Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 13, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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Bill in House to Curb Prof
iteering Is Subject of
Windy Discussion
Washington, Aug. 13.—The forth
coming bill to curb profiteering in
the United States could be disposed
of promptly in the House of Repre
sentatives but for the desire on the
part of from 150 to 200 of the 435
members of that body to take part
in the discussion.
A special rule limits merely the
general debate, but when a measure
is taken up under the five-minute
rule, and when amendments are in
order, that is the great opportunity
for the new and inexperienced Con
gressman to get in his work, and in
these latter days he would simply
"bust" wide open if he did not man
age to edge in so that he could pad
his remarks and make it appear to
the voters of his district that he had
a leading hand in putting through
legislation for reducing the high cost
of living.
If the bill being considered in
committee by veteran legislators is
to be speedily passed it is realized
by the leaders of the House, both
Democrats and Republicans, that an
unusually drastic special rule will
have to be reported and adopted for
shutting off tho flow of talk.
Philadelphia to Sell Bread
at Reduced Prices
in Police Stations
Philadelphia. Aug. 13.—Director
Joseph S. MacLaughlin, chairman of
the market commission, announced
yesterday that tho commission is
planning to sell bread, fresh fish and
vegetables at ail the police stations
in the city.
"As soon as we find that the sale
of government stocks at cost is a
success," said Mr. MacLaughlin, "we
are going to put this new plan in
operation. Already two of the larg
est bakeries in town have consented
to sell us bread at a rate which will
enable us to dispose of it at two
cents a loaf less than the usual price I
at the stores. Similar offers have!
been made by a number of fish and
vegetable wholesalers."
This lash maqleoome
Some people are inclined to neglect
a slight rash. They consider it a mere
trifle and expect it to disappear next
day. On the contrary this delay per
mits the rash often times to become
more malignant in nature, and conse
quently more difficult to overcome
and Ileal.
Save yourself hours of torture. On
the first indication of soreness to the
touch, an itchy and inflamed skin,
spotty, with a tendency to become
swollen and painful—apply
Msg i Tirol
the famous healing ointment prepared es
pecially for the treatment ot such ailments
Cause of Stomach Sickness
Bow to Relieve Momiieh l)Mre.oi In n
Few Minnies. Money llnek If
Trentment Doe. ,\ot Overeome
Any Form of ImliKONtlon
If you feel as though there was a
lump of lead at the pit of the stom
ach, take a couple of Mi-o-na stom
ach tablets and in live minutes you
should see that all stomach distress
has vanished.
If you belch gas, have heartburn
or sour stomach, you need Mi-o-na.
If your stomach feels up-set the
morning after the night before, take
two Mi-o-na tablets and see how
quickly you get relief.
If you have shortness of breath,
pain in the stomach, waterbrash or
foul breath, you need Mi-o-na and
the sooner you get it, the sooner
your stomach should perform its
duties properly.
If you use a box of Mi-o-na tablets
and feel that it has not overcome
your indigestion or stomach trouble
take the empty box to your dealer
and he will refund your money. For
sale by H. C. Kennedy and all leading
L'k* "Jolnt-KiiMv," Tlion Jump With
Joy and Tell Ot hern—" It
Touche* tlie Spot!"
No Wonder i™Jf^~ EASE
At < iXtcV U,U tK7 ** Plasters
iff ad Liniments
U - N 10 Ways.
Rubbed into ti.e skin it stimulates
circulation and quickly relieves pain,
stiffness, swollen joints and aching
muscles; tired pulfed-up feet, neu
ralgia, neuritis and rheumatic
twinges. Has a delightful odor and
leaveM the skin soft, healthy and
smooth. It's tine for bites from in
When inhaled, it carries a most
effective medicated vapor to the head,
throat and lungs, for colds and
catarrh. Put It up your nostrils and
avoid Grippe and other Infections.
Joint-Ense is the now, clean, scien
tific, first-aid treatment in small con
venient tubes. Can be used any time
anywhere and without humiliation!
Get your tube to-day—then wutrli
your troubles quickly disappear!
Sold In this city by Geo. A. Uoigas,
Kennedy's Drug Store and all other
good druggists t
Mexicans Drag Him From
Home and Tor
ture Him '
Mexico City, Aug. 13.—Details of
t the lynching of Juan Galvan, a
I prominent resident of the village of
■ Zaragopza in the state of San Luis
! Potosi, have just been received in
1 the capital and El Democrata, in
' publishing the story, declares this
is the first instance of lynching rc
: corded in Mexico.
Galvan was publicly accused by
j the pastor of a church in Zaragoza
I of being the person who robbed the
j image of a virgin in one of the
churches of gold and jewels valued
at 10,000 pesos. The words of the
curate inflamed his hearers, who
dragged Galvan from his home,
built a funeral pyre and upon it
tortured the unfortunate man until
he died. The curate has been de
tajned by the authorities as the
author of the crime.
j - ■
Borough Council
Raises Salaries
The borough council met in reg
ular session Monday evening with
all members present but A. H.
Luckenbill. The park commission
was granted $2 00. The members of
council will meet Saturday even
ing and view State street between
Catherine and Wood streets, where
the property owners would like to
move their line fence to the grade.
Jacob Brandt was given a raise
from 25 to 30 cents per hour and
Edward Ware $5 more on a month's
salary. The paving of certain streets
was discussed and the committee
of Solicitor J. 11. Gcyer, Blecher,
Landis and Gerberich were continu
ed and will get prices on various
kinds of paving. Jerome Embick,
D. W. Huntzberger, A. L. Huntz
berger and Levi Heagy and son,
Lineaus Heagy, will be given the
grade on Swatara street and will
put down concrete pavements. Sev
eral property owners in South Wood
street will be notified to repair their
The school board met in regular
session Monday evening with all
members present but H. E. Force.
The division line suggested by Su
perintendent H. J. Wickey was ac
cepted. Superintendent Wickey was
appointed by the board to get war
data on the boys from town who
were in the World War for Dauphin
•county records. Miss Lehman, who
was elected as teachei* sometime
ago, has resigned. • ,
The T. J. K. Club held its meet
ing at the home of Miss Erma Bren- :
toman, North Catherine street, on
Monday evening and after the busi
ness of the hour was transacted a
social hour was held. Refresh
ments were served to these persons:
Miss Verona Keifer, Miss Agnes
Markley, Miss Ruth McNalr, Miss
Martha Swartz, Mrs. Raymond Gil
bert and Miss Erma Brenneman. J
The Middietown praying band '
met at the home of Mrs. Jennie Ma- !
son, Ann street, last evening.
Mrs. Annie Carr and two grand
children, of Chambersburg. are 1
spending some time in town as the '
guests of the former's son, George -I
Carr and family. South Wood street. ;
Dr. H. W. George, who recently J
purchased the late Dr. D. W. C.
Laverty property in North Union ■
street, is moving from his prop- |
erty in Spring street. Dr. George i
sold twenty feet of the ground ad- j
joining the Farmers Bank on the i
north side to the bank. Dr. Shope,
who has had his dentist office in the J
office rooms, will move his office to i
the McNair property. Union and i
Emaus streets, which was recent- I
ly purchased by Harold McNalr |
from the McNair estate.
Squire George Rife has purchased
the Mrs. Kate Wagner property in
Swatara street, which he has occu
pied for a number of years. Mr.
Rife will make some extensive im
The Boy Scouts. Troop No. 1, have
completed their building along the
Swatara creek on the Royalton side,
near the county bridge and are at
work cutting down the underbrush
and trimming the trees.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah
Andrews was held from her home
in West High street, yesterday af
ternoon, with services at 2 o'clock.
The Rev. Fuller Bergstrcsser, pas- I
tor of the St. Peter's Lutheran
Church officiated. Burial was made
in the Highspire Cemetery and was
private. 1
Sister Lydia Seiplemcyer, deacon
ess of the St. Peter's Lutheran
Church, has returned from a two
weeks' visit to her home at Balti
more, Md.
A robber tried to gain entrance to
the jewelry store of J. Kruger in
the McNair block, i n South Union
street, Tuesday morning about 4 I
o'clock by breaking the one pane in I
tho front show window. He was I
scared away by Mr. Kruger who
heard the breaking of the window.
He ran out Emaus street and upon
investigation Mr. Klugcr found
nothing missing.
Mr. and Mrs. James Beers, of
Pottstown. are spending sometime in
town as the guests of the latter's
aunts, Miss Annie Raymond and
Mrs. Rakestraw, North Union street.
A Girls Scout club was organized
in town on Monday evening and at
the meeting held at the home of
Miss Louise Hanna, West Water
street, the following took the pledge-
Miss Naomi Yost, Miss Helen Scid
crs, Miss Louise Fox. Miss Helen
Gotshall and Miss Helen Seiders.
Miss Louise Hanna was elected cap
tain. They will meet every Mon
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baier and son
Everett, of Philadelphia, are spend
ing some time in town as the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sides, Mar
ket street.
Child Buried Alive
When Street Caves In
By Associated Press.
. Scranton, Pa., Aug. 13.—Peter
Warburton, 11 years old, was buried
alive last evening when a mine cavol
occurred in the Diamond mine. His
cousin, Daniel Hughes, aged 11, had
a narow escape. The boys had been j
playing on tho street. While volun
teers were digging for the boy's
body the surface settled three feetj
causing a panic among them.
Find "Peeping Tom"
Hiding in Houses
New York, Aug.'l3.—Residents in
five towns of Staten Is'.and are
aroused over the intrusions of a
"Peeping Tom." The man has
broken into residences, hiding in the
rooms of young women and girls and
I "The Live Store" ' I
If you want to get an idea of what the people think of Doutrichs you
should see the great crowds who are coming to this "Live Store" Summer Clearance Sale. When
you look inside the store you can't help but realize the tremendous success of this semi-annual
Where Everything Is Marked Down Except CCollars and Interwoven Hose)
n The buying is wonderful, people are spending their I
? money as never before—But look what they are saving on every pur
chase they make. Just take a pencil and paper fcuid calculate the saving on a few arti-
C * es wea " n S apparel you have urgent need of, you'll be astonished what a snug
little sum you have saved—Then'think of the big amount you will save in buying a
supply for future use. —That's why we are so busy, our customers are taking advantage
1 SW 1 our extremely low prices, suppling their wants and protecting themselves against
s ' high prices.
I ' - There isn't a day goes by that we don't get advance 1
quotations on merchandise and while it seems foolish that in spite of
continual advances we insist on cutting the prices, we feel sure our customers will ap
preciate our method of doing business in giving up the profits and having a complete
clearance, so we can begin the next season with a clean, new stock—lt's well worth
9 1-i yOUr t0 COme erC — y ° Ur r * en^B ow they will save on |jj
I Hart Schaffner & Marx, 1
I Kuppenheimer & 1
1 ' oc * ® Clothes I
| B. V. D. Underwear, Monito Hose, Pioneer I
Jm|j Suspenders, Brighton Garters, Munsing 1
I SK iffl 1: Wear, Silk and Mercerized Shirts, Pajamas, 1
| I JjA Night Shirts, Hats and Caps, All Boys' I
I in ' Ka Y nee Shirts and' Blouses, Black Cat I
Coovricht 1919 Hart Schaffner & Marx Stockings, all Boys' Clothing
I All $25.00 Suits $18.75 All $45.00 Suits $35.75 1
I All $30.00 Suits $23.75 All $50.00 Suits $39.75 3
All $35.00 Suits $27 75 All $55.00 Suits .. „ $43.75 I
All $38.00 Suits $29.75 All $60.00 Suits ; . $48.75
All $40.00 Suits $31.75 All $65.00 Suits $52.75
All $1.25 Blue Chambray and Black Sateen Shirts 99c ||
a Price All $1.50 B. V. D. Union Suits $1.19 Trousers
mW a S . All $2.50 Boys' Wash Suits $1.89 I
when discovered has made his es
cape either by leaping from upper
, porches or dashing down stairways.
The man entered the home of Wil
{ liam Quinn at 126 Quinn street, Sta
, pleton. By climbing a porch roof,
he got into a spare bedroom and hid
Under a bed which two of Mr. j
Quinn's three daughters have been
occupying. When the Intruder was
discovered he made a wild dash and
got away.
Arguments End in
Ford Libel Suit I
Mt. Clemehs, Mich., Aug. ,13. —
Arguments in the $1,000,000 libel
suit of Henry Ford against the Clil
j cago Dally Tribune closed yesterday
I with the summing up addresses of
Elliott G. Stevenson, senior counsel
I for the Tribune, and Alfred Lucking,
i senior counsel for Mr. Ford.
| Judge Tucker said that he intend
ed to excuse the jury and counsel
to-day while he devoted himself to
preparing his instructions, which
will be lengthy. Thursday morning.
AUGUST 13, 1919.
he said, he expected to charg4 tho
Jury und send It to its deliberations.
Suffering from CATARRH? For
quick relief. The MAN-HEIL In
haler. Demonstration at Gorgas'
Pharmacy, 16 North Third street.
t '