Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 11, 1919, Image 1

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    I •
n reio Carnegie, Steel Magnate and Philanthropist, Dies After Brief Rlne s Ftoia Pneuir* 7
Amends and Liberalizes Drastic Measure;
Non intoxicants May Be Made at Home;
but Half Per Cent. Alcohol Is Limit
By Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 11.—Prohibi
tion enforcement legislation ad
vanced another step in Congress to
day when the Senate Judicial y
Committee began consideration of
the bill passed by the House last
June as amended and liberalized by
the judiciary subcommittee.
Although the general House plan
for enforcement of wartime and
constitutional prohibition remain in
the bill, the subcommittee eliminat
ed several drastic House provisions
and modified others. In its work the
subcommittee, comprising Senators
Sterling, Republican, of South Da
kota, chairman: Fall, of New Mex
ico. and Xorris. of Nebraska. Re
publicans, and Overman, of North
Carolina; Walsh, of Montana, ar.d
King, of Utah. Democrats, first re
vised the Senate enforcement bill
and then incorporated their amend
ments in the House bill, reporting
the latter as amended by unanimous
vote to the full committee.
Like the House the Senate sub
committee adopted the plan of hav
ing separate sections in the bill to
deal with wartime and constitu
tional prohibition.
Sta>'s at Olio-Half Per Cent.
The subcommittee left unchanged
the House definition of intoxicating
beverages as those containing one
half of one per cent, or more of
As revised the bill will not inter
fere with storage and personal use
of intoxicants in the homes of in
Probably the most liberal amend
ment to the House bill is a provision
exempting from penalties any per
son "manufacturing nonintoxicating
cider and fruit juices exclusively for
use in his house." This would per
mit home manufacture of light
wines and cider for personal con
sumption and the amendment, ex
cept by implication in connection
with the definition of intoxicants,
does not define "nonintoxicating"
Stricken from the House bill was
the provision making it unlawful for
persons to be intoxicated or to drink
liquor on trains, street cars, jitneys,
boats or other public conveyances.
Reports Private
Another liberalization is a provi
sion that reports of manufacture,
sales and transportation of liquor,
made to the Internal Revenue col
lector. shall not be open to inspecion
of the general public, but kept sole
ly for scrutiny by the commissioner,
i.is agents, court or other officers.
The House search warrant pro
vision also was made less drastic, the
subcommittee amending the search
and seizure section so as to provide
that search warrants may be issued
only under the usual practice pro
tided by existing Federal law and
not on mere suspicion that liquor is
being stored for unlawful purposes.
Instead of the House bill's unlim
ited provision for funds to enforce
prohibition, the subcommittee fixed
53.500,000 for the first year's en
forcement work and leaves this
duty jointly to the Internal Reve
nue Commissioner and the Depart
ment of Justice. Thu former is to
report and the latter to prosecute
Defines Liquor
In defining intoxicating liquor the
subcommittee added the followir.-g
liberalizing proviso:
"Provided, however, that the fore
going definition (one-half of one per
cent, alcohol) shall not extend to
de-alchololized wine nor to liquor or
liquors produced by the process by
which beer, ale or porter is manu
factured. but containing not more
than half of one per cent, alcohol,
if sffch liquor or liquid shall be oth
erwise der.-oniinated than as beer,
ale or porter."
This proviso rejects the request of
prohibition advocates for prohibition
of beverages which have the appear
ance of intoxicants.
Another relaxation of the House
bill was made in its provision for
penalizing persons having "reason
to believe" their property is being
used unlawfully. Th£ Senate
amendment requires "personal
knowledge" of such use.
The House provision declaring
that after February 1, 1920, the
possession of liquor unauthorized
by the law shall be prima facie evi
dence that it is being kept for sale,
is retained and strengthened by an
addition providing that in proceed
ings under this section the burden
of proof shall be on defendants to
prove that such beverages do not
contain more than one-halt of one
per cent, alcohol.
The subcommittee revision retains
the following exemptions, as pro
vided by the House:
Denatured alcohol, medicinal
preparations, patent medicine, toilet
and mineral preparations, flavoring
extracts, syrups, vinegar and fruit
juices. The subcommittee, however,
struck out the House clause that
llnrrlsliurg and Vicinltyi Fair to
night and Tumdar. Not much
chnnge In temperature, lowest
to-night about <l2 degree*.
Eastern Pennsylvania ! Fair to
night und Tuesday, not much
change In temperature. Gentle
variable winds.
Rlvrrt The Susquehanna river nnd
nil Its branches will continue to
full slowly. A stage of about 3.N
feet Is Indlented for Hnrrlaburg
Tuesday morning.
®I|C Slar-Jnilcpcnbc/il.
i such articles should be "nonpotable,"
• prescribing merely that they shall
Ibe "unfit for beverage purposes."
A House clause requiring alco
holic content of toilet, medicinal and
• antiseptic articles to be labeled was
' stricken out.
Retaining the House provision pro
hibiting manufacture, sale, purchase,
transportation or prescription of in
; toxicants without a permit from the
Internal Revenue Cimmissioner, the
revised bill contains a provision that
; such acts shall be expressly author
ized upon receipt of permits. The
: House limit of ten days on permits
,to purchase intoxicants also is ex
j tended in the revised bill to 90 davs.
Pharmacists only may sell at retail
; and licensed physicians only may pre
scribe liquor. The House require
ment for physical examination by
j ph> sieians of applicans for liquor pre
i scriptlons, however, was eliminated.
I The House provision limiting phv
j sieians dispensing to one pint of
liquor in ten days for the same per
son is retained, but modified to pro
vide that such limitation shall applv
only to prescriptions to be "taken in
More rigorous guarding transac
tions in wines for sacramental and
religious purposes are provided by a
provision requiring issuances of such
> permits only to ministers, rabbis and
other ecclesiastics.
I House provisions regarding adver
tising of beverages are made more
!T. iT! n **, ent some respects and more
i liberal in others. The subcommittee
j struck. out provisions prohibiting sign
.or billboard advertising, but added a
i clause penalizing advertisement of
I intoxicants anywhere, by any means
|or method. Also stricken out was a
House clause authorizing obliteration
lof liquor advertising or the use of
! pictures of a distillery, bottle, keg.
I barrel or other receptacle in adver
tising. a new clause permits manu
. idcturcrs and wholesale drugrgristf to
, advertise alcohol in trade journals.
| Retaining the House provision
against advertisement of compounds,
| preparations or formulas for manufac
ture of intoxicants, the subcommittee
' strengthened this section by prohibit-
I ing also the advertisement of anv
:' utensil, contrivance or machine" for
| such purpose.
Baptist Parsonage, Sold
Twice, Court Is Asked
to Act in Confirmation
j After the congregation had ap-
I proved the sale of the First Baptist
j Church parsonage at 216 Pine
! street, for $10,300 to Ross R.
j Rhoads, W. Grant Rauch was a t -
proached to make an affidavit that
: the price was a fair and adequate
[ one and he offered to pay $12,000
• for the property.
• John C. Nissley, as attornev for
I the church, presented these facts to
the court to-day, together with a
j petition to confirm the sale to Mr.
Rhoads. which was drawn before
the offer of Mr. Rauch to pay $12,-
000 was received. Mr. Nissley ex
plained to the court that he did not
prefer to have the property sold at
the lower figure and suggested that
President Judge George Kunkel re
fuse to confirm the sale.
"But we can't do that," Judge
Kunkel said. "Your petition ask*
us to confirm the sale. It seems
that you are apreed. We haven't
anything to do with the other offer."
i "Yes. Your Honor, but we are in
the position that we can not refuse
i to sell Mr. Rhoads because of our
, agreement with him," Mr. Nissley
: stated. "Here is Mr. P.auch's check
for $00 to bind the sale. Mr
aIS ° gUVC a check fol '
Judge Kunkel, after a short di
' cussion, told Mr. Nissley to present
a petition to the court asking that
' he .t ale .. s i lould not be confirmed
for the $10,300, and then he could
go ahead with negotiations to sell
at $12,000.
Big U. S. Ordnance Train
Leaves City After Being
Inspected by Thousands
j Many hundreds of persons visited
: the Capitol grounds Saturday night
; > esterday and early to-day to see the
.ordnance train composed of 36 motor
i trucks and 97 enlisted men and of
j fleers, which left this morning on its
| trip north.
| The train is making a tour of the
; United States and stopped in the city
j over the week end. It left New
I Brunswick, N. J., last Mondav to s'tart
j the tour which will take Just one
. year. It stopped at Allentown. Read
j ing. Lebanon and other cities on its
! way here. Leaving to-dav at 9
j o'clock for Pittsburgh, the train will
I go to Buffalo, then the New England
I States and then will start south for
| Florida.
Camping on the park grounds just
east of Sixth street, recruiting head
quarters were opened with Captain
Walter Cox in charge. Captain W.
P. Hutchir.son is in charge of the
train, together with six other of
In addition to recruiting the train
is carrying with it many war devices
which were used by the United States.
One of these is a six-ton tank, and
another a 60-inch searchlight, simi
lar to the kind used for coast work.
The light was demonstrated last eve
ning and attracted much attention.
Other things carried by the train are
a French 75-gun and an American 3-
inch, also a complete repair shop and
kitchen. All the trucks are camou
flaged just as they appeared in the
battle areas overseas.
Watch For the Casualty List Among the Innocent Bystanders
Eleven Big Truckloads to Be
Brought to This
Harrisburg -will get its first supply
of Government food in all probabil
j ity for sale Thursday morning. It
i will be placed in equal quantities at
I each of the eleven tirehouses and
will be in charge of a subcommittee,
j the latter to be under the direction
! of Lieutenant Colonel E. H. Schell,
i of the general committee. The above
I prices will prevail. Plans were com
j pleted for a committee meeting
I this morning.
Buyers will be limited to one can
of bacon, and six cans of each of
j the other commodities. Terms will
i be cash, and no orders will be re
j ceived over telephone, or reserved.
The cash and carry system will be
| observed. Each subcommittee will
i be given full authority to prevent
j crowding or stop persons from buy-
I ing larger quantities than those
mentioned. No goods will be sold
• to dealers.
Order Is Placed
This afternoon Mayor Daniel L.
i Keister with R. Ross Seaman, City
| Clerk and Wellington G. Jones, went
; to the Reserve Depot at New Cum
j berland ar.d arranged with Lieuten
i ant J. R. Boyle for the first order,
j A dozen trucks will be secured to
j haul the goods to Harrisburg. At
j a meeting of the committee to-mor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock, all sub-
I committees will attend and receive
i instructions tor handling the Gov
| ernment goods. City Clerk Seaman
! will be treasurer and receive all
1 funds. A subcommittee consisting
|of Captain Harry M. Stine, chair
j man; William B. McNair, George
i Kobler and Wellington G. Jones
[Continued on Page 9.]
Moorhead to Build
on $75,000 Extension
i George T. Titzel, contractor for the
! Moorhead Knitting Company, se
-1 cured a permit to-day at the office of
j Building Inspector James H. Grove,
1 to erect a four-story structure for
| that company. The building will be
i of brick and concrete and will be lo
cated at the rear of the Northwest
I corner of Cameron and Walnut
j streets. It will cost $75,000. The com
pany recently acquired title to the
• ground when it announced that
i growth in the business made exten
sive improvements necessary.
By Associated Press.
Columbus, 0.. Aug. 11. Strik
ing shopmen of the Pennsylvania,
Norfolk and Western and Toledo and
Ohio Central Railroads here, nearly
five thousand in number, returned
to work this morning following rati
fication by union officials of the ma
jority vote taken in a mass meeting
Saturday night. Reports from the
! railroad yards were that all the men
had returned to work. Union leaders
stated, however, that if the union
demands were not met by September
2, a general strike will be called.
Bacon 12-lb. can $4.25
Corned Beef 12-oz. can .30
Roast Beef 2 lb. can .65
Corn 19-oz. can .10
Peas 19-oz. can .10
Tomatoes 19-oz. can .10
Score of Big Machines to Give
Practical Lesson in
New Methods
The Pennsylvania Tractor Dem
onstration will take place to-mor
row and Wednesday at the Bonny
mead Farms, near Paxtang. All
types and sizes of tractors will be
represented in an effort to show
the farmers of this part of the State
the necessity and economy of trac
tor use.
Toms have already been erected
on the ground by the Fordson, Mo
line, Case. Emerson-Birmingham,
American Seeding Machine and Oli
ver Chilled Plow Works. Most of
the tractors will pull the Oliver
chilled plow in the demonstrations,
which are to be carried on from 10
to 12 in the morning and from 2 to
5 in the nftEach tractor
entered will have itj representative
on the ground who will answer all I
questions and take orders.
Initial Effort
This demonstration will mark the
init:al effort to introduce tractors in
this section of t e country in the
quantities in which they are used
out West. Forty years .. more the'
farmers have been intensively farm
ing their ground with tractors and
have found that they not only save
time and labor, but also make farm- j
ing a much more efficient and pro
ductive business.
Some of the more prominent,
men who are already in- the city for '
[Continued oil Page 11.]
Philadelphia, Pa.. Aug. 11.—Rear
Admiral William George Buehler,
United States Navy, retired, died
yesterday in Haverford.
He was born in Philadelphia,
March 25, 1837, and entered the
navy in 1857. He was an officer
of the U. S. S. Frigate Niagara when
the first Atlantic cable was laid, and
in connection with this duty receiv
ed the gold medal of the New York
Chamber of Commerce. In the
Civil War he participated in at
tacks on the James river and Fort
Darling and in the passage of the
forts at the entrance to Mobile bay
under Farragut.
Admiral Buehler is survived by
his widow, two sisters, Mrs. Robert
A. Lamberton and Mrs. George
Douglas Ramsey, both of this city,
and a brother. Edward H. Buehler!
of Chicago.
More Than Five Hundred Per
sons to Take Part in the
Opening Scene
J An All-American Pageant, one of
jthe most elaborate undertakings of
| its kind recently attempted here,
; will be produced on Island Park, to
morrow evening. Practically every
j national and radical group in Harris
|burg and Steelton will take part in
: the program.
* The various groups of nations
represented have been work?ng
hard for several weeks and have
been preparing their pai ls ir. co-oper
ation with the War Camp Com
munity Service.
| Community singing will be con
, ducted by Mrs. Florence Ackley Ley
.assisted by the Municipal Band Jus
' before the pageant about 7 30 D m
' Denot r wnP fP T the MJ ddletown
i Iy above the grounds.
: The pageant will open with a pro
-1 A?/!' 0 " °A m .° re than 500 Persons.
After a short welcome by Mayor
| Keister and Lieutenant-Governor
I Beidleman the pageant proper will
Sam" W '-wrnf intr £ dUCt 'on o? "Uncle
u It .. il am Penn and "John
I Harris. The Angel of Peace" will
be summoned and then the different
groups will be greeted by the char
acters, typifying the family spirit of
: the occasion. or
| The Boy Scouts will have a prom
| inent part in the tableau ettlc J
(during the pageant. The finale will
| e hi a ®*. r r es ° f historical tableaux,
uJI end w,th the grouping of
the flags of the nations grouped
of "Vo* r e ..A.'}? el of Peace" Goddess
of Liberty, Lncle Sam" and other
i characters of the pageant.
| Groups of powerful searclilichrs
will throw a bright light Ear the
Platform and will illuminate every
detail of color which appears in th--i
spectacular tableaux and wonderful
costumes of the various nations '
1 rJnt n: n °K the nntions will be rep
| resented by groups in national cos
tumes p-oducing a national dan-c
song", or sorae feature typical of thrir
national life. Folk and national
dances are the outlet of artLtic ex
pression among these people, and
to-morrow evening , h e people of
Harrlsburg will have the privilege
of seeing these different groups 7n
never before attempted
Organization and supervision. C
L. Zorger, supervisor of sneclii
activities in Harrisburg public
schools. Staging of pageant and
AnlS' n °' e Saln ' El " ler E. Ley
Angel of Peace, Miss Jennie Sellers
William Penn, C. W. Tittle Jnht
Harris. H. H. Kinneard. Organiz
ations furnishing costumes and
characters for tableaux. Post 58 G
I O R M° r g r o a n Tr,b H £ nd Council!
Liberty.' a " Daußhter s of
Mrs. Edith B. Rergstresser, recent
on duty 2tter rwSkEVtFdy ot mcth
lico department the
Steel Magnate and Philanthro
pist Succumbs to Bron
chial Pneumonia
Had Given Millions For En
dowments of Libraries, to
Teachers and Pensions
Lenox, Mass., Aug. 11. Andrew
Carnegie, 85 years old, the steel
magnate and philanthropist, died at
his Lenox summer home "Shadow
Brook" at 7.10 this morning, after
an illness of less than three days
with bronchial pneumonia. So sud
den was his death that his daughter,
Mrs. Roswell Miller was unable to
get to her father's bedside before
he died. His wife and private sec
retary were with him at the end.
Enjoyed Fishing Trips
Mr. Carnegie had spent most of
the summer in Lenox, coming here
late in May and up to a few weeks
ago enjoyed himself in almost daily
fishing trips on Lake Mahkeonac,
which borders his big "Shadow
Brook" estate, and in riding about
his grounds. He was taken ill Fri
day night and grew steadily worse.
His advanced age and lessened
powers of resistance hastened the
Mr. Carnegie came to Lenox to
make his home in May, 1917, and
had spent the past three summers
there. He came up from New York
late in May, this year.
Mr. Carnegie leaves his widow,
who was Miss Louise Whitefield, of
New York, and his daughter, Mar
garet, who married last April, En
sign Roswell Miller, of New Y'ork.
SiH-cds to Bedside
Mrs. Miller was at her home in
Mill Bank, N. Y., when word came
of her father's approaching death.
She hurried to Lenox but did not
arrive until a few minutes after her
father died.
Although Mr. Carnegie was taken
111 Friday, it was not until early to
day that his condition took a critical
turn. On Saturday it was said that
he was suffering from a severe cold,
but it was not different apparently
from other attacks he had endured
and no fear was entertained that it
would prove fatal. It was announced
that he was remaining indoors un
der the care of the nurses who had
been in attendance of him most of
the time since be came to "Shadow
According to members of the
household Mr. Carnegie had hoped
to go to Skibo Castle early this
year, but changed his plans when
he learned that under governmental
restrictions he would be unable to
take a retinue of servants that he
desired, the regulations limiting him
to one automobile and one chauf
Resolves to Give Fortune Away
Andrew Carnegie began a race
against time when, in 1901, at the
age of 65, he resolved to give away
his enormous fortune. He held it
"disgraceful" for a man to keep on
gathering idle millions. In the com
paratively few years which the ac
tuary could allow him, he would
disembarrass himself of practically
all he had. No man had evet
launched a philanthropic campaign
of such dimensions.
His was then a fortune of just
about a quarter billion dollars, the
largest ever acquired by a foreign
born American, second only to the
John D. Rockefeller weatli as the
largest individual accumulation in
the United States, and, built, as it
was, of five per cent, steel bonds, it
would, without so much as turning
over one's hand, have approached
half a billion by the time Carnegie
could call himself an octogenarian
on November 25, 1915.
To give this stupendous sum
away, in about half the time he ha.l
taken to gather it, was a purpose
Carnegie had fairly well fulfilled
when death overtook him to-day.
He had distributed about $300,000,-
000. It was giving money away at
the rate of over $20,000,000 a year,
or more than $5,000 a day.
12.000 Offer to Help
He declared, when he gave up
gathering wealth and announced ar.
era of distribution, that he expect
ed to find it more difficult to give
his millions away than it had been
to acquire them. "How would you
give $300,000,000 away?" became
such a popular query that an En
glish advertiser who employed it,
received no less than 4 5,000 sug
[ Con tinned on Page 10.]
Big Aerial Squadron
to Fly Over the City
■Washington, Aug. 11.—A squad
ron of thirteen Army airplanes ac
companied by a Motor Transport
train, will leave Hazelhurst Field
on Wednesday for a tour of more
than 4,000 air miles through fifteen
States. On its route the squadron
will collect data for the Army air
service, for the air mail division of
the Post Office Department, and re
cruit men for all branches of the
To show that the efficiency of the
air service in this country will over
come almot any difficulty, the com
manding officer of the "Pathfinders'
Squadron" decided last week to take
thirteen planes instead of nine and
to make the official start of their
tour on the thiiteenth of the month.
In an effort to show additional defi
ance of hoodoos and superstitions
the pilots obtained permission front
the War Department to point on the
fuselage of every machine a gigantic
black cat, with the tail of the beast
tied up into the figure "13."
The squadron will visit llarris
Secretary of State Game Com
mission and His Aid
Killed in Crash
IKK? flB
WHMpw-' I?
hHi '
Sorrow was expressed at the Capi
tol over the death of Dr. Joseph
Kalbfus, Secretary of the State
Game Commission, and many tele
grams expressing regret over the
accident were received at his home.
His automobile struck by a train at
the Farley Road crossing on the Re
novo division of the Pennsylvania
railroad. Dr. Kalbfus was instantly
killed yesterday morning. E. W.
Kelly, of Dußois, field superinten
[Continucd on Page 6.]
i- 4*4? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4 s 4* 4* 4* 4 s
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J ?:*•?€ All*.* CREATED'PROTESTS TO MS*!W >■
<4 JR
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e * St. Johns, N. F.—The British battleship Renown, <5.
<7# x
* * V was X
J * l
4 *f
j4 T
!$ 1 i
+ X
jX '-r • • i,'-'-"''■'•£ '. •••-■ X
4 X
|* Mr. Lansing\ttstictl' before. the Seriate Fc ♦
4 Re -. •
f ,T
| 'A
|X ,n ' "T- A
4* . f>
UL n-r " -"-a r '.a -t. i W*.. "W.V:
X *
T $
X rested i* a raid, were held foT court under SI,OOO bail
Hp this iftormoon charged with the illegal sale of liquor.
X Robert A. Krwuin, Harrington. Neb, nnd Klsla L. Hill, Harris- 4
• burg; (iorue Cndler, Philadelphia, and Maude S. Conrad, Harris- 3
ej burg) Charles O. Mllnor nnd .Marie S. Karger, Harrlaburgi Ml liner T
1,. Heed anil .Mary K. Muaiaian, Hurrlxliurjs; Hurry D. Uekaer and a£>
Sadie H. Sehrelllrr, Hllxabethville.
Licensing Corporations En
gaged in Interstate Com
merce Is Introduced
State Food Administrators to
Name Men to Investigate
Costs in Every County
By Associated Press.
AYnsliingtoii, August 11.—Legisla
tion proposing the licensing of cor
porations having a capital or assets
of 110,000,000 or more engaged In in
terstate commerce and authorizing
Federal supervision over the issuance
of stocks and securities was intro
duced to-day by Senator Kellog, Re
publican, Minnesota.
Licenses would be issued by the
Federal Trade Commission, which
would have supervisory jurisdiction
over the corporations, and in case of
illegal combinations or conspiracies
in restraint of trade it would have
power to revoke the license.
In a telegram to all State food
administrators who worked woth
Hoover during the war, Attor
ney General Palmer has requested
the appointment of a fair price
committee in each county to
tigate what is being charged ffl
retail necessities and if in exce®
of what the committee consideil
[Continued on Page 15.] 1
Struck by Train
as He Crosses Track
Struck by a train when he crossed
the railroad tracks near Mifflin,
James Rodgers, aged 52, of Mifflin,
a track foreman on the Middle divis
ion of the Pennsylvania Railroad,
is in the Harrisburg Hospital in a
serious condition. He had a frac
ture of the right leg and probable
internal injuries.
Rodgers was at work at the time
of the accident and is said to have
failed to notice the approach of
the freight train which struck him.
I The accident occurred about noon