18 Those Building Lets Are Marketable—Take Them to Market Through tie Classifies Deaths IGMIEII —Mrs. Anna Rebecca Bender, wife of George B. Bender, died on Wednesday evening. July 30, at her home, 2105 Jefferson street. Private funeral services at the resi dence Friday afternoon, August J, at 2 p. m. Burial will be made in the East Harrisburg cemetery. tit IHA KICK—On July 29, 1919, Jo seph E. Brubaker in his 56 year, at his late home, 1101 Vt Capital street. Funeral services will be held at the above address on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock to which relatives anl friends are invited. Interment pii vate in Harrisburg cemetery. CARD OF THANKS The sons and daughters of Mrs. Martha A. Wilson express thanks to the neighbors and friends for he kindness and sympathy shown them in the illness ad death of their moth er, Mrs. Martha A. Wilson. LOST AND FOUND $5.00 REWARD For the small gold pin with letters H. H. S.-18 on and m tials M. B. engraved on back, which was lost at Tech mencemout dauce at vYiua Villa on June 13. if returned to the office of HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LOST—Tuesday evening, gold watch and pin, between Broad, State to Six teenth anu Regina oil State street, in itials E. M. C. Reward if returned. 1337 Fulton street, or Dial phone 0161. FOUND—A sum of money, owner can have same by proving amount and paying for this ad. Call Business olfice Telegraph. ___ INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, English, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, AHUinie tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. . BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. FOR Instruction in elementary or advanced mathematics or mechanics, see Miller, 306 Chestnut St.. formerly instructor at U. S. Naval Academy. ————— —-—— HELP WANTED —MALE WANTED Freight truckers and freight handlers at P. R. R. Division Street Transfer, Harrisburg, Pa. Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take Big Four or Rockville car to Sixth and Division streets. WANTED Men to learn to repair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Full course, $5O, Call, or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET, Or TRAINING W CARTERS, 260 South Front Street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED—THREE FIRST CLASS CARPENTERS AT ONCE. APPLY TO FOREMAN AT 560 CAMP ST. WANTED—Experienced newspaper Vrd magazine men to represent large Bow York publishing house. Six oi lers per day pays $36 per week. See tfr. Gardner, 410 Patriot Bldg. WANTED—Two young men to learn lalesmanship and make $2O per week while learning. See Mr. Gardner. 410 Patriot Bldg. WANTED—Die stamper operator, tarver und victor presses; steady sit uation; good salary. THE SMITH PRINTING CO., WILLIAMSPOKT, PA. RAILWAY mail clerks. Hundreds wanted. sl,loo-$1,500. Age 18-35. Ex perience unnecessary. Examinations everywhere August 23. For free par ticulars write Raymond Terry, former government examiner, 518 Continental Bldg., Washington. 1 WANTED—A good boy over lb years for delivery and stole work. Apply Grand Union Tea, 208 N. Second street. WANTED—Young single men to travel with crew and take orders for sanitary twisted wire brushes ami mops. An exceptional opportunity to make money. Call Francis Mfg. Co., 2 N. loth st. WANTED —Crew manager; those who are able to finance themselves will find an exceptional opportunity with the Francis Mfg. Co., 2 N. loth itreet. WANTED—Varnisher to spray fur niture. Federal Equipment Co., Car lisle, Pa. MOULDER —Thorough all around me chanic, accustomed to both large and email work; gray iron and steel, ex cellent permanent position; first class working conditions in modern, well lighted shop, out of city; transporta tion paid: high wages to man meeting requiiements Give complete details of experience and age. Address Box 0-8022 care Telegraph WANTED Experienced grocery clerk. Apply 2030 North Seventh st. IF YOU are a good oil und paint salesman, we will pay well. Only the cest of talent need apply. Parker Re fining Co., Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED —Experienced butcher to Irlvo meat wagon. Apply 226 Chest >ut st. WANTED —A man for the wood thop to repair wheels, making gear md general repairing. Steady work. J E. SAYEOR & SON, CARRIAGE BUILDERS. Annville, Pa. (Continued In Next Column) FOR SALE 5 Acres in New Cumberland lmprovtta with a modern 2 V4-story red brick house, having 7 rooms, reception hall, bath and pantry, front, side and back porches; ce mented cellar with laundry; steam heat; electric light; lawn and garden, 150 fruit trees; also u 2-story stable. It is a desirable property and only 2% squares from the trolley. Possession on short notice. Miller brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COURT STS. RCA I. ESTATE INSURANCE seaeiY BONDS 'tug. Real Estate Uonrd THURSDAY EVENING. HELP WANTED—MALE CARPENTERS BORING MILL MEN GENERAL REPAIRMEN SHEET METAL WORKERS ALL AROUND MACHINISTS Permanent work assured. No labor trouble. Bonus paid on second and third shifts. Phy sical examination required. Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. | THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUB BER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO. I I MALE HELP WANTED Several salesmen for door tc-door proposition. Experi ence not necessary. Salary guaranteed. Apply H-5421 care Telegraph. WANTED —Experienced agent; big money for the right man; call at 820 Sixth st. Joseph Poleo. WANTED —Young man over 16 years of age, to help in cleaning and dyeing establishment. Apply E. Eggert, 1243 Market street. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Operators on plain sewing machines; also a few on union special felling and sleeving machines; learners paid while under instruction; also a bonus paid every week. Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO.. City Star Laundry Bldg., Sixth and Herr Sts. SEVERAL lady solicitors wanted; salary and commission; steady work. Room 67 Union Trust Bldg. WANTED —Maid for general house work; no washing; small family; good wages. Call Bell 1581-R or 1723 For ster street. WANTED Weavers and learners. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North Streets WANTED—Child's nurse and helper around house in good home. Apply 25 North 19th st. WANTED—Competent experienced woman for pastry and pantry work at ence. Also waitress and chambermaid. Write or phone Miss Patterson, Hotel Conewago, Mt. Gretna, Pa. WANTED —Girl tor general house work in small family. Apply 104 Boas street. WANTED —Girl or woman for gen eral housework in small private family, living near Second and Reliy sts. Bell phone 125 or Dial 4016. WANTED Experienced waitress; no others need apply. Apply 6(2 Market St. OPERATORS ON UNION SPECIAL Felling and Sleeving Machines. July 3rd we paid 10 per cent, extra bonus on six months' earnings, making 40 per cent, bonus paid this year. | JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO., 2012 N. Fourth Street. HELP WANTED —Male and Eeinale ARTIST —Opportunity to study with large engraving company- no intei ference with present occupation. Ad dress Box T-S4G2 care Telegraph. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED—Agents make big money selling typewriter ribbons. Samples 35 cents each; 3 for $1; one dozen for $3. Retail at dealers 75 cents each. National Ribbon Inking Works, Dept. It. 8723 Fourth avenue, I Brooklyn, N. Y. [ AGENT —To sell portable fireproof ! steel garages, cottages, factory aud farm buildings, moving picture halls iany size; give references. Manufactur ing Stove Repair Co., Inc., Hagers town, Md. CANDY —Big pay. Advertise, men, women. Start one of our specialty candy factories in your home, small 100 m, anywhere. We tell how and furnish every thing. Grand opportu nity. Car.dy House, 1819 Kanstead sr., pniludclphia, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED —MALE WANTED —By a colored boy, 15 years old, light work or a position as errand boy. Call or write to 1306 Currant ave. ENGINEER desires position, steam shoveling engineering or any kind of ; steam engineering. Call or write 632 jlleily street. i SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe | COLORED woman would like day's I work of any kind, washing or clean ing or office cleaning. Write or call ISll S. 10th St. I STENOGRAPHER with experience 'of bookkeeping; can furnish refer- I ences Call Bell phone 4602 from 9 la. m. to 5 p. m. j WHITE lady wishes washing and 'ironing to do at home. 130 Cranberry street. NURSE wishes position In private , family or to take care of invalid, or 'practical nursing; can furnish refer ences. Address Box C-8463 care Tele ! graph. 'Continued In Nfext Column) SITUATIONS WANTED—FKMA'LE NURSE wishes position for invalid or practical nursing.. A-8468. GIRL, would like to have job assist ing in private family or dishwashing in private boardinghouse. Call at 649 Calder street. STENOGRAPHER wants position; car. furnish references. Call Bell | phone 4609. STENOGRAPHER, with knowledge of bookkeeping, wishes permanent position. Can furnish best of refer ence, graduate of Berkley's Business College. Apply 2004 Green St. ROOMS FOR RENT KOU KENT—32O .South Second st, Sreelton: 7-room house. Apply at 27 South Front St., Steelton. Dial 9176. 1 TWO or three unfurnished rooms for rent, tine location. 104 South 13'.h street. FOR RENT—One furnished room on second lioor. All conveniences; suit able for two young men or couple. Location, 1531 Green st. Apply 261 Cumberland st. FOR RENT—Apartment of two largo unfurnished communicating rooms laige hall also two furnished rooms on second lioor; no children. Call at 1506 State street. FOR RENT—Two communicating rooms, furnished; private bath; sec ond lioor front. Inquire 121 State st. FOR KENT—Nicely furnished sec ond-story front room, near Capitol: all modern conveniences; use of both phones; bath; permanent tenant de sired. Apply 721 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—Two or three rooms, furnished or unfurnished, use ot bath and phone, also garage in rear if de sirable; rent reasonable; gas and electricity. Call Bell phone 693-J or apply 1305 S. Cameron st. Nicely turnisntd. clean, cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 143 South Third street. FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping. and roomers; all conven-1 iences. Inquire 335 Pine St., Steelton. : FOR RENT —Desirable front and back rooms; ail conveniences; city steam heat; very desirably located. | Apply at 266 Briggs St. NICELY-FURNISHED BLDKOOM— For gentlemen only. Dial 499u, or sic North Third street. ROOMS WANTED | WANTED—One or two nicely fur- 1 nished looms by two women with best lof references. Must be centrally lo- 1 rated and with modern conveniences.! Address P. O. Box 8. I WANTED TO RENT—Nicely fur-' [nished or unfurnished living room bedroom and bath. Centrally located [preferred. Address A-8466. BOARD AND ROOMS I BOARD —Man and wife desires > board and room about September 1 with congenial private family in good I location. Address Box T-8452 care Telegraph. READ ESTATE FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE The property and business of the West End Store of Hum melstoWn. General merchan dise. wood, coal, feed, etc. EDWIN E. BOLTON, 511 West Main Street, Hummelstown, Pa. SUBURBAN HOUSES FOR SALE ! WEST FAIRVIEW—SingIe house. I slate roof, 6 rooms, electric lights, | front porch 2 4x7 ft., this is a substan- [ tially built home, with nice lot and i two chicken houses, $2,000. KNOLA—Six-room house and bath, slate roof, latge cellar, front and side porches, newly painted, lot 75.\1!j0. Also chicken house and stable, $-,400. I)I'RAND & KERB ICR. 107 Chestnut Street. KOR SALE Cottage, Summerdale; 5 rooms, electric lights. Possession at once. Terms cash. Price $l,OOO. DURAND & FERRER, 107 Chestnut Street. FOR SALE —2115 Greenwood stre-1, corner property, 2% -story frame with plot of ground 12x125 ft., rents for $l3 side and rear driveway, mortgage of $750 can be continued and balance of $550 in liberty bonds acceptable or will accept part cash payment above mortgage and take note for balance. Price $1,300. BACKKNSTOSS RE ARTY CO.. 331 Market Street. (Hbg. Real Estate Bureau) FOR SARE—On Broad between Sec ond and Third streets, a three-story brick house with all improvements. Inquire A. W. Swengel, 2131 North Second street. Bell 2575-J. FOR SARE—2OO3 N Sixth street, 3- story brick; all improvements. A. W. Swengel. 2131 North Second street. Bell phone 2575-J. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan Small cash or Liberty Bond flrst payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street, VERY DESIRABRE corner property for sale, on State street; large brick house, with all most modern im provements; brick garage on prop erty. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner. Bldg. AVOODBINE ST., 529—Seven rooms and bath; $2,050 will purchase. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. 13TII ST. S. 234 —For sale, brick prop erty; light rooms, bath and business room; other improvements; garage for two cars. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. 13TH ST., S: 502—Nine rooms and bath- ether Improvements, $3,000 will purchase. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg WHITEHAEE ST.—Desirable prop ertv lor sale; nine rooms and bath; ..11 meat modern Improvements. In cluding steam heat; lot 54x108; oc cupied by owner; inspect it. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE —Three brick houses, each -with six rooms and bath; gas; furnace; price $5,800. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE—Some good chancy town properties. I' rame or brick, with or without conveniences; good sized lot to most of these places. Prices $1 . 500 to $6,000. F. S. llumma & Bon, chanlcsburg. Pa. • continued in Next Column) HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH H IN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING "keeping at it" is sometimes quite as important as making the first effort. ||j If a single publication of your ad AL- Nra WAYS brought your result the tasks of life would be so easy that they would scarcely interest us at all. hra | ffl | 1 1 1 n 11 ; REAL ESTATE FPU SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDERLIN." STATE ST.—ll3l, VACANT; NEW; three-story; nine rooms and bath; isteam heat; gas and electricity; front and rear porches; cement cellar; a | magnificent home; possession August |i; can be bought with $5OO cash. | FULTON 5T.—1931, VACANT; two j story brick cottage; six rooms and bath; steam heat; gas and electricity; j cement cellar; nice front porch; cozy I little home; right price to quick buyer. | SWATARA 5T.—1856; VACANT; two | and-a-halt'-story frame; seven rooms land bath; all improvements; nice front j porch; large yard with driveway iu i the rear; small amount down; bal ance same as rent. DERRY 5T.—2341. NEW; VACANT; two-and-a-half-story brick; six rooms and bath; hardwood floors; cement cellar; steam heat; gas and electric ity; must be seen to be appreciated; can be bought with $5OO cash. j SE\ENTEENTH AND PAXTON i STs.—NEW; VACANT: two-and-a lialf-story stucco; six rooms and bath; steam gas and electricity; : everything that goes to make up an up-to-date house; can be bought with 'ssoo cash. I FULTON 5T.—1836; VACANT, 3- story Irame; eight rooms; some im provements; in the nicest block on Fulton street; no money down; $25 [per month. ; D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room I. Security Trust Bldg.. 36 North Third St. Bell 1390. Dial. 3573. BUSINESS LOCATION West Falrview—2',4-story brick, in heart of town with small out building, suitable for business of any kind. Very cheap. Enola Homes —All imp.; corner house; Leinoyne homes, all imp.; sin gle corner; New Cumberland, fine home; al imp.; Camp Hill, all imp.; large lots. City homes of all kinds; easy terms, pay as rent; some for cash. Farms—6, 10. 16, 30. 40. 75. 96. 125 and 170-acre farms, from 3 to 12 miles of Harrisburg. Some of these farms with crops, stock and tools in cluded. Possession at once. Market Street —Three-story brick, store room front, on Hill. Apartment Houses —One or two cf the finest in the city. Building lots at Camp Hill. Worm levsburg, Enola, Riverside, Paxtang, Progress, Belvue, uptown and sev eral good factory sites. Investments Several rows of houses paying big interest. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street, Bell phone seo-J . FOR SALE Five two-story brick houses, 1937-39-41 Swatara street; ISII-15 Zarker street. DIENER. THE JEWELER. . ' 408 Market Street. FOP SA.LE —Immediate possession of ten-room single brick on the Hill; side entrance, room for Sarage; makes fine apartment house. Dial 6236. Forrest St—s69, corner property; 3- story brick; lot 15x108; price reason ttbIeBACKENSTOSS REALTY CO.. 331 Market Street. (Hbg. Real Estate Bureau) FOR SALE on easy terms, 2012 to 'ols Susquehanna street. Apply A P. Doranx. 1225 North Sixth. FOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, No 1512 WALNUT STREET. Lot 16 ft. 3 in by 90 ft. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM PANY, 222 Mrket Street. Fine resident. North st $20,000 Erick property. Camp Hill .... 12.U00 Paxtang residence 17,000 N. 16th st.. brick 6.500 2331 N 6th, brick 6,000 1631 Swatara, frame 2.-100 1943 N. 4th, brick 3.000 Brick building, garage 15,000 D. A. CALEY, Bell 589. 707 Kunkel Bldg. FOR SALE — house with -m -prover.ients on Columbia st., Enola, possession in 60 days; lot 27x150; fruit and fine garden. Easy terms. Price $2,000. Bargain. Double house; Imp.; State st., Enola. Pribe $4,600. Double house, Penbrook. Imp.; either side. $2,300. Bargain. 2805 Canby St., Penbrook; 7 rooms and bath, all imp. $2,500. 3-story brick house: all Imp. and garage, 16 th st., corner property. Price, $5,500. 3-story brick, all imp., 16th at., cor ner property. Price $5,000. CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State Street. Bell 1476-W 'Continued lu Next Column) REAL ESTATE BU K SALE VACANT corner, centrally lo cated; 9 rooms; all improve ments; electric lights; front, side and back porch; side yard; ten minutes walk to market Square. Several more houses in ull parts of city. Single corner in city; 2%- stories; 8 rooms; all improve ments; side yard; fruit trees; stable 40x20 feet on rear of lot; electric lights; line place lor contractor or builder Price $3,500. $5OO down. C. H. CORDER, 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. FOR SALE—4I4 Hummel ave., Lc moyne; 3-story brick, finished in chestnut and cypress, containing ten rooms, bath, all modern improve ments. Price $3,500 FOR SALE—3O7 Muench st„ con taining 8 rooms, bath, drive alley in rear. Price S3,'JOO FOR SALE—I7O9 Market st., 3-story brick dwelling containing 9 rooms, bath, cemented cellar, water, gas and electric lights, steam heat, front and lear porch, lot 34x90, available place for garage. FOR SALE—Farm containing 115 acres, located in Cumberland county, four miles from city, one mile from West Fail view, improved by 2 V4-story dwelling, 8 rooms, 1% -story out kitchen, spring house, butcher house, frame bank barn, silo, wagon shed, hog pen, implement shed, good well of water and three springs. BRINTON-PACKER CO., AGENTS, SECOND AND WALNUT STS. FOR SALE Eight-room, brick house, new. near Penbrook; lot 184x170; electric ligt; artesian well water; furnace; large porches; chicken and hog house and fine spring. Look at this property if you want a fine suburban home. Price $3,500. Nlnc-acre truck and poultry farm with 8-rcom frame house and out building; running water; near Pen brook. Price $3,500. Easy terms. 30-acre farm. (240 building lots!. Will sell acreage or lots; tine truck soil and pleasant home sights; east of Penbrook. CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State st., cor. 16th st. Bell 14ib-W FOR SALE —In Highspire. If you ere looking for a business that will net you $3,000 to $5,000 a year at a real down bargain, see me at once; property including residence, store room, ice cream parlor, large pool room only pool in town; reason for selling, would retire from business. W J Reeves, 224 Market St.. Higli spire. Dial 9801 AN exceptional bargain In a fine home. This property is located 451 I Elizabeth street, Highspire; single house, plot 150 foot front by 125 feet deep; improvements; most all kinds n fruit; chicken house and garage, ''lxso Will sell for $l,OOO less than I what il is worth; reason for selling Other business. W. W. Reeves, 224 ; Market street, Highspire. Dial 0801. ! j,'OR SALE —Riverside, 3024, 2 >4- story frame; 9 rooms and bath; steam heat- gas and electric; also four rooms on first floor; front and back Porches; lafge lawn; garden; fruit trees- all latest improvements; pos session soon after sale thereof. In auire Daniel E. Lucas, Real Estate and Insurance, 303 Lewis st. FOR SALE —8-room house along Rotkvillo line, with 2-story stable; immediate possession. Koug\\ Bright bill & Kline, 307 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 2902. Dial 1509. Heal Estate lor Sale—Suburban Enola, Columbia Road—Fine 2Vs story frame dwelling, with electric ity, steam heat, cemented cellar. S rooms and bath, slate roof, garage room, 30 fruit trees, front and 3ido porches, lot 62V4x280. built In 1915. Only $l,OOO cash needed to buy. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., 331 Market Street. (llbg Real Estate Bureau) FOR SALE —292-294 Second street, I Highspire. A fine double house, all im provements. will sell single or double. If you are looking for r. bargain see this property before you buy. W. J. Reeves, 224 Market rtreet, Highspire. Dial 9801. My car is at your service. REAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT —1856 Swatara street, Harrisburg, frame house, 2i4-story; 7 rooms; bath; gas; furnace. Apply 37 South Front St., Steelton. Dial 9167. CARLISLE dwelling in best resi dence section. Write lock box 851, Harrisburg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED —To buy a house to cost between-$3,600 and $5,500. If you have one for sale, address 0-8467 Telegraph office or call Bell 3910 after 6 p. m. giving particulars. 1 am not an agent. ln Next Column) 1 I REAL ESTATE WANTED I HAVE READY BUYERS for farm, city and suburban properties. My large clientage enables me to secure | ready buyers for any kind of Real Estate you may have to offer. A. P. DORANZ. | 1225 North Sixth St. [ Bill 271J Dial 3943 I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler. Real Es tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third Street. FARMS FOR SALE 115-aere dairy or truck farm, one mile west of West Falrview, under hign state of cultivation; large bank barn; 8 room frame house; fine summer kitchen, all necessary outbuildings; nne spring water. Extra four-room house along the Conodoguinet with 1,000 foot creek frontage; fine bunga low site. This farm could be cut into five-acre homes and readily sold. Price, $11,500. 17-acre truck farm, 2 miles west of Enola; C room house and barn; 200 fruit trees; 4,000 asparagus; IV4 acres strawberries; a fine spring of water between the house and barn. Price $2,750. possession April 1. ISS-acre, stock, grain and fruit farm, 7 miles east of Harrisburg; large stone house and bank barn; 130 acres under plow; 58 acres in pasture and woods; fruit and grapes; land very productive; easy terms. Price $46 per acre. CHARLES DAVIES. Real Estate, Farms and Insurance. 1549 State Street. Bell 1476-W SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three to ten .miles from city. Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER, 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 500-J. 68 acres, 1(4 miles to trolley; 5% miles to Harrisburg; good house; barn [good as new; good fences; running water; ground in high state of culti vation. Price $6,500. 77 acres In Lebanon Bounty; good house and barn; land rolling and pro duction. Price $4,500. DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestut Street. 45 ACRES—The Wilhelm farm, one mile north of Linglestown and the Harrisburg Hallway and the paved road to Harrisburg; all even and very productive fields; buildings; running water; fences, price $4,800. 76 acres —Tile Bailey farm; all even fields; one-fourth mile west of L. trolley and paved road to Harrisburg. Buildings, fences and running water. Price $6,800. C. B. Care, 409 Market street, Harrisburg. Care's Grocery, Linglestown. 20-acrp farm, two room bungalow, chicken house, hay shed with five loads of hay. five acres potatoes, 8 acres corn, nice grove in center, 40 chickens, 4 Shoats, 2 head of young cattle. Will take city property in exchange with garage or room for a garage. DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut Street. FARM FOR SALE—I6B acres, 68 acres under cultivation; 100 acres fair timberland. Will sell right. A real bargain. Inquire 2132 N. Fourth St., Harrisburg. FOR SALE—A small truck farm; 9 miles from Harrisburg; good build ings; running water. Will sell cneap to quick buyer. Bell 315-J. FARMS WANTED WANTED—To buy a farm in Cum berland county. 75 to 100 acres. State lowest price. Address L-8832 care Telegraph. Offices and Store Rooms for Rent STORE ROOM FOR RENT Store room at 311 Walnut St.. second door from Penn-Harris Hotel, now occupied by mil linery store. Apply to super intendent BOWMAN & COMPANY, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS MOTOR BOAT Beautiful automobile type; 25x5; 40-horsepower; electric starter, lights, reverse gear, etc. Cost $1,600; only run about 5o miles. Am leaving town. Yours for $l,lOO. Will consider late model automo bile in part payment. Write for photographs and specifi cations. Address, CHARLES RESCH, Marietta, Pa. MOTORS FOR SALE We have the following motors we are offering for sale. We guarantee these motors to be in first-class con dition and can make Immediate de livery. One H. P. 220 V. 460 R. P. M. One V* H. P- 220 V. 380 R. P. .U. One l a H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. One Vt H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. One V H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. One 14 H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One 4 H. P .120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE Lumber, tubes, tanks, shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, bolts, pipe, etc. dismantling plant. The Highspire Distillery Co., Ltd., Both phones. Highspire, Pa. FOP. SALE RIVER SAND Best in quality and price. At the river, Motor street, Highspire, Pa. , Martin Construction & Supply Co. FOR SALE—Large natural reed baby carriage; reversible; in good condition Apply 1327 Kittatlnny st. FOR SALE—Household goods, rugs, rockers and other househeld furniture. Apply 2110 N. Third street, third floor. Bell 2625-R. FOR SALE—II-foot King folding canvas boat. Can be shipped as bag gage. Fine for fishing. Address C-5023 care Telegraph. FOR SALE—Huckleberries $6 for bushel crates; $2.20 for 12 quart bas kets, f. o. b. here. Send money order, berries will be shipped same day. A. Fred Bredbenner, Beaver Meadows, Pa. ———— —'-t 'Continued In Next Column! JULY 31, 1919. | FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ! FOR SALE—Reed Baby coach; re versible; price $l6; cost $l5. Call 1732 Walnut st. FOR SALE—Secondhand bricks; 2c per brick. Apply in evening at 1355 Liberty street. FOR SALE—One reed baby car riage; brand new; used one month; | $2O. Call 1837 Park St., Harrisburg. FOR SALE—Four-burner cabinet gas range: self-lighter; A 1 condition. I rice $25. Inquire 1219 State street. FOR SALE—Planer, drill press, lathes, motors; all sizes, machine tools bought for cash. F. R. Laverty. Bell phone 1857. FOP. SALE—Double flat top oak desk, 42x55; also Harvord range No. 82; both good as new. A. S. Miller, 18th and State sts. i I FOR SAL/E—High g*ide concrete ! road Btone. located at Girty's Notch, ; north of New Buffalo, Pa. on Penna. (State Highway route No. 195. Address |P. O. Box 890, Harrisburg. Bell phone 1202; Dial 3138. , FOR SALE—Two oak ladies' desks, ! chairs, hall seat, iron bed, window : shades, gas drop light, etc. All in gcod condition. Call Bell phone 3218W FOR SALE Hair filled mattress, value $35, selling price s2o; Brussels rug, 9x12, value $5O, sale price $39. FORNWALT'S. 1321 N. SIXTH STREET. FOR SALE—Two beds; also two springs cheap. Inquire 650 Schuylkill street. Bell 4427-M. FOR SALE —Two cash registers in good condition. Address R-5460. FOR SALE—AII kinds of building material, including beams, channels, rails, pipe, one hoisting engine and motors. Apply Williams & Freedman, Sixth, below Hoffman's Woods. ! BOOKS Bought ana sold; 20,000 ! new, old, rare, in etock. Aurand s, 925 North Third. Circulars free. ! MORRIS SAYS save money buying i new and second-hand furniture here illigh prices paid for furniture. Morris j Schmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. I TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS l ' WANTED I A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must be in good condition. 1 Addresb Box S-4429. care Telegraph, stating price, when it can be seen. i ! WANTED To purchase an old bureau or chest of drawers without mir ror. Mahogany preferred. Wish to secure this for utility not as an antique. Stote what you have, price and where it can be seen. Address L-8923 care Telegraph. i WANTED —Secondhand hot air fur nace with pipes. State price. 242 Ridge street, Steelton. WANTED —Nursery koop or kiddie koop wire netting sides; cheap; 312 Hummel st. Bell 886. JUNK—We are in the market for all kinds of Junk. Call Bell 4974, or write L. Cohen & Co., York street and Ash avenue. WANTED Storage for boxed pianos; first floor; must be dry. Yohn 1 Bros., 13 N. Fourth Street. BELL PHONE 3370-J ' S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST., HARRISBURG. PA MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call ißell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max ISmeltz. 1020 Market street. Will call. !city or country. Bell pnone 3239-Rl. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES KAP.RISBURG'S ' REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. i BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET. ! I WOULD YOU RISK $2 PER WEEK | FOR 50 WEEKS TO MAKE THOU- I SANDS? A WORKING MAN'S COM PAN Y. I By paying $2 per week for 50 weeks Iwo will offer you something great. I Most people spend more for drink, I tobacco, etc.. but object to spending It. few dollars tor their future wel- I fare. Particulars 7024 Jenkins Arcade. | Pittsburgh. Pa. I WOULD you invest in a property, I the rent from the upper two floors of which amounts to nearly 8 per cent. lon tile whole purchase price asked, ' thus- alio wing you a tlrst class up-to- I date apartment, with every conveni ence. to live in free? If so, address M-8024 cure of Telegraph. FOR SALE —Restaurant and lunch room. complete and up-to-date, near Market street; price reasonable; In quire A. P. Dorauz. 1225 N. Sixth St. i LIVE business tor a live man, in nearby town. Restaurant, confection ery, cigars. Doing business of $42,000 a year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth st. " BUSINESS PERSONALS E. L. DAVIS Automobile and motorcycle repair ing and overhauling. All work guar anteed. Garage, 1421 Thompson STEAM feather renovating; all ticks emptied; new ticks furnished; B. j Campbell. 1000 Paxton street. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDrNG Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen Capitol City Welding Co.. 163S Logan street. Bell 4396-J. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H CAPLAN CO.. 206 Market street. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping j. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan street. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. PAPERHANGINO AND PAINTING First-class work. Chilcoat Bros. 1(22 N. Fourth St. Ituntinued in Nest Column) BUSINESS PERSONALS QUININE —Look out for that crlnn* feeling, likely to catch you thl! changeable weather. OUR lixATivr PIIOSPHO-QUI NINE will stave it If taken in time. Gross Drug Storf 119 Market street. store, RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge. 25c doz.. double edge 35a doz„ razors. 2oc. Gorgas Drug store! FURNITURE, china packing and re pairing, carefully done by R J ster. 815 West st. Bell Slg-R. J ' Roy " MONEY TO LOAN MONEY AT NEW LEGAL RATES The entire cost of $25 for five months Is .. to m .150 for five months Is e'"s $75 for five months is ~.. ? 3i $lOO for five months is iqjq Based on five equal monthly payments on date due. Longer time if desired at little extra cost. Shorter time at lower CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY; 204 Chestnut Street. Under State Supervision LEND MONEY In compliant with Act of June 4. 1919, to individu. als in need of ready cash, small loans a specially, business confidential pay! ments to suit borrower's convenience positively lowest rates in city PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT pn 132 Walnut Street. ' ' MONEY LOANED— Employes' Loan Society. Room 206 Bergner Bid! Third and Market streets ''Llcensfa and Bonded by the State." vnaed MUSICAL) AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS THIS WEEK. $6O Universal mahogany phono graph; almost new; plays all rec ords. Price $4O $lOO Kimberly mahogany, phono graph; cabinet size; like new; plays all records $BO $llO Cheney; fumed oak; phono graph; like new; plays all rec ords. Price $BO Two Empire olden oak phono graphs, used about four months: cabinet size. Price each $B5 $125 Cheney, mahogany phono graph; used very little; plays all records; price $lOO $125 Columbia, mahogany, like new; cabinet size; price $lOO Easy payments may be arrang ed on any of the above instru ments. AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. TROUP BUILDING. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only, OYLER'S 14 South Fourth Street. YOU have made the visit to music houses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found it. We have If, Spangler Music House, 2112 North Sixth street. HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE—Carload of new Watson dump wagons. Inquire A. A. Thomas, Lemoyne, Pa. Dial phone. FOR SALE —High grade horse; guaranteed sound; safe to ride or drive anywhere; also runabout; har ness, saddle and light wagon, lnquuu 1. B. Dickinson, 5U5 N. 13th St. Bell phone 4775R; Dial 4201. ROOF PAINTING MAXWELL'S ROOFINGS THE ROOFINGS WHOSE FIRST COST IS THE ONLY COST. THE ROOFING THAT REMAINS WATERTIGHT AS LONG AS THE BUILDING STANDS. LET ME BUILD YOUR ROOF. LET ME PAINT YOUR ROOF. AUCTIONEER HITE. BELL 1875-J. HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov •ng No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst, Manager, Hershey, Pa. Bell phone 15R6. HAULING —Local or long distance, pianos and safes a specialty. Paul Beck, successor to O. H. Beck. Call at 1419 Vernon streeL Bell 2811-J., or Ober's Livery. WE Move Anything. Anywhere, Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third Btreet. MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. Auto hauling, furniture and pianos a specialty. General hauling, Fifth and Reily. Dial 6268. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS, 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. AUTO HAULING —Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, SIX Capital street. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture Moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 636 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3688. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both phones. FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT, JR_ 130 Walnut St., Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 51-J. Additional Classified Adj on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers