14 A Classified Ad Will Solve Your ProMem-Ht's a Classified Advertising Problem S?eatl)g Il\i;u—Oil August 4. 1319. Martin T. Buyer, Uiged 71 years. Funeral on Friuay afternoon at 2 ! o'clock from his residence. 60s N. J Second street, Steelton, Relatives j and friends are invited to attend j without further notice. Interment j Baldwin cemetery. Itl-:i>>l A.N —James L. Kedtnan. who! was hurt at the Lucknow shops, died at the Harrisburg Hospital, aged 23 years, 3 months and 10 days. Funeral services on Friday. August j 8, at 1 o'clock from the home ot his . patents. Joseph and Ida Redman, lu;S Evergreen st. Relatives and | friends are invited to attend with- j out further notice. Interment East ' Harrlsburg cemetery. \Vi:il7.kL—Died suddenly on August 5. 1010. Elizabeth A. \\ eitzel at the | home of her sister in Dauphin. Fa. Funeral on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock from hot late home. 15-1 State st. The relatives and frienaai are invited to attend. Burial private llarrisburg cemetery. M IX—On Tuesdaj evening. August ">. 1019, at 5 o'clock. Jean Elizabeth Wix, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Wix, aged one year and 10 days. 1 Private funeral services on Friday | morning at 10 o'clock, from her j home. Hainton. Burial East llarris burg cemetery. DOST AND FOUND SILVER wrist watch and fob be tween Second and Walnut and Marsh Run government depot. Reward If re turned to 3106 N. Second St.. citj LOST —Two packages on Second street car on Monday morning at o'clock. Valuable only to owner. Re ward If returned to Elizabeth Buck ley, Majestic theater. LOST —Spectacles with shell rims n Kendall's Company case. Probably los. In park. Return 228 Boas St. Big re ward. INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION S INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION In Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Ariihme- j tic, etc. DAY AND NIGIIT SCHOOL j OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time, j Bell 125. Dial 4016. .. ( BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. j FOR instruction in elementary or advanced mathematics or mechanics, see Miller. 306 Chestnut St.. formerly Instructor at U. S. Naval Academy. 1 Hi ll' WANTED—MALE WANTED Freight truckers and freight handlers at P. R. R. Division Street Transfer. Harrisburg, Pa. Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take Big Four or Rockville car to Sixth and Division streets. WANTED Men to learn to repair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Full course, SSO. Call or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET. Or TRAINING .QUARTERS, i _ 260 South Front Street, Steelton. Pa. I I MALE HELP WANTED Several salesmen for door tc-door proposition. Experi ence not necessary. Salary guaranteed Apply H-5421 care Telegraph. | • WANTED Experienced fixers for out of ,q town hosiery mill; good wages and excellent opportunity for advancement in new mills be ing established b>\ strong company. Addiess X-8324 care Telegraph. _ WANTED —100 laborers; local job; 30 cents per hour; steady work; Knights of Columbus Employment; Service, North and Church sis. RAILROAD traffic inspectors want ed; Silo a month and expenses to start; short nours; traiei: three no nths' home study under guarantee. We get you position. No age ,imit;i ask tor boo klet N- 37. syyuiuid Busi ness Training Inst , Buffmo, N. Y. IF Y'OU ale a good oil and paint j salesman, we will pay weli. Only :he ; best of talent need apply. Parker He- ; fining Co., Cleveland. Ohio. WANTED Experienced oyster [ opener to start September 1. Apply at i Philadelphia Quick Lunch. 307 Mar-1 ket st. WANTED —Man for garage work, also to work in shipping room; good, chance tor adsancement; good wages n' paid. Address Box D-2556 care Tele- : h graph. _ (Continued In Next Column! j v , ~ M / \ _ FOR SALE LEMOYNE PROPERTIES f Nos. 8" and 59 Hummel Ave., pair, !s. frame hiises, 6 rooms, (•. pantry, bath and iStic each; front and back porches;Bcement walks; gas and electric Bight; furnace Ir, heat; lot 33x150 fB Price —*1,823 1, each. ■ ' Corner Bosler an! Bucker Ave.; i f pair, 2Vt-story frßne liouses; 6 I, rooms, bath. Auivy, and attic -.V each; front anaaim porches; elec- _ trie light; stow l®at, lot 35x150 ft. Price — $4,2b Br both. Bosler Avenue, wIBS-story frame houses; 8 roomlld bath each; !1 front and side AKhes; electric light; piped for JB water heat; lot 35x150 ft. iKt—*2,23(l for east side of pair.Vbnl #2,400 for ~ west side of pair. V Miller Brothers & Co. - LOCUST AND COURT S'fs. ~ REAL ESTATE INSURANCE J SURETY BONDS £ Member. Mb*. Reul Estate Hoard V-.- WEDNESDAY EVENING, | HELP WANTED— MALE ERECTORS | For supervising installation of machinery in various parts of the United States; travel and living expenses paid; permanent work with splen did opportunity for capable and reliable man; also un usual opportunity for seeing great deal of our country and its largest and best plants; single men preferred. Salary to start $123 per month. State fully in application your ex perience. age, etc. J PANGHORX CORPORATION. HAGKRSTOWN, MD. CARPENTERS BORING MILL MEN GENERAL REPAIRMEN SHEET METAL WORKERS ALL AROUND MACHINISTS Permanent work assured. No labor trouble. Bonus paid on second and third shifts. Phy sical examination required. Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUB BER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO. DRAFTSMEN WANTED DESIGNERS, DETAILERS AND TRACERS FOR MECHANICAL AND STRUCTURAL WORK ON ROLLING MILL MACHINERY' AND ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES. APPLY' OR WRITE TO THE MORGAN ENGINEER ING COMPANY, ALLIANCE, OHIO. ATTENTION H. W. KING. WANTED Young man to work in ice and coal office. Apply to B. S. HOFFMAN, Garage, Seventh and Camp Streets. United Ice and Coal Co. WANTED Car repairmen at P. R. K. shops. Harrisburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE. Harrisburg. DR GENERAL FOREMAN* OFFICE. Lucknow and Knoll WANTED % Four reliable married memfor Sin'a position in city, len with selling experience me lerred; bond required. If ®>u are a lit' wire answer t&s at once. Apply ■ 111 S. SECOND STREET.® WANTED ® Experienced salesmen to call® on hardware and plumbing ® trade. ® C. L. CARPENTER, Penn-Harris Hotel. ® WANTED —Experienced cook front 2 noon to 8 evening. Apply White's 1 lotel, 213 Broad St. WANTED—Boy: must be over 16 ■ears. Apply V. W. Wool worth. 401 darket street. WANTED—Y'oung man with some ■xperience for office work, an excei ent opportunity for anyone with -ision enough to recognize it. Apply Saturday morning to Monitor Stove -0., 825 Paxton st. WANTED—Two first class sawyers or small circular saw mills. Must be •xperts in their line and hustlers of food steady character. Also need sev ral experienced woodsmen who can card on the job. Address Samuel Vittenmyer, Harrisburg Pa. WANTED—Man for general mcr :handise store in a country town; nust have -5376 care relegraph. WANTED —Experienced newspaper md magazine men to represent large 4ew York publishing house. Six oi lers pel day pays $36 per week. See dr. Gardner. 410 Patriot Bldg. WANTED —Two young men to learn aiesmanship and make S2O per week xhile Earning. See Mr. Gardner. 110 J atriot Bldg. (Continued in Next Column) _ j HELP WAXTKI)—MALE WANTED I Boy 17 years to learn underwear i knitting: good position and assured advancement to one who is willing and industrious. Apply Belgrade Knit ting Mill, 12th and Bridge St.. Nov Cumberland. WANTED—A salesman now calling on grocery, hotel, restaurants and in stitutions. liberal eommission to right party, seme of our agents are now | making j i. to $l5O per month carry- I ing our line on the side. Write to ; Harry Rochester Co., Baltimore. Md. I RAILWAY' mail clerks. Hundreds wanted. sl.lO0 # $1.500. Age 13-35. Ex perience unnecessary. Examinations (everywhere August 23. For free par ticulars wiite Raymond Terry, lormer jgoy lament examiner. 513 Continental j Bidg.. \\ bslilngton. j TRAVELING salesman to sell us a side line, our tin and enamelware as j sertments Sold from illustrations. Easy to sell. Good commission. Write I United States Sales Co.. 11l W. Pratt Ist. l ii 1 liniore Md. \ ARCH draftsman wanted; one who , wants u> earn a few extra dollars bv woi king m the evening designing houses. Mute experience: when readv !to start; rate per hour. Address ID-3351 care Telegraph. HELP WANTED—FEMALE NURSE MAID WANTED Good home: comfortable con- i j ditions. Apply with reference I to Box H-5326 care Tele j graph I COOK WANTED (White) j lor family of three with five set - 1 Vimts. Wages 860 per month. Write to '.Mr. N. C. Fetters, Alliance. Ohio. Po*t I office drawer No. 60. 1 : ... \\ ANTED-—A stenographer with • some experience in general office Ipruct.ee. especially filing. Apple Sut ; i.rduy mcrning to Monitor Stove Co., "2.i Paxton st. ! WANTED—Maid for general house- Work. ne washing: small familv. good ' wages Call Bell 1561-K or 1723 For ester stieyt. , SEVERAL lady solicitors wanted " salary and commission; steadv work | Room 67 Union Trust Bldg. WANTED Weavers and learners. Applv HARRISBURG SILK MILL. Second and North Streets WANTED Experienced waitress ■ - gocd way;.. Apply Bethlehem Restau rant. 193 S. Front St., Steelton. \\ AN i'i.D—Girls: steady emplov-' rnent. App y Shearer Mfg. Co., U'j3 Hamilton St. WANTED—Y'oung girl for child's i nurse and to help with housework in good home. Apply 25 N. 19th st. WANTED—GirI to do waitress' work; uniform furnished and kept clean: no work Sunday. Apply 211 Walnut street. WANTED —White girl for general housework: good home; family of two; no laundry; reference required. Apply 226 Retly st. M'ANTKD—A girl over 16 years, quick at figures, with some knowledge j lof stenography: reference required.! Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 X. second st. WANTED—GirI to work in con fectionery and ice cream parlor. Ap ply at 1744 N. Sixth St. Dial phone! 5074. | WANTED Experienced waitress; ' no others need apply. Apply 512' Market St. _______ o OPERATORS ON UNION SPECIAL Felling and Sleeving Machines. JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO., I 2012 N. Fourth Street. • J. HELP \\ ANTED—MaIe ami Female , WANTED IMMEDIATELY—By U. S. ■ Government. Hundreds clerks, 18 or over, at Washington, D C. Harrisburg examinations July lotli. $l,lOO year. Pleasant clerical work. Short hours. Common education sufficient. Try ' these July lath examination. Specimen ; questions free. Franklin Institute, i Dept. 414 R.. Rochester, N. Y. j WANTED— Two young ladies orll gentlemen to travel with manager; salary or commission; expenses ad jvanced; must be prepared to leave I i town at once. Address Box T-s3"l ] I care Telegraph. , SALESMEN WANTED L.. - M ANTED—Truck salesmen for the < best truck proposition in Pennsyl a- 1 nia. Our financing plan gets you the > customers. Retail salesmen wanted 1 for Harrisburg. Address Box A-8374 j care Telegraph. ;i ! ' ~ c SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE 1 ARM I officer recently discharged, desires position; college man, me- 1 .ehanic. Address A-8372. l SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE ; i W ANTED Woman with child ,' wishes work keeping house in private family. Apply 13US Vernon st. ] ] L YOUNG woman will assist or do ! I housework lor respectable widower. ' K Apply Suturduy afternoon only aftei J o'clock. 2823 Bank St.. Penbrook. J jK Y'OUNG colored woman desired _lßrork ior mornings. Call Dial 9217. ■ . *i\ANTHD—Colored woman ivanV! . do washing and ironing o r hous* i Call at 1623 Apricot st. Vl , WJUNG girl of 15 in®rmer's home; must live near Uy Box A-8379 care I ' Im'Ntl woman wishes ' houMkeeper for a widower; muMpayl ! goodßalary out of city. Addle* Box '- arc Telegraph. W and daugliter Mk ishes I ' I work afcether or separate or i bourdih™° Utie - Gall after 7 r*n., 1327 i ; | WlilianiMat. ' I I Y'OUNC®polored girl. 16®&-ishes to | > lassist wiSo. light house®Rrk. Also I ■(woman wiWes small to do l • ut home AP®y 1 ''"" *<>ii| st. j "TUP "Thy r r wants j cooking and in; private family. IlflPrc 313 Cranberry)] ';stieet. | ! A young widow with a boy 14 years t Moid would like to keep house for a ' widower not out of the city. Call I (evenings at 1509 Naudain St. II WOMAN would like to have plain or 1 • fancy washing and ironing to do. Call ' j Bell phone 4586. • s i (Cntinie>l In Next Column) HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I 1 ! l i 1 I - 8 ffl - g IN THE MATTER OF THAT Li ■ CAR—you are not using it very often, - y? and after a while you'll be wanting a L|| later model. Why not sell it for its • • full present value, and use the money - * n some profitable way? It might prove, after all, the shortest cut to the p~| r new car which you plan to own some- U'J 1 Wi time. ' . OJ ffl ■ Is SI I s ' J ; srn.VTiuvs u ANTED— Feutale white woman wishes wash ing or day s work of any kind. Call or | address IK]-' South 19th st. A good reliable girl would like to na\e second work to do in private lamily. Call Hell phone 4556. KOOJIS I t)lt KENT i , • KENT— Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; use of bath. I Apply at 1920 Penn st. I'OR RENT Three unfurnished , rooms on third tlood; no children. I n lerence required, inquire 910 Cap ital st. THREE furnished rooms for light , housekeeping, second iloor front; all conveniences; located at 1531 Gre-n street; also one single front room. In quire 2hl Cumberland st. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms lor light housekeeping on second floor; all conveniences; adults pre ferred. Inquire 923 N. Second st. TWO unlurnished rooms for light housekt eping in private famiiy; ven der part ot city; all conveniences an 1 use ol phone; rent leusonuble; call Hell phone 1559-M. FOR RENT Three unfurnished I rooms, gas and electric, heat ; second l Iloor. Call at 238 Muench st. i . i FOR RENT Three unfurnished jrooms for light housekeeping. Inquire! 121 Linden St. I NICELY furnished. clean, cool l ooms. 82.50 per week and up. 143! ! South Third street. , NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM— for gentlemen only. Dial 499" or 912 j North Thiid street. i APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 . 1 YOUNG apartments, 34 -North Sec ond St.; for adults only; possible va • ' jcancy October 1; third iloor front, bay window facing Second street ' ihtee rooms bath and kitchenette! ,837.50; suitable only for family of! |two; permanent tenants only; no tran sient. This location and apartment will appeal to those desiring refined quiet quarters; ownership manage ment; inspection by appointment only. Apply to A. C. Young, Young Building. ; 34 North Second St. i - BOARD WANTED WOMAN and child. S years old, uoJ sire boarding in private family. Conrffl munlcate with 1308 Vernon st. Jri* ROME WANTED WANTED—A good home fo^jw-7!' I children, boy 7 years and girljß#\.d --i dress Box G. 6923 care Telegra AS | REAL ESTATE FOR £l.l. "ll'\irs RKAL STATE ST.. 11 31—; VACANT; three-story stucco; 9 ijWms and bath; steam heat; gas and^Hctrictty; front and rear porches; and roof! garden; cement the best of lo- ; cation for a balance In monthlfl^payments. GREEN ST., jßf: Three-story brick; 10 rooms bath; the best of location for a house; can be converted into apartments at a very small DELKY STjaSll —NEW; VACANT; brick; 6 rooms; bath and hardwood doors; ce ment cellai Bsteam heat; gas and electricity; and rear porches; 3u i feet bet and the next prop erty; best a very modern hoim-; citnjßg bought with SSOO cash, i brick; sSoiim and bath; gas and all modern improvements; j nice frcflp and back porches; cement cellat; very nice home; can be PAXTON STS.—NEW; 1 VACJ^H 1 : Two-and-a-half story; six rooirflnd bath; steam heat; gas and front and rear porches;! sldeMnti ance with a nice big yard;| wiltißc finished in a few days; can! bi with SSOO cash. ST., 1834 —Three-story ! 8 rooms; some improvements, large rooms; very reasonable;' down; $25 per month. Herman Ave., 289—One- Hit of a two-and-a-half story double I ■anie, some improvements; nice front pud rear porches; lot 150 feet deep Back to o driveway; right price to fquick buyer; or small amount down and the balance same as rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room 1. Security Trust Building, 36 NORTH THIRD ST. Bell 1390 Dial 3573 | FOR SALE —On Maclay street, west I o' Sixth st, a good 3-story brick! house with all improvements for $3,500; possession soon. A. W. Swen-i. gel, 2131 N. Second St. Bell 2575-J. F Fine residence, North st $20,000;- Erick property, Camp Hill .... 12,u001 Paxtang residence 17.00'J; : 2431 N 6th, brick 6.000!' 1912 N. Sixth St.. brick 4.500 1031 Swatara, frame 2.400 !' 1943 N- 4th. brick 3.0001 Brick building, garage 15,00b 1 1 D. A. CALEY, : Bell 589. 'O7 Kunkel Bldg. i BOAS ST.. 1840-12, SI9OO each. Six ' large rooms; finished attic; front and' side porches; porch and balcony inh rear; stable; chicken house; plenty of i shade. Inquire at 1842 Boas. (Continued In Neat Column) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS LOCATION ) West Falrview—2%-story brick, in . jheant of town with small out building, suitable for business of any kind, j Very cheap. < Enola Homes—All imp.; corner house; Lcinoyne homes, all imp.; sin l gle corner. New Cumberland, fins ■. home; al Imp.. Camp Hill, all imp.; I j large lots. City homes of all kinds; easy terms. I pay as rent; some for cash. Farms—6, 10, 16. 30. 40, 75, 96, 125 I i and 171-aere farms, from 3 to 12 i miles of Harrisburg. Some of these ..farms with crops, stock and tools in cluded. Possession at once. , Market Street—Three-story brick, I store room front, on Hill. Apartment Houses—One or two of . the finest in the city. Building lots at Camp Hill, Worni j le.vsburg. Enola, Riverside. Paxtang, j Progress, Belvue, uptown and sev eral good factory sites. A i Investments Several rows houses paying big interest. f C. H. CORDER, f 1722 Green Street, Jf j Bell VACANT cugpr. centrally lo cated; 9 i Jlnis: ail improve ments; lights; front, side porch; side yard; tar, minutes walk to markeMHquare. Several mure lious)RI al; parts of city. SinuMF'corner in city; 2'.- stqjHl'; 8 rooms; all improve -111A9: side yard; fruit trees; sjKK 40x20 feet on rear of | jay electric lights; fine place MKt contractor or builder. \MP C. H. CORDER, 1722 GREEN STREET. ni Bell 560-J. f FOR SALE No. 202 Cumberland st. No. 306 Cumberland st. No. 16 Prospect st. No. 1442 Thompson ave. No. 144 1 Thompson ave. No. 1809 N. Second st. No. 1902 Mulberry st. No. 1503 State st. No. 2008 N. Seventh st. i No. 2010 N. Seventh st. No. 64 8 Peifer st. No. 23'. Maclay st. No. 10 23 Swatara st. No. 2216 N. Fifth st. No. 2152 N. Fifth st. No. 2214 N. Fifth st. No. 2206 N. Fifth st. No. 2245 Atlas St. No. 2242 Atlas St. No. 1908 Lenox st. Apply CLINTON M. HERSHEY, 14 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. i I FOR SALE Two trame houses Nus. i 1114 Montgomery st. and 111 i Pluin ave. Good investment. Inquire at luOj . !n. Second st. or Bell phone BJ9-M. FOR SALE—Sixth St., 2612, 9 rooms;: semi-detached, brick, front porch, drive alley rear, built in 1911, gas and i electric, steam heat, possession 30 days, owner leaving city, will be sold, at" a bargain to quick buyer. Apply Lehman & Kllngeman. Patriot Bldg. j I an exceptional bargain In a fine t I home. This property is located 454 ! Elizabeth street, Highspire; single i house, plot 150 foot front by 125 feet deep; Improvements; most all kinus ui fruit, chicken house and garagu. i 14x50. Will sell for SI,OOO less than 'what it is worth; reason for selling I oilier business. W. W. Reeves. 224 I Market street, Highspire. Dial 9801. I FOR SALE—S2Oo cash or Liberty bonds, balance as rent, will buy a 7- 100111 frame house, just painted, bath ' and other improvements; paved street, j Hill section; now vacant; move right In; price right. Apply 25 N. loth st..! city or 37 S. Front at., Steelton. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental! payment plan. Small cash or Liberty | Bond first payment required, balance j, as rent. We have houses in every | part of the city and suburbs. Apply jA. I lforanz, 1225 North Sixth street. I CONFECTIONERY business for sale !in prosperous condition; good oppor tunity for a live man. Bell Realty Co.. Bc-rgner Bldg. VACANT house for sale, 627 Reily street; 8 looms and bath; gas; steam heat. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. 26TH ST.. S.. 734 —Brick and stucco house for sale; six rooms; bath; gas; electiic light; steam heat; lot 16x139. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. 20T1I ST., S., 913 —Dwelling with 7 ■ rooms and bath; gas; furnace; lot 60x 115. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg.- 3D ST.. N.. 2209 —For sale; ten rooms and bath; electric light; fur nace; lot. 40x115. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. • FOR SALE—A corner property ir. 1 business section, at Third and Locust 1 Sts., suitable for any purpose. Inquire ic Hose Wagner. Columbia. Pa. 1 ] (Continued in Next Column) 1 j I REAL ESTATE l'Olt SALE | ! Seneca St., corner property, pressed S brick front and side; front and back I ! porch; laigc light cellar; steam heat; ) gas; electric: oak finish and nicely | j polished lloors. 1 j 22011 block, N. Fifth, square bunga j;lo\v style: t! rooms; bath; pantry; gas; J electric; location fine. f Get our list before you buy. We j have two for immediate possession. ! ! JvOUGH. RRIGHTBILL & KLINE, ( ' * 307 Kunkel Bids !i ; I FOIt SALE—3O2I N. Third St.; 2U -1 story brick; 8 rooms and bath; steam ? 'heat; sas and electric; front and back | i porches; lot 26x150 feet; fruit trees; ? l cement cellar; large lawn. > 202 Hamilton St.; 0 rooms and j bath; second lloor equipped for apart \ ment; attractive price if bought ue j fore August 10. | I Two 3-story houses on lGth. For a particulars, call J j r>. E. LUCAS, 1 303 Lewis Street. ) Real Estate and Insurance, I FOR SALE —Riverside, 3021, 2h>- \ story frame; 9 rooms and bath; steam I hcat; gas and electric; also four -j rooms cn first floor; front and ba-k porches; large lawn; garden; fruit' -] trees; all latest improvements; pos-j session soon after sale thereof. In |quire Daniel E. Lucas, Real Estate and ! Insurance, 303 Lewis st. j FOR SALE —On easy terms, 2012 ! jto 201S Susquehanna street. Apply A. I 1 ' R Dorunz, 1225 North Sixth. • | j ' ! FOR SALE Three-story brick i house with 9 rooms and bath in Ham-! . ilton st. near Second, end house with . five windows, open view; immediate I possession: moderate in price. A. W.I • ! Swengel, 2131 North Second st. Beli' ' | 2575-J. j ~~ " i Ileal Estate tor Sale—Suburban FOR SALE—Small country places. j : A few splendid country places of| small tun age for sale. Sizes 3 to 30 .acres—cat: be .bought right. F. S. i ■Mumnia & Sojft Mechaniesburg, l J a. FOR SA^iiE —292-291 Second street i HighspirudTA line double house, all Im- 1 piovemejfU, will sell single or double ' If youdilre looking for r. bargain see! this property before you buy. W. J ! Rcebles. 221 Market ,-treet, Highspire. 9891. My cur is at your service. jf REAL ESTATE FOR RENT I FOR RENT Three-story brick 1 [house: 8 rooms and bath with con veniences for colored people at 660' Caldei st. Apply M. Baturin. 815 N. i ! 17th st. | j FOR RENT—Store room and house. I | Inquire 28 South Thirteenth st. sl2 , per month; all conveniences. Imme diate possession. Apply 101 Evergreen' ; street. FOR RENT—Furnished at Perdix, ] Rest Moor cabin next to land office i lacing State road. Will accommodate I isix. Plenty of shade good water large I i porch, rental for nioYith of August or \ ' balance of season. Apply to A. 0. i | Vouns. 31 N. Second street. REAL ESTATE WANTED | ; WANTED —To buy brick house be- [ It ween North and Mueneh; small • amount down and pay as rent. D-8383. ; I 1 HAVE BUYERS—List your prop ! jellies with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es-! tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third I j Street. i FARMS Farms for sale; easy terms, with or | ! without stock and crops. 6 a., 10 mi. to Hbg. SI6OO. 7% a. near Annville, SBOO. 16 a. 6 mi. to Hershey, S2IOO. 21 a. near Harper's Tavern, S2IOO. 30 a. near Hershey. slßoo. "1 a. 18 mi. to Hbg., S2OOO. ■ 37 a. 16 mi. to Hbg.. SI6OO. •'0 a. near Grantsville, SISOO. 6S a. 5 ml. to Hbg., fOSOO. 77 a. near Harper's Tavern. SISOO. 91 a. 16 ml. to Hbg., s4sou. 110 a. Cumberland Co. SSOOO. 120 a. near Hershey. SBSOO. j 160 a. Cumberland Co.. S6OOO. DURAND & FERRER, 107 Chestnut fc?t. f; ] I " " " ! |< 1 SEVERAL SMALL FARMS i Three to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. ] C. H. CORDER. ' 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. ' 95 acres of level limestone land. A 1 fine producer. Brick house; bank j i barn Well of never failing water. Lo- ; cuteci ten miles from Harrisljurg inj ! Cumberland county. For further de-1 scription, call on E. W. Yohn, one of j the administrators of H. W. Yohn Es- | i tate. at 13 N. Fourth street. Harris- i ; burg. Pa. _ i FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ( MOTORS FOR SALE I ! ' We have the l-aliowing motors we I I are offering for sale. We guarantee j _ ; these motors to be in first-class con-I, fdttion utul can make immediate de-l ( livery. ! t One Vi H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. - One W H. R- 220 V. 3su ft. P. M. One Yi H. P. 220 V. sou H. P. M. ( One It H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. I- Ono V H. P. 230 V. 370 R. P. M. One 14 H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. I- One \\ H. P .120 V. 400 R. P. M. 1 THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. - Printing Bindii* Designing I Photo-Engraving Die Stamping ' Plate Printing I c Harrisburg, Pa. . I i ! " FOR SALE C I Lumber, tubes. tanks, shafting, i" hangors. pulleys, belting, bolts, pipe! etc. dismantling plant. |S The Highspire Distillery Co.. Ltd., j- Both phones. Highspirfe, Pa. 1 s FOR SALE Hair filled mattress, value $36, selling price s2o; Brussels rug, 9x12. value SSO, sale price $39. FORNW ALT'S. 1321 N. SIXTH STREET. FOP. SALE RIVER SAND Best In quality and price. At the river, Motor street, Highspire. Pa. Martin Construction & Supply Co. FOR SALE—Entire household fur niture; every thing in good condition; house can be rented; location best in city. Foi further particulars. Address Box J-8325 care Telegraph. (Continued In Next Column) ALVrUST 6, IVIV. FOII SALE—MISCELLANEOUS PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD SALE AT FRONT STREET RESIDENCE of good carpets, furniture, china and antiques, V ednesday and Thursday, 2 to 8 P. M., At 1613 North Front Street | FOR SA'LE—One round reed rever sible Bloch gocart; cost new. s.*o; will s.di reaaonable. Apply 1606 Wallace si • FOR SALE—SISO Toledo scales, in |AI condition, to quick buyer S6O. In quire 152!) N. Third street. FOR SALE—Oak wardrobe; very cheap. Inquire ltllS Green st. or call Bell phone 3339-W. ; FOR SALE—Two ladies'oak desks, | chairs, hall seat, iron bed, window shades, gas drop light, etc. All in i good condition. Call Bell phone 321SW. ' FOR SALE—Thoroughbred angora i cat cheap. Inquire 212 N. Second St.. |or call Bell phone 1431. ; 1 I FOR SALE —34 quick lunch ehaiis |and two coffee urns. Apply Bethlehem i Restaurant, 198 S. Front St., Steel-j I ton, Pa. I FOR SALE—Double liat top oak I desk. 42x55; also Harvord range No. | 132: both good as new. A. S. .Miller, I ! ISth and State sts. j FOR SALE—AII kinds of building ; I material, including beams, channels, tails, pipe, one hoisting engine and; | motors. Apply Williams ii Freedmar., , ' Sixth, below Hoffman's Woods. i BOOKS Bought ana sold; 20,000 i new, old, rare, in stock. Aurand s. | | 925 North Third. Circulars free. I MORRIS SAYS save money buying i new and second-band furniture here High prices paid for furniture. Morris jSchmertz. 101S Market. Bell 4494. ! TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ; CASH ALL MAKES RENTED ; EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, ! 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE | ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES | SECONDHAND bricks;.2c per brick. I Apply in evening at 1355 Liberty st. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS JUNK—We are in the market fori all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974, or write L. Cohen Co.. York street aud I Ash avenue. WANTED Storage for boxed pianos; first floor; must be dry. Yohn I ! Bros., 13 N. Fourth Street. BELL PHONE 3370-.I S. It IF KIN, ; CLOTHING, SHOES. FURNITURE 1 BOUGHT AND SOLD. | HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. | 407 BROAD ST., HARRISBURG, PA j MAX SMELTZ I Second hana furniture bought and I sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call i Bell 1071R, or drop a postal to Max ; Smoltz 1020 Market street. Will call. I .City or country. Bell pnone 3239-RI. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ! | WILL dispose of coal lease and ;equipment on Mahanoy creek at Dom icile. 11' interested address Box .! • [Milton, Pa. DRUG STORE Good location in , Harrisburg; doing good business;; good reason for selling. For full par-' Oculars address D-8352 care Tele-! graph. COUNTY rights for sale on latest' automobile and household necessities, i Every auto owner or household buys. Very little capital required. Only re- I sponsible person considered. For full particulars, address The Alfro Co.,' 501 - A Parkway Building, Philadel phia. GENTLEMAN wishing to retire will sell shoe repairing factory paying $75 i up weekly for $950. Auto Salesman I Horst. Linglestown. Pa. LIVE business lor a live man, in pearby town. Restaurant, confection- 1 ery. cigars. Doing business of $42,001 j a year or more. Apply A. P. Dorauz. ' 1225 North Sixth st. BUSINESS PERSONALS A. LAN I. New and second-hand furniture' bought end sold. Highest prices paid 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. E. L. DAVIS Automobile ami motorcycle repair ing and overhauling. All work guai-j anteed. Garage, 1421 Thompson. STEAM feather renovating; all ticks ! emptied; new ticks furnished; B. J. | Campbell, 1000 Paxton street. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co., 153S Logan street. Bell 4396-.1. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. I CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING I First class work. Chilcoat Bros., I| 1622 N. Fourth St. QUININE —Look out for that grippe i feeling, likely to catch you this' changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE ! I'HOt-PHO-QUININE will stave it off : 1 if taken in time. Gross Drug Store,, 119 Market street. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping , G. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— ! j Single edge, 25c doz., double edge, 35c ! 1 doz., razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store, j • FURNITURE, china packing and re- I pairing, carefully done by R. J. Roy- i ster. 815 West St. Bell 818-R. 1 I MONEY TO LOAN MONEY AT NEW LEGAL RATES The entire cost of S2O for four months is $1.76 S4O for four months is $3.50 S6O lor four months Is $5.26 SBO for four months Is $7.00 SIOO for four months is $8.76 Based on four equal monthly ' payments one month apart. Longer time if desired at lit the extra cost. Shorter time at less cost. Other amounts 1 in proportion. CO-OPERATIVE ' LOAN & INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut Street. Under State Supervision. (Continued In Next Column) j MONEY TO LOAN MONEY" LOANED—Employes' Loan Society. Room 206 Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State." WE LEND MONEY' In compliance with Act of Juno 4. 1919, to individu als in need of ready cash, small louns a specially, business confldential, pa - ments te suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street. MUSICAL AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. * PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS THIS ' WEEK. , 4 [ S6O Universal mahogany phono graph: almost new; plays all rec- I ords. Price S4O SIOO Klmberly mahogany, phono graph; cabinet size; like new; plays all records SSO sllO Cheney; fumed oak; phono graph; like new; plays all rec ords. Price SBO Two Empire olden oak phono i graphs; used about four months: cabinet size. Price each SBS $125 Cheney, mahogany phono- ' * I graph; used very little; plays all | records; price sluo ' $125 Columbia, mahogany, like new; cabinet size; price SIOO | Easy payments may be arrang | ed on any of the above instru ments. I AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. TROUP BUILDING. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. YOU have made the visit to music I houses, for a special Columbia record, " | you have not found it. We have iti' Spongier Music House, 2112 North I Sixth street. FOR SALE—Upright piano: like" 1 new; maguhony case; medium size; will sell teasonable for cash. Address i Box G-2967 care Telegraph. ROOF PAINTING 'SUCCESS IN BUSINESS IS LIKE ; CLIMBING A HICKORYNUT TREE .YOU MI'ST ALWAYS REACH FOR A GRIP HIGHER IP. I'Sn ! HITE'S ELASTIC COATING ION YOUR ROOFS AND SAVE CASH : AUCTIONEER HITE. BELL 1875-J.' | HORSES AND CARRIAGES * FOR SALE—One bay horse, 1300 lbs.* I will make good market horse, owner ! has no further use'for same. Inquire Ralph C. Kckles, 148 S. Front street. :Steelton, Pa. J FOR SALE—Carload of new Watson dump wagons. Inquire A. A. Thum ; ma. Lemoyne, Pa. Dial phone. ! FOR SALE—Carload of new Watson | dump wagons. Inquire A. A. Thomas. ; Lemoyne, Pa. Dial phone. I FOR SALE—High grade horse;?, guaianteed sound; safe to ride or drive anywhere, also runabout; har i ness, raddle and light wagon. Inquue I. B. Dickinson, 505 N. 13th St. Bell ; phone 4773K; Dial 4201. * HAULING AND MOVING ! HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped j for furniture, freight and piano muv i ing. No distance too far. Careful i driver. Rain and dustproof body. .1. jE. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin : Aungst, Manager. Hershey, Pa. Bell j phone 15R6. j HAULING —Local or long distance, pianos and safes a specialty. Paul Beck, successor to O. H. Beck. Call at 1419 Vernon street. Bell 2SII-J, or Cher's Livery. —— * ' WE Move Anything. Anywhere. ; Any time. Price reasonable. Dial i 4990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North ! Third street. I I I MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. Auto hauling, furniture and pianos a 1 specialty. General hauling, Fifth and ; Reily. Dial 6268. ALL KINDS OF HAULING I AND MOVING DONE ! CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER ST. * BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long 'distance. Furniture and piano moving ia specialty Blue Line Transfer. 517 Capital street. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture Moving, i Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 636 I Odder street. Loth phones. Bell i 3Q36-J. Dial 3685. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both j phones. FINANCIAL I STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREEN A WALT, JR., 130 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 518-J STORAGE STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper ic Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for \ household goods in fireproof w ale house, $3 per month and up. Low.-r storage rates in non-ttreproof house. Harrisburg Storage Co.. 431- 445 South Second street- STORAGE —In brick building, reir •108 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates, r. G. Diener. 408 Market street. WHERE TO DINE AT VA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACXLER, i FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. „ <*> BELL 1956. DIAL 2133 "" RUDOLPH K. SPICER. Funeral Director and Embalmer. 511 North Second Street BELL 252 DIAL 21 15 Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers