Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 04, 1919, Page 15, Image 15
M Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page STORAGE STOIIAQK—4I9 Broad street, house • lu-ld poods. merchandise Privati rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ins of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms foi household goods In lireproof ware house. $9 per month and up. Lowei storage rates in non-llreproof ware house, llarrisburg Storage Co., 437* 445 South Seeond street. STORAGE! —In brick building, real 'OR Market. Household goods in clean private rooms. Reasonable rates. P O Dlencr. 408 Market street. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, THE HOME OK SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS • SAMUEL S. FACXLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. w 1312 Derry St. | BELL 1956. DIAL 2133 * RUDOLPH K. SPICER. Funeral Director and Embaltncr. 511 North Second Street. iBELL 26° DIAL 2145 CEMETERY LOTS FOR SAI^E PROSPECT HILL CUMETERY"— :Beautifully situated on Market street, east of Twenty-sixth, and on the ■ north and east fares the new park f way. The prices of lots are modcr -nte Miller Bros. A- Co. Agents. . AUTOS FOB SALE FOR SAI.E—I9IS Michigan: good con dition; 5 tires: !! new. Car can be seen at Irishman's Oarage. Fourth and Chestnut Sts. Buick light six; lino condition: tir"s in first CIHSH shape: one extra; also bumper and motormotor. A bargain. Dodge touring, in first elass condi tion. Reo roadster: two pnssenger; will *e! 1 cheap. REX GARAGE A- SFPPLY CO., 1917 N. Third St. , AUTO WANTED WANTED —Buick or Dodge touring ! or roadster, will pay cash, state year model and price. Address Box 8457 j enre Telegraph. AUTOMOBILES w Chalmers, 1918, light six tour- ins ear. just overhauled and repainted; very good condi tion throughout. Inquire Hag erling Motor Car Co., 1137 Mulberry. Bell phone 1396. Dial 6961. t IK YOU ARE eager to snap up a t-lightlv used Dodge, 1917 touring, with full equipment ;jnd new tires, address box W-8323 care Telegraph, arranging for an evening demonstra ' tion. SAXON roadster, 1916; price 6250. Oxerland touring. 1916. $525; Comet Six. $llOO, 191S model. Salesman Horst. I.inglestown, Pa. GRANT, five-passenger; 6 cylinder; lour new tires and tubes; good con dition. cheap to quick buyer. Estbr brook. 912 North Third St. AUTOMOBILES Koehler 114-ton truck. Over hauled. All tires like new. ill carry ten-loot body. THE OVERLAND-HARRIS u BURG COMPANY. ~ 212-214 North Second St. s FOR SALE—Standard Dayton tour ing car, in excellent mechanical con dition. Would make excellent light truck. For sale at City Garage, River and Strawberry streets. BARGAINS —International one-ton ! truck, used ten months, cheap; in ternational two-ton truck, used nlae months, cheap; Ford dellveiy, panel - bodv, m line condition. Fold iitc.n unit biand new. Cadillac delivery, closed body. Denby 2%-ton: Power „ dump body, in tine condition; Denby 2% -ton, with slake body* like new; A cine 2I - -ton, with Woods steel dump' body used six months; Denby 3-ton with Woods steel dump body. Denby Sales Corporation, 1205 Capital street. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 110 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360 DIAL 4914 MAXWELL touring car for sale, 1916 model, in good condition, price $375. Inquire 1202 Christian st. ' ' AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re quirrd by specialist. Also fenders, , lamps, etc. Best service In town, llar risburg Auto Radiator Works, 305 ( North Third street. FOR SALE —Ford ton truck. 1918; worm drive, in good condition; price reasonable. Inquire 2403 Jefferson at. Dial phone 30-12. FORD touring, 17; demountable wheels; new tires; tire carrier; shock absorbers; speedometer; spot light; too) box and cut out; good cur tains with winter rods; price S4OO. Square Deal Horst, Linglestown. WM. PENN GARAGE 224-6 Muench street, limousines for funeral parties and balls; careful ' drivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. CHEVROLET roadster. 490 model; 4 year 17; electric lights; starter bumper: fine running order. Price, ss2s.,Horst, Linglestown. near Harris burg. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion ■work done by experts; also repaii work. Reasonabl rates, 72-78 South Cameron street. FOR SALE —Paige touring. 1918 Lynwood model; excellent condition; the biggest bargain on the market at $950. Can be seen at Hcrshey gur age. Address C. D. Peruchi, Herstiey Inn. MAGNETOS All types, 4 and 6 - Bosch high tension. Eisnmn, Dixie Fplltdorf. Mea, Remy and different ' makes of coils carburetors, etc. A 'sichiffman, 22-24-26 North Cameron ■ street. Bell 3633. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers, In nnv condition. See me Before sac rificing elsewhere Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Sehiffman, 22. 24, North Cameron street. Bell 3633. FOR SALE—Studebaker Touring* 1918 eight-cylinder Oldsmobile Tour ing; Reo Touring car; Overland Coun try Club; Jefteries Touring car. An drew Redmond, Third and Relly streets. - ' " Republic 94-1 ton truck, overhauled and repainted. All units in excellent condition. New armored type radiator, front tires good, roar tiren fair. A Bturdy little truck specially priced at $750. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO.. 212-214 North Second Street. MONDAY EVENING, I Halifax Veterans Are Honored by Townspeople Who Are Proud of Part Busy Borough Took in War! ' * 4 ***** r — —• —— i o-——;—:;—" ■ ■ ■- - -- - - • " ' : : ; ■ - a 3 AUTOMOBILES 5 "FOR SALE" FORD TOURING. - BRISCO TOURING—I9IS Model. ' '• ONE AND ONE-HALF-TON TRUCK— Electric lights, starter and pneu matic tires on front; mechanically right. TWO LIGHT DELIVERY BODIES FOR FORDS. " M. P.FvKNNER & SONS MOTOR CO., ■j Third and Hamilton Sts. I 1 ' ATTRACTIVE bargains to quick buyerH in good used ears. 1917 Buick eight, six touring, spare I tire , 1916 Buick, big six touring, spare] tire. 1915 Buick, one-ton truck. 1914 Htutz roadster, newly painted,] reasonable. 1917 Euges, turn six, fine shape. \ 1917 Vim. light delivery. E 1911 Overland, model 79. just over-! . hauled. Bargain. 1915 Reo touring, line running or-j , der, at a bargain price. The above cars will appeal to the; " average buyer in the market for a good used car. Demonstrations given. CHELESEA AUTO CO.. A. SchUYman. Manager. DELIVERY AND TOURING CARS FOR SALE 1 1918 model. 90 Overland light de -1 livery, newly painted, first class luo • chanical condition. 1918 model American Six touring ■ car; A 1 condition. 1919 model American Six touring car; only run 2,800 miles, good as 1 new. A real bargain. j AMERICAN AUTO COMPANY, . i Susquehanna Garage, 1414 Susquehanna St.. below Reily FOR SALE—Roadster in good me chanical condition. Inquire 54 Chest nut st., Penbrook, Ta. Dodge, 1917. in good condition; completely overhauled. Reo roadster. A bargain; overhaul ed and in first class condition; tires good. Templar car, 191 S. In fine shape; tires new; one extra. Overland roadster Completely over hauled; tires new and new battery A real bargain. Velie. 1918. In fine shape; carrying a new car guarantee. RFX GARAGE AND SUPPLY CO., 1917 N. Third St. ! 13 Hup roadster, $400; 1916 Grant six touring. $500; 1915 Hudson tour-j imr 8550; 1916 i-ord delivery with, *400; 1917 Olds s touring. $850;; tins Hurley-Davidson electric equip- • nr.l 4,27 5* 1918 l'aige louring, $1009.; or, ehalmer six* just painted, sluo;j laiH Chalmer 6 touring, $200; Regal | roadster, electric equipped, $800; 1914 Buick touring, new top $300; three 2- • ton Selden trucks; one 2-ton Iteo truck., These trucks can be bought on easy terms inquire Selden Duck Dis tributors. 1025 Market st. o-nitD Sedan, 191S model; dem. rims- lock, etc., O. K. $725. Horst, Linglestown, Pa., near llarrisbut-g. WANTED All kinds ot used auto tires We pay highest cash prices. No junk. H. Esterbrook. 912 North Third street. Dial 4990 FORD touring, 17 model; electric 1 lights; runs and pulls like new. Price 1 $425 cash. Dial 36-C. S. I{. Hoist.! 1 Linglestown, near llarrisburg. 1, D.-E. worm drjwe, 1%-2-ton truck. Used only lew months. Original tires like new. THE OVERLAND-HARRIS BURG COMPANY, 212-214 North Second St. 1 1 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE - Fire, Public Liability, Theft and! Collision. Phone and representative; will call. Chas. Adler, 10U2 North I 1 Third street. | ] MITCHELL touring car in good' : condition electric equipped; first 1 1 $225 takes it. Coxestown Garage. Dial : 6751. ] 1918 Overland, model 90, delivery truck; steel body; absolutely first - class condition, electric light and starter; fine tires; good as new run < 3 800 miles; first $550 takes it. Coxes- 1 town Gaiage. Dial phone ( 51. I 1 FOR SALE—Overland, in good eon- t aition. Post office box 1207, Harris- i burg, Pa. 1 FORDS AT THE SUSQUEHANNA MOTOR COMPANY . &l,Sy 117 SOUTH THIRD ST., HARRIS BURG. ; jt 1 ' MOTORCYULF.S AND BICYCLES i 1914 Excelsior motorcycle; twin cylinders; in good condition; new tubes and tires; first st>o takes it. Coxestown Garage. Dial uiol. FOR SALE —1917 twin cylinder In- 1 dian motorcycle; 3 leet buck kick ' "tart; first class condition throughout; < first SBS takes it. Coxestown Garage. 1 Dial 5751. FOR SALE— Harley-Davldson mo- " toreycie; 1918 model and side ear; , electrically equipped. Address BoX \ 3-8438 cure Telegraph. BICYCLE REPAIiUNU 1 BY AN EXPERT I ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER WITH 1 ANDREW REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. ( AUTOS FOR HIRE AUTOMOBILE FOlt HIRE will < take you to any part of city or nearby v Country Call at 1831 Spencer street 1 or Dial 5937. — 1 CLEANERS AND IJYERs v; ( We clean old clothes, make them 1 ' new. All kinds of repairing guaran- ' teed. Goodman's. 1306 % North Sixth i HMRMPV _.-. • *Jjgy •1 No Ilonorrd il ; s Hk'btlng men Saturday with a great welcome homo festival, during which the men who have returned front tDo service were the guests of honor Honor appeared after the-paradewomen war workers who served well at home. The photographic reproductions show the returned soldiers and tho women war workers as they f MARKETS 1 NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel-] phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar- ] ket Square, Hjirrisburg; 336 Chestnut | street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, New York furnish the following ] quotations; Open Noon | Allis Chalmers 45 42 j Amer. Beet Sugar 80 89 American Can 56 Vi 54 Am. Car and Pndry Co.—ll4'. a 11292 j j Amer. Loco 86 86 j ] Amer. Smelting 82' i 81',2 American Sugar 134 133 | Anaconda T:i > t 10% Atchison 94 s i 93',• ! Baldwin Locomotive . ...lu9'a 107 ■% j Baltimore and Ohio 45 43 Va 1 Bethlehem Steel. B 91 "q " 8S' a j Butte Copper 27 26 r *s ; California Petroleum .... 45 44j Canadian Pacific 159E 159 \ Central Leathei 109',3 lrtl'-i • Chesapeake and Ohio ... 64 62-X • Chi., Mil. and St. Paul ... 45 45' Chi., R. I. and Pacific 28 27 *, Chino Con. Copper 46 45 :i 4 1 Col. Ful and Iron 4S 7 h 48; 4 ' Corn Products .. 89 85',3 j Crucible Steel 131 131 I Erie 17-X 1714 General Motors 220 220'4 Goodrich, B. F 80*14 78 Great North., pfd 91 a* 90 1 Great North. Ore, sub .. 47 45 Vij Inspiration Copper 62 62 i ACCESSORIES AND REP.MR.s~ IF YOU need a tiro or any part of any make of secondhand cars, we have ! it. We also buy secondhand junk cars I Highest cash price paid. Scltlun Track 1 Distributors 1011 -1025 Market street ! CHARLES . JOHNSON Garae- I lauto lepairlng done by exports oniv I Cars for hire; all work guaranteed -Jonestown Boad. Diul phone 5304. . i " SUNSHINE GARAGE ,\uto 7T" i i pairing by an expert. Road job, I I speeiaitl • Charges reasonable. p,,th phones. Sunshine Garage, v*. ~ j 1 ;ain< ron street ' * Nl * rt o j llarley Davidson, eleclrto and 1 side cat s•>-„! Indian. 1916, 3 speed i! *xs 1 luuian, 2 sjieed electric "" J5? I llarley Davidson, one speed "■ Thor, one speed 'V : Big bargains to quick buyers • DAYTON CYCLE CO. Dial 4990 913 N. Third St. RAYFIELD carburetors are recoe 1 nixed as the most reliable by all rtia criminating car owners; more uow r ' mere speed and 25 to 5u per cent, sav.' • ing of gasoline, are somo of the re*> sons you should have one; a special i type ltayfield for every make of eir I Agency, b edericlts Garage, isu7 w" i Seventh st. 11 _r NOTICE j; NOTICE OF REMOVAL Mcntzcr-Bomberger Mfg. Co have I removed from ISth and Chestnut st I to their new mfg. plant, llth and I Forster sts. — NOTICE Is hereby given that Sam uel L. Lend, is no longer In the em ployment of the Auto-Aeroplane \i chanical Training School or the due 1 and pight garage, 240-260 Soutli Front I street, Steelton. All persons having anv business with above company i should deal direct with William Fei- 1 ten. LEGAL NOTICES ' i NOTICE: The undersigned, appoint- I ed auditor by the Orphans' Court of j Dauphin County, to make distribution ! to and among those entitled thereto I of the balance shown by the first and final account of A. L. Taylor, admin istrator of the estate of Harry M'il loughby, late of Harrisburg, Ph., wilt sit for tin* purpose of his appoint on nt at tho Law Library in the Court ! House on Wednesday the 27th day of] August. A. D.. 1919 nt 10 o'clock a. in., when and where all persons having any claims against said estate may | anpear and present the same if they desire to do so. W. JUSTIN CARTER. Auditor. j ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE—ES- ' tate of Miles E. Warfel. Notice is hereby given that all persons indebt- j ed or having any claims against said 1 estate will present them for settle- ' ■"em l °vißS. EDNA E. WARFEL. ! Enola. Ia. NOTICE —Letters of administration | on the estate of William Russell Wilt. " late of the Borouch of Steelton I* Lauphill County. Pa., deceased, having I been granted t" tlie undersigned, all i persons indebted to said estate ure re- i quested to make immediate payment 1 and those having eluims will present ! tliem for settlement, to STEELTON TRUST CO.. Administrator Or to 11. L. Dress. Atty.. * Steelton, Pn. # A special meeting of the stockhold- 1 ers of tho City Transfer Company will be hold at the office of tho com pany. No. 16 North Second street Harrisburg. Pa., on Monday. Septem-I ber 15, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m'., to take action on the approval or disapproval ' of a proposed increase of indebtedness of said company from $10,250 to $25,000. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR., Secretary. HAJRJRISBTJHG TELEGRXPH Interboro-Met 712. 794 Int. Nickel 2994 28% Int. Paper 6294 60 Kennecott 40 38 94 Kansas City Southern ~ 22 22 Lackawanna Steel 85 83 94 Lehigh Valley 51 51% • Maxwell Motors % 52 50%' | Merc. Mar Ctfs 61 59V 4 I Mere. Mar Ctfs., pfd. ...116% IH-i, ■ j Mex. Petroleum ]BB 18994 | Miami Copper 29% 2S i Mid vale Steel 54% 53 ■ j Missouri Pacific 33 31% |N. Y. Central jji, 757,^ |N.Y„N. H. and H. ...... 36 - 347^ N. Y., Ont. and West. ... 22% 22% ! Nevada Copper 22% 19 3 I I Norfolk and West 104 % 103 Northern Pacific 92% 92 Pittsburgh Coal 72 " 72 Penna. R. R '47 45 y, : Railway Steel Spg 91 91 I Ray Con. Copper 25% 24% Reading 84 " 83% ; Republic Iron and Steel . 93% 89", j Southern Pacific lu2 101% | Southern Ry 28% 28% j j Sinclair Oil and R 59% 56% | | Studebaker ins 106% iU. S. I. Alcohol 137% 136 j Union Pacific 13e ~ 127 7 S ' ,I . S. Rubber •...124'.*; 1204, ! | I*. S. Steel 10S% 107% 1 Utah Copper <lO% 88% Vlr.-Cato. Chent 85 82% Westinghouse Mfg 56%' 55 j Willys-Overland 35 34% PHII.ADEt.PHIA I'ItODUCR j Philadelphia, Aug. 4.—Corn; lower, j j yellow ns to grade and location. $2.1111 Oats—Lower; No. 1 white, S79t j si%c; No. 2, S(]%(jiS7c; No. 3, 83%'h j S6c. I Butter*—Steady: western creamery, i 'extra, 56% c; nearby prints, lancv. 62 1 '•11 6 u*. Eggs—Firm; nearby first, $15.00 | per case; current receipts. sls; west ern extra firsts, $15.60; firsts, sls: , lunoy selected packed, 59(g61c per ! dozen. Cheese Firm; New York and! Wisconsin, full milk. 32®34c. [ Live Poultry—Steady; fowls, 35c;: j broiling chickens not leghorns, iO'ii i j -I0e: leghorns, ;;0%:!((*; roosters, 23 fn j j ie; i la ks. Pekin. 28®30c; Indian mil liter, 262**<*; spring din ks, 32ifi35c; I goose, 20c. I Dressei: Poultry Firm; fowls, fresh killed, choice to fancy, 39tji39%c; small sizes, 20i£$38c; roosters, 25c; ' spring ducks, Long island, 35c; broil- j ers. nearby choice, 38(j|i50c; western,' 37 @ 39c. Potatoes —Higher; eastern shore,! No. 1, $4Si 6.75; No. 2. SLSf3; Jerse;.* No. 1. per basket, $1.20@1.40; lower grades. 55Si'75c. J'Tour—Dull; winter straight west ern old, $10.755 i.* 11; new. $9.75@10.25; winter straigiit, nearby old, slo© 10.75; new. $9.755j>10; Kansas straight, j new, $11.25® 11.50; shot patent, old. $12@12.50; new $11.50® 11.75; spring I short patent, old. sl3® 13.50; spring, i I patent old, $12.D0@13; first clear, old, $9.75® 10. | Tallow Quiet: prime city loose. I j 20c; special loose, 2094 c; prime cour.- I try, 19e, edible-in tierces, 24%@25%c. I CONVERTIBLE! BOND ISSUES The current number of the i Market Review presents | briefly a number of facts of j interest to investors rcgard j ing several convertible bond issues, including Chile Copper ! ■ avertible Gs Wilson ij Co. 10-jT. Convertible Sinking I Futu! Gs j Now York Central Convertible Gold Debenture Gs Chesapeake & Ohio 30-jr. Convertible 5s Sent 011 request i'or 11. T.— 117 HUGHES & DIER ! Members- Philadelphia Stork Exchange ' I Chicago Board of Trade Penn-Harris Hotel MAKHISBURG I Mentzer-Rombsrger Mfg. CoT^^l TRIMMING STONE AND FACE BRICK Removal Notice | Removed From Eighteenth and Chestnut Streets 11 to their New Plant |; Eleventh and Forster Sts. | S. F. MENTZER. | Hay Dull; timothy. No. 2, s36® 37; No. 3. $32®33. Clover— Mixed light, $36@37; lower grades, s3l @35. Bran—Finn; soft winter spot in 100 pound sacks, ssU@sl per ton; spring tpot. $49@50 per ton. CHICAGO I'ATTI.IJ MARKET Chicago, Aug. 4. —Hogs; receipts. 20,000; lower; heavy weight, s2l® 22,75; medium weight, $21@22.85; light weight. s2l @22.80; light lights, $21.15 @ 21.85; heavy packing sows, smooth, $20.25® 21; packing sows, rough, sl9® 20; pigs, $18.75® 20.25. Cattle—Receipts, 11,000; firm. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $16.75©-18.50; me dium and good. $12.25® 16.75; common, slo© 12.25: light weight, good and choice, sl3 75® 17.60; common and me dium, $9.50 @ 13.75; butcher catlle, heifers. $7©14.50; cows, $6.75© 13.75 ;; fanners and cuttera, $5.75® 6.75; veal i calves, light and ha.l weight, sl6©' j 17: feeder steers, sß© 13.50; stockersi steerr, s7©li; western range steers, $9 4/16; k.VVS and heifers, $7.25© 12.75. j Sheep—Receipts, 17,000; unsettled;: | lambs, s i pounds dovVW, $13.25©16.75; \ j culls and common. sß© 12.75; yearling j wethers. slo® 12.50; owes, medium,: ; good and choice, s7@9; culls and com- 1 nion, $2.75© 6.70. ROBERT W. SEIIZ TO TEACH IN CHINA Robert W. Seitz, of the elass of 1919 at Yale College, will teach | this winter at the college of Yalc-ln- | China, Changsn, He left yesterday j j for San Francisco, from where he | sails August 12, with two of his | I Yale classmates. Mr. Seitz is a, son of the late City : Solicitor Seitz, and lives with his 1 I mother, tit 1211 North Second ! I street. After graduating from the j i Harrisburg Academy, he entered i • Yale and graduated th<*e this ] spring. He was a member of the | Yale Battery and held a commission | at the end of tlie war. KNEW HIS I'OSTOFFICK "I have placed my will in in>* 1 safety deposit box." grimly said J. ' r Two Brick Dwell- j ings, Hummel Ave., Le moyne. Lots on Curtin, Jefferson and Seneca Streets 2212 North Third Street, ! brick, 14 rooms and bath. Apartments and Store, Sixth and Harris Double Brick Dwelling, Eow ers Ave., Ft. Washington Brick Dwelling, Bowers and 1 Walnut Sts., Ft. Wash ington Frank R. Leib I and Son REAL LS I Alt and INSiIKANCE 18 North Third St. HARRISBURG, PA. awe —— j | I Iwo frame dwellings and ,'( j lot 60x98, with sewers, gas j j and water connections. Streets both front and back, j j Ground nearby lias sold for more than price asked. j Nos. 131-139 North Cam- ! j eron street. Apply to C. H. ORCUTT 267 Cumberland St. Fuller Gloom. "My pockets are filled with condensed and desiccated foods. 1 shall attach the end of this stout cord to a convenient projection, light % S?A7F o? raw YORK ) ) SS i COJS7Y OP K3W YORE) ... ... .-"I* ■ Hsrcua p. Kolly and frllliafc A.'UeSpaflaer oeinaTfiuly)! • j end ocverally eors, dvpose ar.d say ouoh for hinaclf ."\lliut to >• J 5 . r - " t ■ i is a resident of the state of t£xkb, and a ucatoer of the Board of Dlraotors of the Texas Producing U Refining cor," * Tx*i [Corporation. •The said Texas producing & Eeflning ColT' la an gaged) In producing and refining oil." _ Ttot said Texas I roduoing & Eeflning QoiV has on this day an avorage daily production of approximately three taoueand (3,000) barrola of oil, and that said oonpuny la delivering to 1 the various Pipe Lines of the State of Texas an average of tsO thousand one hundred (2,100) barrels of Crude oil per day^ TO BEFORE M 3• This 21 st day of jaly, 1919. I \ /,Vf* 1 v*X #y li j, 3,000 BARRELS DAILY FOR / TEXAS PRODUCING AND REFINING CO. , EARNINGS—At posted price of PROPERTY Leases cover ? $2.40 for grade oil produced earn- 22.117 acres in Ranger, Burkbur mgs should he $216,000 per nett and other prolific fields of month—over 50% on entire cap- Texas and Oklahoma. Forty new ( italization of this four months drilling locations have been se old company. . lected. A 4,000 barrel refinery DEVELOPMENT —Three of "earing completion which, au the four wells now drilling are thorities estimate, will add $150,- ot'fsets to 2,000 and 4,000 barrel 000 to monthly revenue. production. One of these has MANAGEMENT—A progress reached the productive sands. . r . S Contracts made for drilling of ue . man agemeiH ot successful two more wells. Ft >rage for business men and experienced 250,000 barrels will soon lie pro- operators, highly endorsed by vided for. , prominent bankers. 'he above facts indicate that present developments and excellent prospects must sooner or later create higher prices, and justify an increase ip the present 4 r /o quarterly dividend rate. These shares arc showing a steady advance. Why delay and pay more or miss the opportunity? Buy now. Send for descriptive circular, gratis Statement*! muric liorc arc Kccureri from rcllnhle NOtireen nnri, i\lilc we believe them accurate, rio not Kiiurnntee them. i M. Raphael & Co. 74 BROADWAY NEW YORK ==-. AUGUST 4, 1919 - - r inn o oy uosnon. a "handle and enter, crawling care fully among the stalactites and stalagmites, paying out the cord as 1 go, and " "Great heavens, Mr. Gloom!" ejac ulated an acquaintance. "Are yon contemplating exploring some vast and dismal cavery?" "Yes. L am going into our Kansas* City post office for the purpose of having weighed, purchasing stamps for find mailing this parcel-pont jpuc k r 1 \ City (Fire) Insurance v of Penna. , / Incorporated 1870 'g y A. Sylva, Agent 27 SOUTH THIRD STRf/ET I Rcll l'bonc 2143 j\ i. J SCHOOL OF LAW Washington & Lee University Next session begins September I 18, 1919. Two-year course for _ i L 1.,. B. Beginning September. ] 1920, three-year course required 1 ! for degree. For catalog, etc., * j address President. Henry Louis Smith, Lexington, A'a. > 15