Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 29, 1919, Image 1

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    First at Series of Meetings to Be Held by Bull Moose Over Nation Is in Session Here
LXXXVIII—NO. 176 16PAC.ES D, "fc557?. , %552T!. , &S SS&f"HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 29, 1919. -"VMKBS s !?wS E cfi?S ES HOME EDITION
Presence of 4,000 Militia Fails to Stop
Clashes Between Negroes and Whites;
Shots Exchanged Freely
Vicious Race Fight Breaks Out Among
Prisoners in the County Jail;
Incendiaries Fire Houses
By Associated Press.
Chicago, July 29.—The police list of riot fatalities rose to 24
at 10.30 A. M., when Thomas Joshua, negro, was killed by a de
tective who fired into a crowd of rioters on the South Side and
"when B. F. Hardy, negro, died at a hospital.
Joseph Powers, white, a street car conductor, was shot and
killed soon after daylight in the stockyards section. William
Henderson, a negro, was arrested on suspicion in connection
with the killing.
One unidentified negro was killed and two negroes were
wounded at Wabash and Adams streets, the heart of the down
town district, in rioting which was renewed shortly after 7 o'clock
this morning.
Racial disorders spread to the North Side of the city to-day
where a number of negroes were threatened and chased. Very
few negroes live in that section of the city.
A vicious race fight broke out in the county jail shortly after
11 o'clock. The whites outnumber the blacks by 20 to 1, and the
guards were swept aside when they tried to stop the trouble at
its start.
Four thousand soldiers with full j
■war equipment stood ready to-day i
to quell the race rioting between |
negroes and whites that during two |
nights of terror in the South Side .
black belt cost the lives of at least I
twenty men, including one negro .
policeman and the injury of hun- 1
dreds of others, many seriously and i
probably a dozen fatally.
Four Soldiers Injured
Four of the injured are soldiers.
The police and the coroner have j
been unable to make a complete |
check of the casualties but reports j
showed 19 killed last night, twelve
whites and seven negroes.
A hundred thousand negroes and
an equal number of whites either
fought in the streets and alleys or
cowered in their homes while shots \
were tired, mounted police galloped
along the boulevards, patrol wagons j
dashed through the streets with !
prisoners and wounded women and !
children screamed as men fought I
with cudgels, knives and fists.
When the rioting, which started ■
Sunday night with the stoning and j
drowning of a negro who had drift- j
ed on a raft into the water of a <
beach used by whites, broke out
afresh last night. Mayor Thompson
asked Governor Lowden for troops.
The governor who was on his way
to Lincoln, Neb., turned back at
Burlington, lowa, and Acting Gover
nor Oglesby gave Adjutant General
Dickson orders to mobilize neces- |
sary soldiers. By midnight four
regiments were in armories on the
South Side, but by that time the
police had cleared the streets for
the night and began collecting the
dead and Injured and rounding up
Old Grievance
The rioting Sunday night aroused
hundreds of persons who had long ■
grieved at the rapid influx of ne- j
groes, who have spread over a |
large territory formerly constitut- 1
ing a fine residential quarter of the j
South Side. Property had decreased j
in value and whites had migrated '
to other parts of the city by thou
sands, but many others had clung to
their homes while the streets and j
one of the largo parks became
thronged with negroes. Last night
many whites and negroes armed
themselves and went out seeking
enemies. As soon as darkness fell
the fighting in various forms became
Fight Pitched Battle
In some cases, negroes in automo
biles dashed through the streets fir
ing at any whites encountered. In
other cases whites attacked the
buildings occupied by negroes,
shooting through windows and
doors, while the inmates fired back
from barricades. Bands of both
races marched through the street i
and, meeting, fought until the pave
ment was covered with dead and
Many individual fights, hand-to
hand struggles with knives and ra
zors added to the casualties. Men
and women were dragged from
street cars until the company stop
ped running them through the af
fected area. In one instance a band
of whites passing a mansion in
Grand Boulevard and resenting the
occupancy of the place by negroes,
was fired on from the house.
Incendiaries Appear
As the night wore on and the
bands of terrorists were broken up
by the policemen, looters and in
cendiaries appeared. Several houses
were fired, and one was burned. A
IlnrriHliurK nnd Vicinity! Fnir
nnd eooicr to-night with low
cut temperature nbonl )lfi de
gree*. Wedneadny fnir with
moderate temperature.
EnMern IVnnx? Ivnnla: Folr to
night and \VedneNdny, cooler
to-night. Moderate northwest
; w 1..-—M. j
©K S>irtr-3nt>cpcnt)rfit.
I number of stores were broken open 1
| and sacked.
Toward daylight the less aggres- j
sive having been driven to cover,
worn out with fighting or jailed, a I
j number of white rioters invaded the ;
j downtown quarter, beat negroes
i found in the street and dragged |
| cowering porters from all night
j restaurants and hotels to the streets, !
I flogging them unmercifully.
| Among those injured during the
night were three members of the j
| Seventh Regiment who were beset I
j by ngroes while on their way to j
I their armory. Corporal W. T. Riggs
j was shot in the back; Charles T. j
, Williams was shot in the side and
; J. N. Rinkus was slashd with a
Major Fred Haynes was found
probably fatally beaten, presumably
by negroes. An automobile con
; tainlng Adjutant General Dickson
[Continued on Page B.]
Increase in Salary Apparently
Not Sufficient Inducement
to Bring in New Talent
At least forty teachers are need
ed for rural schools in the county,
I Professor W. R. Zimmerman, assist
j ant county superintendent, an
Although the war has ended and
: the Governor has approved the
teachers' salary increase bill, the
! teacher shortage for the country
; schools is Just as serious a problem
: as ever. Professor Zimmerman do
| clared. This is due entirely to the
inadequate salaries provided by law,
he believds.
Bettor Salaries
"Even though there is a fair in
crease in salaries for the rural
teacher, it must be remembered
that she has probably the most dif
ficult ask of any instructor. She 's
usually in a one-roomed building,
; some of them still being heated in
1 the winter by stoves in the school
j rooms. She must be able to teach
successfully all the elementary sub
! jects for both the primary and m
-1 termediate grades and at times has
| pupils in each grade," Mr. Zimmer
-1 man said.
"These are only a few of the ro
[ Continued on- Page B.]
Community Sing to
Be Held in Reservoir
Park at 8 This Evening
An attractive program has been
i arranged by officials of the War
| Camp Community Service for the
community sing in Reservoir Park
this evening at 8 o'clock. American
folk songs will be featured.
The program follows:
"America," "Welcome Them Back
i to Their Homes." 'Oh, How I Hate to
| Get up in the Morning," 'Goodbye,
| France," "Battle Hymn of Republic,"
I "Old Black Joe," 'Steal Away," "Old
j Folks at Home," "Swing Low, Sweet
; Chariot," 'Carry Me Back to Old
I Virglnny," "Good Morning, Mr. Zip-
Zip-Zip." Dear Old Pal of Mine," "Per
i feet Day." "Till We Meet Again."
"Long, Long Trail," "Star Spangled
Accompanist Miss Mildred Rudy.
Cornetist Municipal Band.
Director for W. C. C. S., Mrs. Flor
ence Ley.
Wilson Pleads For Ratification
of Franco-American Treaty in
His Message to U. S. Senate
By Associated Press.
Washington, July 29.—President Wilson's message to the Senate to-day accompany
ing the Franco-American Treaty, follows:
"Gentlemen of the Senate:
"I take pleasure in laying: before you a Treaty
with the republic of France, the object of which is
to secure that republic of the immediate aid of the
United States of America in case of any ur.-provoked
movement of aggression against her on the part of
Germany. I earnestly hope that the Treaty will
meet with your cordial approval and will receive an
early ratification at your hands, along- with the
Treaty of Peace with Germany.
"Now that you have had an opportunity to exam
ine the great document I presented to you two
weeks ago, it seems opportune to lay before you this
Treaty, which is meant to be in effect a part of it.
To Help France
"It was signed on the same day with the Treaty
of Peace and is intended as a temporary supple
ment to it. It is believed that the Treaty of Peace
with Germany itself provides adequate protection to
France against aggression from her recent enemy
on the east, but the years immediately ahead of us
contain many incalculable possibilities. The cove
nant of the League of Nations provides for military
action for the protection of its members only upon
advice of the Council of the League—advice given,
it is to be presumed, only upon deliberation and
acted upon by each of the governments of the
member states only if its own Judgment Justifies
such action. The object of the special Treaty with
France, which 1 now submit to you, is to provide
for immediate military assistance to France by the
United States ir- case of any unprovoked movement
of aggression against her by Germany without
waiter- r or the advice of the Council of the League
of " that such action will be taken. It is to
be ngement, not independent of the Leagrue
ol but under it.
In Force Until Danger Passes
"It is, therefore, expressly provided that this
Treaty shall be made the subject of consideration at
the same time with the Treaty of Peace with Ger
many; that this special arrangement shall receive
the approval of the Council of the League, and that
Frame Row Knocked Out of
Plumb in Queer
A heavy truck nearly wrecked a
whole row of frame houses in Gran
ite street, when a big machine
crashed against the corner house at
Granite and Logan and pushed the
entire row of 16 dwellings out of
While the storm was at its height
yesterday, and the thunder rolled
continuously, Mrs. Charles Favinger,
who resides at 321 Granite street, on
the corner of Logan, was on the sec
ond floor rearranging some furni
ture. Looking out of the window
she saw a truck of the Pennsylvania
Milk Products Company bearing rap
idly down Logan street. A second
later there was a tremendous crash
and Mrs. Favinger was tossed across
the room by the shock which rocked
the whole building. She ran down
stairs and going out the back way.
discovered the truck wrapped around
the corner of her home. Then she
took inventory of the damage.
The house had been bodily shifted
more than eight inches on its foun
dations, the weatherboarding was all
shifted and strained at odd angles,
the front windows and door were
jammed so tightly that they could
not be opened, the plaster was crack
ed in innumerable places, the piano
was thrown half way across ' the
front room and nearly overturned,
but strangely enough not a single
pane of glass was broken. No win
dow in the entire row was broken.
Mrs. Lizzie Hitner, an old woman of
74 years who has been an invalid for
over two years was thrown out of
bed by the shock and sustained a
badly bruised arm. She is living
with the family of George Durbrow,
at 323 Granite street. The houses of
Andrew Johnson, Miss Mary Meek,
Jacob Boyd, Mrs. May Harris, George
Kochenauer, and numerous others
adjoining the favinger home were
pushed all out of joint by the violent
thrust of the truck. Here and there
loose weatherboarding, windows at
an angle, broken front steps, and
loose shutters testify to the force
with which the machine must have
struck the house.
Sixteen houses away, Mrs. Albert
Cohen, at 339 Granite street, felt the
shock and thought it lightning strik
ing next door. Mrs. Cohen has been
ill in bed and was very nervous af
ter the accident.
It will take a great amount of work
to get the block back into line, as
every house has something the mat
ter with it, from 321, which was the
one moved eight inches, to the last
house, which stands at an angle
slightly different from that of 24
hours ago.
Plans American Tour
For Austrian Composers
Vienna, July 29.—Oscar Strauss,
the Viennese light opera composer,
Is organizing a tour of the United
States for himself and a number of
Austrian composers, among them
Franz Lehar and Emmerich Kal
man. and singers. It Is the purpose
of Strauss to begin the tour next
spring, if passports are obtainable.
"We want to conduct our own'
operas and show the people of the
United States that we have culture
here worth preserving, despite the
war's ravages." said Strauss to-day.
this special provision for the safety of France shall
remain in force only until, upon- the application of
one of the parties to it, the Council of the League,
acting, if necessary, by a majority vote, shall agree
that the provisions of the covenant of the League
afford her sufficient protection.
Nothing Can Fay Debt
"I was moved to sign this Treaty by considera
tion's which will, X hope, seem as persuasive and as
irresistible to you as they seemed to me. We are
bound to France by ties of friendship which we
have always regarded and shall always regard as
peculiarly sacred. She assisted us to win our free
dom as a nation. It is seriously to be doubted
whether we could have won it without her gallant
and timely aid. We have recently had the privi
lege of assisting in driving enemies, who were also
enemies of the world, from her soil; but that does
not pay our debt to her. Nothlr.-g can pay such a
debt. She now desires that we should promise to
lend our great force to keep her safe against the
power she has had most reason to fear. Another
great nation volunteers the same promise. It is one
of the fine reversals of history that that other na
tion should be the very power from whom France
fought to set us free. A new day has dawned. Old
antagonisms are forgotten. The common cause of
freedom and enlightenment has created a new com
radeship and a new perception of what it is wise
and necessary for great nations to do to free the
world of intolerable fear. Two governments who
wish to be members of the League of Nations ask
leave of the Council of the League to be permitted
to go to the assistance of a friend whose situation
has been found to be one of peculiar peril, without
waiting the advice of the League to act.
"It is by taking such pledges as this that we prove
ourselves faithful to the utmost to the high obliga
tions of gratitude and tested friendship. Such an
act as this seems to me one of the proofs that we
are a people that sees the true heart of duty and
prefers honor to its own separate course of peace.
"The White House, July 29, 1919."
Arrested at Gun's Point Dur
ing Early Morning
With the arrest early to-day of a
colored man, giving the name of
Willie Hoskins, the responsibility
for the long string of petty robber
ies in this city may finally be solved,
Harrisburg police officials believe.
Hoskins was taken into custody
this morning by Patrolman Jackson,
after he had been surprised while in
the act of rifling the residence of
William C. Fisher, 325 Maclay street.
The address of the man is somewhat
uncertain, although he claims Adams
street, Steelton, as is home.
Hoskins had gained admission to
the Fisher residence through an un
locked window, which he raised. Pass
ing along on his beat soon after Hos
kins must have gained admission,
Patrolman Jackson noticed the open
window and saw the man moving
about in a suspicious manner on the
inside. Covering him with his re
volver, Jackson placed him under ar
Hoskins was taken to the Dauphin
county jail shortly after his arrest,
and was kept there until this morn
ing. He was taken to the police
headquarters, where officials and
detectives have been endeavoring to
secure information that will lead to
the solution of the responsibility for
the other robberies.
Police are not inclined to put
much faith in the statement of
[Continued on Page B.]
Seven Officers in
Navy Court-Martialed
For Irregularities
Washington, July 29. Four of
ficers and three petty officers of the
Navy have been convicted by court
martial on charges in connection
with the enrollment, promotion and
assignment to duty of reservists in
the third naval district at New
York, the Navy Department an
nounced to-day.
Besides Lieut. Benjamin S. Davis,
whose conviction previously had
been announced, the men are: En
signs Paul Beck, Oscar F. Berger
and Robert H. Spahn, all naval
reservists, and Chief Boatswain
Lloyd C. Casey; Chief Boatswain's
Mate, Frederick L. Jones and Chief
Yeoman, Henry S. Jacobs.
Eight Million Coppers Behind With Demand For Pennies
Steadily Increasing Throughout City and Nation
Penny hoarders of Harrisburg are
going to have a bad time for awhile,
and will not be able to go into their
favorite indoor sport with as much
abandon as formerly. At least so say
the banks of the city, and they
ought to know.
it seems that the war tax on lux
uries, such as shoes and sodas, is
causing the formerly despised penny
to assume a new and much more
important role than heretofore. The
stamping machines of the mints are
producing 3,000,000 of these little
coins daily, but so far are still about
eight million coopers behind time.
To Set Up Candidates For
Delegates to National Re
publican Convention
Former Washington party men
who follow the standard of Gifford
Pinchot to-day planned a new State
wide organization inside the Repub
lican party at a conference of about
eight persons held in the Penn-
Harris to-day at the call of the
former national forester.
While the announced purpose is
to set up candidates for Republican
national delegates who will make
the crusade outlined by Mr. Pinchot
to wrest control of the next national
convention from what he termed
"reactionaries" the thoroughness
with which the organization was or
dained created some impression that
Sir. Pinchot harbors senatorial as
pirations. Mr. Pinchot bitterly as
sailed President Wilson several
Militants Absent
The conference was not attended
by the militant figures who made
the battle for Roosevelt in 1912.
Men like Flinn, Von Valkenburg,
Walters, Robins and others were ab
sent. It was Pinchpt's own confer
ence. He was the moving spirit in
[Continued on Page 15.]
Big Sums to Be Spent
For Improvements to Mine
To pay for improvements to be
made to the mines of the Susque
hanna Collieries Company in Wil
liams and Wiconisco townships, the
mortgage of $9,000,000 against
that firm has been increased to
$11,900,000, according to M. E.
Stroup, local counsel for the coal
company. The new mortgage was
filed yesterday. It is entered as a
lien against all the land owned by
the company both in this and ad
jacent counties. It is understood
copies of the mortgage are to bo
recorded in other counties.
The improvements which are
planned for the mines in this coun
ty include the driving of a tunnel
at Big Lick to replace the open
ings in use at Lykens and Williams
town, thus affording one main en
trance to the mine. Mr. Stroup said
that these changes are being made
in order to reduce the cost of min
ing so that the holdings in Dauphin
county can be worked at a profit,
instead of a loss.
William Jennings, of the Com
monwealth Trust Company, said to
day that they are having a very
busy time keeping the public well
supplied with pennies. Due to their
close proximity to the Philadelphia
Mint, there has never been any dif
ficulty in getting sufficient coppers
for the needs of Harrisburg and
there seems to be no possibility of
the city ever being shy of cents.
Meanwhile, the baby's bank and
the beggar's cup must go unreward
ed; at least this is the supposition.
For the war tax is ever with. us.
Wilson, in Written Address,
Urges Ratification of Pledge
to Aid Republic in Case of
German Attack
U. S. Would Be Bound to
Come 'lmmediately,' While
Great Britain Signed 'Con
sent' to Assist French
By Associated Press.
Washington, July 29. President
Wilson to-day transmitted to the
Senate the special treaty with
France by which the United States
pledges itself to come immediately
to the aid of that republic in the
event of an unprovoked attack by
Germany, and asked for its early
ratification "along with the treaty
with Germany."
Submission of the treaty came af
ter sharp criticism by Senate Re
publicans, who for several days had
openly charged on the Senate floor
that in failing to present the draft
of the pact along with the treaty of
Versailles, the President had violated
one of the articles of the document.
The President did not follow his us
ual custom of presenting the treaty
in person. He sent it to the capitol
by special messenger along with a
message explaining its object.
Bound "Immediately"
The Franco-American treaty is
almost identical with one signed be
tween Great Britain and France.
One difference between the texts as
made public by the French Foreign
Office to which attention has been
called is that the United States
pledges itself to go "immediately" to
the assistance of France while Great
Britain "consents" to assist that
The President told the Senate the
purpose of the treaty was to provide
assistance for France in case of un
provoked aggression by Germany
without waiting for the advice of
the council of the League of Na
tions that such action should be
taken, and explained that it was to
be an arrangement "not independent
of the League of Nations, but under
"The covenant of the League of
Nations," the President said, "pro
vides for military action for the pro
tection of its members only upon
the advice of the council of the
league advice given, it is to be
presumed, only upon deliberation
and acted upon by each of the gov
ernments of the member states only
if its own judgment justifies such
Moved by Friendship
Pointing out that the treaty "shall
receive the approval of the council
of the league," the President said it
would remain in force "only until,
upon the application of one of the
parties to it, the council of the
league, acting, if necessary, by a
majority vote, shall agree that the
provisions of the covenant of the
league afford her (France) sufficient
Mr. Wilson said he was moved to
sign the treaty by the ties of friend
ship binding the two countries and
the assistance France gave America
in its struggle for independence.
Without this assistance, the Presi
dent said, it was seriously to be
doubted whether America could have
won its independence and added:
"Nothing can pay such a debt."
Colombian Treaty Is
Favorably Reported
by Foreign Committee
By Associated Press.
Washington, July 25. Favor
able report in treaty with Colombia
was ordered to-day by the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee with
out a dissenting vote. A motion to
reduce from $25,000,000 to $15,-
000,000 the amount payable to Co
lombia for the partition of Panama
was defeated 12 to 2.
The treaty, pending since 1914,
will be taken up immediately by
the Senate, which probably will con
sider it in open session. Its ratifica
tion was expected within a few
days with a vote to-day regarded
as possible.
The clause suggesting that the
United States express regret for the
"events from which the present sit
uation on the Isthmus of Panama
resulted." was eliminated by the
committee. This section was strong
ly opposed by Senate Republicans
and was the cause of the long de
lay in action on the treaty. This and
other minor changes in the treaty
are understood tfi have been ac
cepted by Colombia.
D. A. Rothenberger,
Member of House, Dies
By Associated Press.
Rending, Pa., July 29.—Daniel A.
Rothenberger, aged 61. serving his
fourth term as a legislator at Har
risburg in the House, which recently
adjourned, died at his home in Oley
last night.
He was unable to be present during
the last two months of the session
owing to illness.
El Paso, Texas, July 29.—Gov
ernor Andres Ortz, of the State of
Chihuahua, has offered a reward of
$25,000 gold for the capture, dead
or alive, of Francisco Villa, accord
ing to a Mexico merchant, who
was here to-day from Chihuahua i
City. He said the offer appeared j
in an advertisement in one of the
Chihuahua City newspaper*
Lse of Schoolhouscs as Distri
bution Centers Suggested
as a Saving
Organization of an association for
co-operative buying and co-operative
distribution of food supplies is sug
gested by J. Horace McFarland,
president of the American Civic
Association, who calls attention to
the success of this plan in other
parts of the country.
Use the schoolhouses for dis
tributing centers and government
trucks for delivering the produce to
these places are details of this pro
posed plan. That this would cause
a reduction in the price of food
and would afford the city a better
and higher grade supply is the pre
diction made by Mr. McFarland.
There are still those in the city who
hope to see the Mayor's committee
put the smoked meats now at New
Cumberland on sale in this man
Another reason for the high prices
he said is the uncontrolled desire of
many buyers who purchase food re
gardless of the price rather than do
i without. By purchasing only neces
sities instead of recklessly spend
ing money the situation would soon
change he said
Mr. McFarland's Plan
1 Mr. McFarland's statement fol
! lows;
"No one seems to have drawn at
! tention in Harrisburg to the possi
i bilities of co-operative buying in
; eliminating profiteering and in se
! curing better qualities of goods for
I the same money.
j "In Washington, for example,
several buying centers have been
j established, usually in schoolhouses
I which are placed in charge of a
j capable person who arranges to
[Continued on Page B.]
i JL
x '. .* ""• '- after tU *-: %r* •r--?b-vJ.-- -;
T S. Willhtrs as Comptroller of Currency virtually, were '■
■Jj Pennsylvania appear before the committee to air his
4 cJ
T New York Responsibility cruel treatment of
X placed squarely upon the shoulders of Major General '
T P, S. Strong and Colonel E, P. Grimstead by Lieutenant
J to-day before a subcommittee of the House of Repre-.
5 E**l<* M. llendrmon and Uracc A. iirlnklry, Hnntlnprdon; Mate
.Tonro mid I.iacie Carney, Hnrrlahurui Tyson Mnrtln, Harriabanc,
n. r>, and .Mar.v K. Hrlsay, Hum nc!Movtii, R. l. j; Wlllliun E. Dwk
and A lie* A. Tnrbrt. Girn Hock; Joseph Rarrak, Camp Hill, and Vlole
<"* knolu) Hay'W. Rohnrr nnd Miiruorot O .Hoffman, Kllxabeth
vU,r - :
Ordinance Is Passed
After Discussion
of an Hour
After a discus|!on for more than
an hour -with a truck farmer from
York county, a city grocer and a
representative of organized labor.
City Council passed unanimously
this morning the ordinance prohibit
ing forestalling and price-fixing in
city markets.
The probable effect of the meas
ure on the supply of produce coming
to the city markets was pointed to
by Commissioner C. W. Burtnett,
who said it may diminish the
amount of food being brought by
them for sale, but he assured the
other members of Council he would
do anything to help solve the prob
lem of the high cost of living.
Three Make Protest
L. E. Hartman, a grower residing
near Yocumtown, who has had a
stand at the Verbeke street market
for the last twenty-five years; H.
L. McLaughlin, of the Central Labor
Union, and William H. Uhler, a
grocer in North Sixth street, were
i the only three persons to appear
j before Council for a hearing on the
[ ordinance. The petition which
! hucksters were said to be circulat
\ ing was not presented.
Members of City Council declared
that they believed the measure
would help in meeting the forestall
ing situation here and is a step for
ward in bringing down prices. They
said if the ordinance is shown to bo
impractical it can either be amend
ed, repealed or a new one prepar
ed which will be satisfactory.
The Farmer's Side
When Mr. Hartman was asked for
a suggestion which would give his
[Continued on Page 15.]