Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 08, 1919, Page 22, Image 22

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Falkenhayn Shoulers ]
War Blame; Would Take
Former Emperor's Place'
Paris, Aug. B.—Paris newspapers I
announce that Baron Kurt von •
Lersner, head of the German mis- j
eion at Versailles, nas transmitted j
to the Supreme Council of the Peace
Conference a leter from General I
Erich von Falkenhayn, former Ger
man chief of staff, in which he
claimed responsibility as War Min
ister and head of the general staff
of a eleven military acts by Ger
many while he was in power, from
the beginning of the war to the end
of the battle of Verdun.
General von Falkenhayn offers
himself to the Allies in place of
former Emperor William.
General von Falkenhayn was
Minister of War for only a brief
period after the outbreak of the
great war. He was appointed chief
of staff in succession of General von
Moltke, October 26, 1914. He was
succeeded as chief of staff by Field
Marshal von Hindenburg, August
30, 1916.
Upper End Telephone
Company Raises Rates
The Wiconisco Telephone and Tele
graph Company, rendering service in
Ellzabethville, Mlllersburg, Lykens and
Williamstown and in Tremont, Schuyl
kill county, hus filed notices with the
Public Service Commission of a new
tariff schedule to become effective
September 1, making a number of in- |
creases. The free radius is decreased,
by ommission of Tremont central of- '
flee district except for subscribers
east of Berrysburg. .
The individual business rate (Mil-;
lershurg only), is increased from s2l,
to S3O per annum. The extension sta- i
tion rate is increased from $6 to $7,201
per annum: ten-line switchboard rate I
is increased from $36 to $54: twenty-I
line switchboard rate is increased.)
from $54 to $72: thirty line switch
board rate is increased from $72 to!
S9O; rural business rate is Increased
from sls to $24: rural residence rate
is increased from sls to $lB.
The second business rate is increas- '
ed from sl2 to SIS.
In the Lykens central office district i
the Tremont central office district and
the Williamstown central office din- 1
trict. the free radius for Tremont is'
decreased by omission of Mlllersburg I
and a portion of the Ellzabethville
central office districts, he multi-party I
business rate (T.ykons and Williams
town central office districts only), is
increased from SIS to $24; the exten- 1
sion station rate from $6 to $7.20 the '
second business rate from sl2 to $lB.
A service connection charge of $5.501
is added. A charge for Installing other
equipment based on cost of labor and '
material is also added. I
Toll rates, formerly not filed, are
filed and charges are established for
person-to-person calls, appointment
calls, messenger calls and reports. ,
The rates between the following ex- [
changes are also increased: Millers
burg and Gratz. increased from lOej
to 15c; Millersburg and Mandata. 10ej
to 15c; Tower City and Elizabethvil'e,,
10c to 15r: Tremont and Mandata, 20c
to 25c; Treverton and Ellzabethville, |
15c to 20e; Treverton and Lykens, 15c j
to 20o: Treverton and Millersburg. 15c
to 25c: Treverton and Tower City, 15c •
to 20< : Treverton and Tremont. 29c
to 25c; Williamstown and Mlllersburg.
10c to 20c: Williamstown and rever
ton, 15c to 20c. Various other omis
sions and changes are effected under
the new tariff.
Mountain Dew and 30
Moonshiners Captured
Craftoll, W. Va„ AUK. B.—Walter
Bee, Deputy Prohibition Commis
sioner, has just completed a round
up of moonshiners with their stills
and mash in the southern part of '
the State. Mr. Bee says the Prohi- j
hition Department captured sixteen
stills in the southern mountains j
during the month of July. One of j
these in Greenbrier county, near j
White Sulphur SprinKs, had 8,000
gallons of the stuff aging when the
haul was made. j
Thirty men were captured in the .
course of the raids and many thou- 1
sands of real "mountain dew" were ,
poured down the hillsides in Mercer,
Lincoln, Summers. Logan, Kana
wha, Greenbrier and other counties.
Twenty or more men engaged in the .
business got away.
Mr. Bee says the moonshiners j
have manufactured a new and im
proved vat for the liquor. These, i
he said were some five feet in dia
meter and eight feet high.
Dry Law Enforcement
Bill Finished by Senate
Washington, Aug. B.—Work on
the Senate prohibition enforcement
hill has been completed by the Sen
ate Judiciary subcommittee and re
port will be made to the full com
mittee Monday.
All improvement provisions of the
subcommittee's bill , regarded os
somewhat less drastic than the
House bill, include adoption of the
House definition of intoxicating
beverages as those containing more
than one-half of one per cent, alco
hol and noninterference with pos
session and personal use of liquors
stored in private homes. The prin
cipal difference between Senate and
House bill is a provision in the for
mer permitting manufacture in
homes of nonintoxicating light
wines and cider. The full commit
tee will decide the question of the
substituting of the House bill for
the subcommittee measure.
[Continued from First Page.]
♦eemen, an evidence of the active
Interest in the Republican party on
the part of the precinct leaders.
Several Speakers
Harry F. Oves, chairman of the
Republican city committee, presid
ed at the meeting. The speakers
were Deputy Attorney General Wil
liam M. Hargest, William H. Hor
ner, chairman of the Republican
county committee, and Lieutenant-
Governor Edward E. Beidleman.
Mr. Oves urged the committee
men to block their precincts and
get all the voters to register on the
three registration days, August 28,
September 2 and September 13. It
Was explained also that voters who
Intend to use this year's county tax
receipt when they register must
have their county taxes paid at least
thirty days before the primary elec
Throughout the entire meeting
there was much enthusiasm and
each speaker was applauded when
he was introduced and when he
Concluded his address. At times,
too. the committeemen interrupted
the speakers with an outburst of ap
Mr. Hargest in his short talk at
tacked the Wilson administration
for its partisan and sectional atti
tude during the World War. He
condemned the waste and extrava
gance in the conduct of the national
goverriment as one of the causes for
the increasing cost of living, and
also criticised the proposed League
of Nations, declnr ng that to adopt
It the United States will lose its
Speaking of tho duty of the Re
publican party he said in part: "This
is the year for all Republicans to
the Keystone State and Dauphin
1 county to perfect a first-class or-
I ganization which will do much to
j ward winning the victory next year.
A Republican victory this year
| counts for a Republican victory next
j year," the Deputy Attorney General
j concluded.
{ During his remarks Mr. Hargest
j mentioned the primary lights for
• nomination but he predicted that
'as in former years after the nomi
§§ Dives, Pomeroy Stewart fe
The Filipinos Are Skilled
Needleworkers as These
Waists Prove
These Philippine waists are hand made, hand tucked and
hand embroidered and are fashioned of fine batiste. In ad
dition their rirrimings are of medallions of Irish crochet or
filet lace and hemstitching, rolled or flat collar with frill,
$5.50, $5.95 and $7 50
Middy blouses, made of good quality drilling, all white or with colored
collar and cuffs, navy, red and Copenhagen, $1.95, $2.75, $2.95 to $3.95
Silk Jersey petticoats, with self color trimmings or trimmed with
combination colors or fringe trimmed, $5.95, $6.50, $7.95, $lO to sls
Taffeta petticoats, tailored or platted "| ounce, navy, Wistaria, Copen
hagen, two-tone effects and black $5.95, $6.95, $7.95 to SIO.OO
Cotton taffeta petticoats with taffeta flounce $2.95 and $3.50
Cotton petticoats $1.95, $2.50, $2.95 to $3.95
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
CoolWhite,Pink and Black
Ribbed Vests For Women
white cotton ribbed vests; low neck, sleeveless, taped neck, regular
and extra sizes 25c
White cumfy cut cotton and lisle vests, low neck, sleeveless, regular
and extra sizes 35c
Pink cotton ribbed vests, sleeveless 35c
White cotton ribbed shaped vests, low neck, sleeveless, regular and
extra sizes 39c
Black mercerized ribbed vests, low neck, sleeveless, taped neck, 50c
Botton hose, seamless, black, white and cordovan 25c
Lisle hose, seamless, black, white ar.-d cordovan 39c
Mercerized hose, out size, seamless, black, white and cordovan, 50c
Cotton out size hose, fashioned feet, black and white 75c
Black thread silk boot outsize .hose, fashioned feet 89c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
An Extraordinary Selling of Summer
Frocks For Women and Misses
Attractive Modes Sharply Reduced
One hundred and fifty dresses of colored wile are offered in the summer clearance at
savings indicating worth-while economies.
Regular $4.95 and $5.50 voile dresses, sizes 36 to 46.. Reduced to $2.98
Regular SIO.OO and $12.50 colored Voile dresses, sizes 16 to 40. Reduced to $7.50
Regular $16.50, $18.50 and $20.00 colored voile dresses, sizes 16 to 42. Reduced to,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Smart Summer Wash Skirts Reduced
From $4.95 and $5.50 to $2.98
Final reductions in fine quality gaberdine skirts are now in progress. The smartest
of the new tailored models with attractive pockets and belts and many of them decorated
with fancy pockets. Sizes to fit the average figure.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
The Newest Coiffures Demonstrated
in This Sale of Hair Goods
Miss Applebaum who is conducting this demonstration sale
of human hair goods can match your hair perfectly—no matter
how unusual the shade may be. Her demonstration of the
newest coiffures wfll surely interest you, too.
24-inch switches $1.49
26-inch switches $2.95
28-inch switches $3.49
Hair pieces made from your own combings.
Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
nations are determined the hatchets |
will be buried and all the members
of the party will work together.
Heavy Enrollment
County Chairman Horner told of
the work which has been done in
the districts outside the city and
mentioned the newspaper reports of
the heavy Republican enrollment us
an indication of the activity of the I
forces in the boroughs and town
ships. He said that the city com- |
I mitteemen would undoubtedly es- I
tablish as good a record on the I
coming registration days.
As an evidence of the spirit of co
operation shown by the members of j
the .committees, he said that he sent I
letters 40 each member in the city j
and county, and thut only about 1
| hulf a dozen outside of Harrisburg, j
and slightly more than that In the I
city have not replied yet. giving a !
| report on the voting district.
The Helpfulness of the August
Furniture Sale in Making
Your Home Comfortable
JJL A first glance will often tell, when you enter a
atew house, whether or not it has been furnished with an
Hs eye to comfort or just cluttered with nondescript
- k pieces to fill the vacant places.
Our August Furniture Sale leaves no excuse for such in
different furnishing. The right kind of pieces will give the
home that friendly air and feeling of comfort that is so
J easy of attainment but unfortunately is so often lacking.
| Pieces That Should Adorn Your
Home at August Sale Savings
Three-piece fiber living room suite, upholstered, in fancy
cretonne. Special $43.40
1 Three-piece mahogany living room spit,e, upholstered in
tapestry. Special $50.00
\ Brown fiber chairs and rockers. Special ....$12.95J
Three-piece fumed oak living room suite. Special $45.00
Brown fiber wing chairs and rockers. Special $17.50
Three-piece living room suite, loose spring cushions. Special,
Tapestry fireside & a
chairs and L rockers. $
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor.
Just the Underwear Men Want For
A ugust Days
Egyptian balbriggan shirts and drawers, shirts short sleeves drawers ankle length,
White lisle shirts and drawers, shirts short sleeves, drawers ankle length.
White cotton athletic shirts and knee d rawers 750
Grey mixed balbriggan shirts and drawers, shirts short sleeves, drawers ankle length,
MEX'S HOSIERY Silk hose, seamless, black, white, navy, grey
Cottoh hose, seamless, black, white, grey, navy and cordovan
and cordovan Thread silk hose, fashioned feet, black and
Black mercerized hose, seamless 25c colors SI.OO
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Lieutenant - Governor Beidieman
made the concluding address. He
j reviewed briefly the big part Penn-
I sylvania took in the war, furnishing
325,000 sons for Army service, of
j whom about 250,000 were sent to
| France, where many were wounded
; and killed in action.
I'lays Living Costs
He commented on the enormous
debt of the United States created
I during the war, and, condemned the
New Fall Wash
Suits For Boys
The finest wash suits made
for boys—fine fabrics that
wash and wear —fine styling
and fine workmanship.
Shown in the latest inter
pretations of the regatta,
middy, Norfolk and Oliver
Twist effects, with individual
style touches..
Fashioned of the best
grades of galatea, linene,
Palmer linen and chambray;
sizes 3 to 9.
$1.95 to $6.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Second Floor, Hear.
Luncheon Items For
August Picnics
Lebanon bologna, lb 29c
Olives filled with pimentos, % pint,
Queen olives, qt 40c
Dill pickles, large and crisp, dozen,
Mayonnaise salad dressing, bottle,
14c and 35c
La France and Satina laundry tab
lets 5c
Formosa and Oolong tea, lb 33c
Welch's grape Juice, Ms gallon bot
tle 98c
Dried beef, M lb 17c
Swansdown prepared cake flour,
25c and 39c
Grape juice, pure and unfermented,
15c bottle 12& C
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
national administration for its j
policy of not presenting a bill to
Germany for at least part of the
$40,000,000,000 debt confronting the 1
country now.
Speaking of the high cost of living
he declared that not only the neces
sities of life such as food and cloth
ing should be considered, but also
the expense of maintaining a proper
government of the country. He re
ferred to the income tax as one of
Another Shipment of Early F all
HatsHasFirst Showing Saturday
One can well imagine these superb new hats accom- y
panying the new suits and wraps of Autumn. Duvetyn, /
velvet and lustrous hatter's plush are offered in such a /
delightful variety of styles that every type and taste may 1 gf 1
find expression here. \ ft" // /
Shapes run to extreme. There are gorgeous creations
of panne velvet and hatter's plush in black with Duvetyn
facings in soft French blue or tan. If)/
And such lovely shapes, graciously sweeping broad brims—some entirely of accor
dcan plaits—soft crowns.
Shown in deep browns, purple, prune, red blues and black. Small, turned-away from
the face effects—the latest revelations of hat fashions SIO.OO to $25.00
Special Showing of $5.00, $6.50 and $7.50 Hats
Satins, taffetas and velvet hats in an excellent NEW DUVELYN TAMS
showing. Many small and medium shapes in- Another shipment of these popular tarns in
eluding styles that show a -revival of the be- many Autumn shades $2.25
coming and popular chinchin effects. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor.
AUGUST 8, 1919.
I the means which had to be resorted
to in the United States to help pay
| the bills, because of the policy of
J not charging part of them at least
to Germany.
Mention was made also by Mr.
Beidieman of the enormous increase
in the amount of foodstuffs sent
abroad this year, as compared to
1918 when the United States had
more than a million men in France.
1 This export trade was given as one
Remarkable Selling of
Cotton voiles are enjoying unprecedented popularity this
summer, no small measure of which is due to the scores and
scores of pretty styles we have featured all season in our two
sections of cotton dress goods.
75c voiles, light end dark styles, yd ...59c
s_9c voiles, in many styles, yd 47 c
\ oiles in navy and cadet grounds with Georgette styles, yd.,
. 75c to SI.OO
Plain voiles, 49c to 45 inches wide. Yard 59c
SUk Tussah, 36 inches wide, Georgette styles, half silk. Yard, $1.25
Fancy plaids for separate skirts; 36 inches wide. Yard 89c
Poplin; 36 inches wide, extra fine cloth, highly mercerized. Yard, 09c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
First of the New Dress
The vanguard of advance shipments of Autumn Suitings and
other fabrics reveals weaves of beauty and richness of texture.
New skirtings in stripes and plaids; 54 inches wide. Yard .. . .$5.95
Plaids in rich new colorings; 40 inches wide. Yard $1.50
Mixed suitings, 54 inches wide, in several combinations. Yard,
_ , $1.50 hi $4.95
Coatings in velour, silvertone, tinseltone, heavy worsted, all new
shadings. Yard 51.50 to $6.95
Serge, poplin, gabardine and tricotine in Fall colorings, 42 to 54
Inches wide. Yard to $6.95
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Women's Silk and Kid
White short silk gloves with self or contrasting embroidery,
SI.OO and $2.50
Short silk gloves in colors and black 85£ to $2.50
New kid gloves in brown, grey and black with white stitch
ing and embroidery $3.00
Brown kid gloves with combination embroidery, uique
sewed $3.75
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Men's Fine Wash Ties Reduced
SLOP Ties,7sc 58c
SI.OO washable four-in-hand ties, variety of styles, in
panels, stripes and figured centers. Special 75£
75c washable four-in-hand ties figured centers and panel
stripes. Special 58^
$2.50 near silk shirts, light weight serviceable garments,
soft fold cuffs. Special $1.85
Woven madras silk stripe negligee shirts $3.00
59c BELTS AT 48c Fast color blue chambray
Men's and Boys' 59c leather work shirts 95 C
belts, walrus, pig skin-, grain Men's $1.15 sport shirts,
leather. Special 48c striped percale. Special. ..89c
wnmr curnTc Boys 98c sport shirts, sizes
WORK SHIRTS 12% to 14 Spec . al 85c
Fast color blue chambray Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
shirts with two collars.. .$1.45 Men's Store.
August Sale of Springs,
Beds and Mattresses
Silk floss mattresses roll edge. Special $18.50
Red Cross silk floss mattresses. Special $24.00
Snow white felt mattresses. Special $18.50
All pure cotton mattresses; all sizes. Special ....$9.75
White enameled beds; $7.50 to $9.50 values. Special, $4.95
Sag proof link springs, extra steel band supports. Special,
''Slumber King" springs. Special $8.75
Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor.
[ of the causes for the high cost of
I living.
The Lieutenant-Governor compli
mented the committeemen for tho
splendid turnout which many of the
| leaders declared was the best In
I years. He urged them to work for
a big Republican victory in Novem
ber and said that he had confidence
in them because of their past rec
ord of service in the interest of the
i Republican party.