Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 01, 1919, Page 12, Image 12
12 iThe Live Store" _ i Our Semi-Annual |J/|J) |[| J * 3jHSS£&, —fiß&w I-? Q*l fl I No sale of such magnitude has ev A—' v 4 It almost seems unbelievable that any store would sell ,^OO— y°u will find at this "Live Store" in spite of the high market comd a store whether that store will show its colors and pursue its re| the very merchandise they have in stock costs much more to ri ———— ? offered at during such times as this. We appreciate the many^tl ""v- S ml • Oven i their interest at all times to save them money. Manufacturers i [b*i . . W I \ age us about having our regular Clearance Sale this year, but w$ I Saturday • that we feel certain most people want us to do —and surely every I t N' hi * made a fair profit and that's all we expect. NOW the time for i PS.I? """ \ " t : out in rapid order and we cut the price deep on all Spring and .Sui y _ fffljfofrK. ' *■ .—, : season. Furthermore, we must have room for Fall stocks, which £ > -ifjk _ Store" is by constantly turning over our stocks, cutting down the big operators and you get all the savings through our enormou I Hart Schaffner & Marx, Kupp E V .y This " Live Store" will be the busiest place in - | J a entire State for the next few weeks while this greatest merchandis- . / rsrrT'illiflgl j J \i%f ing event is in progress. Every man who lives within a radius of fifty miles of Har jP> wg <£ igßggji| \;■ Jf ; S ; , /ffir risburg should make every effort to attend this Big Sale or send a representative, for B I m ° re an ay y ° U t0 Uy era^y ' r present uture use * I i\ " All S3.M Troll,r, 52.38'; Ail 830.00 Suits. . . I flwm p\\ fpr A " 835 -°° Sits - •_ / swß • mnj mm lam $4.50 $O9l AH $38.00 smts,.. / h J if] SmS \ If '* All $5.00 Trousers $3.89 i All SlO-00 Stisls, • ••. Mm lA AM 56.50 Trousers $4.89 j All $45.00 Suits, . . W.. SSI lim A !! s J:l° I rouserg S5 - 89 1 AH $50.00 Suits, . . 0 T All $8.50 Trousers 56.89 ?' A c?~~ du\ o F '®f . tQCftT —} All $55.00 Suits, . . - | |i All $9.50 Trousers X Ail SBO 00 S —* B- Jffl ■•/ "in f r-Jy* All Shirts, Hosiery, Underw b H /*S'// IM-Jf auss-mhl!. AU9 f Boys' Suits lM iSllll Mmßm! mMK j si " All $4.00 Hats $3.19 e Mark-down prices like you will find repre- I _ -|khsK / * All W 11(1 Hah co on sented at this "Live Store" are worth investigat* L. " . .18liS £ ' V -•;/ UHBH mm ft All MCA UJ. !/ on i ing, with the season approaching when boy* ( . I f All JpD.OU Hats $4.89 * will need plenty of school clothes. Look at the, a-. , f I All $1.50 Caps $1.19 economy and remarkable low prices. *. Witkmww All $2.00 Caps $1.59 f AD $lO.OO Boys' Suits .$7.89 All $2.50 Caps $1.89 I All $12.00 Boys' Suits .$8.75 t All $13.50 Boys' Suits $9.75 w M T7l TL lIIIIJI mum lliy _■? AHsls.ooBo y 'suits $10.75 304 Market 1 Hff ' ! All Straw Hats " " AUSI6.SO Boys' Suits ..$11.75 Strfpt H "fk^Jx" P B ma 1/ All $lB.OO Boys' Suits $13.75 t|L-— gWI AIwVB X /2 * rlCe T 'AH $20.00 Boys' Suits ~-.,.515.75 ' f* U W " V"> V" V" ■.' V 3 i jj S44 ' FRIDAY EVENING, fiXHfUBmJRG TELEGKaPEt AUGUST 1, 1919.