Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 29, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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____ FOUNDED 1871
Bowman's August Sale
—; 7 | Mid- Summer Clearance of |
Of Fine Furniture 1 \y omen ' s Pumps & Oxfords I
Furniture has been hard to get and is hard to get today. Stores that order six suites of a kind are lucky to = == I-
get one, but for months we have been after the factories to get our orders shipped so there would be no dis- ||| ~ " ' =JJ
appointment when our August Sale came to hand. jN$ A \ '.
The sale is now here, or will be Friday morning, August First, when the sale opens. But prior to that day jpjj i
Two Days, Wednesday and Thursday, Courtesy Days S sJTr
On these days you are welcome to come in and see how well we have succeeded in assembling a fine stock m / Js ======= =======*/
of furniture for this" semi-annual sale. And bear in'mind, that as this furniture was purchased months ago, and m L~ * jara
several increases have gone into effect since then at factories, you can purchase furniture to-day for a great deal m x i. c v m
less than seems likely for many months to come —perhaps years. rfj , ° n \ a v^/ 0 4 01 . 11 or our n<^ u a sloes ant ] to prevent carrying over any low shoes from summer,
We pav freight to all points within one hundred miles or will deliver at such later date as may be required. m " ai \ e . ecid^ d t0 red oce all our pumps and Oxtords. 'I he following table will show you exactly fxl
BOWMAN'S Fifth Floor For Fine Furniture. the Widths aild the aiUOUnt of pairs 111 each Size. The wise woman Will 1111 v cerer.l ,v,irc fo t |,_ 1„.„ m
_ ~~T c . . | P^ s at Most of these low shoes cannot be bought at wholesale prices for'the prices we are retailing |
Blouses to Wear With , 03.1C OI jg _ Patent Coltskin, Brown Calfskin, Black Kidskin, Brown Kidskin and Bla-k suede in numns and ffi
S oxfords; some w.th leather military or leather Louis heels, also the dressier kind with the full I.ouis SB
white skirts Toilet A rticles P ™ va,ues are doub,ed by,heir time,iness ' |
Cross Bar Voile blouses: cool collarless and ~ m 2 \A 3 14 4 */4 5 I IjC A 1/ i 7!1/ I Q — T tI 86
some with large and small collars, lace trim; M "—— —— <r ' - '*> /t2 ' /2 ' OtCil ra
$1.98. /\ A A 1*4 , 8 '7ju} B^l
Best collection of French voiles, dainty lace T~"'' 'C-3f°TT) 1 1 1 j ! ! 1 * | ' O"
trim pleats and frills, collarless and Tuxedo col- A 1 1 81813181 A 90 99 1A I O CTc 81
lars; $2.25 and $2.98. SuTl 5L'"Y:' aJ, & —! U | _±L _jg_ &jlO i 9 136 B
A new assortment of blouses in all white and fe* 91 I * '--.vft-S T'l k I B i II 4-10 15 20 13 20 4 IS ITs" ? Tlfja B
noveltv stripes and checks in all stvles and V7 TH m „ z~ —— : I ' I ' I jyy)
colors;sl.so. ' D Fll v MTO4 1 ® C 5 8 9 19 17 11 17 !14 S 7 7 TIVFQ 1
New voile smocks in flesh, blue, bisque and 'g- a°* 1 J , 1 1 1 i ®
white. Dainty, summery and cool sport smocks These are the days when full supplies are needed tfj " 1 4 3 ' 1 g ffl
with round collarless stvies; long sleeves and of Powders, Creams, Favorite Soaps, and the like, JJ ' 1 j y ffl
with tie belt; all sizes. 52.98. and this event is planned to outfit the folks for the yd 4A4 m
_ summer, at home or for vacation days. up BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. |§|
Check the list below'to be sure that nothing is
Specials in Piece Goods ZZ'X™ $! me to buy many things at Ji^™EEEEEEEEBauataeEECEBg: | aaa a3aaaaEHaaaaEHEEHaaEßE
Stock taking tomorrow, consequently many bar- T)ental Treparations Miscellaneous ttti • i • Demonstr/itinn nf
gains to be obtained in our piece goods section. We Senreco tooth
do not inventory odd pieces or discontinued styles; oenrcuu iuum pcisic, Listerine; 19c and 39c
tafn maiiy unsought Tor materials *fiTr % wMch Parisian sage; 39C Attractively Priced NeW PerfeCtfon
will pay you to lay aside if you are not now ready Chlorox;4rc Palmer's Almond - -
to make it up. Soaps Meal; 21c Fancy white voile—a limited quantity still on • 1 1
Remember, that prices are always on the upward u - _ nan . iq r hand of checked striped and fancv voiles while ()l I ,OoLt ' v
climb. A saving now is a double future gain. °° . the lot lasts; 29c vd. V-/11 VJWVJiV OIUVCa
Silks—36-inch Plaid Louisines, Satin Stripes and a n- 3 V e have acquired White skirting including plain and fancy ' *
Plaids, also fancy Taffetas: 51.69 yd. e 0 9 - p ' 450 Boxes of gabardine; 39c and 50c yd. ... _ .
27-inch Colored China Silks; 45c yd. Ct L almond Killarney linene, 39 inches wide; a commend- ' Mlss Squier direct fronl the New Perfection fac
-40-inch Printed Foulards; SI .BO yd. u !5-; Rnno-p able summer weight fabric for one piece dresses tor - v 1S her e to convince Harrisburgers the value of
36-inch Black Satins and Taffetas; $1.89 yd. .oap, bca s ailU nurses uniforms, etc., 39c yd. New Perfection Stoves over all others. They will
Fan" SkS': M..50 v<i 7*" Venders Compact Powder bou'man"s s,"cond i-ioor. bake, roast, broil and do many other things which
36-inch Crepe Venus; $3.95 yd. " powder; 39c ~ man - v a person does not know " She wlll demonstrate
36-inch White Habutai; 85c to $2.25 yd. io To Sell at # many advantages.
WASH GOODS —36-inch Ulster Suitings, Beach Talcums 21c a Box Yard Goods Suggestions stoves, $5.25, 0 $26.50. \
cloth and Gabardine; plain colors; 35c vd. Ptt fl t 1 -19 * Ovens, $5.00 and $6.00. .
32-iuch ( lmported and domestic ginghams; 59c yd. Babco'cVs "t Tu u m-. Well known makes tTOttl DomeStlC Department ■ Warming Cabinets, $5.25 to $7.50.
36 to 44,nchPlam and Printed ■ t-o.les; 4,c yd. Coryiopsis talcum; 15c that are nationally ad-
36-mch Silk stripe voiles 6ac vd. , J , , . , , J , I
36-inch Plaid Tissue-65c vd ' La Bomte talcum; 39c• vertised purchased at Unbleached sheeting; 39 inches wide; fine even I r r r . rr
Remnants in all grades and weaves, 39c vd. Creams unusual price conces- j roun d thread. Will bleach easily; 25c yd. fr CttCV LICCItCTS
DRESS GOODS 36-inch Palm Beach suitings; | Lexor Vanishing; 43c th°em to yoT forTsf i Utica sheets, 81x99; under name of Oneida; slight
,~r , .... , Creme de Meridor; than today's market mi" imperfections but not enough to hurt wearing don't fail to notice the merits of the New Perfection
40~' nC h S'lk a "d W°°l p eP f b ' • <sl "-6 .A 21c price. Regular size box quality; $1.95 each. Coal Oil Water Heater, which will produce hot water,
ulnrii FJnpef l ' Lemon Cerate cream; with puff and mirror, Percales in light and dark patterns in striped and enough in 20 minutes for a bath, for the nominal cost
54-inch Wool Covert Suitings: $1.95 vd. 45 " • rrMm . IQr anH T7 figured; cut from the piece. Best quality; 35c yd. of about one cent.
54-inch Fancy Plaids, checks and stripes, $1.95 yd. 43c ' wh.te. 21c box. Awning stripes in best patterns; 31 inches wide. heaters range in price from $24.25 to $38.50.
44-inch Fancy Plaids, for skirt or suit, 79c vd. Heavy weight; 50c and 55c yd.
~ , " BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ' BOWMAN'S —Basement.
BO"MANS-Maln Floor. Floor.
Athletic Underwear^ , ig Women's Separate Summer Skirts
For Women * " hi " G " bard '""- H4
Jk) ) /Tfnn Georgette, Crepe de Chine /IllTn
Yes, soft and sheer in materials; dainty in their sewing and yet / I / W r ' t I \
constructed on the athletic lines that gives freedom and comfort J g-C \ QTld dtICS [x oj
no matter how actively you may engage in sports. | . 0
Waist band of Jersey silk and open mesh; these garments are *AU the coolness, 11 es ' ie newest niateristls finely tailored foi
carefully selected in the new models that are so different from rforVrUT-?T-'V"/ I I I I every semi-dress and outdoor activity. These in- .
those of the past. Intelligently cut in form and in sizes-and a their "Athletic"Under- 1 elude:
most delightful variety to choose from. -wear. •hut HfiinW ' I _ . i . . ill
Futurist underwear is here in white and flesh batiste and nain- form-fitting. Sheer- II 1 /I Beailtlflll 3vhlte sklltS at gLCat piICC
sook; white and flesh marquisette; silk mull in flesh color; crepe €SsentiaUy%minine 11 I | gabardine, surf satin and novelties; cone pockets, I
de chine in flesh and blue; Jap Silk in flesh color, and white Simmons' | II embroidered belts, polished pearl buttons; $3.50 up. j 1 I
...j qgusgr aMI *, -• •<< h - Ju
$2.50. Silk mull at 53.25. Jap silk at $5.98, and the finer crepe WW Neatly tucked With deep hem; $10.50 up. j7\
de chines at $6.50. /J I Attractive crepe de chine skirts in white and flesh / !/J
summe^dav^ 6 interested in these for c ° ol com^ort during the hot with deep folds; waist bands of 25 to 30 inches.
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. $10.50 Up.
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
JULY 29, 1919.