Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 11, 1919, Page 6, Image 6
6 THE GUESTS TELL SPOOKY STORIES The Misses Mayer Entertain in the Country For Their Baltimore Visitors Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Bclstcl, 417 Peffer street, were chaperons at a hike and cornroast at Spooky Hollow, given by the Misses Anna and Ethel Mayer in honor of their house guests, Miss Nancy Ailender, Miss Mabel Mayer and Miss Mar garet Foresythe, Baltimore. The party enjoyed games and while sitting around the lire each guest was asked to relate the spookiest spook story they could think of. A prize was awarded Herbert Krim mel for telling the weirdest tale. The following people were in at tendance: Miss Nancy Ailender, Miss Margaret Foresythe, Miss Mabel Mayer, of Baltimore; Miss Edna Potter, Miss Marie Bowersox, Miss Itebecca Manning, Miss Edytli Mayer, Miss Hannah Matehet, Miss Ethel Mayer, Miss Anna Mayer, Paul Dapp, Lawrence Shreck, Herbert Krimmel. Charles T. Iteid, Burke It. Bowersox, F. Diffenderfer, Nel son Bay, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Beistel. Mrs. Frederick Herman Marsh, of 229 State street, entertained in formally at luncheon to-day in honor of Mrs. Harry Bellou Bryson, of Pittsburgh, the guest of Mrs. H. G. Keffer, of Woodbine street. Wedding Flowers Plant Decorations If It has to do with Flowors or auythtng the "gro-cs," consult us— THE BERRYHILL Locust Street at Second Em E ver.y --1 Married m Man ft VM Should Help Wilh .— ggfil The Washing— Learn How Your Wife Works SET HER FREE EASY PAYMENTS Neidig Bros., Ltd. 21 S. SECOND ST. !§~ """ § 0 Our Slant on Our Job [9 0 Most people think they're working for money. Q • Which simply proves that they don't under- • 0 stand themselves. Money is just one factor. Q • But the real driving force is not money. It is " U the instinct inborn in mankind to be of service, n X to play a useful part in the community's life—to • U do one's bit. A a An efficiency expert suspected this to be true but • V to prove his case he tried this experiment, lie Q A took charge of a gang of pavers, men who work • ; by the day. On Monday he had them lay a cer- 0 A tain section of pavement. On Tuesday morning j* 1 he looked over the job and gave orders that it all 0 Q be ripped up and re-laid in a different way. The 1 • men followed his instructions but with some U Q grumbling. Still they were being paid regular X • wages. What difference did it make how they v 0 put in their time? On Wednesday morning the a • boss had Tuesday's work ripped up and re-laid J Q in still a different way. This day the feeling ran ft • high. The men tverc openly mutinous. Still • 0 they did the work. On Thursday morning he Q • ordered the previous day's work torn up and one • 0 and all the men promptly went on strike. They 0 A said that they refused to work any longer for such X U a fool even though he paid them good wages. He j V J had proved the truth of his theory that men work ! a .V for something besides money. I j a It is true that this shop is financially a success. A " But this phase is after all a corollary, a by-pro- ! . A duct. It is because we are successful in serving ft • a useful purpose in the economic life of Harris- • Q burg that our books show a profit. Money accu- Q • mulated in any other way than by rendering full • 0 value will some day be considered tainted, even 0 • though there be no dishonesty involved. Money 1 0 made through a lucky turn in the stock market (J X is clean, to be sure, but what service did its X V possessor deliver the community? It is because V A we are doing our bit with willing enthusiam—it is A V because we are genuinely interested in dressing ; A Harrisburg women befcomingly that we have been ft " successful in our chosen field. . 9 a/) 5.210 [ ( \ Open all day Thursday. J / ) I IV9 I Close Saturday 1 o'cloclc. / 1 / MONDAY EVENING. INTERESTING PERSONAL NEWS HOLD MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES Groups From Various Classes at Central High Plan For Big Picnic The individual classes of Central High School are beginning to take action on the big picnic to be held at Hershcy Park on the 2Sth of this month and this evening meetings of the special committees from tho classes of 1916 and 1917 will bo held Members of the former group, in cluding. Robert C. Michael, class President, to serve on the, executive committee; Miss Ethel Fisher, Miss Jeanette Claster. Miss Mary Kinzer, j Miss Sarah Maloney, Miss Gertrude | Edwards, Miss Hazel Hexroth, Miss Helen Kellcy, Homer Kreidler, James Minnaugh, Harry Rote. John Worden. Miss Nora Bennett, Miss Delia Costella and Miss I.illian Koch I will meet at 8 o'clock at the home of Miss Jeanette Claster. Third and Peffer streets. The 1917 committee will hold its meeting at tho home of Harold E. Eckert, 125 Sylvian Terrace. The members are Miss Louise Johnson, secretary; Miss Margaret Wingard, Miss Alice Schwab, Miss Stibra, Clark, Miss Gertrude Wi'son, Miss Miriam Blair. Mrs. John Todd. Mar lilt Gciger, Charles Mutzabaugli and Louis Goldstein. To-morrow evening the 1920 com mittee will meet at 1538 Derry street, the home of Richard Robison,' chairman. This group comprises Miss Catherine Edwards, Miss Claire Van Dyke, Miss Martha Holt£, Miss Mary Rodney, Miss Pauline Stcvick, Harriet Rastine, Jack Minnaugh, William Cleekner, Ronnethum Hil legas, Wayne Snydor and Earl Wright. A number of the business men of the city have donated beautiful prizes for the event. These prizes are suitable for everybody as the winners will be sure to receive tome tliing appropriate. Ben Gerard, of Bucyrus, Ohio, and Frank Rogers, of Fort Way bent, Indiana, were recent guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Herbert Lucas, at 2150 Green street. Mr. and Mrs. Entil Rankin and son. Paul Thurston Rankin, of Mil waukee, are in the city for a few days on the way to New York and Boston for a visit among relatives. 3133R55 30© 3Ti3 RELIABLE /<fg| EYESIGHT fJ|# SERVICE The difference in cost between' reliable eyesight service and the "bargain" kind may amount to a dollar or two but the results amount to hundreds and thousands of dollars, if it is possible to com pute them on a money basis. Injury to the eyes by wearing the wrong lenses is often very serious and costly. We employ the advanced methods used by leading specialists and you are sure to get exactly the glasses you need. R. D. PRATf Eyesight Specialist 26 N. THIRD ST. Over Sclilcisnor's Store. ©n© 3T@ <3l© @l® THE VEIS-LANDIS • BRIDAL SUNDAY I Bride Was in Active War Work at Selective Serv ice Headquarters MRS. FREDERICK M. VEIS Miss Sara Evelyn Landis, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Landis, 123 Paxton street, and Frederick M. Vois, of Pittsburgh, were united in marriage yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride, Rabbi Louis Silver, of the Kesher Israel congregation, officiating. The bride, who was given in mar riage by her father, wore a beaded frock of white Georgette crepe an J a veil of silk net. She carried a shower bouquet of Victory blos soms. Frank Banks played the "Bridal Chorus" from Lohengrin as the pro cessional and the Mendelssohn "Wedding March" as the reces sional. Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served. The young couple left on a trip to Phil adelphia, New York, Atlantic City and Baltimore. They will be at home in Pittsburgh after Septem ber 1. Mrs. Veis attended the Beckley Office Training School and was con nected with the selective service headquarters for a year. Mr. Veis is manager for the wholesale job bing house of I. Robbin & Sou. Pittsburgh. Newsam-Hill Nuptials Interest Many Friends The marriage of Elsie La Verne Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill, 1629 Park street, and Robert A. Newsam, of Hartington, Neb., was sol emnized at the parsonage of the St. Matthew's Lutheran church, York, on Saturday, August 9, by the Rev. W. W. Barkley. The bride wore a suit of dark blue with hat to harmonize and her cor sage was of pink and white rosebuds. There were no attendants. Mrs Newsam is a graduate of Cen tral High school, class of 1915. Mr. Newsam was a sergeant of the 616 th Aero Squadron stationed at Middle town, and since his discharge, has been employed there. After September 1, they will make their home in Win ner. S. D. Rabbi Louis J. Haas Leaves For Stay at Atlantic City Rabbi Louis Haas leaves the city this evening for a ten-day's stay at Atlantic City. He is curtailing the vacation granted him by his congre gation in order to devote his time to the interests of the U. S. General Hospital, No. 31, at Carlisle, as rep resentative of the Jewish Welfare Board. During the absence of Rabbi Haas from the city the ser vices at the Temple will be conduct ed by Joseph Goldsmith, one of the senior members of the Board of Trustees. DRIVE TIIKOI'GH COUNTRY Ehrman B. Mitchell and Miss Mary Mitchell entertained at a horseback and camping party over the weekend. Leaving the Mitchell country home, Beaufort Lodge. Saturday afternoon, the party of twelwe rode beyond Manada Gap, where tents were pitched for tho night. They returned last evening. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jessup, Jr., were the chaperons. ON EXTENDED TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Wilson, 205 Calder street, left to-day for New York, Providence and Boston, where they will visit with friends. On their return they will be ac companied by their daughter. Miss Donna Wilson, who has been spending her vacation at the "Joi line Farm," along Nantucket Bay. LEAVES FOR AUGUSTA Major Theodore E. Scelye left to day to visit his purents at Augusta, Ga„ after a ten days' stay with Mr. and Mrs. Farley Gannett, at Nan tillie. On his return from Augusta he will go to Camp Dix to receive his discharge. Miss Henrietta Houser, of Wash ington, D. C., was a weke-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Irvin Jackson, of Penn street. Emmett Richards went home to Columbus, Ohio, last evening, after spending a month with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert B. Greene, of Market street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Laird and children, George and Marybelle Laird, of Elmira, N. Y„ are visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. David L. Black, of State street. Miss Helen Cherriek Westbrooli and Miss Sara McCulloch came home Saturday after a week's out ing in Atlantic City. Miss Pauline D. Shure, 352 South Thirteenth street, and Miss Nettie I'. Hemperly, 1002 Green street, are on a two weeks' trip to New York, Bos ton and Maine. Nathan Koplovitz and daughter. Miss Mary Koplovitz, 133 North Tenth street, are visiting wilh friends and relatives at Newark and New York City. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Moore and children are visiting Harry L. Moore, United States Commissioner at Erie, Pa. Miss Marian Davis and Mlsb Flor ence Davis, left Saturday to spend I their vacation at Boiling Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Davis and Miss Isabelle Davis, 26 2 Forstcr street, spent the weekend at Mt chanicsburg as tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Starr King. JSXRRISBT7RG edSISb TELEGRAPH GIVE PLAY FOR HAINLYN SCHOOL B. T. S, Literary Club of Pen brook to Present "The Ad ventures of Miss Brown" The 13. T. S. Literary Club of Pcn [ brook will present the tliree-aet comedy entitled "The Adventures of Miss Brown" to-morrow evening at Oak Park Colony, opposite the Co lonial Country Club. This event had been scheduled for July 31, but De cause of unfavorable weather condi tions was postponed. The play is being staged in behalf of the Halnlyn school civic club which is endeavoring to give Hain lyn a "standard" school and thus re ceive State and county aid. When presented in PenbrooK several months ago the comedy was voted a decided ! success. The cast of characters includes: Miss Ruth S. Mocker, Miss Kathrvn Hienly, Miss Ora Kline, Miss Estella Richards, Miss Mary Hoofnagle, Miss Clara Garverich, Miss Gladys Mock er. William Snyder, Glenn Baker, Eugene Early, Forrest Novinger and Mr. and Mrs. Herman IVogntr. HERE FOR A MONTH Miss Roberta Lytic, of Hagers • town, xvill arrive here to-morrow to visit her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Davis, 262 Forstcr street. After remaining here a month she will leave for New Yoi k to enter training in the Sinai Hos pital. MUCH REGRET OVER DEATH OF KALBFUS [Continued from First Page.] dent of the commission, who was driving the car. was also killed. With Dr. Charles B. Penrose, of Philadelphia, president of the Game Commission, John M. Phillips, of Pittsburgh, another member, and Mr. Kelly, Dr. Kalbfus was making a tour of the western part of the State to inspect future game pre serves whose purchase has been au thorized by the Legislature. Auto Wrecked Having spent Friday at Union town and Saturday at Dußois, the party was enroute to Warren when the accident occurred. The train which struck the machine was ttt'o hours late and running at a high speed to make up time when it ap proached the crossing. Dr. Penrose and Mr. Phillips had safelv passed the crossing in their car and Mr. Kelly, thinking the way clear, drove across the tracks. The train caught their machine squarely in the mid dle and reduced it to fragments. Dr. Kalbfus was thrown clear of the tracks but Mr. Kelly was carried a hundred feet before the train could be stopped. Dr. Kalbfus has been a resident of Harrisburg since 1887, when he was in the oflices of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. He lived at 1005 North Second street, hut at present ho and Mrs. Kalbfus were at their home in Stevensville, War ren county. In addition to his wife, Dr. Kalbfus is survived by a daugh ter, Mrs. Edward M. Frear, of Honesdale, and a son, Captain, E. C. Kalbfus, U. S. N„ who was in com mand of the U. S. transport Poca hontas during the war. The Secretary of the Game Com mission was widely known through out the country because of his in terest in conservation measures, with reference to game and wild birds. Born in Williamsport in 1852, he spent the early years of his life on the frontier in the far west. Dr. Kalbfus had only recently com pleted compiling this part of his life and that of later years, when he was a lawyer in defense of the Molly Maguires, and still later a United States revenue agent. Lawyer and Dentist Admitted to the bar in 1887, in Carbon county, Dr. Kalbfus took no great interest in his profession, but soon moved to Harrisburg, where he became an attache in the offices of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Later he studied dentistry and was graduated from the Philadelphia School of Dentistry in 1892. After carrying on an active prac tice in this profession, he accepted in 1895 the newly-created position of Secretary of the State Game Commission. This was at the re quest of the Pennsylvania State Sportsmen's Association, of which Dr. Kalbfus was an active member. He served in this capacity without remuneration for tho first six years, and held the same position until his death. "Woody" Kelly, the other victim of the accident, has been field su perintendent of the Game Commis sion since 1915. Widely known throughout the State by his nick name when he tt'as in charge of a large lumber concern, Mr. Kelly lie came connected with the commis sion in 1913. Always Fresh Roasted COFFEE 40c, 45c, 3llc 111. JUMBO PEANUTS, ~..Ssc per lb. IMPERIAL TEA CO.. -13 C bt'Mlmii Street Think a Moment before you allow anyone to put | medicine (?) in your eyes or your child's eyes before examin ing them for glasses if they are not diseased; at least ask the doctor why it is being done ami what harm it may cause or has caused in thousands of other in stances. He may tell you he can examine the fundus more easily, etc., etc. Are you interested in what helps him, or what helps you and is absolutely safe? Think a moment! My method is safo and accurate —no after effects to think of in the future. 12 N. Market Square, 2nd Moor. FELICITATIONS AND BEST WISHES Showered on Young Couple Whose Betrothal Is An nounccd Yesterday Quite a number of Harrisburgers had the pleasure of attending a re ception and dinner Sunday after noon* and evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Colin, 29 South Prince street, Lan-aster, in celebration of the betrothal of their attractive young daughter, Misn Mary Hirsh Cohn. and Morton Jo seph Kay, of this city. rhe house was wonderfully dec orated with ferns and summer i oners, with tall vases of rare blos nis giv'ng a beautiful effect. The happy young couple rrrM--.* „ vinv -mod wishes from the guests, who fcfi .° m New Yo,k * Pittsburgh, I.ethleheni, Allentown. York, ban wUl L an ! thi! ! c,,y Tho marriage will be an early autumn event. Ibe bride-to-be was graduated fiom the Stevens High School at 7 '. lnd is il vocalist of un na L r" , Sho " K a niece of Mr. sYILt ,/° Uis Cohn * of North Sixth | street, whom she frequently visits. t r £ a son ° r Mr - and Mrs. J, "is. w Kay. of 1802 Green street, and is an alumnus of the Harris burg Technical || ish School> 1914 ar.*j Lehlffh Universit" 1918 He i j Uheif flf" n , ,ot^ lUrK ' St f °'' t,lc ®th- U hem Steel Company, with head quarters at Bethlehem. Both young people have a host of friends, with whom they are most popular. Open-Air Entertainment For Soldiers at Carlisle One of the series open-air en ortainments that have been meet ing with such success at the United States General Hospital, No. 31. Car l isle, was given at the bandstand this afternoon under the direction of the Harrisburg Brar.-ch of the Jewish Welfare Board. Those who participated in the event were: Sullivan and Gordon, in a piano log and c-haracter songs, and Her man Goldstein, who played several • lolin solos, accompanied by Harry Isaacman. Tho S'ourbier- Myers orchestra also gave a program of popular selections. This orchestra has appeared in concert before the boys at the hospital at various times arxl is decidedly popular there, as is proved by the repeated requests for return visits, TO HOI.D PICNIC ;'A lowi , nK -"Pent part of Sunday at. the Church of God parsonage at Camp Hill: Mr. and Ma I*. A Gar be r, and sons Mark and Wilber: Mr. o'- i" av id Brubaker, Hnrrv W Olf, Of Carlisle, and Miss Gila Spen cer, from Wormleysburg. The Church of God Sunday School will hold its annual picnic to-morrow at Pax tang Park. MANY ATTEND OPEN-AIR SERVICE The open-air service held by the Stevens Memorial church on Alli son Hill League baseball grounds. Seventeenth and Chestnut streets, was well attended lust evening. Pro fessor John W. Phillips had charge of the singing and the East Harris burg Orchestra assisted in the musi cal program. Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker was the speaker. The spe cial theme of the gathering was "The Great Motive Power." Next Sunday night a similar serv ice is scheduled. TOOK PLEASURE TRIP Mrs. Albert M. Hamer and her son, Albert M. Hamer, Jr., of Second and Herr streets, are hamc after a de lightful trip to Baltimore, Washing ton and vicinity. They went to Mount Vernon, Fort Hunt and many other places of interest nearby. ROYS ARRESTED Paul Smith and Harry E. Strine, youths of about 15 years old, were arrested yesterday, charged with gambling i n Beilevue Park. Visiting the Shops With Adele lIY ADELE DO you realize that 80 per cent of the world's supply ot coffee comes from Brazil? And do you know that during the war poor Brazil was left with a heavy stock on hand? Tho result was a depression of the market ar.*d a lowering of the price This reduction was offset, however, by the heavy increase in the cost of delivery to this country. So coffee sold for a practically normal" sum until the last few months, when conditions changed, causing a sud'den increase in value. Consequently the Grand Union- Tea Co 208 North Second street, ever noted for its policy of selling merchandise of the highest quality at the lowest possible price, was forced to charge more than it desired. Ar.vl on Friday evening I'm going to tell you the interesting story of the reason why. THE black jet trimming does it. There's no doubt at all about the matter. It adds an abso solutcly irresistible touch. And the Proud, little evening gown which it adorns is well aware of the fact. Made of soft, black taffeta, it fairly seems to say, "Don't you love my bodice with it's deep cuff of jet lace?" Of course you do, and you're also delighted to find that the hem flaunts a similar feature. With shoulders ar.*d scarf of blackest net, its somberness is relieved by a vivid cluster of silk geraniums, furnish ing just the necessary touch of color. Incidentally, you can see it for your self at the Cloos Shop, in the Penn- Harris building, the home of modish garments. WHAT are you doing with your money these days? Are you us ing it in tho wisest way? Here's hoping you're not contented with leaving it in the bunk or carrying it in your pockets when at Doutrichs "Mark-Down" sale its value is so greatly increased. Do you know that never before in the history of the city have people boon spending their money so freely? And do you realize that never before have they had such an incentive to spend? Who can resist the tempta tion to purchase articles that are being sold for less than it will cost to replace them? No one, I'll venture to say. At least r.*o one in Central Pennsylvania, judging by the way the people are thronging to this establishment where keeping faith with the public means more than mere dollars and cents. Folks are beginning to realize that Doutrichs is indeed a public service institution. TRY one Weaver's roast chicken lunches. They're simply de licious. Served every Thurs day, they tempt the palate as few things do. So be wise! Lunch there next Thursday, and then make It a daily habit. Indeed, that's really the easiest thing in the world to do when they tempt you with bait such as this—roast pork, new potatoes, egg plant, cucumbers, coffee, and your choice of three desserts. Doesn't It sound good? It surely does, and It tastes still better. Per toctiy seasoned and thoroughly cook ed, their meali are sure to satisfy even the most particular CITY COMMENDED FOR PENN-HARRIS Public Spiritedness Approved by Magazine of National Circulation The aggressiveness and civic | spirit of Harrisburg in bringing J about the completion of the Pcnn- j Harris hotel as a community asset, are commended in un article which appears in the current issue of The American City, a magazine of nat ional circulation devoted to the dis semination of news concerning the noteworthy achievements of Ameri can cities. The article describes the hotel as one of the most up-to-date and modern in the country. "The Penn-Harris hotel in Harris burg is a monument to the civic pride of the Capital City of Penn sylvania," the item states, "It offers not only unrivaled facilities for the entertainment of conventions, hut | provides a community center for the I assembling and entertaining of liar- I risburg's residents." | The Harrisburg Chamber of Com i merce also is commended in the ! article, for its activities in bring- I ing about the completion of the i project. I "The campaign for the erection of I the hotel was launched and carried through to a successful issue by the Chamber of Commerce, with the 'loyal support of the public spirited citizens of the community. When it became apparent that outside cap ital would demand such exorbitant terms that the city would he the loser in the transaction, the Har risburg Hotel Company was organ ized and incorporated. The stock was put on sale and quickly taken up by the citizens. It is held by 427 stockholders, practically all of whom are residents of Harrisburg, or were when the project started. Three local businessmen each subscribed for $86,000 worth of the stock, three others took $25,000 each, and one individual took a block of $55,000 worth." How tho hotel was completed despite the obstacles accruing from the war, and its successful opcra [ tion during the first few months since its opening, also are described |in tho magazine article. Farmers Anxious to Help Solve Problem ! Indianapolis, Aug. 11. —Represen- tatives of farmers' organizations in twenty-four wheat and corn grow ing States will attend a conference in Washington late to-day to discuss the high cost of living and lay plans for united action in the high cost of living investigation, according to John G. Brown, president of the In diana Federation of Farmers' Asso ciations. Mr. Brown returned from Chicago yesterday, where he at tended a meeting of farmers' repre sentatives of Indiana, Illinois, and lowa, at which it was decided to call the meeting at Washington. Mr. Brown said that the farmers were anxious to do their share in solving tho price problems now fac ing the country, hut that the farm l ers were first to feel the effect of a generous tieup. They expect to carry their side of the question to the Presidnt and stay in Washington un til a solution is reached. Strikes Spreading in Japan; Tokio Newspapers Suspend Tokio, Friday, Aug. 11.—Virtually ull the newspapers of Tokio have suspended publication, owing to the demands of the printers for higher wages, which the owners refuse to grant. Numerous strikes are in progress elsewhere in Japan, some of the governmental establishments being affected. There have been no dis orders. RECOVER STOLEN AUTO The automobile of E. C. Baeken stoss. of this city, which was stolen last Thursday, was recovered yes terday near West Fairview, where it had been abandoned. DO be original. It's just as easy as being a continued copy-cat and it's lots more fun. Many of us ear.' justly pride ourselves on our individuality until it comes to buying pictures for our homes.' Then wc suddenly fall short. For some unknown reason, we insist upon purchasing the so-called "popular" pictures which wo see every where we go. We seem to argue that since our friends have them wc must have them too. As a result, our rooms lose their individuality and charm. Now, securing distinctive ones s really a simple matter. J. Saltzgiv er, Art and Antique dealer, 223 N. Seond street, carries no otl r kind, and those purchased at his store will express your own individ ual taste instead of reflecting that of your friends. LITTLE kiddies of from 2 to 5 were simply invented to play In the cunr.-lng rompers now being shown at the Art and Gift r'hop, 105 N. Second street. These small garments, which come in deep splashes of pink, yellow, brown or Navy blue, are both practical and appealing. The collars and cuffs are stamped with dainty designs, discreetly hinting that a tiny touch of embroidery would not go amiss. And were I three instead of—well never mind how much! —I'd want most of all to frolic in the darlin' suit of brown with wee, wee chicken's at the elbows and the neck. AUGUST 11, 1919 Moose Band Chooses Officers For Year At a meeting of the Moose Band in the clubhouse parlor, Third and Boas streets, Friday evening, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: President, Boyd S. Fowler; vice-president, R. M. Shuler; secretary, A. R. Adams; as sistant secretary. A. C. Blair; treas urer, Harry K. Towsen; director J. R. Springer: assistant director, H. E. Fetterhoff; librarian, M. R. Righter; trustees, \V. C. Miller. Sr.. M. R. Dick, W. o. Williamson, J. R. Sear foss, George W. Shuey and Harry K. Parsons; manager, J. R. Springer; publicity. Boyd S. Fowler. The retiring officers were tendered a vote of thanks for the condition of the band, both in membership and solid financial standing. This I Mid-Year Optical Sale THESE PRICES MEAN SAVINGS I Just n*ow, when prices are high* this sale of llrßt-grade Optical I Goods comes at an opportune time. 13y all means take advantage R of it if your eyes are giving you any trouble. - I Toric Lenses Shell frame Specta- H Double Glasses for far and near, mount- restful lens, c ' cs or ose Classes, ■ ed in ton-year, guar- which is ground to littcd with large Toric D antecd, go 1 d-fi lied the Bume curvature tenses. Soft, gold rr° *4-°° HrVr.oo 25U S7.SO Special .. Special' .. Special .. ' RUBIN & RUBIN Harrisburg's Reading Eyesight Specialists 320 Market St. Over Tlic Hub. I Open Med. and Sat. Eves. Bell Plioue 426-J | Established 13 Years. STECKLEY'S SPECIAL SALE OF DISTINCTIVE FOOTWEAR 5 MORE JjS\ DAYS^SSS This opportunity for unusual values will end at the close of the week. Five days remain in which to take advantage of price reductions that have made this the most success ful sale in the history of this big uptown store. The volume of business has been extraordinary, but the stock was so large and the assortments so complete, there is still ample scope for satisfactory selections. Shoes, distinctive in quality and style at unusual low prices, make the final days of prime importance, es pecially in view of the higher prices that will prevail this fall and winter. There is a saving of several [ dollars in almost every instance. V Buying now for present and future needs, particularly for the family, will prove a most profitable investment. SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN All Sizes and Widths STECKLEY'S 1220 North Third Street, Near Broad Price of [lftjlflßi lITil Laundering )j||L[j'§ ' Curtains ' In order to introduce onr iicw system of sL/ laundering curtains we are going to make a special price until the FIRST of SEPTEMBER 30c Per Pair . Our new method enables us to return your curtains the exact size and shape as when it was received. No hooks or pins are used that in home methods soon tear the delicate threads, instead a very ingenious device holds them uniformly. The result, curtains that hang as perfect as when they were new—even to the shape of scallops. Let us show you how much more satisfactory our method is, then if satisfied kindly tell your friends. Sanitary Family Washing Company Bell Phone 733 Dial Phone 3753 * jj band has a membership of tifty-six union musicians and although it has been organised less than a year, the strides it has made have placed it in the front rank of fraternity bands in the State. It has a number of out-of-town engagements booked, as well as local concerts and pic nics. it will be heard at the grocers' pfcnic at Hershey Thursday. NO EFFECT ON MARKET New York, Aug. 11.—The sudden death of undrew Carnegie apparently had little effect upon the stock mar ket. The common stock or the United States Steel Corporation, of which the Carnegie companion form ed an important part, lagged behind the general list, but it was declared in well informed quarters that Mr. Carnegie's holdings in the steel ' corporation were limited to Ilrst n oi-gage bonds.