Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 02, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Parade and Speechmaking
Feature Upper End
Tower City, Pa., Aug. 2. Tower
City is to-day doing itself proud in
the big welcome home demonstra
tion in honor of the men and women
of the community who served with
every branch of the military forces
during the war. Hundreds of vis
itors are within the confines of the
borough assisting in honoring these
Many Floats
Hundreds of persons were in line
in the big patriotic street pageant,
and floats of various organizations
and business houses formed an in
teresting spectacle. Several bands
enlivened the occasion with martial
and other music.
The celebration will be continued
late this afternoon and evening with
other events. Community singing
will form a pleasing part of this
evening's program ,but the men who
were fed up on the production of
army cooks for many months are an
ticipating with greater delight, the
bountiful banquet arranged in their
honor this pvening.
Races and Athletic Contests
at Sunday School Picnic
New Cumberland, Pa., Aug. 2.
On Thursday the Union Picnic of
the New Cumberland Sunday
Schools was held at Williams Grove,
and an interesting series of contests
took place, many valuable prizes be
ing offered for the different events.
The program follows.
Morning: Fungo hitting, men, 9
a. m.; Parker McAffee, Joseph Up
degraff. Baseball game, married
and single men, 9.30 a. m. Married,
McAffee, Updegraph, Hummel;
single, Joseph Updegraph, Miles
Rockey. Children's games, 9.30 to
11.00 a. m. Peanut hunt, boys and
girls to 5, Jessie Stine and Guy Epp
ley. Peanut hunt, boys and girls
6 to 8, Jessie Stine, Guy Eppley.
Eating contest for boys, ages 8 to
12, 10.30, Clark Bair, Robert Par
thenon. Egg race for girls 8 to IS,
11 a. m., Samuel Fisher and Paul
Afternoon: Bag race, boys 12 to
16 years, 1.30 p. m., Ray Lechthaler
and Frank Updegraph. Nail Driv
ing contest, women, 2 p. m. R. M.
Spangler and Daniel Seip. Wheel
barrow contest, women, 2.30. F. N.
Burns and J. Edison Good. Fifty
yard dash, single women, 5 p. m.
John Parthemore and Jessie Stone,
100-yard dash, men 3.30 J, Edison
Good and John Kaufman. 200-yar
dash, 4 p. m. Edison Good, John
Kaufman. Broad jump. 4.30 p. m.,
Lloyd Reiff and Harvey Paden. Shoe
race, fat men, 5 p. m. Henry Hum
mel and R. M. Spangler. Tug-O'-War
married and single men 6 to 6.30
p. m. John Parthemore, Parker Mc-
Prize winners will call at Hoff's
store on Monday, August 4, from 6
to 8 p. m., where they will receive
$36,000 Added Annually
to Traction Payroll
The voluntary increase in wage 3
granted to motormen and conduc
tors employed by the Harrisburg
Railways Company by the board of
directors late yesterday, will mean
an addition to the company's pay
roll of approximately $36,000, ac
cording to an announcement made
at the company's offices to-day.
The increase was granted without
a request from the men and was
made by the directors in view of
the mounting living costs. Under
the new scale all first year men
will receive forty-three cents an
hour; second-year men forty-four
an hour, and third-year men and
men employed for a longer period,
forty-five cents. Under the present
scale first-year men receive forty
cents an hour; second-year men
forty-one cents, and third-year men
forty-two cents. The increase,
which is effective August 15, gives a
flat increase of three cents an hour
to all carmen.
Scranton Electric Men
to Resume Work Today
By Associated Press.
Scranton, Pa., Aug. 2. Follow
ing an eight-hour conference between
officials of the Scranton Electric Com
pany, representatives of its striking
employes and a committee of leading
citizens it is announced that the strike
which has crippled industry for a week
would end to-day when the strikers
ratify the agreement reached. Under
the agreement firemen will get an
eight-hour day and six per cent, in
crease ; outside men an eight-hour day
with same pay they received for nine
hours and the chauffeurs an increase
of $2 per week. They lose their demand
for a closed shop.
The State of Kentucky is the
happy tmnting ground of the oil
prospectors of small means, yet the
outcome of his endeavors does not
always make him happy. The per
centage of unsuccessful tests in the
State is somewhat high—about 19
per cen.—compared with the aver
age for the country as a whole,
which is about 16 per cent., but
the oil is found at relatively shal
low depths, commonly 300 to 100
feet, and the cost of drilling wells
Is low. The reck outcrops in tho
State are pleantiful, and the areas
where the geologic conditions are
most favorable to the occurrence of
oil can be found easily.
The most productive group of oil
fields in Kentucky is in the vicinity
of Irvine, Estill County, and is de
scribed in Bulletin 661-D of the
United States Geological Survey, De
partment of the Interior, pulished
In 1916. The second richest group
lies in and around Allen County,
more than a hundred miles south
west of Irvine. The fields in Allen
County are the subject, of a report
by E. W. Shaw and K. F. Mather
Just issued by the Geological Sur
vey as Bulletin 688, and available
on request from the Director.
A barrel of oil obtained In Allen
County was sojd in Bowling Green
In 1850, but oil in Kentucky has
only recently become a product of
great commercial value, the pro
duction in 1918 having been ten
times as great as in 1915. The oil
in Allen County is irregularly scat
tered through the productive area,
and a great many of the wells have
therefore been failures, but on the
whole the county appears (o be
about ns rich in oil as any other
county in the Stat except Estill and
Captain Lumb Warns ofjncrease of Thefts Since Armis
tice; Lauds City Department For Assistance
Declaring that automobile thefts
have increased greatly since the
signing of the armistice, Captain
George F. Lumb, acting superinten
dent of State Police, asks co-opera
tion of members of the State motor
clubs to break up the practice, in
a letter to secretaries.
Police Indifferent
The responsibility for this, Cap
tain Lumb says, lies with the "re
turn of many men to the United
states, who are out of employment,
and who are skilled in the operation
of automobiles." The police depart
ments of many cities, he continued,
have shown an indifference to the
problem and have offered little real
H ? rria ? ur S P°ce department
Captain Lumb says, has offei ed real
assistance and has established a
good record of recoveries for itself
Its percentage In this respect, he
adds, is considerably above that of
either the Pittsburgh or Philadel
phia police departments.
Captain Lumb says in part: "In
an endeavor to safeguard propertv
or automobile owners and to make
driving upon the State highways
safe, we are asking all members of
automobile clubs in Pennsylvania to
co-operate with this Department in
the following manner: Notify the
nearest Troop or substation of State
Police the instant you learn of a car
being stolen. The men should he
informed as to the time and place
of stealing* the car, the name of
owner, make, style, year, engine and
Public Service Commission
Rules on Bellefonte Central
in Unusual Proposition
I The Public Service Commission has
granted authority to the Bellefonte
Central Railroad Company to abandon
a three and a half mile branch ex
tending from near State College to
Pine Grove Mills because the opera
tion of the branch did not prove re
munerative owing to competition by
motor trucks and automobiles follow
ing improvement of State highways
Such vehicles, it is claijned by the
company, have supplanted it as a
common carrier and the statement is
made that there is no longer public
necessity for continuance of railroad
service. The decision is the first of
the kind in years. The point was also
made that the revenues from the
branch were not only insufficient to
maintain it, but that the continued
operation was Jeopardizing the finan
cial soundness of the company. At a
hearing on the protest filed by citizens
fine Grove Mills, oays the decision
by Chairman Ainey it developed that
the line was in bad condition and that
it would require several thousand dol
lars to restore it. The decision also
says that the passenger earnings did
not exceed $38.58 in any one month
in 1018, falling to $6.76 for Decem
ber of that year. The gross earnings
calculated to arise from the branch in
1917 were $349.71. The statement of
the entire system for 1916 and 1917
shows a deficit for both years.
"The duty of a railroad company to
operate its road is no greater than
is demanded and justified by the pub
lic interest," says the decision.
"Where there is not sufficient traffic
to pay expenses the company'will not
be required to operate the road at a
loss or make needed repairs if the
road is not paying expenses and the
company has not the necessary funds
or means of raising them."
Freight Wreck Blocks
Tracks of Two Railroads
A broken truck was responsible
for the derailment of nine loaded
coal cars on the Reading Railway
at Gibraltar early yesterdy and the
blocking of both the Reading and
Pennsylvania tracks. The tracks
were badly torn up and it was nec
essary to run the Pennsylvania
trains over the Reading to and from
Birdsboro until 7.25, when the
Pennsylvania obtained use of its
track again.
The tracks of the two companies
run close together at that place
and nearly all of the cars were
thrown on the tracks of the Penn
sylvania. The road bed was badly
torn up and it will take the entire 1
day to pick up and clear away the
wreckage. Ail of the cars were
loaded with anthracite, much of
wKich was spilled by the upsetting
of the cars.
The Reading and Pennsylvania
wreck crews were on the ground
early, but it required six hours of
the hardest kind of work to open
up the Pennsylvania line and get
the track in shape for the resump
tion of traffic.
Million-Dollar Fire
in Detroit Last Night
By Associated Press.
Detroit, Aug. 2. The A. Wads
worth Manufacturing Company's plant,
covering an area of three blocks, an ad
joining workmen's hotel, and the large
yards of the Sibley Lumber Company
were destroyed by fire last night. Po
lice placed the loss at nearly $1 000 -
The Wadsworth Company, which nor
mally employs about 1,500 men, manu
factured automobile bodies. About
half its employes have been on strike
for several weeks.
crank W. Campbell, Pittsburgh, ana
Catherine R. Sanford, Kaylor.
George L. Southard. Bridgeport.
Conn., and Blanch L. Enders, New
Edward P. Hawk, Altoona. and
Ethyl M. Kirk, McVeytown.
Joseph Manapeli, Passnlc. N. J., and
Jennie Kosina, Steelton.
Ernest J. Wog, Lebanon, ad Ana
Wajlant, Bteelton.
"I presume you're mighty glad the
war Is over."
"Well, I don' jes' know about dat,"
answered Mandy. "Cose I'se glad to
have my Sam back home an' all dat,
but I Jes know I ain't never gwine t'
get money from him so regular as I
did while wuz in de army an' de gov
ernment wuz handlin' his financial uf
, fairs."—Detroit Free Press.
license numbers and any distinct
ive marks or extras that will assist
in identification."
The location of the troops, he says
are: Troop A, Grecnsburg; Troop B,
Wyoming; Troop C, Pottsville;
Troop D, Butler; Troop E, Lan
Should Aid
Captain Lumb continued: "If an
officer of the State Police Force
stops a member of your club on the
road and asks to see his driving
card or engine number, the person
so stopped should cheerfully comply
with the request in his own interest,
as you may be sure the officer is
looking for a car of the make and
description that ho stops, and it will
only take one or two minutes to
satisfy the officer as to the identity
of the owner and his car, whereas
i it may be possible that one of your
members will have a valuable car
recovered by this method.
"Our officers are making every
endeavor possible to safeguard your
property and protect the lives of
yourself and family, and they will
be encouraged by a little courtesy
and co-operation on the part of your
"A car having manufacturer's
number removed, altered or defaced
is. under a new act, subject to seiz
ure and detection, according to the
circumstances, pending investiga
"Safeguard yourself by not pur
chasing cars of this class until you
are perfectly satisfied that nothing
irregular shows in the sale."
Rumors of Yard Changes Are
Denied; Here to Look
Over Conditions
Rumors were many yesterday re
garding big railroad yard improve
ments in Harrisburg. Presence of
railroad officials front Altoona and
Philadelphia in the yards brought
this gossip. It was the second time
this week that R. L. O'Donnell, gen
eral manager, and N. W. Smith,
general superintendent of the East
ern division of the Pennsy, visited
Harrisburg and Enola, and inspect
ed yard conditions.
One rumor was an old-time story
about the moving of the freight
enginehouse, known as No. 2, lo
Lucknow, and No. 1 enginehouse
from Verbeke and Seventh streets
to the vicinity of North and Sev
enth streets. The visit of the offi
cials to Enola, it was reported, was
to plan for more tracks and exten
sions to the shops and enginehouse.
Officials Smile
The reports brought smiles from
the officials. General Superintend
ent Smith said: "We would like to
do many things to help us out of
our troubles, but just now we have
no time to think about improve
ments. What we mostly desire is
getting freight and passenger trams
over the road without any deten
tions. We are just trying to find out
where the troubles start. Condi
tions are improving, but there still
is opportunity for more efficiency."
The officials later in the day went
east, and it is undestood will be
in conference to-day at Washing
ton, D. C., with Federal Railroad
administration officials. Whether the
conference will be on train cond.-
tions or the wage question was not
J. T. Balsley Seriously 111;
Was Freight Trainmaster
John T. Balsley, retired train
master of the Philadelphia division,
is seriously ill at his home at Nar
berth. He has been in poor health
for some time. Reports received in
I Harrisburg to-day were that his re
covery was doubtful.
Mr. Balsley was a resident of
Harrisburg for many years. When
he was retired he took up his resi
dence at Narberth. He was long in
service of the Pennsy, starting as
an operator at Tyrone in 1867. He
was assistant freight trainmaster on
the Philadelphia division and latci
was in full charge of freight trains
on this division, which included
yards in this city, Marysville and
Letter Carriers of Nation
to Meet in Philadelphia
Plilindelpliln. August 2.—Letter car
riers from all parts of the country
will assemble In this city for their
national convention from September
1 to 6.
Richard F. Quinn, of 216 South
Thirty-seventh street, this city who is
chairman of the national executive
board of the National Association of
Letter Carriers, announced yesterday
that plans for the convention are pro
gressing rapidly.
Visiting bands from New York,
Boston, Cleveland, Columbus, Dallas,
Newark, 'and Allentown will be pres
ent. These bands are composed en
tirely of letter carriers. The New
York band, eomposd of 89 pieces, will
give a sacred concert at City Hall
[Plaza on Sunday night, August 81.
Mystery Shrouds i ?
the Capsizing of a
British Freighter
New York, Aug. 2. Mystery
still shrouded to-day the capsizing of
the 3,600-ton British freighter Clan
Gordon 140 miles off Cape Hatteras,
in a comparatively calm sea Wednes
day afternoon, with the loss of four
members of her crew, one of them
the wireless operator.
The freighter, bound from New
York to China with a cargo of case
oil and wax, turned turtle in full
view of passengers on board the
United Fruit Company's steamship,
Abangarez, on her way to this port
from Jamaica.
Officers of the Abangarez, which
arrived here to-day with the Clan
Gordon's survivors, had their atten
tion attracted to the Clan Gordon by
her apparent heavy list to starboard
and the passenger ship had turned
to make closer investigation when,
with startling suddenness, the British
vessel turned completely over. The
crew could be seen jumping from
the upturned rail into the water and
lifeboats from the Abangarez were
cleared away.
Kaiser's "Conscience"
Caused Him to Sue For
Peace Oct. 27, Book Says
By Associated Press.
Berlin, Thursday, July 31. — The
former German emperor's statoment
on October 27. 1918, that he had
reached an unalterable determination
to sue for a separate peace within 24
hours and to demand an immediate
armistice is ono of the many inter
esting revelations of German war di
plomacy contained in the "White
Book" published at Weii|J(ar to-day.
The book, which contains official doc
uments relating to the negotiations
from August 13, 1918, to the signing
of the armistice on November 11, is
issued by the Government, it is an
nounced in the preface, because the
people want to know the truth.
The former emperor's decision to
seek peace immediately, according to
documents in the "White Book," he
considered necessary because he be
lieved the people both unabl and un
willing to continue the war. The for
mer German ruler's conscience was
said to forbid him to permit further
Carranza's Statement
on Oil Is Protested
By Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 2.—The National
Association for the Protection of
American Rights in Mexico, issued a
statement to-day and sent a copy of
it to the State Department, protest
ing against statements made by Pres
ident Carranza, of Mexico, in an in
terview to the Associated Press. The
protest follows:
"The statement is the old protes
tation of the Carranza government
that confiscation is not intended by
the constitution, decrees and proposed
laws of Mexico, against which the for
eign offices of the United States,
Great Britain, France and Holland
have protested as confiscatory. It
is merely a denial that tricky legis
lation depriving legal owners of oil
lands honestly acquired and made val
able, constitute confiscation. The at
titude of the Amerir/n Government
in jhis matter is sufficient refutation
of the statements attributed to Pres
dent Carranza.
"As to his statement that the 'pe
troleum companies have set out to
engender ill feeling—they are doing
this through the medium of some sec
tions of the American press, which
are "distorting facts to suit their own
ends,' the association hereby asks
Manuel Carpio, the official propagand
ist of the Carranza government in the
United States, who is thoroughly
aware of all sta'i'ments made, to point
out any misstatement in connection
with the oil controversy published in
the American press, w\iich has fallen
under President Carranza's charge of
Recruiting Party to ■
Visit City Next Week
A recruiting party representing
the United States Ordnance Depart
ment will be in Harrisburg Tuesday
and Wednesday, August 5 and 6. A
medical examiner and recruiting
officer will be with the party. An
opportunity will be given young
men to enlist for service in the
Ordnance Department of the United
States Army.
With this party there will be
about 100 enlisted men. There will
be 30 motor vehicles, each with a
trailer carrying three-inch antiair
craft guns, 28-inch searchlights,
several 75 millimeter cannons, and
4 Pt.-7 cannons. There will also
be trucks carrying a complete re
pair shop, with material, tools, ma
chines, etc., for making repairs of
ordnance material.
This big train will park near the
city and will tour of the
principal streets. The party is from
Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New
Jersey and will stop at Easton, Allen
town, Reading, Lebanon, Harris
burg, Chambersburg and Bedford.
Charles E. Welliver, of Blooms
burg, to-day filed a petition to be a
candidate for associate judge in Co
lumbia county.
™W""W :>:yy.mf-' •■:■*>-
This view from the crow's nest ofH. M. S. Renown, on which thePrlnco of Wales will mako his head
quarters when he visits Americanext month, shows some of the Brit-ish fighting: craft's armament and a
seaplane ready to "take off" froma gun turret. The Prince will makea brief official visit to Washington
later visiting New York, where thoßenown will be waiting in the har-bor. It is believed that following
the precedent set by King Georgewhen the President and Mrs. Wilsonvisited London, the Prince will be a
guest at the White House during hiastay in the capital,
• ......... • • ; - • ' ............
The largest passenger-carrying seaplane, with a seating capacity of eighteen, is now ready for service at
the Naval Training Station, North Island, Cal. Time schedules, rates and air routes are being established. The
aerial flyer was designed and built by Malcolm X. and Allen Loughead, brothers, of Santa Barbara, Cal. The big
seaplane measures eighty-eight feet from wing tip to wing tip. and can develop an average speed of eighty
miles. A feature of the construction of the plane is the fact that every wire, strut and control is in duplicate. It
is equipped with two engines and can maintain horizon tal flight, carrying ten passengers, under the power of
one engine.
Mobile Ordnance Unit
Is on Way to City
According to word received here
to-day, the mobile ordnance exhibit
and recruiting party, consisting of
100 enlisted men and thirty motor
vehicles carrying numerous war
trophies and modern implements of
war, has left the Raritan Arsenal,
Metuchen, N. J., for a tour- of this
Exhibits will be made in fho fol
lowing cities in the Harrisburg dis
trict: Easton and Allentown, to
morrow; Reading and Lebanon,
Monday; Harrisburg, Tuesday and
Deaths and Funerals
John H. C. Poorman, aged 74, a
well known Civil War veteran died
yesterday at his home, 2116 Penn
street. The survivors are a widow,
three daughters, Mrs. Russell Lowe,
Mrs. Viola Klineyoung, Mrs. T. F.
Holbarde, and nine grandchildren.
The funeral will take place Wednes
day afternoon. Burial will be made
in Paxtang cemetery.
Annie Susan Walker, aged 4 5
years, widow of the late Henry
Walker, died yesterday at her home,
818 James street. The funeral will
be held Monday afternoon at 3.30
o'clock. Services will be held at
the late home. The Rev. Mr. Fields
will officiate. Burial will be made
in Lincoln cemetery.
Charles Burnham died yesterday
morning at his home, 1012 North
Nineteenth street, aged 70 years. He
is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary
J. Burnham and three children,
David C. Burnham, Solomon S.
Burnham and Miss Anna Burnham,
all of this city. Funeral services
will be held from his late home on
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, con
ducted by the Rev. Mr. Rodgers, as
sistant pastor of the Market Square
Presbyterian Church. Burial will be
in the Paxtang cemetery.
Erastus B. Hoffman, Civil War
veteran and an active member of
Post 58, G. A. It., to-day filed a nom
inating petition as a candidate for
the Republican nomination for al
derman in the Fifth ward. Other
petitions filed to-day follow: Wil
liam A. Fenical, Republican, judge
of elections, Ninth ward, Fifth pre
cinct; Alexander Gibbins, Republi
csl1 ' constable, *' lrs t ward; George
W. Charters, Republican, constable
Second ward; James A. Schwartz!
Republican, councilman, Hummels
town; H. B. Kurtz, Republican, con
stable, Third ward, Middletown.
Notices of changes of rates were
tiled with the Public Service Com
mission by the Postal Telegraph
Company, for inirer-state business
Increases of fare from five to seven
cents for day rides ana of a four
teen-cent night fare were filed by
the Homestead and Mifflin Street
Railway company, operating in Al
legheny county. The Franklin Water
company, of Kittanning also filed no
tice of an increase.
Struck by a trolley car at Nine
teenth and Derry streets yesterday
afternoon, Joe Philipetz, Hershey, a
street sweeper, is in the Harrisburg
Hospital. He is suffering with con
tusions of the left shoulder, deep
lacerations of the cheek and a frac
tured rib.
Daniel Bankas was arrested early
this morning by Harrisburg police
charged with rifling the cash regis
ter in the restaurant of Gus Manel
las, 1001 North Seventeenth street.
Bankas is/ accused of having taken
$25 in cash from the register. He
will be given a hearing in police 1
court during the afternoon.
Developments of a Day
in Living Cost Problem
D EVE 1.1 IENTS of a day in the efforts of —e Government to
reduce the high cost of living are:
The House, at the request of President Wilson, agreed to
defer its planned five-week recess and consider demands of railroad
employes for increased wages.
The Senate a* -In- diseu 1 increased living costs, but postponed
action on the Kvcrs resolution, proposing reduction in currency
The committee of three, appointed to consider means of reducing
living expenses and report to the F esident and Cabinet on Monday,
began work.
The national officers of I'.IO Brotherhood of Railway Conductors
conferred with President Wilson regarding increased wages and the
cost of living.
The House Interstate Commerce Committee reported favorably a
resolution directing the Federal Trade Commission to investigate
the increased price of shoes.
Resolutions and bills designed to alleviate conditions of living
were introduced in both houses of Congress.
Van Valkenburg Gets
Legion of Honor
Philadelphia, Aug. 2. The cross
of the Legion of Honor was presented
to E. A. Van Valkenburg, editor of the
Philadelphia North American, in the
(name of the Republic of, France. The
presentation was made through a rep
resentative of Ambassador Jusserand,
acting for President Poincare. The
letter accompanying the emblem stated
that the honor was conferred in recog
nition of Mr. Van Valkenburg's activity
in behalf of France during the war.
Evidence in the injunction action
brought against the Central 1 ,- ®h
and Steel Company by Robert C.
Neal, wall be heard by the county
court on Monday. Mr. Neal in the
suit alleged that the company was
constructing a railroad line across a
roadway to the Susquehanna river
and he sought a court decree to re
strain them from completing the
work unless they provide a subway,
bridge or culvert so that there will
be access to the river.
Habeas corpus proceedings have
been brought by William J. Mc-
Laughlin against his wife, Mrs.
Catherine L. McLaughlin, 2709
North Sixth street, to secure the cus
tody of their three children, who
are living with her now. The hear
ing has been fixed for Monday
morning by the court. The children
are Thomas V., aged 9; William J.„
aged 7 and G. Marshall. 4.
Joseph F. Higgins, who served In
(he Seventy-ninth Division, also the
Fifth Division in France and Ger
many, is visiting his father C. H. Hig
gins and sister, Miss Mare C. Higgins,
having been discharged at Camp Dix
July 28. After a short stay he ex
pects to locate in Pittsburgh.
Chief of Mines Seward E. Button
and Deputy Chief Frank Hall have
returned from Pittsburgh where they
attended a series of conferences
with the mine inspectors in the
Pittsburg district with a view of
bettering conditions.
The New Jersey and Pennsylvania
Railway company, to-day entered
complaint against a number of jit
ney operators alleged to be operat
ing in Bucks county without State
certificates. The commission will
summon the people for a hearing.
Chicago, Aug. 2.—Board of Trade
Corn—Sept. 185; Dec. 15494.
Oats—Sept. 73%; Dec. 76%.
Pork—Sept. 50.25.
Lara—Sept. 33; Oct. 32.85.
Ribs—Sept. 27.15.
AUGUST 2, 1919.
[Continued from First Page,]
| trainmen's wage scale was adjusted
as requested. Some of the demands
would advance wages 120 per cent,
over the pre-war level.
Director General Ilinea, had a
conference late yesterday with Sen
ator Cummins and Representative
Esch, chairmen of the Congressional
Commerce Committees, at which he
discussed the labor crisis and ex
plained his views that additional
wage increases should come from a
commission created by Congress. He
promised to draft and submit a bill
which would embody his ideas.
Diving Conditions Up
President Wilson, it was said at
the White House, had the subject
of economy conditions before him in
a variety of phases. In making his
request to the House, he said that
he expected important recommenda
tions "within a fortnight" from his
Shortly before the President sent
his request to the House, it was
learned that the conference of cab
inet members and other officials as
sembled yesterday by Attorney Gen
eral Palmer to initiate measures for
relieving the average man from
high prices would reassemble Tues
day and would have a new member
in the person of Julius Barnes, di
rector of the United States Grain
Corporation. An invitation to him
to attend was interpreted as mean
ing that serious consideration would
be given to the proposal to sell
i wheat at the market price, allowing
the government to absorb the dif
ference between that and the $2.26
guaranteed the farmer. Several of
ficials have expressed the opinion
that.a free market for wheat would
result in declines in the price of
flour which would bring down other
staples materially.
Director General Hines, Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury Defflng
well and Chairman Colver, of the
I Federal Trade Commission, ap-
I pointed a special committee by the
| conference, will report at the next
meeting on the various suggestions
which have been advanced, especially
those to curb profiteering. The De
partment of Justice is understood to
be prepared to put the entire law
enforcing machinery of the govern
ment back of any campaign that
may be decided upon to stop extor
tion in the price of necessaries.
Greencnntle, Pa., Aug. 2.—Consum
mation of a deal, by which it takes
over about five acres of the ground
and two-thirds of the buildings of the
Emerson-Brantingham Company
plant here, has been made by the
Bandis Tool Company, Waynesboro.
The company will make additions to
the buildings and will bring work
that has been done for it in other
sections of the country. About 50
additional operatives will be employ
i cd.
Like Poets the Good
Printer Is Born, Not Made
no other trade is the highest
T skill demanded so much as in
m that of printing. Quite as neces
y sary is it to have the gift of
artistically assembling the
countless sizes and styles of types as it
is to be able to use the painter's brush.
Our printing department is unexcelled
in this requirement.
Try os when your need is in the print
ing field.
The Telegraph Printing Co.
216 Federal Square Harrisburg, Pa.
(Continued From First Page)
prices, with yellow beans selling for
7 to 10 a quarter. A few stands had
peas on sale at 20 to 25 a quarter,
with sugar peas at 15 cents a box,
the price asked during the last six
Lettuce Comes Down
Small boxes of tomatoes sold for
15 cents at most places, while the
quart box brought 20 and 25 cents for
solid ones. California head lettuce
dropped back to 20 cents. Potatoes
ranged from 10 to 20 cents a quarter;
sweet potutoes, 15 cents a box, 25 and
30 cents a quarter.
Other produce prices were: bananas,
30@35c; beets, bunch, sc; butter,
country, pound, 62@65c; creamery, 65
@6Bc; corn, dozen, 20@35c; egg plant,
7, 10, 12, 15@18c; lemons, 40c; lem
ons, 40c; oranges, 40@60c; peppers,
lf(f>2c; radishes, rhubarb and carrots,
bunch, 5c each; watermelons, 65, 75,
90c; cantaloupes, 10, 12, 15, 20c; pears,
15®20c box; bacon, pound, 45@55c;
ham, 45 @ 60c; chickens, dressed,
pound, 50, 55@65c; live, 35@45c.
Will Ask For Samples
Several members of the local
food committee have expressed their
intention to get samples of food
offered by the government, and
compare it with products sold in
Harrisburg. This plan is the re
sult of many kicks yesterday be
i cause of the committee's desire to
j drop the projects to buy government
I goods.
Another plan is after the sam
| pies have been examined to make a
i bid to the government. One man
| put it to-day in this statement, "The
| government is no doubt high on
I prices. The people paid for the
I goods now in government ware
' houses and it is not fair to them to
be asked to pay prices out of rea
son. If a reasonable bid is made
to the government I believe that the
goods could bo purchased and sold
to Harrisburg people at low prices."
That Harrisburg is paying higher
| prices for food than are asked in
| Philadelphia, Wilmington and other
cities was told by R. J. Wheeler, the
councilman from Allentown. He
I has been in this city investigating
| the prices and finds that in hisTtome
town, in a district where truck farms
are not so numerous as in this vi
cinity, garden products can be had
at front 25 to 50 per cent, less than
in Harrisburg. He purchased two
tomatoes in one of the city markets
for 15 cents. In Allentown toma
toes are selling for two for five
cents. He made other comparisons
referring to the high price of let
tuce in Harrisburg. Altoona is pre
paring to buy a second carload lot.
The Altoona Tribune prints the fol
Second Far For Altoona
"That a second car of food and
canned goods may be ordered soon
from the Army surplus supply offi
cer at Baltimore, was the state
ment last night by City Manager
Hinkle, in discussing the popularity
of the first car, which was disposed
of this week.
"Numerous inquiries have been
made by Pennsy shopmen concern
ing the placing of another order, and
the Standard Refractories Company,
at Claysburg, expects to take a lib
eral portion of the goods secured in
the second consignment. Inquiries
have also been made at the city
treasurer's office this week, and con
siderable enthusiasm is being evin
"It is expected that a definite re
ply about how much canned goods
and other commodities wanted, will
be forthcoming by Monday from the
general manager of the Claysburg
"No difficulty was experienced by
the city officials in disposing of
the first consignment of bacon,
canned vegetables and other pro
ducts. All the goods were sold out
yesterday afternoon.
"The sole deficiencies in the first
car were a can of tomatoes and one
of corn. These were found to be
due to a split seam in both cans,
which caused the contents to spoil.
"Mr. Hinkle declared that while
the city docs not expect to continue
in the retail grocery business, the
second car will undoubtedly be ob
tained, as long as sufficient interest
is demonstrated to warrant the or
der. Further announcement per
taining to the arrival and disposi
tion of the next consignment will be
made as rapidly as details are com
Presbyterians Plan
Advertising Campai i
Stony Brook, N: Y., Aug. 2.—Plai.
for a nation-wide campaign of church
advertising through nc/.vspapers w >re
outlined yesterday at the New Bra
Conference of the Presbyterian
Church. An annual appropriation by
every individual church in the United
States for advertising in the local
newspapers was unanimously ads -
cated by the delegates.
It was decided to have the Presby
teries in the Middle Western States
elect delgates to a New Era Confer
ence to be held at Bake Geneva, Wis.,
September 1 or before.
By Associated Press.
Berlin, Aug. 2. The German
National Assembly at Weimer approved
the new German constitution Thursday
by a vote of 262 to 75. Konstantln
Fehrenbach, president of the assembly,
formally declared the constitution
adopted. The opposition votes came
from the German National Peoples',
the German Peoples' and the Indepen
dent Socialist parties.