Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 13, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Dr. Becht in Charge of Af
fairs; Dr. Finegan
. to Return Soon
Reorganization j
S. \ \ 2 //j of the State Re- >
V\\\ Q partment of Pub- j
' x \\\\ lic Instruction is !
liC movements which i
•76 w ill be effected |
VcmSS9SII immediately up- 1
UjHffllM on the return of t
from the * con- |
ference of Governors at Salt lAko ■
City. Dr. Thomas E. Finegan, the
new superintendent of Public In- ;
struction is expected to return tp
assume active charge of Pcnnsyl- j
• vania's school system on September 1
1, when important rulings concern- ;
jng the teacher's salary increase and
other school matters will be made, j
In the meantime Dr. J. George 1
Becht, recently appointed by Gov- j
ernor Sproul as Deputy Superin
tendent of Public Instruction is
carrying out the detail work of the
Department. Governor Sproul un
der the acts passed by the recent
Legislature will have the appoint
ment of a second deputy at a salary
of $6,000 a year, but no intimation
has been made as to who will get
this appointment.
Although no official announce- ,
ment has been made, places have
been created for the two former
deputy superintendents, Iteed B.
Teitrick, of Brookviile. and Cha'les
D. Koch, of Phillipsburg. Mr.
Teitrich is expected to head the new
Bureau of Attendance at a salary of 1
You Need Not
Suffer From Catarrh
But You Must Drive It Out of
" Your Blood to Get Rid of It
You have probably been in the
habit of applying external treat
ments, trying to cure your Catarrh.
You have used ... rays, washes and
lotions and possibly been temporar
ily relieved. But after a short time
you had another attack and won
dered why. You must realize that
catarrh is an infection of the blood
and to get pe. .—.lent relief the
catarrh infection must be driven out
of the blood. The quicker you come
to understand thie i.._ ,uicker vou
will get it out , f your system.
The Globe "Keep Your Eye on the Clock" The Globe
Buy Clothes Now as You Today
rv • i i it * The Clock
Did Last Year s ay sB6s
■———— ————————————U
When the fuel administrator and coal operators told you that coal would
be scarce and high in price, you heeded the warning and filled your bins,
didn't you?
Well, it's much like that in the matter of clothing now; the reasons are
scarcity of wool, shorter hours, higher lafcor costs, and an enormous world
"demand for clothes.
We haven't any intention to frighten anybody into buying clothes; but
all known conditions indicate that he's a wise man who fills his wardrobe
now when he can take advantage of the wonderful savings offered during
One Thousand Suit Campaign
$2O Suits at $14.50 S4Q Suits at $32.50 I
$25 Suits at $19.50 $45 Suits at $57.5Q
30 Suits at $24.50 ss ° Suits at $40.50
$35 Suits at $28.50 seo Suits at $48.50
Hot Weather Clothes Reductions
$l5 Palm Beach Suits ..§12.50 Sis Breezweve Suits . $11.50
$lB Palm Beach Suits . §14.50 $2O Mohair Suits ..... §17.5Q
$2O Flannel Suits §17.50 $25 Silk Pongee Suits . §18.5Q
One special lot One lot of Wool
of genuine Palms| Q "$| 1-50
Beach Suits at . . . Suits at
Boys! Ask Your Parents For
And then come straight to THE GLOBE for one of those special suits we're sell
ing now at $7.95. Originally they sold at $lO.OO and $12.50, and next fall they'll
be considered good values at $15.00. Smartly styled suits to please any boy for
dress or for school —all sizes to 18.
$4,000 a year, and Mr. KoGh wil,l
head* a Bureau of. High School In
spectors at a sulary of $4,000 a year.
It is* understood that Dr. Finegan
will establish new bureaus to look
, after each separate character of
school work which comes under the
supervision of the department and
that there will be the closest co
operation between the school and
health authorities relative to the
physical condition of pupils in the
public schools. Under the provisions
of the Lanius act, special schools
I are to be established for children
; who are backward in their work on
| account of physical or mental
; handicaps. The work of the voca
j tional and agricultural schools will
also be enlarged and it is likely that
the school authorities -will work in
' conjunction with the Department of
| Labor and Industry in the rchabili
, tation of industrial workers.
State Fair Changes Secretary
i of Agriculture Frederik Rasmussen
I to-day met members of the exccu
| ttve committee of the State Fair As
| sociation and outlined the plan un-
I der which State aid would be nl
| lowed county fairs for strictly ugri
-1 cultural exhibits. Under a law
! passed by the last Legislature, su
i pervision of the State aid to county
! fair associations is placed in the
| hands of the Secretary of Agricul
j ture and $lOO,OOO was appropriated
! for the purpose. The law limits
: payments for exhibits of livestock
I and livestock products, horticultural
products, cereals, bees and bee pro
ducts. The Legislature also passed
an appropriation $63,016.88 to re
imburse counties for money advanc
ed to agricultural associations for
the years 1915, 1916 and 1918. Sec-
I retary Rasmussen explained to the
fair association men that he did rot
want to interfere with their present
premium lists, but that needle work
and other premiums which had
formerly been classed in with the
I agricultural show would not be in
j eluded further. The Secretary cut
lined a report that must be mailed
1 not later than November 15 to the
I S. S'. S., which has been in constarjt
use for over fifty years, will attack
| the catarrhal poisons, cleanse and
strengthen the blood so it will carry
| vigor and health to the mucous
j membranes on its Journeys through
| your body and nature will soon re
| store you to health, you will be re
! lieved of the droppings of mucous ;ir
! your throat, sores in nostrils, bad
j breath, hawking and spitting.
All reputable druggists carry
, S. S. S. in stock and we recommend
I you give it a trial at once.
The chief medical adviser of the
I company will cheerfully answer all
; letters on the subject. There is 110
I charge for the medical advice. Ad
! dress Swift Specific Company. 251
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
I '
Department of Agriculture showing
the actual amount expended for
agricultural premiums and other
records made by the fair for the
year. Secretary Rasmussen says
that it is the desire of the agricul
tural department to help build up
the exhibits of farm products so
as to educate the producers to the
value of greater effort in both the
quality and qtianity of farm pro
ducts. "The county fair is the ba
rometer of the community to de
termine the quality of its products
j or the spirit of the people" says
I Rasmussen. Meeting with the Sec-
I retary to-day were: J. F. Seldom-
I ridge Lancaster; Harry B. Correl,
! Bloomsburg; Walter R. Buckman, j
;By berry; Morris G. Temple, West j
j Chester.
Fnoil In vest Ignt lons On. — Robert i
M. Simmers, special agent for the j
Syite Bureau of Foods in tne Phila- I
I delphia district, bus been instructed j
! bv James Foust, head of the Bureau,
to give Tod Daniel, the Federal food ,
! food investigator there, all informa- ]
; tidn at his disposal concerning the
! hoarding or profiteering of foods in j
i that vicinity. Mr. Daniel also has
i been placed in possession of the
State's detailed information concern
-1 ing cold storage warehouses and their
j contents.
Industrial Conference
Planned For Canada
Ottawa, Ont., Aug. 13. The in
dustrial future of Canada may he in
fluenced to a marked degree hy the
meeting of the National Industrial
Conference* to be held hero Sept.
j 11, to discuss labor problems In the
I Dominion.
| Building contracts said to amount
| to millions of dollars have been held
! up pending some action by the fed
| eral government or an agreement
| between capital and labor which
j would tend to restore industrial
I tranquility.
! The conference will be attended
! by representatives of the Dominion
j and provincial governments, em
l ployers and labor leaders from all
i branches of industry. *
Subjects to be considered will in
; elude the right of employes to or
ganize, recognition of labor unions,
collective bargaining, and the sug
gestion by the Royal Commission
on Industrial Relations that a bu
reau be established to promote the
organization of joint industrial
■ councils. Labor features of the
Peace Treaty also will be brought
I up for discussion.
Yellow Fever Threatens
State of Yucatan
,! Mexico City, Aug. 13. Advices
from the state of Yucatan are that
1 a threatened epidemic of yellow
i fever has been averted by hygienic
I measures and a quarantine.
| NUT York. Aug. 13.—T0 Inform dls-i
I charged soldiers, sailors and marines
of the facilities provided by The
I American Legion to furnish lnforma
r tion and servico in all insurance and
I money matters where aid is required
I to secure final adjustment and settle
l ment from the Government, the fol
i lowing statement issued to-day from
I National Headquarters of the Legion,
19 West 44th street. New York City,
I will be read to every post in the
United States,
j "In accordance with a resolution
I passed at the caucus of the Ameri-
I can Legion at St. the Legion
; is giving to its members, and to those
{digible for membership, all possible
l aid In matters concerning their War
| Itlsk Insurance, allotments, liberty
! bonds, bonuses, travel pay, etc. For
j the last few months the Legion has
■ been rendering this Service to all of
I its members who have had occasion
to ask for aid. During that time it
has helped hundreds of men to ob
tain a final and complete settlement
of their accounts. In every section
a member of the Legion acquainted
with the procedure necessary to ob
tain a speedy settlement of any ac
count that a discharged soldier may
I have witn the Government officials,
is available And ready to help.
"Delivery of liberty bonds has been
expedited. Bonus checks which had
been delayed have been obtained.
Claims for bonuses presented by the
Legion have been settled in record
time. Compensation claims have
Brother of Former Insurance
Commissioner Sees
Colonel Pusey
By Associated .Press.
Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 13.—Stale
officials investigating the failure of
the North Penn Bank, which closed
its doors July 18 with an apparent
shortage of $2,114,000, held, a long
conference yesterday with represent
atives of J. J. Boland, head of the
New York National Insurance Com
pany and the Seneca Fire Insurance
Company, also of New York. Boland
is alleged to have had overdrafts
in the North Penh Bank aggregating
$380,000, and since the failure, the
New York National Insurance Com
pany has been taken over by the
New York State Insurance officials.
Representing Boland at the con
ference were Frank T. McCormick,
i his law -partner, and R. S. Houck.
I Mr. Houck is city solicitor of Scran
ton and a vice-president of two in
| surance companies. After the meet
ing Colonel Frederick T. Pusey, in
charge of the investigation, said it
had not been "particularly produc
"As far as I am concerned," Col.
Pusey said, "things are just where
they were before the two men were
called. They did not succcd in clear
ing up a single point." .
Harry Ambler, a brother of Charles
A. Ambler, former Insurance Com
missioner of Pennsylvania, who is
said to owe the bank more than
$lOO,OOO, also called at Colonel
Pusey's, -office. Colonel Pusey said
Mr. Ambler told him his brother
would make setlement this week.
MacMMan's Next Arctic
Trip to Be in 60-Foot Boat
Professor Donald MacMillan, of
Bowdoin College, noted as an Arc
tic explorer, is planning to start
early in the slimmer of 1921 upon
his third trip to the northern re
gions, according to a report from
Portland, Me. Baffin's Bay will be
the object of the trip. The trip will
be financed by the Bowdoln alumni
and the National Geographical So
ciety. Bowdoin Museum will be en
riched by mineral and animal speci
; mens collected, and photographs
and data on topographical condi
tions will go to the Geographic So
ciety. MacMillan's party will have
a special type of boat, costing about
$50,000. Every requirement sug
gested by previous Arctic trips will
be met in the new boat, which will
be only sixty feet long.
Suffering from CATARRH? For
quick relief. The MAN-HEII. In
haler. Demonstration at Gorgas'
Pharmacy, 16 North Third street.
been settled and payment secured, j
Men who had been discharged from 1
the army or navy, and whose dls- I
charge certificates showed thciti to |
be in apparent good health, have, i
through the American Legion, proved
to the Government that they are, as
a matter of fact, not in good health,
and have had their compensation
claims allowed and paid. These re
sults have been obtained through full
co-operation with the various Gov
i eminent Bureaus.
"In addition, the Legion is carry
i ] log on a general campaign to inform
ex-service men of their rights and
i I privileges and to assist in obtaining
i i them. Compensation is now paid to
: I injured soldiers on the basis of $30.00
■ per month. Legislation has been in
i troduccd to make it payable on the
■ j basis of $lOO.OO per month. Govcrn
i ment insurance at present is payable
' to the beneficiary in installments
i covering a period of 20 years. Most
men desire to have their insurance
paid in one lump sum. Legislation
is now pending to have this done. Al
[ so Legislation is pending to enlarge
I greatly the class of persons who may
• be named as beneficiaries of insur
■ unce.
"This "service' has been established
for the benefit of ex-service men. It
is urgently requested that every
i member be informed so that fie may
I tvall himself of any assistance neces
sary In connection* v. ith his relations
> with the Bureau of War Risk lnsur-
I anee, the Zone Finance Ofiicer, or
i other Government agencies."
; Exceeded Million Tons First
Since October,
Philadelphia, Aug. 13. —The ship
-3 ments of anthracite for July as re
f ported to the Anthracite Bureau of
1 Information at Philadelphia, show
t a substantial increase over the pre-
ceding month and exceeded a total
. of 6,000,000 tons for the first time
3 since October, 1918. The tonnage
. sent out last month amounted to
,' 6,052,334 tons, an increase over June
1 of 432,743 tons, or 7.7 per cent.
I Compared with July, 1918, when
[ production was abnormally stim
ulated by war conditions, the ship
ments last month showed a decrease
of 1,032,441 tons. A large part of
this decrease, however, was in the
production of steam sizes from
washeries that are not in operation
this year. Washery production in
1918 averaged 550,000 tons a month,
whereas in recent normal years the
washery output has amounted to
I between 150,000 and 250,000 tons a
t month.
Compared with July, 1916, the
latest normal year in anthracite pro
. duction, the shipments last month
3 showed an increase of 619,456 tons.
3 The shipments for the first foutr
- months of this coal year, beginning
April 1, have amounted to 22,608,555
; tons, as compared with 21,146,536
. tons for.the corresponding period in
3 1916, an increase of nearly one and
, a half million tons.
Big Lot of
Hay Fever Jokes
- But Kentucky Man Say*—"People Who
Belong to Hay Fever Colony are
Kidding Themielvet."
Wouldn't Be Any Rose o. Hay
Fever if Simple Home Rem
edy Was Given a Chance.
"Yes, there's a real NINTY-NINE
per cent effective remedy for hay
or rose fever," frankly states a drug
gist In a prosperous Kentucky city.
"But I don't 'fxpcct anyone to be
lieve me, becuuse the treatment Is so
easy and the cost not worth mention
"The annual crop of hay-fever Jokes
j would be mighty scarce if people
| would get an ounce of Mentliolized
I Arcine and by just adding water that
has been boiled make a pint of liquid
! that will prove a real help to all who
. suffer."
I "Many of my hay-fever friends tell
j me that by starting to gargle and
: snuff or spray the nostrils a few times
' a day the expected severe attack often
{ fails to appear and in cases where It
does show up is very mild and does
not annoy."
"The Better Class of Pharmacists"
who dispense Mentliolized Arcine say
It will greatly modify any attack even
i when taken three or four days after
hostilities begin.
Go to a real live druggist when you
get ready to make a pint.
7 A DAY FOR 7 MY!)
If Your Nerves Are Shaky Because of
Over-Indulgence- In Tobacco or
Alcohol or by Excess of Any Kind,
Bio-Feren is What You Need
Right Away.
Don't grow old before your time,
don't let nervousness wreck your hap
piness or chances in life. The man
with strong, steady nerves Is full of
vigor, energy, ambition and confidence.
You can have nerves of steel, firm
step, new courage and keen mind by
putting your blood and nerves In flrst
! class shape with mighty 810-Fercn, a
' new discovery, inexpensive and efli
; I cient.
! Men and women who get up so tired
1 In the morning that they have to drag
themselves to their dally labor will in
I Just a few days arise with clear mind,
definite purpose and loads of ambition.
All you have to do is to take two
; 810-Feren tablets after each meal and
II one at bedtime —7 a day for 7 days—
I then reduce to one after each meal
j until all are gone.
• | Then if your energy and endurance
: haven't doubled, if your mind Isn't
keener and eyes brighter, If you don't
feel twice as ambitious as before, any
druggist anywhere will return the pur*
chase price—gladly and freely.
810-Feren Is without doubt the
. grandest remedy for nervous, run
down, weak, anaemic men and women
• ever offered and is not a! all expen
, i slve. AH druggists In this city and
j vicinity have a supply on hand—sell
I many packages,
j Complete First Section Be-1
twecn Sydney and
Sydney. Australia, Aug. 13. —Sur- .
vey of the route of the first section
of the projected aerial service be
tween Sydney and London was re
cently completed. The section ex
tends from Sydney to Darwin, which
is on the north coast of Australia
. and relatively near the Malayan
Archipelago. This service will be
carried on by a Sydney company.
From Darwin the route will cross
■ the sea to the island of Timor, pro
: ceed along the Malayan Archipelago
to India and thence run to Bagdad
i or Port Said—probably the latter.
From Port Said it will cross Europe
to London. The survey of the sec
ond section of the route, from Dar
win through Malaya to Delhi, is
I now going on.
It is expected that the first flight
will be made within the next few
• months, and it is planned to have
the proposed passenger and com
t mercial services in full operation in
r | Garter
j Beau Brummell
if" jliaved jeretielyot^
SAU BRUMMELL who "taught
V Wales what a coat was like" —inventor of num
-1 ii berless niceties of dress —gambled himself into
fr—■ '..'jKiLtfM poverty. Publicly cut by the King, he had his last
remaining finery laid out preparatory to seeking a friend who
might save him from disgrace. With Weston, his faithful valet,
keeping the door against the bailiffs, the great beau shaved
serenely on. Prince of the Dandies to the last, he finished the
job with the utmost care. Then, carefully wiping dry the
precious blade and affectionately placing it in its case, he turned
to Weston with the command: "Now let the rogues in."
The razor that Beau Brummell used was a shaving tool of
wonderful balance. Length, temper and correct diagonal stroke
were there; all it lacked was the safety and convenience of the
double-edged, detachable blade of the
A Real Rctgof— made Sale
Heft this wonderfully balanced razor cut yonr face. It's the longest, stronj
in your hand —feel the comfort of its est, keenest, best-tempered blade oo
1 long, keen blade on your cheek. Au- earth - with more shavingmilpage than
tomatically it lies on your face at the any other razor. Seven million shavers
i one-and-only angle for right shaving have changed from other razors to the
—because its design is thousands of Durham-Duplex a real raaor made
years old. More than that—it can't safe. Make it yonr ranor todvK f
•Bf IBS tS> Ilu \. 3ri nor. ah hardware
R| JIB Kb I St.. Pom,- CO., 1310 N. 3rd St.
a NHfOF k, I tel und I'll. STORE, 1218 N\ 3rd St.
, ' FlfTtf J," . J Station. 11. 11. ALTHOUSE, 3rd * Muonrh St*.
2 lS® ! " COHEN'S SPOUTING J. K. MILLER, 1733 N. 6th St.
• Ijß 3 GOODS STOItE, 431 Mnrkot St. C. M. FORNEY, 31 N. 2nd St.
0 I |H > GOODS STOIIE, 12 N. Market Sq. DRUG STOKE, 11 S, 2nd St.
<t |I ■ SIIENIv TITTI.E, 203 Market St. H. M. BTAI.EY, 1417 N. oth St.
2 I fh*l WARE CO.. 5 N. 2nd St. STORE, 4th and Prflfer St*.
J I FUJI ' J- KII.LINGER, 37 S. 13th St. W. F. STEEVER, 1324 Walnut St.
• I IWJ f* / li. GOODYEAR, UIOI llerry St. M. 11. JENKINS. 2300 N. Oth St.
J IflHl* TH OM PSONMS' TtU.'l , "°" 7 °' h OUT-OF-TOWN DEALERS
If] / PHARMACY, 13th and Derry St*. J. A. McCURDY, Steelton
Yl Wj KIT/MILLER'S W. K. MART/., Steelton
If 11 PHARMACY, 1325 Ms Derry St. H. F. COLEMAN, Steelton
I F. .I. AI.THOUSE, 13th * Market St*. PAUL F. 7EIGLER, Steelton
f || A. U. SPOT/,, 7 N. 13th St. H. E. HOI.MES,, Enola
||u| CLECKNER & W. M. SHEAFFER, Lemoyne
HI ItKlO, 1220 N. 3rd St. J. P. GOOD, New Cumberland
, fjpj If you are a Durham-Duplex dealer and wish to have your name added to
IBEj the above list in subsequent advertisement, send your name and address to
I iRI this newspaper and write the Durham-Duplex Razor Co. f or a free window
Greatest Shaving Mileage at Any Price
' II u This set contains a'Durham-Duplex Razor with an attractive
Iff! - white handle, safety goard, stropping attachment and package at
3 „ 3 Durham-Duplex double-edged blades (6 shavingedfee)all tea
| handsome leather kit. Get it from joat dealer or from OS dirach
? Additional blades 50 cents for
3tVlctorieBt. 27 Church St A. Pioeo &C. Andre Constantino Etteri .
AUGUST 13, 1919.
about two years. If the company
I succeeds I<ondon will be reached
regularly from here in 6 Vfe days.
| The Sydney-Darwin section is
I 2,000 miles. But the survey party
| traveled about 4,000 miles in order
| to select the most satisfactoy land
j Ing places or relay stations.
' I A HEY eagerly reach for the plate of
CREAM. It is irresistible.
I Made by Hershey Creamery Co.
Harrisburg, Pa.
When the flights are in full swing
between Sydney and Lon
don will be greatly facilitated from
the fact that letters may be an
swered within two weeks of their
disputch from here.
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.