Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 11, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 1831 Published evenings except Sunday by THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Telecrapli Building, Fcd*ral Square " ■■ E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief T. R. OYSTER, Business Manager GUS. M. ST.EINMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHENEIt, Circulation Manager Executive Board t. P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGLESBY, F. R. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Members of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. A Member American r 3 Newspaper Pub- I Associa- Bureau of Circu lation and Penn sylvania Associa ated Dailies. Eastern office Story. Brooks & Avenuo Building. Western office' ! Chicago, 111. S Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a week; by mail, $3.00 a year in advance. MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1919 The peace of God, which passcth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. — Phil. IV. 7. POPULAR UP-STATE PHILADELPHIA is never quite happy unless in the throes of a political campaign. Joseph Hampton Moore, who proposes to buck the Vare organization as a candidate for mayor, has injected a refreshing spirit of independence into the situation. It is well that the political stage should be set for the big show of 1920. Mr. Moore is a regular Republican, with a high appreciation of the principles of his party,and throughout the State there will be increasing interest in his canvass for the chief place in his home city. As this is the case of the office seeking the man the father of the inland waterways develop ment will have the good wishes of thousands of his fellow citizens in Pennsylvania. Lansing and George occupied rela tively the same titular positions at the peace conference, but the Pre mier of the United States, according to his own testimony before a com mittee of the United States Senate, appears to have been willing to play the role of a numerical unit of the delegation without portfolio. It is difficult to imagine Root, or Knox, or Taft, or other of the great line of statesmen who have served in the office of Secretary of State suffering themselves to be eclipsed utterly by the autocratic and self-appointed of the Peace delegation from this country. AS TO INDEMNITY LIEUTENANT - GOVERNOR BEIDLEMAN in a stirring speech before the Republican committee workers the other evening voiced the opinion of many people when he questioned the propriety of the Washington administration assuming to speak for the country in declining any part of the Ger man indemnity fund. The Lieuten ant-Governor evidently believes with Colonel Harvey that even if the exaction of a large sum from Ger many would destroy her industrial and commercial potency for the next hundred years we should say, "Lay on!" Commenting further on this matter the distinguished editor of Harvey's Weekly says: "It will b e better for Germany to suffer through making repara tion for her crimes than for her victims to be left to suffer still more for lack of such re paration. Nor do we think that the prosperity of all the rest of the world depends upon the im mediate and complete rehabilita tion of Germany. We can get along very well without her. We may, of course, be quite sure that Germany will pay not a cent more than she is compelled to pay, and that if we begin scaling down the indemnity, she will continue to whine for its still further reduction. Instead of abatement, we should say that the entire sum prescribed should be exacted without reduction of a cent, and with this additional proviso, that if then an ex parte commission of the Powers finds that she is able to pay more, a further payment shall be ex acted." It has never been quite clear why the United States should be so philanthropic as to bear its share of the burden of a great war and then refuse to exact from the guilty author of that war all the repara tion possible. Colonel Harvey can not sec that President Wilson has anything to say about it. "If he had" put into the treaty," says the Colonel: "a stipulation that the United States should have no share in the indemnity, the Senate might make it valid with its ratification: though we doubt if it would. But there is nothing of the sort in the treaty, and we are very sure that no private and unwritten under standing of the President's with the rest of the Big Five, to that or to any other effect, is of the slightest forco. At the rlsl: of being regarded MONDAY EVENING, as sordid, we must say that it would seem to us hopelessly quixotic to refuse a share In the indemnity, to which every other Power considers us to be 'ndlsputably entitled. There is not an argument against our do ing so that Is worth the breath it takes to utter it. The question Is, at any rate, one which should be de cided by Congress." The trouble with the whole treaty matter has been the failure of Presi dent Wilson to give full recognition to the constitutional prerogatives and rights of Congress, espccially the Senate as a co-ordinate treaty making power. But we are grad ually getting down to brass tacks and with the passing of the days the situation is being clarified through the forceful expression of American sentiment. I If the wails of pain which ema jnate from local Democratic ring quar- I ters indicate the physical und mental | disturbance resulting from a mid- I summer meeting of the Republican ! committee, what will be the condition I of the patient later in the year? FAILURE OF DISHONESTY J' OHN EDWARD ADDICKS, who once boasted that he would "buy his way into the United States Senate if he had to purchase tlft whole State of Delaware," is dead, a poor and disgraced politician without friends and without the re spect of a single living soul. Such wholesale bribery as was practiced in Delaware during the period of Addicks influence in State politics there has never been known elsewhere in the United States. Thousands of dollars he poured out in every election, and for a time it looked as though he would bo elect ed to the Senate, although it is doubtful if he ever would have been able to convince that body of his right to sit therein, but he never quite succeeded. Dishonesty in politics some times —too often, indeed —succeeds tem porarily, but eventually the people take matters into their own hands and turn the rascals out. At all events, the day of the Addicks typo is past, never to return, for which the country may well rejoice. County Detective Walters will re tire with a record of efficiency second to none serving in a similar ca pacity. "Jim" is a student of human nature and naturally a philosopher and these qualities have made him a valued public servant. A POPULAR MOVE YEARS are sometimes required to educate a community to ob vious needs, but now that the City Council has taken the proper course in securing expert advice on bathing facilities in the river we are able to see the fruits of persist ent effort in crystallizing public sentiment on any good thing. It were well, however, to have the plans and the final details worked out during the present summer so that the people may intelligently ex press themselves on the proQDScd loan at the November election. Don't wait until you are asked to make your contribution for the ne cessary and proper expenses of the Kipona carnival. When others are willing to do the work it ought not to be necessary to make more than one appeal for the comparatively [ small sum required to meet the ex pense of the big day on the river. All contributions will be acknowl edged by V. Grant Forrer, the secre tary of the Greater Harrisburg Navy, through the newspapers, and the budget having been carefully revised by the executive committee, subscrip tions to the fund ought to be imme diately forthcoming. "CHORUS GIRLS KICK" THE Kansas City Star of last Thursday contained an article headed "Chorus Girls Kick," and there seemed small enough justification for the publication of such an item, for to kick is one of the chief duties of the chorus ladies, until one on reading farther discovered that the term was used figuratively. The girls of Chicago theaters, it appears, complain that the salary en velope no longer meets the hall room rent, the cheap restauranc lunch and the dressmaker's bilis. Some of us may have imagined that the trifling costume of the average member of the chorus would not have been worth making an inven tory of in a list of living expenses, but apparently the airy trifles cost as much as some of the lace and satin remnants that pass for bail gowns in polite society. The fewer clothes they wear the higher the cost, the girls say. Some of the advance photographs of cer tain Broadway shows indicate that the chorus ladies over there have met the problem by discarding even the poor excuses they used to wear and dressmakers no longer have any terrors for them. Perhaps the threatened strike is a step in that direction in Chicago, or are middle west morals above that sort of a compromise with the high cost of living? The fact that a number of the New York theaters were crowded the other night at the usual show hour when the curtains were rung up on empty stages, because the actors and act resses had struck Just before the opening hour without notice to the managers, brings into illuminating prominence a feature that is strongly disregarded in all such controversies —the rights of the innocent public. Those who make possible theatrical productions by their generous patron age were apparently given no con sideration by the actors and actresses who expect their plaudits and their cash night after night. The innocent third party in every strike contro versy is the one that is compelled to bear the burden without regard to the i merits of the case. By the Ex-Committeeman Following a slim meeting of the Democratic County Committee 011 Saturday afternoon, at which not even Chairman Stucker was present, some of the Democrats who had been talked of for county office gut up courage enough to announce their eandiducies formally. Among them were James G. Miles, deputy register of wills, who earlier in the week said he was thinking of run ning for city treasurer, and who confirmed the rumor; J. Clyde My ton, head of the Harrisburg Motor Club and well known throughout the county, who wants to be sherilf; John J. Mates, Wllllamstown; S. E. Klinger, Steelton, and N. Y. Parthe more, Harrisburg, for poor director. Dr. G. Willis Hartman, perennially on the Democratic ticket, is talked of for mayor, and J. Dress Panned is being put forward as a possible candidate for district attorney. Tlio overwhelmingly large Republican returns in the registration reports from the county have discouraged the Democrats and it is not expect ed that more than a formal show of opposition will be made to the Republican ticket following the primaries. —The Philadelphia Record, Dem ocrat, thinks Congressman Moore would make a good mayor for Phil adelphia. It says: "With charac teristic promptness Congressman J. Hampton Moore will to-day set In motion the machinery for a vigor ous light against contractor rule as candidate of the independent forces for the Republican mayoralty nom ination. To-day he will organize his own committees to take charge of the details and the dust will begin to fly in the most determined pri mary battle that has been staged in Philadelphia for many years. "If elected mayor, Mr. Moore pldegcs himself to rigidly enforce the provisions of the new charter bill, especially those which provide that the city shall do its own street cleaning and garbage collecting. The Congressman, who arrived 111 this pity from Atlantic City last night, in an interview to newspapei men said: 'Again I say that the charter is law. If it provides that the city shall do its own street cleaning and garbage collecting, I would certainly as an administrative officer live up to the law. What can didate will dare say that he will not comply with the law? As a cam paign issue I would like nothing more than that my adversary would make that statement.' " —Demands for national owner ship of the mines, as well as the railroads, is contained in the plat form of the Union Labor party of Schuylkill county, which is connected with the Grangers. The following ticket has been placed in the field: Orphans' Court judge, James J. Bell, of Shenandoah; district at torney, Cyrus Palmer, of Pottsville; treasurer, M. J. Donahue, of Potts ville; controller, Cornelius Boner, of Tamaquu; prothonotary, J. Shol lenberger, of Schuylkill Haven; recorder, James Deitrich, of Tower City; register, John Strembo, of Mahanoy City; county commis sioners, Neil Ferry, of McAdoo, and W. H. Stout, of Pinegrove; poor directors, Charles Fenstermacher, of Ashland, and John Dando, of Min ersville. Representative Palmer, nominated for district attorney, also will be the Republican nominee. He has been indorsed by the labor party. —Startled by the fact that they have been surcharged $5,298.24 "for gross negligence," the Board of School Directors of Monroe town ship, Snyder county, have come for ward with an announcement through their attorneys, Ulrich and Coryell, that they will appeal in a few davs from the surcharge of the investi gating auditors. That means the al leged shortage in the accounts will be aired in all its details in the Snyder County Courts, and promises to establish a new standard for sen sations in the handling of public moneys. The Monroe township school scandal has been before the public for the past year. The first step was the attempt to prove that 1:M Helser, the secretary of the board, was over $5,000 short in his accounts. Note forgeries, check forgeries, strange bookkeeping and a host of other irregularities with a questionable SIO,OOO bond issue to cap the climax are just a few of the perplexing problems which have developed. —Congressman John W. Baer, of North Dakota, spent Saturday at Heading as a guest of members of the family of that name, after hav ing been present yesterday at the annual Baer family reunion at Kutz town Park at which lie made the principal address. —Mayor Hoagland, of Williams port, received from the executive committee of the City Planning Committee a request for the city administration to appoint a city planning commission. Where the Blue Phlox Grow [Prom the Toronto Mail and Em pire.] Ere the day meets the night in the gloaming. There's a spot where I love to go; And I never have tired of roaming In the wood where the blue phlox grow. Though the world's full of sorrow and sadn-ess, Though our hearts tremble oft at the gloom, Vet nature seems smiling with glad ness, In the wood where the blue phlox bloom. —Christina W. Partridge. Roosevelt Memorial Announcement was made to-day by Colonel William Boyce Thomp son, of New York City, president of the Roosevelt Memorial Association, that the organization to collect the fund of $5,000,000 during the week of October 20-27 has been completed in most of the States. The plans of the Roosevelt Memorial Association include a magnificent monument at Washing ton and the establishment of a pub lic park at Oyster Bay, in which may be included eventually the Roose velt home at Sagamore Hill with its contents, thus preserving it for national use like Mount Vernon and the Lincoln Home at Springfield, 111. Cleaning House [Prom the Louisville Courier-Jour nal.] "Would it be all right to beat a grass rug?" "I don't know, my dear. Perhaps I'd better Just run the lawnmoker over it." _ / HAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH t WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND BY BRIGGS THE. FIRST No Wonder Germany Quit XI'MUEK FORTY "The Allies went Germany one better in almost everything they at tempted," said Major Frank C. Mahin, of the Army Recruiting Sta tion, 325 Market street, Harrisburg. "In spite of the advantage they had, by reason of years of preparation, and their much-vaunted superiority in pure and applied sciences, the Boche completely fell down in some of the departments of the great game; or at best, made crude at tempts when compared with that accomplished by the Allies. One field in which the Allies were supreme, was in that of sound ranging. By this system, through use of delicate instruments, we could determine al most the exact position of an enemy battery, simply from the sound of its firing. A wonderful feature of the system was, that the more deli cate and expensive instruments used, could be located safely in the rear; while the more important— in that they were placed near the front and were first to detect the sound, upon which the functioning of the whole system depended, had practically no intrinsic value. To describe the workings of the system, with all details of the instruments used, and the principles involved, would require a knowledge such as warrants a foot or two of scholastic degrees after one's name. Briefly the story is this: Placed near the front, at sufficient intervals, and at points of which the map locations were known, were at least three sound detectors—the instruments just referred to. When a Boche gun fired the sound came to these de tectors, possibly reaching all at the same time, but generally at inter vals of a few seconds, or fractions thereof. These detectors were con nected by wire to a central station, where through electric current, the other instruments recorded the de tected sounds and measured the in tervals between in fractions of sec onds. By use of principles of physics, time measurements thus re corded, were translated into units of distance, and corrections were made for direction and velocity of wind and humidity. With higher mathematics applied, the data thus obtained, determined the curve, called an hyperbole, upon which the source of sound must be. At least two curves were determined, and it followed, since that point lay on both, it must be at their intersec tion. On an ingeniously arranged board, upon which the detectors' po sitions were located, as well as ref erence points of the map of that locality, these curves were plotted, and one was able to immediately tell just where the Boche gun was. Our guns then could be brought up and fired at will. Up to the time we entered the war, our French and British Allies had been working out and applying this system. Room for improvement was found in nearly all of the instruments used, and experts of our Bureau of Standards went to work on the problems. They finally designed and built a set. which was adopted as a standard and we were in a fair way of being well equipped. So far as I've ever heard, the enemy had nothing 1:, compare with this system; or, if he had, it was a crude affair, judging from the results he was able to at | tain. As will be readily seen, the I Boche had no chance to effectually \ conceal his batteries. He could hide them from the eyes of our aviators, and their cameras; he might conceal the flash of dis charge, but he could not muffle the sound. When a battery's location is known, it can be destroyed at will. It was sure to be located, for the alert and almost infallible in strumental watchmen were on the job twenty-four hours a day, and Mr. Boche was certainly up against it." Lament of the Rebellious Behold, O Lord; for I am in dis tress; mine heart is turned within me; for I have grievously rebelled; abroad the sword bereaveth, at home there Is us death.—Lamenta tions i, 20. Daylight and Increased Production IT IS to be hoped that the Presi dent will again veto the repeal of the Daylight Savings Law which, by reason of some mysterious political influence, has been put through both Houses and, as a sep arate measure, is once more up to him. The Daylight Savings plan real izes three great results in city com munities economy, health, and in creased production. Increased production is the great est of these. The objections to the change of time are mainly that it affords a certain amount of discomfort in Western farming communities; but it does not cut down production there. The success of the great reor ganization now going on, of the in dustrial forces of the. Nation from war to peace, depends more than anything else, upon increasing pro duction. The aim of all efforts to harmonize capital and labor is to make it possible, through increased production, to give labor better wages and to afford to make labor life more comfortable and enjoy able. A strike at the Daylight Savings plan is a blow to increased produc tion, from which all these benefits come. It would seem that the farming community should be willing, for the present, to defer its objections to an arrangement of such incalcul able benefit to the great majority, until the country is on a settled basis of prosperity. The farmers have done great work during the war and are receiving a great money reward by reason of a high price for wheat fixed by the Government, with the effect of rais- TRADE BRIEFS Intensive campaign for the Swed ish market has been opened by British textile interests, immediate deliveries being offered, with six months credit and 6 per cent off in thirty days. A cablegram has been received from the American Consulate-Gen eral at Hongkong, British China, to the effect that catalogs and price lists are desired immediately, for machinery for the manufacture of the Japanese style of safety matches. According to a report from Christ iania Engineer Hermond Peterson has recently patented a device for the production of electrical current for radiotelegraphy. The electricity is received by an accumulator, which releases it at certain intervals. The system is sparkless and the sounds are clearer than in the older in ventions. The Bureau of Foreign and Do mestic Commerce has received from the Consulate-General at Rotter dam, the Netherlands, a list of im porters of raw cotton in that country, copies of which can be ob tained from the bureau of its dis trict or co-operation offices by re ferring to File No. 110191. The Eondon manager of an old establised Russian company, with forty branch offices in Russia, states that a considerable amount of busi ness is now being done in southern Russia, and that the outlook is very favorable. The goods are being shipped not to order but to repre sentatives of the firms making the shipments. Looking For Bids [From the Washington Star.] "Did you ever use money in an election?" "No," said Senator Sorghum. "I have been accused of it, but I have always found that when you began to hint at money anybody with a vote to sell got his mind entirely oft the election and wanted to turn it into an auction." ing the prices of all other farm products. Their inconvenience from the Daylight Savings law comes mainly from too early milk trains. This could be easily adjusted by the rail roads and should be. It develops that a very large number of farmers, and especially of farmers' wives, are in favor of retaining the Daylight Savings law. It has increased en ormously the production of food stuffs through the work of amateur farmers to the extent of hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of garden truck. But far greater has been the increased production In factories, through the saving of daylight under this beneficent law. It Is not that the East does not appreciate how much is due to the farmers of the country for their splendid service to the whole com munity. Mr. George L. Walker, in the Boston Commercial, in a lucid article on what the farmer did for the war and what he is now doing, says: "The American farmers have demonstrated conclusively that they are the most dependable men en gaged in any single calling. Though hundreds of thousands of their em ployes were enticed away by offers of high wages to work in ship yards and munitions factories, and other hundreds of thousands, to gether with perhaps a million of their sons, were called to the colors, they did not threaten to strike and uttered a few protests; but with all these handicaps they added to their working hours and increased the country's cereal har vest by more than a billion bushels. The potato crop of our first year in the war exceeded all previous rec ords, the efforts of the farmers en abling this country to provision its own Army and help enormously in the feeding of the Kt' ipean Allies." —The Bache Review. Billions in Junk [From the Outlook.] "Junk" to most people means worthless rubbish. But a report of the United States Chamber of Com merce estimates that the total value of junk annually salvaged in the United States aggregates more than $2,000,000,000, a clear saving of two per cent of the total annual manu factured output of the country. In a bulletin the United States geologi cal survey reports that secondary metals, including brass, lead, zinc, copper, tin and aluminum—secured from scrap metals, etc.—recovered in 1916 were valued at more than $265,000,000. One of the serious causes of Juvenile crime is said to be the ease with which stolen Junk can be sold. The Smaller World [From the Toledo Blade] By death upon the battlefield, starvation in prison camps, un checked disease, the breaking down of peace and order, it is estimated that the world has lost 25,000,000 souls. It is further estimated that there are 12,000,000 fewer persons living than there would be nor mally because families were parted by the war, marriages did not oc cur. So when we speak of the world being made smaller we need not necessarily have aerial achieve ments in mind, but the grim reaper and that which might have been. Flattery [From the Washington Star.] "Flattery," said Uncle Eben, "is generally a scheme foh easy money makin', wlfout even goin' to de trouble of fixin' up a gold brick or a sachel of green goods." A Puzzling Missouri Question [From tho Chula News.] Under an old law a man's house is supposed to bo his castle, but it I still remains to be seen what his 1 cellar is. AUGUST 11, 1919. Government Ownership [From the Wilkes-Barre Record] Threat of an intensive campaign by the railroad brotherhoods for Government ownership, with a plan of profit-sharing, cannot be lightly considered oh the ground that pub lic sentiment, Congress and the President are opposed to it. The experiment with Government opera tion during the war period has dis pelled much of the sentiment there was in favor of Government owner ship prior to that period, but the votes and the influence of the rail road men are powerful, and it is well known that on various occa sions Congress has yielded its con scientious convictions to such pres sure. If the railroad men insist that the lines shall not bo turned back to their former control and back up this insistence tvith the threat of a general strike—there have been intimations of such a course,—it is possible that the President and Congress will do aa they did when the brotherhoods de manded an increase of wages through executive and legislative intervention a couple of years ago —surrender. Representative Sims has in pre paration a bill patterned after the plan advocated by the brotherhoods acme months ago. It includes pur chase by the Government of all rail road lines upon a valuation to no determined by the courts, and pay ment of the properties by the is suance of four per cent, bonds; operation by a directorate of fifteen five of the directors to be chosen by the President to represent the public, five to be elected by the operating officials, and five to bo chosen by the classified employes; equal division of surplus, after pay ing fixed charges and operating costs, between the public and the employes; automatic reduction of rates when the employes' share of the surplus la more than five per cent, of the gross operating reve nue; regional operation as a unified pyriem; building of extensions at the oxptnse of the communities bene fited, in proportion to the benefit. This is not outright Government ownership and operation. It is ownership by the Government in providing the money, but joint op eiation by the Government and the employes and joint division of trie profits, if there are any. To obli gate the Government to the ex penditure of some $20,000,000,000 through a bond issue at a time when world finances are in a pre en-ious state, would be an exceed ingly risky piece, of business. But that if not the sole reason for hesi tation. It is well known what Go"- eri.ment ownership or operation of a public utility means. It means politics, based on the motion th'it when the Government takes hold of a thing there is some magic influence over finances that makes them come out right at the end. Congress and not employers would deal with questions of wages, and under the stress of political pres suie from a host of railroad men, the.ir relatives and friends, it is hardly a question as to what Con gress would dc in the face of wage demands; and for the same reason it is hardly to be doubted that Con gress would yield to community and sccfional clamor for improvements in service and a lowering of rates. The chicanery practiced by con gressmen in voting hundreds of mil- I lions of dollars for public buildings in towns where the postal revenue hardly pays for the services of jani tors, and for improvement of navi gation in streams that almost run dry part of the year, all for the ;ake of political capital, makos one extremely skeptical as to the results of Government ownership of the railroads. The public is in favor of a return of the lines to private operation as soon as possible, with, however, a change from previous conditions, in that the Government shall have larger measure of supervision than heretofore. If this program fails it w v ill be because the brotherhoods are stronger than the Government. October Weather [From the Philadelphia Ledger], It seems that the Prince of Wales has just heard about our "Indian summer" and is worrying about the kind of weather that prevails in the United States at the end of October. Naturally, familiar with the fogs and damps of the raw autumns of England and northwestern Europe, persistent oceanic climatic condi tions which led the French revolu tionists when they reformed the calendar to label October "Bru maire," or foggy, the young Prince is quite unaware that the contin ental climate which we share with Canada normally gives us an Octo ber of blue and gold brilliancy, with clear, crystalline skies the rule, and the only interruption to this type of weather, with its sharp tang or early frost in the air, is the re turn of the dreamy, lialcyonic days which suggest the return of the summer and have been called poet ically "Indian summer" ever since the early Colonial days. The phe nomenon of Indian summer has al ways interested English writers, though most of them who have dis cussed it are in error as to its causes, and the phrase long since has played its part in English liter ature as a synonym for the peace ful, tranquil, golden evenings of life, the second summer of one's declin ing days. It is true the meteorolo gists have shown the physical sim ilarity of our "Indian summer" to "Saint Martin's summer" of No vember and "Saint John's summer" of December, which figure in Eu ropean folklore. But "Indian sum mer" in October has a quality all of its own as the last gorgeous hues of the maple and dogwoods and the oaks color the vistas and make late October the most delightful time of the year. So the Prince need not worry about our October weather; if it be normal it will be quite as continental and as "American" as anything else that he will experience over here and quite as stimulating, and a golden memory he will never forget. Simple Rule of Living [From the Utica Observer], As the increase in the supply of money will not solve our problem, we can not look to government aid in doing it. The solution rests with individuals, and their only possible ways of reaching it are to make abundance take the place of scar city by producing more through their own individual efforts and by using such economy as lies within the scope of reasonable living. We may discuss theories by the hour, write by the ream papers which deal with economics, listen to de bates until we are deaf, and we will finally be compelled to come back to the simple rule that has gov erned man since the days of Adam. The ground mußt be tilled and the field must be harvested, and the wheel must be driven, and we must eat our bread in the sweat of our face. Did He Get Lit Up? [From the Boston Transcript.] Mrs. Blunderby (to her caller) My nephew hasn't been feeling well lately and the doctor gave him an illun^lnant. f&mrittg (tljai j "If every man who tells me he is going to join the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium classes this fall does so we will have to enlarge the gym hall," said Physical Director Miller yesterday. "The outings this sum mer, with their sports and athletic events have aroused many Harris burg men to their need for physical exercise," he continued. "Our classes have kept up right through the summer. Dozens of men meet to play volley ball, to romp through their exercises and wind up under the showers. More men are coming to the 'gym' now than used to at tend the regular winter classes." * * The problem of space at the Har | risburg 'Y* is becoming very serious indeed. The time is almost at hand when a new building will be neces sary if the association is to meet its opportunities for good in the community, but the cost is almost prohibitive and Secretary Robert Reeves is almost at a loss to know how to proceed. The association has grown rapidly the past five i years. It has become a headquar i ters for young men back from the army and is more popular than ever among the younger men of the I community. There is some talk of j enlarging the present structure but more of an entirely new building. • • | Robert Walton, of the East End I Fruit and Vegetable Farms, near Hummelstown, is one of the few growers of this section to come through the cold snap of late spring with a bumper crop of fine peaches. Hq already has orders for carloads from Maine, but will sell most of the fruit locally. Walton's trees were in fine condition before the cold wave. He fed them with ni trate of soda. To this stimulation he ascribes the fact that his buds came through safely while other growers got only from one-half to one-third of a crop. The Harrisburg Silk Mill manage ment is being- congratulated on the way in which it has improved lU grounds and buildings. The stretch of grass in front of the mill 011 the North street side is a plot that any landscape gardner could well be proud of and the vines which are beginning to crawl up the walls will In a short time make a com pletely green mantle over the less sightly red brick. Unfortunately, however, the effect of this im provement is rather dimished by the ugly woden fence which runs along the Front street side of the property. It would seem to be much better if the mill might put a high box hedge about the yard, as such a hedge would serve the same pur pose as the fence and be much pret tier from both sides. The hedge could be planted and allowed lo grow to a fair height before the fence was taken down. AVord has been received that all would-be flyers In the city will have a chance to gratify their taste for sensation in a short time when a company such as the one operating at Atlantic City will have a few planes here. Formerly the same company tried to send its planes to Harrisburg, but the Government would not allow them to use Its landing field and consequently they could not come here. Now, how ever, all those who want to take a peek at Miss Penn and other ob jects from another angle may do so. The charge for playing with your insurance is said to be very reasonable. • • • Eighth ward youngsters have some hard feelings about the men who are guarding the long lines of army trucks parked in Capitol Park extension awaiting distribution by the State Highway Department to various parts of the State for use in the maintenance of the highways. The trucks offer a rare invitation to the kids to play "war" and to pilot imaginary truck trains across deserts and through lands filled with hostile Indians. But the guards do not allow any one to go near them and the boys have to fight their bat tles on the level spaces south of State street. The proposed visit of the Prince of Wales to America recalls to mind the visit of the Prince's grand father, afterwards King Edward VII to Harrisburg a few years before the Civil War. The Prince stopped at the Jones House, later the Com monwealth, on his visit through the United States and was dined by Governor Curtin and given a recep tion in the hotel. He was accom panied by the Duke of New Castle and a number of English officials who were lavishly entertained in homes of Harrisburg citizens. The Prince visited the old Capitol where officials were presented to him. An interesting Russ'an story comes from a soldier who was with the Second Division and spent one of the early months of 1918 with the French in the Champagne sec tor. He noticed a huge cemetery literally jammed with crosses mark ed with queer names. The French gave him the story, which is this: In 1915 the Russians had sent a regiment of infantry to co-operate with the French in their defense of Kheims. The men were wonderful lighters, but very poorly trained and with an unbelievable lack of dis cipline. When the gas attacks along the front began in the north and started to creep down the lino toward ltheims, gas masks were is iued by the French to guard against a possible attack. The Russian regi ment was naturally included among the others. The officers of the regi ment, who turned out later to bo German spies, sold out their men by telling them the masks were use less. Accordingly the men threw their masks away and carried bread and wine bottles in the mask bag. One morning the telltale hissing of the early gas attacks was heard and soon the greenish white cloud started to roll toward the French trenches. The officers had kept their masks and now put them on; the men were without protection. When the gas attack was over, 2,500 men from a regiment of nearly 3,000 weao dead; the others were so badly gassed that most of them died later. Peace Time Prices [From the Philadelphia Press.] The Government can do some thing. probably a good deal, to re duce the cost of living by the simple process of letting go and allowing industry to resume its natual course in its natural channels. No doubt many of the ill-effects of Govern ment interference will remain per manently and pre-war prices will not return, but a settling down of prices to a more healthy level is the most vital and urgent demand of the times. We are glad that the President is considering and Con gress is proposing to investigate this subject. We are now at peace and should be able to enjoy again some thing like peace prices.