20 DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART Friday Specials Notion Specials for Friday White and colored crochet buttons. Special, card. .10^ $2.00 plaiting boards. Special Friday only $1.50 Sanitary aprons. Special Friday only 30< Embroidery edging. Special Friday only 10£ $2.50 hair switches. Special Friday only $1.49 , Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Curtain Materials for Friday Scrim and marquisette including lace trimmed edges and colored borders, lengths to 5 yards, 39c to 50c grades. Special Friday only, yard 25£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. Odd Pairs Curtains for Friday $2.50 to $B.OO lace and scrim curtains in ecru and white, one pair of a kind. Special Friday only . . .$1.25 to $4.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. Friday Specials in Cretonnes 50c medium dark cretonnes in fancy allover patterns. Special Friday only, yard 25£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. Men's Bathing Suits for Friday $2.00 bathing suits, body stripes, all sizes. Special Fri day only $1.54 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Men's Shirts Reduced for Friday $1.15 percale shirts, laundred cuffs, sizes 14 to 17. Spe cial Friday only ..84^ $1.50 black satine shirts, reinforced front and back, sizes 16, 16JA and 17. Special Friday only $1.29 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Boys' Pajamas Specials for Friday $1.35 two-piece pajamas in stripes and solid colors, sizes, 6to 16. Special Friday only $1.15 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Cotton Dress Goods for Friday Remnants of Voiles, 2to 4Y\ yard lengths. Special Fri day only, 1-3 to y 2 off. 49c to 75c Madras Shirting, plain and fancy stripes. Spe cial Friday only, yard 39< Dives Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. 35c woven tissue, colored stripes. Special Friday only, yard 19'^ 45c Pongee, solid shades. Special Friday only, yard.l 9£ 30c Challis, 36 inch fancy patterns. Special Friday only, yard 22 £ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basemen!. Women's Pumps for Friday $2.00 and $2.50 white canvas pumps with hard turned soles and canvas covered heels. Special Friday only, $1.45 $4.00 brown and black kidskin pumps, high French heels. Special Friday only $3.15 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Girls' Oxfords for Friday s3.oo'patent colt and gun metal calf oxford ties, low heels. Special Friday only $2.15 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Children's Canvas Shoes & Pumps sl.oo'white canvas shoes and pumps, wide toe lasts, sizes 5 to 7. Special Friday only 75£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Men's Tennis Oxfords for Friday $l.OO black and white tennis oxfords with cemented black rubber soles, broken sizes. Special Friday only 75£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Colored Dress Goods for Friday $1.25 navy mohair for bathiirg suits; 50-inch. Special Friday Only, yard flsc $4.50 wool Jersey cloth, grey and tan, 54-inch. Special Friday Only, yard 51.95 $4.50 costume serge, dark navy; 56 inch. Special Friday Only, >'a rd - $3.89 $2.50 striped mohair, navy and black. Special Friday Only, yard, $1.69 89c navy serge, 36 inch. Special Friday Only, yard 79c $2.50 army cloth, 56 inch. Special Friday Only, yard $1.69 $4.50 plaids, good styles. Special Friday Only, yard, $2.69 Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Black Dress Goods Reduced $1.25 black Mohair, 50 inches. Special Friday only, yard 95^' $2.50 Silk Poplin, 40 inches. Special Friday only, yard $1.95 $6.00 Men's Serge, 54 inches. Special Friday only, yard $4.95 $1.25 Surf Cloth for bathing suits.' Special Friday only, yard 95^ Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Street . jr. THURSDAY EVENING, j/luauatJala ajjurnitura A Notable Event Providing Savings of 10 to 25 Per cent Our homes leflect ourselves in a great measure, showing in the things we put into them, our care, or our indifference. In the same mannei, eithei consciously or capriciously, one reveals ones personal character in the selection and arrangement of furniture. • And this coming Autumn, more than in any season in recent years, it will be the eager ambition of the earnest home maker to endeavor to make every room of the house a pleasant and comely place. The August Sale, Beginning Tomorrow, Offers Values That Are Unique From the viewpoint of profit alone we would find it altogether more advantageous to dispense with our costumary August Furni- fT*"! ture Sales, for prices at the Grand Rapids factories have gone so far skyward that in many instances they are even higher than our | p-jj But in spite of the difficulties attending the delivery of purchases already made and in the face of the advances which we shall - have to pay on orders for the future, the August Furniture Sale will he held as usual with every piece of furniture on the floor, or in the warehouse, ready to be placed on the floor, reduced 10 to 25 per cent. In a few rare cases you will find reductions up Ttt ITB to 50 per eent. 7 1 (J Where it is not convenient to make full payments at the time of the purchase, access may be had to our liberal deferred pay- ' * ment system, which gives the comforts and pleasure of possession without a feeling of deprivation in some other direction. * Odd Pieces in the Sale at 25 to 50 Per Cent Savings $75.00 walnut chifrobes $37.50 $55.00 mahogany toilet tables $39.00 $49.00 mahogany toilet tables $39.00 $39.00 four poster mahogany bed $29.50 $49.00 mahogany toilet table $35.00 $75.00 mahogany chit'robe $49.00 $39.00 walnut chifrobc $29.00 $29.50 walnut chiffonier $25.00 $25.00 walnut chiffonier >.519.50 $25.00 walnut bed $19.50 $25.00 walnut toilet table $19.50 $49.00 walnut bed $39.00 $45.00 walnut bed $35.00 $49.00 mahogany bed $39.00 Four Pieces Bed Room Suites $335.00 walnut suite, including $90.00 walnut bureau $75.00 walnut toilet table $85.00 walnut chifrobe $85.00 walnut bed Bed has bow feet with canc panels, four pieces, $295.00 $314.00 mahogany Windsor bedroom suite, including $85.00 bureau $85.00 toilet table $69.00 chiffonier $75.00 bed, four pieces $250.00 $268.00 mahogany bedroom suite, including $75.00 bureau $59.00 toilet table $75.00 chifrobc $59.00 bed Four pieces $240.00 $168.00 bedroom suites in mahogany, American wal nut, birds eye maple and old ivory, including $45.00 bureau $39.00 toilet table $45.00 chiffonier $39.00 bed Four pieces $150.00 $151.00 mahogany and American walnut bedroom suites, including $39.50 bureau $36.50 toilet table $37.50 chiffonier $37.50 bed Four pieces $135.00 Dining Room Suites and Odd Pieces Lowered in Price in the Sale $337.50 ten piece suite; American walnut buffet $lOO.OO American walnut china closet $69.00 American walnut extension table $55.00 American walnut serving table $39.00 5 American walnut side chairs $58.75 1 American walnut arm chair $15.75 Ten pieces in the August Sale $300.00 $305.00 suite; American walnut buffet $97.50 American walnut china closet $75.00 American walnut extension table $55.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor. Library Pieces Distinctive of Design and Moderate in Price Fl !™hL 2t, llrJwJr 24 I x4 S f ol ? en , oak librar y tables, 26x42 inches with double Fumed oak library tables, 26x48 inches, with two Mahoginy library table, of the Wil for bool. AugusYSa"e Price, b °° k **• AugUSt Sale Price drawers, a piece of splendid utility. August Sale and Mar? period, with book $15.75 Golden oak library tables in Colonial design. August Price $29.50 S? p a - S drawers 1p Priro ikA OclIC 1 TICC •••••••••••••• hiioit)U ' $39.50 mahogany hall cfocks. August Sale Price, ; ■ mi—m Golden oak library tables^ with double shelf, cmds $29.50 'j Fumed oak library tables witli three drawers and $125.00 tapestry davenports; 78 inches long. August double book shelf. August Sale Price $28.50 Sale Price $lOO.OO ''' ." p Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor. BXKRIBBCTRO TEEEGKXFH ... ; :: ; i! yA ' ; • - ' V . i f.,.„ fe I&gg Living Room Furniture: Suites $255.00 livingroom suite; including $65.00 chair, $65.00 rocker and $125.00 davenport; three pieces in the August Sale $229.00 $193.00 tapestry living room suite; including $49.00 chair, $49.00 rocker and $95.00 davenport. Three pieces in the August Sale $169.00 $209.00 cane livingroom suite; including $49.00 chair, $65.00 foreside chair and $95.00 davenport. Three pieces in the August Sale $185.00 $283.00 Chippendale suite in tapestry; including $69.00 chair, $75.00 high back chair and $136.00 davenport. Three pieces in the August Sale... $250.00 Three piece cane and tapestry suite; including chair, rocker and 78-inch daven port. August Sale Price $lBO.OO Three-piece cane and tapestry suite; including chair, rocker and dapenport. August Sale Price $169.00 Three-piece overstuffed tapestry suite with Loose spring cushions. August Sale Price $239.00 $285.00 overstuffed livingroom suite; including $75.00 chair, $75.00 rocker and $135.00 davenport. Three pieces in the August Sale $255.00 Mahogany library tables in Chippendale design. August Sale Price. s2s.oo $175.00 three-piece tapestry livingroom suite; chair, roceker and bed davenport. August Sale Price $125.00 Three-piece mahogany library suite; chair, rocker and settee. August Sale Price $56.00 Three-piece mahogany library suite; in tapestry, spring cushion seat including chair, rocker and settee. August Sale Price $65.00 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor. JULY 31, 1919 Dining Room Suites and Odd Pieces Lowered in Price in the Sale Continued 5 American walnut chairs $5j>62.50 1 American walnut arm chair $15.50 Ninepicces in the August Sale $275^00 $266.00 Suite; Mahogany buffet $95.00 Mahogany china closet.... $55.00 Mahogany extension table $49.00 5 mahogany side chairs !Iss3'So 1 mahogany arm chair $14.50 Nine pieces in the August Sale $239.00 $279.50 suite; American walnut buffet $BO.OO American walnut china closet $49.50 • American walnut extension table $65.00 5 American walnut side chairs 1 American walnut arm chair $85.00 Nine pieces in the August Sale $250.00 $278.65 suite; Mahogany buffet $90.00 Mahogany china closet $65.00 Mahogany extension table $55.00 5 mahogany side chairs $54.75 1 mahogany arm chair $13.95 Nine pieces in the August Sale $249.00 $279.00 American Walnut suite; American walnut buffet $90.00 American walnut china closet $69.00 American walnut extension table $59.00 5 American walnut side chairs $47.50 1 American walnut arm chair $13.50 Nine pieces in the August Sale $249.00 $237.75 suite; Mahogany buffet $59.00 Mahogany china closet $45.00 Mahogany extension table $65.00 5 mahogany side and one arm chair $68.75 Nine pieces in the August Sale $210.00 $186.25 suite; Fumed oak buffet $49.00 Fumed oak china closet $45.00 Fumed oak extension table $35.00 5 fumed oak side and one arm chair $57.25 Nine pieces in the August Sale $165.00 $326.50 suite; Mahogany buffet $125.00 Mahogany china closet $75.00 Mahogany extension table ...$59.00 5 mahogany side chairs ~..$52.50 1 mahogany arm chair $15.00 Nine pieces in the August Sale $290.00 $244.00 suite; Mahogany buffet $75.00 Mahogany china closet $59.00 Mahogany extension table $49.00 6 mahogany side chairs $61.00 Nine pieces in the August Sale $219 00 $39.00 china closet $29.00 $39.00 walnut china closet $29.00 $39.00 golden oak china closet $29.00 $29.00 mahogany serving table $25.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Fourth Floor.
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