Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 12, 1919, Image 1

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    v Living Problems Absorb Attention of Both Houses of Congress and the American People
fcfje £far-3n&epcnt>cfit.
Street Changes to Be Made in
Conformity With Whole
Park Scheme
Provide For Transfer of the
$300,000 Bridge Fund and
Arnold W. Brunner, of New York, j
the State's consult'ng architect, was :
here to-day in consultation with |
State officials and went over details !
of the drawings of the proposed oi- !
flee building and the Memorial <
bridge with Superintendent of Public j
Grounds and Buildings Thomas E. j
Templeton. In the meantime City j
Council was active in introducing j
legislation to look after the munici- j
pality's part in the great program. I
Mr. Brunner says that upon the I
urgent request of the State officials |
he is rushing the detailed plans for |
the office building to bo erected in j
Capitol Park extension area, but !
that he is of the opinion that the j
widening of Walnut and Thitd j
streets should not be attempted un- '
til the State is ready and has the j
funds to go ahead with the general i
reconstruction planned for the easl- j
ern entrances to the Capitol grounds. |
Mr. Brunner says that the question I
of widening the streets by taking ;
away the sidewalks and thus giving j
additional width to the streets is a j
simple one, but that such a move |
is overweighed by the element of i
safety which would enter into such |
Element of Safety
Until the State is ready to pro- |
ceed with the general frontage
scheme, which includes a raised tci- j
race and walk around the Third and '
Walnut street sides of the present j
grounds and new entrances at Slate I
and Walnut streets, Mr. Brunner j
thinks it would be unwise to stait ,
any of this work. He further says j
that by attempting all the work at |
one time would mean that Fourth, j
Third and Walnut streets would be i
tied up for traffic, while if the ne.v
office building construction is taken
upon ly the Fourth street side would
be effected.
Mr. Brunner says that by remov- I
ing the sidewalks and allowing the ]
present steps and entrances, would
force pedestrians to step right out !
into the street traffic and that there I
would be considerable danger at all
times of persons being struck b\ j
The plans for the office building
are fast reaching completion and
within the next month or two they
are expected to be ready to ask for
bids for construction. The Board
of Public Grounds and Buildings
was expected to meet with Mr. Brun
ner to-day but owing to the ab
sence of Governor Sproul the meet
ing was postponed.
- On First Reading
City Council to-day passed on first
reading ordinances which include
provisions of the recent act relating
to the Capitol Park improvements.
Recently City Solicitor John E. Fox
was authorized to prepare all neces
sary city legislation for counci:-
manic action and to-day througn
Commissioner W. H. Lynch the or
dinances were presented.
One of them provides that the
State shall have the right to occupy
State street, from a point in the
park extension area to the line ot
Thirteenth street, to be used for the
Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial
bridge; that the city will give $300,-
000 toward the expense of erecting
the bridge, (the money to be pro
vided by transferring the Walnut
street bridge loan by a vote in No
vember) and the city agreeing to
maintain the roadways and side
walks on the bridge. A provision is
made that if street railway com
panies are given the right to placs
lines on the bridge an agreement
must be reached with the corpora
tion and the municipality for main
taining the roadway between the car
Another ordinance which was in
troduced provides that buildings to
be erected in the future along the
property one block north and one
block south of the new Memorial
bridge, must be approved by the
State Art Commission, the State to
be liable for all consequential dam
Next week an ordinance will be
passed on tlrst reading authorizing
a vote in the city in November on
the transfer of the $300,000 bridge
fund so that it can be paid over to
the State.
Germans Very Bitter
Over Seizure of Property
By Associated. Press.
Washington, Aug. 12. Publica
tion in Germany of the alien prop
erty custodian's report dealing with
the seizure of enemy property in
this country has evoked a storm of
press criticism which the American
mission in an official cablegram
made public to-day described as
"very bitter."
Ilnrrl*ktir K anil Vicinity I Partly
cloudy to-night and Wednesday.
I.lttle change in temperature,
lowest to-night nhout 05 de
Eastern Pennsylvania! Partly
cloudy to-night and Wednes
day. Not much change in tem
perature. Gentle variable winds.
Rlvcrt The Susiiuehniinn river and
all Its branches will tall slowly
or remain nearly stationary,
A stage of about 3.S fret is lu
dieuted for Ilnrrlsburg Wednes
day morning.
What Fools These Mortals Be
r tryikg TO i
) /IWf
Harrisburg's Growth Said to
Be Hindered by Lack of
Commissioner W. H. Lynch to-day
asked other members of City Coun
cil to approve an ordinance asking
the voters to approve a SIOO,OOO loan
for new sewers.
In his statement Mr. Lynch asks
that trunk sewers be constructed
in Shanvkin street, and along the
State Hospital grounds, in addition
to the large one to be extended along
i Spring creek.
i The ordinance providing for a vote
[ on the loan probably will be passed
| finally in a week or two. The ques-
I lion whether the city's indebtedness
j isto be increased for these import-
I ant sanitary improvements will be
I submitted to the voters in November.
Mr. Lynch's statement to Council
follows in part:
Lynch's Statement
"We have the fact before us that
because of its rapid growth, there are
many parts of this city where It is
impossible, without additional main
sewers to drain many houses now
constructed using pits, and this con
dition prevents the building of homss
in most desirable sections, which
homes are at present so badly needed.
It is unnecessary to say that cess
pools are very expensive to maintain,
and very annoying and insanitary.
Because of the topography of this
city with its outlying hills, it is im
possible to further extend the pres
ent sewers, und new conduits should
Lt constructed, reaching through low
lands the locations spoken of above.
"Spring creek sanitary sewer
should be extended eastwardly
along the creek from Nineteenth
street to near the almshouse, and then
[Continued on Pago 11,]
Railroad Officials Are
Confident Shopmen Will
Return to Their Work
By Associated Press.
Chicago, Aug. 12.—While only a
few of the striking Federated rail
way shopmen in the Chicago district
have returned to work, railroad offi-
I cials were optimistic to-day over
prospects of an early return of
workmen to their places pending a
settlement of their wage demands
or the result of a strike vote for
which ballots have been distributed
from Washington by the inter
national officers in the regular way.
The striking shopmen in plants
near this city appear to be firm in
their determination to hold out
against instructions of the inter
national officers and the appeal of
President Wilson, but from many
other parts of the country, reports
came that thousands of men had al
ready gone back to work or would
return to-day.
By Associated Press.
Beaver Falls, Pa., Aug. 12. —A
score of persons narrowly es
caped death or serious injury
when a bull, escaped from a
field, charged a Harmony Route
interurban car at Eckert Stop, be
tween Ellwood City and Zelien
ople, late yesterday, derailing the
car, which was brought to a stop
on the edge of a sixty-foot em
bankment. None of the persons
aboard the car was injured, but
the bull was killed by the col
Farmers Charge Producers
Arc Defrauded and Con
sumers Get No Benefit
By Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 12. —Demands
that changes be made in govern
ment standards under the price
guarantee act, "so as not to penalize
every grower of wheat," were made
in a statement prepared by Chair
man Gronna and representatives Of
farm organizations and approved
to-day by the Senate agricultuial
Chairman Gronna announced that
a committee would be named to
present the demands to Julius H.
Barnes, president of the United
States Grain Corporation, and rep
resentatives of the Department of
Agriculture in the hope of having
modified various government regu
lations by which it was charged "the
producers are defrauded and the
consumers receive no benefit."
Hay Fever Is Upon Us With an Evil Will, Say the Medical
Sharps, Who Predict Many Weary Days Yet to Come
The hay-fever season is among us,
So say the medical authorities.
They say also that you or me or
1,000 of the other yous and mes of
Harrlsburg will be suffering with the
affliction before many days have
passed. In fact, approximately 1,000
cases, or about one-half of one per
cent, of the population will be "kor
choolng" for dear life, by the twen
tieth day of the month.
In fact, so sure are members of the
medical profession of the city
Preliminary Report Shows
Outrages Due to Co
In a preliminary report to Conucil
to-day, City Electrician Clark E.
Dlehl said the conditions which
caused Councilmanic action last
Tuesday, was a co-Incidence rather
than a usual occurrence, because two
circuits were out of service, but he
declared that too many lights in scat
tered districts of the city, are out
or give poor light.
Assurances that larger forces will
be over the city to remedy this situ
! atlon have been given, Mr. Diehl said,
and until he has time to observe the
[Continued on Page 10.]
Haines A. Rcichel Named Gen
eral Secretary For Penn
sylvania Work
Headquarters of the Pennsylvania
Christian Endeavor Union will be
located in this city, it has just been
announced. Plans now provide for
; the opening of these headquarters
on September 10. Haines A.
Reichel, of Columbus, 0., newly
appointed secretary, will be in
Mr. Reichel has been field secre
tary and intermediate superintendent
[Continued on 'Page B.]
of their ground, that they are making
extensive preparations to care for
their patients who may be stricken
by the catarhal affection of the mu
cous membrane of the eyes and nose,
and respiratory apparatus.
Some few cases have already ap
peared, it is reported, and numerous
persons are bemoaning their ill luck
at having inhaled the pollen of vari
ous plants.
But the end is not yet, and you may
now escape, no matter how good your
fortune has been in this respect in
previous years.
Wilson's $100,000,000 Fund j
For Feeding People of Con
tinent Draws Fire
Both Houses Devoting Time to
Consideration of Laws to
Bring Prices Down
By Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 12. Living
problems continue to absorb much
of the attention of Congress. Fed
eral supervision of the issuance of
stocks and certificates has been pro
posed in the Senate and the cold
storage regulation suggested by ;
President AVilson is before the j
House agricultural committee.
While Congress went ahead with
consideration of various bills and
suggestions for legislative relief At
torney General Palmer continued
negotiations with representatives of
his department of state, city and
county agents throughout the coun
try for co-operation to bring about
lower prices for the necessities of
Retail Dealers Feci Pinch
Coincident with the announcement
by the War Department that prices
of surplus Army food would be re
adjusted from time to time to con
form to reductions in the retail mar
ket on similar commodities, which
I was taken here as an indication that
[ retail dealers already were begin
ning to feel the effects of the Gov
ernment's action in placing the vart
quantities of stores on tlie market,
it was announced last night that the
War Department also would offer to
the public two million surplus blan
kets. These include practically all
grades and range in price from sii
for the beit all-wocl to $1.25 for
reclaimed cotton blankets.
Sale and distribution of the blan
kets will be conducted through post
office and municipal channels on the
same plan that foodstuffs are be-
ing handled.
Garretson Makes Charges
A. B. Garretson, former head of j
the Order of Railway Conductors, I
told the House Interstate Commerce |
Committee to-day that operating of- j
fieials in charge of railroads during j
Government control were actuated |
by the one desire of demonstrating
that Government ownership was not
best for the country.
"Exactly the same operating force
that built up a great surplus before
the war created this big deficit,"
Garretson said.
"There could be no real test as l
to Government operation so long as j
' the future disposition of the roads !
I had not been determined. Every
1 effort was made to convince the
people that private management
was best.
"When the railroad official praises,
he turns his face to Wall street, but
I once it is demonstrated, for instance,
that management in future will cen
ter in Washington, I am sure he will
serve the Government as earnestly
[Continued on Page 10.]
! By Associated Press.
, Paris, Monday, Aug. 11. De
. mobilization of the military organiz
. ation built up by France during the
: war is proceeding, and when it is
comple'ed the organization will be
I the same as in 1914 before the out
• break cf the war. The French Army,
, if present plans are not changed,
! will comprise the 21 corps of 1914
and two corps created during the
Farmers of Central Pennsyl
vania View Practical
Thousands of people from all j
over Central Pennsylvania took the j
roads to Bonnymead Farms this
morning, where the opening events !
of the Pennsylvania tractor demon- j
stratlon were being held. Twenty
two types of tractors were plowing
this morning and each one was be
ing followed by an interesting group
of people.
The demonstration is being held
under the auspices of the School of
Agriculture of Pennsylvania State
College and is expressly for the pur- ;
pose of demonstrating to the
farmers of this part of the State ;
how efficiently economical the trac
[Continued on Pnge 11.]
Can't Get Away From
Profiteers, Even in Jail
Tty Associated Press.
Baltimore, Md., Aug. 12.—"Profit
eers have not overlooked a single
item that is purchased by this insti
tution. Whether it be carpet tacks,
flour or clothing, their mark is ap
parent." This was the statement to
day of Warden John F. Leonard, of
the Maryland Penitentiary. "The
high cost of living is being felt here
as much as it is in private homes,"
continued the warden, "although all
supplies are bought In large quan
tities and the utmost discretion is
used in making purchases. The cost
of feeding the prisoners daily has
advanced to 21 cents per man as
[against 12cents In pre-war days."
Assistant District Attorney to
Quit His Office in
Convicted Many Murderers
For Commonwealth During |
His Tenure in Office
Frank B. Wickersham, assistant'
District Attorney since 1897, with i
the exception of a few years when
he was a member of the House of
Representatives, announced to-day
| that he will retire from the position
; of prosecuting attorney for the Com
; monwealtli, with the close of his
j present term, which ends next Janu-
! ary -
Mr. Wickersham is one of the best
known members of the Dauphin |
! county bar. For years he has resided i
{ in Steelton, and has been borough
solicitor for thirty years. As As
sistant District Attorney he has been
|in the service of the county for
I twenty years, handling court casesj
] with four District Attorneys of the j
; county.
Mr. Wickersham began his work i
i as a Prosecuting Attorney in 1597,
with the lute Meade D. Detweiler,
then District Attorney. In 1899, he
became assistant to Albert Millar,
an uncle of Albeit Millar, one of
the Representatives from Harris
burg at the last session of the Leg
Member of Legislature
Six years later Mr. Wickersham
] became assistant to John Fox Weiss,
j who was the next District Attorney, j
| He prosecuted cases with Mr. Weiss !
' for three years, and then was elected j
| a member of the Legislature, attend- |
ling the sessions of 1905, 1906 and l
11907. At the expiration of Air. |
1 Weiss' term, Michael E. Stroup, the \
\ present District Attorney, was ■
' elected, and he named Mr. Wicker- !
| sham hn assistant, after the latter
I had not appeared as a Prosecuting
Attorney for a lapse of about four
years while in the House of Repre
sentatives. Since 1912, however, he
I has served as an assistant continu
• A feature of Mr. Wickersham's
' long service is the number of mur-
I dor cases he has handled, either
\ lor the prosecution or in defense,
i Probably no other attorney in the
county bar has appeared in more
; cases as counsel on one or the other
j side in homicide trials.
On the Defense
During the second term when Mr.
Weiss was District Attorney Mr.
Wickersham together with W. Justin
Carter, defended Lulta Zoriovic, a
foreigner ■ charged with murdering
his wife and then shooting himself.
He recovered from the self-inflicted
wound and was placed on trial. Mr.
Wickersham, with Mr. Carter, de
fended him and W. Harry Musser
was the Prosecuting Attorney. For
[Continued on Page 11.]
By Associated Press.
Berlin, Monday, Aug. 11. Dr.
George Michaelis, former imperial
chancellor, has sent to German
newspapers, a statement declaring
he did not refuse to negotiate with
| England through Pope Benedict in
| 1917, as has been alleged by Premier
j Bauer in recent published state,
j ments.
By Associated Press.
Rome, Monday, Aug. 11.—Pro
fessor Luigi Luzzatti, former
Premier, has received thousands
of letters from America which
| demonstrate the love of Ameri
cans" for taking a chance." This
j avalanche of correspondence,
I which the aged statesman showed
j the correspondent to-night, was
; filled with checks for amounts
| varying front $1 to SIOO, the ag-
I gregate running up into the thou
i sands. The letters implored the
j former Premier to reserve tick
ets in the gigantic international
lottery which the letters assert
| e'd he is conducting to pay the
cost of the war.
"The proposal for an livterna
] tlonal lottery was widely pub-
I fished in the French press," he
said. "Such a scheme was
shown me by an Italian some
i months ago, but I am not identi-
I with it. In fact, at the time
i that I was Interviewed regarding
j *ho plan I strongly disapproved
| of it. I hope Americans will for
give my inability to satisfy their
appetite for a good game."
Majority of Property Holders Want to
Get Money From City and Chance to
Locate in New Neighborhoods
Many of the property owners on the west side of North Front
street, between Herr and Calder streets, the district known
throughout Harrisburg as "Hardscrabble," are anxious now to
have the city take over these properties which have been con
demned and pay the values fixed upon them either by the board
of viewers or by jury awards in court trials.
In August, 1914, the city began its action to take over the
buildings, raze them, and convert the river front along this sec
tion into a continuation of the formal park. It is pointed out the
lougt* the city vaits the greater the hardship on the property
owners. The price of properties is steadily rising and it is said
that delays mean higher costs for men who must buy in other
parts of the city.
Long- in Courts
Much litigation followed. Ap
peals from the wards of the viewers,
court trials, appeals from verdicts
and the court's decision about legal
points, all. ended recently when the
State Supreme Court, the highest
judicial body in the State, passed on
the legal points involved with the
taking of the properties.
The only remaining action will be
the paymerft of the amounts awarded
as damages, so far as the property
owners themselves are concerned, to
be followed necessarily by the raz
ing of the buildings and the park
After five years of delays and legal
battles the owners in many instances
want the city to end the whole
question by paying over the money.
The municipality has bonded itself
to do this, and one of the property
owners said that lie is planning to
go before the court in the fall and
ask to have the money paid to him,
jor the ban removed from his prop
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I** the role of a butler in • r.-t due- jL^
en thft ?la rr-> >cr . k [MI
I - > marmot, with mr^
J Richard Bniivn nml June Thompson, Carlisle! Vincent J, J,
i Schufmelxti'r nnil Kriincc* I*. Dunlnp, Hnrrlsburcj Wesley E. Foster
Sr.. mid Ethel I*. Allen, Mnrrlxhiirx;; Hurry N. Hondo, Eaat Mnuch * '
. Chunk, end Snrtiii 1„ llrliiMer, lldiniitelMtoivn. ,
4* Enrl 1.. Smith nnd Juliit A. Cnnndn, llnrrlsburit! Geortce N. Dan- '
r-'io nelly, MlllcrnburK nnd Therein S. Ill.linnn. I.lrerpooli Clinton E. Aid-a
, rldae nnd Alice >V. llrooks, Stcellon.
<4 a
Han oil District
This ban, brought about by the
condemnation proceedings, means
that only necessary improvements
have been made to the properties
since 1914. A number of the dwell
ings are in need of repairs and
improvements but the owners, real
izing now that the city can at any
time serve notice on them to leave,
are only doing such repair work as
is absolutely necessary.
The delay of the city is incon
veniencing them and they declare
that they want.the whole question
settled by the payment of the dam
ages allowed them.
A few of the owners are not
anxious to leave, but they said that
as the cases have been carried to the
Supreme Court and a final ruling
has been made, they realize that they
must go.
Harry J. Berrier, known as the
"Mayor of Hardscrabble" who for
many months opposed the city's
move to take over these properties,
[Continued on Pago 17.]