganist the possible ap
pearance of burlesque shows the com
ing season. Last winter a sensation
was caused by such a show and the
association was censured for not
having taken action beforehand
against it. This season the ministers
decided to act against any immodest
productions, hence their protest,
given in the nature of a warning to
council which body controls the opera
Word of Absent Parent
Received After 12 Years
York, Pa., Aug. 14.—Word of Ed
ward F. llgenfritz. who left this city
12 years ago and from whom nothing
had been heard since, has been re
ceived from his daughter, Mrs. John
Jamison, Jr., at Woodbine, this
county. llgenfritz, before leaving,
purchased a house, for which his
agent has, in the meantime, collected
a neat sum of rent. When the
daughter Inst heard from him he was
located in Spokane, Wash. An effort
will be made to locate him.
Lebanon, Aug. 14.—8. F. Ixing
lotz, a representative of the State
Highway Department was here yes
terday, and conferred with the
Lebanon county commissioners
relative to the building of roads in
this region.
Forlnfants.lnvalidsandGrowingChndren I Rich milk, malted grain extract in Powder
The Original Food-Drinlc for All Ages |No Cooking Nourishing Digestible
"Harrisburg's Dependable Store"
§ Friday Special
Wm. Strouse Boys' I
Department—Two Lots of Boys'
Knickerbocker All-wool Suits.
|H| \ Lot number 1 sold as high as
Mlßyn $9.50 and we are now selling
i (VMib-y them for $4.95. Lot number 2
TTTV \\ so 'd as high a 5513.50 and we are
/ \ \ \\ now selling these suits for $7.85.
Two splendid lots of suits that
| will save some mothers money. Will you be
one of the lucky ones?
| All Boys' Straws One-Half Price
Mm. #trnuHp
310 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa.
Lemoyne Man's Car
Crashes Through Fence
Srlinsgrove, Aug. 14. —L. M. Brick
el-, Mrs. Bricker, their daughter and
a young couple who accompanied
them, narrowly escaped death when
their automobile crashed through
the railing guarding the road along
Penn's Creek, on the west side of
the bridge above Selinsgrove yester
day afternoon.
The party had left the plant of the
Sunbury Baking Company and start
ed for Lemoyne. Mrs. Bricker was
driving. As they crossed the Penn's
Creek bridge, an automobile, running
at high speed dashed up the incl ne
and crowded the Bricker car to the
upper side of the bridge. In ber ef
fort to avoid a collision, Mrs. Brick
er gave the car a quick turn. The
machine missed the ear of the reeK
less driver and turned safely back
into the road. However, Mrs. Bricker
did not get it straightened out in
time to miss the fence and the car
went through the rails and down over
the bank to the edge of the creek.
There it stopped.
The car was pulled up to the road
by a big motor truck, and was in
shape to continue the Journey to
Woman Dies as Result
of Fall in Philadelphia
Mount Union, Pa., Aug. 14.
Margaret B. Adams, widow of Hon.
Thomas H. Adams and ono of Mt.
Union's most esteemed citizens, is
dead here after a long illness fol
lowing a fall pustained while in
Philadelphia. Mrs. Adams was a
lifelong member of the Presbyterian
church, a teacher in the Sabbath
school and active in all departments
of church work. She is survived by
one son, Hon. J. Frank Adams, ex-
Senator of Denver, Col., and one
duaghter, Miss Mary B. Adams, at
home. She was a native of Shirley
township and married Thomas H.
Adams of the same place October 2,
1867. Her husband preceded her in
death about live years ago.
Big Barn Is Raised
on Farm in Juniata
Aliffiintown, Aug. 14. On the
Stoner farm, a mile distant from
this place, yesterday, there was an
old-time barn raising. United States
Commissfoner Samuel J. Stoner of
Altoona, the owner of the farm, was
present and 100 men helped raise
the structure. The barn is 80 feet
long and 4 5 feet wide and contains
an L 24x48 feet in dimensions. A
regular old-fashioned farmers' din
ner was served the guests who as
sisted the attorney in getting the
timbers under way for the big
Mt. Union Church Has
Called lowa Minister
Mount Union Aug. 14. —At a con
gregational meeting of the First
Presbyterian church, moderated by
the Hew Fred E. Andrews, pastor
of the Presbyterian church of Alc-
Yeytown, Pa., a unanimous call was
given to the Rev. David Stewart
Curry, of Clarinda, lowa, to become
the pastor. He is no stranger in
Pennsylvania, having been pastor
of the First church of York a few
years ago, and served a pastorate
at Pittsburgh prior to taking up
work in the western field.
Council Orders Tax
Collector to Get Busy
Marietta, Aug. 14. The people
who owe back taxes are not re
sponding as fast as they should.
Tax Ccllecter Zuch has been ad
vised by council to enter suit or
attach liens on properties. There
aro several thousand dollars out
standing. The cost of applying the
tarvia to the sheets was nearly $3,-
000, and the money had to be bor
rowed. The people are not re
sponding as they did in former
Lebanon Asks For Investiga
tion of Typhoid Fever
Cases in That City
Lebanon, Pa., Aug. 14.—T0 avert,
if possible, an epidemic of typhoid
fever in this city, the Lebanon
Board of Health called on the State
Department of Health to make an
Investigation of cases here. Wil
liam C. Riddle, an assistant engi
neer of the department, came to the
city yesterday in response to the
summons. Shortly after he began
his inquiry it was announced that
Dairyman George Tice, of North
Lebanon township, had been for
bidden the privilege of selling milk
in the city for an indefinite time.
Riddle also went into conference
with Water Superintendent Harry
Longenecker regarding the water
supply. There are quite a number
of typhoid fever cases here, there
being five cases in one family.
Will Send SIO,OOO to
Aid War Torn Europe
Lonlatonn, Pa.. Aug. 14.—Miss Enid
L. Felker was elected Social Service
Worker for the Central Juniata Val
ley Chapter Red Cross at a meeting
of that body yesterday at a salary
of $1,500 per year with expenses and
automobile. Miss Felker is u gradu
ate nurse and was the official nurse
during the epidemic of influenza last
fall, she also had a wide experience
in the work to which she will be as
signed. The local finds its treasury
with $23,000 to the good and the war
work about ended and have instruct
ed the treasurer to forward SIO,OOO
to Washington, D. C., for relief in
war torn Europe.
Funeral Services Are Held
For Isabel Genevieve Haag
Tyrone, Aug. 14.—Funeral services
was held this morning in St. Mat
thew's Catholic church, conducted
by the Rev. Fr. J. F. Looney, over
the remains of Miss Isabel Genevieve
Haag, who died on Tuesday at her
home here. She had been a suf
efer for eighteen months from tuber
culosis. Part of this time she spent
at Cresson sanitorium. She was a
daughter of Philip and Mary Hagg
and was born in Tyrone, January 1,
1901. She was a graduate of Ty
rone High School in the class of
1918, and was a devoted member of
St. Matthews Catholic church.
Will Give Concert and
Make Appeal For Fund
Liverpool, Aug. 14.—The Liverpool
Citizens Band will hold a concert on
the square on Friday evening at 8.30
o'clock. Many new players have re
cently been added to the band which
necessitated the band contracting a
debt of $45 for extra instruments.
An appeal will be made at the con
cert to have this debt wiped out.
Saturday the band will go to Perry
Valley to furnish music for the pic
Turning Applicants Away
at Mercersburg Academy
Mcrccrsburg, Ta., Aug. 14. Al
though it will be a month until Mer
cersburg Academy opens the enroll
ment is complete. One stenographer
is kept busy writing refusal letters
each day and the probability is that
before the time for opening arrives
from four to five nundred boys will
have beer, refused admission. In
other words as many boys will be re
fused this year as will be admitted.
Danville Soldier Brings
Home Belgian Bride
Danville, Pa., Aug. 14.—Returning
to his home in Danville after fifteen
months Army service in France,
Charles Hullihcn brought with him
a bride— a Belgian girl to whom he
was married on June 10. Her maiden
name was Victoria Desmit. She speaks
four languages fluently.
New Cumberland, Aug. 14.—The
publicity committee held a meeting
in the hose house on Tuesday night
to arrange matters relating to the
celebration to be held September 6.
Hffrjjjli TEEEGK3Lt-rj
Remains of James Critchlow, Who Died of Crushed Skull in
York Hospital, Laid Away Today in Grccnmount
Cemetery; No Trace of Murderer Found
York. Pa., Aug. 14.—The body of
James Critchlow, who was murdered
in a railroad shack at Cly on the
night of May 13, by Curtis Sipple,
alins R. E. Hicks, now a fugitive
from Justice, was buried this morn
ing in Grccnmount cemetery.
Critchlow .died in the York hospi
tal as the result of a crushed skull,
caused by a blow from a blunt in
strument in the hands of Sipple, who
Interesting Services Yet to Be
Held at Williams Grove
Aleehanlcsburg, Pa., Aug. 14.—The
camp meeting at Mt. Olivet church
ground, near Dillsburg, has attract
ed large crowds thus far and the
services have been of a very inter
esting character. Sermons and ad
dresses made have been profitable
and instructive. The remaining days
of the camp, which will close on
Sunday, will be fully as interesting
as those that have been already
held. Among the many campers on
the ground are the following:
Mrs. Elizabeth Stambaugh, Mrs.
Stcckley, Mrs. Catharine Nollingcr,
Mrs. J. N. Ness, S. N. Bender, Mrs.
D. S. Sollenberger, Mrs. S. N. Klugh,
Mrs Catherine Filler, the Misses
Shearer, George Sellers, George
Troup, Mrs. E. Troup, Mrs. A. D.
Arnold, Miss Alma Arnold, Mrs.
George King. Nez. Kintcr, Miss
Annie Noopert, S. J. MeCreary, Mrs.
Goodyear, William Baker, Roy M.
Shenk, Chester McAlicker, George
Bender Miss Clara Kast, Miss Ida
Kast, Mrs. May Bell, John Baker,
Mrs. Eckart, Ministers' cottage;
Miss Emily Edwards, Mrs. Ida Zar
toer; Employes' cottage, E. L. Ben
der, D. A. Fisher, Mrs. M. Grey, W.
F. Witcomb, Weist Bailey, Mr. Coop
er, George Snavely, Mrs. Edward
Miller, Mrs. George Barrick, the
Rev. J. S. Saylor, Charles K. Boyer,
Airs. Sarah Dornbaugh, George
Kauffman, Airs. Cora AlcCurdy, S. P.
AlcAlicker, John Naegy, Air. Weir,
W. A. Trostle, Arthur Ness, B. R.
Kinsley, John Atticks, Airs. Eliza
beth Stambaugh Alexander McAl
icker, Air. Lambert and Philip Zor
Frederick A. Shaffner,
Expert Machinist, Dies
Carlisle, Aug. 14.—Frederick A.
Shaffner, one of Carlisle's best
known citizens, died at his home in
East Louther street on Tuesday eve
ning, of paralysis, aged 76 years.
He was a native of Highspire and
came here from Steelton 28 years
ago. Being an expert machinist he
was one of the most valuable em
ployes of the Frog, Switch and
Atanufacturing Company and was
foreman many years. For about
two years past he lived retired. Air.
Shaffner was an active member of
Grace United Brethren church. His
wife and three children survive:
Aliss Dorothea Shaffner, of Wash
ington; D. C.; Mrs. Jean Shea, of
Philadelphia, and John, of Carlisle.
Two brothers also survive. John, of
Camp Hill, and Samuel, of High
Ohio Man Pays SB6
For Ramming Motors
Hagcrstown, Md., Aug. 14.—The
Overland car of Stanley J. Benner
of Allentown, Pa. ( was damaged
and Benner, his wife and Miss Char
lotte Hill, a Y. M. C. A. nurse, nar
rowly escaped injury when their
machine was rammed by the auto
mobile of C. C. Moechart, of Co
lumbus, 0., on the State road near
this city. At the same time Moe
chart's car struck a motorcycle,
damaging rt. After being given a
hearing Moechart paid Mr. Benner
S6O for the damage done to his
car and $26 to the owner of the
Marietta—The stores of Marietta
are closing Wednesday afternoons
during August.
Lebanon —David Kohr while fishing
along the Swatara Creek caught a
carp that weighed over 11 pounds.
Newport—Filing cases for tho New
port Fre.e Library have been present
ed by Randolph Whitekettle and Wil
liam Morrow.
Newport—The twenty-second an
nual Du.ikleberger Reunion will be
held at Warm Springs on Saturday,
August 23.
Newport—The sixth annual Beers
family reunion will be held in Zim
merman's Grove at Bailey station on
Saturday, August 23.
Milton—Lieaf, .Joseph A. Logan, a
returned overseas soldier, has bought
the wholesale and retail confection
ery store of J. Daniel Mull here.
T Try itl Make thi-lemon lotion
| to whiten your tanned'or
f freckled skin.
Squeeze the juice of two lemons
into a bottle containing three
ounces of Orchard White, shake
well, and you have a quarter pint of
the best freckle, sunburn and tan
lotion and complexion whltener, at
very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and
any drug store or toilet counter will
supply three ounces of Orchard
White for a few cents. Massage
this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the
face, neck, arms and hands and see
| how quickly the freckles, sunburn,
i windburn and tan disappear an-d
| how clear, soft and white the skin
becomes. Yes! It is harmless.
also is alleged to have murdered
Gabriel Pcraccin, an. Italian, at the
same time. The body was embalmed
by a local undertaker so that it has
been kept in good condition up to
this time.
A diligent search by police and
detectives has as yet failed to de
velop a trace of Sipple since ho visit
ed his home in Cincinnati, the day
after the murder was discovered.
Taken Wearing New Dress of
Woman Who Gave
Her Shelter
Lewistown, Pa., Aug. 14. As
Ralph Copenhaver, of Juniata
county was driving up the State road
at night, he passed a woman on the
road who was hatless. Thinking
her a neighbor, he took her in. Site
gave her name as Catherine Rus
sell, and said she was walking to
Lewistown. When they reached
the home of Isaac Warner, where
Copenhaver lives, she was invited
into the house and was given the
spare bed for the night. After get
ting her breakfast and thanking the
Warners for their kindness she said
she would walk to Lewistown.
Instead of coming this way she
stqrted across the fields toward
Arch Rock. Shortly afterwards
when Eva Warner went to put on
a new dress she found it had dis
appeared with the stranger. Word
was sent out and she was located
in Moyer's Lane wearing the stolen
dress. She was arrested and lodged
in the Aliffiintown jail. At a hear
ing before a Aliffiintown Justice of
the Peace, she said she was 22 years
of age, was born in Nova Scotia,
and that her parents reside in In
diana. She told tile magistrate she
had worked in Philadelphia, Lewis
town and other eastern points. She
is in jail, declining to leave town if
discharged. The authorities are
trying to learn who she is.
Want Columbia Hotel
Thrown Open to Public
Columbia, Pa., Aug. 14.—Prominent
business men here held a meetin
last night at which William H. Lucas
preside], and discussed the propriety
of taking measures to have fjotel
Columbia, recently closed, re-opeiied
for the accommodation of the pub
lic. The hotel is in the business cen
ter, along the Lincoln highway, and
has been closed by the retirement
of Charles Shirely, former proprietor.
The hotel s furnished throughout
and the tables set ready for use.
Standard Steel Works
Anticipates Large Orders
Lewistown, Pa., Aug. 14.—At the
big Standard Steel Works near this
place, where about 5,000 men are
employed when running full, many
departments are running onlv a day
or two a week, while some are
working almost full time. Larger
orders are expected in the neat
Danville, Pa., Aug. 14.— As Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Shalter, ncwlv weds
■were preparing to take their honey
moon trip friends of the bridegroom
drove up to the bride's home, cap
tured Shalter and took him to Shamo
kin. He was kept there overnight.
The next morning Shalter was placed
,in an automobile and taken to the
home of his angry bride, where they
were allowed to depari on their in
terrupted wedding trip.
Leivistotvn, Pa., Aug. 14. Tile
Sacred Heart congregation of the
Roman Catholic Church have decided
to in the near future
for a new church to cost about S4O,
o<">, the present ed'fee was erected
half a centuiy ago and is entirely in
adequate for the needs.
liewlNtovrn For a couple years
Fireman's Field day has not been ob
served here, but this year it will be
held again, most likely In September.
Marietta—The concert held in Cen
ter Square by the Loysvllle Orphans'
Home Band on Tuesday evening was
a great success and the attendance
Marietta—Farmers coming to Mar
ietta report they are missing chickens
and that men have been seen in an
automobile loitering around after
Danville—William Jones, 73, a Civil
War Veteran, of Danville, and Mrs.
Bella Lindsay, 50, of Pittsburgh, were
wedded here as a result of a news
paper advertisement.
Newport—The rumor that the plant
ot tho Oak Extract Company, of this
place, has been sold to the Pennsyl
vania ltailroad, is denied by officials
of the former organisation.
Nort liumbivrlanil Following brief
courtship by mail, Miss Blanche
Decker, aged 29, of Buffalo, N. Y„ was
granted a license to wed N. I. Straub,
50, a Northumberland barber.
L'lcotiu—Sirs. Barbara L. Hoist,
widow of the late Aaron Horst, for
mer Lebanon county commissioner,
who died eight years ago at his
Cleona home is dead here at 64 years
of age.
Wsyneubnro Auditors have com
pleted their repoit of the receipts
and expenditures of the local school
district for the year ended June 30,
Total receipts for the school year
were $88,306.67.
Waynesboro Pattern makers,
moulders and coremakers unions here
have Joined the machinists in de
manding of tho local industries, ef
fective September 1. an eight-hour
day and increased wages.
Mount Alto Automobile thieves
tried to make a get-away with a
Studebaker automobile and a motor
cycle near the Sanatorium here but
failed through an accident that re
sulted in the demolishing of the
cutomobile and damage to the motor
Town Will Establish Me
morial With Surplus From
Welcome Fund
Halifax, Aug. 14. —Halifax is to
have a memorial park in honor of
the ninety-six soldier lads who went
■out to fight in the World War, five
paying the supreme sacrifice. The
old home celebration committee
finds after paying all bills that
there is an unexpended balance of
over $4 00 in the hands of the treas
urer. This will be used toward the
purchase of suitable ground for a
public park.
Dr. F. S. Bower, of Philadelphia,
a former resident of town, is dead
at 63 years.
Mrs. Florence Spry of New York,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Byron Shannon, of New York, is
visiting his sister Mrs. A. H. Noidig.
The eighth annual reunion of the
Hoffman family will be held on Sat
urday Jn Buffalo Park this place.
Several hundred people are expected '
to attend, many coming from far
off sections of the United States.
Music will be furnished for the oc
casion by the orchestra from Park
Street United Evangelical church,
Harrisburg. W. H. Hoffman, of Har
risburg, is president of the associa
tion; the Rev. S. B. Hoffman, of
Halifax, It. D. No. 2, vice-president,
and James M. Hoffman, of Halifax,
Mrs. Ada Sayres Is
Dead at Millersburg
Millersburg, Aug. 14.—Mrs. Ada
Sayres, widow of John Sayres, died
on" Tuesday after a short illness of
paralysis. She was aged 69 years
and is survived by the following
children: Mrs. Janis Rodgers, Pal
myra; Mrs. C. I. Gulp, Miss Annie
and Harry Sayres, Millersburg. The
funeral will take place from her late
home in Centre street on Friday at
2 p. m., in charge of her pastor, the
Rev. Mr. Burger, of Grace United
Evangelical church. Interment will
be in Oak Hill cemetery.
Annville Couple Weds
at Lebanon Parsonage
Annville, Pa., Aug, 14.—William
C. Riegert and Miss Hattie M. Shif
fer, both of this place, were united
in marriage at the parsonage of
Old Emmanuel Evangelical church,
Lebanon, by the Rev. F. V. Kuhn.
A few friends witnessed this cere
mony, which was of a very quiet
LcwlNto'vii, Pa., Aug. 14. Middle
Division crews of the Pennsylvania
Railroad are now building trains in
excess of a mile long. These trains
contain 105 loaded cars eastbound
with 115 to 120 empty cars west
bound. Test trains have shown an
average speed of seventeen miles an
hour between Altoona and Enola
with the loaded trains.
Lebanon, Aug. 14.—A west bound
freight pulling a string of empties
was derailed at the Sunnysido cross
ing of the P. and R. railroad yester
day. Eight cars left the track due
to a broken rail. The Harrisburg
wrecking crew and the local ballast
train were called, the rail repaired
and the cars placed on the track.
Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 14. The
second group of fresh air children
from the Inner Mission of Brooklyn
to be entertained in Adams county
(his summer has arrived and will
he entertained in homes of the
members of the Lutheran churches
of Arendtsville, Bendersville and
Biglerville, for two weeks.
Mabel McKinley-Niece of the Late
President of the United States-Takes
Nuxated Iron For Health and Strength
And Says She Regards It as The Ideal Tonic For All Weak, Run-Down Nervous Women
Dr. George H. Baker, For
merly Physician and Surgeon
Monmouth Memorial Hospi
tal of New Jersey, Explains
Why Iron is One of the
Says: He has found nothing
in liis experience so effective for
helping to make strong, healthy,
red-blooded women as Nnxated
Every woman who wishes to
possess health, strength and
beauty, should carefully read the
statement of Miss McKinley who,
after her personal use of Nuxated
Iron tells of the results she ob
Miss McKinley says: "While I
had often heard of Nuxated Iron
I must admit that prior to using
it myself I had no idea of its
remarkable value for building up
the health and strength.
"Following the strain imposed
by months of the most, exacting
work singing for the soldiers in
the various army encampments
together with my social engage
ments and charitable pursuits, I
found myself in such a weakened,
run-down state that I feared a
complete collapse.
"It secmel utterly Impossible
for me to drop everything and go
away for a complete rest, but I
realized 1 that as my condition was
serious I must either do this or
And something that would actual
ly rebuild my waning strength
and enablo me to continue my
"I had always been prejudiced
against tonic preparations which,
for the most part, I found only
acted as a temporary stimulant and
usually left one worse oft than ever,
However, when my own family physi
cian Insistently recommended that I
give a* fair trial to Nuxated Iron, I
consented to begin its use, with a
result that after a few days the
weakness and exhaustion from whioh
I suffered began to be replaced by a
feeling of renewed strength and
vitality. In less than three weeks'
timo my whole system was tingling
with energy and power and I was
overjoyed to And that I was once
more in superb physical condition,
"Nuxated Iron has accomplished so
much for me that I regard It as the
Ideal tonlo for all weak, run-down
Women, A a strength, health and
blood-builder, I am convinced Nuxat
ed Iron has no equal,"
In commenting on Miss McKinley's
statement, regarding the efficacy of
Nuxated Iron, Dr, Ferdinand King.
New York I'hyslcian and Medical
Author, says; 'ltls my opinion that
AUGUST 14,1919.
Charles Keenan Dies
After Burial of Wife
Y'engertown, Pa., Aug. 14.—Word
has just reached here of the death
of Charles Keenan, sixty-nine years
old, at Terre Haute, Ind. Mr. Keenan
was born in Lancaster county and
learned his trade as a machinist in
Lancaster. He finished the first I>-
comotivo tire made at the Standard
Steel Works. When he visited here
a month ago he found only four men
employed in the plant who worked
with him at that time. Mr. Keonm
was Master Mechanic of the Copper
River Railroad at Cardovia, Alaska,
and came east a month ago to bury
his, wife at Schenectady, M. Y. It
was on the return trip thgt he took
ill with pneumonia and died Leaving
here he told Thomas Wherry, his
brother-in-law, he would settle tp
his affairs and return to spend ..lie
balance of his life at the old home.
The letter announcing his death was
addressed to Lewistown, Pa., and was
only delivered yesterday after Mr.
Keenan had been burried at Schenec
tady three weeks ago..
Wrightsville's Union
Picnic Held Yesterday
Wrightsvllle. Pa., Aug. 14. The
union picnic of all the Sunday schools
of Wrightsvilie was held yesterday
at Alaplo Grove park, Lancaster
county, and was largely attended.
The trip to the park was made by
boat and trolley and in spite of the
inclement weather the attendance
was large. The Trcssler Orphan's
Home band, of Loysville, accompanied
the picnickers.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. C.
Entertain at Dinner
Sliircmanstown, Pa., Aug. 14.
Air. and Mrs. Israel C. Wertz en
tertained at dinner at their residence
here. The guests included Airs.
Lucy 11. Heck. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Strickler, Airs. Jacob Mentzer, Mr.
and Airs. Oliver Mentzer and Air.
and Mrs. Charles Alcntzer, all of
Hngcr.stown, Aid., Aug. 14.—Local
investors in a large oil company
having large holdings in the Texas
oil field are enthused over the re
port of two gushers being struck
with an estimated llow of between
four and five thousand gallons of
oil a day. Between forty and fifty
thousand shares of the company's
stock are owned by llagerstown
citi'-ens and some of them will be
made wealthy if the reported strike
is true.
Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 14.—When
the Farmers National Congress
meets in llagerstown the latter part
of October, fully two thousand of
the delegates will come to Gettys
burg on a sight seeing tour of the
battlefield. The Chamber of Com
merce is assisting the llagerstown
body in making the arrangements
for the trip.
Carlisle, Aug. 14.—Paul E. Hef
flelinger, aged 14 years, is in the
Carlisle Hospital suffering blood
poisoning in the foot, contracted in
a peculiar manner. A brass shoe
eyelet cut his foot and poisoned it.
The lad is recovering.
Marietta Has New
Town Pump Placed
Marietta, Aug. 14. A new
pump has been placed in front
of Central Hall by borough
council, and the people for
squares may continue to get
water there as they have been
doing for years. It is safe to
say more people drink from this
well than any other drinking
place in the long borough.
following her work singing for tho soldiers that she became weakened and 1
run-down and had recourse to Nuxated Iron. Once more in superb phy
sical condition, Miss McKinlry says she is convinced that .Nuxated Iron
has no equal as a Strength, Health and Blood Builder.
In praetloally nine times out of ten.
unstrung nerves end failing strength
and vitality are due to deficiency of
iron in the tilood, Many a woman
who is run-down, nervous and who
quickly tires out, suffers from iron
deficiency and does not know it. j
am convinced that there are thou
sands o( such women who, simply by
taking Nuxated Iron, might readily
build up their red-blood corpuscles, in
crease their physical energy and get
themselves back to vibrant and vigr
pious health. By enriching the blood
and increasing its oxygen carrying
power, Nuxated Iron will often transr
form tha flabby flesh, toneless tissues,
and pallid cheeks or nervous, run
down women into a glow of health
and make them look younger within
a surprisingly short time."
Among other physicians asked for
an opinion was Dr. George H. Baker,
formerly Physician and Surgeon Mon
mouth Memorial Hospital, New Jer
sey, who says: "What Ree4
Paul Gartman Wanted Apples
But Changed His Mind
and Killed Rcptilo
Sunbury, Pa., Aug. 14.—Climbing
into a tree to pick apples near here
Paul Gartman dropped hurriedly to
earth when he beheld the largest
black snake he had even seen.
Gartman, with his wife and Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Dieck, had gone In
to the country for a walk.
He decided ho wanted some ap
ples from a tree along the way, but
gave up the idea when he saw the
snake which he later killed with a
club. It was more than five feet
long. To prove the accuracy of his
I tale ho brought the snake's body
here. Dieck says there were three
lumps in the reptile's body, indicat
ing that it had been disturbed while
feasting on apples.
Tomato Race Is on
in Lewistown Gardens
LPwlHtoTrn, Pa., Aug. 14.—There is
a race on here between citizens to
see who can raise the largest to
matoes. John Neulin, with one pluck
ed from his vines weighing over a
pound, most likely is the winner to
date. Charles Dunkinson has a patch
that will turnout big ones when ripe.
Jess Estep has tomatoes growing in
his yard not ripe yet that will weigh
over a pound each and Jack Price
lias some big tomatoes.
Former Liverpool Pastor
Drowns at Bridge, Mont.
Liverpool, Aug. 14.—Many friends
here of the Rev. J. H. Kohler, a
former Evangelical pastor of this
place, were grieved to learn of his
1 tragic death by drowning at the
home of his brother at Bridges,
Mont., July 25. He was aged 35
years. A wife and two children sur
Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 14.—Gettys
burg is to be linked to the chain
of Hoffman hotels for the accom
modation of tourists along the Lin
coln Highway, Lee P. Hoffman, of
Bedford, the owner of these hotels
having purchased the Lincoln Way
hotel in this place, which will un
dergo extensive alterations before
being opened for business by the
new owner.
Liverpool, Aug. 14.—Isaac Lutz,
Sr., who spent the past week here
on business, took suddenly ill at the
Owens Hoijfe Tuesday and his con
dition is critical. Mr. Lutz is a
Civil War veteran and was for many
years Liverpool's undertaker.
(Other State News on Page 2
"Bayer Tabled, of Aspirin" to be
genuine must be marked with the
safety "Bayer Cross." Always buy
an unbroken Bayer package which
contains proper directions to safely
relieve Headache, Toothache, Ear
ache. Neuralgia, Colds and pain.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost
but a few cents at drug stores—
larger packages also. Aspirin Is the
trade mark of Bayer Mahufacture of
Monoaceticacidestcr of Salicylicacid.
to put rosea In their cheeks and the
springtime of life into their step lit
not cosmetics or stimulating drugs
but plenty of rich, pure hlood. With
out it no woman can do credit to
herself or to her work, iron is one
Of tha greatest of all strength and
hlood-builders, and I have found
nothing in my experience so effective
for helping to make strong, healthy,
red-blooded women as Nuxated Iron. •
Manufacturers' Note: Nuxated
Iron which is recommended abova
by physicians is not a secret remedy
nut pne which is well known to
druggists, ttnlikc the older inorga
nic Iron products, it is easily assimi
lated. does not injure the teeth, make
them black, nor upset tha stomach.
The manufacturers guarantee suc
cessful and entirely Satisfactory re
sults to every purchaser or they win
refund your money. It is dispensed
in this city by Croli Keljer, G. A.
Gorgas and Nelson Clark And' *ll
fopd dntffists. ***