Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 14, 1919, Page 10, Image 10
10 RUMANIAN ARMY SOON READY TO QUIT BUDAPEST Will Evacuate Town in Com pliance With Peace Con ference Note By Associated Press. Amsterdam, Aug. 14. Rumanian troops are about to leave Budapest in consequence of tne note sent to Rumania by the Peace Conference, according to a wireless dispatch re ceived here from Vienna, quoting newspapers of that city. Attacks America and England in Demand For Union With Hungary By Associated Press. Vienna, Tuesday, Aug. 12. A statement attacking England and America demanding that Hungary be united with Rumania under the sovereignty of King Ferdinand and threatening to strip Hungary if the Rumanian army is forced to with draw from that country, has been presented to Archduke Joseph, head of the Hungarian government by the authorized Rumanian repre . I Announcement pi | On or before September 15th we will move to our new factory at Cameron and Dauphin streets. We will then be equipped with all of the most modern machinery to thoroughly clean any kind of carpet or rug, from the cheapest ingrain or tapestry to the most expensive Oriental, without injury to color, fabric or \ sizing. Shampooing will be our specialty. We will also continue to manufacture rugs from old carpet and new rag rugs with strictly up-to-date equipment. ; KEYSTONE RUG CO. Present Address, 1115 Montgomery St. W. E. DAVIS, Prop. 1 I IJI ■ ■ nil "WIIMHIIWI I—w—■—— T—a— While W. B. Nuform Corsets are popular Lv ®SQBk3II Priced corsets, they are not in any sense Vdl/? cheap corsets, butf combine in Fit. Style. Material, Workmanship and Trimming, all "" Quulltles of luuch higher priced corsets. ~ForSafe by BOWMAN & CO. 1 1 iSagr I Wall Paper Sale I ****£?- I! >nH <^,Tn^u!i. dSUmmer ® ale ot Paper started Monday, August 4, consisting of all the newest designs I lnd co ' orin gs in vogue today. This is the sale you have been waiting for | ; 20,000 Paper reduced to S'kc ' roU I i 1 c nnn Rolls ° f 25c and 30c WaU ie a r°n i ' iwjvUU Paper reduced to IDC , ' 1 A Ann Rolls of 40c and 50c Wall OC 3 roll lU)UUU Paper reduced to "i # £ nnn Rolls ° f 75c and s l - 00 Wau /ie a r o n % v>V/\/\/ Paper reduced to 4DC This lot consists of 30-inch Wall Paper, In plain effects, blends, floral and grass cloth weaves C Canvas, Burlaps, Sanitas and Licrusta reduced. i 9 Expert mechanics furnished If desired. Also prompt service. V Our customers who hang their own paper please bring room measurements. I % No charge made for trimming paper. Contractors get our prices for first-class work. Landlords # home owners and real estate agentr, this is your opportunity to save money on wall paper. ' I ■ Window Shades Made to Order —Store Closes Thursday Afternoons and 6 O'clock Evenings. f Established IW. A. REAMER & SON r Established I I I L BBB 1505 North Sixth St. 1886 C THURSDAY EVENING, sentative at Budapest, according to dispatches received here. The test of the statement, accord ing to report, follows: "There are 250,000 workmen in Budapest who are only 'awaiting for the Rumanians to leave Hun gary to immediately take the situa tion into their own hands, which means the return of Bolshevism. The Hungarian government cannot depend upon the Entente powers for assistance, for those powers have withdrawn all their troops from Russia, and America is unwill ing to send a single soldier. We do not trust the Entente, which wants only to humiliate us. We are will ing to withdraw our troops, if nec essary, starting to-morrow morn ing, but we will carry off every thing and strip the country just as Field Marshal Machenzen did Ru mania. # "The only grudge the Entente has against us is that we refuse to have English and American capital domi nate Rumania. Hungary must fol low Rumania's policy in not accept ing English and American capital. Whatever would remain after the Rumanians retreat would be taken by the Entente anyway. The En tente idea is to have Rumania and Hungary fight and destroy each other, the Entente thereby getting all. There is only one policy for Hungary to pursue, that is a junc tion between Hungary and Ruma nia, ruled by the Rumanian king. We do not care what the Entente or Premier Clemenceau of France wants to do or is doing. We will follow our own policy. "We expect an answer from Arch duke Joseph, head of the govern ment, by 8 o'clock to-night. If an answer is not received by that time,, we shall inform Bucharest, which will decide what action should be taken." Supreme Council Does Not Have Rumanian Reply By Associated Press. Paris, Wednesday, Aug. 13.—The Supreme Council considered the Hungarian question this afternoon but as replies have not yet been received from Rumania, the coun cil had no official advices from that country concerning its attitude. Dispatches from the Interallied Military Commission containing in quiries as to that body's powers were considered and the council sent additional instructions to Buda pest. It is understood that the mis sion was advised that orders are not to be given to the commanders of the Rumanian army, but that members of the mission should hold themselves in readiness to confer with Rumanian officials preparatory to an adjustment of the strained situation. FLAT RETURN OF SIX PER CENT. [Continued from First Page.] minimum return plan the net re sult of operations in the pre-war test period, the basis of government rental some of the carriers would have turned in a surplus for di vision between employes and tl.e public. Mr. Walter said the financial structure of credits depended upon the legislation enacted by this Con gress to deal with the railroad problem. The association, he said, used the property investment ac count of the carriers as the basis upon which to apply the per cent., because the Interstate Com merce Commission had found that the only available basis for prompt, determination of sufficiency of the return upon investment. "It was a fundamental of the Warfield plan, the witness said, that labor should participate in the earnings of the carriers. I.abor and Public to Share "We believe," he declared, "that capital is entitled to its return of six per cent.: that labor is entitled to a fair wage and that the excess earned by the carriers after paying fair wages and six per cent, on cap ital should be divided with labor and the public. Labor's share should be used for the establishment of the insurance system or for profit-shar ing. By reason of the largely in creased duties which will fall upon the commission the security holders ask Congress to create six- regional Interstate Commerce Commissions, subordinate to the commission, but with all the powers of the Inter state Commerce Commission in their respective territories. "Our plan contemplates that these regional commissions shall act as boards of conciliation in settling wage disputes, being a body close to the employes, the carriers and the shippers. Operate Without Profit "The issuance of securities of all carriers engaged in interstate com merce would be vested exclusively in Federal authority. "This plan would create a cor poration operated without profit to the railroads and managed by the nine Interstate Commerce Commis sioners and eight railroad men se lected by the railroads. This cor poration would furnish expert ad vice to the commission in the oper ation of carriers, would unify term inals. would operate equipment such as has been built by the railroad ad ministration and allocated to the in dividual railroads. It would furnish a great clearing house for railroad operation and in times of emer gency would constitute the directing force for the handling of the rail roads as a single system." HAD 2 DOZEN" WEASELS 5 YEARS AGO, NOW HAS 1,200 Pawnee, O.—Five years ago MIES Eva Sloan bought two dozen weasels. To-day she has 1,200 weasels at her home near this village. The first year her net profit ag gregated $234. Last year her net profits totaled $3,000 and she believes her busi ness will double this year. She makes shipments to all parts of the country and does nothing but a wholesale business. THIS WEEK TRY KRUMBLES AT OUR RISK This week you are invited to make a thorough trial of Krumbles at our risk. Buy a 15-cent package of Krumbles from your grocer. Use the whole package if you wish, and if you are not more than pleased your grocer will refund your 15 cents without question and we will reimburse him. We couldn't ask you to buy Krumbles on this basis if we did not know how greatly they will please you. The war taught us how to make Krumbles 100 per cent bet ter—by creating a blend of choice cereals that is really most delicious and appetizing. Everybody likes Krumbles. They are made in the same big kitchens that produce Toasted Corn Flakes —this fact is a guarantee of quality. Buy your money-back trial package of Krumbles today. Kel logg Toasted Corn Flake Co., Battle Creek, Mich. IDLRRJSBTTRG QS&&& TEKEGKXPH GODCHARLESIS REAPPOINTED Well-Known Former Senator and Athlefe Named by Secretary Woods Secretary of V\\ $ //J 1h e Common v\ \\ i/vy wealth Cyrus E. \S\\\A Woods, announc- ed to-day, with ■ the approval of the Governor, WJbQQSqk the re-appoint- I JnjrtHVtfllVtnr ment °I Frederick : M nini Godcharles of ; Milton, Northum berland county, trnmrnrnimumrnimilllm as Deputy Secre tary of the Commonwealth. Deputy Secretary of the Common wealth Godcharles is one of the best-known men in the State. He was a former State Senator, Is a leader in thg Pennsylvania State Sportsmen's Association and State Rifle Association. He is an athlete and has been prominent as an in tercollegiate football coach having been selected every season for the past ten years. He is a member of the Harrisburg and Milton Sports men's Associations and is on the FREDERIC A. GODCHARLES committee to prepare for the big State shoot in this city next June. He was also named to-day as a member of the State Civilian Rifle team to compete at Caldwell, N. J., and will act as team quartermaster. He served as captain in the Army during the war. Api>oiiitnieiU Made Governor Sproul to-day announced the ap pointment of Mrs. Charles Reed, of Huntingdon as a member of the Board of Trustees to administer the mother's assistance fund in Huntingdon county. Flat Wheels Stop Clock Flat wheels on the trolley cars operated by the Reading Transit Company keep a town clock from registering the correct time and disturb the sleep of Norristown citizens accord ing to a complaint filed with the Public Service Commission to-day by W. L. Bucke, a proprietor of a doll's hospital at Norristown. The complaint asks that the railways company make Improvements to their equipment. The Hazleton Bakery Company filed a complaint against the Amer ican Railways Company alleging in adequate service and William Hall, of Lehighton filed a complaint against the Lehighton Water Com pany alleging inadequate service. Rumania Does Not Favor Archduke Joseph By Associated Press. Paris, Wednesday* Aug. 13.—Ru mania does not favor the installa tion of Archduke Joseph in power in Hungary, according to a declaration made to the Temps by Victor Anto nesco, Rumanian minister here. "The Bucharest government has no reason for sympathy, either for archduke personally or the reaction ary regime which he represents." M. Antonesco says. "Rumania cer tainly will not support any govern ment In Budapest which is not ac ceptable to the Entente. In discussing the alleged seizures of supplies in Hungary by Rumanian forces, the minister says: "The Ru manian army's requisitions do not nearly approach those of the Hun garians in Rumania during the war. Rumanian representatives in Buda pest have received strict Instructions to examine this question in accord with Entente representatives." M. Antonesco continues by saying that the "happy result" of Ruma nia's intervention has been to per mit allied and associated represen tatives to re-enter Budapest and the suppression of Bolsheviki propa ganda. He says that it now is the task of the Allies, with Rumania's assistance, to install in Budapest a government with which a definite peace may be concluded. "I am sure," he concludes, "the Allies will find our representatives devoted to friendly collaborators. The bonds of union, between France and Rumania especially, are too strong ever to be broken for mere questions of form." Militia in Readiness to Preserve Order in Strike By Associated Press. Peoria, Ills., Aug. 14. lllinois reserve militia units were ready to day to march to the Keystone Steel and Wire Plant in South Barton ville and preserve order in the steel mills where fighting yesterday be tween striking employes and deputy sheriffs resulted in the injury of five persons. A number of shots were fired dur ing the night, but early to-day there was no sign of further rioting. Sev eral explosions, believed to be dyna mite blasts, shook the works of the plant early to-day but the extent of the damage was not known. That the blasts were inside of the guarded works of the Keystone mills was admitted to-day by officials of the company. The trouble dates back two months when the employes struck for higher wages and a closed shop. The company granted an increase in pay, but declined to recognize the union. The plant has been closed for several weeks. SLOW BUT SURE By Associated P'ess. Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 14. Fen wick McCloud, of Clearfield, has re- I ceived a check for sls from the I Government, an accompanying letter | explaining that the amount was due Ihis father for services rendered 53 years ago. while a chaplain in the Army. The father has been dead 47 years. EXCESSIVE FOOD IS STORED IN SIX STATES [Continued from First Page.] antitrust suits, especially that against the five big packing com panies. The Attorney General also wants $300,006 for other work of the department, not directly con nected with the living problem, such as the enforcement of wartime prohibition, prosecution of appeals and hiring of special assistants. Cut Billion Dollars From H..C. L. by Eating Wheat, Is Plea of U. S. Philadelphia. Aug. 14. lf the American people will return to their normal pre-war consumption of wheat they will cut $1,000,000,000 off the high cost of living, j This is the conclusion reached by I Julius H. Barnes. United States ( wheat director, who yesterday is ( sued an appeal to the people, to get | back to their normal cereal con sumption and if possible increase the amount of cereal foods they nor mally consumed before this country entered the war and restrictions were placed on the use of bread grains to help our allies. "Food substitution during the war accomplished much, guided by the response of a war-conscience," said Mr. Barnes. "Is it possible to use the newly-aroused social conscience and secure not only a reversion to our normal cereal consumption, but perhaps an increase?" Week of Fasting Is Urged to Break Food Price by Physician Connellsvillc, Pa., Aug. 14.—Fa yette county physicians, or at least some of them, are advising a fast of one week to cause a reduction in food prices. The physicians state that any one above 16 can fast a week with beneficial results and that a half million dollars would be saved by Fayette county folks in that time. The physicians suggest that only water be taken in the six-day fast. In discussing the proposed fqst. a physician said: "Such a fast will positively not injure any one. I would be willing to undertake a trial fast of a week with other Connellsville people sim ply to demonstrate the feasibility of the plan and its beneficial results physically. Water, of course, is to be taken, but, thank heaven, that costs little. If there are any per sons who desire to join me in a trial fast I am willing to start any time." People Demand Costly Shoes, Plaint of Makers Boston. Aug. 14.—Shoes retailing for $6 and $7 a pair are a drug on the market, according to witnesses who appeared yesterday at the grand jury investigation of the high cost of living. They testified that customers demand a more expen sive grade and that as a result profits have to be made on the finer grades of leather, while there is no call for parts of hides formerly used for manufacturing cheaper shoes. The needs of iore'ign governments after the war began and the in creased demand for shoes after America became a party to the con flict were among the causes of the increased price, according to other witnesses. Tanners and manufac turers, it was asserted, were all anx ious to have prices drop. Witnesses examined included El mer Bliss, president of the Regal Shoe Company: James L. Devaney, an employe of the Armour Leather Company: Louis Jolles. James R. Gormley and Ernest G. Howes. Chicago Branch of the Central Sugar Company Is in Toils of the U. S. By Associated Press. Chicago, Aug. 14.—As a test case against alleged food hoarders and profiteers .action was planr.*ed for to-day by Department of Justice of ficials against the Central Sugar Company, of Chicago, on complaint that the firm has 70,000 pounds of Tsugar in Rockford, 111., where it is said 14 M cents a pound is being asked for it. George W. Sheehan, president of the company: George P. Leinberg er, office manager, an-d George L. Dowd and L. J. Shaffer, sales man j Stop Itching Skin There is one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves itching torture and skin irritation almost instantly and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle of Zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that irritations, pimples, blackheads,eczema,blotches, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. A little Zemo, the penetrating, satis fying liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions, makes the clrin soft, smooth and healthy. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland. O. will improve hair or we pay you Wildroot is a guaranteed preparation which goes right at the hidden cause of coming baldness—the scaly, itchy crust of dandruff. Wildroot removes this crust allows nature to produce the thick lust rous hair normal to any healthy scalp. mmmm THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC For sale here under a money-back guarantee H. C. KENNEDY Wildroot Shampoo Soap, used in connection with Wildroot, will haaten the treatment. agers, were arrested on similar charges in Pittsburgh a week ago. Food Stored in Chicago Warehouses to Be Seized; Will to Public Chicago; Aug. 14.—Government prosecutors who are waging war on food hoarders and profiteers will go before Federal District Judges here soon and seek writs to seize surplus food supplies in cold storage and sell them to the public. Federal officials believe this ac tion, which was announced yester day by the District Attorney's of fice, will result In quick price re ductions on many articles of food. Owners of the surplus stock would be prosecuted under the Federal food control law for hoarding. Thousands of tons of meats, poul try, fish, butter and eggs are held in warehouses by brokers and spec ulators here, according to reports by the United States Bureau of Mar kets. Millions of Eggs and Tons of Food in Cold Storage Are Seized Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 14.—More than a milion eggs, hundreds of thousands of tins of canned foods and 27,500 pounds of sugar were seized here yesterday in a raid on wholesale food warehouses and cold storage plants by Federal officers. 11 Cents Is Limit For Retail Sugar, He Declares Philadelphia, Aug. 14.—"The re tail price of granulated sugar is still 11 cents a pound," declared James E. Bacon, former head of the Sugar Division of the Food Administration for Pennsylvania, now associated with A. B. Leach & Co., a brokerage firm in South Fourth street, but who is still interested in food ques tions. Mr. Bacon declared that the regu lations on sales of sugar are still in effect, the same as during war times, and that any housewife who finds her grocer charging more than 11 cents is justified in reporting the matter to the United States District Attorney. BIG HAUL MADE AT TAMPA Tampa, Fla., Aug. 14.—Foodstuffs held in storage by six Tampa wholesale concerns, aggregating 326,000 tins of canned goods, 4,- 000 cases of eggs, with large quan tities of sugar. Hour and other com modities, were seized here by agents of the Department of Justice, act ing under orders of H. S. Phillips, United States District Attorney. No tices of libel were served on the Is it Possible to Legislate Life and Brains ? j Swift & Company is primarily an organization of men, not a collection of brick, mortar, and machinery. Packing Plants, their equipment and usefulness are only outward symbols of the intelligence, life long experience, and right purpose of the men who compose the organi zation and of those who direct it. Will not Government direction of the packing industry, now con templated by Congress, take over the empty husk of physical property and equipment and sacrifice the initiative, experience and devotion of these men, which is the life itself of the industry? What legislation, what political adroitness could replace such life and brains, once driven out? Let us send you a "Swift Dollar," I' It will interest you. Address Swift and Company Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. 1 Swift & Company, U. S. A. j Harrisburg Local Branch, Seventh & North Streets F. W. Covert, Manager ifflj //£$ /P WMAT BECOMES OF\ H I / THB AVERAGE I iuHSISsil /swift & company | w ■ "H ■ \\ 12,96% / ftCcf ®I I II 4 CENTS 'is PA?D FOR*THE I I '| •' "■T T"1 t3 \\ y— _ ° a t \\ Live ANIMAL j \\ I?*/ ToStodßlher B * 11.96 CENTS FOR LABOR j \\ /Y IVJTWJKIWISERI M EXPENSES AND FREIOHT // VVSH O/M 204 C£ W T IT REM *"' S J/ © o SWIFT iCOMPAJfr j/ N>- —*s PROFIT AUGUST 14, imy. owners, charging that the goods! were being illegally held from the market for the purpose of unreason ably increasing prices. 81,000 DOZEN Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 14. Eighty-four thousand dozen eggs stored with the Atlantic Ice and Coal Corporation here for the ac count of Morris & Co., Chicago, were seized by the United Stales District Attorney. Seizure was made under libel proceedings in the Fed eral Court, which charged that the eggs were unlawfully, stored to ob tain unreasonably increasing prices. DAIRYMEN WANT TO HELP Chicago, Aug. 14. —Members of the Chicago Butter and Egg Board yesterday telegraphed to President Wilson a copy of a resolution adopt ed by the organization offering to assist and co-operate with the gov ernment in the formulation of a plan to regulate the storage and sale of those commodities so as to reduce the cost to the consumer and aid government officials in their fight against the high cost of living. SIRS. CATHERINE KEARNEY Mrs. Catherine Kearney, 53 years old. widow of Lawrence E. Kearney, died this morning at her home, 1008 Berryhill street. She is survived by Special Reductions on LAWNMOWERS, WAGONS and FRUIT JARS, During Entire Month of August WAGONS 16.50 value, special... 95.75 The wagons we sell are the best on the market. Holler 97.00 value, special $0.35 bearings; coaster wagons; 50 ....... . nßPi .i . ... just what the kiddies want. ♦'•ou special go., a LA tVNMOWERS $8.50 Regular Style 14-inch $7.50 re g\d ar*b ty 1 e tt a n d'b a 1 * bear ing ,9 00 Jugular Style 16-inch ss.oo mowers that we are offering $ll.OO Ball Bearing 14-inch $8.75 this month at exceptionally ..... „ low prices. $13.00 Ball Bearing 16-inch... .$0.50 FRUIT JARS Vs pts., reg. price doz. $1.30, now $1.15 This is the canning season. 1 Pt.. reg. price doz. $1.50, now $1.35 Everybody needs jars. This , ... ~.. .. ... is your opportunity to get q ' s ~ pnce doz - 91.60, now $1.40 FOSTER SEAL-FAST white Glass tops for jars, n0w....35c doz. glass jars at an exceptionally ... low price. Rubber Jar rings, now 10c doz. H. J. WOLFORD 160.1 NORTH .THRU STREET Open Evenings Hardware, Gas and Electrical Fixtures of All Kinds four sons, two daughters and llv| grandchildren. Funeral services will' be held Friday morning at 10 j o'clock. Burial will be in Prospectj Hill Cemetery. i Twas made for ||| $ S|T-H-I-R-S-Tiß | p I ASK YOUR DEALER