WILL SPEAK TO BIG GATHERINGS H. H. Kinncard, of Doutrichs, \sked to Repeat Address That Made Big Hit H. H. Kinneard. of Doutrichs, who spoke recently before the Pennsylvania Retail Clothiers' As sociation in New York City, has been invited to address the National Retail Clothiers' Association and the Ohio State Retailers' Associa tion. His address has caused a sen sation among clothing dealeis throughout the country and has been republished in a number of trade journals, appearing lirst in the Daily News Record of New York, a prominent financial and bus'ness newspaper. On motion of / William Strouse, of this city, for a long time prominent in the affairs of the association, Mr. Kinneard was given a vote of thanks and his speech TRY A PACKAGE OF KRUMBLES AT OUR RISK We want you and your family to know Krumbles—know their de licious flavor—know their unusually good taste—know their remarkable health value. During the war we learned how to make Krumbles bet ter than ever—by creating a new blend of choice cereals. This is our proposition. Buy a package of Krumbles from your grocer for 15 cents. Use the w, ole package, and if you are not thoroughly satisfied—if Krumbles do not more than please you. your gro cer is authorized to refund your money. Remember that Krumbles is made by the same company which pro duces Kellogg's Toasted Corn flakes. Buy your trial package to day. Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Safe for INFANTS and INVALIDS Forlnfants, Invalids and Growing Children I Rich milk, malted grain extract in Powder The Original Food-Drink for All Ages |No Cooking Nourishing Digestible The Wood Under the Paint , To obtain the kest results, you should consider carefully the wood to which paints, enamels or stains are applied. The wood should have a close, even tex ture, should readily take and hold paint. If it is to be stained, it should have a pleasing and varied :;rain. The kind of lumber suitable for all con ditions is something we give careful study. N. > f United Ice & Coal Co. Lumber Department Forster & Cowden Sts. Nuxated Iron Helps Make Red Sworn Statement of the Composition A? the FORMULA of Nuxatc4 Iron j*- It is conservatively estimated that this remarkable formula is now be ing used by over three million peo ple annually. Among those who have used and strongly endorse it are many physicians who have been con nected with the best hospitals and medical societies, former United States Senator and Vice-Presidential nominee, Chas. A. Towne, of Minn esota; U. J5. Commissioner of Immi gration, Hon. Anthony Caminetti; Judge Atkinson of the United States Court of Ciaims at Washington; Wm. L. Chambers, Commissioner of the United States Board of Mediation and Conciliation at Washington, and for mer Health Commissioner Wm. R. Kerr, of Chicago. Newspapers everywhere are in vited to copy this statement for the benefit of their readers. It is sug gested that physicians make a record of It and keep it in their offices so that they may intelligently answer questions of patients concerning it. Everybody is advised to cut it out and keep It. A £opy of the actual sworn statement will be sent to anyone who desires such. It is as follows; Iron Peptonate (Special Specific Standard) Quantity given below. Sodium Glycerophosphates U. S. P. (Mon santo). Calcium Glycerophosphates V. S. P. (Monsanto). P. E. Nux Vo rica U. S. P. Cascarlne Bitter, Magnesium Carbonate Po. Ginger U. S. P., Oil Cassia Cinnamon Precip. U. S. P. Calcium Carbonate Precip. U. B. P. Each dose of two tablets of-N uxated Iron contains ose and one-half grains pf organic iron in the form n peptonate, of a special specific stand ard, which in our opinion p< esses superior qualities to any other known form of iron. By using other makes of Iron Peptonate we could have put the a*me quantity of actual iron tu I THURSDAY EVENING, pronounced the best ever given be fore the organization. "How to Build a Big Clothing Business" was his topic, and ho spoke at length about the business man who has gone stale. "They ure worshipers of the false goddess. Luck," he said. "Why is It that men like Lytten and Kennedy and Kothschild achieve wealth while so many end their careers broken in spirit and in purse? It is not luck. It is not chance. It is not acci dent. It is not even local condi tions. It is plain business capacity plus a vision with a true inspira tion and persistent enterprise." To prove his point Mr. Kinncard referred to the success of Isaac Dou trich. The Doutrieh business, he said, is one of the most phenomenal retail successes in the United States, growing from $150,000 to $1,000,- 000 within the span of a wry few years. "Vision," the sneaker continued, "is essential to success, but that vision must be backed up by in spiration, plus inspiration, plus per spiration. You must like your cloth ing business better than any other business. You must like it so well that you would rather be in your store than any place else on earth." Revision Is Advised in Court-Martial Trials Washington, July 31.—One new article of war and changes in thir ty others have been recommended by the special board of officers ap pointed early in the war to investi gate the Army court-martial system. In making this announcement yes terday Secretary Baker said he soon would transmit the board's report to Congress. ASKS $750 DAMAGE C. W. Miller, of New Cumberland, through his attorney, filed a dam age suit for $750 againßt John Bennett, of Oberlin, because of an accident which occurred July 4 in South Cameron street, near the en trance to the Cameron parkway. Automobiles driven by Miller and Bennett collided, the former alleg ing that the accident occurred when Bennett attempted to pass him. ■ the tablets at less than one-fourth the cost to us. and by using metallic iron we could have accomplished the same thing at less than one-twelfth the cost; hut by so doing we must have most certainly impaired their ~ therapeutic efficacy. Glycerophos phates used In Nuxated Iron is one of the most expensive tonic ingredients known. It is especially recommend ed to build up the nerve force and thereby Increase brain power as glycerophosphates are said to contain phosphorus in that particular state so similar to that in which it is found in the nerve and brain cells of men. As will be seen from the above two important Ingredients of. Nuxated Iron (Iron Peptonate and Glycero phosphates) are very expensive pro ducts as compared with most other tonics. Under such circumstances the temptation to adulteration and sub stitution by unscrupulous persons Is very great and the public is hereby warned to be careful and see every bottle is plainly labeled "Nuxated Iron" by xhe Dae Health Laboratories Paris, London and Detroit, U. s A as this Is the only genuine article' If you have taken other forms of Iron without success, this does not prove Nuxated Iron will not help you. MANUFACTURERS' NOTE—Nuxat ed, Iron is not a secret remedy, but one which is well known to druggists everywhere. Unlike the older in organic iron products, it is easily as similated, does not injure the teeth make them black, nor upset the st.otfiach. Nuxated Iron is not recom mended for use in cases of acute ill ness, but only as a tonic, strength and blood builder. (In case of illness al ways consult your family physician and be guided by his advice.) if in doubt as to whether or not you need a tonic, ask your doctor, ab we do not wish to sell you Nuxated Iron If you do not require it. If you should use It and 11 does not help you, notify us and we will return vouf money It is sold by Croll Keller, G. A. Gorges', J. Nelson Clark and all druggists. Blood Tests to Show Who Is Fit to Submit to Blood Transfusion Results of the blood tests made yesterday in order to secure some one to submit to blood transfusion in the hope of relieving a patient at the Harrisburg Hospital, were not known at noon by officials of the in stitution. Te results will be defin itely determined latei in the day, it was believed, and the transfusion of blood will take place without de lay. There is a possibility, Superin tendent Condon says, that the actual transfusion of blood will take place during the day. It is expected that a full pint of blood will be trans ferred from the veins of the sub ject selected to those of the patient, who has been a sufferer for more than three years and who has been confined at the Harrisburg Hospital since March S. Officials were unable to furnish the exact number of tests on persons who offered themselves yesterday, but they declare that a score would be a safe estimate. People from every walk of life, some of them leaders in Harrisburg activities, of fered themselves yesterday. Many out-of-town persons likewise were in communication with officials and blood tests were made on some of them. One Dead, Four Hurt, When Auto Runs Wild Down Side of Mountain (Special fo the Telegraph.) Waynesboro, Pa.. July 31. One man is dead and four persons are In jured as the result of an automobile accident on the hill just beyond Char mian, near Blue Ridge Summit, yes terday morning. Major Arthur Barrett Donnelly, United States Army, is dead and his wife and daughter, Mrs. R. E. Brun ner. and two sons, are badly cut and bruised as the result of the accident. They aro from St. Louis, Mo., and were touring the East. One of the boys, aged 17 years, was driving the oar and was going down the first hill beyond Charmian and toward the long two-mile hill, when the foot brake refused to hold the machine, which was rapidly gaining momentum. As the car started,down the long hill, the boy reached for ward and pulled the emergency brake, locking the rear wheels and stopping the car so suddenly as to cause its rear wheels to go sliding to the right, the automobile tllon turning turtle and rolling over sev eral-'times. Find Missing Girl in River; Accidental Drowning Is Belief Paterson, N. J„ July 31. Miss Mabel Harris, 20-yearlold Pompton girl, whose parents reported l\er missing Sunday after she had failed to return from a canoe trip she had taken with her fiance, Lester Decker, and whose body yesterday was re covered from the Ramapo river, met death by drowning, according to the opinion given by County Physician Armstrong, after an autopsy per formed late yesterday. „ In announcing the physician's verdict. Prosecutor Dunn said to night that no water had been found in the lungs, but explained this- by stating that the girl may have faint ed from fright before striking the water. No marks of violence were found on the body. Fred Harris, who helped pull his sister's body frorfT the water, ex pressed belief tha tthe girl met death as the result of an accident. State Sues For Pay For Tractor Service Suits growing out of claims for wartime plowing of farms by tract ors operated by the State Council of Public Defense and the State De partment of Agriculture were insti tuted in the Dauphin county court to-day by the Attorney General's De partment against farm owners in Dauphin, Chester, Northampton, Al legheny and Montgomery counties. Tt was stated that the bills are in dispute, some payments having been made. When the war began the State bought 35 tractors which were made available for use on farms of those contracting for the service which did not carry any profit for the State. It was stated'that it was a move to help production of food stuffs. The bills.were questioned as too high and efforts to compromise have failed. The Public Service Commission has arranged to list- ail complaints against the 10-cent fare of the Pitts burgh Railways Company, for hear ing at Pittsburgh on August 20. The city and a number of boroughs have filed complaints. Commissioner of Banking Fisher said to-day that no further state ments would be made about the NorUi Penn Bank in Philadelphia, until the investigation which is un der way is completed. He could not say when the work would be finished, but intimated that it would take considerable time. Notices of increase of rates have been filed with the Public Service Commission by the West Branch Bell Telephone Company, operating in Lycoming. Union, Montour and North umberland counties and the Pal merton Telephone Company, operat ing in Carbon and Monroe counties. MONTANA FOR SUFFRAGE Helena, Mont.. July 31. The Montana State Senate yesterday ratified the Federal suffrage amend ment to the constitution by a vote of 38 to 1. The House unanimously ratified the amendment Tuesday. JESSE S. SHUI/TZ DIES Marietta, July 31.—Jesse S. Shuitz, of Washingtonboro, 51 years old, tax collector,' extensive green house producer and a member of several fraternal organizations, died on Monday from a complication of dis eases. Middletown ii 11. Boy Is Drowned While Swimming Earl Black, son of Percy Black, who resides at Union and Wilson streets, was drowned in the Swu tara creek at, the borough park where he, with another boy, had been in swimming. His body was recovered afterwards by Raymond Espenshade. The lad was ten years old. The body was turned over to Deputy Coroner G. E. Bristle, who empaneled a Jury and the verdict was that he met death by drowning. His body was removed to the home of his Tather. One sister and one 1 brother also survive. Funeral an nouncements will be given later. HXHWBBUHO IELEGRaffH LAD PREVENTS SUICIDE I>>rk, Pa., July 31.—Jumping into the Codorus creek, near Highland park, early last evening, Mrs. David Strine, aged 40 years, was prevented from committing suicide by a twelve year old lad, Richard Wagner, after she had sunk below the Surface of the water the second time. She had been despondent for some time. Semi-Annual Furniture Sale Begins Tomorrow, August Ist . The mere announcement that GOLDSMITH'S HIGH GRADE FURNITURE IS REDUCED will be sufficient information for our old and valued customers. Nevertheless, we want to impres's upon our old friends and those who are going to be GOLDSMITH customers NOW that these are most un usual days, insofar as high-grade furniture is concerned. Prices are daily advancing and the end is not in sight. The stocks we offer you today cannot be dupli cated at anywhere near their prices. Every article offered is a real bargain-If you need furniture for any room of the house BUY IT NOW. • - / Extra Special Every Refrigerator On Our Floors Must Be Sold All Reduced : 25% Less Than Regular Prices Extra Special All Floor And Table Lamps Reduced From 10% to 50% Extra Special Full Size Cotton Felt Mattresses Roll Edg|e— -50 Lbs. At $16.95 Extra Special 100 per cent. Pure Selected Silk Floss Mattresses At $24.95 Extra Special Genuine White Reed Bloch Pullman Go-Carts $2 7.50 A Deposit Will Reserve Any Article For Later Delivery When pulled to shore she was un conscious. BETROTHALS ANNOUNCED Wrightsville, Pa., July 31.—At a luncheon given by Mr. and Mrs. George Leitheiser, announcement was made of the engagement of their daughter. Miss Marv Leit heiser, to David Roach. At the same Dining Room Furniture at Remarkable Savings 8-piece Mahogany Dining Suite 8-picce Inlaid Sheraton Ma of Adam design. d>l QJ- hogany Dining Suite. Sale Price PlCt) Sale <t A q q 9-piece Mahogany Dining Suite Price of Colonial design. 9-piece Queen Anne Ameri- Sale rt* trs cy jr' can Walnut Dining Suite. Price tpjuZO Sale * 9-piece Win. & Mary Dining Price Suite of Mahogany. 9-piece Queen Anne Ameri- Sale d? O *7 C! Can Dining Suite. Price /O $275 9-piece Douis XV Dining 9-piece* American Walnut Din- Suite of Mahogany. ; ng . Suite, Queen Anne de- Price $350 Sa . ,e $325 9-piece Hepplewhite Dining 9-piece -Queen Anne Dining Suite of Mahogany Suite of American Walnut. Price $395 Price $550 Bedroon Suites of Unusual Qual ity at Special Reduced Prices 3-piece Hepplewhite Mahog- 4-piece Louis XVI Mahogany any Bedroom Suite. Bedroom Suite. Sale -a gA Sale Price Price AOU 4-piecc Sheraton American Adam Mahogany Bed- Walnut Bedroom Suite, room Suite. 1 Sale (I? 1 Q C Sale Price <P 1 Oil Price CploO 4-piece Louts XVI Mahogany 4-piece Louis XVI American Bedroom Suite. d *■ H Walnut Bedroom Suite. Sale Price tp A f *J Sale (l> QOC 4-piece Colonial Mahogany Price Bedroom Suite. dJOOfJ 4-piecc Gray Enamel Bedroom Sale Price Suite. (J> 11 O Cfi 4-piece Queen Anne American Sale Priced A A u• OU \\ alnut Bedroom Suite. 4-piece Hepplewhite Mahogany Sale AO f- Bedroom Suite. Q Q /"V Price <PHTmO Sale Priqe Living-Room Suites Greatly Under Price for This Sale 3-piece Mahogany and Cane 3-piece Mahogany and Cane Living Room Suite, Dhven- Livipg Room Suite, Daven port, Arm Chair and port, Arm Chair and Rocker. Rocker. Sale tfJOOC Sale (tOAA Price Price vOvlG 2-piece Tapestry Living Room 3-piece Tapestry Living Room Suite, Davenport and Arm Suite, Davenport, Arm Chair Chair. Sale Pocker. tfJOTC Price Sale Price / O time the betrothal of their grand daughter, Miss Mary Baldwin, to Guy S. Furgerson, of Columbia, was announced. 18 TEACHERS ARE NEEDED Carlisle, Pa., July 31.—War con ditions not yet changed, are blamed for the shortage of teachers in rural schools of Cumberland County. Ac JULY 31, 1919. cording to the announcement of County Superintendent J. Kelso Green, 18 teachers are still needed. VISITING IN ( HAMPERSBURG Enhaut, July 31. - Miss Ruth Klem, of Enhaut, and Miss Isabel Baker, of Oberlin, have gone to Chambersburg where they will spend a month with relatives. nffelin Clear YovSkk ■ IVV WithCuticnra 11.1 Bill cum 25 Sample each I JI U JT* °i. ' c tiere. Dept. E, Boston." Extra Special .Solid Mahogany Priscilla Sewing Tables $4.93 Extra Special Buy Rugs Now- Present Prices Will Be Real Bargain Prices In A Very Short Time Extra Special 100 Per Cent Selected Curled Hair Mattress At $31.95 Extra Special Goldsmith's High-Grade Guaranteed Box Springs At $24.95 Charge Accounts Can Be Arranged To Suit The * Convenience Of The Purchaser Free Delivery By Padded Auto Vans Within 100 Miles 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers