Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 01, 1919, Page 18, Image 18
18 Escaped Insane Man Fought With Yankees Scranton, Pa., Aug. 1. —Officials in charge of the State Asylum for Criminal Insane at Farview were surprised yesterday when Elmer Ol sen, of Philadelphia, who is said to have slain several persons some years ago and who escaped from Another Victim Gladly Tells All of the Facts "F am another victim of indiges tion, an inactive liver and constipa tion who has been relieved by your Natonex and I gladly add my name to the long lists of endorsements for this fine Nature medicine," said Charles Price, machinist, of 200 Spencer street, Dunmore, Pa. "I had been troubled for a long time, but this last year my digestive system got all out of gear. I got so bad that I had to be very careful of what I ate. Fatty meats and any kind of vegetables, like radishes and onions, were out of the question for me. "Even after eating the plainest food, gas would form from indiges tion ami acid stomach and T would get terrible dizzy spells, during which everything would look black and blur in front of me. My con dition was so bad that I got very nervous and shaky. I' am a ma chinist at the Perpetual Spark Plug Company, and sometimes I felt so bad that I thought 1 would have to give up work for a while. "I had been noticing the Natonex recommendation's that were printed every day and I read the statements of people that 1 knew, so I decided that T had better try this new medi cine. I had been taking Natmex only about two weeks when I saw a great change in my condition. "My system had been purified and regulat'ed. I was able to eat most Natonex Is Especially Explained in J 10 North Third Street. To Mt Is Now Sold by The: Everett—J. R. Fulton-. Greencastle. Charles B. Carl. Hanover —H. C. Baughman. Lewistown — Muthersbough Phar macy. J. P. Rothermel. Marietta —Libhart Drug Co. Mechanicsburg—E. C. Snyder. Guy H. Lucas. It. F. Brunhouso. Mercorsburg—Harry B. Krcbs. Milton—E. L. Kciser. Follmor Drug Co. Mifflintown —Ohas. E. Walley. ll V imitation can satisfy,. jl w| Coca-Cola quality \ recorded if, i ||l Public taste, is what holds Hi W it above imitations. ijMij iMli Demand the genuine by BfJjSI vCRn miiilipy iuil name nicknames IN I encoura £ e substitution. IMW CO '' A CO FRIDAY EVENING. Farview a year ago, walked into the institution and surrendered him self. He said he wanted to get back on the job. Olsen, who is a violent patient at times, declared that he enlisted in the United States army after his escape front Farview and that he fought in France. He declared he was honorably discharged a week ago and then decided that he would return to the asylum as he did not like the outside world. anything without having the old dizzy spells. I uscd'io got so drowsy atter eating that I could hardly keep awake, but now I have no more of these spells. "My nerves have become quiet and I sleep better. The shaky spells have left me and I feel 100 per cent, better in every way. After what Natonex lias done for me I do not hesitate to recommend it to any one who is suffering as r did." Dizzy spells, drowsiness, weak ness, faintness, gas, bloating and pains come from a digestive system clogged with poisonous waste mat ter. Natonex, which contains 12 fa mous Nature remedies, each in tended for special relief of some vital organ is designed to act with Nature to cleanse, purify and invig orate the entire system. You cannot force vitality into the system with strong drugs. Nature alone creates rich, red .blood, real nerve vigor and bodily strength through the assimilation of nourish ing food. Natonex is designed to clc-nse and bui'd the inside of the body just as Nature heals a wound on the outside of the body when it has been cleansed and purified. Sufferers from indigestion, bilious ness and constipation should at once begin this Natonex treatment, which costs but little. iarrisbtirg at the Gorgas Drug Store, ft the Great Demand, Natonex e Leading Druggists: Mount Joy—X. D. Chandler Co. E. W. Garber. Mount Union—J. M. Minick C. E. Bell. New Cumberland—J. S. Butt. Northumberland—J. E. Lloyd. Port Royal—Adam B. Heckermal*. Red Lion—Chas. W. Moody. Shipnensburg—H. A. Raum. Staver's Drug Store. Steelton —John A. McCurdy. W. K. Martz. Tower City—G. W. Dreibelbis. Waynesboro—C. I. Swartz. Clarence Croft. —Adv CONGRESS URGES ARMY TRAINING Hills in Both Branches Subject U. S. Youths to Six Months' Service in Army or Navy VinsliinKton, August I.—A sweep ing and comprehensive system of universal military training to be co ordinated with the after-the-war military program was submitted to both houses of Congress late yes terday. In the Senate Senator Chamberlain, ranking Democratic member of the military affairs committee, and in the House, Chairman Julius Kahn, of the military committee, introduced bills to initiate the training system. All youths, under the provisions of the bills, which were prepared large ly by the National Training Camps' Association, must take six months' training at any time during their eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth years, with the exception of those who have served six months during the present war or are morally or physically unfit. Vocational training for those with a small knowledge of the English language is also pro vided. Reserves in both the army and navy are created by the bill. These would bo composed of all men who have served during the war, and they would be held in the reserve for five years after their discharge, provid ing they have not reached the age of 30 by that time, in addition to all men given military training under the bill. These would be held for 10 years. To provide for emergencies, the President is not only given power to call put the reserves in case of an emergency, but also all other persons liable for service between the ages of IS and 45. SIX TEACHERS ASK FOR COUNTY JOBS Noticing the statement of Profes sor W. R. Zimmerman, assistant county superintendent, published in the Telegraph a few days ago, in which he told of the serious short age of teachers, six applicants have written to him to secure schools in the county and have been referred to districts in need of teachers. The last examinations for provisional and professional certificates will be held August 15 and 16. CHARGED WITH TRYING TO "RAISE" CHECK Charged with attempted forgery, Bernard Valentine, 15 years old, will be given a hearing in police court during the afternoon. Valentine is charged with having attempted to "raise" a check drawn in his mother's name on a local bank from $5 to $5l. The arrest was made in the Cnpitol library. M ARRTSBURG TELEGRAPH MINERS DEBATE MAY PUT WEDGE INTO COALITION Parliamentary Battle on Over. Nationalization Plan London, Aug. I. —Belief is held t by some political observers that the j parliamentary battle over the proposed i nationalization of mines and railways may split the coalition government of | Great Britain. The coal magnates are trying to r.iily the mine owners to defend their rights and the whole principle of pri vate ownership of under earth deposits is at stake. The government has an arrangement which Cowdray's experts are exploring for oil and he Labor party and many liberals propose that the government shall deny any right of private owner ship in oilfields. A hundred members of the coalition in the House of Commons have protest ed to tlie prime minister against the transport bill. This bill gives the new minister of transport. Sir Eric Geddes, control over highways, road transport, railways, tramways, docks, canals and coastwise shipping. It is now proposod to add electric power. Sir Eric claims that the ministry will have no greater authority than the Board of Trade formerly held. Oppo nents charge that the bill makes him a dictator with far more power than Secretary McAdoo had in the United States as director general of railroads. , and that his office might make and wreck industries and communities. A powerful phalanx of interests is | against nationalization. These include the coal and electric companies. The Westminster Gazette thinks the com bination will have no real weight un less ready with a definite alternative policy. Many observers believe the "interests" will subside gracefully be fore a flood of public opinion. $694,250,000 Spent but Not One War Plane Reaches Lines of American Army Washington, D. C„ Aug. 1. Failure of the aviation service to achieve results commensurate with the demands of the war was indi cated in the testimony before the House Committee investigating avi ation yesterday, at which it was | developed that although Congress i had appropriated $694,250,000 for I the service not a single combat or | heavy bombing plane had reached the American Army in France when the armistice was signed. • Secretary Baker's testimony was to the effect that none of the men | appointed head of the aviation serv- , ice had had experience with avia tion or aviation production. John D. Ryan, the last head of the serv ice* was cited by Mr. Baker as his personal selection because he be- i lieved him to be "an exceptional business executive." Passed Over Tried Executives Part of the examination of the Secretary of War concerned the ap pointment of Colonel E. A. Deeds to supervise the aviation service, who was unknown to Mr. Baker prior to his appointment, although both hailed from the same State. Asked why General Goethals and Wood and others of proved execu tive ability had been passed over for one unknown to him, Mr. Baker said that General Goethals had re tired from the Army and entered into the private practice of his pro fession. When attention was called i to the fact that General Goethals had applied to the Secretary for ac tive service, but had been denied and permitted to remain idle for six months. Secretary Baker said that | General Goethals wanted to go over- | seas and that he was too old to fight. He admitted, however, that the Gen- '■ oral later "rendered extremely ac- I tive and efficient service" after be- I ing made head of the purchase and I storage and traffic division of the i War Department. The hearings | touched upon the severe criticism i which had been leveled against various heads of aviation. $16,000 Worth of' Jewels Are Stolen By Associated Press. Providence, R. 1., Aug. I.—Dia monds, pearls, sapphires and other previous stones, valued at more than $16,000, were stolen from Nor'- man Hall, the summer home of C. Dia I.ihme, of New York, at Watcli Hill Tuesday, it is learned. Although Mr. Lihme and his fam ily were at home all day, the rob bery was not discovered until yester day morning. Industrial Survey Is Taken Up by C. of C. Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce lias begun the task of compiling sta tistics of industrial conditions in the city, officials of the organization have announced. The resumption of normal business activities makes it especially important at this time that accurate statistics he secured. The greatest need for these statis tics, officials say, is to furnish in formation to manufacturing estab lishments seeking locations. BEATS DAUGHTER WHO HAS "BEAU" Charles Fredrico, 33 South Court street, is in jail awaiting a hearing in police court this afternoon be cause of his too strenuous objection to his daughter going with young men. Last evening he encountered her with a young man, according to information received by the police department, and beat her publicly to such an extent that she was knocked to the street. COCA COLA COMPANY SOLD FOR $25,000,000 Atlanta, Ga„ Aug. 1. Sale of the Coca Cola Company, of Atlanta, to New York interests for $25,000,000 became known here yesterday, the final transaction being dependent upon re ports of auditors of the New York cap italists confirming statements as to the earnings and financial status of the company. SEES MISSING MAN Dr. O. S. Hannum, missing Brad ford physician, is reported to have been seen in this city last Sunday by Traffic Officer C. J. Pollock, after the former had disappeared from his home on the preceding day. Ac cording to Pollock's story, a man stopped him while at Second and Market streets and asked the di rection to Hershey. Pollock was on his way home at the time and rode along as far as Fifteenth and Derry streets. The man said that he was Dr. O. S. Hannum, of Bradford, and that ho was acquainted with Dr. G. W. Hurtman, of this city. CLERK OF BANK DASHING SPENDER Meteoric Career of North Penn's Paying Teller Bared by Inquisitors Philadelphia, Aug. 1. Lavish gifts of jewels to his wives, reckless use of three automobiles, care-free purchase for cash of a ten thousand purchase for cash of a ten-thousand dollar home in Cynwyd, have marked the past five years of the life of Elwood H. Strang, the $125-a-month paying teller of the North Penn Bank, according to facts brought to light yesterday by investigators. Detectives from the District At torney's office have gone to Atlantic City to invite Strang to return to Philadelphia to throw some light on his extraordinary activities here, and on the muddled affairs of the bank. Known under three names, and wedded under two, the young man spent money with a recklessness that attracted attention. As Elwood H. Strang he met and married within live weeks, Miss Catherine Dcwald. lie then had three automobiles. As J. E. Caldwell, five weeks after he had been divorced by the first Mrs. Strang on the grounds of deser tion and cruel and barbarous treat ment, he married Miss Julia Grail and installed her in a $lO,OOO home at 5 Latches lane, in Cynwyd. And he paid cash for the home. Under the name of Foster he was also known to other women. At the North Penn Bank he answered the telephone either as Caldwell or Strang. And his salary was $125 a month. Interest centers on Strang, owing to the fact that a subpoena server could not find him to serve a sum mons to appear as a witness at the further hearing of Itafph T. Moyer, the cashier of the wrecked institu tion, on Tuesday. Attention was directed toward the dashing twenty-nine-year-old pay ing teller, who, investigators learned yesterday, cut a wide swath in the gay districts of New York, Philadel phia and Atlantic City, as a conse iquence of statements made at that j hearing by Walter O. Colflesh. Walter Colflesh, the clerk who de scribes himself as a "boob" and who was designated by Fred Taylor Pusey, the special Assistant Attorney General appointed by Governor Sproul, as a "squealer," was further revealed to have automobiles, a summer home at a seashort resort, and to have been receiving $5O a I week from an automobile company (which has overdrafts in the neigh borhood of $15,000 at the bank. I Why You Are Paying High Prices For Meat . Ihe comment of the American press on the Federal Trade Commission's report on the packing industry would tend to show that the people do not seem to be worrying over the pre cise percentage of profits made by Mr. Armour and Mr. Swift and Mr. Wilson and the rest, | nor are they so deeply concerned lest these gentlemen branch out too widely into the grocery business. What they do ask is: are the packers profiteering; arc they keeping up the price of meat and other products they handle; are they one of the props of the High Cost of Living? | \\ hile the packers have their defenders among the newspapers, there is a widespread belief is * that the "Big hive ' can not be held guiltless of a 11 blame for the continuance of high food prices, as is shown in the leading article in THE LITERARY DIGEST for August 2d. * Other features of more than ordinary interest in this number of "The Digest" arc: | Peace Can Only Come When • Does Germany Consider the Treaty Everybody Goes to Work Again A "Scrap of Paper''? and when "the healing processes of trade" have a The Brussels Nation remarks cynically that the chance to make themselves felt. So we hear on every Germans have signed the Treaty, but they "will never 1 hand. Here's a common-sense prediction of the execute it" as they consider it "a piece of dupes." Read future of America and the rest of the world, and a this series of translations from the German, Austrian, discussion of "the great volume of reconstruction and Italian press, and you will get an answer to a 1 business which Europe is expected to send here." question that affects the future safety of the world. Austria Paying the Fiddler "Dry" America She writhes and kicks against the terrible punish- A.S All Example to England ment but will submit. While the American dollar, ~.. ~ , „ .. , , . , , , , r .i I be Manchester Guardian says American prohibi- H quoter before the war at five crowns, is now worth .. , , , " , , ~ , , . , , , , , A tlon 1S tlic biggest blow at the use of alcohol that thirty-two, the future is not so black, even for Aus- . , , , , , , . ~ . , has been struck since Mohammed banned liquor I tna. A map accompanying this article shows proud , . ~, „ , , ~ , 1 Austria before the war and the shred of territory that amon S ,11S *°owcrs, but other English papers arc now remains. not so sure - It may be all right for America, but for . r England—perish the thought! Japan Rattles the Saber in Korea rT .. , I Japanese journals arc publishing articles nil which pi Odl OIH 1 SlianlllllQ the failure of that country's authorities to administer "The blackest page in all our history," cries Sena affairs in Korea is pointed out in harsh terms. Korea tor Hiram Johnson, of California, "was written when through the Korean National Association appeals to our name was signed to the Treaty delivering Slian the world for freedom and makes charges against tung to Japan." Many newspapers agree and run Japan that are startling, to say the least. Be sure to such headlines as "Japan the Possessor of Stolen read this "close-tip" account, which includes trans- Goods," "Far Eastern Alsace-Lorraine." Others de lations direct from the Japanese press. fend the Shantung Treaty. This article will give you ... . . the basic facts of the dispute and the leading opinions A Race Riot on both sides. At President W itson s Door A/H/ in Addition to these Features strikes some observers as a touch of irony, inasmuch 77i/> 177/// \7>///e n f as he had just returned from looking after the needs Ilia i\ I IVS O] H of supprest nationalities and subject races in Europe. Religion—Science and Invention—Literature—Poetry ■ In this article the opinions of various editors, includ- —to say nothing of the feast of Illustrations, includ ing representatives of the colored race, are given as ing striking cartoons from the press of many lands— to the causes and tendencies of the race riots in Wash- makes THE DIGEST indeed the one necessary maga ington. zinc for intelligent men and women. August 2nd Number on Sale Today—All News-dealers—lo Cents Colored Pythians Call For End of Race Riot Chester, Pa., Aug. 1. Three thousand Knights of Pythias, colored, from all parts of Pennsylvania, pa raded yesterday In connection with the Grand Lodge session. Most of those in the line of parade were uniformed knights of the military rank and made a fine appearance. At the session strong resolutions de ploring the race riots in Chicago and disturbances between the whites and blacks were passed. The resolutions call upon all law-abiding cirtxens to take every means to prevent further troubles of this kind, and the delegates to the Grand Lodge session pledged themselves to work to this end. They also call attention to the part the col ored race played in the World War and what effort the Knights are mak ing to uplift their race and win respect for them by all classes. Great praise was given the grand chancellor. B. G. Collier, for the work he is doing in con nection with the home for aged mem bers of the order. The home is located at Sun Set, near Pomeroy, Chester county. DOGTOTURGEri AN OPERATION | Instead I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and Was Cured. Baltimore, Md.—"Nearly four years X suffered from organic troubles, nerv ousness a n d headaches and " every mont h **4jy 1 fl- would have to • stay in bed! most of the i time. Treat-' .ffl'pi'if ments would re- j licve me for a! t'me but my • ' Was a '" | / \ j wa >' s urging me | to have an ope- ! ..ia ration. My sister j \ \ S'7 . asked me to try | A. \'7 / // Lydia E. Pink- j ✓ At vf ylmm's Vegetable i M I ■// / Compound before ! y/llio x— —J/ / consenting to an j vyf / operation. I took ' * live bottles of it j and it has completely cured me and i jmy work is a pleasure. I tell all ' jmy friends who have any trouble j of this kind what Lydia E. Pink- j ham's Vegetable Compound has i done for me."—Nellie B. BRIT- I TINGHAM, COil Calverton Rd„ Bal- j timore, Md. ' It is only natural for any woman i to dread the thought of an opera- ; tion. So many women have been : restored to health by this famous i remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- 1 table Compound, after an operation has been advised that it will nay any woman who suffers from such I ailments to consider trying it before submitting to such a trying ordeal. AUGUST 1, lyiv. I ijBI Absolutely Wo j l""d "Ir nppuriitu*, makca I EXAMINATION 'Vs.So 1 FREE jf F?i H ,"" , ,"SIvVr B & A alloy BOe U ™~~™ — i jsr N*' SV Gold pronm nml H H TE #.*rl*t"rc(l Jf? hrl<l K( - nork, *3, $l. *.-, ■ I *T 9 22K pold "own, *5.00 I I \nftixtnnlit Jr . °' llce open dully 8.30 S S JQy A to op. ni.j Monday, AVed- H 1 i aW *K y 4T nexdny and Saturilav, till H s&r /<. Ak V s&r op. 111. j£r 3 ® l'EI.l. PHONE 3332-It, Market j HARRisBURG, ,b PA. It didn t ,un'a wt 1