Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 26, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    jjlWI all Ave fenJKi HPji
" When a Girl "
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
| Problem of a Girl Wife
Copyright, 1919, King Feature Syn
dicate, Inc.
"The pistol Loretta clutched in her
dead hand belonged to Etienne
lTmerrais," Lane Cosby concluded, ,
and sat hunched down in his chair. I
staring back through the years.
I could almost visualize what he
saw as if it were there before him >
in my living-room.
Worn, matting, blood-stained. A
draggled figure crumpled on the
rtoor. From the mirror above a |
girls chanty hung dresser a man's
picture staring down. Lane's own ,
picture. In the dead woman's hand
Etlenne's pistol.
How had she come by this
weapon'. 1
That poor, crazed Loretta Cosby i
had taken her life I had no doubt.
That Valerie was innocent before
the law I felt sure. But even the
hare outlines of her story revealed j
who had inspired the insane woman !
to take her own worthless, un- i
wanted life. And I could guess who
had given her the weapon.
There uas no reason for the law |
to take cognizance of Valerie Cosby, j
But if once Society—Val's world
knew her story, how could it judge j
her? I had caught Lane and \al
exchanging looks of fear —haunting
fear. Now I knew why. ould
their world ever find out, and if it
did how would it judge? i,
For Val 1 had no sympathy. For j
l.ane Cosby I had the deepest pitj.j
He was so big and so helpless, so I
,-ompletelv enmeshed in his love for j
Val. She had calculated her effects i (
perfectly. She had come into the;
Lane's grim, sordid life when he was .
struggling with the ugliest tragedy J
our law countenances, the law that j
binds a sane human being to one (
whose mind is gone. He was too ;
kind, too full of pity to seek a way j
out. Val had found it for him.
All this seemed clear to me. "What 1
I couldn't see was why Evvy should
dig this up and threaten Val with it. <
But I saw plainly what I had to do ! l
now if I really meant to help this i
lpless man who had always been i
so loyal to Jim. ; '
"How many people know —whose
gun it was that killed her?" I asked.
"The sheriff and the coroner and
!he Demerruis family," replied Lane.
"Why do you ask that?"
Then suddenly he understood. At
ance he reacted and became at least
•he semblance of his powerful, alert
self. . .
"What of that?" he demanded.
The wound was in the temple and
was burned with powder, because
-he held the gun right against her
head when she fired. It was the
ast shot in the chamber. First she
peppered the place with the other
pullets. That's why Val hid in her
mother's room."
"All right." I said judicially. But
where did she get the gun .
"Loretta lived in that ranch house
for three years. Didn't she know
where everything was kept?" asked
Lane Cosby patiently. "She broke
n as cleverly as she ran away, got
the gun and went after my poor
,ittle Val. And when the child es
caped her she took out her blood lust
an herself. The doctors will tell
you that's the way crazy folks act."
"Forgive me for asking these
questions. Lane, but I want to help
you. I want to find out what your
danger is—and help you meet it, I
said, conquering the revolting dis
taste I had for the whole ugly tangle.
"All I want is for my little girl to
be happy—and contented. I want
my love to give her everything." he
moaned. "And if all the catty
women in town sneer at her and
turn away from her what will she
do? If that's all my love brings my
. ttle girl—what will become of me
—what will become of us both?"
He hadn't said it. He didn't even
snow he thought it. But somewhere
deep within Lane Cosby was the
knowedge that this beautiful, un
scrupulous woman, less than half
nis age, was his only so long as she
found advantage in being his. If
his money couldn't buy her social
prominence, position, friends, she
would some day fling aside his
money and go after something else
—whatever her ruthless nature
traved. Love perhaps.
1 wouldn't have lifted a finger to
save Val from the penalty she ought
:o pay. But I knew she'd never pay
t. And It was willing to do a lot
:o save Lane Cosby from the suf
fering he had stumbled into when
le was trying so hard to do right.
On Face and Body. Could
Not Sleep. Cuticura Heals.
"When ten weeks old my baby
suffered from eczema. It first started
with a email rash, and his
* >\ face and part of his body
i' | were covered with red pim-
V ** *' F^ B - Tie could not sleep,
\ but would scratch his face
Bore every night. He was
' • ■ I . i very cross.
"I used Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment, and after using three cakes of
Soap and two ar.d a half boxes of
Ointment he was fully healed."
(Signed' Mra. James Law, 1221 W.
7th St., Chester, Pa., Feb. 5,1919.
Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum your every-day toilet prepa
rations and watch your skin Improve.
Soap 2Sc. Ointment 28 and BOc, Talcum
23c. Sold throughout the world. For
sample each free addrrse: "Caltcura Lab
oratories, Dept. H. Mato'ea. Maee. 1 *
PiyCutkura Soap shaves without orae-
Harrisburg's LEADING and ACCREDITED Business
STANDARD Courses ap'proved by the National Associa
tion of Accredited Commercial Schools of the United States.
Bell 485 Enter Any Time Dial 4393
I'll see Evvy Mason," I said at
that, slowly. "But first I must talk :
to Val. Shall we go down to her?" j
"I hope she'll see you." said Lane
> doubtfully, but he followed me al
most meekly when I led the way to
I the elevator and so up to his apart- J
nient. Once there he hesitated again.
"You go back to Val alone, she ;
doesn't want to see me," he stam- j
' mered.
I found Val . propped up in bed
amidst billows of chiffon redolent of
oriental perfumes.
"Anne," the wide-eyed ghild ex- ;
claimed, the thick cream of her
voice curdling as she went on, "has ,
Lane made the grand confession? j
Yes, he has—l see it in your haunted
eyes. And yet you speak to me? !
Don't worry. It won't contaminate
you to know me. There will be no i
scandal. I'll see to that. When !
Evvy makes sure that Ive resigned j
in her favor where a certain gentle
man is concerned, and that Cousin
Tommy takes all my spare time, she 1
won't be so anxious to get rid of
her rival."
I thought I'd see her—as soon as
you explained the reason for her
w anting to hurt vou," I began
tal sat up in bed, leaned on one i
bare elbow and stared at me out
of sultry eyes, twisting one corner
of her crimson mouth as she spat
out her words:
„." Y ° u ' d s Peak to Evvy—for me! :
Uh, that s too delicious! You Oh '
you funny little innocent! Don't ;
you , k " ow '"'fry she began to hate i
me. Don't you see? Oh. you fool i
—you precious little fool' It's be
cause she thought Jim likes me. ,
l our Jimmie-boy, baby! Your Jim-I
To Be Continued.
"Stars and Stripes"
Ceases Publication
The following editorial on the end
of the "Stars and Stripes" will appear
in the current number of The Ameri
can Legion Weekly, the magazine of j
the national organization of American
veterans of the great war:
"Disbnndment of the First Press
and censor Company a few days ago
marked the very end of a great and
unique journalistic enterprise. These
were the men who founded, developed
and finally laid to rest the 'Stars and
Stripes —authorized newspaper of the
American Expeditionary Forces. The
'Stars and Stripes' was the soldier's
paper in Europe. It kept him informed
and it helped keep him amused. It was
clean and wholesome and it rose to
greatness. It became a part of the A.
E. F. It breathed and reflected the
spirit of the A. E. F.
"It was in keeping with the spirit
of the paper that it die with the A. E.
F.. The men who created it voted that
along with the A. E.FFt. t which was ex
actly as the A. E. F. would have
wished them to vote. Otherwise it
might fall into unworthy hands. It
might become a reproach to its one
time greatness. And. anyway, how
could the 'Stars and Stripes' survive
without the A. E. F„ of which it was
so intimately a part? As a fond mem
ory it will live always in the minds of
those who were the A. E. F."
_——_____ ___ __ _
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A pattern of this illustration
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For the 10 cents inclosed please
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City and State
Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service - Bp McManus
** ° UT I err colly-he ]} hey-neT 1 KIN <>it To T~ ' ■ • j 11 but Yoo left Lv,
I f\ t>AW NE SNEAK |J j! r BEFORE 'h f \f * 1 n YOUR WATCH AND
By Virginia Terhune Van de Water
(Copyright,-1919, Star Company)
Although more than a week
slipped by Xorah's unuttered pre
dictions with regard to Smith's
apologies were not fulfilled.
At first she avoided seeing him,
sending Annie to answer his ring
when he brought the car to the
door. She fancied that If she
shunned him he would make an ef
fort to meet her.
On the contrary, he seemed to
have forgotten her very existence.
Annie reported that he only an
nounced that the *ar was here, then
withdrew without further speech.
The chambermaid s report was
correct. Davie De Laine was too
thankful at escaping Xorah's atten
tions to be willing to risk further
intercourse with either of the
So when, one afternoon, Xora,
changing her plan of campaign,
opened the door for him, he behaved
as he had done when Annie had
answered his ring.
"Please tell Miss Leighton that the
car is here," he said. And, without
further speech, turned away.
But Norah checked him. "Haven't
you anything else to say?" she de
He looked in surprise at her
flushed face.
"I suppose." she went on, "that
you'll pretend you never gave Miss
Leighton the letter I wrote."
David was intensely annoyed. He
i had a quick temper and he did not
j wish any altercations with a girl
; who evidently did not know her
1 place. ,
"If you refer to a sheet of paper
that I picked up from the ground
one evening—l did give it to Miss
Leighton," he replied coldly.
"So you did give it to her. did
I you?" Xorah sneered, Infuriated
tby his haughty manner. "After
! you'd read it, of course!"
"I certainly did not read it." he
j declared.
"I don't believe you!" Xorah re
She thought she was driving him
I into a corner and that he would
quail under her scorn.
A Disappointed Girl
Instead, with a slight lifting of
the eyebrows, Smith went on down
I the steps without another glance in
| her direction.
She was so angry that her voice
was unsteady as she announced
i that the car was waiting.
Desires, however, did not notice
j the girl's agitation. She had con
' eluded that the matter of the note
had, after all, been of very little
moment, although she still had an
i uncomfortable recollection of her
j maid's impertinence.
The fury of a woman scorned
possessed Xorah Daly this after
| noon. She had used methods that
' sHe hoped would cause Smith
acute discomfort, and they had had
! no effect upon him. She had burned
! her bridges behind her. There was
! no way in which she could rc-open
friendly communications with the
i chauffeur. Had he only quarreled
with her, it would have been easy.
Absolute indifference and disdain
' are hard to fight. Xorah had played
her last card and lost.
Smith should suffer for this. She
was determined on that. Moreover
she had decided to leave Miss
! Leighton's employ. It was plain
that her mistress had not forgotten
X'orah's impertinence of a few days
ago. Well, the girl did not care.
There were lots of places these
: days for girls! But before she went,
she would get even with Smith!
Her month would be up on Fri
day. She would tell her mistress
to-morrow morning that she was
j going.
She waited until after breakfast
1 the following day before making
her announcement. As yet she had
; not decided upon a way to punish
< the man who had flouted her, but
. she would surely find it.
i When she entered her mistress's
! bedroom Desiree was standing by
| her dressing table, her sapphire and
' amethyst pendant and its chain in
one hand, a small jewel case in the
An Evil Impulse
"Xorah," she said before, the girl
could speak, "please get a bit of
j paper and wrap up this box for me.
| I want to take the chain down to
i have it repaired, and I may as well
j take the pendant also to make sure
I that the setting is secure."
| As Xorah did her bidding, an evil
impluse made her say:
"You was lucky, ma'am, to get
this back the other day."
"I was, indeed." Desiree replied.
"If it had been found by a dishonest
person, I would never have seen it
"Well, ma'am," the girl continued
meekly, "even if a body meant to
keep it he'd not have the courage
to do it when he took time to think
] about it. He'd sure bring it back
I then."
Desiree looked at her. puzzled
"It was. fortunately, an honest per
i son who found It," she commented.
Xora smiled queerly. "It seems
j kinder queer that It dropped oft
i when It never did before, don't it?"
she suggested in a low voice.
"The catch was evidently defec
tive." Miss Leighton said. "I had
noticed that,"
"Others might have noticed it,
too," Norah remarked.
t "What do you mean?" Desiree
| questioned. i
I' "Oh, nothing, ma'am," was the 1
: cryptic reply.
There was a moment's pause. "I
! want to tell you," Norah said irrele
-1 vantly. "that I'll be leaving you on j
I Friday."
If she had expected a start of
surprise from her employer she j
was disappointed, Miss Leighton I
; only nodded.
"Very well. Xorah, I think myself 1
it would be best to make a change.
Thank you," as the girl handed her
the neatly tied parcel.
Xorah watched her mistress as
| she laid the box on her dressing
■ table.
"That's all," Miss Leighton said,
j and the maid withdrew, feeling
once more that she had been foiled
! in her attempt to produce a sensa
i tion.
(To Be Continued.)
Little Talks by I
Beatrice Fairfax
The other day a mother with two I
j grown daughters told me some- j
| thing of the family history,
j "My older daughter seems con- '
! tented," she said, cautiously. "She j
I has a tiny house in the suburbs and j
four children. Her husband makes j
l very little money, but for some rea- i
| son they don't seem to mind. They j
| say they have happy times together,
| and I suppose they get used to ;
! doing without things.
"But my younger daughter," she j
j went on, with evident satisfaction. !
"married well. Her husband is an :
j automobile manufacturer, and he
I can give her anything she wants, j
j She hasn't* - any children, but she 1
j has every conceivable luxury. Xo,
| she hasn't ever told me she is ;
I happy, but of course she must be." I
1 Ever so many young girls, I find, i
even in this emancipated day, still j
cherish the ancient notion of'
j "marrying wall" that this mother ,
| expressed. And who can blame j
them, when their mothers so care- ■
j fully inculcate it, when it's a part j
; of the very air they breathe from 1
1 their earliest infancy?
We all know, of course, what it
j means to "marry well." It means
Ito marry a man with money. And
' that is, of course, rather shocking,
when it's stated plainly.
! Why should a mother be proud
of a daughter merely because she
has happened to attract a rich man,
no matter what that rich man may
! be? Why should a mother apolo
-1 gize for a daughter whose husband
I is poor, even though through him
i the girl has found love and con
j tentment?
We all understand, of course, how
| the idea of "marrying well" came'
i into vogue. There was a day, and ■
' your grandmother can remember it, i
I when there was no question of a
; girl's supporting herself. Still, she )
1 had to be supported by somebody: ,
| And especially if there were several
j of her, this had a way of exhausting
J the parental purse.
So parents cultivated foresight.
; They formed the habit of looking
! about for young men who could
j support their daughters. They were
| perfectly conscientious about it. It
j seemed the best service they could
I render their offspring—this marry- j
| ing them off to somebody who !
i could guarantee a comfortable per- '
I manent income.
Feathering One's Own Xest
This system rather fell to pieces, !
1 of course, as soon as girls learned i
j how to support themselves, and to i
I control their own lives. Sensible
j girls no longer married because
; they wanted "a home of their own,"
or because a young man's "pros
pects" were such-and-such, but be- 1
! cause they fell in love and desired !
I the happiness of a life-comrade. !
But even though times have so
! radically changed, even though wo- j
men are immeasurably freer than
they used to be, tjiere are still
parents who repeat the outworn |
formula, and who subtly and indi- i
rectly, or perhaps even openly, en - :
courage a girl to make a mercen
ary choice. They teach her that
if she is once "well-established,",
j she can command wordly respect,
she can achieve social power, she
can not only "have" everything, but
"get" anywhere.
I am afraid that some of the 1
girls who write to me have heard
I this sort of teaching.
I So I would like to convince them
' that it's extremely old-fashioned,
I entirely out-of-date, the most bar
barous sort of survival.
A girl who falls in love with a
normal, wholesome young man
who loves her and who shares her i
tastes to a sufficient extent "mar- j
rles well," if she becomes his wife, j
Truly, I don't know what else:
she need consider.
Money Doesn't Count
If a married pair achieve happi
ness, the possession of money will
scarcely affect their contentment,
one way or the other. And If they
are not happy, everybody knows
that money won't make them so. I
Money, then, ought to be the last
thing considered, rather than the
first, in choosing one's self-partner.
Do you really enjoy helng with
the young man who wants to marry
!you? Can you have a thoroughly
j good time together, even though
I you should never go to a play or a
; restaurant or a party * Do you both
i like outdoor walks and do you
j laugh at the same things, and do
j you like some, at least, of the same
If you do, you are pretty safe in
marrying, even though he hasn't
had a "raise" for a year and you
know you will have to begin house
keeping in two rooms.
1 should also advise any young
girl in whom I was personally in
terested not to marry a man who
was unsympathetic toward the
emancipation of women, or who
didn't like children.
Try to form the habit of valuing
the really essential thing in life,
and you'll be more likely to make
the right choice when it comes to
a question of marrying?
Measurements Unimportant
Realize, if you can, that it dosen't
make the slightest difference
whether your betrothed is taller or
shorter than you, or whether he is
older or younger, or whether he is
ugly or handsome or (from my
point of view, at least) whether he
is of a different nationality.
These are trival points, and I
am surprised that so many girls
seem concerned about theni.
But, is he a person who can be
a real companion, a person with
whom you can hand-in-hand, un
derstandingly dare the abventure
of life? If you're both strong and
well, this is all you need consider.
Suppose his salary proves to be
not quite enough. Won't you be
willing to help out?
Have I seemed to imply that pov
erty is the inseparable companion
of happiness? That isn't true, of
course. It's quite possible to have
a high wage-earning capacity and
still know what love is. But I've
been eager to urge young girls not
to be afraid of simplicity, frugality,
plain living. I've been eager to em
phasize the fact that money won't
buy happiness. And don't be so
mad as to imagine that happiness
is a thing you can do without.
Don't dream that an unhappy mar
riage is tolerable if one has dia
monds and motor cars. It isn't.
Remember what it really means,
from the wise, big-hearted woman's
point of view, to "marry well,"
And then do your best to achieve
Celebrate Return of
Peace in Mexico
Mexico City, July 26.—Celebrations
of the return of peace have been held
within the last few days by nationals
of the Allied countries residing here.
On July 3 and 4 festivities were con
ducted by the Country Club or else
where and the stores and shops of
business men of the Allied nations
were closed and decorated. The fies
tas included informal receptions to re
turned soldiers of the Allied armies.
On Sunday, July 6, two memorial
services were held for Allied soldiers
who died during the war. One was
conducted by the French colony and
the other by English speaking people
of the capital. The various foreign
colonies generally co-operated in the
Daily Dot Puzzle
, .'8 ~ ~
l 7 9 .IS
lb ao 1(
3o - *
• \ 22
19 23
*3l 2e^\
s • * A 24
4o \ • 7\ •
/ \ 32 * \
' 4 * / \ a \ 25
/.. >"A *
. / '•' V ?
3* • \
* 38 \ 3R
•7 \ •
12 * j* ,42 32
I 43 44 x b
8* .• • • 45 .
• I 55 sfc . •
57 46
58. #
3' • 4 "
• •
51 • *49 '
, i
Draw from one to two ana so on
to the cad.
Eight Surgeons and Physic
ians at Work in
Belgrade, Serbia, July 26, Eigh
teen surgeons and physicians of the
I United States Army and
| Sanitary Corps have cordially aided
: the Red Cross Commission in med
j ical and general relief work in
' Serbia. The medical work of the
j commission has beer? directed by
j Lieutenant Colonel Edgar E. Hums,
lof the Army Medical Corps, of
! Frankfort, Kentucky.
Of the United States army men,
| Major Edward Stuart repaired and
J established hospitals in Belgrade and
j fought the typhus there when it
j threatened to become epidemic.
Captain Fred C. Davis fought
| typhus at Shabats. Captain Walter
E. Fox died of pneumonia at Sern
i endria. Captain Herman Hundling
j directed relief and dispensary work
at Pirot. Lieutenant D. L. Austin
and Roy G. Pfotzer were assigned to
the half-wrecked city of Monastir
where Pfotzer established a bacter
eological laboratory. Captain R. M.
Blakely won the gratitude of the
peopel of Tikveche in southeast
Captain Morris R. Bradner, Lieut
enant Bernard M. Krug and Lieut
enant Willian B. Aten, of Warwick,
X. Y., established at Prisrend a
. hospital, orphange, dispensaries and
I soup kitchen.
A SALESLADY has to have I ***"* ■
"> energy and vitality. Sell- j | J A/J 1
ing things is a science; those i //l/l//w/75f/sil
who succeed keep themselves | I m I ■ fp 1
healthy, for physical fitness aids I I 00
mental alertness. | I
"We are what we eat," and that is why i .JN ! WW} —^.liLJUfc^Cl
you should eat Krumbles. It is made I ™ai/| I K( P?l)TlglWll)f
of all the wheat It holds the valuable j0 = ||\|FUL 1
mineral salts of the bran, as well as the ; [ f .
nutritive, energy-making elements of ! ...■>(• aT i
the kernel. j IFTJJ j WHEAT
Properly cooked, temptingly shredded, j DFADY TO EAT I I
appetizingly toasted, Krumbles comes in ; L 5 ™ ubE I
our "Waxtite" package, protected against "an,. I HAS THIS slWtf 1 1
moisture and outside influences, fresh ti = yjeOßW'* 0/f f
and fine, packed right from our ovens. i / i ./ J/
Ask your grocer for Kellogg's Shredded i V J\.
Krumbles—the only Krumbles made. j
Krumbles is made in the same kitchens
as Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. j KELLOW „^.jQRONTO.CAJiADA.
Battle Crctk, Michigan
JULY 26, 1919.
Advice to the Lovelorn
I am eighteen and considered cute
and pretty, but am not conceited. I
have lots of boy friends and love
one very dearly. I know he loves
me. too, but now he has left me
without a word and does not speak
to me. Do you think that jealousy i
has gotten the better of him. as I j
am nice to the other boys, too'.' Do j
you think I should speak iirst, as I j
still care for him?
It has always seemed rather a |
foolish policy to hold off and wait i
for the other to speak first. Usual- j
ly in tl\e explanation that follows ,
there wasn't anything very much to
be "mad" about in the iirst place, j
It would be quite all right for you
to speak to the young man if you J
care about renewing the friendship.
I am eighteen and have been
going about with a man three years j
older. One of his worst habits is j
falling asleep at the theater and |
never keeps his appointments.
G. G. W.
This young man may be so over
worked as to account for his con
dition, or again he may be ill with
some brain affliction. Before marry
ing him I think it would be well to !
consult a physician.
I have known a girl for the past
year and am very much in love with
her. In the office where she works she
permits several, or I might say all of
the young men to put their arms
around her. Now, as I have been an
eye-witness of this, I would like to
know if you think it is proper? She
claims that she means nothing by it
and that any girl would do the same
thing, but I think it is aqt proper by
any means. H. H. B.
I agree with you that the young
lady's behavior is most undignified
and improper. Perhaps you can per
suade her to reform. I hope so, at any
Dear Miss Fairfax:
I am twenty-tuo and considered
good looking, but on account of my
music and other studies, have had
very little time to bother with the
! boys. Recently I met an attractive
j bachelor about thirty-eight, who has
I been attentive to me. He told my
J sister that "he thought the world of
I me, but I do not knew whether
he Is serious or not, because every
j time he tries to make love to me
I (which I invariably resent) he al
! ways says, "You must not mind me,
| because I'm only your big brother."
Xow Miss Fairfax, aside from his
j big brother nonsense, this man has
very good qualities, but he has had
several "affairs" with both married
I and single women, and as I am
growing very fond of him, I do not
want to be cast aside.
If this man has the habit of en
joying, sentimental affairs which
! stop just this side both of real love
! and of responsibility—you are. of
I course, running a definite risk in.
| having a friendship with him. But
if you care for him enough to run
this risk, the outcome will depend
largely on your personal qualities,
and mere' advice can't be of help
to you. I beg you, however, to keep
j a firm hold of your emotions.
Senor Garza Named
Minister to Denmark
Mexico City, July 26.— Jose M. de
1 la Garza, a former president of the
, municipality of Mexico City, has
• been named by President Carranza
J Minister to Denmark, his duties also
' extending to Norway and Sweden.
, Senor Garza will reside in Qopcn
i hagen.