Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 26, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 ."'1 1 Ii Advertise leal Estate Until It Is Sell Is Never an Expensive Han I" IDeatbs BEERS— On July 24, 1919, Elmer E. Beers, aged 46 years. Funeral on Monday morning at 10.30 from his late residence. 541 Woodbine street, further services at 1 p. m. at Evangelical church, New port, Pa. Burial Newport cemetery. The relatives and friends are invit ed to attend without further notice. HESS—Harold C. Hess, aged 6 months died July 25, 1919. Funeral Monday, July 28, from resi dence of parents, 910 South Ninth street. Relatives and friends invited. — \ MII.I.KR—JuIy 26, 1919 .Margaret Potts Miller, widow of David R. Miller, aged 86. I-'uneral 4 p. m. Monday, July 28, from her late residence, 2115 North Third street. Interment private. i SWEENEY—On July 24. 1919. Mar guerite L. Sweeney, aged 19 years. Funeral on Monday afternoon at 2 p. m. from the residence of her mother. Mrs. William Hyndman. Dauphin street, Enola. Burial East Harrisburg cemetery. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. M II.SON'—On Saturday morning. July 26, 1919, Mrs. Martha A. Wilson died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. >l. Frank Mitchell. 2249 North Sixth street. Kurnral services will be hold at the the above address on Mom'j V even ing at 8 p. m. Remains will ne taken to Newport, Pa., on Tuesday morn ing at 8.05 where burial will take place LOST AND FOUND $5.00 REWARD For the small gold pin with letters H. H. S.-18 on and in tials M. B. engraved on back, which was lost at Tech Com mencement dance at Wllia Villa on June 13. if returned to the office of HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I.OST —A diamond shaped pin set with diamond and pearls. Reward it returned to this office. I,OST—White French poodle dog. Answers to name of Snowball. Re ward if returned 316 Herr street. LOST —Liberty Bond No. J-10044072 cn Market street, between 19th and P and R station. Reward if returned to 1912 Chestnut st. or Bell 4213-31. IAIST—On Market street between s-econd and Fourth streets, a wallet containing a sum of money and a oh-ck payable to a Philadelphia nrnt Liberal reward if returned to Hotel Carlton. 217 Market street. INSTRUCTIONS Private Instruction by Expert in Bookkeeping Higher A'c'cg and C. P. A. Exams. Modern American Law. Traffic Regulations and Management Salesmanship. Distinctly individual instruction at a minimum of time and expense. Posi tions secured for graduates and au \ anced students. Write or phone tor f-ee booklet on training interested in. K. A. WARNER. M. S.. Registrar. Bell 4940-W 2b N. ISth St. INSTRUCTION'S „ INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION In Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting, English, Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arithme tic. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. RECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1?1 Market St. Chas. R. Beckle). FOR Instruction in elementary or advanced mathematics or mechanics, see Miller, 306 Chestnut St., formerly instructor at U. S. Naval Academy. HKT.P WANTED —MALE SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN OF PRODUCTION WORK Ages 18 to 45. Weight 140 pounds or more. MUST BE IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION. No Experience Necessary. No Labor Trouble. Apply in person or communi rate at once with Factoory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUB BER COMPANY, AKRON. OHIO. WANTED Men to learn to repair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Full course, ssu. Call, or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET. Or TRAINING QUARTERS. 260 South Front Street, Steelton. Pa. PHOTOGRAPHIC—CaIIer out, can vasser and operator for specialty work; straight salary. Call Sunday between 9 and 4. William J. Nolan, Room 511, Metropolitan Hotel. WANTED—Man to work in quar ries; good working conditions and good rate of pay per hour for ten hours' work. Apply Old Spong Quar ries just east of Lemoyne. along line of Northern Central railroad. WANTED At once competent stock and shipping clerk; experience necessary; A 1 references and bond re rtquifed. Apply, W AND 11. WALKER. 114 SOUTH SECOND STREET. MAN wanted to work on a truck farm; must have experience on a farm or truck farm; good pay and steady work year around. Apply \V. J. Schubauer, Front and Reel's Lane, UarrLburg, (Continued In Next Column) FOR SA'LE Modern 2-Story Brick House For Two Fafhilies Each apartment containing par lor, dining room, kitchen. 2 bed rooms and hath, cemented cellar, front porch, coal range and gas range, gas light, furnace heat; lot 16.2x190 It. Price $4,590 Miller Brothers & Co LOCUST AND COURT STS. REAL ESTATE insurance* SURETY BONDS Members Hbg. Real Estate Board * > SATURDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE t 1 t ). ; WANTED AT ONCE h I. t Five Layers-out, 80c per hour ? on Structural Work ; Must understand drawings. t s? i - Apply J STATE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU I ; I THIRD AND NORTH STS. I _____ _ CARPENTERS BORING MILL MEN ; j GENERAL REPAIRMEN ( SHEET METAL WORKERS ALL AROUND MACHINISTS i 1 Permanent work assured. No ! labor trouble. Bonus paid on I I second and third shifts. Phy sical examination required. ' i Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUB BER COMPANY, AKRON, OHIO. BRICKLAYERS UNION REQUIRED ON BUILDING OPERATION MILTON, PA. RATE $7.00 PER DAY. TRANSPORTATION ALLOWED. TURNER CONSTRUCTION CO., MILTON, PENNA. i WANTED Freight truckers and freight handlers at P. R. R. Division Street Transfer, Harrisburg, Pa. Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take I Big Four or Rockvllle car to Sixth and Division streets. WANTED —A man for the wood i shop to repair wheels, making gear and general repairing. Steady work. | J. L. SAYLOR & SON. CARRIAGE BUILDERS, Annville, Pa. ! RAILROAD traffic inspectors want- j ;ed' sllO a month and expenses to | l start; short hours; travel; three j ! months' home study utder guarantee. IWe get you position. No age limit; \ 1 ask for booklet N-273, Standard Busi- , ! ness Training Inst., Buffalo, N. V. ! August 23. Railway Mail Clerk Ex- j ! aminatiohs in Harrisburg. Hundreds | ; w anted. $l,lOO-$1,600 year. Every | I second week, or equivalent, off at full r ' pay. Common education sufficient. | i Write immediately for free list of po sitions open and sample questions. Franklin Institute, Dep't 414 R. Ro chester, N, Y. CENSUS clerk examination soon. Thorough instruction $5. Particulars free. American Civil Service School, | Washington, D. C. j , SHOEMAKER wanted at once; good! steady job; will pay highest wages In I ! city Apply J. Gordon, 1820 N. Third ' I street. I THE SIMPLEX starts your Ford I j from tlie seat; each one guaranteed;' .Ithe only successful starter made, sls i or $17.50 installed; agents with a Ford car wanted. Come and see me, it will i pay you. Always home Saturdays. C. A. Ostiander, Avoca, N. Y. WANTED—DROP FORGE HAM -1 MKRM'KN AND DIE SINKERS WITH I EXPERIENCE, BEST WAGES, AD IDRESS GENERAL DROP FORGE CO.. JLNC., BUFFALO, N. Y. WANTED —County managers, men who have A 1 reference, must have bond, permanent position, not a soft snap, real salary and expenses, no coin., contract. Address, Pen-Del Sales Company. Northumberland, Pa. I LABORERS wanted. Apply Paxtang I Quarries, Paxtang. Pa. WANTED —First class barber. Apply Eclton House Barber Shop. (Continued In Next Column) 1 HELP WANTED—MALE - j PRINTING SALESMAN WANTED Toung man for position In sales end of well establish ed and complete printing plant, one with experience preferred. Big chances for future career. Write, stating experience, if any, and give full details. All communica tions will be held in strict est confidence. Address Box M-8492, Care Harrisburg Telegraph BLACKSMITH All-round man wanted; good wages to right party. 227 South Cameron street, opposite Bell Telephone building. —— , WANTED—A general agent for Harrisburg and vicinity for the. monthly premium accident and health department of the largest company in the world writing all forms of ac i ident, health and life insurance. Re quires a man capable of writing poli cies and adjusting claims. Commts jsion contract only. Address C. H. Boy |er. manager Casualty Dept., National j Life Insurance Company of the U. S. j of A., 29 S. LaSalle St ..Chicago, ill. WANTED—An experienced indus trial insurance man for the position of assistant manager. Address Box' 0-5439 care Telegraph. MAN to sell guaranteed shrubs,' roses, trees, plants. Weekly pay. Per- ; manent. Write now. Barry Nursery Co., Box 33, Rochester, N. Y. M ANTED—Young man about 22 ' years of age to prepare for the man- ! agement of one of our stores. Salary $lB per week to start. Splendid oppor tunity for the right party. Address Box J-5458 care Telegraph. IF YOU are a good oil end paint salesman, we will pay well. Only the best of talent need apply. Parker Re ffning Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. M'KN—Age 17 to 55. Experience un- , necessary. Travel, make secret in vestigations. reports. Salaries: expen ses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 429. St. Louis. MF.N wanted to take special spare | time training this summer for ac i counting positions. Prepare yourself i now for a better income. Don't waste' the summer months and let the other fellow get ahead of you. Cost account- , ants, auditors and executives make! $2,000 to $6,000 yearly. You can do as well. Train under certified public ac- j countants by our individual coaching! plan. Write to-day. J. B. Tanner, ! pres., suite 156, 2626 S. Michigan ave., Chicago. CLERKS—Capable applicants want ed to take up training at once with out interference with the present dutios, for important accounting positions with the large American in dustries, railroads, business corpora tions and the United States govern ment. Minimum salaries $1,00 per ycaf. Address, Warner, Austin & Warner, 26 N. 18th. Bell 4940-W. WANTED—A young man for out- i door work, traveling in house to house proposition; straight salary; experience unnecessary. Call Sunday between 9 and 4. Mr. Nolan, Room j 511, Metropolitan Hotel. 1 HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Operators on plain sewing machines; also a few on union special felling and sleeving machines; learners paid while under instruction; also a bonus paid every week. Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO., City Star Laundry Bldg., . Sixth and Herr Sts. KNITTERS and crocheters. Women) proficient in both branches to teach ] yarn work in department stores. Must be aggressive, able to talk well and I j willing to travel. Good salary and ! expenses. Addiess Box F-5494 care' Telegraph. WANTED Competent stenographer and general office assistant. Lady preferred. Inquire Bell 1351-J. i Dial 6315. i ! WANTED—Five bright, capable la i dies to travel, demonstrate and sell I dealers. $25 to SSO per week. Railroad 1 fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich i jDrug Co.. Dept. 841, Omaha, Neb. ! WANTED—GirI or woman for gen | eral housework in small private i family, living near Second and Reiiy sts. Bell phone 125 or Dial 4016. WANTED —Experienced bookkeep er and stenographer: A 1 references required. Apply \V. *nd H. Walker Co., 114 South Second st. WANTED—A young lady to clerlt 1 jin confectionery store. Apply Lampas, j 414 Market st. j WANTED Experienced waitress; Ino others need apply. Apply 512 I Market St. I . OPERATORS ON UNION SPECIAL Felling and Sleeving Machines. I July 3rd we paid 10 per cent, extra * bonus on six months' earnings, • making 40 per cent, bonus paid this year. ■ JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO.. 2012 N. Fourth Street WE have a few positions open for women. $8 to start Sanitary Family - Washing Co., 16th and Elm sts. 1 .—— ' WANTED —Lady canvassers to han t die our line of sanitary twisted wire > brushes, mops and dusters. Apply s Francis Mfg. Co.. 2 N. 15th at. WANTED —Mtddlq aged white wom ; an for general housework. Apply 1822 North Second street. f WANTED —Operators on sewing machine. Steady work; good wagni# " Apply Shearer Mfg. Co., 308 Hamilton street. • *l' ' HAHRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH I PROPERLY CLASSIFIED your little ad secures PREFERRED POSI |j TION in the paper. It is not merely fejf "next to reading matter"—it is read- MM 111 ing matter, of more interest to the jfinl - people who turn to that classification than anything else in the paper. pjj, SSI g |gg BfaßEl 9EB 11 ( HELD WANTED—MaIe and Female | . WANTED IMMEDIATELY—By U. S. I Government. Hundreds clerks. 18 or j over, at Washington. D. C. Harrisburg j examinations July 19th. $l,lOO year. | Pleasant clerical work. Short hours. 1 Common education sufficient Try these July 19th examination. Specimen questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 414 R., Rochester, N. Y. "$ ~ ; ———————————— AGENTS WANTED EMMETT Scotts and Kelly Millers "Negro Mar Histories outsell them all. ; Better now than ever. $40,000 sales jlast week. Agents wild over success, j Best terms. Patriotic pictures free. I Express paid. Either outfit free Both |oo cents. Be quick. Mullikin Co., | Marietta. Ohio. | sooo per month selling a new pat ented fuel vaporizer, guaranteed to I save up to 50 per cent, in gasoline; (40 miles per gallon made with Ford car. told on money-back guarantee, j One sample free. Stransky Vaporizer iCo.. Pukwana, S. D. AGENTS—Big pay and free automo bile introducing wonderful new gaso line saver, puncture proof, five-year spark plugs and other economical auto necessities. Outfit free. L. Ballwey, 632 |Stu. F, Louisville, Ky. 1 LIVE agents wanted—Article seil |ing to motorists, mechanics and every home; sls to S2O made daily. Act jouick. Wye Mfg. Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. I GREAT auto invention just out. 1 First lire chain improvement in 201 years. Quick detachable, nonsltid . chains ean be put on or taken off in' |u second. No jacks needed. Every ,-ar( j owner buys on demonstration." Im-j intense sellers. S2O to sso profits daily.' j Sample by prepaid parcel post sl. 'Territory going fast. Act quick. Bear |Mfg. Co., Chain Dept.. Ilock Island. 111. 1 AGENTS—One-cent invested in a | postal card brings you clean, honest employment proposition worthy $75- SIOO a week. Specialty Mfg. Asso., Div. 1125, Madison, M'is. LARGE MANUFACTURER wants representatives to sell shirts, under wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for tree samples. Madison Mills. 503 Broad way. New York City. CANDY—Big pay. Advertise, men. i women. Start one of our specialty 1 candy factories in your home, small 100 m, anywhere. M'e tell how and j furnish every thing. Grand opportu nity. Candy House, 1819 Ranstead st., Philadelphia. Pa. I AGENTS wanted for Dauphin | Cumberland, Perry and Lebanon coun | ties, to sell an article everybody uses. IP. O. Box 32, Higiispire, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN and sales organizations with responsible men; big opportunity placing contracts with retail stores for famous Underwood Photographic News service. Window advertising. Liberal commissions. Exclusive ter ritory to those who act quickly. El liott Service Co.. 141 West 36th St.. New York. SALESMAN wanted for strictly new electric novelty salable to jobbers and 1 dealers. Large repeat commission basis. Side line or whole time. T. C. Smith & Co.. 1531 Cherry st.. Phila delphia. S A LESMEN—NEM' CARBURETOR FOR FORD CARS. Simple, not a mov ing part: installed in thirty minutes; I guaranteed to double your mileage i and start in zero weather without; heating or priming. 15-day FREE trial. Our St. Louis man sold 2,000 in 8 months. Salt Lake City man made i $1,200 in one week. M'rite U. & .1. ! Carburetor Co., 505 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. , LIBERAL commission, steady in come, with selling agency for Davis tailormade clothes from maker to ! wearer. M'rite to-day. Reference wanted. P. H. Davis Tailoring Co., ' Cincinnati, Ohio. SIDE LINE SALESMEN—M'e have an attractive line of premium assort ments for live salesmen. Commission from $5 to S2O per order. If you want an up-to-date line, write to-day. Can field Mfg. Co.. 4003 Broadway st.. Chi cago. 111. SALESMAN wanted—M'e want live men to represent us In your locality. Rig opportunities for right parties. iNuTred Tire Co.. Columbiana. Ohio. I M'ANTED —One-live hustler in Har- | risburg to handle our line of sales J land order books. Large demand. Lib oral commission. M'irth Sales Book Co.. Chicago. j HIGH-CLASS SAMPLES FREE to salesmen interested In a side line. . Variety of new top notch meta! spe cialties. All wonderful trade stimula tors and business producers. Manu facturers. wholesalers, banks, retail ers etc.. eager for them. Every llnd < eve'rvwhere buy in large quantities ■ all ytai around. No seasons. Side line salesnun make SSO a week. $l5O to $"00 for whole time. M'rite quick for outfit C. E. Erickson Co., Inc.. 542 Erickson Bldg., DesMoines, lowa. GOOD salesman who owns an auto mobile and is familiar with garage and filling station trade to sell GUAR ANTEE VISIBLE GASOLINE PUMPS ' The only power driven "Visible" ap proved by National Fire Underwriters and having means of accurate me chanical measurement. Exclusive right territor> Q Uaran t ee Visible McatUire Sales Company, 557 Munsey Building, M'ashington, D. C. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE POSITION wanted. Gentleman law student desires to enter law office in Harrisbuig. Have Just returned from . France: two years' training previous to going overseas; graduate business rollege: caff do any kind of clerical ! work. Address B-X. care Telegraph. WANTED—Position as truck driver by a young man who has had two fc years' experience, can do own repair -1 ing. furnish best of reference. Apply lit 16b#Vernon st. I SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe GIRL wishes position as bookkeep- | ler with experience in typewriting. | j Laii furnish reterence. Call Bell phone I WOMAN desires family washing to take heme or day's out, cleaning or ironing. Call or write 1706 Walnut. STENOGRAPHER, with knowledge of bookkeeping, wishes permanent position. Can furnish best of refer ence: graduate of Berkley's Business College. Apply 2004 Green st. I WANTED Bundle washing or small washes to do at home; do not call for or deliver. Dial 6964. MIDDLE ageo woman desires up stairs work or housekeeping; can give reference. Address L-5447 care Tele graph . COLORED woman wants washing and ironing to do at home. Call or I write. 248 S. Cameron st. WOMAN wishes day's work or i washing and ironing to take home. Apply 1204 N. Cameron street. ROOMS FOR RENT TWO second floor furnished rooms '■ for housekeeping; airy; light; line 10-j cation, 1253 Derry street. FOR RENT—Large nicely furnished ; front room with board for two gentle- : men, or man and wife. Railroad men! considered. Inquire 1321 State st. i' 1 FOR RENT—Rooms for light house- 1 1 J keeping, and roomers; all conven iences. Inquire 335 Pine st.. Steelton. j FOR RENT—Desirable front and ! back rooms; all conveniences; city i steam heat: very desirably located. | Apply at 266 Briggs St. ENTIRE third floor, consisting of i two nice large furnished rooms and 1 bath with private family; most beauti ful section; all conveniences; use of telephone, or would rent single room. Sls N. 17th street. NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM— For gentlemen only. Dial 4USD. or 912 North Third street. FOR RENT—Furnished room on second floor; all conveniences; not i water. Bell phone 466-R. | Nicely turnisntd. clean, cool rooms ! $2.50 per week and up. 143 South ! Third street. HOME WANTED WANTED—Home in private family for seven-year-old girl. Address Box T-2967 care Telegraph. BOARD AND ROOMS BOARD—Man and wife desires board and room about .September 1, ! with congenial private family in good l location. Address Box T-8452 care Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Unfurnished apart ments of three rooms, kitchenette and bath; possession August 1. Rent $26. Located at 1200 N. Sixth st. Inquire at 1124 N. 3d st. FOR RENT—One of the Alepha apartments, corner of Sixth and Verbeko streets; 4 rooms and bath; ] city steam; all modern improve ments. Cull 1129 N. 6th st. Bell 2899-K. j FOR RENT —Furnished apartment' during the month of August; four] rooms and bath; all modern conven- I iences. Call between 10 and 11 a. m. or 7 to 8 p. m. G. Willard Hall, 312 N. i Second st. FOR RENT —Apartment of two 1 large unfurnished communicating j rooms, one front, with three windows, ; also large hall; tine location; no chil-. dren. Call at 1506 State st. | FOR RENT —Two nicely furnished ! rooms on the third floor for light housekeeping, hot and cold water; electric lights; use of bath; fine loca tion. Inquire 22 N. 18th st. APARTMENTS WANTED APARTMENT Three or four rooms, unfurnished, private bath, by refined young couple; no children. Box H-8455. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! SCHUYLKILL ST.. 682—1s offered at a reduced price; six rooms and bath; gas; electric light; steam heat; Inspect property soon. Bell Realty Co., | Bergner Building. CAMERON ST.. N.. 1944— 52',0U0 will purchase frame house with 8 rooms; electric light; lot 40x110; fruit trees and stable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. — 1 PEFFER ST., 633—12.500 will pur chase dwelling with 8 rooms and bath. Bell Realty Co., Bergner BuiId "DWELLING—B2,SSO will purchase dwelling with 8 rooms and bath; gas; furnace; cemented cellar; lot 15x100. Bell Realty Co. Bergner Building. 26TH ST., S„ 734 —For sale; brick and Htucco dwelling; 6 rooms and bath; gas; electric light; steam heat; possession within 30 days. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, No. 1512 WALNUT STREET. Lot 15 ft. 3 In by 90 ft. TRUST COM -222 Mrket Street. FOR SALr. —In Hlguspire. if y pre looking for a business that will net you 83.000 to *5,000 a year at a real down bargain, sep me at once property Including residence, atore room, ice cream parlor, large pool room, only pool In town; reason for i selling, would retire from business. W J. Reeves. 224 Market St.. Ki*h I spire. Dial 9801 *" , 4Continued In Next Column) | I HEAL ESTATE Jt\)B SALB "IF IT'S REAL, ESTATE. SEE SANDERLIN." ! th ®J AT E ST.—ll3l, VACANT; NEW; „J s . tory • nine rooms and bath; Imilh 1 L • sas an< l electricity; front !S" „.,r^ ar Porches; cement cellar; a i mugnitieent home; possession August | |t. cun be bought with SSOO cash. 5T.—;2536. VACANT; two f.°,y brick cottage; six rooms and "•'til; U |i improvements; nice front! ana rear porches; just one-fourth of! a DiocK fiom Sixtli street trolley; no money down; $25 per month. I EC ETON 5T.—1931. VACANT; two-! ftoi'y biiclt cottage; six rooms and' batll; steam heat; gas und electricity;! cement cellar; nice front porch; cozy i .little home; right price to quick buyer. | SWATARA 5T.—1856; VACANT; two | and-a-half-story frame; seven rooms land bath; all improvements; nice front I porch; large yard with driveway ia the rear; small amount down; bal a nee frame as rent. j DERRY 5T.—2341. NEW; VACANT; ■ two-and-a-half-story brick; six rooms and bath; hardwood floors; cement cellar; steam heat; gas and electric ity; must be seen to be appreciated; can be bought with SSOO cash. ! SEVENTEENTH AND FAXTON STS.—NEW; VACANT; two-and-a- I half-story stucco; six rooms and bath; I steam heut; gas und electricity; I everything that goes to make up an ■ up-to-date house; can be bought with | $o00 cash. I FULTON ST 1824; three-story frame; eight rooms; some Im- I proveinents. in the nicest block on | Fulton street; no money down; $25 | per month. D. ASA SANDERLIN, j Room 1. Security Trust Bldg.. 36 North Third St. Bell 1390. Dial. 3573. FOR SALE POSSESSION SOON • If you are looking for a nice, sub- I stantially built suburban home, with | plenty of ground, fruit and garden, in- I spect the Bixler property, located on the northeast corner of Dickinson and Princeton avenue, Earligton, Camp Hili, Pa., two blocks from car lino; single car fare from Harrisburg; 2V4- story frame detached dwelling, size 31x31; stone foundation;; Shingle | roof; cemented cellar under entire i house; all improvements; 3 large j rooms and reception hall on first | | floor; (largo kitchen); open stairway; 4 I i rooms and bath on second floor; un | finished attic; good yellow pine tioof |ing; cypress finish; hot water heating system; front porch 9x31; plot of i ground 120x120; granolithic walks; I | shade trees, garage for one car; two! 'j chicken houses which wil accommo date 500 chickens; 17 fruit trees (13 1 | bearing the finest kind of fruit); va-I j riety of grapes; 1,500 strawberry | plants; good reason for selling; in spection by appointment only. 1 PRICK V KKV REASONABLE at $5,150. i Bell C. O. BACKENSTOSS. Bell 700 AGENT, 3077J HARRISBURG, PA. I FOR SALE Three-story brick, front porch, side | entrance, steam heat, gas, electric, all i night trolley, possession August 1. 1131 State st.; new 3-story brick; j steam heat; electric; possession, Au i gust 1. 6 $4-acre home, bungalow with steam heat; good well; plenty fruit; 3 minutes from Harrisburg. t Good suburban homes and building plots. KOUGH, BRIGHTBILL & KLINE, 307 Kunkel Building. BELLEVUE PARK RESIDENCE FOR SALE PRICE SIO,OOO For interview address, RESIDENT, 526 Woodward Street, Reading. Pa. FOR SALE PEN BROOK-2STH STREET, One Block From Trolley. 2Vi-sl.ory frame dwelling, lot 23x ISO feet, barn and garage, chicken i house, good garden, fruit and shrub ! bery. Possession September 1. Bargain price, $2,500. ,On Columbia Road, Enola. 2-story frame house, improvements, lot 27x 150, good garden, fruit. A bargain. Price $2,000. j Two corner properties on 16th St., city, all improvements and garage. i $5,000 and $8,500. Two double properties at Steelton lon Pine and Locust St. all improve ments. Present rental S4O monthly. Price $5,000 each. Double frame house State street, Enola, all improvements, large lot. price $4,600. See Charles Davles, Real Estate and Rents Collected, 1549 State street. Bell 5246-W ■ ' PRIVATE owner will dispose of tract of land containing largest lime stone deposits in the State, situated j on two large main line railroads di rect route to Baltimore and tidewater and Philadelphia and the Atlantic coast' 40 acres of solid bed of stone from' o to 4 feet from the surface; crushed stone from premises approv ed by Penna. State Highway Depart ment Desire to sell, but will lease and manage operation for lessees if so desired. Address H. W., care Tel egraphy BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P- Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. Harris Street 630 Thr.ee-story brick, 9 rooms, all improvements, small amount down; balance same as rent, no questions as to race or nationality. D A. Sanderlin. 36 N. Third street, room 1. Security Trust Bldg. Bell 1390. Dial 3573. AN exceptional bargain In a- fine home. This property is located 451 Elizabeth street, Highspire; single house. Plot 150 foot front by 125 feet I deep; improvements; moat all kinds ot fruit; chicken house and garage, 14x50. Will sell for SI,OOO less than what it is worth; reason for selling other business. W. W. Reeves, 224 Market street. Highspire. Dial 9801. FOR SALE —112-114 Washington St., B.looms una bath, trame; tin roof; ail conveniences; bargain. Apply 814 N. Third street. SIXTEENTH near Boas, fine resi dence. all improvements, price reason able lor such a property. lawns. , i oorches and drive nJley. D, A. Caley I SO7 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689. ~ t (Continued In Next Column) 1 JULY 26, 1919. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENTS Violet St., Nos. 533-34-35-36. Four "-story frames in fine condition. Rental income S6O. Price around $6,000. I Kensington St. Nos. 2014-16. Two -%-stc-ry frames with rear driveway. Rents $26. Quick price $2,500. I Crescent St. Nos. 347, 347%. 349. ll' ine 3-story pressed bricks. Rental income $96. Price around SIO,OOO mark. | South Ninth St. Nos. 1023 and 1035. I Two 2 % -story frames with rental in ; conic of s2l. Purchaser can assume mortages of $1,5u0, give note for S2OO, and take title for S2OO cash down. Price $1,900. Rear driveways. Exceptional bargain and arrange ment. ATTRACTIVE HOMES North Third St., No. 2216. North Fifteenth St., No. 909. M'hitehall st., No. 1851. (Intersec tion of Regina). Zarker st.. No. 1423 . Muench st.. No. 630. Forrest st.. No. 569. Emerald St., No. 026. Atlas St.. No. 2248. N. Nineteenth st.. No. 723. N. Sixth st., No. 3358. N. Sixlh St., No. 1945 . Fine business corner. SUBURBAN Enola. Handsome 2% -story frame dwelling with slate roof; steam heat; electricity; hot and cold water in cemented cellar; plot size, 62%x250; fertile garden soil. Price low. Must be sold SOON. Highspire and M'hite Hill. We have several homes which should appeal to the conservative homeseeker. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO.. (Harrisburg's Real Estate Bureau) 331 Market Street. • BUSINESS LOCATION M'est Fairview—2%-story brick, in heart of town with small out building, suitable for business of any kind. Very cheap. Enola Homes—All imp.; corner house; Lemoyne homes, all imp.; sln -1 gle corner; New Cumberland, fine home; ai imp.; Camp Hill, all imp.; large lots. City homes of all kinds; easy terms, pay as rent; some for cash. Farms—6, 10, 16, 30, 40. 75, 96. 125, and 17C--acre farms, from 3 to 12 miles of Harrisburg. Some of these farms with crops, stock and tools in cluded. Possession at once. Market Street—Three-story brick, store room front, on Hill. Apartment Houses —One or two cf the finest in the city. Building lots at Camp Hill. Worm leysburg, Enola, Riverside, Paxtang, Progress, Belvue, uptown and sev eral good factory sites. ' Investments Several rows of houses paying big interest. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street, Bell phone 560-J. FOR SALE At attractive price to close estate, property No. 1922 Boas street. two and one-half story, seven room. frame house, with electricity and gas; lot 94 feet more or less, bv 110 feet, with well of ' water, fruit trees, ets. FOX & GEYER. Attorneys, Kunkel Building, FOR SALE on easy terms. 2012 to 2010 Susquehanna street. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth. FOR SALE—2%-story frame house; all improvements; paved street; lot 28x100; 2-story house on rear; good Investment and paying over 25 per cent. Apply 2007 Swatara st. Real Estate For Sale—Suburban FOR SALE —292-294 Second street, Highspire. A fine double house, all im provements. will sell single or double. If you are looking for r. bargain see this property before you buy. W. J. Reeves. 224 Market rtreet, Highspire. Dial 9SOI. My car is at your service. REAL ESTATE WANTED A responsible business man will give $23 to any one vacating house between August 1 and September 1, who will aid him to secure lease on property Box H-8456. I HAVE READY BUYERS for farm, city and suburban properties. My large clientage enables me to secure ready buyers for any kind of Real Estate you may have to offer. A. P. DORANZ, 1225 North Sixth St. Bell 271J Dial 3943 M'ANTED —Country home with one or two acres of ground, must be pleasant location on good road. Ad dress with full particulars. George W. Bach. 826 Willow street, Lebanon, Pa. I HAVE BUYERS —List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es tate and Insurance. 1002 North Third "Street. Offices' and Store Rooms for Rent STORE ROOM FOR RENT Store room at 311 Walnut st., second door from Penn-Harris Hotel, now occupied by mil linery store. Apply to super intendent BOM'MAN & COMPANY, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT—Nice fight office, 19x25 feet; city steam and electricity; lo cated at 331 Market st. STOREROOM with privilege of renting six-room apartment In same building; all conveniences; located at 1 28 S. 13th st. Inquire 101 Evergreen steet. FARMS 45 ACRES —The M'ilhelm farm, one mile north of Linglestown and the Harrisburg Railway and the paved road to Harrisburg;- all even and very productive, fields; buildings; running water; fences. 76 acres —The Bailey farm; all even fields; one-fourth mile west of L. trolley and paved road to Harrisburg. Buildings, fences and running water. These ffirms are a higher price. C. B. Care, 409 Market street. Harrisburg. Care's Grocery. Linglestown. FARM FOR SALE Situated about 3 miles south of New Cumberland, In York county; 33 acres farm land and 7 acres splendid tim ber lund; good buildings and fences;, spring of running wuter at the door: j orchard und fruit of all kinds. Applv •o M. Slienck. agt., Bellavista, P. iO. New Cumberland. ' (Continued Column) j FARMS FARM FOR SALE WITH STOCK. ' CROP AND IMPLEMENTS <| 16S acres, 30 acres of wood land. 8-room house, large bank barn, all outbuildings. Also 4-room bungalow; run ning water In every field; six horses; one mule; 19 head of cattle; 9 milch cows; 11 hogs; 2D shoats; 20 sheep and lot of poultry. 12 acres of oats. 4 acres of cow feed. 25 acres of wheat. 16 acres of corn. 2 acres of potatoes, and all farming- Implements. including Mollne tractor. Price 114,000. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut St. FARMS FOR SALE FARM—29-acre in Dauphin county, good buildings, lots of fruit, running water, crops and stock 62,200 FARM —103 acres. Perry county; 23 acres woodland; all new buildings; running water 63,500 FARM—I 27 acres, Lebanon county; i good house; large bank barn and all outbuildings; good apple orchard; level soil; running water 66,200 DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut St. j FARM for sale; 93 acres; 3 miles • from Elizabethville; buildings de ■ stroyed by fire; good running water; enough wood to pay for farm. Inquire Mrs. L. L. Snyder, 214 S. 15th St., Har ; risburg. HERE is a double house, 5 rooms on each side, in Linglestown, at a bargain price of 61.400 —5 per cent, oft for cash —even for instalments or monthly payments. Ground enough to raise vegetables and chickens for two me dium sized families. Care's Grocery. Linglestown. L car from Square, Har rlsburg. I FOR SALE—A small truck farm; 9 miles from Harrisburg; good build ings; running water. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Bell 315-J. | FARMS WANTED WANTED—To buy a farm in Cum berland county, 75 to 100 acres. State ■ lowest price. Address L-8832 care Telegraph. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS MOTOR BOAT Beautiful automobile type; 25x5; 40-horsepower; electric starter, lights, reverse gear, etc. Cost 61.600; only run about 50 miles. Am leaving town. Yours for 61.100. Will consider late model automo bile in part payment. Write for photographs and specifi cations. Address. CHARLES RESCH, Uarietta, Pa. MOTORS FOR SALE t We have the following motors we J are offering for sale. We guarantee these motors to be in first-class con dition and can make immediate d livery. One % H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. One VI H. P. 220 V. 380 R. P. -M. One Vi H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. One >A H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. Ono Vi H. P. 230 V. 370 R. P. M. One 'A H. P. 120 V. 275 R P. M. Ono VI H. P .120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Binding Designing ' Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Lumber, tubes, tanks, shafting. hangers, pulleys, belting, bolts, pipe, AI i etc. dismantling plant. The Highspire Distillery Co., Ltd., Both phones. Highspire, Pa. ■ FOR SALE fl Full size bed. mattress and S§ spring. 618.50, if sold this ■ week. Inquire. I FORNALT'S. ■ 1321, North Sixth Street. <■ FOR SALE RIVER SAND Best in quality and price. At the river, Motor street, Highspire, Pa. Martin Construction & Supply Co. FOR SALE Royal typewriter, typewriter desk and chair. F. and E. check protector, slightly used. Will sell for half price. R. J. Church. Bell phone 1572-W. i | SEVERAL fine coverlids, mantle clocks, grandfather's clock, dishes, ! candleabra, vases, etc. Address "M, I Mechar.icsburg, care Telegraph. FOR SALE—Stroller and infant's 1 bed. Apply 208 Verbekq St. after 6 | p. m. No dealers. i FOR SALE—White reed baby coach, lin good condition; reasonable price. I Inquire at 95 Dlsbrow st. I FOR SALE —Three bottom LeClodo 14-inch gang plows, good as new, at bargain price. Also 3-50 gallon oil drums. Address P. O. Box 113. Wil liamsport. Pa. FOR SALE—Two pool tables, 4V4x9, one wall case, 6 ft ; 1 floor case, 4 ft ; 110 chairs; full outfit in A 1 shape. Bell I 296-R. R. Ettinger. 122 Caider st. Jj I FOR SALE— One 15 foot counter; 1 lone 16-foot show case; 1 National cash register; 1 soda fountain and syrups: A 1 Ice box; 1 Dayton spring butcher scales' 3 tables; 9 chairs. Will sacrl- 4 ■ fice for 6150. Call Thomas B. Klugh, '441 Lincoln st„ Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE—Four-burner cabinet eas range; self-lighter: A 1 condition. Price 625. Inquire 1219 State street. FOR SALE —Overland commercial j car- btylish closed body; price and terms very reasonable. Address P. O. I Box 590. Harrisburg. i FOR SALE —Complete popcorn ciis- I nette outfit, good as new, aiso sales 1 Htand for hucksters, campers or fails. 1 Call ot 1405 N. Sixth St. I FOR SALE—AII kinds of building A material, including beams, channel*. rails, pipe, one hoisting engine and motors. Apply Williams & Freedman, ■ Sixth, below HofTman s Woods. H i Additional Classified Ad.; f on Opposite Page M H = —l