Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 04, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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Delegate Is Sent to Washing
ton to Learn Con
Local shopmen were still at work
"to-day, with their ears to the
ground. Yesterday the members of
Keystone Lodge No. 1,070, Interna
tional Association of Machinists,
held a meeting in White's Hall.
There were lengthy discussions,
every phase of the situation having
been brought up.
Noah M. Jones, president of the
local system, No. i0, was present
J.nd with other officials made ad
dresses. No action was taken re
arding the strike. President Jones
rent to Washington to-day and on
hia return will report conditions to I
the local shopmen. The shopmen
Want it understood that they will
p.walt final orders before announcing
B. definite action.
Jt was an orderly meeting yes
terday and the men at work to-day
fefru.ined from any general discus
sion while on duty. At the meeting
yesterday a vote of thanks was
given the Harrisburg Telegraph for
the correct manner in which the lo
cal situation was given Saturday. To
day Noar M. Jones, the president,
and the following to the Harrisburg
t'l want to thank you for the cor
rection you made regarding a publi
cation Saturday morning of an al
leged statement by me that the men
were satisfied with present condi
tions existing in the Pennsylvania
railroad shop crafts. I deny en
phatically any such statement was
made by me. 1 said the men here
would wait for further orders and
that everything possible was being
done to bring about an amicable
William B. McXair is chairman
of the local advisory board and will
confer with President Jones on the
latter's return from Washington.
Chairman AfoNair, with the sys
tem secretary and treasurer, H. A.
Blxler, are in touch daily with the
men and any statement to be made
"will come through them or Presi
dent Jones.
Middle Division Traffic
Was Heavy During July
Freight traffic over the Pennsy
lines is steadily Increasing as shown
by the Alidde division records for
the month of July. During the past
month there were 156.402 cars haul
ed over the division, a daily average
of 6,013, not including the inter
change with the Tyrone division.
This is a very substantial increase
over the month of June when there
were 173,919 cars hauled. In July
there were 2,613 trains and in June
there were 2,412. The loaded busi
ness increased by 6,414 cars.
The total movement is now not
"very far behind the record-break
ing war period. In July, 1918, there
■were 210,575 ears, embracing 2,-
813 trains, or a daily average of
6,7 93 cars.
Turk Leaders of Outlaw
Bands to Be Arrested
By Associated Press.
Constantinople, Aug. 4.—The Turk
ish cabinet, after a conference to-day,
ordered the arrest of Mustapha Kume!
I'asha and Reouf Bey, charged with
convoking a separate congress and
organizing armed bands in the Smyr
na and Erzeruni • regions.
A Paris dispatch on July 7 indi
cated that Mustapha Kamel Pasha and
Essad I'asha might attempt the for
mation of a separate Turkish govern
ment in Asia Minor.
Kamel i'asha at that time was re
ported to have 40,000 troops with some
artillery and to have defied the gov
ernment's order to return to Con
Essad I'asha formerly was com
mander-in-chief of tin; Turkish forces
at Bcutarta, Albania minister of war
and provisional president of Albania.
C 1
>Stop Itching Eczema
Never mind how often you have tried
and failed, you can stop burning, itching
eczemaquickly by applying a little zemo
furnished by any druggist for 35c. Extra
large bottle, SI.OO. Healing begins the
moment zemo is applied. In a short
time usually every trace of eczema,
tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and
similar skin diseases will be removed.
For clearing the skin and making it
vigorously healthy,always use zemo, the
penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a
greasy salve and it does not stain. When
others fail it is the one dependable
treatment for skin troubles of all kinds.
The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, O.
People Judge You
by Your Luggage
Wherever smart luggage is
gathered together, there will
( you find such luggage as you
* see in our shop.
,Second and Walnut Sts.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Moving Coal From Mines to
Eastern Markets; New
Record Friday
j Heading officials report heavy coal
I traffic along with a very busy sea
j son with general freight. Crews are
j making good time, and extra men
■ are being kept on the move. Oil
| Eriday 16,000 cars were handled
I over the Heading and Harrisbuig
j divisions. These figures made public
| to-day set a new record.
• The total number of steel cars
i loaded brought from the mines was
| 1,125. It is estimated that 45,000
I tons of anthracite were taken to the
j market. The output on Saturday
S was equally as large and trains
j were doing a rushing business
throughout Saturday and yesterday.
Out of Rutherford
j The crews on the Lebanon Val- '
ley hauled 3,400 cars to and from
Hutherford on Friday, 1,175 of
• which were empty, bound for the
j soft coal regions in West Virginia,
i An unusual number of coal cars are
| now going into the bituminous
J fields. Much of this fuel is for the
| industries in the eastern part of the
j State and New Jersey. Some of it is
also destined for export,
i The crews on the East Penn
I handled moio than 2,000 cars, most
jof which was sent to the steel
j works at Hethlehem and points on
the Jersey Central. There is more
snap in business to-day than a
| month ago, and everybody is pre
dicting a busy fall and winter. Tho
] industries at Coatesville are turning
I out more than seventy-five per cent.
J of the capacity of the mills there.
Railroad Notes
James H. Moran, Altoona. pas
] senger car distributor in the office
of N. W. Smith, general superin- I
tendent, was retired Saturday after i
i fifty-two years' service.
Harry Geesey, aged 74 years, a l
, retired Pennsylvania Railroad in
spector at Altoona, died Saturday.
! A wreck on the Reading last even
' ing at Sheridan blocked three
( tracks for several hours. A broken
I drawhead was the cause. Three
] cars jumped the tracks.
| Engines 1826 and 1827, big Mal
lets, were turned over to the Read
ing on Saturday. They were built
I at, Baldwins. Four more of these
I giant locomotives are to be deliv
: ered. They will be used on the
j Shamokin division, the Frackville
] grade and on the Lebanon Valley.
Major At. A. Laucks, who had
j charge of the Four Hundred and
Fourteenth Telegraph Battalion in
France and who returned to Ins
home several weeks ago, has re- !
j sumed his duties as chief train dis
patcher on the Harrisburg division '
of the Reading Railway Company, i
I Major Laucks spent seventeen i
j months in France looking after the j
transportation of troops and sup- j
I plies.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division. The 110
crew the first to go after 3.30 o'clock:
104, 106, 113, 108, 124, 127, 118, 120.
Engineers for 110, 120.
Firemen for 110, 104. 127.
Conductors for 113, 108, 124, 127.
Brakemen for 104 (2), 106, 113, 127.
Engineers up: Blankenhorn, steffv, '
Koeneman, Brown, Schlegelmilcii, 1
May, Gable, Karr, Frickman, Mohn.
Firemen up: Musselman, Dickover, I
Kintz, Rider, Mace, Smith, Bralley,
Utley, Thompson, Kaso, Leach, Craley, :
Clark, Halton, Retzley.
| Conductors up: Rife.
| Brakemen up: Garlin, Lark. Reigel.
Middle Division. —The 27 crew to
go first after 12 o'clock: 227, 16, 32.
238, 237. 231, 242, 234, 33.
Firemen wanted for 16.
j Conductors wanted for 33.
j Brakemen wanted for 27.
Engineers up: W. C. Leib. Corder.
! Earley, Kreps. E. R. Snyder. Hawk,
Nickles, O. W. Snyder, Kline, Rath- '
I ton
| Firemen up: Schmidt, Keiter, Peters, j
[ Isenberg, W. B. Bowers. Arnold, Hoi- I
I singer, Delancey, G. M. Bowers, Keith,
; Atkins.
| Brakemen up: Elcy, Hoffman, Hem
] rninger, Leonard. Bitner, Roebuck. De
pew, Foltz, W. H. Kipp, Shelly, Het
riek, McNaight, Yingst, Lentz, Zim
Yard Hoard. —Engineers wanted
for 11C, 12C, 3, 15C, 4, 15C, 23C, 26C
30C, 32C.
Firemen wanted for 6C, 11, 4. 15C.
Engineers up: Beckwith Machamer,
Cless, Ewing, Yinger. Starner, Mor
rison, Monroe, Beatty, Feass, Kautz,
| Wagner.
I Firemen up: Stine, Paul. Ross, Sour
j beer, E. Kruger, Mensch, Mell. Engle.
I \V. C. Kruger, Henderson, Selway,
] Gilbert, N. Lauver, Dill, Gourley,
Wirt, Klineyoung. Mountz. J. E. Lau
j ver, Bartless, Shaver, Shopp, Swab.
I Hoover. Holtzman, Rice.
Philadelphia Division. The 236
I crew to go first after 3.45 o'clock:
I 249 243. 237, 245, 241, 233, 250, 214, 227
! 218, 251, 238.
| Engineers for 237, 241, 233.
| Firemen for 249.
Conductors for 241, 233.
Brakemen for 237.
I Conductors up: Barnhart.
I Brakemen up: Simpson. Kuril, Del
| linger. Shelley, McKey.
I Middle Division. —The 111 crew to
go first after 2 o'clock: 124, 114, 240.
j Firemen for 111, 114.
| Yard Hoard. —Engineer up: Guibe,
Curtis, D. H. Hinkle. Holland. J.
I Hinkle. Sheaffer.
i Firemen up: Hutchison, Metz. Tay
j lor, Hawbaker, Holmes, Sadler, Sand
! ers, Albright, Swigart, Quinzler, O.
jJ. Wagner, Shuey. Sensor, Holden,
| Kennedy. Boyer.
| Engineers for 3rd 129.
Firemen for 137, 3rd 126. Ist 129.
Middle Division. —Engineers up: J.
Crimmel, L. H. Ricedorf, W. Turbett.
i J. H. Ditmer, W. C. Black. H. E. Cook!
W. G. Jamison, J. W Smith. F. Schreck!
S. H. Alexander, J. W. Burd. C. Hol
lenbaugh, A. J. Wagner. T. B. Hcffner.
Engineers wanted for none.
Firemen up: S. H. Wright, J. M.
Stephens, H. B. Thomas, J. L. Fritz.
P. E. Gross. R. F. Mohler, R. J. Shees
le, R. Simmons, H. W. Fletcher, C. L.
Sheets, R. A. Arnold. A. H. Kuntz R
E. Look. S. H. Zeiders.
Firemen wanted for 29, 47, 6293.
Philadelphia Division. —Engineers
up: H. W. Gillums, C. H. Seltz, V. C.
Gibbons. M. Pleam.
Engineers wanted for P-38.
Firemen up: A. L. Floyd, F. L.
Floyd, Mf G. Shaffner, J. N. Shindler,
B. W. Johnson, J. M. White.
Firemen wanted for none.
Golden Field For F. S. Mcr-i
chants Lies Across the Pa- j
cific, I)r. Mullowney Says
Philadelphia, - Aug. 4.—A new I
sidelight into the complicated East
ern situation was brought to light |
to-day in an interview by Dr. John '
J. Mullowney, formerly attached to
the State Health Department, at I
Harrisburg, who has been working)
in China with the Chinese Ited Cross, j
He has come home recently, en-j
thused with the prospect of our i
future trade with China, which totals
nearly one billion of dollars each
twelve months. Dr. Mullowney be
lieves that America's day in the far
East is only beginning and that
across the Pacific lies the golden
field of opportunity for the Ameri
can merchant.
One of the points he insists upon )
is that we should prevent exploit-j
ation and we should insist that China j
should not be made the dumping]
ground for booze and narcotics that
America is trying to rid herself of''
at the present time.
"China looks to America not only
for protection from the greed and '
ambitions of other nations, but also I
for leadership and for commercial I
fellowship and co-operation. Hod'
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
" jpiP^^ —"—~—~j The Growth of Our Shoo
~ . j our shoe sales for men Every day men come to "us for
fHHa /\ t ' ie rst dme heretofore have purchased cheaper shoes.
' ' oPxt [lfifl ly i X ll' Wf| They come because they begin to doubt that low initial cost
I I I means shoe economy. And once a man buys here he seldom
" " s=aaaßj^[|rt^S||tiß !s^oes w hich we are now offering at $ll.OO are as
—— New Velours in Sport Colors.
Furnishing Homes is the Theme of the pi "* p< """A s " w ° rt - D.
Hour—The August Furniture Stamped Art Goods and An
Sale Gives the Inspiration MoS ° f
What is worth doing is worth doing well, especially in the furnishing of the Luncheon sets of oilcloth, for home and cottage, includes
home. Buy furniture not for a season or two, but for a life time of association Rose and blue Kimonos stamped on good quality I
and enjoyment. Home is what you make it and naturally the selection of the Flesh colored combination suits, striped on silk muslTn and I
Kpct f llfflltill*#* i© lmnprnl-jirp ciepe de chine s,>.f>o to $4.50
Desi rurnnure is imperative. F i csh and whitc night gowns> stamp J on law £ and
batiste $1.25 to $3.50
Furniture bought months ago for this August Sale came to us at prices considerably below what we "i'awn . "I . ""I? , "o ?1.50
would have to pay today, a fact that emphasizes the values offered Boudoir caps 25£ to 35£
Breakfast gowns, stamped $2.00
m . . I # Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor.
rurniture 01 sound construction, seasoned wood, careful cabinet work,
dignified designing possessing all that goes into good pieces with nothing Buy Cool Union Suits, Men,
skimped to moke price, and g e p repared for
This is the kind of furniture to put into your homes, that you can trust and AllgUSt Heat
depend upon for satisfactory service and prove a credit to your taste and white nainsook athletic union suits, sleeveless, knee j
judgment. lent h 754* j
White madras athletic union suits, sleeveless, knee length,
$1.39 !
Odd Pieces in the Sale at 25 to Living Room Suites at Savings .**'!?., union .*. d l op .
rn n ri J. ci • J Fancy mercerized striped athletic union suits, sleeveless, i
50 rer Dent bavmgs 01 Interest k^ c length $2.25
Boys' white nainsook athletic union suits, knee length.so^
$75.00 walnut chifrobes $37 50 $ 225 -°0 living room suite; including $65.00 chair, $65.00 Thread silk hose, seamless, black and colors 75^
v ' rocker and $125.00 davenport; three pieces in the August Fibre silk hose, seamless, black and colors 65£
$55.00 mahogany toilet tables $39.00 Sale $228h00 Silk lisle hose, seamless, black and colors 394*
$49.00 mahogany toilet tables $39.00 SUitC; incldin g ? 4900 Cotton hose, seamless, black and colors IB4*
T $49.00 rocker and $95.00 davenport. Three pieces in the Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
$39.00 four poster mahogany bed $29.50 „ All & ust Sale $169.00
wnnn , ..,, ~. $209.00 cane living room suite; including $49.00 chair,
$ . i a oganv toilet table $35.00 $65.00 fireside chair and $95.00 davenport. Three pieces
$75.00 mahoganv chifrobc 549 OO in the. August Sale $185.00 V UIICO 111 VJCUIUtJtIC OtVltJb
$283.00 Chippendale suite in tapestry; including $69.00 . ,
$39.00 walnut chifrobc $29.00 chair, $75.00 high back chair and $139.00 davenport The prettiest and most popular voiles that have ever sold
$29.50 walnut chciffonier 525 Oft Thrce P ieces in the Au S ust Sale $250.00 over the counters of the Cotton Dress Goods Section, and
* * Three-piece cane and tapestry suite; including chair rock- what a pleasing variety of styles are shown at
$2.1.00 walnut
$25.00 walnut bed $19.50 Three-piece cane and tapestry suite; including chair, rock- G eorg e tte printed voile, special,-yard 59<*
M r m ■ . ... . . , , er and davenporj. August Sale Price $169.00 f lain V ones in many favored shades, yard.. and 79^
$25.00 walnut toilet table $19.50 Three-piece overstuffed tapestry suite with Loose spring French Organdie in pink, light blue, grey orchid and
$49.00 walnut bed $39.00 cushions. August Sale Price $239.00 navy, yard... $1.25 and $1.39
$45.00 walnut bed 535 OO $ 2 85.00 overstuffed living room suite; including $75.00 chair, 49c y, oi .j e ' light and dark styles, yard 374*
, . , S*S&.OU $75 0Q rocker and $135 00 daV e n p ort> Thrce ieces in the 59c Voile light and dark styles, yard 474*
$49.00 mahogany bed $39.00 August Sale ..$255.00 Scotch Madras Shirting, yard 754*
niv *c. .T- ' Dress Ginghams—domestic and Anderson weaves, yard,
DHes Pomeroy & Stewart. Fourth Floor. 69<
Dives Pomertfy & Stewart, Street :..or, v
forbid that we should be false to the
I faith imposed in us; Heaven forbid
j that we should send over there any
; narcotic or poison that will mar the
| mind or the body of China's men
j and women; in this Held more than
I anywhere else America's business
i man should take as his motto: "I
• j will therefore engage in no trans-1
j action which does not benelit alike |
jail who participate with me."
"Some of the world's farsecingi
I statesmen have said that the world's j
j activities and the political arena of;
I the near future are not to be in !
i Europe, nor in America hut in the!
I Orient. And why not? Consider: —j
I "With something: over 400.000,000 j
| inhabitants China has only about,
isix thousand miles of railroad:!
j think of the development ne'eded! j
"With cities yke Canton, Pekin, j
! Hankow and Tientsin, whose popit
lations range from 850,000 to 1,250,-
| 000; these are only a few, with only;
j about six hundred factories in the
j whole Republic. With unintagin
i able natural wealth In materials,
j foodstuffs and raw materia's for
; textile manufacturers: with a boun
| tiful supply of cheap, industrious
teachable and willing labor: with
igreat inland waterways, with long;
I seacost nnd with almost every vari-t
j ety of climate —with all those possi-1
bilities and advantages, it seems cer- '
| tain that the real development of!
I China must soon begin and that in;
that development American ntami-'
|facturefs, contractors, engineers,!
[teachers, merchants and banker.-j
•must begin now to study how best!
Ito approach and please and sell to I
[the Chinese or else miss one of the!
; greatest opportunities of modern j
j "There is still a fascination and j
j romantic interest and tremendous!
I profit coming to all who have the
I courage and the tact and the ini
i agination to engage in business with
i these multitudes of the East. Now
|is the time for American business
'men and manufacturers to go in, for
much of the soil is virgin, but era;
long Europe will be turning her;
gaze again in this direction. Awake:
America, be up and doipg, China;
needs, China welcomes you —; wel-1
conies all but narcotics and stiniu I
"What will China buy? Well, I
j what did she import? The figures!
jure approximate and for the yearj
| IWl3—before the great war —-in
\ulue of the gold dollar.—
j Cotton goods $110,150,000 I
; Sugar 27,000,000-
! Cll .* 19,300,0001
j Hive 13,600,000
lyes 12,500,000 j
1 1"igarets and tobaccos 12,400,000 j
; Fish and fishery products 9,600,000 !
With many other articles to tile
j grand total of $422,775,000.
"What can China sell? Let usl
look at the export figures of some j
- of the more important items for the:
[same year—l9l3.
s ' lk $77,000,001
Beans and cake 31,000,000
Tea 25,000,000
Skins and hides 17,000,0001
Cotton 14,000,00 ft!
Seeds and cake 13,000,000 ;
Tin 8,000,000!
Oil (vegetable) 7,500,000 j
Together with many other articles
to the value of $290,000,000!
"Now, to-day, is the time to act; 1
this is the day of America's oppor
tunity! Such a day wilt not come
"Just a suggestion: when I first
went to ('hina in 1908, there were
on y two automobiles in the great <
city of Peking; now you can count j
them by the dozen; the Chinese are .
beginning to wear leather shoes; ]
they arc beginning to use Western ]
medicine. Again I say, America, ,
Wake l"p."
Suffering from CATARRH? For i
quick relief The MAX-HKIL Inhaler. 1
Demonstration at Gorgas' Pharma- l
cy, 16 N. Third St.—Adv. i
Mother Dead, Daughter
Attacked, Latest Affront
! Washington, Aug. 4.—One Amer
j ican woman dead as the result of
j starvation, another, her daughter,
| compelled to suffer all the indigm
j ties of vicious men; her son-in-law,
j a physical wreck, because of his
| sufferings and ill-treatment—these
j facts constitute the latest affront
I against American citizens in Mex
j ico.
The woman who lost her life and
| whose body now lies wrapped in
j thick matting in a hole in the
I ground near Depolan, in Chiapas,
j Mexico, was Mrs. W. H. Keenright,
[ an aged resident of Washington.
Her son-in-law and daughter, Dr.
j and Mrs. Charles T. Sturgis, former
I Washingtonians, are now en route
I to this city after their escape from
| Mexico. Their relatives, incensed at
I the treatment afforded them by the
! Carranza regime, yesterday do--
| manded that they be permitted to
, tell their stories to the house rules
j committee, which is considering an
investigation of the Mexican situa
| tion.
Hungarian Leader Is
Shot and Killed
Tty Associated Press.
Vicuna, Saturday, August 2.—Tibor
Szamuely, one of the most prominent
of the Hungarian communist leaders,
was shot and killed last night, while
he was crossing the frontier near
Fuerstenfeld, by a guard whose broth
er. a farmer Szamuely had been exe
cuted. As he was dying Szamuely ex
claimed: "I was the only enemy of
the enemies of the proletariet." I
Szamuely was one of the triumvirate j
which recently was reported to have I
proclaimed a dictatorship in Budapest j
in opposition to the Bela ICun regime.
AUGUST 4, 1919.
Selecting Grand Jury
to Hear Cases of Men
Arrested in Race Riots
By Associated Press.
Cliicago, Aug. 4. —After the calm
est night in the "Black Belt" for
more than a week the work was
begun to-day of selecting a grand
I jury before which will come the
cases of white men and negroes ac
cused of participation in the race
riots which caused the death of
twenty negroes and thirteen whites
and the injury of hundreds.
The coroner has tixed the num
ber of dead at thirty-three and the
City Health Commissioner has
found that 306 people injured in the
riots were treated in hospitals. He
expressed the opinion, however,
thnt perhaps 400 or more who were
injured in the riots never reported
at hospitals and consequently the
total number of injured will never
be known officially.
The State troops had little to do
during the night in the riot zone,
but much excitement was caused
early to-day by persistent reports
telephoned into headquarters of the
Second Regiment, that a crowd of
500 men was gathering at South
Ashland avenue and West Fifty
ninth street. When a company of
troops reached the scene the crowd
had vanished and the soldiers re
turned to headquarters.
U. S. May Get British
West Indies, Says Paper
London. Aug. 4. The National
News says a suggestion that the
British West Indies be ceded to the
United States in part payment of
Great Britain's war debt is being
considered seriously on bothsides of
the Atlantic.
Says England Plotted Ger
many's Commercial
By Associated Press. j|
Copenhagen, Aug. 4.—The former
Prince Henry of Prussia in a letter
to King George, published by the
Hamburger Nachrichten, says the
truth about the war may be had
from the Allies' statesmen and he
suggests that if the former German
Emperor is placed on trial the
statesmen also appear.
The letter asks King George "m
the name of justice and his own in
terests" to desist from demanding
the extradition and trial of the for- •
mer German ruler. The letter,
which is signed "Your Humble
Cousin Henry," charges that Eng- y
land plotted Germany's commercial
downfall. . 'f
The letter says: "Germany and
her brave people have been hit se
verely but they are not yet dead.
The German spirit which now
seems dead still lives and will ono
day awaken to full consciousness
of the, disgrace and shame which
have Keen inflicted and will one day
demand a reckoning."
The Rev. Clayton A. Smucker, pas
tor of Stevens Methodist Church held
an outdoor meeting last evening on v
the Allison Hill baseball grounds. He
spoke to a large congregation on "The
Friendly Workers of Harrisburg." r~
Prof. John A. Phillips led the singing.