6 BIG CONTRACTS FOR ROAD WORK WILL BE LET Important Highway Links to Be Constructed by State The second big letting of gtate highway work planned for Apgust was announced to-day by Commis sioner Lewis S. Sadler, who yester day opened bids for over sixty miles of road, on which awards will be made soon. The department will- open bids August 5, for more than sixty miles /of road and the latest announce ment is for 74.7 miles. It includes the readvertisement for construc tion of 71,063 feet on the Lacka wanna Trail, 57,775 feet of a con necting link between the William Penn and Lincoln highways from Greensburg to Delmont in Westmor land county and 43,938 feet between Everett and Loysburg. A complete list of projects for which bids will be opened August 19, is as follows: Allegheny county, Moon and Cres cent townships, 21,299 feet. Armstrong county, Gilpin town ship, 11,640 feet. Bedford county. West Providence and Hopewell townships. 43,938 feet. Bucks county. Falls township, 812 feet. Cambria county, Crcsson town ship and Gallitzin borough, 13,232 feet. Carbon county. Lower Towamen sing township, 5,651 feet. Chester county, Westtown, E. Goshen, E. Wliiteland townships, 29,586 feet. Delaware county. Upper Darby township, 7,314 feet. Fayette county. North and South Union townships, 4.101 feet. Lackawanna and Wyoming county, Clark's Summit, Glenburn, Dalton, and LaPlume boroughs, Abington township. Lackawanna county, Clin ton and Nicholson townships, Wyo ming county, 71,063 feet. Lehigh county, Salisbury town ship, 16,218 feet. Lycoming county. Wolf township andd Picture Rocks borough, 15,683 feet. Luzerne county. West Pittston and Exeter boroughs, Exeter township, 31,418 feet. Mercer county. Mercer borough, 2,4 31 feet. Northampton county, Upper Naz areth and Palmer townships. 8,226 feet. Washington county, Cecil town ship, 22,287 feet. Westmorland county. Penn and Salem townships, 57,775 feet. Westmorland county, Hempfleld and Sewickley townships, 31,227 feet. The construction planned for Al legheny County is from the Alle gheny County line io Coraopolis. In Armstrong County the new work is north of Leechburg. In Bucks County it is north of Tullytown. In Cambria County 13,232 feet of con crete and brick are planned for what is known as the "main line road," which will eventually connect Gallitzin and Johnstown. The construction of Route No. 163, in Carbon County, is from Weissport south through Palmorton. That in Fayette County is on Route No. 133, near ITniontown. Over three miles of concrete will be put down between Allontown and Emails, in Lehigh County. In Lycoming County construction is on the road from Muncy to Laporte. Approximately six miles of thoroughfare is to be built in Luzerne County on the high way leading from Pittston toward Tnnkhannock. In Westmoreland County six miles of road are to be built from Greensburg southwest wnrdly on the road toward Browns ville and Monongahela. TO BUILT) TWO HOMES H. W. Black, contractor for Ed ward Moeslein and Joseph O. Wolf, took out a building permit to-day to erect two two and one-half story brick and stone houses on the cut side of North Second street, 50 feet north of Kathrine, in the Fourteenth ward. The cost of the work will he 16.000. Aching, Burning, Swollen, Sweaty Feet Instant Relief Guaranteed no I'nln no Trouble —Eny to Use Honest, it don't take a minute to make your feet feel good if you use Geero Wormwood Balm. Cooling, soothing, joyful comfort comes the minute you put it on, and it is so easy and pleasant to use. Hub it in—that's all, just like a vanishing cream. My! how good It feels. The aching, burn ing soreness just seems to melt away, leaving your feet cool and comfort able. Geero Wormwood Balm destroys offensive odors, stops perspiration, reduces swelling and makes your feet proof against hot pavements. Use it three or four times a week and put your feet in clover. A small, inexpensive package can be obtained at Geo. A. Gorgas, C. M. Forney, Croll Keller, H. C. Kennedy or any drug store. adv. DON'T LOSE YOUR GRIP, Make-Man Tablets Hold You This well known iron tonic will Increase your vitality, enrich your blood and tone your nerves. The tremendous strain the war has put on so many people com pels men who are weakened not to lose their grip on health. It is through iron in the blood that you can overcome any threat ened weakness. Make-Man Tablets will change your food into living tissue, muscle and nerve power. • Contains no injurious drugs and can be safely taken by every suf ferer. The first box will give you confidence to continue and in a few weeks your strength will become more than normal and you will quickly find that your blood is rich er and purer in every way. Make-Man Tablets are sold at all reliable drug stores. Price 60 cents a box. Only genuine if our mono gram—M-M-T—appears on each box. Distributed by Ashland Sup ply House, 325 W. Madison street, Chicago, 111. M ■ BUNION* CALLUS GORGAS DRUG STORES WEDNESDAY EVENING, Veterans of the Philadelphia Division Pennsylvania Railroad Had Big Day at Mt. Gretna Yesterday —Photo by Roshon. ORGANIZATION OF STATE'S GUARD IS GOING AHEAD Tentative Plan of Organiza tion Worked Out by General Beary Adjutant General Beary has work, ed out a tentative plan for reorgan ization of the National Guard of Pennsylvania which will provide for a complete tactical unit and probably for the organization of the infantry regiments which went to Camp Hancock as complete regi ments in the new Guard, Four of these will be in the division and the other four will be corps troops. The regiments which will likely be re constituted are the old First, Third, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth and Eighteenth, the Fourth becoming a machine gun battalion. The General is also arranging for use by the three artillery regiments of six batteries for training pur poses. The complete equipment will bo issued within a year. The guns will be distributed among the new regiments as soon as formed and recognized. There will be two horse batteries of "5s and two motorized batteries of 1555. The organization will probably be di\*ision, First and Second Brigade and artillery brigade headquarters; supply train of headquarters and six truck companies; ammunition train of headquarters and six truck com panies; sanitary train of four ambu lance companies and four field hos pitals; engineer regiment of head quarters and six lettered companies; engineers train of a searchlight and a pontoon section: battalion of sig nal troops including headquarters, wire, radio and outpost compan ies. Three regiments of artillery, each with headquarters, headquarters company, supply company and six lettered batteries. One regiment of cavalry with headquarters, headquarters troop, machine gun, supply and twelve lettered troops. Infantry regimental organizations will include headquarters, head quarters, supply, machine gun and twelve lettered companies. CONFESSES TO THREE ROBBERIES [Continued from First Paige.] had entered two city and one Steel ton residence when confronted with loot found in his rooms. Yesterday he denied that he had had part in any of the city burglaries, and ad mitted the charge to-day only when confronted with the recovered loot. Those Rolilicd Homes, in addition to that of Fish er, which Martin admits entering, were those of: Joseph Davis, 104 North street. Upton Crampton, 108 Mary street. Ralph C. Eckles, 1 North Harris burg street, Steelton. At the Davis residence, a watch, I chain, trousers and tablecloth, were taken. The watch was recovered several days later, and some of the loot was found at Martin's rooms, 654 Cumberland street, to-day. At the Crampton residence, two kodaks, a watch fob, watch, silver ware, cornet, $34 in cash and other articles were taken. Most of the loot was still in the rooms of Martin. This home was entered only last Sun day, and it is believed by police Mar tin had not had sufficient time to dis pose of it. Weora Stolen Suit Two suits of clothes were taken from the Eckles residence, and one of these was being worn by Martin, at the time of his arrest. He stead fastly maintained that he had bought the. suit until Mr. Eckles identified it to-day. Police authorities thought that the name in the coat appeared suspicious and later the robbery of the Eckles home was recalled. The second suit was located in. Martin's rooms. This was the first additional charge that Martin admitted. Martin maintains that he has been assisted and that some of the goods has been turned over to another man for disposal. Police, however, doubt the story as told by Martin to-day. Martin was paroled from the West ern Penitentiary early in April, af ter having served two years of a sentence imposed on him for being implicated in a cutting affray in Western Pennsylvania. Local au thorities have not been informed of the length of remainder of his sen tence. Martin was held under SSOO bail for court at police court yesterday. He will be given hearings on the other charges this afternoon. Carson and Murnane Win Pigeon Shoot In a challenge livebird and clay I pigeon shoot'on the grounds of the High spire Gun Club yesterday. De tectives Carson and Murnane, of the Harrisburg police force, won out over the challenger, Grover Martin, of the Martin Hotel. In the livebird match Carson killed six out of eight birds as com pared to five each for Murnane and Martin. First place in this shoot was tsken by Oliver Eisenhower, who killed seven birds. Edward Hoffman killed five birds. In the clay pigeon match, while won by Edward Hoffman, with a record of forty-five out of fifty, Murnane and Carson each dropped forty out of fifty. Martin killed thirty-eight out of forty, while Eisenhower broke thirty-four out of fifty. MAJOR SEELYE HOME Major Theodore E. Seelye, of the engineering firm of Gannett, Seelye & Fleming, this city, arrived in New York last night from France. He is expected home soon after going to Washington for a few days. Street Repair Work Is Costing City More Because of the continued high price:! of materials and labor Com missioner AV. H. Lynch said to-day he would increase the charge for re placing concrete and sheet asphalt where cuts were made in city streets. "It is costing us more to repair the cut sections of streets than wo are charging for the work and we can not continue to make the repairs at the old prices for concreting and sheet asphalting. Beginning Scp | teinber 1 we must raise the prices | tor this work. There has been much of it done in scattered sections of the city and it always costs more to ■ haul the materials and send men I for a small job when no other repair ! work is being done in that vicinity." Batley Offers Gold Medal. For Marksmen Captain Richard C. Batley, com manding the motor transport com pany of the Pennsylvania Reserve Militia, stationed in this city, to day offered a gold medal to the en listed man of his command or of Company I, of the Second Regiment of the militia, making the highest individual score in the expert quali fication course in 1919. Captain Batley. who is an en thusiastic marksman himself, has spent much time training his men to shoot and the medal will be the object of some keen contests. The motor transport company will send a junior team of four men to the Mt. Gretna matches. CUT OVEIt CHEEK With a severe cut in his left cheek, Daniel Gilmore, 1205 North Seventh street, was treated in the Harrisburg Hospital this morning. He is said tj have been in a fight in North Seventh street. Standing of the Crews HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 115 crew first to go after 3 o'clock: 119, 103, 111, 101. Engineers for 101. Firemen for 115. Flagmen for 1. Brakemen for 105, 119, 111. Engineers up: Stauffer, Gaecltler, Hoffman, Dolby, Bickle, May. Koe meman, Binkley, Schoaf, Brown, Schlegelmilch, Wiker, Frickman. Firemen up: Craley, Bralley, Clark, Thompson, Utley, Smith. Shank, Mussleman, Falk, Fry, Brown, Myers, Netzley, Rider, Stitzel. Brakemen up: Home, Wesbier, Gar lin, Kinnard. Silks, Minnichan, Rudy, Eichelberger, Graver, Massucr, Funs ton, Cook. Middle Division. —The 35 crew to go first after 12 o'clock: 30, 36, 31, 23, 15. 18, 26, 19, 27. Conductors wanted for 23, 15. Flagmen wanted for 15, 27. Brakemen for 18. Engineers up: Kreps, Kreiger, O. W. Snyder, Buekwalter, Leib, Brink, Moretz, Smith, l'eightal, Rathefon, Fisher, Rowe, Hawk. Firemen up: Delancey, Eaken, Arnold. Elicker, C. H. Myers, Schmidt, Beckert, Isenburg, Woomer, Seeger, Haskins, Atkins, Keith, Sheaffer, Keith, Banks, R. E. Myers. Conductors up: Corl, Bennett. Hoff nagle, Lower. Brakemen up: Shade, Foltz, Kipp, Linn, Johnson, Rhoades, Bell, Nich olas, Bitner, Roebuck, Zimmerman, Leithouser, Arter, Forbes, Lauver, MeNaight. Yard Ilonrd. —Engineers for 3, 7C, 11C, 2, 15C, 3. 15C, 4, 15C, 23C, 26C. Firemen wanted for 2, 15C, 3, 15C, 4, 15C, 23C. Engineers up: Shade: McCord, Sny der, Myers, Heffleman, Say ford, Au man, Miller, Biever, Essig, Goddman, Harling. Firemen up: Gilbert. W. Lauver, Dill, Wirt, Klineyoung, Mountz, Lau ver, Shaver, Shopp, Swab, Hoover, Holtzman, Rice, Roberts, Burus, Houdeshel, Gardner, Rupley, Speese, Miller, Peters, Biever, Yost, Troup. Dissinger, Young. ION OLA SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 223 crew to go first after 3.45 o'clock: 205. 212, 221, 228, 210, 207, 252. Engineers for 210, 252. Firemen for 223. Conductors for 210. 252. , Flagmen for 221. 252. Brakemen for 205, 207, 252. Conductors up: Gemperling, Mil ler. Brakemen up: Tennant, White, Beers, Miller, Simpson, Carroll. Dil ler, Rudisiil. Wirick. Middle Division. The 233 crew first to go after 1.30 o'clock: 218, 236, 115, 106. 102, 104, 116, 123, 118, 101, 120, 105, 107, 108. Firemen for 120. Engineers for 106 102, 118, 101. Conductors for 115, 101, 105. Flagmen for 116, 118, 105. Brakemen for 102 (2) 116, 123, 105. Ynrd Ronrd. —Engineers up: Cur tis, Hinkle, Holler, J. O. Hinkle, Shaffer, Kauffman, Flickenger. Firemen up: Sanders, Swigart. Hertzlei, O. J. Wagner, Shuey, Holms, Kennedy, Bolden, McConnell, Boyer, Wagner, Montell, Lightner, Cramer, White. Engineers for 137, 2nd 126. Firemen for 137, 2nd 102, 3d 126, 2nd, 104. PASSENGER SERVICE Middle Division. — Engineers up: J. W. Smith, F. F. Smith, F. F. Schreck, S. H. Alexander, J. W. Burd, C. Hollenbaugh, A. C. Allen, A. J. Wagner, W. Jamison, H. J. Johnson, H. E. Groninger, J. Crimmel, W. E. Turbett. Engineers wanted for 667, 23. Firemen up: C. L. Sheets. S. H. Wright. J. N. Ramsey, J. R. Welbley, W. W. Bachman, H. B. Thomas, G. Musser, P. L. Fritz, J. C. Kerber, P. E. Gross, R. F. Mohler, R. Herr, R. A. Arnold, R. E. Look, H. W. Fletch er, S. H. Zeiders. E. J. Sheesley. Firemen wanted for 29. 47. 31. Philadelphia Division. Engineers up: M. Pleam, I. W. Geesey, C. C. Mad enford. Engineers wanted for none. Firemen up: J. M. Piatt, B. W. Johnson, W. Aulthouse, M. G. Shaff ner, J. N. Schlndler, H. Myers, J. M White, F. L. Floyd. Firemen wanted for 98. URGE VETERANS TO WORK FOR GREATER EFFICIENCY; IS SAFETY FIRST FACTOR Jgtdi i SUPT. WILLIAM ELMER New President Veteran Employes' Association With a record of 90.6 per cent, for passenger trains being on time, Philadelphia division employes were yesterday urged to still greater ef forts in efficiency and safety first. William Elmer, superintendent of the Philadelphia division, was the speaker. He was elected head of the Veteran Employes' Association of the Philadelphia division at the annual meeting at Mt. Gretna. In his inaugural address he referred to present railroad conditions and to the need for hearty co-operation from all employes. He said in part. "In looking over this vast assem blage and into the faces of so many veterans, many still in service, I know what has made the Pennsyl vania Railroad great. You haVo been faithful employes and the re sults show it. Many of you are pion eers. "I am glad to be a part of this organization and thank you for the honor." Reference was made to the need for safety first methods. "This is an old story," Superintendent Elmer said. "But it is a subject that should be in the minds of evciy railroad man. Efficiency brings safety. It means successful man agement. No great organization should be without safety first co operation. Every man should take up safety work with his wliolo heart. It helps the running of trains on time, and works good in all branches." Praise For Officials Superintendent Elmer made ref erence to the running- of trains on schedule time and told of the 90.G per cent, record. "This is not high enough to suit the Federal officials and these figures can only be im proved by co-operation in efficiency and safety first." High praise was accorded all of ficials for their good work and spe- 1 cial reference was made to the good | work by Lloyd B. Jones, masLer | mechanic, of the Philadelphia di- | vision, whose duties are of great i importance because it is his depart- j ment that must furnish the power , to haul trains. Master Mechanic j Jones has been in duty night and , day, and is frequently called O | Washington. Just now it is a scai - i city of engines that is causing de- j lays, and a master mechanic's task | is not an easy one. D. A. Smith, superintendent of the Lebanon branch of the Philadelphia . division, in a talk on safety first, called attention to the record of twenty-five years. In all that time there has not been one pasenger or I employe seriously injured at or about Mt. Gretna, it having been I a rule long ago for every employe j to do his utmost in "safety first." M. 11. Mishcy Presides The meeting was called to order , by the secretary, H. J. 13abb, in j the 'absence of the president and vice-president. M. B. Mishey was I called to the chair and presided i over the opening eriod. Prayer was offered by George K. Sample, of , Columbia, after singing "America." | There was singing by the quartet I from the Pennsylvania Railroad j Concert Company, including tenor and baritone solos. | The resignation of F. W. Smith, former superintendent, who has | been quite ill, was read. He is re cuperating at Ruxton, Md. William I Elmer present superintendent, was j given an emphatic and unanimous ! election, and was warmly greeted , when he took the chair. In his annual report the secre- I tary H. J. Babb, showed a total I membership of 1,487. This member-j ship represents a total service of . more than 30,000 years and in- j eludes 286 pensioners who have 1 seen from thirty-five to fifty-five j years of service. Memorial services were held for i thirty-four deceased members. The veterans stood with bowed heads • while the Pennsylvania Railroad i Concert Company quartet sung an l appropriate selection. These singers ; also were a big part of the after- , noon program. Thanks For Congressman A resolution of thanks was passed and will be sent to Congressman \ A. S. Kreidcr, thanking him for his , special efforts in getting Lieutenant j Fred Nelson to make a flight i'o- ! the benefit of tne picnic crowd. | These officers were elected: President, Will'am Elmer: vice- ! president, A. H. Baldwin; secretaiy, I H. J. Bsbb; treasurer, M. B. Mishey: chaplain, E. C. Tomlinson. The ex- | ecutlve and entertainment commit- j tees will be announced later. Thcr-* | were several bids for meeting next j year, Columbia, Parkesburg, Coates ' ville, Harrlsburg. Philadelphia and j West Chester. Columbia won out. i Former Superintendent Present Previous te adjournment, William I CHARLES T. JONES Director General at Big Railroad Picnic at Mt, Gretna B. McCaleb, superintendent of the Water Supply Department of the Pennsylvania Railroad system, of Philadelphia, and former superin tendent of the Philadelphia division, was called to the platform and was given a great welcome. He compli mented the veterans on their loyalty to the company, and to the good work in helping out in troublesome times. The big crowd numbered 1,200. The program for the day was in charge of Charles T. Jones, chaii - man, and lie and his committee were busy every minute. The Har risburg train was met by the Pe.- severance band and escorted to the parade ground where Lieutenant Fred Nelson gave an interesting aeroplane exhibition. A band concert followed. Then came free rides on (he merry-go round for the kiddies. There was dancing, skeeball, swimming, boat ing and other sports. It was a suc cessful outing and the men who were a big factor in making it a memorial event included: Charles T. Jones, chairman; F. C. romllnson. W. H. Harrison, J. H. Keesbury, W. J. Strieker. J. K. Robinson, E E. Stacks, J. H. Nixon, w Hambright. W. B. Orendotf. vv. s. Robinson. Special Train h„!I le ? P o°i a r' , traln ,eav 'ng Harris g at 8.4j in the morning was made up of eleven coaches and a baggage car. Four cars brought tlie r-.f lin Vu" d t ! lclr faini "es from ti.e T f he .. Harrisburg qrew m Sjhaige of the special included: 1 Lm!^ ey V e " g , incn,al,: L - Sentmaii, una S i Ross, conductor, ?,H ~e ,ne" RUPP and Messner. Officials ot the pasenger trainmas ters department assisted in running the special and in taking care of the extra travel at Mt. Gretna. Trow r e m I! ' or endorf and An drew Dellniger. Our August Furniture Sale AND A Few Words Of Explanation We are having our August Sale the same as usual. The extraordinary conditions ex isting now would suggest an opposite course. Furniture is scarce in the wholesale mar kets and prices have just recently been advancing rapidly. The goods on our floors included in this sale at the prices quoted will save at least 25 per cent, in any instance, and in some cases 35 per cent, to 40 per cent, on prices we will be compelled to ask during the Fall months. I We do not intend to spend a whole lot of money in advertising this sale. Please re member this announcement, as it may be the only one of ours you will see this month. Wise people who have furniture to purchase this Fall will certainly buy this month—Bet ter be one of t|ie wise ones! We expect to be busy all month. We start the sale with a very large and complete stock. Just how long it will continue so, we do not know. Better take an honest tip and do your buying early. I j WALLACE NUTTING PICTURES j We have just recently received several large shipments of the famous Wallace Nutting Pictures. Without a doubt, we are showing the largest and best collection of these beautiful Pictures to be seen in this city. Our stock of them is in keeping with our reputation and claim that we carry the largest and best stock of Pictures of any store in Central Pennsylvania. It will be worth your time and trouble to visit our store and see our two Wallace Nutting Rooms. Special display of all pic tures during our August Sale. Buy your pictures now and save yourself advanced prices on later 0 shipments. NUTTING PICTURES 75c to $22.50 OTHER LINES 35c to $50.00 BROWN & CO. 1 1215-1217-1219 N. Third St reet MANY NEGROES ARE LEAVING CHICAGO [Continued from First Page.] followed that caused the probable fatal injury of three men and the wounding of several others. The wounded wore taken to Provident Hospital, a negro institution, and a crowd of whites attacked the in firmary, causing considerable dam age. During the rest of the night out breaks occurred, and although only one fatality was reported from the night's orgy of hatred the number of severely hurt was greater than for Monday night, probably a dozen suffering fatal hurts. Whites More Aggressive The whites again seemed to be the more aggressive, the negroes having been converted to peace by saner members of their race, or cowed by the beatings sustained by scores. Owing to the street car strike the comparatively few white rioters in the total population could not so handily get together last night, and no large mobs invaded the black bolt. It was mostly guerilla war fare, . but exceedingly bitter. In some cases men would lie hidden along a boulevard and fire on passing cars occupied by the members of the opposite race. In others, a few whites would assault a building oc cupied by negroes in the midst of a white neighborhood, dragging forth a victim to beating. Car Strike Aids Negroes The ear strike also helped the negroes, as a favorite form of at tack on the first night of the dis order was to enter a street car and drag a negro from the vehicle to the street, where he was maimed or killed. The police have collected a verit able arsenal of weapons since the rioting began. Every hour a score or more of negroes are hustled Into police stations and deprived of \ revolvers, daggers and razors. But arms and ammunition still seemed ! to be plentiful. J To start the third day of war ; fare. Patrolman Walter Sutliv;*i ; was shot, probably fatally by a negro whom he was searching in a vacant lot. As Sullivan fell his partner John Keal, shot the negro I dead. During the night fifteen other I policemen were hit by bullets and ! one or two may die. According to police figures, fifteen negroes and twelve whites have been killed since the rioting began. The first pitched battle last night | occurred at Thirty-fifth and State streets, one of the centers of trouble | since the first rioting Sunday. A ! small automobile filled with whites, ' each armed with a pistol and all fir [ ing indiscriminately at blacks, j crashed into a patrol wagon at tho street intersection. Two Whites Killed , Two of the whites were killed in the collision. Two others and every policeman In the patrol wagon were hurt. Immediately there was a rush of blacks and policemen to the wreck. The police could not push the en raged negroes away and opened fire, killing one negro and wound ing thirty others. [ The wounded policemen and | whites were placed in ambulances I and a crowd of whites followed j them to the Provident Hospital. Out side that institution, which is main | tained and manned by negroes, c. crowd of blacks had gathered and the two races quickly clashed. A fatal affair also took place in JULY 30, 1919. the West Side Italian district where a negro was knocked from a bicycle, beaten, stabbed, wounded with six teen revolver bullets, and, after death had rolieved him, gasoline was poured on his body and set afire. The corpse probably will never be identified. A sinister silence that prevailed yesterday in the black belt on the South Side at dusk last night gave way to confusion and sharp clashes, principally with clubs and knives as weapons, as the night wore on. Where these outbreaks occurred the negroes predominated in num bers. Several meetings at negro halls were broken up by the police, after which crowds formed on the streets. In the early night clashes various weapons were used including table knives and slingshots. Few guns appeared. Troops had not been ordered to patrol the black belt, the police maintaining that they were still able to handle the situation. The first clash on the North Side took place when a building, occu pied by two negro families, was attacked by Italians living in the neighborhood, A dozen shots were tired and bricks were hurled through the windows. Two detectives at tracted by the shots held the mob at bay until seventy-live policemen arrived, armed with rifles. No one was seriously hurt in this light. Italians Arrested A short time later a negro leaped from an alley and knocked a white man down. In a moment a crowd of Italians started for the assailant, who ran and escaped. The police arrested four Italians, two of them armed with sawed off shot guns and two with revolvers. Another negro was fired at re peatedly while near his home on Larrabee street, also on the North Side. Italians also were participants in rioting on the West Side, according to the police. William Donnclson, a negro, was attacked by a crowd | at South Racine avenue and Taylor street, beaten and shot in the head | and neck. He was taken to a hos ; pital where it was said he might i die. ! On the South Side, John Johnson, | 18 years old, a negro, was stubbed, i beaten and • thrown into the river at Archer avenue and South Hal stead street. He was rescued by the police and taken to a hospital. An unusual incident occurred at the manufacturing plant of George C. Cook and Son. Shortly before six o'clock in the evening, the head of the firm went into the alley at the rear of his plant and, according to witnesses, fired a score of shots at random. Two of the bullets wounded Jessie Vinuci, IX years old, and U. Bartello, 29 years old. Each was hit in the leg. A crowd of excited whites gathered 1 about the factory, which employs seventy-five negroes. When the police arrived a rapid exchange of bullets was taking place. Cook and his son were taken to a police sta tion pending an investigation. Two or three negroes who fled from the building were caught and beaten. Despite authenticated reports of stabbings, clubbings and stonings that poured into police statiori as the night wore on, Acting Chief of Police Alcock insisted that he was "very well pleased with conditions." He said he had approximately 1,800 men in the black belt, 35 patrol wagons, one ambulance, thirty motorcycle men and a mounted squad. The belt was divided into zones to-night and a captain, fifty patrolmen and a squad of detectives placed in each zone. Fierce fighting took place in Englewood 011 the South Side. Berger Odman, 21 years old, white, was shot through the abdomen and probably fatally wounded. In other combats several white men and negroes were injured. Two thousand men, it is estimated, were fighting at various points in this part of the city. Itace riots combined with the street car strike to-day had a marked effect upon Chicago's pack ing industry and promised to ex tend their influences to other lines. At the stockyards there was a sharp falling off in livestock transactions, packing firms buying only sparingly because of doubt as to the ability of their negro employes to reach their work and also because some of their white workers were threat ening to strike. Bandits Kill Fifty-Three 'Passengers in Robbery of Mexican Train By Associated Press. El Paso, July 30. Mexico City 1 papers received here give meager i details of the holdup of a passenger train on the railroad between Mex ico City and Vera Cruz last week in which fifty-three passengers were reported killed. The train was held up and robbed by bandits who tired into the passenger coaches, accord ing to the newspaper report. N'o Americans nor foreigners were 1 known to have been among those ' killed. SHOULDER FRACTURED I Caught between a passenger car and an electric truck while working | about the cars at the Pennsylvania ■ Railroad passenger station, John I Brinton, a car inspector, is in the Harrisburg Hospital with a probable fracture of the shoulder. The acci dent occurred last evening. OPEN BRANCH HERE *The Crown Cork Hand Seal Com pany, of Baltimore, has taken a long-term lease on the property of Louis Begclfer, at Sixth and Herr streets. A branch office and store room will be located there. Blood-Iron Phosphate For Weak, Thin Folks Weak, thin, nervous people almost invariably owe their condition to lack of phosphate in the nerves and lack of iron in the blood. One of the surest, quickest and safest ways in which to make up the deficiency is to take with each meal a five-grain tab let of digestible phosphate and iron known among druggists here as Blood-Iron Phosphate; because it supplies iron to the blood as well as phosphate to the nervous system. People who have tried it say that one live-grain tablet taken with each meal quickly restores depleted nervous energy, enriches the blood, increases strength, vitality and en durance, and those who are too thin usually put on pounds of solid stay there llesh in a short time. Inasmuch as Geo. A. Gorgas and all other drug gists are authorized to sell Blood-Iron Phosphate under a guarantee of sat isfaction or money back, every thin, weak, nervous or anemic man or wo man should give it a trial without de lay. Important—Blood-Iron Phosphate Is sold only In orlgtnnl pnckngrs. containing enough tor three weeks' treatment, at $1.50 per package—only 50 cents a week.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers