Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 11, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 THEY FAILED TO PROTECT FUNDS SNYDER SAYS Lafean and Ambler Lift As sets in Defunct Bank With out Security, Is Assertion Philadelphia, Aug. 11.—Details as to knowledge of former Insurance Commissioner Charles A. Ambler and former Banking Commissioner Daniel S. Lafean of the condition of the wrecked North Penn Bank dur ing the Brumbaugh administration were revealed yesterday in connec tion with the probe. Statements were made by Auditor General Charles A. Snyder and State Treasurer Harmon G. Kephart which indicate that former Bank ing Commissioner Lafean was in at tendance at a conference where the proprieties of making heavy de posits in the bank by the then In surance Commissioner Ambler were discussed. This was prior to Christmas of last year. During the month of De cember, it was learned yesterday, the very friendly relations between Ambler and Ralph T. Moyer. the accused cashier of the bank who is under $25,000 bail, resulted in Am bler increasing the amount of his deposits in the bank. This made payment of the Christmas fund accounts possible. At that time former Commission er Lafean is said to have had in his possession u report from lormcr Bank Examiner Macßurney that the hank was insolvent and was holdinf $50,000 worth of securities pledged l)y the directors, which he returned to them three days before he left of fice. Just why no action towards straightening out the affairs of the bank was taken during the adminis tration of former Governor Martin G. Brumbaugh is not clear at this time. But the developments of yes terday show that a political feud between former Insurance Commis sioner Charles Johnson, of Norris town, now a Deputy Auditor Gen eral, and Ambler, led to the dis closures that caused Governor Sproul to take prompt action once he assumed office. Why Tlicy Were Ousted Auditor General Snyder declared yesterday that both Lafean and Ambler were removed from office because of the manner in which they conducted their offices and that the investigation into the affairs of the North Penn Bank began imme diately after the new officials as sumed office. The statements of the State offi cials, together with the events that have gone before, indicate that the question of the strength of the North Penn Bank and the wisdom of Ambler's heavy deposits there, had been discussed with Lafean, who never acted on the report filed by Macßurney showing the bank to be insolvent. It is expected that this clearing of the details will result in prompt ac tion by District Attorney Samuel P. Hotan in the promised prosecution of "two former State officials" over which he has been conferring with the Attorney General. It is believed that the jurisdiction will be held to be that of the local courts and thai the case will not have to go to Dau phin county for trial. Though the Auditor General's De partment had no official jurisdiction over the matter, it was the trans ferring of $402,000 of funds of the defunct Pittsburgh Life and Trust Company from banks in the west ern part of the State, where they were fully protected by surely bonds, to the wrecked North Penn institution, unprotected in any waj, that caused Auditor General Snyder! Deputy Auditor General Charles Johnson and State Treasurer Kep • j hart to bring the matter to the no tice of Governor Sproul with the i result that the latter removed Am bler and Lafean from their respec tive offices. Deaths and Funerals MRS. LOVINA" DAY DIES I Mrs. Lovina Wollet Day, aged I 69, died yesterday afternoon at the i home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles 1 E. Brown, 239 West High street, i Huminelstown. She is survived by vight children, Mrs. George Corbett, Camp Hill; Mrs. Amnion Hammer, Fenbrook; Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Harry Arnsberger, Gardners' Station; Mrs. Susan Palmer, llarrisburg; Guy E. and Francis M. Day, Penbrook, and Mrs. Theodore Shaffer, Huinmels- 1 town; also fourteen grandchildren I and one great-grandchild. Funeral 1 services will be held at the home I to-morrow evening at 7.45 o'clock. | GEORGE \V. KLINE DIES George VV. Kline, a former resi dent of this city died at his home in | Washington, D. C., after a short ill- 1 ness of two weeks. He is survived i by his wife, daughter, Rachel Kline, i son, Lear Kline. Burial was made In Sunbury to-day. MRS. ELSIE M. PLCMMER Funeral services for Mrs. Elsie ' M. Plummer, aged 31 years, who i died Friday evening at the home of ' her sister, Mrs. Robert Emminger, 164 North Fifteenth street, will be held at 2 o'clock to-morrow after noon from her sister's residence. ' Burial will be made in the Oberlin cemetery. NANCY E. GARBRICK The funeral services for Nancy E Garbrick, will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of her nephew, 1732 North Fifth street, where she died yester day afternoon at the age of 69 years. The services will be in charge of the Rev. Edwin A. Pyles and burial will be made in the East Harrisburg Cemetery. LEVI SANDERS, JR. Levi Sanders, Jr., who died yes- ' terday at Elizabethtown in his I forty-second year, will be burled | from the home of his parents, Mr aiid Mrs. Levi Sanders, 2 315 Main street, Penbrook, Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be made in the Penbrook Cemetery. He is survived by his widow and one daughter, Ruth Sanders; his parents, four brothers, and three sisters. DOCKMEN'S STRIKE ENDS By Associated Press. Havre, Aug. 11.—A settlement has been reached between the official commission sent here and the strik ing dockmen and their employers | and the strike which has been in I progress for some time has ended. | IF YOU SUFFER From any LUNG TROUBLE, do not I delay. See Demonstration at Gor gas' Pharmacy, 16 North Third St ■•—Adv. I MONDAY EVENING. CREDIT MEN OF NATION URGING REPEAL OF TAX Blame Excess Profits as One Cause For High Cost of Living By Associated Press. New York, Aug. 11.—Urging the. repeal of the excess profits tax on the ground that it is one of the causes of the high cost of living, the National Association of Craftsmen i | have mailed to President Wilson, i his cabinet and every member of Congress a resolution asking that a flat rate income tax on individual incomes be substituted as a means of raising necessary taxes. Attempting a solution of problems affecting "the high cost of living and general industrial unrest." Colo nel Arthur Woods, assistant to the Secretary of War in charge of em ployment of ex-service men, an nounced inauguration of a nation wide plan to get 20,000 factory own ers and industrial corporations to introduce industrial training for their employes. Colonel Woods' plan involves pay ment of a living wage to workers undergoing industrial training ap prenticeship, and aims to effect a great increase in general factory effi ciency raising the average worker's standard of efficiency from what Colonel Woods declares statistics show now to be not more than "3 5 per cent, of his best." MANY VETERANS ENROLL New < umhcrlninl, p a ., Aug. 1J A meeting of the American Legion will be held in the rooms of the Order of Independent Americans Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Thirty-five service men have been enrolled in the last week. All service men have been invited to enroll at the meeting Dives, Pomeroy Stewart Pre "" Si pac L kiT 9S U "~ NCW Fa "Vfur Sport Forehanded women do not wait till the new season is up- Ron , a , . on them before putting their wardrobe in shape If any . Banded velours in those shades that are known in fash garments need new linings now is the time to select the X I gltonable circles as sport shades—pink, rose, light blues, goods. / W " green, tan and dark hues, too—browns, navy, purple and The silk section announces these new linings: / ilk. -• /l)\\ black. 36inches, yard""."";'.*?!! .'"' T. "'A 1 " .'A""?'. ° ! Ar fPfT J/J) ')) i \ $5.00 $6.50, $7.50 to SIO.OO Printed Cotton Back Satins, 36 inches, yard, ' n i-r • ~. , $2.25 and $2.50 V Pelding s printed linings, 36 inches, vard $2.50 V Pull line of Cheney prined linings, 40 inches, yard, ' j \ << T? *99 T T Mallinson's Pussy Willow in 20 pretty designs, 40 niches! / V i I : Pelgram and Meyers striped satin linings, 40 inches, yard! | // FOT Woffl.Cn D ' VeS ' P ° meroy & & * ewart str eet Floor. Athletic Styles With Feminine People See the Wisdom Of , , DainttaeSS Z~> 1 n • mm tfUying (jtOOCI r lirni- vM 1/ than Futurist. These dainty undergarments are worn un ture While They "\. l'| fli\[ r terials ranging from softest nainsook to shimmering Jap Are About It \ fv /vft/tk * to^rtn ,re W efu^T ,h,hdr r>i'. : /' educating thetntoTe careful in ,hf£ ' ™" ° a """" >k ' """ ,0 "' th '" ™ 111 the furniture they buy. White marquisette, bodice top $2 25 More people are appreciating the fact that Pink silk mull, bodice top $3.00 it is true economy to buy the best, for only the m j __ Pink Jap silk, bodice top 00 4 mt'wjrs&firs The Elaborate Use of Duvetune s "" 1 F, °"' mate and precious in the home—the kind that J ui/LtyilL makes you feel hat you have done something worth while and of benefit to yourself. T 4-l~ J- i. 1 • ti n p„^J A™buT-VciiaS. is the Outstanding Feature of the Early Autumn Hats TOY AIRPLANES A Ihe fine furniture marked so exccpionally low in he XU.OUIIIH liatO August hale will stand any kind of examination—in fact we j&i 1 take pleasure 111 opening drawers and givine vou some "in TR , . e . ... „ , 1 r? m n i°- ri " atio " about . wha . t institutes good furniture. TJuvetyn that soft suede-like fabric —is not only particularly well ad- V ' ■ ' " S Rocker'ancT f' pj^ es C 3pted f ° F Autumn H ats, but it yields delightfully to every whim of the designer IP $ S of fashionable mi,linery - \ ■ I this noteworthy advance showing of new hats are many adorable V 1 in the Aug e ust C Sale d ! r . Davenport. 1 hree pieces Styles showing the use of Duvetyn in its entirety or in combination with rich I , tl 1 lc fl real £ lanes makin & them P cu; a to jpi.So.lHJ I > real tlyers. f h-tir 5m n f v D lt ? including $69.00 panne velvet or Lyons silk velvet. The models are shown Rocker and 78-tnch ™ "* *"**" V N , ~ . SIBO.OO . wa y I rom the face, Continentals, quaint turbans f\" in the assembling as much as in iiree-picce Lane and I apestry Suite, including Chair, of oriental inspiration, and wide, graciously sweeping brims t/ ' (fy' / ' their fl y' n g- U % f X I .AuVust Vale Price D ie9M undoubtedly showing their influence to the large Gainsborough .AM ' " A I 1 Three-piece Overstuffed P'ctnre hats that have become so well known through portraits 1 X,';'.' ' a If 1 apestry Suite with loose of the Louis XV and XVI periods w Model A2O Tractor $2.00 w W 1 // spring cushions. Autrust W Lawrence Twin push 1.000 foot | He ■ °p . ''"S" 3l Jfll; flyer SO.OO S S2BSM Overttuffed Uvk! Duvetyn promises to outo all other materials in popular favor. M X rt .VS ' Room Suitejincluding S7SXW H v I M/i Chair, $75.00 Rocker and . fICTp, . r) t,lc .$5.00 1 m $135.00 Davenport. Three (P"1 A I~\Ci d* "1 O f\f\ "1 A f\r\ ft} ~i p* r\ r\ n Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basemenrt. j vMMAm— pieces in the Aug t 2 l a 5 le o tf)iu.uu, SIz.UU, $14.00, $15.00' J T |EHHg $16.50 and SIB.OO I Dives, Poweroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor. ?56.00 w Vvi. ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front MANY CLAIMS AGAINST MEXICO DUE TO REVOLT Nationals Want Paid For Property Damage They Suffered Mexico City, Aug. 11. Claims made by various nationals against the Mexican government for prop erty damages suffered during revo lutionary disorders amount at the ! present time to 18,259,539 pesos, ac cording to a statement made public by the Department of the Treasury based on data secured from the bureua of claims which is adminis tering the adjustments. Spanish claimants head the list, both in numbers and in damages asked; Americans rank sixth. The distrib ution of the claimants and the amount of their claims is as follows: Spanish, 8,132,927 pesos; Turkish, 8,168,590 pesos; German, 645,908 pesos; French, 282,841 pesos; Ital ian, 272,497 pesos; American, 139 - 914 pesos; Chinese, 38,602 pesos- Guataemalan, 20,000 pesos; English' 9,907 pesos; Dutch, 7,700 pesos- Austrian, 3,225 pesos; Mexicans 5,537,364 pesos. The newspaper, El Universal, in commenting on these figures, calls attention to the relative positions of American, British and French claimants and suggests that many of these nations have refrained from making formal requests, intending to attempt reclamation through the diplomatic channels of their re spective governments. YELLOW FEVER SPREADS By Associated Press. Guayaquil, Ecuador, Aug. 11. Dispatches received here from Peru say that the yellow fever epidemic is growing. J j. HARRISBURG TELEOKAPH AINEY WILL BE WITNESS IN R.R. HEARING TODAY Public Service Commissioner Will Appear Before Elec tric Board Washington, August 11.—Hearings tefora the electric railway commis sion appointed by President Wilson to make recommendations for im provement of the street railway situ ation, was to be resumed here to-day. The hearings opened July 15 and af ter the representatives of the rail ways had been heard, adjournment was taken. Representatives of the public and the employes are yet to be heard, the former beginning to morrow and the workers late this month or early in September. At tlie hearings beginning to-day Secretary Baker and a number of rep resentatives of the public will testi fy. Among the prospective witnesses is Mayor Connell, Scranton. and among those representing State Pub lic Service Commissions will be Rich ard T. Higgins, Connecticut, and W. D. B. Ainey, Pennsylvania. Campaign Ready to Raise Funds For T. R. Memorial By Associated Press. New York, Aug. 11.—The Roose velt Memorial Association an nounce that arrangements virtually had been completed for the cam paign to raise funds for erection of a monument at Washington and es tablishment of a public park at Oys President. 111 h ° n ° r ° f the fornier Regional conferences at which State chairmen and State commit teee will meet to consider plans will be held in ten cities in the next few weeks. FOUR INJURED, TRACKSBLOCKED INP.R.R.WRECK Express Is Derailed Near Mif flin, Causing Train to Be Delayed Mifflin Fa., August 11.—Four train men were hurt, and all four tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad main line to Pittsburgh were blocked by the derailing of an entire American I Railway Express train, No. 4S, just I west of this point at 5.48 p. m. yes terday. Through trains of the Penn sylvania line were diverted, although delays of various degrees were caused. Engineer William Leonard, of Al | toona, was slightly scalded. The fire man escaped with minor cuts. The I train did net carry passenger coaches. | The train, consisting of a locomo tive, seven express cars and a coach for the crew and express messengers, left the track while running at a fair rate of speed. Cars and debris were scattered over the four tracks, and the rails torn out in several places. Wrecking crews wei e dispatched to the scene, and were still at work this morning. The cause of the wreck has not been determined. Important through expresses were detoured, some byway of the Tyrone trar ch and ethers thiough Le.vistown Junction. Lover's curve is near Penholm, the Middle Division coaling station, where a record is made of all trains passing east and west. The engine of the trains was turned completely around. WELL ATTENDED SERVICE Services at the Camp Hill Church of God were well attended yesterday and the musical programs were fea tures. In the morning Miss Lila Spencer. Wormleysburg, sang a solo, "I Came to Thee." and in the even ing Miss Alta P. Stever sang "The Rosary." Miss Maud Sechrist con ducted the Christian Endeavor serv ices at which Mrs. A. P. Stever and daughter sang a duet, "Bless Thou Jehovah." Seven Persons Burn as Scenic Railway Car Leaps Into Flames Montreal, Aug. 11. Seven per sons were burned to death last night In a fire on a scenic railway at Do minion Park, an amusement resort near this city. The bodies of three men, three women and a boy were recoverd from the ruins shortly before mid night. It has been impossible so far to Identify the dead. The cause of the fire, which not only destroyed part of the scenic railway but also the "Mystic Mill" nearby is unknown, but it is be lieved it was started by a lighted cigaret or match. The flames, fanned by a westerly wind, spread quickly, and only a river, on the banks of which the amusement park is located, checked the fire from spreading to the rest of the resort across the stream. The fire started in the mill and quickly the flames laid hold on the skeleton structure of the railway. When the firemen arrived, the mill was a blazing pyre and a few min utes later that part of the railway NIP IT IN THE BUD Persistent Cough ! Tired Feeling Fever in the Evenings j Symptoms of Loss of Weight and ) Tuberculosis Appetite j Night Sweats j Free Medical Examination at the State Dispensary 10ft N. Second St., Harrisburf*. Anti-Tuberculosis Society of Harrisburg and Vicinity City Library Building, Harrisburg, Pa. AUGUST 11, 1919. constructed over the mill tell with a crash into the roaring furnace. Ac cording to witnesses, a car filled with merrymakers took a fatal leap into the flames. Coming from the mill could be heard moans of agony and cries for help, but the firemen found it im possible to rescue only a few of the men. women and children trapped in the blazing structure. They did succeed, however, in cutting their way through the walls and dragging forth a few persons almost smoth ered by the smoke. Bandstand Dedication in New Cumberland Square New Cuiiihri-liiml, Pa., Aug. 11. This evening at 8 o'clock the dedica tion of the bandstand which has been erected in Market Square in honor of the patriotic spirit of New Cumberland will be heid. Program follows: "Washington Grays," Graf fula, New Cumberland band; selec tion, Emerson Glee Club; presenta tion of bandstand by the Susquehan na Woolen Company to the borough, Itussei Kohr; reception of the band stand of the borough, Walter Smith, president of borough council; over ture, "Sunrise," St. Clair, New Cum berland band; address, Heany Bixler; march, "Fairest of the Fair," Sousa, New Cumberland band; address, by Hewell S. England; overture, "Poet and Peasant," New Cumberland band; selection, Emerson Glee Club; ad dress, City Solicitor J. E. Fox, of Harrisburg; continuation of concert. New Cumberland band. HORLICK'S THE ORIG I NAL MALTED MILK Avoid Imitations & Substitutes I Our Luggage possesses that smart dis tinction that is easy to imi tate, but hard to duplicate. Special They are the soul of re tail business. REGAL UMBRELLA CO. Travelers' Outfitters and Umbrellas SIiCOXI) AND \V A LNI'T STS. I