Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 26, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Harrisburg Soldier Meets His
Fate While Away Down
South in Dixie Land
When Jesse G. St. Clair, of this
city, went to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.,
to train for overseas service, he lit
tle thought he'd find a bride while
in camp. But soon after he met
Miss Achsa Louise Lebow, of Lenoir
City, Tenn., a visitor there, he knew
his fate was sealed and that hence
forth there was only one girl in the
world for him.
Miss Lebow promised to await his
return, and although there were
many anxious hours during his stay
in France, he came home safely and
the wedding was solemnized Mon
day afternoon, July 21, at 1 o'clock,
at the home of the bride's sister,
Mrs. Harry French, 3131 North'
Twenty-ninth street, Philadelphia.
The ceremony was performed by
the Rev. R. E. Johnson, pastor of
the Twenty-ninth, Street Methodist
Church, Philadelphia.
Following a trip to the seashore
Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair will reside
at 2040 North Fourth street, this
city. The bride is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lebow, of Ten
nessee, and Mr. St. Clair, a son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. St. Clair, waa
prior to his Army service, a fore
man for the Harrisburg Pipe and
Pipe Bending Company. He received
his honorable discharge late in
Miss Matilda Wilson, of Pittsburgh,
has returned to Pennsylvania Col
lege for WOmen at that city, after
having a pleasant visit with her for
mer schoolmate, Mrs. Walter M.
Swope, 230 Hummel street.
Dr. George Burton Stull, 217 Wood
bine street, will return Monday from
Rochester, Minnesota and Chicago,
where he attended the surgical clin
ics .of the Mayos and Ochsner. He
will leave Friday for Philadelphia,
returning to this city August 22.
Another of the delightfully infor
mal dance will be held this evening
at the Colonial Country Club with the
porch at the service of the dancers.
Miss Burd's orchestra will play and a
large gathering is anticipated.
Miss Sue K. Hummel, of Wash
ington, D. D.. who was the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Edward J. Stack
pole, 1525 North Front street, re
turned to the national capital on
Mrs. E. J. Fackler, 1312 Derry
street, will spend a few days at
Pen Mar.
j W cddingFlowers j
| Plant Decorations I
| If tt has to do with I
t Flowers or anything the* t
I "grows," consult us—
| Locust Street at Second j
Dinner Saturday Evening, July 20 1
Stouffer's Restaurant
4 Court St. 5 to 7.30
Chicken Noodle Soap
linked Chicken a la Maryland
linked Ilnm
Fried Touu'tocs— Uoawt Beef
Mnnlieri or Au Grntin Potatoes i
Stewed Peon—Boiled Rice—Salad
lee Cream, Pie or Pudding
Coffee, Tea or Cocoa
Price of [
Laundering jjfjQ3 pi I '
Curtains —-||( ,
In order to introduce of Ml 1| J
laundering curtains we are going to
make a special price until the FIRST of
30c Per Pair
Our new method enables us to return your curtains
the exact size and shape as when received.
No hooks or pins are used that in home methods soon
tear the delicate threads, instead a very ingenious device
holds them uniformly. The result, curtains that hang as
perfect as when they were new—even to the shape of
Let us show you how much more satisfactory our
method is, then if satisfied kindly tell your friends.
Sanitary Family Washing
Bell Phone 733 Dial Phone 3753
I You Buy The Lot— j
j We'll Build Your Home j
r- ** —r r >ririmririjiij\runiAj4
Miss Martin Entertains
For Returned Soldiers
Miss Sara Martin, 27 Evergreen
street, entertained Thursday even
ing in honor of her brother. Private
Harry C. Martin, who has just re
turned from France, ana or Corporal
Michael Kallfelz and Private Burke,
both of whom have received their
discharge from the United States
General Hospital. No. 31, at Carlisle,
and are leaving for their homes. The
evening was spent with games, con
tests, piano and Vlctrola music and
the guests Included:
Miss Mary Cressrran, Miss Villa
Zerbe, Miss Opal McCans, Miss Eliza
beth Swilkey. Miss Elmira Moycr,
Miss Margaret Fry, Miss Hazel Mar
tin, Miss Sara Martin: Norman Kune
man, 'Henry Bruce, Martin Corsnitz,
Robert Martin and Mr. and Mrs. "p.
L. Martin.
Girl Scouts Enjoy
Outing at Stoverdale
Holly Troop, No. 6, Girl Scouts, of
Christ Lutheran Church, are on a
ten days" camping trip at Hickory.
Lodge, Stoverdale. Those who are
enjoying the outing are:
Miss Mary McKee, Miss Helen Wal
11s. Miss Marie Nell, Miss Margaret
Wallis, Miss Sarah Wallis, Miss Dor
othy Saul, Miss Harriet Wertz, Miss
Isabelle Bowers, Miss Mabel Hebble,
Miss Isabelle Saul, and Miss Katha
rine Gower.
Stewart Koser is visiting at the
home of his father, Dr. A. S. Koser,
1114 North Second street, after hav
ing received his discharge from the
Army. Mr. Koser, who, prior to his
enlistment was a student of the Yale
Sheffield School, was attached to the
Medical Corps and was stationed at
the Walter Reed Hospital, Wash
ington, where he did special work in
bacteriology. ,
Miss Clara Wolf, of 1426 Regi.ia
street, has gone to visit her sister,
Mrs. James E. Wright, now 'ocatel
with her husband Major Wright at !
Charleston, S. C. She will take a
ftoat trip to Savannah with Mrs.
Wright and make a short stay in
the Beimudas.
Mrs. C. A. Eckbert and children,
of Fourth and Geary streets, left to
day to visit their old home at Bel
mont, X. Y. Later they will stop at
Portage, N. Y., near the noted Port
age Falls, on the Genesee river, in
New York State.
Mrs. William H. Spooner and Miss I
Margaretta Spooner. of 117 Locust I
street, are visiting in Bethlehem for !
a week.
Miss June Beard, of 1825 Market
street, is a guest at a house party 1
with Miss Lena Webb, of Shippens- |
burg, at Seldom Inn cottage along i
the Conodoguinet.
Dr. L. C. Goldman, of 710 North
Sixth street, is spending the week
end with his family, who are sum
mering in Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Hoffman,
of 1406 North Second street, have
gone to Eaglesmere for an outing.
Mrs. A. L. Chayne and Miss Lou
Spangler of 405 North Second street,
are guests of the Misses Gorgas t
their cottage on the Cha utauc l u ?
grounds, Mount Gretna.
J. H. Lynch, of 80 North Seven
teenth street, has returned home after
a visit with his son, the Rev. C. A.
Lynch, of Dayton, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Floyd Hopkins
are at their home, 1925 Market street,
after a stay of several weeks in
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lynch, of
80 North Seventeenth street, have te
ceived word of the safe arrival from
overseas of their son John H. Lynch,
Jr., at Newport News, July 23.
Miss Gctha High, Prominent
Young Singer, to Marry
Harry McFadden
There was a supper given late
this afternoon at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. High, 910 Green
street, when the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Getha Lorena
High, to Harry T. McFadden, son
of Mr. and Mrs. T. I. McFadden,
16 20 Derry street, was announced.
The interesting news was a sur
prise to the guests who believed the
party was in honor of Miss Dorothy
Duncan, of Youngstown, Ohio, for
merly of this city, a week-end guest
at the High residence.
After a short afternoon of cards,
supper was served. A color effect
of blue and gold was attractively
predominant in the decorations.
Baskets of gold color with large
rosettes of yellow ribbon and filled
with blue larkspur, delphinium and
helenthaum formed a centerpiece
for each table.
The favors were small yellow
baskets in the shape of a rose. A
tiny bluebird with a scroll in its bill
perched in the center of the rose
and the basket was fllledwith nuts
to conceal the message. As each
guest found the verse which read:
"There is a bluebird secret.
But bluebirds will not tell
| So. If you'd like to know it,
| Guess what these spell"
there was much amusement . de
i ciphering and rearranging in proper
! order the letters spelling the names
of the engaged couple.
Both Central Graduates
Miss High was graduated with
the 1917 class of Central High
school and took the stellar role in
the class play. "Pinafore." Since
then she has been studying voice
with Mrs. Roy G. Cox and her won
derfully sweet soprano is often heard
lin concert programs. She is a
j student member of the Wednesday
Club and during the winter appear
-1 ed in several recitals given by that
j musical organization.
Mr. McFadden was graduated
; from Central High in 1910 and from
: the Wharton Business College in
• P re Bent he is employed
with the State Capital Savings and
Loan Association.
The wedding will be an early au
tumn event.
Enjoy the Festivities
I The invited guests included: Miss
! ™, orothy Duncan, Miss Katherine
Thorn, Mrs. Lor en High, Miss Anna
I McFadden. Mrs. Charles McFadden,
i of Bast Orange, N. J.; Miss Caroline
; Hahn, Miss Katherine Kelly, Miss
, Ruth Beatty, Miss Margaret Landis,
: Miss Margaret Wingeard, Miss Maty
Alma Allin, Miss Katherine Simon
i etti, Miss Gertrude Weston, Miss
I Alice Schwab, Miss Evelyn Speak
man, Miss Lillian Speakman, Miss
Dorothy Bothwell, Miss Helen Wall
Mrs. Joe Todd, Mrs. Ralph Hesser,
Miss Elizabeth Watts, Miss Helen
Cook, Miss Sabra Clark, Miss Mar
tha, E - creswell. Miss Florence
| Rinkenbach, Miss Lois Coons, Miss
i Pauline Houck, Miss Edna Mutza
| baugh. Miss Ethel Fisher, Miss
| Anne Brenneman, Miss Catharine
: liumma, Miss Beatrice Bacon, Mrs.
] Joseph Smith and Mrs. A. E. Leach!
j Mrs. R. B. Spong, Miss Gladvs
I Freck, Miss Lucille Brubaker and
I Miss Adelaide Woodsile, all of Mtl
Miss Coble Is Studying
the Piano at Chautauqua
Miss Irene Coble, a pupil of Miss
Alice Decevee, and an assistant teach
er in the piano department of the
Harrisburg Conservatory of Music,
is spending the summer at Lake
Chautauqua, N. T. She is taking a
special course of study with Ernest
Hutcheson, the eminent concert pi
anist, and teacher. Beside her work
with Mr. Hutcheson, she is attend
ing teachers' normal classes in mu
sic. under Miss Eliza Woods, who <s
one of the principal teachers in the
Peabody Conservatory, of Baltimore,
and Mr. Hutcheson's assistant. Miss
Coble will return to the city in Sep
tember, and resume her classes at
the conservatory.
Miss Anna Ayera, 1607 North Sec
ond street, is spending a few weeks
in Washington, D. C. ,
Mrs. Ray Bolton, 2305 Hofter street,
entertained the Misses Mary, Emma
and Anna Mason, of Fifth and
Muenich streets at her home recently.
[Other Social News on Page 11.]
Miss Ella Tittle Receives Beau
tiful Household Gifts Prior
to Wedding Paul Killian
i A miscellaneous shower was given
Wednesday evening, July zs, T>y Mrs.
H. J. Wolford, at her home, 1603
North Third street, in honor of her
sister. Miss Ella Tittle, whose en
gagement to Paul Killian was re
cently announced. A number of
beautiful household gifts were re
ceived. The table centerpice simu
lated a fountain of wild flowers, and
a buffet supper was served to the
following people:
I Miss Margaret Shilling, Miss Es
| ther Loban, Miss Katherine Match-
I ett, Mrs. Earl Loser, Miss Ruth
! Parthmore, Mrs. Walter E. Burns,
Mrs. Charles Little, Mrs. Sara V.
Snoddy, Mrs. Andrew H. Knisely,
Mrs. Henry A. Leslie, Mrs. Eliza
Quigley. Mrs. Douglas Shearer, Mrs.
John Douglass, Miss Edna Woods,
Miss Esther Schlayer, Miss Minnie
Little, Mrs. D. J. Little, Mrs. James
H. Otey, of New York, and Mrs.
Walter Fogelsonger, of Williams
Enjoy a Thimble Tea
Another pleasant event for Miss
Tittle was a thimble party with Mrs.
A. H. Knisely hostess at her home.
271 Hamilton street. The guests
made a little gifts during the even
ing, which were presented to the
bride-elect at the close of the party.
Those present were Mrs. H J
Wolford, Mrs. J. L. Williams, Mrs.
H. A. Leslie, Miss Helen Knisely, Mrs.
J. H. Otey, of New York; Miss Tit
tle and Mrs. Burton Christie, of
Lakewood, N. Y.
Calder Downie is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Starry at the Wald
hetm Cottage, Dauphin. He will
leave in the near future for his
home in Birmington, Ala.
Captain H. L. Waggoner, of Wash
ington, D. C., formerly stationed at
-Marsh Run, made a brief visit with
friends in this city and Carlisle.
Miss Miriam Cocklin, of Heckton.
is home after a camping trip at
Ithaca, N. Y.
Miss Mary Kinzer. 2127 North Sec
ond street, is the guest of her aunt,
Mrs. George Jefters, at Mount Gretna
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Zeiders, 1732
North street, will spend the weekend
at Dillsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght P. Jerauld, of
14 Evergreen street, are spending
the summer at North Scituate, R I
~i M r - , and Mrs. Wilijam Elder Bailey,
Miss Annette Bailey and Russell Al
? .'i & Y ? I occupying their cot
tage at Nantucket for the remainder
of the summer.
= M . r ," Vi?, Mrß ' Swilkey, of 419
South Thirteenth street, have receiv
ed word that their son, Sergeant
Henry 1. Swilkey, has arrived safely
lat Newport News, Virginia, after
serving eleven months in France.
J. W. Hoshon and family are taking
a SL we *ks motor trip to New York
and Boston.
Are You Straining
Your Eyes?
Perfect Comfort can only be obtained by getting high
grade glasses.
Cheap Bargain Sale Glasses are not a saving in the long
run. They ruin many eyes.
Our reputation for reliability
guarantees you satisfaction
Gohl, Rinkenbach & Rouse
No. 22 N. 4th St.
"Where Glasses Are Made Right"
Largo Group of Folks From
Williams Grove Go on
Strawride Thursday .
A number of the Williams Grove
campers went on a strawride on
Thursday evening from that place to
Boiling Springs. On the way over a
picnic lunch was enjoyed and on t.he
arrival dancing was in order. The
trip home was a merry one, featur
ing singing and a straw battle. The
party included:
Mr. and Mrs. John Hoover, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Barnes, Mr. and Mrs.
Barnhardt, Mrs. Barnhardt, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Currie, Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Meyers, Air. and Mrs. Dinger.
Mr. and Airs. Bowman Allen, Air. and
Airs. S. E. Null, Aliss Alargaret Deven,
Aliss Helen Geist'whitc, Aliss Allldred
Shupp, Miss Gladys Shupp, Aliss Mary
Hoover, Aliss Minnie Humble, Miss
Jane Houston. Aliss Annie Osier, Miss
Lydia Tauten, Aliss Helen Belknap,
Aliss Lile Reel, Miss Alargaret Reel,
Miss Sara Hess, Atisq Charlotte
Crabbe, Aliss Emma Reikert, Carlton
Gardener, Arthur Gardener, Dr. Reel,
B. Hess. Stewart Hess. Paul Harde,
Arthur liaar, Isaac Itockman, William
Towsen, James Osier, Joseph Alachlin.
James Little, Walter Mecahan and
Horace Smith.
Air. and Airs. T. G. Hamaker, of
2713 North Sixth street announce the
marriage of their daughter Aliss
Sadie V. Hamaker, to Andrew R.
Hornsby, of Delo, Simpson county,
Aliss. The ceremony took place at
Lancaster, Wednesday, July 9, with
the Rev. J. W. Ateminger, officiating.
Sergeant Robert C. Shaub has re
turned to the home of his parents.
Air. and Airs. W. M. Shaub. 1521
Green street, after serving overseas
for the last 14 months. He was at
tached to the office of the Base Sur
geon at Bordeaux, Prance.
Airs. Craig Alarshal and children
Christine Alarshal, Virginia Alarshal
and Eleanor Alarshal, of Daytoi4> Pa.,
are the guests of Airs. Marshal's pa
rents, Air. and Mrs. John Williams,
1936 Bellevue road.
Air. and Airs. Harry E. Alehring
have returned to their home in Pitts
burgh after spending several weeks
with the former's mother, Airs.. M.
L. Mehring, 201 Harris street.
Miss Nell R. First, of 411 Briggs
street, who is enjoyftig a trip over
the Great Lakes, will make stops at
Chicago and Detroit on the way.
Mr. and Airs. E. Russell Wood, of
201 Harris street, are home after
spending the past month at White
Sulphur Springs, Va.
William H. Johnston, of the State
Insurance Department, started yes
terday for Newboro, Ontario, Canada,
to spend a month with a party of
Pittsburgh people at the Ashing camp
of his brother. Dr. J. A. Johnston.
Miss Florence Cocklln has return
ed to heT home at Heckton after
spending some time at Losh's Run.
Miss Anna B. Beatty, of 1406 North
Second street, has returned home
after a three weeks' visit with friends
in Mount Gretna.
Miss Agnes Towsen. of 1308 South
Twelfth streot, left to-day for a va
cation trip to Laurel Springs, Wil
mington. Delaware and Atlantic City.
Mrs. J. C. Henry has gone to Chi
cago for a stay of several weeks.
Like The
Give the family a surprise.
Don't tell them, but just order
a pound of Golden Roast
Blend Coffee from your
grocer ai\d serve it at your
next meal. Notice the de
lighted expressions from your
Golden Roast
Blend Coffee
is blended only from the
best grown. Roasted per
fectly to a turn. The result
is the most delicious flavor
and aroma you ever im
Meals taste better "
when Golden Roast
is the coffee served.
R. H. Lyon
CoiTre Purveyor to the Penn-Harrln
llnrrlMburg. Pll.
l A AV2AAV2 l A l A l A l A l A l A l A l A l A l A l A l A l A l A l A l 7^A l A l A
y \ This Monday We Are Going to Sell yL
I At Half Price jf
I? This includes every untrimmed hat shape in the store A
72 „ regardless of actual values—Many of these hats which A
/2 are marked to sell at a certain price are actually worth *A
*4 from one to three dollars more, as they were bought 14
1/ and sold at great price reductions for our July" Sale. I /
\/ The half-price includes all these hats, as well as those A
A sold at regular market values. 72
A Our stocks consist of only the newest and most A
X A wanted shapes for present wear—and this sale is the
J4 most unusual and phenomenal bargain event of the 1/
1/ season. A
\} All White Milan Hat Shapes A
A Regular price $2.98, Monday i 52.49 \/
A Regular price $3.98, Monday . . . -$1.99 A
A Regular price $4.98, Monday $2.49
?4 All Leghorn Hat Shapes A
1/ Regular price $3.98, Monday .. . . -$1.99 \y
I? Regular price $4.98, Monday .. . . • $2.49 jl/
\/ Regular price $5.98, Monday $2.99 1y
y 2 * All Panama Hats
1/ Regular price $1.49. Regular price $2.98. /I fk E/
/ 21 Monday ~..wC Monday
/2 Monday .. ....99c Monday '.. . ® ..51.99
*4 Regular price $2.49. r> Regular price $4.98. /Id
(/ Monday Monday 72
A Regular price $1.98, Monday . .i.99c A
A Regular price 98c Monday ... .. . ..... • . 49c
A In the above lots are Hats actually worth $5.98 and $7.98.
A All Pastel Colored Milan Hemp Hats l A
A Regular price $1.98, Monday ... .. . 99c *A
/2 Regular price 25c. | \/ Regular price 49c. r r*
J [7 • Monday Monday fiOC jT
72 Regular price 75c. _ Regular price 98c. a Ty
\7y Monday O/C Monday 49C j/
£2 Regular price $1.25. Regular price $1.49. *7 Ct 72
y<2 Monday XIOC Monday < OC j/
1/ Regular price $1.98. QQ*~i Regular price $2.49. £Ti-g rj 72
/2 Monday Monday 0 \/
I 4 Original Prices $3.98 and $4.98 _ g
y<2 All Colored Straw Shapes ! A
y Originally $1.98 to $4.98, On Monday 49c 1/
{/ All Children's 1 A
A 1 White, Navy, Black, Brown, Sand, Red and Two-tone colors. /
Ty Regular price $1.98. m IA
j/ Monday cftfC Regular price $3.98. <ri| QQ 72
/2 Regular price $2.49. {Ti| £>Q Monday 3/
/4 Monday '' l'"'"' * Regular price $4.98. /Id It/
\1 s .$1.49 $2.49 A
14 AH Children's Trimmed Hats j
1/ Mostly Hand-Made Hats A
0 All White Milan Sailors
72 Regtilar price $2.98. CJ.l' /I rf Regular price $6.98. {D fX /f d A.
*4 Monday Monday | ✓
\1 E^ a f' $3 ' 98 '$1-99 R r„ a d r a r". s7 : 9B :s3.99 0
V-Z *.f ce $4 ' 98 52.49 Ee Cd r a r". sß : 9B s4.49 . 0
o 1 „ a dar ,ce . J5 : 98 :52.99 Rri ". 59 : 98 54.99
\/y Gage Sailors Included. w/
y All Black Straw Sailors A
\/ Regular price $2.98. 4Q Regular price $5.98. dd A
\/2 Monday J-'c# Monday Y/
1/ Regular price $3.98. {D-g dd Regular price $6.98. <rirj /% f\
72 Monday Monday m'cf 7y
l A R r o L a d r a? rice . s4 : 9B :s2.49 R T0ndT". 59 : 98 "54.99
yL All Children's Pique, Lisere and Wash Hats 1/
Regular price 75c. Regular price $1.98. <rj -g af\ 72
14 Monday O/C Monday 1/
w. Regular price 98c. Aj&n Regular price $2.98. <n-g afx
I 4 Monday Monday $1.49 17
1/ Regular price $1.19. Regular price $3.98. <n no 1/
/2 Monday /OC Monday q>l.y£j
14 . All Summer Flowers and Wreaths ta——— |/
i? JL t Velvet and Silk Daisies, Roses, Lilacs, Dahlias, JL / A>
54 • y Grapes, Fruit, White Flowers, Pastel Color Flowers, y *4
Y/ y Poppies, Geraniums, etc. y tj 1
& [Hat Sale -|H.t Sd.
JULY 26, 1919.