Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 04, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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News of One Day Gathered in the Cities and Towns of Central Pennsylvania .
Nick Profcres, of Lcwistown,
Victim of Speeding on
Waynesboro Highway
Waynesboro, Aug. 4. George
Gohynes, of Harrisburg, is in jail
here as the result of reckless auto
mobile driving, and Nick Proferes,
of Lewistown, probably has a frac
tured skull. Ho came here yester
day afternoon in a Packard car,
having a 8 companions Nick Proferes,
of Lewistown, and Ifis brother, John
Proferes, of this place. First he
was arrested for violating traffic
laws and fined $5. Then, after he
had paid that, he was arrested
Jgain and fined $12.50 for speeding.
Not content with the day's ex
perience, he is charged by the police
with having raced out Main street
toward Greencastle, where he ran
into a tree. The Lewistown man
jumped from the car a.nd landed on
his head. His condition was so bad
when taken to the office of a doc
tor that it was deemed inadvisable
to risk the journey to tho Chambers
burg hospital. His condition is criti
cal. The charge ugainst Gohynes is
driving an automobile while intoxi
$6,000 Given toward
Debt of Church Home
Lewisburg. Aug. 4. More than
one thousand persons were in at
tendance at the third anniversary
of the United Evangelical Home, at
this place. The attendance at the
anniversary exercises marked the
highest in the history of the home
and the exercises were by far the
most appropriate and interesting ot
any program given for this particu
lar occasion.
It was reported by Rev. A. A.
Winter, superintendent ot the
Home that more than six thousand
dollars had been raised by cash
contributions and pledges during tlie
exercises. The total indebtedness
on the new dormitory building,
which was dedicated with appro
priate exercises in $11,491. The
Rev. Mr. Winter stated that when
the reports arc received from the
various congregations which ha \ e
as yet not made their reports, that
their indebtedness will be cleared
Waits in Vain For Sister
to Get Out of Deep Hole
Waynosburg. Pa.. Aug. 4.—Eve-
Ivn Struwn, 7 years old, (laughter of i
Sir. and Mrs. Warren Struwn, of
MeUraokcn, near here, was sent
after the cows in a pasture field ■
some distance from her home.
When she failed to reappear her j
father went in search of her. He
found her lifeless body in a small
run in the field.
A younger sister who was wadincr ;
In the creek said "Kvelyn jumped in
after a stick and stayed there. T
have been waiting for her for a
long time." The child had leaped ,
into a six-fool hole washed out by a
recent freshet.
Sunday Schools Arrange
For Year's Annual Outing
Liverpool. Aug. 4. Liverpool j
Sunday Schools are making ar- j
rangements for the annual picnic, j
which will he held this month. The
committee in charge of arrange- I
mcnts is: J. Park Holmun, Roscoe |
Snyder, J. L. "Erlenmeyer. Millard
Barner. George Miller, Walter Wert,
and John Birehtield. This year's j
picnic promises to break all records j
for sport, and attendance. Hun
dreds of former residents are expect- j
ed to return home for the day. i
' i ,o R !
IHot water
jsL g Sure Relief
II : j |
1 ' !
! Strip I
| Shingles i
S 400 S. SECOND ST. !
|Wi JL
Burning of Barn in Cumber
land County Followed
by Arrests
Carlisle. Aug. 4.—Charles Yingst,
William Yingst, William Kelley, the
Johnson brothers, and men by the
names of Kunkleman and Lynch, all
of Cleversburg. are in jail here fol
lowing an escapade, whiclt took
place in Cleversburg on Monday, and
which resulted in the burning of
the barn of George M. Miller.
The offenders were arrested by
officers of the State Police stationed
at Mechanicsburg and Constable
McCoy, of Carlisle. It is thought
that more arrests will follow.
The affair is the result of intense
ill feeling in the neighborhood, and
especially between the Millers and
Yingsts. Those taken into custody
are held on the charges of malicious
mischief and arson, the former
charge growing out of the fact that
the Miller house was stoned during
the day and the buildings burned at
In this feud, which has been
going on for some tinie, even the
women take part. Not long ago
women of the Miller faction are re
ported to have stonned some of the
other faction while the lutter were
on their way to church.
William F. McDowell Is
Dead of Paralysis; Was
to Have Wed Miss Agnew
Meroersburg, Pa., Aug. 4.—Wil-
I Ham F. McDowell, former postmas-
ter hero and a well known Repub
| can, died here suddenly last night,
I following a stroke of paralysis. Ho
| had been calling on his tlaneee and
j hail left to go to his home when
I fatally stricken. , His engagement
| to -Miss Agnew, daughter of a for
| liter postmaster, was announced
only a few days ago. He was 65
years old and was well known
' throughout Franklin couniy. His
j wife died a number of years ago.
| One sister survives.
Ten Borough Offices
to Be Filled in November
Waynesboro. Pa., Aug. 4. Ten
i vacancies by reason of expiration of
term will occur in the local bot—
j ough offices and will have to ba
tilled at the coming primary. They
are: Town Council: Dr. J. W.
Croft, K. E. Conrad, S. A. Benedict;
(school director, J. G. Corbett and W.
1,. Minick: assessor, Milton Benedict,
j Clayton Philips, K. Harper Washa
|bn ugh; auditor, S. 1). Hock man:
i justice of the peace. John A. Potter.
"Squir Potter is closing his~ third
I consecutive term and a total service
"on the bench" of seventeen years.
' He has tiled nomination papers and
will have no opposition. J. G. Cor-
I bett, president of the Waynesboro
Trust Company, will endeavor to
| succeed himself on the school board.
Italy Asks Million Tons
of Anthracite on Credit
Pottsville, Pa.. Aug. 4.—ltalian
manufacturers and business men
have written to representatives here j
asking if 1,000,000 tons of the steam
sizes of anthracite coal can he pro- !
cured on six months' credit. There
is that amount of coal stored here |
and the oflicers of the Anthracite [
Consumers' Dengue will ascertain if j
arrangements can be made.
A large amount of bituminous I
coal is now being sent to Italy, but \
many Italians who have returned
home have advertised the superior J
qualities of anthracite.
James Topper Again in
Policce Net at Waynesboro
Waynesboro, Pa.. Aug. 4.—James i
Topper, a lad of 1", who has been |
in the police court a, number of j
times, was again taken into custody '
by Constable George Byerson on a |
charge of feloniously entering the t
office of Collector of Taxes, William I
E. Adams, in the Bank of Waynes- I
boro building, and taking $52 in
cash. After his arrest he returned J
the $52, stolen money. He was i
taken to the Chambersburg jail, and I
will there await his trial. Topper .
was out on parole, following a con
viction at the last court court in
April for assaulting and robbing a j
young girl of her purse, while she
was returning from her work.
Fishermen Busy in Creek
and River in Mifflin County
Lcwlstown, Pa., Aug. 4. Much
llshing is being done in the Juniata
river and the creeks running into it.
A few days ago George Webber and
George Giles, of this place, went
to Tuscurora Creek and landed 16
fine bass. Judge Holler McCay got
six bass and two pike. Al. Harbst,
while llshing in the Juniata river,
caught 9 nice eels and several cat
fish. Jacob Eby caught 4 bass, Jess
Estcp, 2, and Jacob Harbst several
Sunbury Elks Planning
to Hold Big Outing
Sunbury, Aug. 4. Renewing a
custom of former years, Sunbury
Lodge, No. 267, B. P. O. E., will
hold a big outing at Dewitt's Park
at South Danville Wednesday, Au
gust 13. Elks from the surrounding
towns have been invited and a spe
cial committee has been appointed
by Exalted Ruler R. H. Eisley to
make the arrangements. It will be
an all-day affair.
Perry Leads Counties
in War Stamp Sales
Liverpool, Aug. 4.—The report is
sued from the State headquarters
of the War Savings Stamps organi
zation shows that the sales of the
1919 stamps for the month just
closed in Perry county are $1.06 per
capita, leading all counties in this
part of the State. Other nearby
county records are Dauphin, 83c;
Cumberland, 66c; York. 55c; Frank
lin, 41c, and Adams, 2 Bc.
Wn<Montown, Aug. 4. —Stricken with
vertigo while putting his horse in
the stable, Jeremiah Renn, of this
place, was stepped on by the animal
and was found unconscious by his
family. He is in a serious condition.
[Other State News on Page 4.]
New York Corporation Pays
$5,250,000 For Railroad
and Mines
Huntingdon. Pa.. Aug. 4.—A big
I corporation of New York City, un
derstood to be the Edison Electric
Company, has solved the problem
of sufficient coal for the coming
season and prepared itself for the
winter coal famine which is pre
dicted by purchasing outright the
East Broad Top Kailroad. running
from Mount Union to Hobertsdalo,
Shade Gap and Jacobs, together with
the coal mines and land of the
Kockhil! Iron and Coal Company,
most of which is located in Hunting
don county and a small part in
Bedford and Fulton, for $5,250,000.
j The Hockhill Coal Company owns
' 21,000 acres of land, 10,000 of which
I are underlaid with coal and the re
! maining iron ore and other min
-1 orals. The railroad has a mileage
| of fifty miles and taps the principal
■ coal fields on the eastern slope ot"
I Broad Top Mountain.
The stock of the selling companies
lis mostly hold by Philadelphia
capitalists, who opened up the big
coal mines and built the road to
Mount Union in 1873.
Union Service a Farewell
to Returning Missionaries
| 'Lnnonstor, Aug. 4. Nineteen
| missionaries going to China and Ja-
I pan were given a farewell service by
i the Reformed congregations _of
j Lancaster last evening at 7:31)
| o'clock in St. Paul's Reformed
j church. Among the missionaries is
| Miss Gertrude B. Hoy, of Lancas
i fer, who is returning to the Orient,
i Others who were present were:
i Rev. and Mrs. Frank L. Forperman,
of Rockwell. N. C.; Rev. and Mrs.
J. Frank Bucher, of Milton, Pa.;
Rev. and Mrs. Ward llartman, of
Ohio: Professor and Mrs. Horace
It. Legnaua, of New Britain. Pa.;
Miss Rosena E. Black, of Akron, O.;
Rev. and Mrs. Carl D. Kreite, of
Louisville, Ky.: Miss Elizabeth C.
j Zetty. Quakertown, Pa.; Miss Annie
i E. Sehaek, of Avon, Pa., and Arthur
| 1). Smith, of Malianoy City.
1 The sermon was preached by Rev.
iA. R. Bartholomew. Services in
] most of the other Reformed chur
i ehes of tlie city were abandoned in
j order to permit all 6f tho congrega
j tions to attend the union service.
Parole Prisoner Whose
Family Is Destitue
Milton. Pa., Aug. 4. —On the rc
' quest of the poor authorities of Mil
i ton, Jacob Seholsky, of this place,
i was paroled from the Xorthumber-
I land county prison by Judge H. W.
! Cummings. following tho presenta
tion of a petition to the court by
1 Warden W. W. Barr.
Seholsky was convicted of felon
ious arson at" the February sessions
of criminal court, and sentenced to
five years in jail. He had burned
a neighbor's home. Since his arrest,
j his wife and four children have be
| come charges on the borough of
j Milton, and the poor overseers i
, wanted to get liim out so that he I
! can support tliem.
Robert M. Mahon Is
Dead Brief Illness
Chambersbiirg. Pa.. Aug. 4. —Rob- j
ert M. Mahon, son of the lute Con- j
gressman Ttiad. M. Mahon, died at j
bis home at Scotland yesterday aft- j
ernoon at 2 o'clock of a com plica- >
tion of diseases. He bail been ill .
since Monday night last. He was 20 ■
years old and is survived by his j
widow, one son and one sister, Leah. I
The young man was a member of ]
the Masons, Elks and Knights of j
Pythias and of the Methodist |
church. He had conducted an insur- i
unce business here.
Bridge May Be Made
Free If JJtate Buys It
Sunbnry, Aug. 4.—A movement is
on foot for the purchase of the Bain
bridge street bridge, owned by the
Sunbury Bridge Company, by the
State of Pennsylvania. This would
result in the elimination of toll
charges, and add to the popularity i
of travel in this section. The bridge
Is on the main highway north and
south through central Pennsylvania,
connecting Washington and Buffalo
and other parts of New York State.
Milton —John L. Lawrence and
Miss Jennie B. Home, were married
at the parsonage of the First United
Evangelical church at Sunbury.
Sunbury—The Epler family, one
of the best known families in this
section of the State, held its annual
reunion at the home of John L.
Waynesboro —Photographer Lup
ton V. Kaylor's studio was entered
while he was at supper and the cash
register and a desk drawer robbed
of SSO.
Waynesboro—A Mont Alto author"
ity states that as long as grapes
and blackberries grow there will be
that old family brand of wine made
in that section.
Gettysburg—The Patriotic Order
Sons of America held their annual
county convention at Cashtown.
Next year's convention will be held
at Bendersville.
Waynesboro—The motorcycle for
the traffic policeman arrived in
Waynesboro and is now in use.
Charles Thompson was sworn into
afflce as "speed cop."
Mt. Union—Senator J. Frank
Adams, of Denver, Col., is visiting
his mother, Mrs. T. H. Adams on
Pennsylvania avenue, being called
home on account of the mother's
Waynesboro Plans are being
made for the 20tli annual reunion of
Juniuta College at Pen-Mar Park,
August 8. Dr. Galen B. Royer, of
Huntingdon, will make the principal
address of the event.
Huntingdon ■ — James Rodgers,
aged 59. of Denholm, employed as
a section foreman in the Denliolm
yards, was run down by a freight
train, causing a fracture of tho
right hip and other minor injuries.
Gettysburg—A rumor is being cir
culated that a still is being operated
in the Pigeon Hills, at tho eastern
border of the county, where moon
shine with a kick is being made
and dispensed since the sale of
booze has been prohibited.
Fulton County Man Fails to see Automobile Approaching
and Loses Life in Collision Near Chambersburg; Occu
pants of Buick Roadster Escape Injury
Clutmborsburg, Aug. 4. Roy
Divens, aged 33, of Knobsville, Ful
ton county, is dead and his two com
panions, Clarence Carbaugh, of Clto,
and Mike Delanco, of Kearney, Bed
ford county, are in the hospital hero
as Ihe result of an accident on the
bridge crossing Back Creek, four
miles west of here, this afternoon.
Divens was driving a motorcycle.
He did not sec a Buiek roadster,
driven by Charles Shaffer, of Hum
mel, Pa., approaching, and crashed
11,000 PEOPLE AT
United States Secretary Hays
and Congressman Foelict
Arc Principal Speakers
j Huntingdon, Pa., Aug. 4.—The big
I annual picnic at Shade Gap, this
| county, for the twenty-seventh time,
j was held on Saturday under clear
} skies, and was conceded to be the
! greatest gathering ever held at this
I point on a similar occasion. It was
! estimated that 11,000 people were
in the big grove, carried there *by
more than 1,200 motorcars and spe-
Icial trains on tho East Broad Top
| railroad from Mount Union and
J Robertsdalc. There were p.utoino
! biles there from Franklin, Fulton,
Perry, Juniata, Mifflin, Bedford.
Huntingdon, Blair, Clearfield and
Center counties.
There were abundance of amuse
ments and refreshments, and the
music was furnished by Tressler's
orphans' homo band, of Loysville,
which has recently been making a
| wonderful tour of this part of the
i State.
United States Senator Hayes V.
■ White, of Kansas, and Congressman
I 14. K. Focht were the principal
I speakers, while the meeting was
j presided over by Attorney R. W.
Williamson. The big picnic was un
der the auspices of Krice X. Bluir
i'Ojv, Grvurd Army at the Republic,
of Shade Gap.
Mercersburg Regents Elect
Gov. Sproul to the Board
Mercersburg, Pa., Aug. 4. The
board of regents of the Mercersburg
Academy, at their annual meeting,
elected these men as mem tiers of
the board: Governor W. C. Sproul,
Harrisburg; the Rev. H. L. G. Keif
fer. of Frederick, Md., to succeed
his father, the late Dr. J. Spangler
Kieffer, of llagerstown, Md., who
had been a member of the board for
many years, and D. A. Stickler, of
Hagerstown, Md.
The board voted to have the
charter of the academy changed so
that the membership of the board
shall be increased from twenty-one
members to twenty-four members,
the throe new members to he elcet
d by vote of the alumni of the in
stitution. The enrollment of the
recent year, in spite of war con
ditions, was 481 boys, the largest
in the history of the institution. For
the coming year the enrollment is
already crowded.
Flier Again Thrills
Mechanicsburg Crowds
Mechanicsburg, Pa., Aug. 4.
On Saturday evening Mechanics
burg was again thrilled by the
daring birdman from Middie
town. who flew over the town. Peo
ple flocked to the streets as soon as
the whir of the machine was heard,
and watched him loop the loop a
number of times and do the tail
spin. Then he lighted on Irving
College Park, where hundreds of
people suddenly swarmed and sur
rounded the plane. After courte
ously explaining the mechanism to
the interested throng, the flier and
pilot soared up, and again delighted
his audience with stunts, and
swooped so low over their heads
that a shriek went up from the peo
ple. After leaving here, the aviator
flew,-to Mt. Gretna.
Lancnstcr —The annual confer
ence of the Young People's Mission
ary Conference of the Reformed
church was opened on Saturday eve
ning in the Reformed Theological
Seminary. Delegates are here from
all parts of Pennsylvania.
Gettysburg—The union services of
the churches of the town were held
last evening on the seminary campus
in connection with the Lutheran
Summer Assembly. The sermon was
preached by Dr. Anna Kugler, a mis
sionary from India.
Gettysburg—A recent casualty re
port issued by the Government gives
the name of Lieutenant William Al
lison, of this place, among those se
verely wounded. Lieutenant Allison
has been home, discharged from the
service, for some time, and was for
tunate enough to go through the
battles uninjured.
!| Everybody |E |$
| into the machine on the bridge. The
; impact was so great that the front
j part of the motorcycle was embed
ded in the radiator of tho automo
| bile.
Divens' skull was crushed, Car
j baugh's leg was broken in two places
anil Delanco was badly shocked and
bruised. Divens' body was given in
J charge of an undertaker here. Shaf
| for and two companions escaped in-
I jury. Coroner Klnter was notified
and will make an investigation.
Charles C. Kneppcr Back in
Juniata After an Ab
sence of 1(> Years
* ~
Altoonn, Aug. I.—Missing for 10-
ears and thought by all his rel
atives to be dead, Charles C. Knep
per, who disappeared as a child,
recently returned and is visiting his
father and sisters in Juniata after
five years' service in Frunee with
tho Canadian army.
The story of Knepper's career be
gan when the orphanage school in
which he was placed as a child was
destroyed by lire at Buffalo in 1903.
Records were destroyed and us no
trace of the child could be found,
his father, Alexander Knepper, of
915 Seventh avenue, Juniata, and
sisters gave him up as dead.
Iho war veteran, on his return,
told the story of how he hud been
taken from the school before the
'V', e °? curred " nd raised as Charles
Nicholson by a brother and sister
oi that name who reside near To
ronto, Canada. At the age of 18 tho
\oung man enlisted In the Canadian
army at the outbreak of the war,
serving as a machine gunner. Ho
was twice wounded and was gassed.
Tenth Annual Reunion
of the Odd Fellows
Waynesboro, Aug. 4—Encourag
ing reports have been received by
tho committee in charge of the fra
ternal reunion of the Odd Fellows of
the five jurisdictions of Pennsyl
vania, Maryland, Virginia, West
\ irprinia and District of Columbia,
to lie held Thursday, August 7, at
Pen-Mar. This will be the tenth an
nual gathering there.
The fact of making this year's re
union the Odd FellowH Centennial re
union in commemoration of the one
hundred years of faithful service of
this organization from 1819, has
greatly increased the Interest
throughout the various sections, and
there is a nearnest endeavor to make
this the most interesting and suc
cessful gathering ever held at Pen-
'1 he committee has secured several
noted speakers for this occasion,
inc principal speaker will bo Hon.
Julius Kahn, of California, a mem
ber ot the House of Representatives
teenutor Borah, of Idaho, is ex
pected to be present in company with
Grand Secretary Frank E. Ra'pp. of
Washington, who at this time will he
spending a few days at the Buenu
\ ista hotel.
v uA 0 , 1 ' 0, t ug ' '•—Private William
Rirk, who served almost a vear ■
overseas, was given a hearty wel- '
come home Thursday evening at the
farm home, situated in Tuckahoe
valley, when friends from Tyrone. .
Bell wood, Altoona and Sinking Vat- 1
ley to the number of 75, gathered |
there. Ihe evening was pleasantly!
passed in games, music and a good I
social time. Refreshments were '
served. I
Hill,l. HUM—33.-.H tM'H-1) IIAHKISIILIKi, MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1010. FOUNDED 1871 4
I Good-Bye to All Summer Shoes! |
® Extraordinary Values in This gj
| Sale of White Pumps and Oxfords |
It's early for us to make such a sac- White canvas pumps, high and low | . n
S rifice, but it's our regular rule. Per- heels, $4.35. 11
haps your whole vacation time is still White canvas oxfords, high and ffl
ahead—well, that's your good luck. ] ow lleels? $5.35. MJ
| Every white shoe in our stocks-for Wh ite Nu . Buc k pumps and ox
women and m.sses-is mcluded in 1 fords, high and low heels. $5.35. 0
yy the offering: White kidskin, Nu-Buck , . m
and canvas with leather soles. For Women a whne canvas lace shoes; & ,
walking, for dress, business or playtime eatur unitary tee s, • •
85 wear. Here is the news in detail. Women s white kid oxfords; worn- ft
ffl No C. O. D.s, no exchanges; all sales en ' wh ' te , Nl ' ®" c c k ' lace shoes > h, S h |
jyP | or low heels, $7.35. m
M ; - |Q| UQ JH| p
Social Function at Ml. Gretna
Participated in by Har
Mount Gretna, Pa., Aug. 4.—The
! benefit card party held in Kauff
! man's Auditorium Friday evening,
I under the auspices of the Civic Club,
| was a decided success. There was
twenty tables of 500 and live tables
of bridge. Among the Harrisburg
ers were 1). L>. Hummelbuugh, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Baum, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Shelley, Mr, and Mrs.
Luther Walzer, Mrs. n. M. Richard
son, Mrs. Nell Hawkins, Mrs. Alvin
1. Miller, Mrs. Frank Whitmoyer,
Mrs. Anna Hubley, Mrs. John Craig,
Mrs. E. E. Ewing, Miss Elizabeth
Coble, Mrs. M. H. Craiglow, Mrs.
John Houck, Mrs. 11. J. llabb, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Finnefrock, Mrs.
Harry .Shugar, Mrs. Herbert Terry,
Mrs. Harry Orr, Mr. and Mrs. Am
nion Kreider, Mrs. John llargcst,
Mrs. Luther Bowman, Mr. Harry
Shoop, Mrs, A. B. Peters, Miss Flo
Heller, Miss Daisy Sheal'er, Miss
Clara Cassel, Miss Katherlne Erb,
Miss Pearl Walzer, Miss Frances
Hamilton and Miss Milleiser.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hummel
and children, of York, spent several
days on the camp meeting grounds,
the guests of Mrs. John K. Hummel,
Mrs. 11. E. Speas, who in located
on the camp meeting grounds, en
tertained about twenty-live members
of class No. 2 of the State Street
United Brethren church last Thurs
Mr. and Mrs, 11. M. Grove and
family ot 548 Schuylkill street, Har
risburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Sassaman, of Pcnbrook, are hero for
a month's outing.
Miss Emily Frankcm, Miss Katli
erino Warden and Roy C. Barley, of
Harrisburg, motored hero Saturday
and will spend the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crist and
children, Robert, Allen and Harriet,
and Mrs. John DeShong and son,
James, are at the Melrose cottage
for the month of August.
Mr. and Mrs. George J. I feller
man and little daughter, Rebecca, of
2138 Green street, Harrisburg, mo
tored here to spend a lew days with
George H. Elsenhans and family on
the Chautauqua grounds.
Airs. Mary McCarrcl! is in Har
risburg for a few davs.
Airs. Edith D. Elsenhans, of the
Slate Highway Department, is on the
Chautauqua grounds for a two
weeks' vacation.
Mr. anil Mrs. John W. German
Jr., and registered at the Inn .
Mrs. Harry Orr is visiting Mrs
Herbert Terry.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finnefrock
and Miss Elizabeth Coble, of Har
risburg, are on the camp meeting
grounds lor a month's stay at I.a
France cottage.
Mrs. Nell Hawkins, ofHarrlsburg,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs M
11. Craiglow.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sullings, Miss
Katherlne Eveler, Miss Anna Bacon,
Edwurd Moore and Richard Heagy
are at Pilgrim cottage for a few
Mrs. II W. Denny and little son
are stopping at the Inn.
„J£ U ? , F ' ore n c e Rtn ken bach is in
Philadelphia for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Calder Metzger mo
tored here from Harrisburg and
spent Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gingrich
spent Sunday in the Grove,
The Rev. H. W. A. Hanson and
father -will leave Monday for Wil
mington, X. C., where the Rev. Han
son will spend a week at his home
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown of
Lebanon, are at the Hotel Conewugo
Roy E. Coombs, of Norristown
was a Sunday guest at Montancseu
Mr. and Mrs. John Mat-burger
and daughter, Anna, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Elntor Xissley.
Mr. William Stiner, of Harrisburg
is the guest of the Steevers for a
few days.
New Cumberland, Aug. 4. On
Tuesday evening a meeting of the
Woman's Benefit Association will be
held to make arrangements for
holding a picnic.
AUGUST 4, 1919
Interesting Program Arranged
For Gathering of
Church People
Atccbniiicshurg, Pa., Aug. 4. —Rc-
| ginnipg on Friday, August .8, and
I continuing to Tuesday, Aug. 19, the
\ annual Mount Olivet camp meet
j iug will be held on the grounds bo
; tween Mechanicsburg and Dillsburg.
| A program of interest' tins been
j planned anil us the camp Is noi.-
! secterian, sermons will be delivered
j by ministers of various denomina
; lions. Tuesday, August 12, will oe
j communion day; Thursday, August
j 14. temperance day; Saturday, Au-
I gust lli, young people's rally day.
! Mrs. Julia A. Sliolhamer, of Atlanta,
I Gii., will be the principal speaker
j on temperance day.
j Among the representatives from
I Mechanicsburg, who liavo part on
1 tho program are: the Rev. J. A.
Gohn, Mrs. Sarah Ddrnbach ami
Miss Ida G. Kast. There will iio
j orchestra music special entertain
i mollis will bo held, also Bible read
j iug and evangelistic services. Other
[ features are: tho Harmony Bethel
male chorus, on Sunday, August 10;
Arnold's United Lutheran Alalo
chorus, Tuesday, August 12; Ladies'
I Octet, of Dillsburg, Sunday, Au
j gust 17.
Demand of Cigarmarkers
For Higher Pay Approved
Reading, Pa., Aug. 4. —At a meet
ing of representatives of union cigar
i makers all over Southern, Central
j and Eastern Pennsylvania here yes
' terday the. demands of the union
I cigar makers and packers for higher
wages were approved.
The conference authorized de
' liiands for a 50 per cent increase pay;
la 44-hour week and better working
j conditions to be presented at once
iin writing to tho manufacturers,
| subject to immediate acceptance
'with the alternative of a general
I strike.
j J. P. Keenan, of Lancaster, presi
• dent of the Blue Label League, pre
| aided. Andrew P. Bower, Reading,
secretary, will issue the notice to
I the employers.
Waynesboro Feels Good
Effects of Prohibition
Waynesboro. Pa., Aug. 4. As
| showing the sulutory effects of the
"dry" regime here, tho police court
| records show there were ten cases
| of drunken and disorderly conduct
l tried before local magistrates in
;June and none in July. Upward
I of a half dozen cases were heard in
June wherein the defendant had
j disturbed the peace or otherwise
I created a disturbance by assault, all
I caused by being drunk. There were
ne such cases in July. The only
j penal offenses for which arrest's
I were made were for speeding or
violation of traffic laws.
Get Materials For
Addition to Orphanage
Siinliury, Aug. 4.—Materials for
the $60,000 addition to the Odd Fel
lows' Orphanage near this city, have
been ordered and are beginning to
arrive. The brick was purchased at
the I'axtonville plant, and Is being
shipped. The new boiler lias also
! been purchased. The money is com
ing in in large sums, and the direc
tors anticipate no .difficulty in get-
I ling enough to finance the improve.-
j ment.
William A. Glosser,
Railroader, Is Retired
Columbia, August 4.—William A.
Glosser, a well-known resident of
Columbia and for many years an
employe of the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company, was placed on the
company's honor roll and retired
yesterday. He made his last run
as an engineer on the low grade
line work train. He was an employe
of the company almost forty years, i
Town to Have Place.For Its
People to Enjoy Them
selves in Water
I Lykens, Aug. 4.—The citizens of *
town have been working hard to
have a high class swimming pool.
Much credit must tie given to our
townsmen of the different indus
tries who helped so well where call
ed on. The chairman of the Work
Committee, Harry S. Snyder, has
called a meeting of the men at the
pool to-day to complete arrange
ments being made to finish work.
Men and boys are needed to load the
teams. Each night a number of
teams will be there.
Mrs. Edwin Hartman, of Gratz
and Mrs. Charles Bulllngton and
daughters, Misses May and Hilda,
of Big Run, aitoed here to attend
tlic circus and visit friends.
Mrs. Banner of Philadelphia is
being entertained by the family of
T. A. llonsel.
The infant son of John Williard
South Second street, died of con
vulsions on Friday evening at 9
On Thursday afternoon. 2 o'clock
the funeral of Mrs. Mary L. Shearer'
of Wisconisco, was conducted by the
Revs. Kerr and Stetler. Mrs. Shea
fcr was 72 years of age. Burial
was made in the Sheafer cemetery.
Wisconisco. '
, M '" ~u lu' Ml '- Bruce Guistwhite,
fiienl e ' e in tOWn wit
Miss Miller has gone to Tower
ity to spend a few days with her
mother. e
The barber shop of the lite
George Smith orr Market street has
been purchased by James Hoffman,
of Market street.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Meinhardt, of
\veok" r ' V ' VlH ' to * lcr parents last
Miss Mabel ifechler is spending
her vacation with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. William Werner of
Mechanicsburg, visited the latter's
sister, Mrs. Morris, of Maine street
Mrs. Guy S. Matter and son are
spending several weeks with Mrs
Samuel Maurer, of North Second
Miss Martha Wnhrman of St.
John's Lutheran parsonage, is
spending her vacation at Lock
Mr. and Mrs. George Kissinger
entertained the former's brother
Ouerney Kissinger and wife of Sun
bury, last week.
Mrs. 11. E. C. Wahrman is en
tertaining her sister, Mrs. M. R. Fell
of Philadelphia.
George Beidenmiller and wife, of
Philadelphia visited Mr. Beiden
miiler's parents the past week.
Miss Angela Sehniiiek is spending
her vacation at Pottsville.
With False Teeth?
Dr. Wernet's
Kespi them firm. Prevents sore iruma.
White. Flavored. Antiseptic.
If your dental plate is loose or
drops, to get instant relief use
Dr. Wernet's Powder regularly.
You can eat, laugh, talk with ease.
Guaranteed by Wernet Dental Mfg. Co.,
116 Beekman St., N. Y. 25c, 50c, & SI.OO.
At Drug and Department Stores. Refuse
imitations. This is the original powder.