Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 09, 1919, Image 1
Nation Hopes For Speedy Action on Recommendations For Lowering Prices Suggested by President HARRISBURG IgljlSP TELEGRAPH £be Sfar-3n>epen6cftt. LXXXVIII—NO. 186 16 PAGES HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 9, 1919. "tliBS irSSffinSiEff" s 'Po E cS? s ES HOME EDITION PROPOSAL FOR U.S. RAILROAD PURCHASE NOT TO BE FORCED Leaders of Fifteen Organiza tions Give Assurance That Nationalization Under Tri partite Control Will Not Be Backed by Violence LIVING PROBLEM IS ANOTHER QUESTION Labor Heads Say if Wilson j and Congress Could Not Meet Request For Higher Wages or Cheaper Food the Men Would "Have to Find Another Solution" By Associated Press. Washington, Aug. 9. Leaders of the fifteen organizations of the railroad employes united to-day in a "definite assertion" that they had no desire and have had none, "to impress upon the public by violence or by threat" their proposal that the railroads be nationalized under tri partite control. Declaring that the requests of the men that living costs he reduced or their wages increased, was aside from the question of the future dis position of the railroad problem, the übor leaders said that if President Wilson and Congress could not meet this request the men would "have to try to find another solution." Result of Warning While the labor leaders did not mention the President's address to Congress yesterday it was the gen eral belief that their statement re sulted from his warning to the labor tvorld that strikes would only make ? 'resent conditions worse and that Jiose who sought to employ threats or coercion were only "preparing their own destruction." "To prevent any misunderstanding as to the policy of the organized railroad employes," said the state >tnent, "we unite in a definite asser tion that we have no desire and had none, to impress upon the pub lic by violence or by threat, our proposal that the railroads be nat ionalized, under tri partite control. "Two distinctly separate consider ations now confront the people, the wage requirements of the railroad employes, and the Sims bill (em bodying the railway employes' plan lor reorganization of the railroads.) "In the matter of wages we have submitted an eminently just pro position." Wreckage of 26 Coal Cars Blocks All Tracks of Middle Division Huntingdon, Pa., August 9.—Traf fic on the Middle. Divison of the Penn sylvania railroad was completely blocked early to-day by the wrecking of an eastbound coal train at Peters burg, seven miles west of here, where by the debris of 26 loaded cars were scattered over all four tracks. The wreck occurred at 4.20 a. m„ due, it is believed, to the breaking of a car axle. Long lines .of passenger trains from the Kast waited here for the clearing of the tracks. Passeng ers were taken to Petersburg for transference around the wreck. FAIR WEEK WITH COOL TEMPERATURES IS COMING Washington, Aug. 9.—Weather predictions for the week beginning August 11 are: North and Middle Atlantic States; Generally fair; moderate tempera ture; cool at beginning of week, normal temperature thereafter. HE DID, AND HE DIDN'T He didn't want it, anyhow! At least, the Steelton owner thought he didn't when his auto mobile wouldn't work, but he thought better of it later. He is reported to have driven his automobile to the vicinity of the Elliott-Fisher plant, jacked it up and made attempts to make slight repairs. He jacked it up, but his efforts apparently were unsuccessful. Picking up the jack, he is reported to have smashed the radiator, walked away and left the automobile standing. After thirty-six hours, he came back last evening and drove it away when his temper had cooled. I THE WEATHER I Hnrrlshurg and Vicinity: Fair to night and Sunday. Not much chnnge in temperature. Lowest to-night alinut s<i degrees. Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair to night and Sunday. Gentle vari able winds, mostly north. Itlvcri The Siisqnelinvinu river and all its branches will full slowly or remnln nearly sta tionary. A stage of about 4.0 feet Is Indicated for Harrisburg Sunday morning. General Conditions: The high pressure nren from the North west lias overspread the greater part of the eastern half of the country causing n general fall of 2 to 22 degrees in tempera ture in practically all districts east of the Mississippi river in tile Inst 24 hours. The most de cided falls In temperature, 20 to 22 degrees, occurred In the up per Susiuehnnna Valley. WILSON MA Y TAKE UP HIGH COST OF LI VING PROBLEM DIRECTL Y WITH PEOPLE DURING HIS TREA TY TOUR U. S. Agents Are Seeking Evidence of Profiteering By Associated Press. Washington, Aug. 9. Domestic problems now facing the country may be taken up directly with the people by President Wilson during his forthcoming trip in the interest of the peace treaty. This was in- . dicated to-day at the White House where it also was said that plans for the President's tour were going for ward. Seeking Profiteers All special agents of the Depart ment of Justice over the country have been ordered to assist District Attorneys in uncovering evidence of profiteering in foodstuffs and other necessities. Attorney General Palmer's in structions were that the special j agents should drop everything but i the most pressing cases now pend- ] ing and devote their entire attention ! to assisting in the campaign to re- j duee the cost of living. The result | will be to put hundreds of trained j investigators in the search for men who have inflated prices exorb itantly. While it was not so stated, the impression was gained that nothing but the investigation of radical propaganda which resulted in recent ! bomb outrages would be allowed to | interfere with the efforts to punish profiteers. Numerous reports received at the department from District Attorneys indicated that much evidence against profiteers was being ac cumulated. Prosecutions are ex pected to result soon in a number of districts. (A digest of President Wilson's address to Congress and its probable I effect will be found on page 10). j Determined to Uncover Whole Story of Mexican Infringement on Patents Washington, August 9.—Determined : to uncover the whole story of the rel- ! ations between the United States and I Mexico, including facts of Mexican j infringements on American rights i during recent years, the three mem- ! bers of the sub-committee named late j yesterday by Chairman Lodge, of the : Senate Foreign Relations Committee j were preparing preliminary plans for j their work. The sub-committee, con- | sisting of Senators Fall, New Mexico, i end Brandegee, Connecticut, Repub- ! lican, and Smith, Arizona, Democrat, j was appointed under authority ! granted by a resolution adopted in ] the Senate and of which Senator King, ' of Utah, was the author. While the investigation by the sub- I committee will go into every phase of the Mexican situation and will take j many months to complete, it was ex- ' pected that only preliminary features i would be dealt with pending dispo sition of the Treaty with Germany. Tentative plans include hearings to be held at points along the border, as members of the committee desire I u> get first hand information concern ing "any and all acts of the govern ments of Mexico and its citizens in derogation of the rights of the U. S. and its citizens. Shoes to Remain at $8 and sl2 a Pair Philadelphia, Aug. 9. Charges that shoe retailers are profiteers as made in a report of the Federal Trade Commission were denied to day in a statement by A. H. Geuting, president of the National Shoe Re tailers' Association. The bulk of : next fall's shoes will be sold at from $8 to sl2 a pair instead of higher ! prices, he said. The statement further said that it [is unfair to hold up one line of I merchandise as a "horrible example" | when in reality the profit is not more than six per cent. Cobweb Prophets Predict 10 Feet of Snow in Winter Hazoltoji, Pa., Aug. 9. —Do your ' winter snow shovel shopping early' Weather prophets to-day predict jed that the snow next winter will i reach to the clotheslines and the \ lower branches of the trees. They based their conclusions on the fact, j that cobwebs were seen all over j town this morning, many of them : six to ten feet from the ground, i j There is an old tradition that cob | webs in August show by their po j sitlon how high the snow will reach ] the subsequent winter. Dies of Injury When Run Over by Auto Frank Valle was fatally injured this morning when a heavy auto mobile truck of the Atlantic Refin ing Company passed over his stom ach. He died at the Harrisburg Hospital, this afternoon. Valle at tempted to "hop" on the truck and slipped. He fell under the rear wheel and was injured internally. His home was in Lemoyne. 17 DIE IX EXPLOSION Mexico City, Friday, Aug. 8. Seventeen deaths were caused by a dynamite explosion in the Rosario mine, Pachuca, according to latest reports. Two trains, one carrying n,OOO pounds of explosives, crashed near the main entrance to the mine. It was at first feared that more than a thousand miners were entombed. Hasn't Anyone an Electric Fan They Can Spare? MOB ATTACKS CARMEN; DRIVEN BACK BY POLICE Crews Have Narrow Escape in New York Strike Riots By Associated Press. New York, Aug. 9.—Several cars of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit •Company, leaving the Greenwood depot, had proceeded only two blocks late last night when they were at tacked by a mob of 500 who at tempted to drag them from the tracks. Police reserves, with drawn clubs and revolvers, charged the mob and rescued the crews. Alarmed by disorders in their neighborhood, members of the Flat bush Chamber of Commerce called upon Mayor Hylan to call out enough police reserves to mainta.n order and upon Receiver Garrison to obtain a court order "enjoining strikers from participating in acts of violence." Public Service Commissioner Lewis Nixon announced Lindley M. Garrison, receiver of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company, had ac cepted his services as mediator in the strike which for three days lias paralyzed traffic on the surface, subway and elevated lines operated by the company. Mr. Garrison, ac cording to Mr. Nixon, also has agreed to meet a committee of his employes. "As soon as a representative com mittee of employes can be selected, this commission will use all its ef fort as a mediator to bring about an early and amicable settlement," declared Mr. Nixon. Mr. Garrison, however, has stated he will not meet any committee, including in its membership offi cials of the Amalgamated Associa tion of Street and Electric Railway Employes not employed by the B. R. T. As these officials are conducting the strike, the strikers announced last night that "the only committee that will be sent to meet Mr. Gar rison will bo one that represents the union." The men added that tiie only settlement to which they would agree would he union recognition. I BACON TO SELL AT 25 CENTS | WASHINGTON, Aug. The j j War Department to-day an- I noniieed that Army bacon will be j sold tlirougli postmasters lor 25 j cents a pound, baked beans at 5 j cents a pound, flour at sli a linn- j dredweight and other commodi ties at correspondingly low prices. To the prices will be added parcel post charges from i the nearest Army depot. The | side through post offices will be gin August 18. ALL SHOPMEN I WILL RETURN TO JOBS is BELIEF: ! Negotiations With Director- ! General Mines May Be- , gin on Tuesday By Associated Press. i Washington, Aug. 9—Union head- ] quarters were confident to-day that i the shopmen would make it almost ] a one hundred per cent, return. "It's a 1 fttle too early to get aj, mass of reports from locals, but , we have already been notified by a I i number of union officials that their I men intended to go back at once," I ■ said Acting President Jewell, of the ' j railway section of the American ! Federation of Labor. "We should be able to commence negotiations next Tuesday with Director General ' Hines, under terms of the Presi dent's letter, with the men back at work." About 40,000 of the estimated 50,- 000 men in the shop crafts have walked out. Kansas City and Cincinnati offi- | cials expressed belief that normal ! conditions would prevail to-day. At all places where men are out, lo cal officials of the railroad admin istration are co-operating with union chairmen in explaining the necessity for going back to the job at once, which President Wilson made a pre-requlslte to the opening of negotiations. • FIRE CHIEF RUNS DOWN SMALL ROY' Calvin Swain, five years old, 1320 ' North Fourth street, was slightly I injured and bruised this morning when struck and knocked down l;y nn automobile driven by Fire Chief Kindler. The lad was playing about the sidewalk and ran directly in front of the machine. His injuries are very minor in their nature. ' ALL MEATS TO BE SHIPPED TO OTHER CITIES Mayor's Committee Is Getting Ready to Act Before It Is Too Late Arrangements were made to-day by the special committee named by Mayor Keister to puchase one and probably two car loads Of cured meats and canned vegetables from the reserve depot at New Cumber land. Rsidents of the city await with considerable interest the action of the food committee which has been held up until Monday despite the need of haste. The foodstuffs will be placed on sale at fire houses and other centers where volunteer workers will sell it direct to consumers at big savings over the regular retail prices. Lieutenant Boyle who is in charge] of the shipments at New Cumber land to-day advised haste if any quantity is to be purchased. Lieu tenant Boyle was advised by tele graph to-day to clean out all sup plies from the depot as rapidly as cars can be provided for the pur pose. The following shipments were ordered: Corned beef, New Orleanc, 486,000 cans; St. Louis, 821,000: Omaha, 143,000; San Francisco, 1,075,000. Number two cans, At-j lanta, 871,000 cans. Hash, Wash-1 ington, 37,500 cans. Roast beef, six pound cans. Bos-' ton, 6,000 cans; New York, 107,000 1 cans. Two pound cans, Philadel phia, 323000 cans; San Francisco, 13 4,000 cans. One pound cans. Washington. 58.000 cans; New Or leans, 267.000; St. Louis. 1,057 cans: San Antonio, 300,000 cans. Carefully Sweep For Bergs in Path of Prince's Ship By Associated Press. St. John's, N. F., Aug. 9.—Special precautions against the possible presence if ice floes and bergs in the path of the battleship Renown, bringing the Prince of Wales to Canada, were taken to-day. It was announced that the cruiser i Dauntless, which preceeded the es corting feet to arrange for the Prince's reception here, would cruise about the grand banks to locate ice and would then proceed to sea to escort the Renown to jier anchor age in Conception bay. Several unusually large bergs have been re ported in- vicinity of shipping lanes during the week. MEMORIAL FOR CITY VETERANS IS ENDORSED Businessmen View With Fa vor Proposal to Honor Soldiers GENERAL ENDORSEMENT Utilitarian Form of Project Pleases Many in Har risburg Sentiment in favon of the plans J for the soldiers' and sailors' raemor- I ial, recently announced by the Har risburg Chamber of Commerce, is growing daily, as Harrisburgers con tinue to give their consideration to the project. It is evident that com ments expressed by prominent cit izens this morning, that the feasa bility of the Chamber's proposi tion, and the permanent way in which it will give expression to the i city's interest in its service men, has ! met with widespread approval, j The memorial is to be a flag shaft to be set in a great granite base at Thirteenth and State streets. The utilitarian as well as orna mental value of the project, and its perfect assimilation to the Capitol Park and Memorial Bridge plans of the State, afford much satisfaction I to those whose interest in the veter- ( ans of the great war actuates them j ! in their desire to erect a iitting mem- . j orial as a tribute from the commun ! ity to the veterans. , To Xanic Committees | The committees which will carry | i (he project to completion, will be | j appointed from among the ranks j I the welfare organizations and other I interests whose activities are devoted ]to the civic welfare. These com i mittees will be appointed as soon as the cessation of the summer vaca ! tion season warrants, the beginning | of work upon the materialization of the memorial project, it was an nounced at the Chamber offices. I That the memorial' plans meet with the whole-hearted support of Mayor Daniel L. Keister was shown iby his comment this morning. The ! Mayor and City Council already have given the project their approval in a resolution. Following is the Mayor's statement of to-day: "I am very well pleased with the entire project, and know of nothing else that could be more suitable. I am especially pleased with the plan to make the city's memorial tit in so well with the elaborate Capitol Park and memorial bridge plans of the State." Itotai'iaii Endorsement Gus M. Steinmetz, president of the llotary Club, of Harrisburg, was enthusiastic in his comments on the plans, and has this to say of them: "Members of the Harrisburg no tary Club, so far as 1 have talked with them, have expressed them selves as hehrtily in accord with the Harrisburg Memorial plan as out lined by the Chamber of Commerce committee. The fact that it is to ue a part of the great State develop ! ment here, connected in a way with jthe State's magnificent Memorial I Bridge, is a big point in its favor. 1 Beside, it will show to the people > of Pennsylvania as a whole that the I citv appreciates what the Common wealth is doing and is willing to ido its part. The Chamber is right jin deciding that the memorial be | erected by popular subscription. Every man, woman and child in the I city ought to have some part in it. i The ltotary Club, 1 am sure, will ' do whatever it can to advance the I project." Needed Tribute Local citizens who took prominent | parts in war campaigns, have also I given the project their approval. | Said Andrew S. Patterson, president |of the Union Trust Company, who ! was chairman of the Liberty Loan committees of Harrisburg during I the five campaigns, this morning. "The memorial will be a perman ent tribute to the youths of Har risburg, who gave up their time and freedom to light for Democracy. It ' is fitting that the memorial should I take the most attractive form im aginable, and I think the Charn ! ber's project will constitute one of the most attractive features in the city." A 1 K. Thomas, vice-president of the Kiwanis Club, and cashier of the East End Bank, gave his ap proval in a short statement, very much to the point. "It's a mighty good thing," he said, in answer to a query." Francis J. Hall, vice-president and general manager of the Central Iron | and Steel Company, also has given i much consideration to the project. ! "I like the form of the memorial very much," he said, "it surely is an improvement over the plan of put ting up an old tablet some place. I particularly like its assimilation in the general Capitol Park plans." Others who have given the sub ject of the memorial their atten tion, likewise united in their ap proval of the plans. Boy Who Tries to Hit Airplane With Stone Is Run Down by Autoist Running across Front street "to stone the airplane which circled above the city, hundreds of feet in the air yesterday, Carl McFadden, fifteen years old, of 1319 Susque hanna street, suffered a badly frac tured right ankle when struck by an automobile. With his eyes turned toward the skies, the youth failed to notice the automobile as it approached and ran directly in front of it. The au tomobile was driven by W. S. Haupt, of Shamokin. The lad was taken to the Harrisburg Hospital where the fracture was reduced. FOOD PRICES DROP IN LOCAL MARKETS AS LAW IS OBEYED No Trouble Experienced in Enforcement of A nti- fore stalling Ordinance; Consumers Pleased With Act POLICE DEPARTMENT HAS MEN IN MARKET HOUSES Harrisburg's first market day with the forestalling and price fixing ordinance in effect saw prices of many food supplies take a drop of 15 to 40 per cent., and late in the morning there was even a larger decrease for some of the perishable produce. Dealers said the prices were due partly to the big supply of provisions brought to the markets and partly to the ordinance which kept forestallers out of business. At one market three per sons known to have been forestalling for months were not at their usual stands to-day. Another woman who had been buying up chickens and reselling them, did not have a chicken to sell to-day. Itnuly to Enforce Law I, Storekeepers in nearby towns who had been coming to the market;- early in the morning to buy up a supply of pfoduce which they took to their stores and resold, were not on hand either, police officials re ported. All the markets were under close police supervision and a number of times farmers were standing in litt'e groups talking a few minutes with a member of the city police force standing close by. At the Allison HMI market, Four teenth and Market streets, prices of practically everything on sale were higher than at either of the other markets. During the early hours and until after T> o'c'cck the farmers and truckers were charging practi cally the same or higher prices than prevailed on Wednesday. Lite Hour Drops At tlie Chestnut street markets prices were slightly lower at the start, anil liy 8 o'clock took a decid ed drop, some dealers cutting their figures almost 50 per cent. This market had a larger supply of pro duce and more dealers at the stands to-day than during the last four or 4 £ ! t X r I V ishmgtfm—Republican Lcarler MoitdeH declared T if $-> jjr ' v fls? ( •- • § X *r g rhc cott of X i & T |4 , wijiiafyyg. j| ■ and Watson M ' VsasKburn 6 3 6—4 4* * ,§ T the Casino. The steady, machine-like playing of the J <4# *&• X were forced into making many errors. 4 EMBARGO OK : 4> X Boston—The Boston and Maine Railroad to-day de- 9 T X 4* $ local freight fftr the m'oserrt. '" • • a X 4> x , 4* 4 | T Few Yeri Unfilled w:nt ot' the j'n •♦.-*. •• X: X S?et: c*. J "7 2! were 6 ;>7S e"-r •• m| T ing to the corporation's monthly statement issued to-day jfl X This is an increase of (585306 tons compared with the X X X ordr m Jane 30, JJ ] J . 200,000 BUSHELS OF GRAIN BURN X 8 Philadelphia—More than 200,000 bushels pf grain, jfl t # mostly oats, valued at abexit $170*006, was destroyed by dp * * fire to-day at the plant of the Keystone Elevator a- Warehouse Company In thfs dty. J J BANK PRESIDENT ARRESTED * Philadelphia—William T. Gabell, dual dlrecor and X * J clerk in the North Penn Bank, closed three weeks ago J| * * with an apparent shortage erf more than $2,000,000 was to- X day held in SIO,OOO bail for a farther hearing on a charge X 4* of conspiracy to receive deposits when he knew the bank *l* T w*s ir olvent. | 4* X I MARRIAGE UCENSES X | llobert A. Mrnmini, llnrt Inicton, Neb., anil In Io L. Hill, HarrU- 4* * liurgf fiforue Cndlcr. Philadelphia, and llnude S. Conrud, llarrlu. a *i liiirm t'lmrlen O. Mllnor nnd Mnrle S. /nmer. lliirrlKlnirgi AVllnicr T j, l Heed and illury K. iUuiiiinaw, Hiirrlnburgi Hurry U. Behoey and Sadie H. Sehrefller, l-Ulxnhctliville. PRICE FIXING IS NOT EVIDENT City officials were highly pleased this morning over the manner in which the new fore stalling ordinance worked. For the first time in years, the price of produce came down as the time for market closing drew near. This was taken as proof that hucksters, grocers an-d ped dlers formerly worked in har mony with many farmers to fix prices. Heretofore forestallers protected producers in keeping up prices to artificial heights by agreeing to take all unsold goods, provided there was no reduction to the consumer. This practice served, it is said, to keep up re tail prices in the city throughout the week. a live months. Tlic late hour drop, lias not oeeured for innny month; [Continued on Pago 4.]