Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 13, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
Foresees Repeal of Wartime Booze Laws in Less Than Month Reading, Pa., Aug. 13. "Renew your monthly licenses. X have every reason to believe wartime pro hibition will be repealed in less than a month, and I believe there will be a resumption of liquor sales by September 15." That was the message brough by Thomas J. O'Con nor, of Erie, president of the Penn- ;ifcS^S#Bgßfe!c A MONUMENT OF DISTINCTION need not necessarily be a very ex pensive one. We are prepared to show designs of memorials that are at once simple yet impressive. The cost of these monuments is not great considering their size and beauty. They are stones that the moderately situated can well afford to erect. Cemetery iA-ttoring I. B. Dickinson Grunito, Marble, Tile and Bronze 505-13 X. THIRTEENTH ST. Harrisburg, Pa. Kidney Remedy For 40 Years A Pronounced Succass When kidney diseases have been successfully treated for a period of more than forty years, it is reason able to assume that the remedy, therefore, must possess unusual mer it. Such is the remarkable record of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. Without its ability to give relief ar.-d benefit its users so that they would continue its use, it could not have existed 40 months, much less 4 0 years of its en- 'able record. Many letters have come to us to prove that it has been a household remedy for years and years. Here is what one grateful woman has re cently written: "I wish to say that your reme dies have been used in our family for fifteen years. We are never without a bottle of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy in our home, ar.-d it has saved many a doc tor's bill. It is a wonderful medi IT'S a keen satisfaction when you ar rive home with HERSHEY'S SUPE RIOR ICE CREAM. Made by Hershey Creamery Co. Harrisburg, Pa. ammmmmmmmmmmammmaammtmmmmmt ii Will Open § On August 15th 1 Friday j Tokyo Garden | 225 Market Street | aa J ttttitmttmiiutittutuiiititiiiiiiixiimxisitititittviiiiiitiutii WEDNESDAY EVENING. sylvania Federation of Liquor Dealers, to the fifteenth annual con vention of the federation which op ened here yesterday. ( About 150 delegates are attending the convention, and thfey are sitting behind closed doors. work con sisted largely of the formal opening of the convention, naming of com mittees, distribution of souvenir badges, registration of delegates and general greetings between the men who have come from lall sections of the State. Gay to Become Head of Harvard School New York, Aug. 13. The New York Evening Post announced to day that Edwin Francis Gay, since 1908 dean of the Harvard School of Business Administration and re cently a member of the War Trade Board, will become president Jan uary 1 of the corporation which publishes the Post. Hollo Ogden now is president of the company. •SPANISH OA!UMOT TO U IT By Associated Press. M nil rid, Aug. 13.—A ministerial cris is is impending in Spain and the gov ernment has summoned all absent deputies to Madrid. At the office of Premier Toea an under secretary said the fate of the present cabinet would be determined at the meeting on Thursday. The newspaper A. B, C. said to-day that a ministerial crisis virtu ally has been declared. SHIP ENGINEERS GET RAISE By Associated Press. j Sin Francisco, Aug. 13.—An advance |in wages approximating 40 per cent. ] has been granted to engineer." cm jp'.oyed on shipping board ships, 't was announced to-dav by Bruce Gibson, chief of the engineering department of the TTnited States Shipping Board at tlie conclusion of a conference with engineers. The new wage rate, *jt was said, is divided into five classes, based on ship tonnage. j cine for all diseases of the kidneys j and liver." —(Signed) Florence E. I Schmidt. R. F. D. No. 1, Dunkirk, j Ohio. j For the elimination of poisons dne | to impaired kidney action, Warner's I Safe Remedy was famous for 25 years before this woman so judi ciously began its effective use. I There are thousands of people who [ realize that their general health de i pends upon their kidneys and have J found Warner's Safe Kidney and | Liver Remedy a reliable family I medicine. Forty years ago it wts named "Safe" because it is SAFE, absolutely: equalizing the work of ifoth the kidneys and liver. Satis factory results are obtained in the most severe cases, and it is sold l>y druggists everywhere. A sample sent on receipt of ten cents. War. er.-r's Safe Remedies Co., Dept. 266, Rochester, N. Y. SAVE MATERIAL IS GOOD SLOGAN Employes of Middle Division Arc Picking Up Spikes and Car Parts; Big Saving With close attention to the "Play Safe and Save" slogan, employes of the Middle division are makir.-g good records. The other day a laborer handed over to his foreman 134 spikes which ho picked up in two weeks going to and from his work. Economy in use of material is being urged in order that repairs may be made promptly, and a good supply may be kept on hand for emergency. For some time past there has been an exchanging of material between railroads, but the Pennsy, through the "play safe and save" system, has been keeping up with the needs, lick Vp Material Along the Middle division, om i;ployes are keeping a close watch I for material. Not only are hun dreds of spikes being gathered, but brake rods, brake shoes and other car and er.-gine equipment is being brought daily to firemen and store keepers. This year there has been a big increase in the cost of mate rial and this, with the scarcity, made the economic system neces sary. Comparative Costs The following shows the present cost of a few items, compared with the cost in 1914, and the percent age of increase: „ _ b 1914 1919 P. C. Picks $ -50 $ .708 41.6 Red flag 129 .26 101.6 Track spikes. .018 .029 61.1 White oak ties .75 1.49 98.7 ... , I'" 25 < •• ::::: # sa* Torches 325.6 Lanterns .. • • - 4l * Reading Makes Public Changes in Station Agents The following changes in stat'.on agents on the Philadelphia and Reading railway were announced yesterday: . _.... Wilmington and Oolumb:a Divi sion—K. H. Bond, furloughed ac | count military service, resumed his duties as station agent at War.a maker, vice G. A. Fusselman, as signed to other duties. New York Division —Howard W. Becker, appointed agent at Fern Rock, vice H. V. Tomlinsorr, trans ferred. H. V. Tomlinson, appointed agent lat Churchville, vice Mrs. Ella D. Romlinson, resigned. Herman W. Carr, appointed agent at Trevose, viee Adoiph Schneider, Jr., transferred. Leroy W. Smith, appointed agent at Grenoble, vice Mrs. Lillian T. Car ver, transferred. Shamokin Division—Harry Thom as, appointed agent at East Malm hoy Junction, vice J. M. Monaghan, assigned to other duties. Reading Officials Here; Inspect Yards and Shops Reading officials came to Harris burg last evening from Wiliiamsport and after a short visit to Rutherford yards returned to Reading. They art on a tour of inspection and took in the shops and yards on the vari ous divisions. In the party were: A. T. Dice, president; C .IX. E\v:ng, Federal manager; F. M. Falc-k, gen eral manager: W. H. Keffer, gen eral superintendent, and I. A. Seid ors, superintendent of rolling stock. C. E. Chamberlirf, superintendent of the Harrisburg division, met the party here and accompanied the of ficials over the Harrisburg division. Standing of the Crews HARRIS!!! KG SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 102 crew to go first after 4 o'clock: 101 104, 105, 108, 122, 107. Firemen for 102. Conductors for 101. Flagmen for 104. Brakemen for 102. 104. Engineers up: Koememan, Karr, . Smith, Bastian, Gemmill, Broome, j Schwartz, Anderson, Kauffman, Con way. Firemen up: Varner, Shiskoff, Mus selman, Kimmich, Craley, Ressler, Vogelsang. Sehoelkoff. Brakemen up: Hoyer, Harlin, Bing er, Hoffman, Alexander, Frank, Ben son, Gail in, Beard, Smith. Middle Division. —The 230 crew to HARRISBURG TEL.EORXPH go first after 2 o'clock: 32, 18, 25, 26, 223, 221, 19, 34. Engineers wanted for 26. Firemen wanted for 26, 26, 34. Conductors wanted for 34. Flagmen wanted for 25. Engineers up: Fisher. Leib, Kreps, Corder, Sweigart, Nlssley, Earley, E. R. Snyder, Rowe, Buck waiter, Peigh tal, Smitn. Firemen up: Dclancoy, Buss, Peters, Banks, Kurtz. Naylor, dinger, Har ris, Gilbert, Kint, Woomer, Gantt. Conductors up: Biggan, Lower, Dotrow.v Brakemen up: Zimmerman, Shelly, Linn, C. L. Leonard, Clouser, Fenical, Hemminger, Ed. Woodward, Shade. Van! Hoard. —C Trick— Engineers for 1, 15, 4. 15. Firemen for 1, 7, 4, 15, 18. Engineers up: Snyder, Myers, Hoff man, Buffington, Auman. Firemen up: Wirt, Klineyoung, Mountz, Lauver, Shaver, Shopp, Swab, Holtzman, Rice, Roberts, Burns, Hou deshcl, Gardner, Speese. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 243 crew to go first after 3.45 o'clock: 249, 248. Brakemen for 243, 248. Conductors up: Gemperling. Brakemen up: Shutes, Trostle, Car ber. Beers, Arbegast, Simpson, Ren shaw, Rudisill. Middle Division —The 117 crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 104, 11G, 245, Engineers for 104, 118. Brakemen for 117. Yard Hoards —Engineers up: Geib, Curtis, Hinkle, Holland. Firemen up: Metz, Coldren, Hau baker. Holmes, Pensler, Kenneday, Albright, Boyer, A. W. Wagner, lion tell, Cashrnan. Engineers for 2nd 102, extra 102, 2nd 129. Firemen for Extra 102, Ist 104. PASSENGER SERVICE Middle Division. —Engineers up: W. G. Jamison, W. C. Black, J. W. Smith, F. F. Schreclt. Engineers wanted for 23. Firemen up: R. Simmons, W. E. Hoffner, H. W. Fletcher, R. A. Arn old, H. G. Hess. Firemen wanted for 665 and 33. Philadelphia Division. —Engineers up: C. H. Seitz, W. O. Buck, J. C. Da vis, C. B. First, 11. W. Gillums. V. C. Gibbons, M. Pleam. Engineers wanted for none. Firemen up: J. M. Piatt, F. L. Floyd, W. E. Aulthouse, M. G. Shaffner, J. N. Schindler, F H. Yonug, H. Myers, A. L Floyd. Firemen wanted for none. Steelton News Army Food Sale Will Start Thursday at 4 O'clock The sale of one carload of Army food will start to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at all of the local fire houses. The cash and carry plan will be strictly followed, and no goods will be sold to dealers. There will be 7,0(0 cans of corn, 7,200 cans tomatoes, 7,200 cans of peas, 144 cans of roast beef, sixty cases of corned beef in 12-ounce tins, and 48 cases of bacon in 12-pound cans. Householders can buy as much or as little of it as they desire. The sale is being handled by the bor ough officials and no prollt will be made by it. Committees have been appointed from each of the fire companies to take charge of the sale: Citizens Joseph Bucher, Charles Kramer and A. H. Roberts. Paxtang Charles Railing, Rob ert Black and James J. Coleman. West Side Charles Brougiiter, Ira Ryder and James Thompson. Baldwin - John E. Shupp, H. T. Beard and George Enney. * /Hygienic J. K. Eshelman. L. M. Glattackcr and W. H. Bennett. East End —■ Robert Krueger, Hiram McCauley and S. K. VanSant. Little trouble is anticipated in disposing of the entire carload as the prices will be much lower than that charged by retail dealers. Sergeant Fairall Put in Charge of Scout Athletics At a meeting of the Activities committee of the local Council of Boy Scouts last evening in Trinity parish house. Sergeant George S. Fairall was placed in charge of the sports and athletics of the Steelton Boy Scouts. Sergeant Fairall will be assisted by J. R. Heller. A junior and a senior ball team has already been organized, and sufficient good material has been found in the ranks of the Scouts to form foot ball and basketball teams. Scouts interested in athletics held a meeting last evening and elected Harry Ilartman and David Dayhoff, secretary and assistant secretary, respectively, and Huston Bellows and Henry Sponsler, treasurer anl assistant treasurer. An effort will be made to raise sufficient money for the purchase of athletic equip ment. Baseball games are now be ing arranged, the first games to be played on Saturday when the. Junior Scout team will meet the Junior Swatara team and the Senior Scout team will met the Senior Swatara. team. The appointment of Fairall and Heller to take charge of the athletic work comes as a mark of recognition for the splendid work accomplished by them during the camp at Stoverdale when, in a few days, they developed a ball team that defeated strong teams long in existence. Gives Party in. Honor of Returned Canteen Worker Miss Lucia Parker was the guest of honor at an afternoon party given yesterday by Miss S. Ellen MeGlnnes at her home at Fourth and Walnut streets. Miss Parker re cently returned from France whera she served under the Red Cross as canteen organizer. She was in France for two years. While In j Steelton she is the guest of Miss Eleanor Shutter, South Front street. DOG CHASES HATS IX SEWER Some excitement was caused yes terday afternoon at Front and Lo cust streets, when passershy noticed a bulldog under the surface sewer grating. The dog appeared and dis appeared but did not seem anxious to leave the sewer. The sewer grat ing was finally removed and the dog taken out. Tt was a hloodod bulldog with a fancy spiked collar. When removed he seemed reluctant to leave. Just how the dog got into the sewer was not dis-overed, unless he went in through the cwh opening in chase of a sewer rat. Tho owner of the dog was not discovered. STEET/TOX PERSONALS Miss Lydia Nebinger has returned to her home after spending a month with her sister in Virginia. The Rev. Ernst Trion, for several days the guest of E. B. Wright and family, returned to his home in Akron, Ohio, yesterday. SICK M \X KXOCKED DOWX John S. Miller, 162 South Second street, who lias been recovering from a year's illness, was knocked down by a boy playing baseball and badly bruised. Both wrists were sprained and a leg hurt. 107,000 Pounds o£ Food Wasted in Philadelphia in Effort to Keep Prices Up Philadelphia, Aug. 13. Follow ing publication of statements by Robert M. Simmers, agent of the State Food and Dairy Department and Government Food and Drug In spector, to the effect that between 3,000 and 4,000 pounds of meat are wasted weekly in this city as a re sult of having been held too long in storage houses for the purpose of inflating prices, the official lid of silence yesterday was clamped for a few hours—but a few huors only— on the inspector. While Mr. Simmers declared the order to refrain from giving out any further information had been issued by his inspectors in Harrisburg, the inspiration was traced to the third floor of the Federal Building in this city. There, nearly a week ago, in structions were received from the United States Attorney General to proceed at once with vigorous action against food gougers. Hut word was sent to Harrisburg that it was known here that the lid had been put on Mr. Simmers' revelations. It became known that this attempt to seal Mr. Simmers' lips would be published to-day. Whereupon hasty instructions were issued from Harrisburg last night to Mr. Simmers to give out the facts. BELL 1001—23.-0 UNITED HARRlsniHr.. WGD.VESDAV. MOIST 13. FOUNDED 1871 Thursday afternoon ff Special Sale of VX^TI 1S 3 summer halt \ im)LOSINC holiday. Do your Omen S and shopping early in the Misses' X / morning. _ V\ I rumps andfu/r j ~ ilh i What Do You Need [j Oxfords $3.95 j . y y 1 At their original price these models in Housewares r were exce Ptional examples of good value. The sale price of $3.95 should attract every woman who wants the best in style and | it: Try r? i quality and who will welcome an oppor- ■ | tunity t(j get the nevvest and most atttac- \\ | Some with high or low heels. These shoes are worth more at cost, r ~ .. • , , , ~ | were we to bin- them today. Tsn tit a nuisance to have to use the wrong utensil ur , ,3 ~ . -. , , We do not have all sizes in each style. because you haven't got the right one? Jj No. C. O. D.'s. No Exchanges. All ] There's a thing that is exactly right for every j JU Sales Fma, 'BowM.vN's-Main Floor. A household activity, and the cost is usually so little ! that it's a pity not to have them all. For instance: j Our basement is full of housekeeping necessities in Men's Silk Half Hose 39c addition to a large variety of summer requisites: ; Galvanized garbage cans; 10 gallon capacity with s P cc ' tl ' h>t Gl mens silk lisle half hose. These tight fitting covers; $2.00. hose are seconds of good quality, the imperfections I are slight. Elastic rib top and reinforced heel and Galvanized garbage cans; 7 gallon capacity with ; (oe jn b , ack _ nayy cordoyan . tight fitting covers; $1.75. | prked 39c Aluminum tea kettles; 5 qt. capacity, $2.50. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. Androck oven, a small oven and baker for oil or gas stoves; 89c. li White enamel bath stool, rubber tipped legs; $1.50. | Sale of Corn broom; 4 sewed; 30c. if Hosiery and Underwear Wash boards, family size; 45c. Good quality whisk broom; 30c.. Continues Tomorrow Adjustable window screens; 24 inches high, extend- ;|> ing in widths from 23 to 37 inches; 69c. jjj Ufldc?'WCCl?' Sp€Clflls Screen door, 4-inch frame; 2 coats varnish covered , . . ;i; lone cotton ribbed union suits for women; low neck, with best quality wire; $2.98. sleeveless, band top and tight knee. Made from best BOWMAN'S-Bascment. ' |i| quality yarn. Regular and extra sizes; Sale Price, 55c. ;j; Women s Fitrite vests of light weight ribbed Swiss. Low neck, sleeveless trimmed. Vests that fit the body and cover the armpit with case and comfort. White —only, in sizes, 36 to 38; Sale Price, 27c. -i. - ITT* O * no Women's pink vests with low neck, sleeveless, trim- Men S Union Suits /yc ill ™ CC , L M * dc fr ° m fine light weight cotton yarns of the ;i; first quality. Size 36 and 38. Sale Price, 39c. Women's light weight bodices, made from fine grade Men's athletic union suits of fine quality , cross ;i combed yarns. Seconds, but irregularities are slight; bar nainsook. These union suits are made full ;j; in white only; Sale Price, 29c. for comfort and service; Thursday specially priced, 79c. iji Hosiery Specials BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ;!; Women's high grade lace silk stockings. An excep ——— —————————————————— ;;; tional offering. These stockings arc seconds, but ex- T traordinary good ones; all silk foot and top. A high " :j; grade stocking at a great saving. Black, white and gray, Ol . 1 ni , • : ; all sizes, all colors; Sale Price, $2.69. oncets ano orlCCtiri? High grade ingrain, silk stocking of heavy gauge all |i; silk with silk top and foot. A full fashioned hose, per 0, . , ~ ~ *, . , ~ . , . I feet fitting. These stockings are seconds. In black, 81 inches wide bleached sheeting. A standard :j; brown and navy . Sale Pricc> $2 . 49 . make which will wear and laundry well; 62 x / 2 c yd. Women's pure thread silk full fashioned stockings with 36-inch outing flannel in light pattern; good :: reinforced heel and toe, lisle top. Seconds, but good quality; 35c yd. 1 ones. These stockings are in black and white; Sale Bleached sheets; 81x99; made of Salem sheet- ']'■ 1 r JS c ' f , • , . . . r re . . ' , - . , Women s fibre silk stockings, seamless with reinforced fi ee f r °m dressing, noted for wearing and heel, toe and lisle top. First grade stockings in black laundry quaJities; $1.98 each. only; Sale Price, 45c. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. T BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Mr. Simmers did. Here are the facts: Food Permitted to Rot In the last three months more than 107,000 pounds of meat, fish and poultry have been permitted to rot in Philadelphia storage houses because the owners were keeping up prices. All of this meat, fish and poultry was condemned by Mr. Sim mers and has been sold at a trifling figure to be made into fertilizer. Mr. Simmers has condemned the following lots: Two thousand two hundred and twenty-two packages of fish, totaling more than 20,000 pounds. Seventy-one boxes of fish, weigh ing 2,250 pounds. Seventy-three boxes of poultry, weighing 3,650 pounds. Four hundred and thirty-nine packages of meat, weighing 43,900 pounds. Four hundred packages of meat, weighing 40,000 pounds. Says Americans Are Often Badly Advised Paris, Aug. 13.—Auguste Gauvain, editor of the Journal Des Debate, contributes an editorial to this eve ning's edition of that newspaper in which he somewhat severely criti cises what he calls American "mes sianic reforms" in Europe, notably in connection with the Rumanian situation. While professing the greatest ad- AUGUST 13, 1919. miration for and gratitude to the Americans for their aid in the war, M. Gauvain complains that the Americans often are badly advised by their agents, both civil and mili tary, who, "explore Europe as their ancestors explored the far west, and regard ancient European nations as Iroquois, Comanches and Aztecs and want to reform Europe by methods current in Oklahoma and Colorado " TAFF With False Teeth? SURE Dr. Wernet's Powder Ketpi them firm. Prevents sore gums. White. Flavored. Antiseptic. If your dental plate is loose or drops, to get instant relief use Dr. Wernet's Powder regularly. | You can eat, laugh, talk with ease. Guaranteed by Werr.et Dental Mft*. Co., 116 Beekman St., N. Y. 25c, 53c, & $l.OO. i At Drug and Department Stores. 'Refuse imitations. This is the original powder. 3 TRY MAGNES A FOR STOMACHTPGUBLE It Xeutriilliri Mil Acidity, Pre vents Food X'erm*-iilll tion, Sour* Unasy Stomach and Add Indigestion. Doubtlesa if you are a sufferar from indigestion, you have already tried pepsin, bismuth, soda, charcoal, drugs and various digestive aids and you know these things will not cure your trouble —in some cases do not even give relief. liut before giving up hope and de ciding you are a chronic dyspeptio just try the effect of a little bisurat ed magnesia—not the ordinary com mercial carbonate, citrate oxide or milk, but the pure bisurated mag nesia which you can obtain from practically any druggist in either powdered or tablet form. Take a teaspoonful of the powder or two compressed tablets with a little water after your next meal, and see what a difference tit is makes, it will instantly neutralize the dan gerous, harmful acid in the stomach which now causes your food to fer ment and sour, making gas, wind, flatulence, heartburn and the bloat ed or heavy, lumpy feeling that seems to follow most everything you eat. You will ilnd that provided you take a little bisurated magnesia im mediately after a meal, you can eat almost unything and enjoy it with out any danger of pain or discom fort to follow and moreover, the con tinued use of the bisurated magnesia cannot injure the stomach in any way so long as there are any symptoms of acid indigestion.