Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 13, 1919, Page 6, Image 6
6 Celebrate Birthday With Informal Dance George Beers was the guest of honor at a birthday party given by Mrs. Carrie Beers at her home, South Twelfth street. The evening was spent with dancing and a buf fet supper was served to these guests: Miss Mary Foultz, Miss Jennie Yoffee, Miss Carrie Eckert, Miss Bylvia Renecker, Miss Fay Fleet, Miss Fay L. Miss Katharine Morrissey, Russel Stees, George Beers, Thomas Beers, Charles Smith, John Towson, Sparrows Point, Md.; Eaul McKay. William Shellenberger, Paul Allhouse, Thomas Eckerd, Mrs. Dickey and Edward Dickey, of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Boyd Renecker, Mrs. Charles Tow son, Mrs. Agnes Towson, Hugo Schutzhaugh, W. H. Eckerd and Paul Towson. ! I • Wedding Flowers Plant Decorations If It has to do with Flowers or anything tlui* "gro rs," consult us— THE BERRYHILL , Locust Street at Second Always Fresh Roasted COFFEE 40c, 45c, 50e 111. JUMBO PEANUTS 25c per lb. IMPERIAL TEA CO.. 213 < hcMtnut Street HIS eyes get as big as moons when you open the box of HERSHEY'S SUPERIOR ICE CREAM. / * Made by Hershey Creamery Co Harrisburg, Pa. 5 Another Talk to 5 Harrisburg- Husbands • How often do you discard a suit of 0 clothes before it is worn out because it's A gone out of style! Very seldom, if ever. ; For styles change but gradually in men's Q attire. V How often clops your wife discard a Q frock before it is worn out? Quite fre • quently, unless she is a woman of unusual U foresight. The swift changes in women's A styles mean millions wasted annually if V you include the loss involved throughout Q the country. • " Is this necessary? No. In selecting 0 models for my clientele I exert restraint. i 1 I never invest in extreme or faddish styles. i V My models always display that moderate 0 conservatism which appeals to the really ! • discerning taste and as a consequence they W yield months of service before going out 0 of style. It is the ultra styles which look • absurd after the fad of the moment passes. • 0 Urge your wife to inspect my stock. • She will save money by buying here. ]j) Store open all day Thursday. Closes • Saturday at one o'clock. • 1 /iuJU -0 * s • V WEDNESDAY* EVENING* INTERESTING PERSONAL NEWS LOCAL TEACHERS STUDY IN SUMMER Harrisburg Sends Delegation to Columbia University j For Six Weeks Course* There were 14,000 students at the six weeks' summer school of Co lumbia University this year, Har risburg sending a large delegation with a representative in almost everj? course given. Some of the .teachers will be in the new Junior | i'ligh School and arc specializing. The local party left here on July 1 and expect to return Friday, August 15. Among the teachers present from this city are: Miss Lois K. Booker, Miss .Margaret Sullivan, Miss Grace McLaughlin,* Miss Elizabeth Knox, Miss Maude Kennedy, Miss Annie Laurie, Miss Anna Schlayer, Miss Clara Hook, Miss Ella Ryan, Miss Anna O'Connell, Miss Iva Weirick, Miss Bertha Turner, Miss Cora E. Dugan, Miss Lila Zug, Miss Edna Sprenkle, Miss Helen Krall, Miss Katherine McNiff, Miss Louise John son, Miss Elizabeth Tittle, Miss Mary Myers, Miss Mabel Harris, Miss Anna Walzer, Miss Greenawalt, D. M. Albright. Frederick Miller, J. W. Campbell and L. L. Wilson. ENTERTAINS CLUB Members of the R. F. O. M. Club will be entertained to-morrow even ing at the home of Miss Delia Rey nolds, 24 55 Reel street. A water melon party on the veranda will be the main feature of the event. Games, stories, music and other in formal features are being planned for the entertainment of the guests. PRETTY SALES GIRL TO WED PROPRIETOR ' MISS LILLIAN MARCUS DAVID H. MORRISON Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Marcus of 2 030 North Seventh street, have an nounced the engagement of their sister. Miss Lillian Marcus to David H. Morrison, of this city, proprietor and manager of the Family Shoe Store, in Stcelton. For three years pretty Miss Marcus has been an employe of the store and the be-trothal is not unexpected to friends of the young couple. ENJOY SUPPER OUT OF DOORS Spooky Hollow Favorite Place For Summer Parties That Enjoy Toast-Roasts The ghosts that usually inhabit Spooky Hollow are almost driven front their haunts by the gay sum mer parties arriving there nearly every evening intent on sport. One of the happiest crowds was there last evening to enjoy a toast-roast of corn, potatoes, wieners and marshmallows, in the open. There were various stunts pulled off and an entire evening of fun was spent, in the.party were: Mr. and Mrs. Staley Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Faust, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Karper, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Walters, Misses Dess Kissell, Jane Kline, Anna McElheny, Jane McElheny. Emma Nissley, Eunice McElheny, Gladys Faust, John lteese, Howard Baum, Jack Price Gompers, Harvey Hammond Black, and Thomas Keel Weil. Miss Beatrice Walker, Fifteonth street, New Cumberland, is spending her vacation with relatives in Ad ams county. • Miss Irene B. Wolfe, Miss Flor ence P. Wolfe, and Miss Catharine G. Wolfe are spending ten days at Atlantic City where they are regis tered at the Boscobel Hotel. Miss Edna M. Hayes, 1407 Re gina street, left yesterday for a week's visit with friends In Balti more and Solomon's Island, Md. Mrs. G. S. Machen and daughter. Miss Mary Machen, have returned to their home in this city after spending the weekend in Philadel phia. Miss Katherine R. Collins, CO3 Race street, and niece. Miss Mary Elizabeth Woriey, 1422 Walnut street, are spending some time at Pen Mar and Blue Ridge Summit. Miss Frances B. Gel wicks, 410 Hummel street, left the city yester day to spend the remainder of the month with friends in Baltimore and Philadelphia. Miss Bessie L. Zimmerman and Miss Sara E. Patterson, 211(5 North Fourth street, are spending some time in Pen Mar. Miss Agnes Towsen, 1308 South Twelfth street, has returned after a two weeks' visit at Philadelphia. Miss Towsen was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Major Kean, for merly of this city. William W. Wyant and his sis ter, Miss Elizabeth D. Wyant, 1204 North Second street, are home after a ten-day visit at Atlantic City. Miss Anna Weiner, of Pottsville. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cown, at 1605 Susquehanna street. Mr. and Mrs. David Sohmer, of Pittsburgh, left for home to-day af ter a week's stay among relatives Tit this vicinity. Miss Phyllis Stewart went, home to Georgetown, Va., this morning following a little visit with her aunt, Mrs. Lesley Thompson, of Penn street. Miss Ida Cohen, of New York city, is visiting friends here for a week or two. Arthur Brundage, of Cleveland. Ohio, is a guest of his sister, Mrs. Percy Thomas, of State street. Miss Estella Owen and Miss Ida mae Owen of Columbus, 6hio, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young, of North Third street. Miss Evelyn Wood, of 2218 North Third street, is spending several weeks among relatives in Caton ville, Md. Miss Margaret E. King, of Wash ington,! £>. C., is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. King, at 429 HacUton street. Miss Carrie 11. Dwyer, one of the younger musicians of the city, is presiding at the organ of the Market Square Presbyterian Church for the month of August during the vaca tion of Mrs. John H.' Henry, the or ganist. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Jackson went home to Jersey City, to-day after a month's stay in this vicin ity. Richard J. Forsythe, Baltimore, is spending part of his vacation with his former college chum, Emerson F. Geary, of Market street. Miss Lillie Lewis, of New York, has left for home after visitii Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilensky, at 1643 Susquehanna street. Paul F. Thurman and his son, George B. Thurman, of Cincinnati, are among the' out-of-town folks spending the week in suburban Har risburg. Mrs. Neil Salsich, of South Beth lehem, formerly Miss Josephine Brady, of this city, is a guest of Mrs. Lesley McCreath at her sum mer home. Fort Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gormley, are at their home, 1948 Green street, after a trip to Pittsburgh. Mrs. David Landis and family, 2009 North Fifth street, nre spend ing a week in Chanceford. Mrs. John C. Herman and little daughter. Peggy, left last evening to .visit Mrs. Herman's sister, Mrs. Walter Bruce Caldwell, of Sharon. HARRJSBrnRG MAf TEIJEGItXFff GIVE BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR SON Mr. and Mrs. Sanders Enter tain at Their Home in Com pliment to Overseas Man Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanders en tertained last evening at their home, 641 Muench street, in celebration of the birthday anniversary of their son, Clarence Sanders, recently re turned from overseas where he served 15 months with the Medical Department and was attached to the First Army Corps, with Headquarters and Supply Company.. He was in the fighting around Chateau Thierry. The house was beautifully deco rated in the National colors and in the diningroom, where refresh ments were served, the centerpiece was an American flag and white carnations. Victrola music and dancing formed part of the evening's enter tainment. Mrs. John Garverick and Mrs. Fred Sanders played piano solos and Fred Sanders sang to the accompaniment of his own guitar. The feuests were: Miss Blanche Garverick, Miss Clara Hilbish, Miss Verna Palm, Miss • Marie Hippie, Miss Alice Hippie, Miss Caroline Hippie, J. R. Henderson, Roy Con nor, Ray Comp, Fred Shtckley, Thor burn Sanders, Ellwood Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sheibley, Mr. and Mrs. John Garverick, Mr. and Mrs. George Garverick, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Horst, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Baer, Mrs. Minnie Motter and Mrs. Harry Hippie. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Jackson and Robert L. Jackson, 21 North Fifteenth street, have left on a mo tor trip through Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D. O. Miss Katharine Middleton, of Camp Hill, left on a visit to Phila delphia and Port Deposit, Md. Visiting the Shops With Adele BY ADELE IN these (lays of inflated prices isn't It delightful to know that we can still obtain some things at a reasonable cost? Of course, they're few and far between, but, the fact remains, they do exist. Yesterday for Co am 2 l oB'No?th I"" a , mn . z!n ® discovery. On visiting the Grand Union' Tea one half i>(int Seo °nd street, I was astounded to learn that for less than !ii r H I V . I'could treat myself to that most delicious beverage of an—Gram! union Oolong Tea. Served ice cold or steaming hot. -fs sure to touch the spot. • That Grand Union teas are the best on the market for the price is a well-known fact. But how many people realize that YESTERDAY afternoon. as I en-i tercd Keeney's Flower Shop, 814 North Third street, I was I unable to suppress a little exclama- j tlon of delight. And, had you been I with me, you'd have helped swell ; the chorus. For here, there and everywhere were ferns, ferns, ferns! Delicate, graceful ar.-d luxuriant, they captivate the eye and give promise of still greater beauty in ! days to come. To present one to a friend would be a joy, indeed, as Mr., Keeney must have suspected when he placed them in attractive reed baskets and pretty, tinted fern j dishes. Were I to choose a gift fol ic shut-in or an invalid, I would un- I hesitatingly select one of the Keeney 1 ferns, kr.-owing that nothing could I bring more lasting pleasure. I J?. one wero to offer you an original masterpiece by Rembrandt, would jou take it? Foolish question! Of, course, you would; because his works rank with those of greatest artists as examples of composi tion, expression, color, light and shade. And for the past three centuries people have traveled many weary miles just to gaze upon them. But, since his original works are worth small fortunes in themselves, only the \ery rich are able to possess them. Just the same, it is possible for us n OUI ' ff alls , w l ith examples of this great master's art, as well as j , ? se Reynolds, Romney, Holbein and others. At Saltzgiver's Art Antique Shop, 233 North Second street, we can procure remarkable ° P , form °f framed pictures, that make it possible for us to tiansform our homes into miniature art galleries. WHEN the "north wind doth Lhrar," usilaiy tt>C£t be warmly clad-. Ana—muz X add—attractively clad, as well. sSo she buys herself a warm, snug suit and bravely ventures forth to meet the icy blasts. If she is wise, she chooses one such as I saw to-day at the Cloos Shop, in the Penn- Harrls building. The Pekin blue of its Duvit Superior cloth, contrast ing effectively with the blackness of its Hudson- seal trimming, Is its first claim to beauty. Next in or der, comes the wonderful brocaded lining, the semi-fitted front, the straighflines of the back, the straps on the sleeves and, last, but surely not the least—the touch obtained by the generous display of buttons. WHILE it's generally supposed that clothing is going to cost almost double in the fall, you won't tind it that way at Doutrichs. Never! This establishment isn't asleep. Indeed, not! Always alert, it foresaw the coming conditions and has bought far enough ahead and in such a wise manner as to insure its customers of reasonable prices. Some stores are ho'ding onto their old stock because they fear to let it go. But Doutrichs —well, if you live in Central Pennsylvania, you know what they have been doing during their great "Mark Down" Sale. They've been constantly and consistently selling their merchandise at such low prices that some men have gone so far as to purchase two and three extra suits. Week-End. Houseparty at Stoverdale Cottage Mr. and Mrs. William E. Habby shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Ilabbyshaw, Jr., entertained a num ber of their friends at a weekend houseparty at their Stoverdule cot tage, "Edgewood." Their guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stahley, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grey, of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Beaumont, of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walter, Mr. and Mrs. George Cram ner, Miss Dorothy Habbyshaw, Miss Adele Stahley, Donald Walter, Ken neth Habbyshaw, of Ilummelstown. Dr. and Mrs. George A. Gorgas. Miss Gorgas and the Misses Gorgas leave this week on a motor trip to Boston. Mrs. W. E. Mauck, of Chicago, formerly Miss Mae Greenwood, is visiting Mrs. C. W. Barton, 1532 Regina street. Aliss Mae Oolledge visited friends here on the way home to Hummcis town, after a visit with her sister, Mrs. H. (?. Luckenburg, of Progress. Mrs. Anna K. Rtink, of 2461 Reel street, is home after a trip through New England, visiting in Bar Har bor. Maine and Boston. Miss Anna Weiner, of Pottsvillo and Miss Ida'Cohen, of New York, are guests of Miss Lillian Wtlensky, at 1643 Susquehanna street. Mrs. Orvin H. Geiger, of 2461 Reel street, has just returned home after a pleasure trip through New Eng land. Girls Have Curves, but Men's Legs Are Knobby Atlantic City, AUK. 13. Aroused at strict toggery laws enforced by the beach authorities with regard to the lair sex, Mrs. H. B. Harrison of Washington, in a letter to the "Beach Censor," delivered to Chief Surgeon Charles Bossert, head of the "beach patrol," says: "The way men are allowed to parade the beach makes them re pulsive. The girls, after all, have curves and attractions not at all dis gusting when they are permitted to come out on the beach -v without I|EASUREMENTS f or * glasses must be as care fully made as the meth ods pursued in the examina tion of the eyes. From the time you come to us for serv ice, until you leave bur office, every step necessary to assure you glasses that arc efficient, becoming and valuable is taken with extreme care and forethought. % If you need glasses con sult us. cm (?)ohl.lftnkcnbach OPTOMETRISTS ANO OPTICIAN* N0. 2 2N. 4TH. ST. UAnmairuno. PA* "Where Glasses Aro Made Right" DO you have an electric fan in your home? If you do, I'll venture to say you wouldn't j and couldn't give it up. On hot. | sultry summer days it brings relief •to your stifling, wilting family. On dry. scorching summer nights it makes sleep possible. Indeed, there seems to be no limit to its useful ness. It transforms ar? overheated kitchen into a comfortable place in which to work, and on ironing day .it proves a veritable blessing. If yon doubt my word, visit the Dau phin- Electrical Supplies Co.. 434 i Market street, the home of every thing electric, and purchase a small I fan for yourself. You'll spend the j rest of your days wondering how you managed to live without one as I long as you did. OF course, any photographer can take your picture! And the more experienced he is, the better will be the mechanical re sult. But" you want something more than- a mere photograph. That is the easiest thing in the world to obtain. What you desire is an artistic reproduction of yourself that is idealistic, but natural. The art'.st-photogrnplier can obtain this for you without resorting to flat tery. He strives to reproduce you as you are, and in doing this his chief consideration is given to your surroundings. That is why Roshon, the Market stieet photographer, whose portraitures always create Such favorable makes a specialty of takir.-g you in your own home or garden. stockings. Why can't you say some thing about the awt'ul looking men who parade around in nothing but a little scrap of a bathing suit, which fails utterly to cover their unsightly bodies? their limbs are simply awful, full of knobs, and besides most men are bowlegged. Could anything be more unsightly? The men, not the girls, should be compelled to wear stockings. and long stockings at that; also something to cover up their arms and chests. Nobody wants to see them, and they only clutter up good-looking scenery.". Russians Will Give Their All For Booze London, July 31. Three silver fox skins for which $2,500 has been refused in London were obtained in Archangel for six bottles of whisky by a British officer who has just returned from Northern Russia. An other officer traded a case of cham pagne for a diamond necklace said to be worth thousands of dollars. Returning seldiers say any posses sion a native has may be obtained with intoxicants. The hunter who parted with his fox skins had little pleasure out of the whisky, however. Immediately on obtaining it he went into a room and drank it all. He was found in a serious condition and required hos pital treatment to save his life. CRISIS IN MOSCOW Stockholm, Aug. 13.—A serious food crisis has occurred in Moscow and there is general disconent there with the Soviet government, a dispatch from Itelsingfors to the Svonska Dag- Had says. In view of the situation, it is added, the Soviet government is thinking of leaving Moscow for Tula. ° ./^S'J. I?.lirs I ! Two Extra Specials For Thursday Morning Only j □ ENVELOPE CHEMISE of plain and figured voile, m batiste and dimities in white and flesh—some with camisole tops, ribbon straps; others round and V- B ||| | neck finished with fine Val laccs and embroidery— a|| B -BBSS' also touches of hand embroidery in dainty colors—all sizes—Values up to $2.25. Thursday morning only, □ White mercerized and sateen PETTICOATS 49 i shadow proof—plain hemstitched flounce—also seal- y |Lv, loped bottom—regular and extra sizes—very special. ©jY) Thursday morning only "I I ~ hi^—•iru===irai==UEH ;-inr=s=ini==tni mi—— inf=r=inr=anni inr==inr==ini Mm in j| Make Your. Home || 1 The Best Place fj I Of All I JThe home that remains the truest haven of happi ness is the home where music reigns. Lives of hosts I ' ! ol people are to-day becoming finer and brighter lives , '.j l through the influence of good music. |l And never was good music for the home so easy j! to acquire as now, through the ownership of one of our quality player-pianos or phonographs. Why be longer without music in your home? Pay ! a visit to our store and learn how you may easily |! j become the possessor of one of these fine instruments. j| 1 Angelus i graphs, $25 Up. " There are many beautiful instruments here to see, Ij new Fall designs fresh from the factories—and some ill I very attractive values in good used instruments. All are fully guaranteed, and our prices are always below the average. J. H. Troup Music House Troup Building j 15 South Market Square I AUGUST 13, 1919. Victory Reunion Dance at Summer dale Tonight The class of 1917 of Central High School will hold a Victory Reunion Dance this evening at Summerdale Park. Special dance and picnic committees met yesterday at the home of the class president, Harold Eckert, 125 Sylvan Terrace, to com plete final plans for the event, given in honor of the twenty-six members of the class who were in the serv ice. The honor roll includes. William Bretz, Harold Bush, Al phonsus Cashman, Allen Carter, James Dougherty, Wilbur Dimrn, Kenneth Downes, Harold Eckert, Kenneth Eldridge, Marlin tteiger, Albert Goho, Daniel Grissin&or, Emery Hartman, Edward Hilton, Clement Kelly, Samuel Koplovitz, [ Ira I.ayton, " Harold Macammee, Harold Marts, Paul Moose, Russell 1 Polleck, George Spangler, Paul Fel | sam, Thomas Senseman, Charles I Hagner, Bernard Wert, Frank i Witherow. ! i r \ Dinner WrdneNdny Kve., AIIK, 13 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 N. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50c Chicken .Noodle Soup Deviled Crnh- linked Veal n la Maryland fleek Steak, liroun Rrnvy Roast Ileef Manhcd or Creamed I'otatoe* Stewed OnlonN—-Stewed Cora, Entree lee Cream—Pie or Pudding Coffee—Tea or Cocoa 01 £verv Married Man Should Help With The Waihlnj? —*> Learn How Your Wife Works SET HER FREE EASY PAYMENTS j Neidig Bros., Ltd. I 21 S. SECOND ST.