Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 01, 1919, Page 17, Image 17
" WILL SPEED UP N. G. RECRUITING Price Holds Conference With Adjutant General Bcary Philadelphia, Aug. 1. Reeruit ing for the new Pennsylvania Na ' tional Guard will be speeded up in ▼ the fall, said Major General Wil liam G. Price, commander of the Guard here after his conference with Adjutant General Frank D. Beary, Colonel David Davis, of Scranton, chief-of-staff, and bri gade commanders. The new Guard will be known as the Twenty-Eighth Division and will have the red key , stone as an insignia. "We will not incorporate the re serve militia into the National Guard," General Price said, "but I members will be accepted if they join as individuals. We are anxi ous for reserve officers to join and expect that the National Guards men who were sworn into the Fed eral service and went abroad witli the Twenty-Eighth Division will re enlist in the units which will be re- ; instated as they were before the war." Something Hits Watches of Allison Hill Men Something happened last night tj Allison Ilill watches. Whether it was the weather or magnetism in the atmosphere is a question. Nine T passengers on a Reservoir Park ear this morning found their watches from ten to fifteen minutes behind time. These nine persons were all late in getting to work. Shortly after four men boarded | the ear at Nineteenth and Market j streets a whistle blew. "There is the 6.30 whistle," said one man. "You are wrong." said the conduc tor, pulling out his watch. "It is just ten minutes of 7." Out came every watch in the car. "You can't be right," said one pas senger. "Oh, yes I am," spoke up the conductor, and the motorman corroborated his statement. "If you *■' time is right, then I am slow," a businessman remarked. Then came a comparison of time by nine watches. Every watch was behind that of the conductor and motor man. CITY EXPEIIMTI RES Expenditures by city departments during the last month totaled $109,-'. 769.30, it was reported at the office, of City Treasurer C. E. Weber to-day.! Receipts were $924,004.08; leaving "a | cash balance August 1, of $446,706.95, ! as compared with the balance of I $484,472.17 July 1. The city High- I way Department workmen were paid, to-day, the total amount of the i wages reaching more than $B,lOO. Ex k tensive street repair work was done during the last two weeks. BURNED liV WIRE William It. Stinnen, 747 South j Nineteenth street, was burned about j the body and knocked unconscious '■ last evening when he touched a tele phone wire carrying a high voltage of electricity. The wire when it broke came in contact with a high power line. He was taken to the Harrisburg Hospital for treatment and later went home. The Hardman Autotone Player Pianos contain wonderful expression devices, including the Ac centor, Transposor and Selector. The Autotone can be instantaneously changed to the usual type of hand-played piano. Built completely, both basic piano and player action in one factory and guaranteed by the Hardman, 1 cck Co. Player-Piano catalog mailed free on request. YOHN BROS. 13 N. FOURTH STREET. i_ _ I - ■ ■Hinmwiii rv-' —— K| I STERKrgT qTERN'R' I i ] ftj +O9 Walnut Sl>_ /Jj*d Walnut * H SPEC lAL lIARGAIX PRICES FOR . Bargain ' i SATURDAY, AUG! ST 2ND Snle of 8 U '.on- In the time to Invent In nil the Women** j E fly nhoen yon will nerd for the next nix Drown Kid U | | months. Lace llootn. ✓ I 3 Many of our customer* xirc baying Military \&\ I I* nix pairs ct n time, they wont have Heels. tI to worry about high prices. Drown Kid I * '"i ' R WE SAVE YOU 20 TO 110 PER Vamps. I G?\T Cloth Top, \V I j I Ladies' Tan On If Military Lace to match iV'fA , [ g Oxfords, Goodyear welts. Mostly Longf VVIIIP : A- ?i:'i I small size*. Berg* In price. Ynnipl' ' Ladies* White Cnnvan Oxfords, n j fall French Bargain Price, $2.05* I Ladies' lilaelt Kid Military Lace They're \ / ■'■ i £ Roots, military heels. Excellent new Full \ / 11, I ntyle. They'll sell for $7.00 later. aoods In \\ ii: \ & Bargain Price, all but the \V j C hildren's Tan Russia Calf Seuf- tE* • f fers, button or lacc style*. Bargain 1 .Price, sizes to 8, Si-es to 11. $3.45 Ladles' White Canvas Pnmps, good • I style,, covered hciUr. Bargain Price, /">!■ K&J I Special Snlc of Women', White <•$• if "'•fS' Canvas Pomp,, enameled leather JFtffijagP.. •' ,Jgl ft) hceln. Bargain Price, M*Ma\ it cdA; reerf/ Men's Men', Men's iB : 'Y Y*\ Blnelc and Solid Heavy C'om \Bfe, -AcaN Scout Tan fortable \ ffHs - A V blue and white Slloeß . 1 HeL XaXiX stripe, 08c Soft worn 1 jWk y® lil r ]lt Shoes. Slippers. | V^Yts, I upper I Large I Black or B (MtuX or'tsn. on". Kldskln. jj |K \ \ Bargain Bargain Bargain I k9L n. \ Price, Price, Price, J \ 33.50 $2.45 $l.OB ■ Ladies* Boys* Tan ( w lf Scout Shoes. House Solld KIU Men's .yHhjK Si'PPers. Rnrgnin Dressy ' ... Leather Price, $2.05 Mahogany soles and Indies' • Blueber heels. White Canvas I.see Shoes. „ . Lace Sport Full toe*. Barsraln Shoe*. Rubber ' Goodyear Price. soles and $4.05* $1.40 $l.OB rRIDAY EVENING, GLOBE PICNIC IS BIG SUCCESS Wounded Soldiers Are Enter tained by Ben Strouse at Hcrshey Park The picnic which The Globe Cloth ing Store gave its employes at Hershey, yesterday, was a tremen dous success from every viewpoint, and the twenty-five wounded sol , riiers who were the guests of Ben j Strouge went back to Carlisle after having had the time of their lives. | As soon as the crowd reached | Hershey, where they were taken in I big trucks, luncheon was served and everybody entered into an eating contest. Those who were able to move after this got into the married men—single men baseball game, which ended with the married men two runs to the good. The more musically inclined got together an improvised orchestra and had a dance in the pavilion. ' In order that the Carlisle men could get an early start homeward, supper was served rather early. Later the games and stunts were put on, and included everything in the line of funny stuff that could be thought of; the cake-baking contest was also decided then. Miss Mabel Givler got the silk stockings offered as a prize for the most delectable con coction and those who had an oppor tunity of getting outside of it say it couldn't be equaled. The picnic is tin annual affair and this year's decidedly dwarfs any of the previous parties. VACATION SCHOOL, EXHIBITS ITS WORK The daily Bible Vacation School of Market Square Presbyterian Church, last night had its Exhibi tion Night. The program was pre sented in the church auditorium and marked the closing of the sum mer sessions. Drawings and other hand work were exhibited to show some of the work done there in the past weeks Five children in each class who had missed the least number of days and had done, their work best were awarded certificates by the Presby terian Board of Publication and Sabbath School work. GRACE CHI RCH GETS PERMIT FOR REPAIRS K. Z. Wallower, chairman of the committee on improvements for the Grace Methodist Church, secured a permit to-day for the extensive re modeling work and alterations which have been decided upon by the con gregation. The cost of the work is estimated at J 10,000, according to the permit. F. L. Morrow, contractor for J. F. Trout, took out a permit to build a one-story brick house on the north side of Third street, north of Lewist street, at a cost of $3,500. WOMAN VALVES TWO KISSES AT $2,500 EACH West Chester, Pa , Aug. I.—Two kisses, obtained from Iter lips by force, is alleged by her, are val ued at $5,000 by Catharine M. Barnes, a good-looking woman, of East Fallowfield township, in a suit ti'ed yesterday by her attorney, Wil liam Tregay, of Coatesville, against Samuel Snyder, a leading Coates ville businessman. MOSQUITO PEST ! AWAITS ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL State Health Department Is Ready to Co-operate With Harrisburg j According to Charles A. Emerson, I Jr., chief engineer of the Sanitary Division of the State Health Depart ment, the State is only waiting for J the co-operation of the City Council j before proceeding to exterminate the | mosquito in this city. I Mr. Emerson had one of his chief I assistants from Philadelphia make Ja thorough investigation of potential | breeding places for mosquitoes , throughout Harrisburg and this re i port was submitted by Dr. J. M. J. Itaunick, city health officer, to the City Council for approval and ac tion. The Council has so far failed to make any provision to take care of this work, however, and the State is ready to assist in every way pos sible as soon as some action is taken. The chief places of mosquito breeding in town are Wildwood Park, Pleasantview, near the Arsenal in Eighteenth street, and Italian Park. The latter place especially is very troublesome, as th'e outlet to the lake is blocked by three cul verts, every one of which is quite a bit higher than the surface of the lake itself, so that although they were originally planned to drain the swamp, now they serve only as a dam. According to Mr. Emerson, these culverts could be lowered at a cost of slightly over $lOO, and as the streets under which the are built are as yet unpaved, there would be no difficulty in the operation at all. Hoffman's Woods is another part of town which includes about half an acre of very foul swamp. The treatment in this case would be to divert the route of the ash wagons northward to the woods, and the swamp could be filled up in no time and the mosquito nuisance in that quarter permanently removed. In the main part of the city, how ever, the trouble results from the drain troughs, which are harboring [swarms of the pests. Contrary to common thought, the drains are not completely flushed with each heavy rain, but an eddy remains which is entirely untouched by the rush of water. Mr. Emerson's plan for these places is to have two men, with a light truck, go about the city every ten days and thoroughly spray the drains with a light oil which the State uses in like cases. This could be done at very slight expense to the city, and would prove an effec tive means of keeping down the mos quitoes. The State will co-operate in this to the extent of furnishing an in spector and assistant inspector for the work, and are extremely eager that it be carried on. The City Coun cil is expected to take action on this matter very shortly. E. B. Betser Chosen Head of Farm Bureau E. B. Betser was chosen president of the Dauphin county branch of the Federal Farm Loan Association at a meeting held in the offices of the Dauphin County Farm Bureau yesterday afternoon. Other officers elected include: H. Philip Habig, vice-president; Elmer Erb, secre tary-treasurerand attorney. A board of directors was named to include Morion Alleman, E. B. Betser, 11. Philip Habig, S. H. Holsey and C. P.. Johns. More than a score of fanners attended and made appli cations tor loans amounting to $105,400. Over $48,000 Paid to Militiamen Total payments by the State for pay of officers and men of the Re serve Militia for attending the Ml. Gretna encampment were $48,- 237.32, divided as follows: General headquarters. $748.01; brigade headquarters, $792.75; motor transport company, $448.79; cav alry squadron, $4,479 28; First in fantry, $13,746.52; Second, $13,- 906.55; Third, $14,115.42. Second Lieutenant Milton A. Car lisle, Erie, has been promoted to he first lieutenant of the machine gun detachment of the Third infantry. Deaths and. Funerals MRS. FLORA E. COBLE The funeral services for Mrs riora E. Coble, aged 33 years, wno died yesterday morning at her home, 910 North Sixth street, will he- held Sunday afternoon at 2 o clock at the Oberlin United Broth rer. Church. The Rev. William N. Yates will officiate. Burial will lie made in the Oberlin Cemetery. Sat urday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock and Sunday from 10 to 12 o'clock the body may be viewed at the fu neral parlors of the Hawkins Es tate, 1207 North Third street. WILLIAM It. 'HA MS HER The body of William R. Hamsher. aged 45 years, who died yesterday at the Washington Hospital, Wash ii'gtcn, D. C., will be brought to ♦his city to-day by Undertaker C. H. Sourbier. Funeral services will be hold at the home of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Hamsher, 2128 Moore street, the Rev. Mr. Stamets, pas tor of Augsburg Lutheran Church eft-tinting. Mr. Hamsher is survived by his mother, one sister. Miss Ella Hamsher, and a brother, Ross H. Hamsher. Mr. Hamsher was a printer well known in Harrisburg having learned his trade with the Harrisburg Telegraph. He formerly worked for the State Printing office vhen C. M. Bush had the contract Latei he worked for the Chicago Tritune and the Government Print ing office in Washington. CHOKES ON GUM Struck on the throat by a baseball Michael Showalter, catcher on the Mt. Joy baseball team, almost choked to death when a wad of chewing sum lodged in his windpipe, while he was playing at Hershey. Sergeant E. J. Drucker and Corporal W H Cusick, from the Carlisle Hospital! who were attending The Globe store's picnic, went to aid Showalter anj finally removed the gum. He regained consciousness In ten min utes but was unable to continue playing. COMPLAINTS AGAINST CARS The borough of Swissdale to-day filed complaint with the Public Service Commission against the in crease of fare by the Pittsburgh Railway Company, also alleging poor service and equipment that is "dangerous, unhealthy and inde cent." Complaint against the People's I Natural Gas Company, to extend mains at Cresson, was filed by Gro ver Schwaderer. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ROTARY CLUB AT "Y" CAMP Big Picnic Howling Success, Despite Few Scattering Raindrops | Seventy-six members of the Har risburg Rotary Club and their fam ilies attended the club picnic yes terday afternoon at Camp Shikol | limy, where the Harrisburg " i'" boys are holding forth for two weeks. The camp is located at Big Pond, near Shippensburg, and the club motored up in the afternoon and spent the evening there. The boys were the guests of the visitors at supper, served in old-time fam ily picnic style. The outing was arranged by Shir ley R. Watts, chairman, and a com mittee, and despite a few rain drops was voted a great success. After supper the boys were put through their paces by Arch Dins more and "Doc" Miller, physical director. A shower cut the canip fire short, but the boys sang songs and did stunts. "Doc" Miller show ed the Rotarians, including John Musser, Preston Crowell, Grant For rer and others how he saw a ghost the night before and what kind of a ghost it was, and those who were shown gathered themselves up from the mud-spattered ground and voted themselves as opposed to the Miller . \ariety of ghosts. The same crowd d;d a cakewalk and Arch Dinsmoro spoke in favor of a permanent camp site. The boys who were guests of the Rotarians included: v Tent No. I—Dan Bacon, Sidnev Bo gar George Bogar. Ira Potter. Went- L r . ov J; ' ,ac k Jessup, Jack Bvrem. i ," — Ted Shaw, Norman Sheesley, John Fitchey, xr.. Norris Longaker WiUiam Bushnell. Frank W all is, Ted I.angdon. I nt No ' 3 —Henry Palm. Frank Ludingtom Samuel Palm, William Keller, Robert Ogelsby, . Edward btoulter, James Bowman, John Krebs. , ent No. 4—William Harris, Rob ert Myers, Charles Sellgman. Richard ?' J Nissley, William Brown, Jack McLaughlin 'i'ent -No. s—Frank Eeib, 111., Ross laul. Lharles Bowers, Ross Bell, Harold Gordon, Geiger Omwake! Clyde Roliland. Tent No. 6—Hamilton Hartzell George Seidel, Gerald Fritz, Lester Benson Samuel Roth, Forrest Long. Harry Nace. B Tent No. 7—Charles Brubaker. Van Davies, Millard Young. Chester Martz, Earnest Noll. Craig Williams, Douglas Krebs, Herbert Kann. Camp Staff—A. B, Dinsniore, camp director; C. W. Miller, physical direc tor: Prank Peters, assistant physical director and sanitary officer; Robert ',' L purchasing agent and hanker; Wilbur Nissley, steward and store keeper; John Roth, chauffeur: Don Nissley, librarian; Mary Baltimore and B. Canada, cooks. M\ It 1.1 AGE LICENSES Samuel S. Myers. P'ort Hunter, and Margaret Weaver, Harrisburg. Daniel Adams. Linglestown, and Beulah Cosley, Penbrook. I Py Tnnth lde LaVOriS Mothers' * ICLARK'SI *| * I n n mm i 3 Bots., $2.19 I cutex Cut-Rate Medicine Stores, 300 Market and 306 Broad Sts. 100 I Cuticle lUU Reaver ,w Special Sale Saturday, August 2d "■ A ' P s9c I CIGARS Beef, Wine and Iron j Hind's Honey apd j Cutsets :A " 6C o a , nd - C ,S igarS ' I Ali 10c and 12- Cigars, Pint > Alm ° nd Cream ' Asaloetida 37C 1 Box of 50 AM : Box of 50^for s3.Bi> 84 C 38 C _ I T toilet ARTICLES j PATENT medicines 1 Bw Cutex Sets Talcum Powders SoaDs qq Mavis Talcum 17c | Cuticura Soap 19c l?""™ Seltzer ' '' 17c - 37c " 73c Pills and Tablets Emulsion OyC Houbigant Talcum 76c j Woodbury's Soap ]gc j Sal-Hepatica .... 19c-3Sc-77c p , g Di in 30c 84c S Jess Talcum 18c Resinol Soap 19c Glovers Mange 54c Kidncv Pills 42c 01 p| Melba Love Me Talcum, ,21c : Hobson's Soap 22c Jad Salts 49c _ fiji Kg USI ed Mennen s Talcum 19c Germicidal Soap 18c Pierce's Remedies 77c lve , 3 T CtS ~ V.'" C r a i SvruD m Cocoanut Babcock's Talcum 12c Castile Soap, 3 for 25c ! Sloan's Liniment 17c-37c-76c Nuxated Iron Tablets. . .66c Lai.&yrup Oil Djer-Kiss Talcum 31c Johnson Foot Soap 21c ~ 0 ' ... __ Oil of Korein Capsules.. .69c FlgS Mary Garden Talcum.... 44c | Physicians* and Sur ge° n s' Merck s Sugar Milk. .7. c Nature - S Remedy 17c _ 34c _ 66c OQ c 37C Melba Talcum 19c Soap, 3 for 25c Glycothymoline .. 18c-37c-73c D witt> Kidnev Pills j Colgate's Talcum 18c j Tiz 17c y ' -- I ■ Waltz Dream Talcum .. ,28c I OOth Pastes Gets-It 24c J^c-ooc $1 Q0 Babcock's Butterfly Talcum, Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c F reezone 2fir Pace's Pellets 17c \x/ u rV 1 Colgate's Tooth Paste...2sc T 100 Alophen Pills 59c Waltz Dream 9 Wampoles Lyon , s Tooth Paste 16c | Savons oBc and 79c 100 Aspirin Tablets 79c Face Powder | rvl IVer ! Creams Lyon's Tooth Powder. . .16c *f sol . 19c-38c 10 <) Hinklo's Cascara... .28c 79c O' l Odorbno ...,34c |9c : L'sterme iec-SSc-eSc 100 Asafoetida Pills, 5 gr., 79c 63C Orchard White 26c " Isc Cod Liver Oil, 63c 100 Nux and Iron Tablets, 84c I 1 Cr e s am° ney """ A ' m< ""L Tooth Paste I ~ 94c Wye , h . s s . gf Li , hia Tab . Milks d>t r,r> Othine fiQr 1 anitol Tooth Paste and " ' ' C lets 39c Emulsion > a s l ' oo (Pompeian Day Cream' * - 37 c ' Powder 19c Pinkham s Compound.... 77c Beecham's Pills 17c 49n 84c M ,|y Listerine Isassafola " 19c Kal P heno Tooth Paste. .. .22c Limestone Phosphate... .37c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, ' fiSo ! Elcaya Cream.'i!! i.'! i*'.'42c Tooth Paste.. .44c I Fellows' Hypophosphites, j 34c-67c I DOC Cucumber Cream 29c Albodon Tooth Paste. .. .25c SI . OS * I ~ 35c D& R. Cold Cream, 26c —°° — tC ° Mulsified Cocoanut Oil. .37c Miscellaneous Items SS S S l - 00 Ingram s Milkweed Cream Hair Preparations Miles Nervine 75c p. E. Cascara Sagrada Aro- ' jfi Gem Razor 38c-79c Par isian Sage 37c Atwood s Bitters 19c matic, 3oz 23c wDC 7Q De Meridor Cream. 18c-33c Hay's Hair Health. .34c-64c. Quaker Herb Extract.. .71c Epsom Salts, lb 8c I I"C Hudnut's Marvelous Cold Glosso Sage and Sulphur, 43c Phenol Sodique 37c Compound Licorice Powder, Cream 37c Pinaud's Hair Tonic ...,48c Pierce's Anuric Tab 42c * 07 3c M Pinaud's Hair Tonic 98c American Mineral 0i1....55c Sweet Spirits Nitre ' 2 oz -> J ad Salts I Gem Blades F *** PowderS DamSnsky'bye '.39' White Pine and Tar....19c Aromatic Spirits Ammonia,' 49c Dorin's 1249 Rouge 39c Herpiciae 79c Hill's Cascara Quinine... 19c 2oz 29c 39c L'Ame Face Powder. ,19c-39c Wyeth Sage and Sulphur, 44c 3 oz. Glycerine 29c Carmen Face Powder. .. .38c 3 oz. Peppermint 49c Scott's .'lancee Face Powder. .. .89c Shaving Items Ointments Sulphur Candles, 3 for.. .25c Emulsion Usoline Oil D i er " Kiss Face Powder..49c t;om it/.or 7c Castor Oil Capsules.... 15c AO -avis Face Powder 38c em Rludcs o c Mentholatum 17c Pluto Water, quart 32c 5jC, 9oC 39C Waltz Dream Face Powder simvh, K cWam"'.'.'.. •!!• Sassafola 19c Water Glass, quart 30c 79c Colgate's shaving Cream ... 0c Musterole 19c Moth Balls, 1 lb 15c ~ I _ Melbaline Face Powder, ,21c Evcr-RoMly Rladcs 2flc A->~ Carhona IQr KTnv J ivr„iho iTo „t) J ,A Bottle Bay Rum Bie Baume Analgesique 43c v.arDona iyc JNux and Pinaud's el J a ace Powd s, r 39c — ~ Kondon's Catarrh Jelly ...19c Insectine 10c Iron Hair Tonic Powder™^ 3 "" 49c Water and R °y al Scarlet Grape J^ ce^ s Tablets 48c, 98c Marie Antoinette Face Pow- SachetB p Qr le g a (j V Peterman's Discovery, 13c-19c R4c oer 42c Ext. Witch Hazel, pint.. ,38c Camphor Ice 15c J ava Rice Powder 38c Djer-Kiss Toilet Water, $1.19 Horlick's Malted Mi1k..52.70 Soap Dyes, 3 for 20c I 1 p t face Powder.l3c Hudnut's Violet Sec. ...79c Mellen's Food 52c Merck's Boric Acid, lb. ..21c n ., •p Mary Garden Face Powder, $5.00 Mary Garden... .$3.89 Nestle's Food 49c K-y Jelly 19c CJllve Oil TJT J° X P *74 c I Oz.-Garden Frag. Sachet, Eskay's Food 55c Fuller's Earth 8c Virgin, 8 Hydrogen Woodbury's Face Pow- . 69c Fletcher's Castoria 23c Mixed Birdseed 19c oz. IQp der 17c y 2 Oz. Djer-Kiss Sachet. .79c Imperial Granum 59c I oz. Creamtartar 8c Sanitol Face Powder 21c I Oz. Azurea Sachet.... 79c j Imperial Granum 89c 2 oz. Rochelle Salts 15c STREET CHANGES IN UPPER END ARE CONSIDERED Council to Act as Quickly as All Data Is at Hand Proposed street changes to he provided with the deeding of the Italian Park site to the city as a free gift, are being considered now by City Engineer M. B. Cowden and E. Clark Cowden, engineer for the Planning Commission. As soon as the cost of the street changes is estimated together with the expense which would be involved for the treatment of the park and providing a lake or pool, the en gineers will submit a joint report to the Planning Commission. It is expected that by that time the executors of the McKec-Ora ham estate will have submitted to the Planning Commission also a written statement of their offer and the requirements which they desire the city to comply with in order to receive the park tract as a gift. Now Street Lines These points were agreed upon at a joint meeting of the executors and the Planning Commission members, together with the engineers and city councilmen. It was decided at that session that tho city should agree to improve the park in three years and provide the pool if possible, and lay out Green, Third and Sixth streets, along the lines originally designed by the Planning Commission. Members of City Council have said they favor making Green street 120 feet wide from Schuylkill to the northern city limits; and Sixth and Third streets, 60 feet wide to the northern city limits. It is under stood they approve the lines of these streets as changed by the engineers. City Engineer Cowden said lie is preparing now a plan of the sti ects, which will be completed soon. He explained that it may be necessary to do some surveying be fore the lines can be determined definitely but this should not delay the actual sale of the Hoffman's Woods site to the school district. City Councilmen said they will act as soon as they receive an official statement of the park and street situation through the Planning Com mission, as this plan of procedure was approved at the joint meeting recently. The councilmanic com mittee will make its report at the same time. The members include Mayor Keister and Commissioner E. Z. Gross. Stockholm newspapers are crip pled on account of walkouts by their employes. Female workers in Japanese fac tories number 500,000, of whom 300,000 are under 20 years of WETTEST AND "DRYEST" MONTH [Continued from First Page.] existance of the local bureau, the record then being 8.68 inches. The mercurp showed a considei - able degree of freakishiness during the month. During the first six days of the month, it hung at a higher figure than the average, the tem perature hanging about the century mark for several da>s and one day touching the 101 murk, the highest for July. The temperature then dropped and for a week was below the nor mal and after several days of nor mal temperature, again dropjed somewhat below no-man for a few more days. Temperature then con tinued normal, or near normal, un til the 27th and 2?, when it again went far above normal. Thy tem perature dropped again and hung somewhat below normal during the remainder of the month, the ac cumulated excess during the ."1 days being only 22 degrees. 717 "Y" Workers Reach Port Aboard Haverford Philadelphia. Aug. I.—The liner Haverford, bringing home 717 Y. M. C. A. workers front all parts of the country, docked here to-da;.. In the party are 205 women and a few Army officers. The Haverford was assigned ex clusively to the "Y" and left Brest on July 19. As the ship warped into the dock a band struck up lively music and many on board one-stepped from sheer joy at get ting back to America. Three of the men brought back French brides. Frank T. Anderson, Boston, return ed with Mrs. Anderson, whom no married at Nantes shortly before the Haverford sailed. She was Mile. Ganette Lauerzel, of Paris. William E. Hill, Chicago, brought his briuo who was Mile. Marcolle Piquot, also of Paris. Joseph B. Hughes, also of Chicago, was the third bride groom. His wife was Mile La Helena Marguerita Chaipier. Gold Booth, Oakland, Cal., brought home a daughter by adop tion in the person of Madeline Vanderhoven, 15 years old, of Brus sels* The girl's parents were lost in the German invasion and, finding her friendless, Booth decided to adopt her and bring 'her to his home. Two Russian boys, each thirteen, also return with new fathers. They were mascots of the Three Hundred and Thirty-ninth Infantry, and were picked up in Archangel when the regiment was there. Lieutenant A. M. Smith, of Wyoming, is going to bring up Paul Terentfix, and Ma jor Michael J. Donohue, Detroit, will educate and provide for Alex ander Bratherwick. AUGUST 1, 1919. One Husband at a Time Is Enough, Dulcey Smith Is Told by Bureau Clerk Because she didn't know whether her first husband is dead. Mrs. Dul cey Smith, 36, colored, of Steelton, could not secure a marriage license. With Wilson Catlett, 25, also of Steel ton. the woman came to the county recorder's office yesterday afternoon for the license. After he had an swered all the necessary questions satisfactorily, she was queried. Things went well until the clerk asked about any former marriages and then learned that the woman "did not know the whereabout of her present hus band, or whether he is living or dead. Final Figures Submitted in Victory Loan Drive The final report on subscriptions to the Fifth Victory Liberty Loan came out to-day and were an nounced by Donald McCormick, district chairman for Dauphin, Ju niata and Perry counties. The report showed that Dauphin county, with a quota of $6,841,091 went over with subscriptions amounting to $7,198,650. Harris burg subscribed $4,857,700, which exceeded its quota by $BB,OOO. Steel ton also went over with an $BOO,- 000 boost. The other two counties in the district subscribed $1,103,250, Ju niata taking $451,600 of this and Perry $651,650. Harrisburg on this loan subscribed more than on any other except the fourth, when they took out $6,960,100 worth. The complete total for the city to in clude all the five loans is $23,157,- 750. and get ajar of that dainty, dis- 7 violet powder for every Overseas Veterans For State Police The State Police Department to day enlisted nine veterans of over seas service for the troops at But ler and Lancaster, most of them having records classed as excellent. The men enlisted for Butler troop were Maurice P. Connors, Shenan doah; Monroe Gutshall, Philadel phia; Harry F. Holtish, Phoenix ville; Thomas Lostriok, Swoyera ville; Henry McDonald, Philadel phia; James P. Murphy, Scranton; Andrew J. Smitn, Phoeitixville, and John P. Smith, Reading, and for Lancaster troop, Hugh A. Taylor, Gate City. The men had served in railway engineers, machine gun battalions, regulars, signal, troops, military police and the Twenty eighth and Forty-second divisions. First Policewoman Is Serving First Day Harrisburg's first policewoman, Mrs. Edith B. Bergstresser, is to-day serving her first day In her official capacity. Mrs. Bergstresser was officially in ducted into her new office with the solemnity befitting the occasion yes terday afternoon by Mayor Daniel L. Keister. She will continue to serve in her official capacity here until August 4, when she will go to Philadelphia to spend a week at the headquarters of the Philadelphia police force, learning of the methods followed out in the work in that city. This latter trip has been made possible through the courtesy of the Harris burg Civic Club with the approval of Mayor Keister and Chief Wetzel. 17