Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 02, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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i There Is No Mileage Limit in the I
I United States Tire Guarantee ||
I The unlimited mileage guarantee, That is why, even with its con- I
I on which 'Royal Cord' Tires have stantly enlarging capacity, the United j|
| been sold since their introduction States Tire Company is unable to I
| four years ago, proved so popular, keep pace with the growing demand I
I that it was extended to cover the for its tires. ji
I remaining tires in the line—'Nobby', , .... , IT , , I
I , , TT , , . , , , . ' Compared to the millions of United I
Cham , Usco and Plain fabric pas- , 9
■ . , , T . . „ States Tires sold so few are returned
§1 senger tires, and also Nobby Cord £ A I
1 ' ... . , , for adjustment that the adjustment i|
pneumatic and solid tires for trucks. . ,
I s * problem insofar as it concerns users I
All United States Tires are guar- of United States Tires, has become I
anteed to be free from imperfections one °f minor importance. I
in material and workmanship during If, at any time during its life, any I
■ their entire life—regardless of mile- United States Tire proves defective, ji
I a £ erun - Their performance is not its owner is entitled to a fair and I
I limited to any specific mileage. square adjustment—an adjustment 1
1 United States Tires are sold purely that is backed by the good faith of I
1 on a quality basis-as the longest the oldest and largest rubber manu " I
I mileage tires that the present art of factoring company in the world. 1
tire manufacture makes possible. tatCS I
Hxmugßima sfijPfe teojuhjlph
AUGUST 2, 1919.