Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 02, 1919, Page 10, Image 10
10 "2T AUTOMOBILE SECTION ADVERTISING ALFRED P. DAVIES, Auto Editor 10-11-12-13 * • / SWAIN-HICKMAN CO. REPUBLIC DISTRIBUTORS Branch of Philadelphia Firm Covers Central Pennsyl vania Field Arrangements have been completed whereby the Swajn-Hickman Com pany, Philadelphia, distributors for Republic trucks, have established a branch ofTice in this city to take care of the distribution of these trucks in Central Pennsylvania. This agency was formerly under the management of the late I. W. Dill. Offices and salesrooms are located at the same address as formerly, 11.15 Mulberry street. J. A. Hudson is the general manager in charge here and G. C. Eppleman is retail salesman ager. The business of the company covers both the retail and wholesale field. Negotiations are now underway to secure a suitable building in some de sirable location in this city for a warehouse and service station. Tem porary quarters are now being used at the above address, but due to the increasing business are proving in adequate •to meet the demands of Republic owners. There are several locations under advisement and it is expected an announcemet as to the one selected will be forthcoming in a shrrt time. Shipments of Republic trucks are being received regularly and orders are being filled as rapidly as possible. A complete stock of parts is being carried at all times. WRECK DVE TO ACCIDENT Norristown, Pa., Aug. 2.—Coroner Neville said yesterday that he did not think he would hold an inquest in the Linfield wreck, as he was satisfied that the deaths of the engineer and fireman were due to accident purely. He is now of the opinion that some thing dropped from the engine and caused the wreck, rather than that the tracks spread. I Economy vs. Service | Buying parts for your car entails a lot of expense. To buy wisely is to buy economically. This is why 83 you should investigate the extremely low prices we maintain on Used Cars, Parts, Bodies and Tires WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Get Our Prices We Specialize in Repairing Electrical work and all kinds of repairing given prompt attention by experts. A. SCHIFFMAN, Mgr. | 22—24—28 N. CAMERON ST. •I I IP _/ " _r • I r "Sfe Beautiful Car in/faerica Now for a Paige Vacation Pick your route, pack your bag, get aboard a Paige—and leave all your troubles behind you. For the first time in years Americans are enjoying- touring without restraint. The large proportion of Paige cars used by summer vacationists is the result of choice based on practical considerations —quality that guarantees reliability in cross-country driving and sufficient power. There's abundant comfort, too, in a Paige. PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR CAR CO, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Fishman Motors Company EDWARD FISHMAN, Mgr. 110 South Fourth St., Cor. Chestnut, Harrlsburg, Pn. Liberal Dealer* Propoaitlon lor Mifflin, Perry, Juniata and Cumberland Countlea Ucll 5-'O3 Dlul 6 0 40 SATURDAY EVENING, CHIEF BASES FOR NEW FLEET Larger of the Pacific Ships Will Center at Pearl Harbor San Francisco, Aug. 2.—San Fran ! Cisco, Pugent Sound and Pearl Har ! bor, Hawaii, will be the three chief ; bases for the Pacific fleet, according ito naval officers here. The first two ports will hold most of the ves sels that will be laid up with skele ton crews and the larger ships on active duty will chiefly center at Pearl Harbor, it is said. San Pedro and San Diego will be base ports for many submarines, destroyers and chasers. More pa trol vessels also will be available for Alaskan waters. Just how the fleet will be divided among the waters of the Pacific was not known here and it was said division would not be decided until after the fleet had made its tour of coast ports and to Honolulu. It has been intimated that a great training station for Southern Cali fornia would be established at San Diego. CATCHER CASTRAXIO HOME Tyrone, Pa., Aug. 2.—James Cas tranio, one of the best little base ball catchers Tyrone has ever pro duced, arrived in town during the week, coming direct from France, where he has been for the two years. Since the signing off the armistice James had been able to satisfy himself to his hearts con tent with baseball, catching every day for his regimental team and holding up on the receiving end for of the best twirlers in France with the A. E. F. The Local Franklin Salesrooonu in the Fishman Garage, at Fourth and Chestnut Streets and the Proprietor and Sales Manager The above Illustration shows the well-known Franklin salesroom on the Chestnut street side of the Fishman garage and the proprietor of the agency, J. L. Weibly, and salesmanager, G. C. Kerr. The *L rar \klin Agency has been establish ed in this city since April and has been doing an increasing business. Beside the salesrooms, the service station is also located at this sam e address. Fore River Firm to Build Massachusetts Wa*hlncton. Aug. 2. Secretary Daniels announced yesterday just be fore leaving for the Paciflc coast that a contract for the construction of battleship No. 54, to be named the Massachusetts, has been awarded to | the Fore River Shipbuilding Corpora j tion, Quincy, Mass. The ship which is the last of the authorized battle | ships to be contracted for, wil be of ! 43,200 tons displacement. I MR. MOTORIST, i MR. GARAGE MAN. MR. POLICEMAN and MR. Jl' STICK OF THE TEACE , You Must llave Tilis Sooner or later | So why not in time to save you all i trouble and expense. New Automobile Laws Indexed and Published in Vest Pocket Pamphlet By GEO. J. CAMPBELL. Member of Pennsylvania Bar and Pub lisher Pitttburfrh Legal Journal, The Same Day Bills Are Approved by Governor Wm. C. Sproul. • A lot of new wrinkles for the lawyer, , Motorist and Officer of the Law. Paper Cover—so Cents Per Copy. Three Paper Covered Copies for One Dol lar If Yon Mention Where You Bead This Advertisement. LEATHER BOUND copiew with your ni'.mc in Gold Letters $1.50. Just the Thing for Stationers. Don't tend pottage stamp Manufactured by SMITH BROS. CO. INC.. Law and Commercial Publishers. 407-40$ Grant Street, Pitt*t>urgh. Pa. HKIWMPBg miIUILtPH ECONOMY PROVED BY USE OF GIANT PNEUMATIC TIRE Heavy - duty, Fast - delivery Truck Men Hear of Recent Gas Saving Test ■ v. • >i." ■ -v. - mm J. H. DUTCH Keeping an ear to the ground may not be among the classical sports, but if the ear belongs to a gas-sav ing "fan" and it is grounded for news of that game there is sport in the pose which often has real com pensation, as any motor truck expert will affirm. It is something which the wise In the automobile truck trade are rec ommending to-day to all gas-saving enthusiasts who are interested par ticularly in heavy-duty fast-deliv ery trucks. To these the compen sation takes the form of news re garding results of recent gasoline consumption tests with trucks us ing giant pneumatic and s solid Ures. "A proved saving of twelve and one-half per cent, in gas and oil for trucks with pneumatic equip ment has been announced by our factory engineers," said J.-H. Dutch, local Firestone branch manager, yesterday. "Two trucks, one with giant pneumatic equipment and the other with solid rubber tires, op erated over a distance of '3,500 miles, under the same conditions, in making the test. The trucks were of the same make and capacity, with equal loads. "Gasoline and oil expense is, of course, a variable item. It is diffi cult to estimate because of local conditions, grades and curves In the road over which a truck is operated. For instance, a truck equipped witli pneumatic tires will show a 25 per cent, saving over solids In gas and oil consumption when on level roads and coasting on down grades. On the other hand, trucks chang ed over from solid to pneumatic tires will have from 10 to 15 per cent, less power on hills—due to larger wheel diameter, unless gear ratio is changed, and hence will con sume more gasoline on up grades; but the greater diameter of wheels makes it possible to run at greater speed without increasing the engine speed. Gear ratio may be changed at nominal cost, but the change is not necessary in order to do satis factory work. "All these varying conditions were met In the 3,500 mile test I have referred to. It strikes an average for gas and oil saving, giving per sons interested In operation figures per ton mile some food for thought "They should figure this saving In conjunction with other remark able savings possible through pneu matic equipment. Due to greater protection to the track, cost of re pairs will drop seventy per cent., and the life of the truck will he doubled. Operating radius increases. One truck has been known to do the work of two formerly operated on solid tires. "Jtti* giant pnanmsttq aord tire the Firestone Company is manufac turing is constructed to save the truck, the load, the fuel, and to add speed. By its use the saving jin cost of operation per ton mile ; will quickly offset the greater ini i tial cost of pneumatic equipment." Senate Will Try to Repeal Daylight Saving Law Over Wilson Veto Washington, Aug. 2.—The Senate yesterday decided to have the pro posal for repeal of the daylight sav ing law again run the gauntlet of President Wilson's veto. By a vote of 41 to 12 the Senate passed and sent to the President the separate House bill repealing the daylight sav ing measure. WHEN YOUR HAULAGE PROBLEMS WORRY YOU f TRUCKS * MEAN SERVICE AND ECONOMY CRISPEN MOTOR CAR CO. Salesrooms Bell Service Station 103 Market St. 3-405 20 A'. Cameron St. ...... - -- o ■1 ■ - ...... - Motor Trucks of Proven Ability Sanford Day-Elder We are the distributors for both these trucks. They are the leaders in their class—stand up to any test you can give them in any line of business. We will gladly tell you how. MONN BROS. Star Garage 123 S. Thirteenth St. -s. ■ ,1 , ■ ..... „l Notice to Automobile Owners THE DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE Successor to MUFF BROS. GARAGE 244 S. Front St. Steclton Pa. is now open for business. Our ambition is a large and satisfied patronage secured by reliable service and reasonable prices. WELDING AND BRAZING by an expert mechanic VULCANIZING and tire repairing jlonc by expert repairmen having had a number of years experience in one of the * -gest rubber mills In the country. Your Patronage Is Earnestly Solicited THE DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE Weadcr and Kline Pro. 244 S. Front St. Steclton, Pa. '■ 1 1 " ' '••VI " i . ... OLYMPIAN CARS BEING SOLD HERE Denby Sales Corps Get the Agency For This Territory Announcement is made by H. W. Altken, manager of the Denby Sales Corporation, at 1205 Capital street, that his firm has secured the agency for the local distribution of Olym pian cars. The Olympian Is a new car to Harrisburg, but has gained a splendid reputation In other parts of the country where It has become established. Some of the claims made for the Olympian is that due to Its heavy frame it will not sag or the doors get out of alignment. It is said that it will go twenty-six miles to the gallon of gasoline. The motor is of the Lynlte type with movable cylin der walls. It sells for $1,385 de livered. Mr. Aitken says he can make deliveries in three days. Invents New Tire Chain Said to Be an Improvement A quick, detachable, nonskid tire chain that is said to be the first tire chain improvement in over seven teen years has been patented by the Bear Manufacturing Company, Rock Island, Illinois. This new chain can | be put on or taken off in a few I seconds without the use of a jack or any other tool and it makes no difference whether you are already in the mud or in a dry road. It is the only chain that can be put or. when the wheels are mired down in the mud. In fact they are so easily attached any time that a child of eight can put them on or take them off with perfect ease. A large forco of salesmen is now being organized to cover the hardware and automo bile accessory trade and when this is completed, the manufacturers contemplate launching a heavy ad vertising campaign to acquaint the public with their , new product, ——————7— ————* Prest-O-Lite Battery "A SIZE FOR EVERY CAR" Atlas Electric Service Co. FISHMAICS GARAGE I Fourth and Chestnut Sts. ' / AUGUST 2, 1919. OAKLAND DEALER IS BUILDING BIG LOCALBUSINESS Dauphin Motor Car Co. Under Management of Ed C. Allen Forging Ahead ED C ALLEN | Since establishing the preseut l 1 PE VERY CAR.^ The name VIM is being recognized more and more all over the country, and especially in Central Pennsylvania, as the symbol of per fect motor truck delivery. ' The VIM is not a rebuilt touring car it is every inch a truck, built for but one purpose, to fulfill the needs of businessmen in practically every business that demands a light, speedy delivery. ► i There are fourteen different body types adaptable to the Vim. Its economy of opera tion makes it the ideal truck for your business. Investigate it today. ANDREW REDMOND DISTRIBUTOR Third and Hamilton Sts., Harrisburg Bell 2133 Dial ~~n AMERICAN SIX - Satisfaction In the ownership of an auto -1 ill mobile depends upon tjie riding qualities, the appearance and the economy in opera- All three of these qualities are to be Every Amcri- found in a large number of cars on the can bears the market to-day, none to such a mark personal O. K. cd degree as in the American Six. ''' of Louis Chev rolet on the in- The American Six is the last word in side of the dash motordom, its looks arc Instantly appeal —lt Is your ing, its riding quality is superb, and its guarantee of su- economy will satisfy unyone. It is truly a preme quality. balanced six. American Auto Company SALES DEPT. SERVICE STATION * Susquehanna Garage, 1807 N. Seventh St. 1414 Susquehanna St. Federick's Garage. r OFFICE Penn-Harris Taxi Company, Stand Penn-Harris HotcL * Oakland agency in this city In the * latter part of March, the Dauphin Motor Car Company, under the able management of Ed C. Allen, a well known local automobile man, has *1 been forging ahead In high gear speed. Up until the fifteenth of last month when shipments of cars were slowed up, due to the enormous de mand for Oaklands all over tho country, this company had taken orders for and placed somewhere In the neighborhood of sixty cars of ' all the different models, touring cars, Sedans and roadsters. When first opening up for busl- ness, the office of the company was located at 11 South Third street, and the service station at 125 Cherry street It was only in the . course of a couple of months that their original service station proved inadequate to take care of the in creasing number of Oakland own ers. On July 1 they leased the for mer service station of the Buick Agency at 28 South River avenue, which is at least three times the size of their old service station. This added space allowed them to carry a complete stock of parts for all the Oakland models as well as * to turn out repair work quicker and more satisfactorily. At the present time, the ship ments of Oakland cars are not up to normal. July shipments did not meet the demand by a large num ber of cars and those coming in now are being placed with customers whose orders were taken during July. Mr. Allen is optimistic abouc future shipments, but expects to get enough cars during the ensuing month to meet all demands for im mediate deliveries, it is expected that a number of closed cars will come in during August to meet tho • demand for fall and winter cars. * " 0