Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 01, 1919, Image 1

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Wheat Ci ops lay Be Sold at Market Fi ice in Effort to Cut tug a. Lost o#
®f)e stor-3n&epen&eftl.
LXXXVIII—NO. 179 24 PAGES Dal, Luer e at Offlce e at a Ha S r e rlaburg laaS HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 1, 1919. ""wEWSPAFEn FN S HAun. L sut l i{o ESS si TWO B CENTS es HOME EDITION
Protocol to Peace Pact In
cludes Agreement That Sig
natures of Three Allies and
Germany Put It in Force
Soon as Two More Associated
Nations Affix Names Full
Diplomatic and Business
Relations Will Be Started
liy Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 1. The pro
tocol to the German peace treaty,
defining explanations of the treaty
agreed to In memorandums ex
changed between the German and
allied plenipotentiaries, was laid be
fore the Senate to-day by Vice Presi
dent Marshall. The documents were
transmitted yesterday by President
Wilson, but too late for submission
before to-day.
The protocol was accompanied by
explanatory letters from President
Wilson and Secretary Lansing. The
protocol and the correspondence
were referred to the foreign rela
tions committee.
It was made known to-day at the
White House that the protocol to
•the peace treaty which was sent to
the Senate late yesterday by the
President, included the agreement
that the German treaty shall come
into force upon its ratification by
■three of the associated powers and
Germany. What else was contained
in the protocol, if anything, was not
Great Britain and Germany al
ready have ratified the treaty, and
as soon as it shall have been ap
proved by two other of the associated
nations it will take effect as far as
those four countries are concerned,
permitting the immediate resump
tion of full diplomatic and trade re
The protocol reached the Senate
yesterday too late to be laid before
that body. It may be taken up to
day in executive session and later
made public.
List of Guilty
Among the provisions in the pro
tocol is one requiring the German
government t9 transmit to the Allied
and Associated governments within
one month after the treaty becomes
effective a f.st of persons who are
accused of having committed acts
in violation of the laws and customs
of war.
To Supervise Destruction of Port
Another paragraph provides for
the appointment of a commission
to supervise the destruction of the
German fortifications on Helgoland
in accordance with the German
Provision is also made that "pro
ceedings may be taken against per
sons who committed punishable of
fenses in the liquidation of German
property" in the Allied countries,
and the protocol says the Allied and
Associated powers will welcome in
formation or evidence the German
government can furnish on this
Lodge Reads Copy of
Treaty Between 'Big Five'
and Poland Into Record
Washington, Aug. 1. A copy of
a treaty between the "big tive"
powers and Poland, said to have
been signed at Versailles on June
28, was put into the Senate record
to-day by Chairman Lodge, of the
Foreign Relations Committee, who
said it had been submitted to the
British Parliament two weeks ago.
The text of the agreement between
President Wilson and the represent
atives of the other big powers for
the government of the Rhine district
also was presented by Senator Lodge,
who said he had received a copy
privately after the document had
been presented to the British Parlia
Three Lose Lives When
Steamship Turns Bottom
Up in a Calm Sea
By Associated Press.
New York, Aug. 1. The steam
ship Abangarez, of the United Fruit
Company, arrived here to-day with
58 members of the crew of the Brit
ish steamer Clan Gordon, which cap
sized at sea Wednesday, 140 miles
southeast of Cape Hatteras, with the
loss of three men, one of whom was
the wireless operator.
The Clan Gordon, a freighter of
the Clan Line, left New York for
Dalny, China, last Monday. Late on
the afternoon of Wednesday mem
bers of the crew of the Abangarez
saw her capsize in a comparatively
calm sea. Boats from the Abanga
rez were sent to the aid of the Clan
Gordon's crew. Three of the ship's
company sank, however, before the
rescuers reached them.
The last seen of the Clan Gordon
Was at 7 o'clock Wednesday, when
she was floating bottomside up.
HurrlHliui-K and Vicinity: Fair to
night nntl Saturday. Slightly
cooler to-night tvllh lowest
tempera!arc about 114 degrees.
Eastern Pennsylvania: Partly
cloudy and slightly cooler to
night. Saturday fair. Moderate
north winds.
Divert Xo Important rhnngrx will
occur In river conditions. A
stage of ahnut 4.14 feet Is in
dicated for llnrrlNhurg Saturday
And We Have Been Finding Fault With Mexico
I -
Bolsheviki Forces Gain Four
teen Miles in Onega Sector
of Archangel Front
By Associated Press.
London, Aug. 1. Successes for
the Bolsheviki in the Onega sector
of the Archangel front are reported
in a Soviet official statement sent by
wireless from Moscow. The state
ment declares the Bolsheviki forces
have advanced fourteen miles, aid
ed by a mutiny among the allied
The text of this portion of the
communique reads:
"We have advanced 14 miles
northward on the Onega. The ad
vance was preceded by a rising of
white regiments who arrested re
sisting officers and handed them
over to our side."
The official statement bears date
of July 31, and the rising reported
appears to have been subsequent to
the recent mutiny among the Rus
sian troops on the Archangel front,
reported by the British army au
Unrest in Siberia
The Moscow message also reports
unrest in Siberia. It claims that
there is an insurgent front extend
ing from Tashkent in Turkestan to
Nikolayevsk, on the Amur. In the
region of the Amur, it is declared,
the insurgents annihilated a large
detachment of Japanese recently.
In addition, it is asserted that an
important Bolsheviki detachment is
advancing from Northern Siberia
towards Tomsk.
Premier Lenine Plans
to Retire After He
Makes Drastic Change
By Associated Press.
Stockholm, Aug. I.—The Svenska
Dagblat is informed by persons
closely connected with the Russian
Soviet government that Nikolai Len
ine. the premier, intends to begin a
dramatic change of policy and then
retire. The condition of his retire
ment will be that Jean Trotzky, the
Bolsheviki war minister, be left in
command of the red army.
At recently held meetings of the
Soviet commissaries, the newspaper
informants say the question of giv
ing power into the hands of other
socialistic parties was earnestly dis
cussed, but Lenine declared that the
best way to check reaction, as rep
resented by Admiral Kolchak, head
of the All-Russian government at
Omsk, would be to drop power for a
time in order to prove that no other
party was able to reorganize Russia.
This, Lenine contended, would
strengthen the Bolsheviki and en
able them to resume power. Len
ine's views were shared by George
Tchitcherin, the commissary for
foreign affairs; M. Stoutchka, com
missary of justice, and Professor
Pudrovski, commissary of the inter
Task No More Difficult Than Others
Undertaken by War Department;
Would Open Up Wide Territory
No man in public, life to-day is
more interested in the development
of the waterways of the country
than Congressman J. Hampton
Moore, of Philadelphia, who is now
being seriously considered as an
available harmony candidate for
mayor of the Pennsylvania metro
polis. He has discussed the subject
of the navigability of the Susque
hanna river repeatedly in the House
and as early as February, 1914, and
again in July of the same year pre
sented reasons for making the Sus
quehanna navigable.
In a speech February 28, 1914, he
dwelt particularly upon the import
ance of developing the rivers and
harbors of the country for its gen
eral commercial welfare. In this
speech he called attention to the
fact that the government was over
looking a great river—the Susque
hanna —and "to the tendency which
has prevailed elsewhere in the east
ern States and particularly as to
the Hudson and the rivers in New
England to take such rivers out of
the public service altogether." He
declared that engineering problems
such as are presented by the Sus
quehanna have already been met
by the expenditure of large appro
priations upon other streams where
the public purposes to be served
are not so great as those that would
result from the improvement of the
A Fertile Valley
Mr. Moore dwelt upon the early
uses of the river by the lumber op
erators and how in recent years the
people of Pennsylvania and New
York have been deprived of their
right to an outlet to the sea. It was
at this time that he introduced a
bill to secure a survey, which has
now been authorized and about to
be started, to determine the feasi
bility of improving the Susquehanna
by means of locks and dams as in
the case of other rivers. He called
attention to the fact that the Sus
quehanna river in its main stem is
about 400 miles long and has a
drainage area of 27,400 miles; that
[Continued oil Page 7.]
By Associated Press.
Allen town, Pa.," Aug. I.—lgnatz
Gresser, Allentown's last member of
the famous First Defenders and
who was awarded the Congressional
Iledal for hs rescue of the late Con
gressman William H. Snowden
while he lay wounded during the
battle of Antietam, died here to-day
of infirmities, aged S4.
By Associated Press.
Berlin, Aug. I.—The former
German Empress, in- the course
of a letter to the vicar of Christ
Church at Wilhelmshohe, says:
"The Kaiser is hearing his
burden, but the Lord will lead
him out of the dark valley."
The former Empress adds that
the exile is well, except for a bad
cold and that she also is well.
Patriotic Open-Air Spectacle
to Be Given in Island
Tuesday, August 12, is the day
selected by the War Camp Communi
ty Service for the presentation of
the huge Ail-American pageant in
Island Park. Practically every na
tionality in the city, more than twen
ty-six in number, will take part in
the program, which V is to be free
for all.
The majority of the nationalities
represented have been working hard
on their events for several weeks and
have been preparing them in co-op
eration with the War Camp Com
munity Service. It is hoped that
several more nations will be able to
have representatives in line, but
they have not yet been secured.
The program will consist of a pro
cession in which each nationality
will play a distinguished part;*
speeches by several well known
Pennsylyanians, and features from
several of the leading groups. Groups
of powerful searchlights on top of
the grandstand will throw a bright
light over the entire diamond and
outfleld and illuminate every detail
of the demonstration.
U. S. Agents Go Through
Dwellings Without
Search Warrants
So Far Government Has Taken
No Notice of Local
Harrisburg homes thus far have
been free from search of collectors
of the Internal Revenue Depart
ment in a hunt for whisky, it was
announced to-day.
Reports have been received here,
however, that several homes have
been visited in Philadelphia and
searched for whiskies.. Deputy col
lectors and assistants made the
searcb.es in Philadelphia.
The homes searched in the
Quaker City were those of John
Crosson, Germantown > and Lehigh
avenues, and of John S. Glenn, 3209
North Sixth street. In neither in
stance were any alcoholic beverages
No warrants were issued for the
searchers of either home and in each
case collectors were shown over the
premises by the owners. Instruc
tions for the search were issued, the
men who made them say, by T.
Littlehales, chief field deputy.
No Instructions have been receiv
ed in this city providing for any
search, and in fact no instructions
have been received in this city to
proceed against violators, according
to United States Commissioner John
A. F. Hall. United States Deputy
Marshal Harvey T. Smith is out of
the city and could not be reached.
Dying Man Gets Pint
of Blood at Hospital
Transfusion of blood from the |
veins of one of the 27 volunteers j
to those of the Harrisburg Hospital i
patient, who has been critically ill
for some time, was effected to-day i
by hospital physicians. More than j
a pint of blood was transferred from I
the veins of the subject to the siclc
man, who is said to have but half
the amount needed to sustain life.
Twelve persons were tested of the
27 applicants who offered their blood
at the Harrisburg Hospital for trans
fusion to a patient who was sorely
in need of healthy blood. Harry
Buch, a clerk in a local drugstore,
was selected as the man with the
blood best suited to the conditions,
and a quart of it was transferred
from his veins to those of the pati-
I ent this afternoon. Mr. Buch is
rather weak, but comfortable. Buch
served overseas with a hospital unit.
.Strikers Attack Girls
on Duty at Silk Mills
By Associated Press.
Slinmokin, Pa., Aug. I.—Accept
ing as true rumors to the effect
that members of the office staff, tel
ephone operators and others had
been permitted to continue their'
employment at the J. H. and O. IC.
Eagle Silk Mills here, where a
strike has been in force for eleven
weeks, female strikers early last
night attacked a number of the
girls as they left the mill and sev
eral were injured when struck v.ilh
stones and umbrellas.
State Mediator Frederick arrived
i here yesterday to make a final effort
j to adjust the strike, which threatens
i to involve the miners in sympathy
I with the silk workers.
I The funeral services for Miss Sara
j Strine, 18 years old, who died at the
j Keystone Hospital last night, will be
; held from the residence of her
[parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
I Strine, of Progress. The Rev. Mr.
Henry, pastor of Shoop's Church
j will officiate and burial will be
i made in the Shoop Church ceme
tery. Miss Strine is survived by
her parents, one brother, Victor
Strine, and a sister, Ruth Strine.
iSt. Swithin, Old Sol and Pro
hibitionists Reign Supreme
For the First Time
July was the wettest July since
1891, but at the same time it was
the dryest month in the history of
These statements are not alto
gether inconcilable, either. Fore
caster E. R. Demain, of the Harris
burg Weather Bureau, is authority
for first statement, and countless
llarrisburgers can testify to the lat
ter assertion.
Bathing in prespiration during the
early part of the month and almost
drowning in the tears of St. Swithin
during the middle portion of July,
Harrisburg has been able to collect
its sense during the pleasing tem
peratures of the latter part of the
month and has permitted specula
tion as to the freakishness of the
month. Their inquiries have elicit
ed the statements of Demain and
Mr. Barkeep.
Rainfall during July showed an
excess of 2.88, a total of 6.83 inches
falling during the month. Not once
since 1891 did that much rain fall,
•he downfall then being 8.40 inches!
The record for July was made in
1889, during the first year of the
[Continued on Page 17.1
Figures in Cruelty Probe
Representative Johnson, of the Congressional subcommittee investigat
ing conditions in American Army prison camps in France, from which
almost unbelievable stories of cruelty have come. Brigadier General Wil
liam W. Harts is blamed for conditions by Lieutenant "Hardboiled" Smith.
Special Committee Appointed by Cabinet and Attorney Gen
eral to Investigate Soaring Prices and Make Early Re
port; Propose to Sell Wheat at Low Price
By Associated Press. •
Washington, Aug. I.—A special
committee to consider means of re
ducing the high cost of living was
appointed at the meeting yesterday
of members of President Wilson's
Cabinet with Attorney General Pal
mer. The committee will compile
suggestions thus far made and re
port to the Cabinet Monday, when
further steps will be taken.
• One suggestion made Mr. Pal
mer said, was that the Government
sell this year's wheat crop at the
market price, to be determined by
the law of supply and demand, and
make up the guarantee to the farm
ers out of the billion-dollar fund
appropriated by Congress.
No Limit to Food
It was announced at the War De
partment that there would be no
limit whatever on the quantity of
foodstuffs to be consigned to mu
nicipalities under the new plan of
It is generally asserted here that
the report which Homer S. Cum
in ings, chairman of the Democratic
National Committee, made to Presi
dent Wilson upon his return from
a two months* survey of the coun
try, which took him to the Pacific
coast, was, in a measure, responsi
ble for the very determined action
yesterday. Mr. Cummings, it is
Said, told tho President that the
high cost of living was on the lips
of the people everywhere and that
steps toward a quick solution should
bo taken.
Washington. Aug. I.—No relief
from present high prices is forecast
in the Federal Reserve Board's
monthly review of business condi
tions, issued to-day, which notes
that July saw increases in many
"In general," the review said,
"there is a disposition to acept pres
ent price le.els and to expect a con
tinuation of the prevailing level for
some time to come."
In many districts high prices have
I not served to check demand, but tho
possibility of obtaining goods was
found to be of greater moment to
the buyer than* the price fixed. On
the other hand the Board said, the
"very great" price increases which
have taken place in certain 'lues
have made buyers more cautious,
care being taken not to increase un
duly stocks acquired at the present
price level for fear a decline might
Continued high prices, along with
constant growth in trade, both
wholesale and retail, and increased
activity in some of the basic indus
tres sustained confidence in the in
dustrial situation and led to expan
sion in many lines. Almost tho only
complaints heard concern shortage
of raw materials and, in a few dis
tricts, labor Roubles, although a
majority of the districts report nor
ma labor condWens.
"Instead of a fear of unemploy
ment, which had been expected dur
ing the early part of the year," the
Board said, "the reports received
By Associated Press•
Seoul, Korea, Aug. 1. —An ex
traordinary attempt of eleven
Koreans to commit suicide by
tying themselves together with a
rope and then jumping overboard
is reported from the treaty port
of Chemulpo, about twenty-five
miles southwest of Seoul. The In
cident occurred on a ferryboat
running between Chemulpo and
j a nearby island. The boat was
I stopped and a'l were picked up,
I but three were dead.
The act is believed to have
j been inspired by Buddhist supi r-
I stition.
mainfest the fear of an impending
shortage of labor." The exodus of
alien workers was blamed in part.
The agricultural outlook on the
whole was reported favorable, with
(Continued on Page 23)
®4*44 , 44444 4* 4* 4* 4 s 4* 4 i 44*4*4*4444444444£'
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; *V J,
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** • - employe. js
| J
JL ways Company directors this afternoon it was unani- ii
T 3
2* |
| This advance in wages, President Frank B. Musser X
nounced, ir> voluntary and was JP
X direct rs to help the men meet the increased cost of liv- 1 9
T ing. Ihe men will be paid 45 cents an hour under the >a|
4 hew schedule. ,JJ
J ngtdn A resolution directing the Fedr 4
4 2
T of shoes was reported out to-day by th ,m
terstatc Commcrce Commission. X
4 ,4j
Landing, N. J. —Five pernor* w?rc killed I 4
*|* plosion of 1,000 pounds of dynamite in a "packing" ho '3,
X of the AM,is Powder Company neat hep. day. *j
s *
SnmiM-l s. Jl.vpr, Kurt llnntrr, iiml M:*rwnrr< Wrtr, Harris- M
SurKj Dunlrl Adniii., I.lnßlcatoivn, and Bruliih Coalcy, IVnbrook. "
I @4444444444444444444444444 44 4H
I .
Mayor Keister's Committee
Says Cost Is Much Too
I Several Reasons Advanced
Why Bacon Will Not
Be Purchased
Harrisburg's Municipal Ford Com
mittee will not buy from the Gov
ernment. This was the decision af
ter a lengthy meeting held to-day
at the office of Mayor Daniel L.
Kiester. Two reasons were advanced
by the committee as follows:
First: The Government prices
were said too high. On a car load of
bacon the price this commodity would
be sold to Harrisburg consumers
would be 38 cents per pound, in 12-
pound cans. The same bacon can be
had in Harrisburg at the same price
retail, sliced and without a rind. If
purchased in 12-pound lots, the prices
at local stores is 35 cents for ba
con, Including the rind. Bacon can
be had for 40 cents a pound in the
| whole which is only two cents higher
; per pound that the Government
; goods. The committee was also in
j formed that by buying bacon by the
car load, from any large firm the
price would be still lower.
Secondly: The Government is about
to offer to the people of the United
j States foodstuffs by parcel post at
i figures to be announced later. For
i this reason the request to the loca:
(Continued on Page 23)
Benjamin Whitman Has
Reached Home Por"
Renjamin Whitman, teacher of th>'
Hick-a-Tlirif t class of Pine Street
Presbyterian Sunday School, who hai
' been overseas for fifteen months do
j ing "V" work, returned home to-da:
on the Haverford, which docked a
I Philadelphia. He will be in this clt:
! by Sunday and will teach the elas
, | then. A big reception has beet
i planned for Mr. Whitman by tin
I members. Of 382 in the class, 15:
i were in service, and seven were kill
ed or died.