Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 13, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Founded 18S1
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All God's pleasures are simple ones; j
health, the rapture of a May morning, j
sunshine, the stream blue and green,
kind words benevolent acts, the plow
of good humor. —Robertson.
INTRODUCTION Of ordinances!
clearing tho way for the de- \
velopmcnt of the Capitol Park
urea shows that councilmen and the
city arc ready to do their part the
moment the State begins to move.
The city appreciates what the State j
is doing and will co-operate in every
way possible. The transfer of. the
bridge fund is already assured and
there can be no objection to the
ordinance placing approval of build
ings to be erected near the rlew
Memorial Viaduct up to the State
Art Commission. It would he
shameful to mar the beauty of this
structure by permitting the build
ing there of tall or ungainly struc
tures. The thing can be worked
out satisfactorily to all concerned
without hardship and the way to in
sure justice and gain the end de
sired is through the operations of
some such ordinance as is pro
posed .
Perhaps Mr. Wilson will explain
whj- he- permits American food to be
sold in Europe more cheaply than at
THE retirement of Frank B.
Wickersham as assistant dis
trict attorney will take from
the service of the county its most
experienced public prosecutor and
orte of the best versed attorneys
ih criminal law in all Central Penn
sylvania. Mr. Wickersham has par
ticipated in many of the most im
portant suits tried in recent years
in Dauphin county and has matched
wits with the best attorneys at the
bar. He has been very successful
and his retirement will leave a va
cancy not easy to till.
If we were sitting in the long
drawn ''out Ford libel case we would
fi el'like finding the defendant guilty
and placing the costs on the prosecu
tion. thereby getting square with both
of them.
wants $lOO,OOO for the exten
sion of the city's sewer system,
and he ghould have the money. No
■city can grow unless it anticipates
ithe needs of builders and develop
ers. The eastern section has been
increasing rapidly in population and
it will go forward even faster If it
is given the drainage it needs. Har
risburg never has regretted a single
penny spent upon public improve
ments and it no doubt will stand
ready to approve the loan which Mr.
Lynch proposes.
Texas and Oklahoma have nothing
on our own Clinton county, where gas
and oil companies are preparing to
develop thousands of acres of leases
in that territory.
{{T ET us keep our country gov-
I j erned orderly by the ballot,
and abide by the will of the
majority." says the Governor of New
Hampshire in art appeal to the good
sense and judgment of his constit
uents. "We can by the ballot see
that profiteering is stopped. We can
by the ballot see that gambling in
food is stopped. We can by the
ballot safeguard wages where all
can live and let live. But if we
attack our Government and ruin it
we can get nothing save as we may
in the mad scramble of the mob."
Inhere is sound logic in those re
marks, very opportune in the face
of the labor crisis with which the
country appears to be confronted.
The "will of the majority" has ruled
in the United States since the days
of our separation from England.
Now a Ave per cent, minority Is
undertaking to dictate to the other
ninety-live per cent, that the prin
ciples of tho Constitution shall be I
laid aside and some of our most 1
beneficent laws scrapped.
Secretary Lansing may have had
some opinions regarding the peace
negotiations at- Paris, but he seems
to have kept them bottled so far as
any results are concerned.
THE Manufacturer's Record, a
potent force for good dur
ing the war. quotes from
Second Chronicles this verse: "And
in every work that he began * * *
he did it with all his heart and
prospered," and comments thereon
in an editorial under the caption.
"The World's Call for Workers."
AA'ork alone can solve the problem
which the world faces, the editor
says, and he .reasons it out after
this fashion:
For nearly five years the world
was busy destroying the accumu
lations of centuries, and during
that time it had to leave undone
the things which ordinarily
would have been done. Now I
every man on earth must in one '
way or another bear some of the
burden of Germany's war upon
civilization and hasten to do the |
things which need to be done.
For five years dwellings were
left unbuilt and existing ones un
painted and unrepaired; food
was consumed and destroyed more
rapidly than it was produced as
40,000,000 to 50,000.000 men bat
tled for existenee or prepared for
the great struggle; railroad build
ing ceased, highway construction
stopped, streets were unrepaired,
hotels were not constructed to
meet the world's increasing
travel. The result is there is now
an enormous vacuum of empty
store shelves, of upbuilt dwell
ings and hotels and railroads,
and of a food supply inadequate
to feed up a world of hungry
There is only one way to over
come the situation. Ml the com
bined power of ull the govern
ments of earth cannot change
the inescapable, unalterable
facts. But men, individually and
collectively, can meet the mighty
problems we face by work, hard
driving work; by work of brain
and brawn and machine power.
Production and more production
to the limit of man's ability wilt
insure world prosperity.
Under-production will mean
world proverty and suffering.
The responsibility of the sol
dier on the battlefield to do his
utmost was not greater than is
the responsibility of every
worker now to bring forth the
greatest results, whether on the
farm, in the mine, in the factory,
in the bank, in the pulpit, in the
teacher's room, or at the editorial
Every ounce of increased out
put by work helps to create
wealth and will help the world
to carry and eventually pay its
indebtedness. It will help to feed '
and clothe the world arid will
lessen the cry of hunger which
has fed the fires of Bolshevism
in Europe.
The soil, the mine, the factory,
the brain, are but plants for the
production of things which will
add to the world's wealth and
help to fill up the world's VJC
The work must be done by
every man "with all his neart."
No other kind of effort is worthy
to be called work.
The man who plows, the man
who preaches, the man v.ho mines
the coal or the ore, the man who
runs the machine or he who digs
the ditch, if he would do his duty
to a suffering world, must do it
with all his heart, and feel that
every pulse-beat which he puts
into the work helps to enrich all
humanity in its broadest sense.
Any man who halts in his work,
who dawdles at it and who is in
efficient and only partially pro
ductive where he should be effi
cient and largely productive, is
a slacker in the world's great
battle against proverty and mis
To the chosen people of old,
God said; "Thou shalt remem
ber that wealth, individual and
National, and for the world, can
be created only by work.
Talk as we may about profiteer
ing and the evils of. big business,
there remains the fact that the
United States is feeding and cloth
ing Europe and that we arc sending
abroad more than we are keeping
at home. But instead of working
mdre hours and harder we have cut
down the working day and men gen
erally are less productive per hour
than they used to he.
Until we produce more, prices w.ll
continue to be high. All the man
made laws in the world cannot
override the old unalterable law of
supply and demand. If we can
produce more we shall have more;
that applies not only to goods but
to earnings. If we cut down pro
duction we may boost the wage per
hour all we have a mind to, but no
matter how much the wage it will
not buy as much as the lower wage
when men produced more.
There is just one answer to tho
whole situation and it lies in in
creased production. There will be
little trouble with either prices or
wages if every turns in and
produces as much as he is able.
Every dollar of wealth in the world
was created by men. Everything
we wear, eat or use was made, o>'
at least made ready for the market,
by men. If men do not produce much
it is obvious that what they do pro
duce will be high in price and there
will not be enough to go around,
democracy, socialism, bolshevism or
any other ism will not alter that
condition. If we want better times
we must work for them.
Some consideration is now being
given plans for a new big power dam
in the Susquehanna river near Con
owingo. All such plans should con
template the inevitable improvement
of the river for navigation purposes.
By the Ex-Committeeman j
e —.
Soldier candidates are looming up
everywhere, but in none more nu
| merously than in Lancaster county.
I AVilliam C. Kehm, Lancaster's city
; solicitor, former commander of
Company B, 10l't-h Machine Gun
Battalion, is being mentioned as a
i possibility foi* the office of district
attorney. He is likely to be slated
I for the" office by the Republican
party. This announcement created
I great surprise. It had been generally
I conceded that Sumner V. Hoster
. man, now assistant district attorney,
and during the war period, in the
absence of Lieutenant Colonel Cleon
N. Berntheisel, acting district attor
. ney would be given the office. The
petition of General Edward C. Shan
! non, of Columbia, for a place on the
I Republican ticket as a candidate for
prothonotary is in circulation. Major
I Q. O. Reitzel will be the candidate
for register.
—A statement was issued yester
day by the Republican organiza
tion of Pittsburgh, setting forth that
their support would be given to the
five sitting common pleas court
judges, who are seeking re-election
in Allegheny county, and Judge H.
Walton Mitchell of the orphans'
court, who also is seeking a full
term. He was appointed recently
by Governor William C. Sproul. The
common pleas judges are John A.
Evans, John C. Haymaker, Henry G.
AA'asson, Charles H. Kline and
Stephen Stone. The statement in part
, follows:
| "It has been a fixed policy in Alle-
I gheny county to retain on the bench
men who have served with fidelity.
The Regular Republican Organiza
tion is desirous of observing the pro
! visions of the law which now gov
! ems the election of judges and
keeping the bench clear of partisan
politics, maintaining the high stand
ard in which our judiciary has been
regarded and in adhering to the well
settled rule of keeping on the bench
men who have rendered faithful
service, has at the outset of this
campaign indorsed and will in the
coming primary election support the
candidacies of Judges Evans, Hay
maker, AA'asson, Kline, Stone and
—A bombshell was thrown into
New Castle politics this week when
Councilman James E. Love present
ed a resolution calling for a public
hearing for Councilman AV. C.
Shanafelt, superintendent of public
safety and Republican candidate for
mayor at the coming primaries.
Shanafelt is charged in the resolu
tion with official misconduct. Fol
lowing the proclamation of the res
olution, council voted to call upon
the city legal department to de
termine whether there is sufficient
evidence to justify a public hearing.
Councilman Shanefclt himself voted
in favor of the move, asserting that
he "courted investigation in the
matter," and proclaimed his inno
cence. Love has been a member of
New Castle council but a short time,
having the place made vacant
by the death of James A. Horton.
It was asserted that in looking over
the city accounts Councilman Love
discovered a discrepancy. Action on
the matter followed almost immedi
—The reappointment of E.
Lowry Humes, of Pittsburgh, to he
United States Attorney .for the
Western District of Pennsylvania, an
office he resigned to serve in the
army during the war, was no sur
—The Philadelphia Inquirer
says that when Representative
Ramsey, of Chester county, return
ed from Harrisburg for a while he
seemed to think favorably of a prop
osition from some of his admirers
among the "wet" forces that he
become a candidate for.Congress in
the Delaware-Chester 'district, to
succeed Representative Thomas S.
Butler, but he has given up that
idea and will probably accept the
offer of influential leaders who are
prepared to back him for the office
of register of wills, for which an
election will be held next Novem
State Senator William E. Crow, ac
cording to Western Pennsylvania
politicians who have been east dur
ing the last few weeks, is more
than' a receptive candidate to suc
ceed Philander Chase Knox in the
United States Senate, the Philadel
phia Inquirer says, and continues:
"Admirers of Crow say that he has
been looking over the field and has
received assurances of support
which justify him in giving serious
consideration to the proposition. He
has held the chairmanship of the
Republicai State Committee since
1913 and as the leader of the State
Senate, he has come in contact with
active Republicans in every county
ip the State and he lias been in a
position to serve many of them in
various ways, both at Harrisburg
and through the channels of the
party organization.
"Now that the United States Sen
ators are nominated and elected by
popular vote friends of the State
chairman say he would have an
advantage in a canvass through the
wide acquaintanceship he has in
every district in the Commonwealth.
"But many things will happen
politically before this issue shall be
Friends of the People
[Front the New York Times.]
When the members of the fallen
Hungarian Communist Government
scurried toward the comparative
safety of foreign parts, none was
more speedy in his departure than
Tibor Szamuely, who seems to have
done most of the rough work for
the organization. He reached the
border, but before he could cross
it he had the bad luck to meet a
man whose brother he had execut
ed. That was the end of Szamuely;
but before he breathed his last the
! Communist had time to fling a
phrase to history—"l was only the
enemy of the enemies of the pro
This remark deserves to live, for
it explaines a good deal of recent
history; indeed, about the only
other final word that deserves to
be set beside it is Nero's "Qualis
artifex pereo." Times change and
ideals with them; a mere artist is
nothing In these days by cemparison
with an emeny of the enemies of
the proletariat; but the spirit is
the-- same. Indeed,, this Szamuely
was after Nero's own heart.
His corpse was debarred from the
cemetery oh the ground that he
had killed not ifess than forty men;
and when this lasts friend of the
people perished 140,000 crowns and
much valuable property were found
on his person. For a time, being
the enemy of the enemies of the
proletariat was a gainful occupa
Szamuely was npt so fortunate as
Bela Kun, Kun. more canny, not
only got away with his life, hut he
almost got away with 5,000,000
crowns which eventually were dis-
X' . T ,
\(A ;■••; ." """ ✓-••• •/
V *. "T" B. T- M * I
covered in the baggage of himself
and his party. When the Commun- |
ists took charge in Budapest four
months ago the Treasury contained |
$14,000,000 in gold securities and j
$6,000,000 in gold coin. When the !
Communists were driven out there |
was no money left. This alone j
would explain the eagerness of a I
good many of our revolutionists; |
expropriating the expropriators may
bring no lasting profit to the pro
letariat, but quite a great deal to
those of its friends who are prudent
enough to start bank accounts be
yond the frontier.
The Railroad Situation
[From the Philadelphia Inquirer.]
The case against the Government
ownership of the railroads has been
well summed up in the statement
upon the subject which has just
been issued by the National Cham
ber of Commerce. Some time ago j
the National Chamber invited an
expression of opinion upon this
question from the 1120 trade and
commercial bodies, having a mem
bership of 670,000 businessmen,
which its organization includes, and
it appears from a tabulation of the
complete returns which have been
received that ninety-nine per cent
of those who voted opposed the
proposition which had been submit
ted to their consideration. They did
so for the several reasons which all
thoughtful and disinterested stu
dents of the situation have recog
nized as controlling and which in
the judgment of the National Cham
ber must be regarded as conclusive.
In the first place under Govern
ment ownership the development of
railroad facilities would be depend
ent upon Congressional appropria
tions which might and in all prob
ability would be determined by po
litical influences and which would
follow after rather than anticipate
the country's transportation needs.
If the Government were to buy the
roads it would have to Issue bonds
to the extent of from eighteen to
1 twenty billions of dollars and it
| would moreover be obliged to fur-
I nish from five hundred million to a
billion of new capital each and every
I year for extensions and improve
ments. Where are those vast sums
to come from?
Everyone knows what strenuous
exertions it was found necessary to
put forth in order to secure the suc
cess of the Victory Loan, and the
majority of those who subscribed to
it were animated by a patriotic
spirit and did not buy the Govern
ment's bonds as an investment. But
the bonds whose issue the purchase
of the railroads would necessitate
would have to be sold on their mer
its from a strictly business-like point
of view and on terms that would be
It would therefore be necessary to
fix their interest rate on a commer
cial basis, which would hardly be less
than six per cent, that being the rate
which the strongest corporations un
der the existing conditions and as a
consequence of the abnormal de
mand for capital which everywhere
prevails are finding themselves com
pelled to offer. This disposes of the
argument that' under Government
operation the roads could be so
economically financed that a great
saving in this direction could and
would be effected.
The other objections which the
National Chamber advances to the
Government-ownership proposition
are based upon the ground that ow
ing to the absence of competition
which furnishes the incentive to ef
ficiency and progress. Government
operation is never as efficient as
corporate management; that politi
cal considerations would determine
I the selection of the directors whom
jit is prqposed that the Government
shall appoint, and that either rates
and fares would be higher or the
inevitable deficits would have to be
met by drafts upon the public treas
Here is a cold-blooded, mattcr-of
fuct and strictly practical view of
the matter from a purely business
| point of view. Thnk it over.
Night For Sleeping Only
[From the New York Evening Sun.]
Might as well have another hour
of daylight. There Isn't much to do
after dark any more.
The Two Sides to It
[From the New York Evening Post]
There are two sides to every ques
tion, the right side and the other
How Duds Have Gone Up
[From the Boston ranscrlpt.]
Headline —"Henry Ford Goes on
Witness Stand in $1,000,000 suit."
Congress to the Rescue!
[From Harvey's Weekly]
CONGRESS to the rescue! That
is the generous response from
the capitol to the S. O. S. sig
nal frantically set "forth from the
White House. The House of Rep
resentatives will patriotically give
up its vacation in order to help the
President out of the hole in which
he has got himself and in which he
has succeeded in involving the
Nation. His eagerness to have Con
gress help him. now that he person
ally needs it. presents a suggestive
contrast to his unwillingness to have
Congress in session when nobody
but the country needed it. and raises
the question whether the present
economic crisis might not have been
avoided if only the President had
permitted Congress to assemble last
spring to attend to public business
which he himself had described as
urgent. A major measure of respon
sibility must unquestionably rest
upon him for the present serious
state of affairs. Instead of exploit
ing his fads and his personal vanity
What Has Detained Him? ;
[From Philadelphia Ledger]
"I have had all along most of the,
power I need to tight 'the high cost |
of living.' I have had through my
department of investigation and
statistical analysis very full inform
ation about the conditions which I
believe in many cases artificially and
deliberately raise the cost of living.
Yet 1 have done nothing. I would
not be doing anything now if the
American people were not goaded to
desperation and if some of the Labor
organizations were not holding the
language of Lenine."
This is not the address of Presi
dent Wilson. But it is a paraphrase
of the larger part of it which forces
its way in some such words to the
surface of most minds as they con
the smooth rhetoric, the strong
phrasing, the bold utterances which
make up that address. It may as well
be admitted that there have been
few greater masters of terse "Ameri
can" than Woodrow Wilson. But
the country cannot "fill its belly
with the east wind," even if it blows
from the White House.
What the Nation wants, has want
ed and will alone be satisfied with,
is action. Woodrow Wilson is good
reading, but "reading makes a full
man" only above the collarbutton.
When the man or the woman whose
all-absorbed anxiety to-day is to
stretch an inelastic income over the
steadily swelling prices of the neces
sities of life, reads that the Presi
dent has been aware that away back
on June Ist the supply of foodstuffs
in this country had risen simultane
ously with the prices of the same,
that he had then and has now in his
hand the sharp weapon of the Food
Control Act to cut down those prices,
that the new legislation he is asking
is trivial or only for the future when
compared with the legislation he al
ready has, this reading is more apt
to fill that man or woman with fury
than with anything else. They in
evitably ask: What has detained
him ?
Still, after all, the final test of the
| President's policy and the final
judgement on his future Will be
found in the domestic budget. The
! universal housekeeper will have the
I first news as to whether he has fail
ed again or "made good." He says
himself that the evil is curable. He
says himself that he has in his hands
a large part of the "cure." It now
remains to be seen whether, before
the month or the year is out, the
housekeepers will be searching the
markets and the shops, asking: What
has detained him?
Hard Luck For a Veteran
[From the Lawrence Gazette.]
Speaking about hard luck, a Law
rence boy was drafted, went through
the training camp without a scratch.
Then he went out to thresh and the
big water tank fell on him and
smashed him all up. He wouldn't
have cared a whoop if It had been
a German tank or a dud. but is dead
sore at being knocked out by a tame
and civilized Kansas water tank.
Nary a Law
[From the Boston Transcript.]
If you must have something with
a kick in it there's no law against
your getting a mule.
in Europe, he should have remained
at home attending to the business of
a President of the United States. It
was perfectly obvious to every in
telligent observer six months ago
that there were reconstruction prob
lems of the greatest importance con
fronting this Nation, which de
manded immediate attention and
which would tax the full powers of
both the executive and the legisla
tive departments. But ignoring them
in his infatuated quest for interna
tional notoriety, the President trans
planted the chief executive office to
the other side of the ocean, and re
fused to call the Legislature to
gether. It was a repetition of the
old story of unpreparedness before
the war and of refusal to make
preparation until fthe war was
actually upon us. Nevertheless, it
is, of course, the patriotic duty of
Congress, as of all good citizens,
to make the best of the President's
bad job, even at the expense of pay
ing a heavy penalty for his willful
Mexico Under Carrnnzu: By
Thomas E. Gibbon, Doubleday,
Page & Co., publishers, $1.50.
Mr. Gibbon has spent much time
in Mexico studying its people and
its industries under the govern
ments of Diaz, Madero and Car
Being a lawyer accustomed to
producing proofs that will stand
the test before judge and jury, he
has prepared his case against tne
Carranza government with the same
thoroughness that he would follow
if he were presenting it before a Su
preme Court. Without the slightest
attempt to dramatize the facts, but
with a logic that absolutely con
vinces, Mr. Gibbon makes clear the
situation. One reads with growing
anger the arraignment of the ruth
less, cruel government below the
Here is an inkling of the cause of
the failure of the Pershing expe
dition. Mexico is our next big prob
lem—this book will be of real serv
ice in solving it.
The World's Work Magazine is
about to print Admiral Sims' own
story, which will be a revelation of
Navy secrets. It begins in the Sep
tember number.
Admiral Sims has risen in the
Navy through his indiscretions.
Sims sent a letter, critical of the
Navy Department, to President
| Roosevelt. "Get me all those re
ports," was his command when he
finished reading it. Sims was called
to Washington. Trouble seemed 111
store for him. In the course of
his interview a trial target practice
was proposed. It was Sims' plan to
demonstrate the Navy's inefficiency
—it struck the fancy of Roosevelt.
FIVe battleships were placed at
Sims' disposal. They steamed past
a target, and even at a close mngo,
not a single hit was registered.
Sims' point had been proved. The
demonstration, was hushed. This
was the first recognition he had re
ceived. It was the birth of the new
American Navy and it began the
work which later marked Sims as
the father of target practice, spon
sor of the dreadnought and pioneer
efficiency man of the United States
Navy. When ' war was declared
with Germany, Sims was the logical
man to command our fighting forces
in foreign waters. In April, 1917,
he sailed for England. At that time
the Allies were helpless—the sub
marine was master. Six months
later l the situation was reversed.
How this task was accomplished is
the story Sims will tell.
Humbug Argument
[From Harvey's Weekly.]
Undoubtedly the President had in
mind and his prebs will echo the
motion that only prompt ratification
of his personal peace proposals is
needed to clear up the situation,
but the humbug of that it too trans
parent to make the plea effective.
It is not foreign politics but our own
domestic business that needs
straightening out, and this should
be done or at least attempted as
quickly as possible without heed
to partisanship or any Irrelevant
i considerations.
'AUGUST 13, 1919.
No Wonder Germany Quit
"One night early in June, 1918,
we went into the trenches for the
first time, relieving some veteran
French troops." said Major Frank
C. Mahin, of the Army Recruiting
Station, 32 5 Market street, Harris
burg. "The next morning I started
out to make an inspection and see
how things were going with the boys
to see how many were scared and to
hear what had happened to the dif
ferent groups as the made the re s
lief the night before. We were up in
the high Vosges, real honest to good
ness mountains, clothed in forests,
with footpaths replacing trenches in
many places. There were rows of
trenches all right but the woods
were completely hidden and were
always used unless the Boche hap
pend to be strafing us. Of course
clear down In the front lines, the
trees were all shot away and we had
to use the trenches for thorough
j fares. As I came down the moun
tain side through the woods I smell
| ed smoke and also corn beef hash,
j so 1 realized 1 was approaching a
company kitchen. Suddenly my ears
were assailed by as fluent and fiery
a stream of profanity as it has ever
been my good fortune to hear.
'Stand still you little, lop eared,
blank'. If you step on my toes again
you gray skinned, moth eaten,
stringy tailed, son of a blankety,
blank, blank, I'll bite your blank
ears off. There wasn't never no
Missouri mule ever dreamed of hav
ing your cussedness, you littleiunder
done runt. Blankety, blank, get off
my foot.' Valiantly I leaped for
ward to rescue one of my men who
was undoubtedly about to be mas
sacred by the sneaking Hun. I ar
rived at the edge of a large fissure
in the rocks and looked down, my
trusty gun in my hand, ready to do
j or die for my beloved country, when
j lo! what burst upon my astonished
I vision, but a couple of cooks sitting
in front of a cavern like kitchen,
hands in their pockets, tin hats on
the back of their heads, thoroughly
! enjoying the troubles a tall, lanky
iTennessean was having loading cans
;of hot corn beef hash' and coffee
I onto the backs of fourteen veteran
| donkeys. What a disappointment!
Here I was all primed to dash into
| the midst of a mob of cowardly
I Huns, my automatic spitting bullets
| and fire right and left till it was
i empty, whereupon I would seize
j the rifle of a fallen Hun, and using
I it as a club, brain Huns right and
left until terrified they would fall
on their knees and cry 'Kamerad,'
whereupon I would magnanimously
cease my slaughter and order them
| to the rear to rot in a prison cage
] Instead my eyes beheld a very
small donkey whose two fore feet
1 were firmly and determinedly plant
|ed on the elevens of a big buck sol
| dier, said buck soldier, between
■ oaths, being busily engaged in
: punching said donkey in the ribs,
| fo which treatment said donkey paid
I not the slightest attention. Finally
' ha\ ing extracted his pedal cxtremi
j ties from under the donkey's hoofs,
my long lean friend picked the don
| key up under one arm, carried him
| over to where his cans were sitting,
and violently depositing the donkev
| on the ground, caught his two ear's
I with one hand and started loading
on Marmite cans with the other. I
found that each donkey had two
| wicker baskets strapped on his back
■ and into each basket was loaded a
can of grub. Our official pack mas
ter, cargador, or whatever you might
call him, of the donkey pack train
had had an inspiration. When he
got one donkey loaded, he put his
! foot against the donkey's hind qutht
j ers and gave a mighty pust, the
donkey braced frantically but skidd
| ed far enough to be out of the way.
j Our friend would then pick up an
other donkey under one arm and
carry it over, load it and repeat the
| performance, until finally the break
| fast for two hundred and fifty men
started walking down towards the
trenches, shepherded by our dough
boy. From the kitchen it was over
four miles through the trenches and
paths to the last of the front line
groups, and by the time their break
fast got there those men were ready
for supper, and anybody except a
southern mountaineer would have
lost the last vestige of grace and
charity he had ever possessed try
ing to get those blankety, blank
donkeys to go to the place they
were supposed to go."
iEmtittg (Et?at |! r-
The death of Andrew Carnegie re
calls that the steel king was once an
employe of the Pittsburgh division
of the Pennsylvania railroad, and
widely known among the older rail
road men of Altoona and Pittsburgh.
For a time he was in one of the
telegraph offices along the line and
in that capacity made many friendb
among the trainmen and others, who *■
liked him for his cordiality and his
willingness always to do a favor or
perform a service. About 25 or 30
years ago he went back to the haunts
of his youth and met many of those
who had been associated with him
in the early days. He compiled as
carefully as was possible a list of
his old friends and acquaintances,
procured their addresses and placed
all of them, or their widows, on his
"pension list" for lives. Every
Christmas came a letter to them let
ting them know that their old
friend had not forgotten them and
notifying them that they would re
ceive an allotment varying from $4O
a month in some cases to $75 in *
Others, for the year ensuing. Just
how many men and women were
benefited bv Mr. Carnegie's gener
osity only he will know. Most of
t.bem are dead now. but at least one
old woman is still receiving her "pen
sion" and it has saved her from the
embarrassment of want in her old
age, or of becoming a charge on
others. As it is she spends her sum
mers at home and most of her win
ters at. the seashore or in the south,
and always has a little money in the
bank. Mr! Carnegie has been a
source of never-ending benefit and
pleasure to her!
• •
Mr. Carnegie had a remarkable
memory for faces and names and
never missed hunting up the friends
of his youth when he was in their
vicinity. The responsibility of wealth
may have sat heavily on his shoul
ders, as in his later years he said,
but it never altered his viewpoint
on life or gave him false ideas of
his own importance.
One old conductor, dead these five
years, told the following story,
which illustrates the point:
"I was just getting off the train
at Altoona, when I was approached
by a little man in a Panama hat who
yelled, 'Hello, Jim, got any pie in
your grub box to-day;?'
"It was Andrew Carnegie and ho
was referring to a fine quality of
apple pie my wife used to make and
which I shared with him as a lad on
the division. He sure could remem
ber names and faces. Why I had
almost forgotten him and here ho
was, meeting countless of the prom
inent people of the world, re-call
: ing me and my wife's pie the mom
ent he saw me. I took him home for
, supper and wo had a good talk over
old days on the railroad. And I'll
! tell you, Andy hadn't lost any of his
i old-timo taste for apple pie."
, Incidentally it may be mentioned
that this man was one of Carnegie's
pensioners in lei tor years.
; The Altoona Times has this to say
t of Mr. Carnegie's residence in that
city: "Hundreds of veteran em
ployes, now retired by the Pennsyl-
vnnia Railroad company, and who
i once worked pn the Pittsburgh di
f vision when Andrew Carnegie was
superintendent, are mourning the
passing of their former leader;
s "Scores of these pioneer railrood
. ers received a monthly pension
through the munificence of the laird
' of Rkiho. He paid this tribute to
: those who served the division during
I his career as superintendent. This
- pension had been paid them regular
- ly for many years.
"When the great philanthropist
, passed through this city and tiding*
i of his coming were heralded with
j delight, the veterans who knew of
y his arrival, hastened to the station
r to greet their benefactor. Mr. Car
. negle had vivid recollections of his
, railroad career, and recalled the
! , men once numbered among his as
i sociates and co-workers.
"It was not the regular stipend
c given them by the famous American
j which attracted the veterans to his
. train, on such visits. The memories
r of days when they worked for him
f moved the greying haired pensioners
to look into the kindly eyes and
3 grasp the hand of Mr. Carnegie,
when theso rare opportunities de
B "The exchange of stories having
to do with the railroad of long ago
3 passed all too swiftly for both the
3 veterans and their friend. Carnegie's
j visits during the last ten years were
limited to the brief periods his train
' lay here to change engines,
" "Carnegie was superintendent of
' the Pittsburgh division of the Penn
sylvania railroad from 1860 to 1865,
s when ho resigned to engage in the
s manufacture of axles and other
® railway supplies. At one time ho
, entertained a group of twenty veter
an railroad employes at his Pitts
a burgh home. He Inaugurated the
pension system many years ago,
8 drawing the line only where the for
-8 mcr employe needed no financial aid.
c Tho pension wns continued when
J vetorans died, their widows being
j benefited. A fund was created by
J Carnegie for the purpose and his
demise will in no way stop payment
y of the usual monthly allotment.
1 "The steel baron, meeting his old
'• acquaintances among railroad men,
J" always insisted that they call him
* 'Andy.' He told veterans the last ,
" time he conversed with them, 'Roys, '
■ if you ever hear of any of my men
1 who are in distress or in need, don't
1 fail to let me know about them.'
'• "Carnegie resided in this city for
1 two years, making his home with
y his mother. While here he develop
■ ed an interest in the city's first 11-
'• brary, and helped establish the Me
* ehanics' library, originally founded
1 for railroad employes, but since has
'• adopted a public policy.
y "This marked Carnegie's initial
8 penchant for starting libraries.
* Some years later he began his work
J of establishing free, institutions
0 throughout the Nation."
* Price Fixing is Blamed
t [From Harvey's Weekly.]
g It has been said by eminent and
s expert business authority that the *
high price which the Government
has officially fixed upon wheat is
responsible for the high price of
~ all other important food articles.
If that is so, the solution of the
" problem is obvious. We have no de
sire to see the Government paying
e hundreds of millions of dollars to
- farmers to make good the difference
n between the guaranteed price and
e the price received for their wheat
- in an open market; but it seems
•" reasonable on economic grounds to
1 do so, If thus the price of meat and
e other foods as well as bread could
- be reduced.
y Certain it Is that the situation
i is so serious as to demand the most
0 thoughtful consideration, free from
1 recrimination and from personal or
- partisan animus.
* The high cost of living must in
v some way be compelled to come
down. a