Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 26, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Allied Commission Reports
Macedonians and Serbians
Massacred and Tortured
Paris, July 26.—Bulgarian oppres
sion of Eastern Macedonia during
the period of occupation of that
territory resulted in the reduction
of the population by well on toward
100,000 and the death of about 32,000
inhabitants in the course of three
years of hunger and ill-treatment,
according to the report of an Inter
allied Commission just submitted.
"The hatred of the Bulgarians for
the Serbian Church." says the report,
"was of a beastly, savage nature.
They profaned the altars, stripped
the nuns, outraged the priests and
Several of the priests are said to
have lost their reason, while others
committed suicide.
After the priests, the fury of the
invaders fell upon professors, school
masters, judges, lawyers, and mer
chants, who were murdered indis
"The anti-Serbian policy of the
Bulgarian Government." continues the
report, "was carried out by its su
balterns with a bestiality and a sub
tle savageness which approaches ,
sadism. All the horrors of the most
terrible periods of human history,
which we believed had forever dis-1
appeared, have made their appear- ]
ance again in that part of Siberia
which the Bulgarians crossed: in
that part not only were men killed
and women violated, but every kind
of torture was exercised and every
form of sadism was practiced, not to
mention impalement, invented by the
Turks, and the cannibal way of
roasting people alive."
The treatment of Serbian women
and young girls, as described in the
report, was revolting. Boiling and
burning alive were common features
of the tortures inflicted on men. wo- j
men and children alike, and a Bui- j
garian Bishop named Melentie, is ac- '
cused of having preached in church j
the doctrine that the Serbian women i
should submit to the Bulgarian sol- !
The division of the report which j
deals with tortures opens with the ;
statement that "one can say without j
fear of contradiction that no murder '
has been committed which was not
preceded by torture."
The closing paragraph of the re
port states: l
"The civilized world cannot remain
indifferent before such a situation.
A people capable of hating up to this
point, so blind and ferocious in the j
expression of its hate, represents a j
danger for its neighbors and a dis- !
grace for the epoch in which we live. I
It deserves a severe, exemplary pun- !
ishment. because that alone will j
bring it to reason and make it under- j
stood that in our days crimes and j
atrocities deserve no pity and are
no longer profitable enterprises."
The report is signed by delegates
of the French, British and Serbian ;
Forster Near Front St.
801 l 2850-J Dial 6950
More or Less
Some folks think the
more care a car owner gives
his battery the more ser
vice it will render.
Others say "the less you
bother with it the better."
Both are partly right
and partly wrong.
We can show you some
things that will make your
battery serve better and j
last longer. At least drive
around and let's get ac
Operated by
Olympian Cars
Stream Line Body
Beauty—Strength—Durability—Economy Mas
sive frame. Guaranteed not to sag, or doors get
out of alignment.
Lynite motor with movable cylinder walls. Twenty
six miles on gallon of gasoline is usual. Rides as
easy as a big car.
Delivery in 3 davr. rt* t OOP*
Denby Sales Corporation
1205-07 Capital St. H. W. AITKEN, Mgr.
I "Pep" of Salesmen at Conven
I tion Causes Officers to Be
:' lievc Expansion Necessary
t :
i j A decision reached at the Elliott
-1 | Fisher Company Field Force con-
I vention which ended last night with
j a banquet is the necessity for en
-5 ! larging the big plant in South Cani
. j eron street. This is the belief of the
. officials of the company, after a
j two-day experience with the live
! wire salesmen. In the words of one
r j official:
t | "While much has been accorn
' ; plished. every man here was full of
; the spirit to go out and do stili
1 more, apd they are going to do it."
i j Further evidence of a twelve-month
| campaign for still greater results
,! came in the address last night at
. 1 the banquet held in Penn-Harns
j Hotel and attended by 300 Elliott
, , Fisher boosters.
In the words of P. D. Wagonci.
i president, and G. W. Spahr, sales
j manager and chairman of the con
j vention, "it was a great convention
I of men engaged in a great business
, | and greater things are bound to
I come after a week of discussions on
i every important topic covering tiie
| | Elliott-Fisher field." A general opin
. ion prevailed that when the con
vention meets next year, every pre
| diction made regarding future re
| suits will be fulfilled.
P. D. Wagoner Toastmastor
P. D. Wagoner, president, was
I | toastmaster at the banquet. In his
opening remarks he called attention
| to the successful week, and to the
! enthusiasm shown by the sales
[ ■ forces. He touched upon the value
, of a convention for a general intei -
change of views and ideas. In his
introduction of the first speaker,
| P.eeve Schley ,of New York City#
| one of the directors of the com
pany, he referred to him as tiic
i one man who during the war looked
i after the distribution of necessities
jin New York City and the man
i "who does things right."
i Mr. Schley was received wiln
| great applause and while rgtlicr
| modest about what had been said of
I his abilitv as a distributor, admitted
Ithat he did get 35.000 tons of ha>
j into New York City with the rivet
; [ frozen over. He lauded President
Wagoner and referred to his value
to the company.
Spread tlie Good News
He said the Elliott-Fisher Com
pany was an organization founded
upon broad plans. He urged everv
bodv to spread the good news and
tell of the work going on in Paris
I Following reference to the great en
| thusiasm shown by the representa
tives at the convention, and fore
! casting the good results that would
j follow. Mr. Schley advised the di
i reetoqs to organize a school for their
i own instruction so that they could
learn more about the Elliott-Fisher
machines. .
Lieutenant Giovini Negri, repre
sentative from Italy, who was in the
! World War. . ' -®d his gratifica
| tion in being present. He told of
I the advancement of the Elliott
j Fisher interests in Italy and pre
i dieted increased business.
E W. Tedder. London represenla
' tive. was another enthusiast! - .:
i speaker and crave a history of tiie
I part the ElFott-Fisher products
i plaved in the World War. He told
, of the high standing of American
people in his country and to the
! impression made because of the
j "pep" they showed in everything
! they did.
Otlior Speakers
Addresses were also made by
■ Starling H. Russer, vice-president of
■ the George Batten Company: Chair
-- man Spahr, L. G. Julihn, and C. H.
i Everlv of the Office Appliances
j Magazine. The latter gave an inter
esting history of the office supply
! industrv and put the Elliott-Fisher
| Company in the front. He sa'.d in
! part:
! "You represent the biggest thing
in the world. It was important in
the war. There is a great purpose
j back of this gathering. Much has
1 been learned here. You must asa
• for orders. The world will never
give you what you want unless you
know .definitely what to ask for.
You must shout, go after repeat or
j ders. To carry with you what you
j do not use —you lose.
A big surprise was given the
i delegates. During the banquet the
i lights went out and the impression
i was created that there tsvas wire
i trouble. After a short wait moving
pictures were shown on the screen.
| Everything that has been doing
! since. the convention Started wa.i
I pictured on the film, and R. It.
! Steele and F. T. Dunlap. two hustling
publicity men, were highly com
W. Deacon, of St. Louis, who is
a new man and scored 220 per cent.
! in two weeks, was presented with a
i magpie. The bird is a beauty and
j was officially dressed with a hat and
i shoes. It was in a large cage,
j Two committee meetings were
| held to-day and the cleanup of all
: convention business by the local
! committee will be made Monday.
| Many delegates left last night. Oth
j ers will leave to-day. Some have at -
i ranged for golf contests and will
• not start for home until to-morrow.
[Continued from First Page.]
50 cents, but to-day a few went up
to 55. the price asked about two
weeks ago.
The housewives, however, are
meeting this situation, and have
solved the high cost problem to a
certain extent. They do not form
an organization for a boycott, but
when they find a certain dealer
whose prices are higher than others
in market, they not only will not
buy the certain commodity that is
high in price, but also do not pur
chase other produce he is offering
for sale.
Then, too, the women who buy
practically their entire food supply
in the local markets, help each oth
er to find the farmers and truckers
who are changing the lower prices.
This is evidenced by the groups
of two to five women who meet at
the doors of the markets and plan
their campaign. They district the
aisles and each one goes along and
asks prices but does not buy. They
meet at the other end of the mar
ket and compare their lists and
then going in a group buy from the
dealers whose figures were most rea
One woman is explaining this sys
tem declared that she and her
neighbors saved from 50 to "5 cents
for every $5 spent by following this
ltcating the Game
"To-day we wanted corn. Every
dealer in the market except one
asked three for ten cents, or thirty
five cents a dozen for large ears.
The one exception had very moo
corn and asked only thirty cents a
dozen. We all bought from him.
Another dealer had large bunches
of beets, containing seven and eight
to the bunch, and asked only fi.'o
cents each. We patronized him. We
buy practically everything in that
way and it soon results in a large
saving. I believe that if other
women worked out the same plan it
would do much to bring down
"For example, the farmer who
was selling his corn at thirty cents
a dozen, disposed of four and one
half dozen ears to us. I watched
him for a few minutes. He had a
fairly large crowd of customers
around his stand all the time. An
other dealer who was charging
thirty-five cents went by and at
tempted to call him away, but was
unsuccessful. I am certain that he
wanted to tell him the prevailing
price of corn in the market. But
the man with the lower price sold
almost all that he brought to mar
ket before 7 o'clock this morning.
Others charging higher prices had
large quantities on hand at that
time and were making only a few
"Marketing early will help also in
saving money. If the dealers aio
kept busy at the opening of the
market they do not get much time
to talk to others about prices and
sometimes they have produce on
sale at a lower figure than anv
where else in the market."
Keeping l'p Prices
That there will be a determined
fight to keep prices up is predicted
by some of the consumers, one of
whom repeated a conversation over
heard to-day:
"How much are you going to
charge for beans?" a trucker was
"Twelve a quarter. I have fifteen
half bushel baskets and I'm feoing to
get that price or I won't sell them
here," was the answer.
"What are you going to do with
them ?"
Sell them to grocers and thev'll
get that and more for them from
the people who buy produce at tiic
st ? r^ s 1 can almost that if I
wholesale them and then I don't
need to bother any more about
Plentiful, but High
Beans were plentiful in market
but the prices were ten and twelve
cents as compared to eight cents
a quarter just two weeks ago.
There was no explanation given for
the advance. Everywhere the farm
ers admitted they had more beans
now than they probably would have
at any other time this summer
Apples, best suited for cooking
and baking, were down to 10 cents a
quarter, with a few asking as high
as IS and 20 cents. Bananas were
-a to 3o cents a dozen: beets 5 and
a bunch; blackberries 20
and 2a cents a box: cabbage 5 to
20 cents cents a head; cantaloupes
a to lu cents each: carrots, 5 cents •
celery, 6, 8 and 10 cents; cucum
bers, 2, 3, 5 cents: pickles for can
ning._ ,oc to $1.25 for 100: eggs. IS
to 55c; huckleberries, 20 22 -15c
lemons, 30, 35, 40c; lettuce "oc :
oranges, 30, 40. 50c: peaches,' bov'
12. lac; pan. 20. 25, 50c; plum*,
box. 10. 12, 15c; pan, 20c; rasp
berries. red, box. 25c; raspberries
20. 22c: onions, box, 10. 12, 14 15c
tomatoes, large, 5 and 10c eaclv
box, 2oc: watermelons, 50. 60 75*
80c; new potatoes, one-fourth peck]
Hiun aiul Poultry Hili
Bacon sold for 45 to 55 cents a
pound, the prevailing price for
months, while ham was 4 5 to 6 0
cents. Chickens, dressed, brought 50
t- 60 cents a pound, and only two
dealers in one market weighed
their chickens and told the custom
ers who asked the prices how much
the poultry weighed.
li ' CA ss " l ® lll c Mckeiw. dressed, sold from
11 |BO cents to $1.25. Larger ones
[• : brought $1.40, $1.50, up to $2.25.
Packers Blamed For Sugar
Shortage by League Head
Washington. July 26. Demand
I that the packers show proof that thev
are not withholding large stocks of
! sugar from the market now in order
to prevent housewives canning fruits
at home was made to-day bv Jessie R
I Haver, executive secretary of the Na
tional Consumers League.
I Mis ? *? aver Pointed out. that al
though the sugar crop for the current
year is said by the Department of
Agriculture to be exceptionally large
there is a pronounced shortage so far
as the consumer is concerned, most
grocers refusing to sell in quantities
, above two-pound lots.
Democrats Try to Ease
Censure of Baker, but Fail
I Washington, July 26. Plans of
! Democratic members of the house
| war investigation committee to at
• tempt impeachment of the majority
| committee report censuring the War
I Department for delaying the sale of
surplus foodstuffs, and asking adop
tion of a policy of immediate distri
j bution, were blocked by Republican
Potted Army Food Burned
in Bonfires at Baltimore
Baltimore, July 26. Enormous
quantities of deteriorated canned
foods are being burned as refuse at
the Colgate warehouses of the United
States quartermaster corps near
Riverview, and the government of
ficials say that they are powerless to
! prevent the waste.
[ Clouds of smoke roll upward from
\the burning tomatoes, fruit, fish and
other Canned stuff. Thousands upon
] thousands of cans have been wheeled
]in barrow loads from the four big
government storage houses to this.gi
gantic dump. A swamp nearby Is
filled with thousands of empty cans.
A negro worker at the dump said the
destruction has been going on almost
daily since February.
Senate Orders Probe of
How Packers Buy Cattle
I Washington. July 26.—The Senate
j directed the Federal Trade Commis-
I sion to-day to make an immediate in
i vestigation of packers' methods in
j buying cattle and hogs.
1 The investigation is-provided for in
a resolution introduced by Senator
i Harris, of Georgia, former chairman
jof the Federal Trade Commission,
j which was adopted without a rollcall.
| Tassage of the Harris resolution,
i the first definite move against the
| packers, was the biggest development
. of the day in the agitation against
present food prices that is rapidly
l making headway in Washington.
41,175,000 Lbs. of Sugar
Produced in U. S. in Day
Xew York, July 26. The War
: Department has sold 37,000,000
! pounds of refined sugar to the United
j States sugar equalization board, it
was announced here by George A.
i Zabriskie, president of the board,
i who declared there is "abundance"
1 of raw sugar in the country, that re
; tail prices should not exceed 11 cents
[a pound and that there is'no need of
| hoarding.
j Mr. Zabriskie said the refineries
; now are working night and day and
j that their combined output of 41,-
I 175,000 pounds a day is being put in*
[to domestic channels of trade. Ke
: liners, he said, have not sent a pound
•of sugar abroad for two weeks. Ex
j portution will not be resumed until
i American needs are entirely met.
[Continued from First Page.]
| that an additional fifty cents will be
added during the fall and winter.
Underwear is likewise showing an
upward trend. Especially does the
! cotton garment show a tendency to
advance. This is largely accounted
for by the dealer by the active cani
| paign of the southerners to reduce
' the cotton acreage. The garment
| that sold before the war for fifty
J cents has doubled in price with in
; dications that the price will be
j trebled by the time cooler weather
I sets in. Woolen underwear has ad
| vanced from $1 per garment to $2
j with promises of going to but $2.25.
The average businessman will
i henceforth be compelled to pay
j $1.50 for his neckties. Before the
i war a fairly respectable tie sold for
| 25 cents, but it is believed that the
j dollar mark will be reached by the
I same bnand this winter, the same tie
i selling for fifty cents at this time.
Hosiery refuses to stay down and
| an upward trend is found in every
grade. Men will be fortunate to be
j able to purchase a respectable grade
! for less than seventy-five cents,
which is our twenty-five-cent-be
fore-the-war cousin. The article now
retails for fifty cents. Others are
j shown a similar advance.
Dealers believe that the return of
the several million soldiers to civil
! life has had a great deal to do with
| the advance in prices.
Taft Declares Letters
Were Published Without
His Knowledge or Consent
By Associated Press.
New York. July 26. The Asso
ciated Press has received the follow
ing message from former President
"Your association yesterday gave
out two letters written by me to
Will Hays on July 20, last. These
letters were personal and confiden
tial and were so plainly marked and
were published without the knowl
edge or consent of Mr. Hays or my
self. I ask in fairness to Mr. "Hays
and me at once to give this the same
publicity you gave the letters.
It should be said that the Asso
ciated Press was furnished the let
ters referred to by one who had re
ceived copies of them -and felt him
self under no obligation to regard
them as confidential.
Colored People Form
Organization in Carlisle
C. Sylvester Jackson, president of
the Harrisburg Branch of the Na
tional Association for the Advance
ment of Colored People, accompanied
by Kobert J. Nelson, secretary. Dr.
Charles H. Crampton. W. Justin Car
ter, Dr. C. L. Carter, F. L. Jefferson,
members of the executive committee
went to Carlisle Wednesday evening
to organize a branch at that place.
In all capitol cities the branch, lo
cated there has supervision over all
branches in that section of the State
and the Harrisburg branch is ever
on the alert to organize branches.
Addresses setting forth the aims
of the Association were made by
those who went to Carlisle, the prin
cipal address being delivered by the
secietary, Mr. Nelson at the organ
ization meeting held in Shiloh Bap
tist Church, which, notwithstanding
the heavy downpour of rain was
largely attended. Starting with a
membership of 50 the newly estab
lished branch at Carlisle bids fair to
be one of the strongest branches in
the interior of the State. The Rev.
Phil. H. McCard was elected president
and Dr. Walter S. Taylor was made
Federal Square District
Being Greatly Improved
Great improvement in the Fed
eral Square district will follow the
present activities of the telephone
and electric light companies in plac
ing the overhead wires of these sys
tems underground. In addition to
the extension of the telephone lines
from Court street along Locust to
the building at the corner of Third
and Locust recently taken over by
the Miller Auto Company and to be
occupied by tha,t company and the
local manager of the Bell Telephone
Company, with other tenants the
Harrisburg Light and Power Com
pany are making underground house
connections for the electric light
wire in Locust and other streets in
the central district. This will result in
elimination of a large number of
poles and many feed wires, opening
up Locust. Court. Walnut and other
streets, through the removal of the
unsightly overhead systems including
a number of giant poles which ob
struct the sidewalks and views up
and down these streets.
Fifteen applications for appoint
ment as city patrolmen were filed
with R. Ross Seaman, secretary of
the civil service board. Physical ex
aminations will be held on Monday
evening at 7.30 o'clock and mental
examinations on Wednesday even
ing. I
[Continued from First Page.]
be made before Mr. Wilson left on
his trip West.
The President apparently has ad
vanced the date of his' departure
from Washington as it was said at
the White House to-day that he
would deliver numerous speeches
before he reached San Francisco oa
August 15 to review the Pacific fleet.
Although the White House and
the State Department remained si
lent on the informal conversations
under way with Tokio regarding
Shantung, an unusual element of
expectancy was added as a result of
the statement of Senator Spencer,
Republican, Missouri, that in his
talk with President Wilson yester
day the President showed himself
very hopeful of an early development
to clarify the situation.
Japanese Are Making
Special Investigation
of Shantung Peninsula
Tokio, Wednesday, July 23.—Ken
kichi Yoshlzawa, former councillor of
the Japanese legation at Peking, left
here to-day for the Shantung penin
sula to conduct a special investigation
of conditions there preparatory to
negotiations with China for the re
turn of its sovereignty over the ter
tory controlled by Japan under the
German peace terms. The negotia
tions, officials indicated, will be in
itiated after ratification of the Peace
Treaty by the Privy Council, which
officials said they expected would
take place before September 15.
Much interest is displayed by of
ficials here in the inquiries made in
the United States by Senator W. E.
Borah, of Idaho, regarding the ne
gotiations at the Peace Conference
which resulted in the Shantung
agreement. Japanese officials said
Japan is ready to make all enterprises
in Shantung, including railroads
and mines. Joint undertaking with
the Chinese. Japan, it is understood,
is having difficulty in inducing
China to discuss the Shantung ques
tion. Failure of of the Chinese dele
gation at Paris, it is said, to sign
the Peace Treaty is proving to be a
source of embarrassment.
House Proposes Recess
of Five Weeks to Senate
By Associated Press.
Washington, July 26. Majority
leaders of the House have decided
to propose to Senate leaders a five
. week recess of the House, beginning
| next week, every effort in the mean
time being devoted to clearing the
j calendar. The plan contemplates
| that hearings on tariff, railroad and
| marine matters, War Department
investigations and similar commit
tee work continue during the re
cess, Republican Floor Deader Hon
dell holding that the attention of
committee members could be con
centrated on these hearings if the
| House itself was not in session .
There was some indication to-day
that Senate leaders might raise ob
jection to the plan, since the Senate
is expected to enact several bills in
the intervals of debate on the Peace
Treaty, which will be delayed if the
House was in recess. Consent of the
other body is necessary for either
House or Senate to recesS for more
than periods of three days at a time.
Mrs. Margaret P. Miller
• Dies After Long Illness
Mrs. Margaret Potts Miller, wife
of the late David R. Miller, of this
city, died this morning at her home.
2115 North Third street, after a
| long illness, aged 86 years. She is
i survived by two sons, Herman P.
land William P. Miller, of the reai
I estate firm of Miller Brothers & Co
I and three brothers, William and An
| drew Potts, of this city, an Rankin
I Potts, of Hershey.
! Funeral services will be held
Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock from
■ her home with the Rev. Harry E.
i Erich, of Lancaster, officiating.
I Burial will be made in the Harris
burg •cemetery.
Mrs. Miller, a daughter of the
late Joseph and Eliza Potts, of York
county; was born April 28, 1833.
She married David R. Miller, Febru
ary 21, 1858, and came with him
to this city in 1866, where she has
made her home ever since.
A quiet, gentle woman of fine mir.d
Mrs. Miller was interested in the
life of the city and many charities
up to the time of her last illness.
Prizes Are Awarded at
Penbrook Union Picnic
Penbrook, July 26.—The big union
Sbnday school picnic held Thursday
in Hershey Park was a huge suc
cess. The amusements were ar
ranged by a committee of which O.
S. Ebersole was chairman. Priz-s
were awarded as follows; Boys--
Fifty-yard dash, first, Russel Ren-
I baker; second, Charles Cassel;
wheelbarrow race, first, John Miller
and Roy Runkle; second, Harry
McKinsey and Raysor Kasson; shoe
race, first. John Reidle; second,
Melvin Ebersole. Girls—Fity-yard'
dash, first, Beatrice Reed; second,
Lorette Kreister; baseball throw!
first, Florence Walmer; second, Bea
trice Reed; egg race, first Susan
Stoner; second, Mary Feeser. Wom
en—Thirty-yard dash, first, Grace
Porter; second, Irene Hocker; egg
race, first, Verna Hocker; second.
Grace Porter; baseball throw, first,
Mrs. Charles Hollenbaugh; second',
Grace Porter. Men —Dizzy Izzy raco,
R. A. Miller; second, Charles Mil
ler; blindfold race, first, W. C. Pot
teiger; second, R. A. Miller; cracker
eating contest, first, O. S. Heinis,
second, R. A. Miller.
By Associated Press.
Washington, July 26.—Making a
general denial of charges against his
administration before the Senate
Banking Committee to r day, John
Skelton Williams, controller of the
currency, characterized Frank J. Ho
gan. attorney for the Riggs Nation
al Bank, who opposed Williams' con
firmation as a "rapid fire falsifier"
whose purpose "seems to be to
swamp the records with a mass of
untruths." Chairman McLean as
sured Mr. Williams he would have
full opportunity to answer the
charges if it took all summer.
Samuel F. Dunkel, president of
the Harrisburg Manufacturing and
Boiler Company, has purchased the
Whitchouse Clubhouse and property
from the W. H. Seibert estate. Mr.
Dunkel will take possession next
April. He will erect a modern resi
dence, his plans to include elaborate
riverfront improvements.
[Continued from First Page.]
front of the company of returned
soldiers. After the Rev. Mr. Whit
man's address, taps was sounded by
a bugler of the Seventy-ninth and
then three volleys were fired in
honor of those who died in the serv
Give Exhibition
The exhibition of methods of
trench warfare given on the ball
field last night by the soldiers, as
sisted by the recruiting party from
Harrisburg with supplies from the
State arsenal, was most realistic and
well put on. In fact, some of the
more enthusiastic, members thought
they were once more in France and
could scarcely be restrained from
sticking one another with their bay
And speaking of the recruiting
party, Sergt. Nagle's men are having
a very successful few days here in
Lykens. Already more than half
a dozen men have signed up or re
enlisted, and the Sergeant says he
fully expects to take a dozen home
with him next Monday.
One of the local boys who re
cently returned home brought a bit
of France back with him in the
person of his bride, and Mrs. Alston
Whitney, as her name is now, has
been able to see how the men of our
Army are received in their own
country. She thinks America is very
nice, but still has her love for "La
Belle France" undiminished by
One of the most interesting col
lections which I have seen in many
a day is that of Miss Anna Smith,
who recently returned home after
many years of Army traveling. Miss
Smith's collection is unusual in that
it is not composed of the customary
tin hats, gas masks and the like.
She brought back Russian blouses,
Japanese kimonos, handmade gol
den candlesticks, little ivory images,
lace and line linens and last, but
not least, an American canteen and
mess kit highly decorated with fig
ures which a Yank had carved out
while recuperating at a base hos
Went to Russia ill 1914
Miss Smith has had a most inter
esting experience. When the war
broke out in 1914, she went to Rus
sia in company with 23 other Array
nurses and a corps of doctors. With
headquarters at Kiev, Miss Wood
had an opportunity to travel all over
the country, being at various time
in Petrograd, Moscow and other
places. When the authorities saw
by the internal unrest what was
coming about, the nurses were all
called in and sent home, traveling
through Siberia, China and Japan.
Back in the States once more, Miss
Smith was dispatched to San An
tonio during the'border trouble and
spent some time there and at Waco,
When our country entered the
World War, Miss Smith was sent
abroad and now wears several gold
stripes for. her months at Base Hos
pital No. 8 at Savenay, Brittainy.
This was one of our largest base
hospitals and contained more than
25,000 beds. Only recently returned
and discharged from the service,
Miss Smith is undecided what she
will do, but confesses that she is
pretty much in love with the Army
life, and may return to it.
Yesterday saw practically the en
tire valley pouring into Lykens for
the big parade and one could hardly
move about the streets, so dense was
the mass of humanity that trains
and automobiles were constantly
discharging. It is impossible to es
mate how many thousands were ac
tually here, but it is safe to say that
the town has never seen a like con
centration before in all its history.
Committee of Workers
A great deal of credit, must be
given to A. Bruce Morris for the able
way in which he managed the af
fair as chairman of the general com
mittee. The Rev. Dr. Rhodes, in
charge of the memorial part of the
program, likewise deserves great
praise for the perfect arrangement
of the services. Gorge Ivosier, tak
ing care of the music, Lieut. Sam
Hoff, the military man, and Forrest
Hensel, war material and supplies,
are three hard workers whose efforts
made the celebration the hugrf suc
cess that it was. Professor Sham
baugh, George' Ibberson, J. W. Smith,
C. J. Price and Samuel Miller are a
few more hustlers. Samuel Fear
managed the financial end in a most
efficient manner and announced that
everything would come out in splen
did shape. H. E. Bufflngton was the
livest man in the whole celebration,
and from the time he shoved the
publicity end into action until he had
>'ig up the last decoration
Buff ' was everywhere the livewire
of the party. The women of the two
towns must not be left out of the
credit which they well deserve for
under the leadership of Mrs. D. V.
Randall, the commissary and re
freshment end, no necessary and im
portant in the soldiers' eyes, went
off as smoothly as the rest of the
program Lykens and Wiconisco will
ce o lebr 0 a OUo 0 Uon forget thC ' r Home - c <™g
The Medical Legislative Confer
ence of Pennsylvania met at .the
Penn-Harris Hotel yesterday. Dr
K L Van Sickle, of Oliphant, the
president presented his report. Those
present included: Dr. E. A. Krusert,
Norristown; Dr. W. O. Keffer. Fru
gality, Dr. J. C. Culp, Harrisburg;
r,!!" A ,' Snowies, Philadelphia;
Dr. Prank Hartman, Lancaster; Dr.
J. Ross Swartz, Harrisburg; Dr. R.
E. Holmes, Harrisburg, and Dr. F.'
L. Van Sickle, Oliphant.
Wreck, Bodies
Es Auto Lamps, Etc. ra
I* Guaranteed Work n
Auto Radiator Co.
125 S. Cameron St.
Pre&t-O-Lite Battery
"A Size for Every Car"
Atlas Electric Service Co.
Fourth and CheMtnut St.
JULY 26, 1919.
Pracger Announces, After a
Conference With Pilots, It
Was Misunderstanding
Washington, July 26.—Announce
ment was made to-day at the Post
Office Department that the first strike
of aviators in history had been set
tled. After a conference between Sec
ond Assistant Postmaster Genera]
Praeger and a. representative of the
air mail plane pilots, it was said that
the strike was the result of a misun
derstanding. •
Six aviators who refused yester
day to take the air with mail planes
from New York for Washington and
Fellefonte. Ta., and from the latter
cty to Cleveland, have been reinstat
ed. it was announced. They were dis
missed from the service yesterday.
The two pilots whose dismissal led to
the strike, have not been reinstated.
Pnj- Reduced
New York, July 26.—Air mall serv
ice from New York to Chicago sus
pended yesterday by a strike of pilots,
was resumed to-day. The plane with
Chicago mail left Belmont Park for
Bellefonte, Pa. at 8.25 a. ni.
lleeent changes in the wage scale
for pilots in the mail service were
announced to-day as including a re
duction in the maximum wage to $2,-
S6O a year. Pilots Lee and Smith were
connected with the service from its
inception and were being paid $3,600
a year. New pilots are engaged at a
$.'.000 wage and given a ten per cent.
Increase for every 30 hours of flying
until the maximum is reached.
Two hundred members of Harris
burg Lodge, No. 107, Loyal Order of
Moose, to-day went to Pottsville by
automobile. They took with them
their band. They will be guests to
night of the Pottsville Moose.
G. M. C. Trucks
3 4-ton
Keystone Motor Car Co.
C. H. BARNER, Mgr.
Bell 709 Dial 4454
57 S. Cameron St., Harrisburg, Pa,
Motor Trucks of
Proven Ability
Sanford Day-Elder
■■■mu mammmmmmmmmmmmmm
We are the distributors for both these trucks.
They are the leaders in their class —stand up to any
test you can give them in any line of business.
We will gladly tell you how.
Star Garage 123 S. Thirteenth St.
The name VIM is being recognized more
and more all over the country, and especially
in Central Pennsylvania, as the symbol of per
fect motor truck delivery.
The VIM is not a rebuilt touring car it is
every inch a truck, built for but one purpose, to
fulfill the needs of businessmen in practically
every business that demands a light, speedy
There are fourteen different body types
adaptable to the Vim. Its economy of opera
tion makes it the ideal truck for your business.
Investigate it today.
Third and Hamilton Sts., Harrisburg
Bell 2133 Dial 461
Many Entries Expected
For Girls' Big Swim
It is expected that Miss Virginia
Hershey and Miss Anna Emanuel
will participate in the quarter-mile
championship swim for girls on Au
gust 1, as applications have been sent
to them and their friends believe
they will be both interested in the
opportunity to display their ability
and incidentally act as a boom to
swimming in this city. Several new
entries are expected from local men
land those possessing any ability as
swimmers should not hesitate to send
in ent -ies without delay.
The committee, who will act as
judges, officials, etc., are composed of
the following well-known business
men of Harrisburg: V. Grant For
i rer, Park and Recreation Depart
i ment; F. F. Davenport, Rotory Club;
L. A. W. Shoaff, Elk's Club; W.
Harry Lingenfatter, Y. M. C. A.;
Charles A. Brenner, Y. M. C. A.;
William F. McDonald, Knights of
Columbus; James Sweeney, Knights
of Columbus; R. L. Houtz, instruc
tor at Stevens Institute; Al. Selig
man, Elks Club, and Lieut. James F.
Winston, of the War Camp Commun
ity Serviqe.
150 Proxy Brides Are
Brought to U. S. by Japs
Washington, July 26. Senator
Phelan. of California, to-day an
nounced he had submitted to the
j State Department information he had
| received showing that the Korea
Maru, a Japanese liner, had recently
brought 150 "picture" or proxy brides
to California for husbands who had
never seen them. Other information
submitted to the department. the
California Senator said, showed the
arrival of a number of the "brides"
at Seattle. Such immigration, Sena
tor Phelan said, amounts to defeat
in effect of the "gentleman's agree