Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 02, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Police Believe That Shaw Was
Killed in Swift
New York, Aug. 2. Swift ven
geance for the killing of a gang
leader, after the fashion of the feuds
which made New York's East Side
notorious, some years ago, is the
verdict of the police after an in
vestigation into the shooting affray
In Hoboken last night which resulted
In the death of Robert "Rubber"
Shaw and the serious wounding of
George Lewis.
* The story, pieced together by the
police of New York and Hoboken,
begins with the shooting down of
"Tanner" Smith while playing poker
in a resort known as the Marginal
Club In this city Saturday night.
"Tanner" was the leader of the
"Irish Paddy" gang which once held
sway in Greenwich village but the
gang was supposed to have been
dispersed and their chief was said
to have reformed. The police claim
that three men were hired to "get"
Smith, his death having been plan
ned as the upshot of a dispute be
tween rival contractors engaged in
the handling of beef.
The names of tho men who
killed Smith were an open secret
4 throughout gangland, the police say.
and a general alarm was sent out
for the arrest of "Rubber" Shaw.
* The vengeance of the gang was
swifter than the pursuit of the po
lice, however. Last night, as Shaw
and Lewis were standing on a Ho
boken street corner an automobile
carrying five men whirled to the
sidewalk, there was a fusillade of
shots and when the smoke cleared
away Shaw was lying dead with two
bullets through his breast. Lewis
was lying beside him seriously
wounded and the automobile had
The principal witness upon whom
the police rely for the substantiation
. of their story is the nineteen-year
old widowed bride of Shaw. The
girl, who is being held as a material
witness, says she was married to the
dead man on Monday.
Children Conclude
Bible School Work
The children of the Daily Vaca
tion Bible school at Market Square
Presbyterian Church concluded
their four weeks of work in an ex
hibition service and party last night
in the church chapel. The scene of
"Moses in the Bulrushes" was de
lightfully played by the primary
children and three scenes from
*■ "Esther" were given by the juniors.
Several Bible memory games which
were used in the school were plaj
ed. The memory hymn. "Stand Up,
Stand l"p For Jesus," was sung and
the memory Psalm, the 34th, was
recited. The superintendent of tho
Sal"bath school, John De Gray, leu
in prayer. The superintendent, the
Rev. Howard Rodgers, expressed
his appreciation to those who had
made the school a success. Tho
service closed with a party. Chil
dren who received an honor certiii
'4 cate from the Board of Education
for having not missed more than
four days and having done the best
class work were as follows: Pri
, mary department, Ella Orr, Helen
Cremonesi, William King, Margaret
Fenstemacher. Marian Moyer. Jun
ior department: Ffichard Walker.
Howard McCurdy, Esther Kautz,
Dorothy Shannon, Mildred Coleman.
Carl Brindle, Ella Nelson. Franc,s
Heisey, Alice Walkden and Eucy
Trolleymen Rescind Strike
When Granted Raise
, By Associated Press.
Chicago. Aug. 2. Street car
service will be resumed to
day after a four-day strike of
surface and elevated carmen. Re
sumption of traffic soon followed
the announcement that the men had
voted to rescind the strike order
and to accept the wage schedule of
65 cents an hour fir surface and 67
for the elevated employes agreed
on last Monday by the heads of the
unions and the companies.
Hearings were begun to-dav by
the State Public Utilities Commis
sion to determine what raise in fare
will be necessary to pay the 17 cents
an hour increase in wages given to
the men. It is said a seven-cent
1 fare on surface lines and an eight
cent fare on elevated roads will be
granted by the commission. In ad
/ dition a one-cent charge for trans
l fers may be authorized. The em
ployes originally demanded a wage
of 85 cents an hour.
Use McNeil's Pain Exterminalor--Ad
The engine fuel that is now called gasoline is really a j
t kind of kerosene. But your engine is a gasoline engine, j
| Gasoline of the old kind the kind that automobile en- 1
| gines are intended to burn can no longer be obtained ex- j
! cept at drug stores. Your engine cannot start easily; it 3
| develops knocks; it carbonizes quickly; it does not dc- j
! liver all the powers that you expect of it.
t , j
1 here is only one way to meet the situation, and that is j
to build a carburetor to use the fuels of today. That is j
In the first place they studied engines and fuels. They 3
| discovered that some of the so-called gasoline is not con- 1
| sumed at all. It is so heavy that it is not vaporized. It j
I is swept in drops into the manifold and engine, and these 3
I drops collect in the Crank Case and "cut" the lubricating j
i oil. That means scored Cylinders, cut "bearings," j
| "knocks" and heavy repair bills.
| 1807-09 N. Seventh St. Harrisburg, Pa. j
New Developments Are Ex
pected as Result of In
By Associated Press.
Philadelphia. Aug. 2.—Further de
velopments are exrected soon in the
investigation of the affairs of the
I North Tenn Bvnk. which closed its
] doors two weeks ago with an appur
i ent shortage in Its accounts of 12.-
j 000,000. Ralph T. Moyer, cashier of
! the bank, who is under (25,000 bail on
islx charges of violating the banking
laws, end Waltei O. Colflesh, head
j bookkeeper, who has furnished much
] information about the methods of tho
j bank spent nearly the entire day with
representatives of the State Banking
Department going over many of the
transactions which helped to wreck
the institution. It was sa'd that Mo
yer has furnished the names of :nen
"aiglier up" who had "negui.tr deal
ings with the bank, but those in close
connection with the investigation ic
fuse to talk for publication.
Colonel Fred Taylor Puaey, special
counsel representing the Attorney
General and State Banking Depart
ments held out somo hope for deposi
tors to-day when he informed an at
torney representing a group of cred
itors that checking up had resulted
I in finding (500,000 in loans that will
; be paid when due. Moyer was quot
ed to-day as saying that the actual
: losses from loans would be loss than
SIOO,OOO. What the overdrafts amount
to and how much of this can be col-
S lected. is still unknown.
] Despite the publication of unofficial
j reports of the alleged extravagance
! and high living of several employes
i of the North Penn Bank and intima
j tions that they unlawfully benefited
J through banking methods, no action
; has been taken by the authorities. A
i representative of the district attor
ney's office said therj were no war
j rants out for them and that they
! could be found when wanted.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division. The 110
j crew to go iirst after 4 o'clock: 113,
| 118. 124, 108.
I Engineers for 110.
Firemen for 110.
Conductors for 113, 124, 108.
; Flagmen for none,
j Brakemen for 113.
: Engineers up: Brown. Karr, Gable,
! Friekman. Smith.
Firemen up: Thompson, Utley, Kase.
j Dallmyer Rider, Netzley. Miller, Kim
i mel, Cusking, Frank, Myers, North-
I cut.
j Conductors up: Rife.
I Brakemen up: Funk.
Middle Division. —The 242 crew to
1 go first after 3 o'clock: 29, 16, 27, 32,
; 33. 224. 246, 234, 217.
j Engineers wanted for 16. 27.
Firemen for 27. 33.
Conductors for 33.
, Flagmen for 29.
Engineers up: Bomberger, Kline,
! Rathfone, Corder, Krelger, Moretz,
! Nickles, Brink, Rowe, Peightal, Swee-
I ger.
| Firemen up: Keiter, Atkins, Keith,
' Sheafer, Myers, Acker, Woomer,
i Eaken, Isenberg.
| Brakemen up: Zimmerman, Depaugh,
! McNaight, Yingst.
Yard Board. —Engineers wanted
for 11C, 12C, 3. 15C, 4, 15C, 23C, 26C,
30C, 32C, 35C.
Firemen wanted for 6C, 11C, 4, 16CT
i and 16C.
Engineers up: Morrison. Monroe,
Beatty. Snyder. Teass, Kautz, Wag
! ner, Shade, McCo'rd, Myers,
i Firemen up: Yost, Eckinger, Troup,
Dissinger, Young. Plank. Cain. Law
rence, Whichello, Dearoff, Stine, Paul,
j Ross, E. Kruger. Mensch, Engle, W.
!C. Kruger, Henderson. Selway. Gil
j bert, N. Eauver, Gormley, Wirt, Kline
j young.
Philadelphia Dlxlsion. The 23S
' crew tc go first after 3.15 o'clock: 243,
j 245, 250, 214.
Engineers for 250.
Firemen for none.
Conductors for 250.
Brakemen for 250.
Conductors up: Gemperling, Barn
Brakemen up: McKee, Dellinger.
I Wilson.
Middle Division. —The 109 crew to
go first after 2.15 o'clock: 124, 114. 111,
221, 250, 240, 237, 253, 229.
Engineers for 109.
Firemen for 114.
Yard Board. —Engineers up: Guibe,
Hinkle, Holland, J. Hinkle, Sheaffer,
Firemen up: Boyer. A. W. Wagner,
Montell, Cashman, Leghtner, Cram
< mer, White, Morris, Meek, Hetrican.
Here Are Essential Features
of Military Training Measure
Washington Aug. 2.—""ssenttal features .-f the universal military
training bill. Introduced in Congress by £. -.ator Chamberlain ar.d
Representative Kahn, follow:
I.—Evsry male c' izetr and all those who have declared their In
tentions to become citizens must, upon reaching the age of 18 reg
ister fo- training of six months. An option of beginning the service
at the age of 18, or within the following two years, and also of choos
ing the Army or Navy, is ..'.lowed.
2.—Alien residents may aruil themselves of the privilege of en
rolling for .Aning, but aliens v.-ho claim exemption will be barred
from citizenship.
3.—Three months' preparatory education will be given lo those
not able to speak or read the English language.
4. —During the period of training each person will be paid $5 a
month in addition to transportation, clothing, laundry, shelter, sub
sistence, medical and dental assistance.
s.—Provision 1j made for the organization of an Army reserve, to j
include ull persons who served In the Army or Marine Corps between j
April 6, 1917 and November 11, 1918, who elect to become members
of the reserve, and all men not expected who may her?alter servo j
in the Army for any part of the training period. Officers holding reg- j
ular or reserve commissions in any branch of the service and enlist- j
ed n,cn and officers or enlisted men who served in the National
Guard for not less than "'ree years, as well as all Federal, C'.ate,
county and municipal effi are exempt.
6.—Members of the r'uerv, during their first five years of service
therein sha" be subject to military training for at least three weeks
in each year.
7.—Tho "nlted States ii to be divided Into four Army areas and 1
not less than twelve corps areas, each corps area to contain at least 1
one training divisio- and one or more reserve divisions. The mscrve ;
is to be organized into at least four armies and not less than twelve
B.—Any man who served in the Army during the World War
may be commissioned a reserve officer for a period not exceeding
five yer —.
9.—When the President issues a proclamation that a national
emergency exists, all members of the reserves cf the Army and
Navy shall be subject to immediate milita-. or naval service. All
other pei. s between the a-es of 18 and 45 shall be subject to cuil
for immediate 1 ' itary or naval duty.
10.—Tho maximum peace strength of the Army Is fixed !n the bill
at 225,000 for the fi.st two years following ratification of the Peace
Treaty, with the purpose of making the maximum larger for the
following two years.
Famous Opera Producer Did
Not Regain Con
" sciousness
New York, Aug. 2. —• Oscar Ham
merstein, theater builder and pro
ducer of grand opera, died in a
hospital here last night of a compli
cation of diseases, after an illness
of several days.
Mr. Hammerstein had been In a
state of coma since late Monday, and
died without regaining conscious
ness. His wife and son, Arthur
were at his bedside when the end
came at 7.35 o'clock.
Oscar Hammerstein's chief claim
to fame as an impresario and the
atrical manager, it has been said,
will rest In the fact that he set
new records for presenting grand
operas of composers never before
heard in America, and that he intro
duced to the western musical world,
singers who afterward won great
names for themselves.
Mr. Hammerstein was born in
Berlin, Germany, in 1547 and came
to the United States in 1863, as he
later wrote, "to be free." His fath
er, an austere man, Oscar said,
tyrannized his family and the boy
ran away from home. Arrived m
New York he became a cigarmaker's
apprentice, learned the trade, and
subsequently started a tobacco trade
vvhich proved successful.
"I'm a curious man." Mr. Ham
merstein once said to a friend. 'I
live on'y for to-morrow. I don't
drink, I have never played a game
!of cards in my life. When I find
I have no money in my pocket I go
to the box office and draw three
dollars and it lasts me so long that
it really makes me feel ashamed of
myself. But I have made and lost
a lot of money. I couldn't possible
tell you how many fortunes I have
amassed and spent in the past 35
Metz. Taylor, Hawbeeker. Allbright.
Engineers for 3rd 126.
Firemen for 137, 3rd 126, 2nd 129
3rd 129.
Middle Division. —Engineers up:
J. Crimmel, L. H. Ricedorf, W. E.
Turbett, J. H. Ditmer, W. C. Black,
H. E. Cook, J. W. Smith, F. Schreck,
S. H. Alexander, J W. Burd,C. Hol
lenbaugh, A. C. Allen
Engineers wanted for none.
Firemen up: J. N. Ramsey, R. E.
Look, H. W. Fletcher, S. H. Zeiders,
E. J. Sheesley, G. B. Huss, C. F. Foust,
C. L. Sheets, S. H. Wright. H. B.
Thomas, J. L. Fritz.
Firemen for 667, 29, 47, 6293.
rhllndrlplMn DlvlNon. Engineers
up: H. Smeltzer, V. C. Gibbons, R. B.
Engineers wanted for none.
Firemen up: A. L. Floyd, J. M. Piatt,
M. G. Shaffner, F. L. Floyd, J. N.
Schindler, B W. Johnson, J. M. White,
H. Myers, F H. Young.
Firemen wanted for none.
The 3 crew to go first after 12.15
o'clock: 72, 61. 57. 55, 69. 67.
Firemen for 61.
Conductors ft>r 3, 05.
Engineers for 55.
Flagmen for 57, 61.
Brakemen for 3, 57.
Engineers up: Schuyler, Durborow,
Firemen up: Noggle, Orndorf, Tay
lor, Grimes.
Conductors up: Lanotes, H. Meek.
Flagmen up: Reneckert Koons,
Swartz. Spangler, Sourbeer, Zink,
Filmore, Lukens, Peters, Hain, Wat
son, J. Hain, McLaughlin.
By Associated Press.
Liverpool, Aug. 2.—Looting and
rioting occurred throughout the
night as a result of the strike of
policemen, and the lord mayor early
to-day appealed to the military au
thorities for aid. The latter dis
patched six lorry loads of troops
from Crosby, six miles from here,
all fully armed and helmeted, while
special constables were also called
out. The looting continued in the
poorer districts this morning and
the lord mayor asked for volun
teers to help guard the city.
Dauphin, Pa., Aug. 2. An
nouncement has been made of the
marriage of Miss Violet Viola
Meyers and Daniel S. Still,. which
took place last week at the parson
age of the United Evangelical
Church. The Rev. J. M. Shoop, pas
tor of the church performed the
ceremony, which was kept secret
until this time.
July bank clearings in Harrisburg
totaled $15,650,645.25, the Harris
burg Clearing House Association re
ported. This Is just $1,000,000 more
than June clearings. July, 1918,
clearings were $14,657,534.56.
Lieutenant Shoemaker, invalided
home from Franco, lias just been
chosen captain of the new Gover
nor's Troop. Formerly a traffic of
ficer of the local police force, he en
listed in the Governor's Troop and
having passed through the several
noncommissioned grades, was made
a second lieutenant, before the
Troop was ordered to the border.
Later he was transferred to the
Field Artillery and it was while
serving with the 108 F. A., 28th
Division, that he was wounded. Lieu
tenant Shoemaker spent sometime
in a base hospital at Paris and was
then returned to this country. He
is rapidly rec.overing from his
wounds, and will in all probability
soon be back in Harrisburg per
(Continued From First Page)
recognize the new government and
treat for peace.
The new Hungarian cabinet is
presided over by Jules Peidll, who
was formerly minister of the people's
welfare in the Count Karolyi cab
inet. The cabinet contains provis
ionally many members of former
Bela Kun ministry.
New Cabinet
The new cabinet is made up as
Premier, Jules Peidll; Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Peter Agoston; War,
Joseph Haubrich; Justice, Paul Gar
ami; Welfare, Alexander Garbai;
Commerce, M. Dovohak; Education,
Stephean Szabo; Home Affairs. Karl
Payer; Agriculture, Joseph Takao;
Finance, Joseph Miskios; Food, M.
Premier Peidll, is said by those
who know him, to be a courageous
man of simple habits. He has been
a typographer, an editor and a
model worker.
Minister of War Haubrich. form
erly was chief of police at Budapest
and is reputed to be an anti-Com
Minister of Justice Garami and
Minister of Education Szabo were in
the Karolyi cabinet.
Persons in touch with the situ
ation at Budapest said it was their
understanding that the members of
the Kun ministery holding over un
der the reconstruction were doing so
in order to have themselves and
their supporters and they probably
would not remain in office long.
The crisis in the situation at
Budapest was said to have been due
to the combined effect of the Allied
note issued at Paris last Sunday,
warning the Hungarians they must
set up a truly representative gov
ernment, and the successful advance
of the Rumanian army.
The Soviet military forces were
said to have been reduced to 40,000
unwilling soldiers who lacked ani
mation and who were harrassed by
the guerilla warfare of peasants.
This force was said to have been
thoroughly defeated early to-day.
The Hungarians were said to have
surrendered or fled when a Ruman
ian division crossed the Theiss river.
The Rumanians crossed the Theiss
at Tissa-Fured. They also took
Szolnok, cutting the Budapest rail
Stragglers from the Soviet army,
reaching Budapest afoot and in au
tomobiles from the news of the
Rumanian advance. They said the
enemy were only 25 miles from the
Hungarian refugees here held a
celebration to-night over tho down-
I fall of communism. Officials here
| said the reconstruction of the Hun
garian government was expected to
improve the situation in Austria,
5,000 H. P. MOTOR
Schwab Authorize* Big Im
provement For Local
Steel Plant
A contract was placed yesterday
with the Westinghouse Manufactur
ing and Electrical Company for a
5,000 horse-power motor by the Beth
lehem Steel Corporation, according to
a statement made by local officials of
the plant. The motor is to be in
stalled in the 41-inch bloomer mill,
which mill is now under steam power.
The motor is one of the largest ever
built for the purpose by the West
inghouse people. It will make the
mill the most modern of its kind in
existence, and will be the last word
in bloomer mill equipment. More than
six months will be required for the
building and delivery of the motor.
It Is doubtful whether the motor can
be installed before the first of Feb
ruary. Vice-President Quincy Bent
was in the borough yesterday- and
made a tour of the plant.
Engagement Announced
at Pretty Dinner
The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Paugherty
entertained at the Centenary U. B.
parsonage, 232 South Second street,
a happy group of young women con
sisting of their daughter Mary's Sun
day School class, members of the Ot
terbein Guild and members of the
church choir, with all of whom Miss
I Paugherty has been closely associ
! ated in church work. A very pleas-
I ant evening of progressive games,
I music and recitations was enjoyed.
The rooms were very beautifully
; decorated with branches and summer
flowers, yellow and brown being the
predominating colors, which colors
I were also carried out in the luncheon.
After the refreshments were served
the young folks were invited to an
adjoining room where there were
robins hidden away in the branches
of a tree. Each guest upon catching
a robin had revealed to them the
secret that the wedding of Miss Mary
|L. Daugherty to Rev. Rufus H. Le
fever, of York, will be an event of
this month. The bride-to-be received
many congratulations and a general
good time followed.
Dr. J. A. Sterrett Takes
Monumental Charge
Dr. J. Albert Sterrett. of Dover,
Del., has been called to the pastorate
! of Monumental A.M.E. Church to sue*
I ceed the late Rev. Francis
Mr. Sterrett comes to the Monumental
| Church well recommended and highly
spoken of by the Delaware News As
Already the church is assuming a
busy aspect and the members are in
effort to give loyal support to the
plans of their new pastor. A street
carnival has been planned for the
week of August 10. The choir leader,
Prof. Stripland. is busy rehearsing
choir members to make attractive the
Sunday services.
On Sunday Dr. Sterrett will preach
at both services. At the morning ser
vice the Lord's Supper will be cele
brated and during the evening service
the pastor will preach to the men of
the army and youth of the commun
ity, the subject of the discourse being
"My Christian Experience."
Second Street Paving
Badly Spoiled by Tractor
Although there are sign boards con
spicuously along Second street, warn
ing drivers of tractors to keep off
paved streets, the paving on Second
street bears the deep marks of the
wheels of a tractor. Residents of
the street and motorists are indig
nant over the matter. The street was
not any too good, and to have it
spoiled further has raised the anger
of many. If the driver of the tractor
can be discovered it is quite likely
that an arrest will follow.
Funeral services for Mrs. Julia
Wagner, who died on Wednesday,
were held this afternoon by the
Rev. Mr. Sterrett, of the Monumen
tal A. M. E. Church. Mrs. Wag
ner leaves the following children:
Mrs. Francis Elyson, Bronxville;
Mrs. Rose Thurman, St. Louis; Mrs.
Florence Worthington, New Mexico;
Mrs. Hattie Johnson, Akron; Mrs.
Loretta James, Steelton: Bert Wag
ner, Baltimore; Albert Wagner, Ship
-1 pensburg and Max Wagner, Steel,
| ton, who lately returned from
I France. Burial was made in the
Midland cemetery.
Announcement has been made of
the birth of a daughter to Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Middleton, at Haw
ley, Pa. Mrs. Mlddletown was
formerly Miss Julia Ford, Steelton.
Mr. Middleton is the son of Dr. and
Mrs. William J. Middleton, and is
in charge of the Georgia sales of
fice of the Elliott-Fisher Company,
with headquarters in Savannah.
Robert M. Hutchison, assistant
superintendent of blast furnaces at
the Sparrow's Point plant of the
Bethlehem Steel Company, is spend
ing a few days as the guest of his
! mother at 366 Pine street.
The W. W. G. Club of the Central
Baptist Church, will hold a lawn fes
tival this evening from 4 to 10 o'clock
on the lawn of the church at Second
and Lincoln streets. Ice cream, cakes,
and pies will be on sale.
Trinity Episcopal The Rev.
William Charles Heilman, rector.
10, Church School; 11, Holy Euchar
ist and sermon. No evening serv
ices during month of August,
St. John's Lutheran The Rev.
George N. Lauflfer, pastor. 9.4 5,
Sunday School; 11, sermon by the
Rev. J. H. Moyer. No evening
Centenary United Brethren
The Rev. Joseph Daugherty, pastor,
will preach at 11. on "Christian Fel
j lowship" and at 7.30, on "Elijah as
'a Reformer." Sunday school, 9.45.
Christian Endeavor, 6.30.
First Reformed The Rev. H. H.
Rupp, pastor, will preach at 10.45
on "Going About Your Business."
No evening service.
Grace United Evangelical—Morn
ing service, 10.45, In charge of J. M.
Cooper; evening service 7.30, sermon
by the Rev. H. B. Wolbert. Sun
day school, 9.30.
Central Baptist The Rev. John
Currin, pastor, will preach at 10.30
and at 7.30. Sunday school, 9.45.
Communion at morning service.
Many Modern Residences Be
ing Planned; Water to
Be Supplied
Upper Pine street Is to have water
facilities for building if the plans
to be proposed to Council on Mon
day evening will meet with the ap
proval of that body. Chairmen of
committees of council, members of
the water board and other borough
officials held a meeting last evening
on the grounds to consider means
of getting water pipes Into Pine
above Heading street. The force
main now runs from the reservoir
through Kelker's woods. It is pro
posed to have a main meet it at a
point about 500 feet west of the
reservoir, the new main to run
down Pine street and meet the old
main at the corner of Reading and
Cost estimates are being prepared
by the borough engineer and the
superintendent of the water depart
ment and will be presented to coun
cil on Monday evening. Should
building operations be undertaken
before the new main is laid tem
porary pipes will be run for the
convenience of building. Several
months ago council authorized the
laying of water pipes in Pine street
as soon as six building permits were
issued. Six or more buildings will
probably be erected in a very short
time. The Kelker estate reports
that it has sold for building pur
poses about 500 feet in Pine street
above Columbia. This is out of the
borough limits. As large a tract
has been sold in Pine street between
J Columbia and Reading streets. This
latter section is in the borough limits
and will probably be built up first.
Police Asked to Search
For Philadelphia Boy
,xr Tho P°" ce are looking for John
\v. Sweeney, of Philadelphia, to tell
him to return to his home. Young
Sweeney, who is 15 -ears old had
an altercation with another boy in
Philadelphia and pushed him from
a railway bridge. He probably
thought he had killed the boy, for
he immediately left Philadelphia
and has not been seen since. It is
thought that he may have come in
the direction of Harrisburg. The
boy who was pushed from the
bridge is unhurt and there is no
need for Sweeney's flight. Sweeney
Is 5 feet 3 inches in height, has
i brown hair and eyes and is dark
Steelton Girls Win
River Swimming Match
Constance Gillett South Harris
burg street, was th. winner in the
swimming race held last evening in
Harrisburg by the War Camp Com
munity Service. Mi3s Gillett is 15
years of age and won the race
against six contestants, hailing from
various sections of the county. The
second prize was - tken by her sis
ter, Miss Dorothy Gillett. The dis
tance was covered in a remarkably
short time.
Electrical Department
Loses Game to Mechanics
After winning ten straight games
in the Inter-Department League, the
Electrical team last evening lost to
the team of the Mechanical Depart
ment. a team considered easy meat
for them. Jones, a former Ursinus
baseball star, pitched for the Elec
tricians. Finner.- tossed for the Me
chanics. The Electricians secured
the first run in the game in the sixth
inning. The Mechanics took their
two runs and the game in the last.
Playgrounds Are Being
Well Attended by Kiddies
Reports from the five playgrounds
■i the borough sho\. that the kid
dies thoroughly appreciate the
grounds. In the last five weeks the
oriance at the Fothergill
grounds was 6.073; West Side, 5,466;
Major Bent. 4,218; Lawn, 2,893; Hy
gienic, 2,586.
Burglars Beat Man
and Wife, Rob Them
of $20,000 in Jewels
Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 2.
Burglars broke into the summer homo
of Charles H. Beck, former Philadel
phia saloonkeeper, at Somers Point,
near here, yesterday, and after beat
ing both Beck and his wife into in
sensibility, robbed them of jewels esti
mated to be worth $20,000. The rob
bery was committed by four masked
men. who, it is believed, used a high
powered motorcar to make their geta
It was an hour after the burglars
left that the victims, both of whom will
recover, were able to loosen the thongs
of wire which bound them and give
the alarm.
Good Will Fire Company mem
bers and returned soldiers of that
organization will hold an outing to
morrow at the company's cottage
near Perdix. The train will leave the
Maolay street station at 8 o'clock.
About 125 are expected to attend.
Camp Hill Post of the American
Legion at a short meeting last even
ing considered plans for an intensive
drive to enroll all borough veterans
of the war. Another meeting will
be held within a short time.
J. Harry Messersmith, Market
street haberdasher, who lives at 604
Briggs street, was slightly injured
when struck by an automobile in
Court street.
Paris, Aug. 2.—Nicholas Tschai
kovsky, president of the provisional
government of North Russia, left
yesterday for London. He will en
deavor to induce the British govern
ment not to withdraw its troops
from Archangel.
By Associated Preaa.
San Salvador. Republic of Salva
dor, Aug. 2.—The national Congress
has issued a decree granting un
conditional amnesty to all political
offenders during the last electoral
AUGUST 2, 1919.
Little Hope Remains For Re
gaining Lost Ter
ritory ,
Paris, Aug. 2. The ail-Russian
government of Admiral Kolchak Is pre
paring to move from Omsk to Irkutsk,
Siberia, and the morale of the Kol
chak army is becoming so bad that
there is little hope of it regaining the
territory recently lost to the Bolshe
vikl, according to dispatches received
in Paris.
The dispatches indicate that general
weariness, rather than Bolshevism,
is weakening the Kolchak forces. The
Czecho-Slovak troops, which were the
backbone of the army of Admiral Kol
chak, have shared the general demoral
ization and most of them Insist on re
turning to their newly established coun
try, refusing to fight longer in Rus
Recently a "green" army of consid
erable dimensions, was organized in
Siberia as well as in European Russia.
This army was recruited from both
Red and White armies and pledges it
self not to tight any more, saying the
World War was over. It is attracting
many men from the Bolshevik as well
as the anti-Bolshevik forces, its mis
sionaries spreading as far west as the
Pskov front.
Col. Frank K. Ross
Nearing Home Port
George F. Ross, 3 South Front
street, received a wireless message
that had been reladey from the sta
tion at New Foundland from his son,
Lieutenant Colonel Frank K. Ross,
who is aboard the Army Transport
"Ryndam," stating that the ship
would reach Hoboken on Monday.
Mr. Ross and his son Walter K. Ross
will go to New York To-morrow to
meet the Lieutenant Colonel.
Weimar, Friday, Aug. 1. —Mathias
Erzberger, vice-premier and minis
ter of finance, has issued a rule
that the censorship shall be applied
only to occasional letters picked at
random. This has been decided up
on in order to facilitate the delivery
of business letters going abroad. All
personal letters may be hereafter
sealed. Registered letters and pack
ages will still be censored.
fr ~
Before you buy nny truck Mtop In at the Suimhln© Garage mnl
InvcfitlKiite thlM wonderful truck. Built up to n Htundnrd that
■urea real aervlee under nil eondltlonn. 2 to 5 ton capacity—solld
or pneumatic tires; 2V4 ton special—B-eyUnder. Tired wltk slant
J. 1.. HIGGIO. l'rop. 27 N. Cameron St.
vL g
Economical Owners Drive
There are a large number of Oakland Owners driving their
car day in and day out, who are entirely satisfied with its
performance. They are people who can readily afford a
car of SSOO to SI,OOO more initial cost, too.
But they prefer the Oakland because of its economy in
operation —■' gasoline, tires, oil, etc., and because it rides
and drives just as comfortable and easy as the much heavier
and higher priced cars.
El). C. AI.I.EN, Manager.
Office —11 S. Srd St. Bell I'honr. Station—2S S. Hirer At*.
Don't you think it needs it? After a year's wear
and service it certainly should have a new suit.
* 1 It will make it look a hundred per cent better.
§ DO IT NOW! :
< • Don't wait until fall and cold weather to have
this job done. Do it at once and get the benefit
of having the summer with your car looking like
*' new. And one sure thing to do to be sure of a sat
i isfactory job—one that will keep your neighbor ,
<< guessing whether you have a new car or not is to '
* be sure to have us do it.
i, C. A. FAIR, Carriage & Auto Works j
1139 Mulberry Street Harrisburg, Pa.
News of Attack Had Been
Suppressed by Mexican
By Associated Press.
New York, Aug. 2. Mexican
bandits on July 19 blew up a passen
ger train between 'Huamantln and
San Marcos, less than 100 miles
from Mexico City, killing about 60
persons, including twelve boys from
the German College at Pueblo wear
ing Boy Scout uniforms, according
to private advices received here by
the National Association for tha
Protection of American Rights In
Mexico. News of the attack, it was
said, had until now been suppressed
by Mexican censors.
Explosion of two bombs directly
under the train was followed by
rifle fire on the terrified passengers
from approximately 300 bandits, the
advices stated.
According to the icnort, wounded
passengers were Killed by the ban
dits, who crushed their skulls with
stones. Eight German College boya
who were not killed were curried
away by the brigands to San Ad
dress, Calchictmoula.
New Labor President
Proposed by Gompers
By Associated Press.
Amsterdam, Friday, Aug. I.—W.
A. Appleton, secretary of the gen
eral Federation of Trades Unions
of Great Britain, who to-day was
elected president of the Interna
tional Trade Union Federation, was
proposed for the office by Samuel
Gompers, president of the American
Federation of Labor. Appleton was
chosen by 31 votes as against 18 for
President Oudegeest of the Dutch
labor federation.
Ceon Jouliaux, the French labor
leader, was chosen first vice-presi
dent, receiving 30 votes to 19 for
Carl Rudolph Legien, president of the
German Federation of Trades
Unions. Legien declined to accept
the second vice-presidency or any
other office as, he said, the meeting
appeared to despise the Germans.
The Austrians also refused to parti
cipate as office holders.