Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 24, 1919, Page 18, Image 18

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Hetailers Asked to Follow
Them Because of Uncer
tain Conditions
By Associated Press.
Reading July 24.—Prospects that
feo&l will advance In price and rec
ommendations that retail coal men i
observe voluntarily the regulations (
| that the coal administration had in j
i effect, for the best interests of the ,
business in the after-war period.
were suggested in the annual report i
'Of Wellington M. Bertolet. secretary >
■of the Retail Coal Merchants" As
sociation of Pennsylvania, opening i
fits annual convention here.
The report featured the first busi- j
| ness session. The adoption of a!
j standard coal ton of 2,000 pounds!
land scaling prices for 2.240 pound
;tons down to the 2,000 pound stand
iard were recommended and the as-
Isociation was advised to take steps
|to compel operators to stop market
ing coal so poorly prepared and con- '
I tabling so much slate and dirt as
Ito be unmerchantable.
Governor Sproul's municipal coal j
I yard plan for cities was attacked as i
itrem.f,r adds to his
Allentowii, Pa.. July 24. General
j Harry C. Trexler. already the larg
| est land owner in I.ehigh county, has
1 added 130 acres to his holdings by
1 the purchase of the J. P. Williams :
I farm in Treviertown. nine miles
i west of this city. The new tract will !
become a part of General Trexler's
Percheron horse ranch, which is one
of the sights of the county.
This Makes the Curl
Stay in Your Hair
The sllmerine method of curling the ;
hair is unusually popular just now. 1
according to the druggists. This is j
largely due to the warm weather nnd
■because women are now spending so j
, much of their time out of doors. ,
Liquid silmerine not only produces :
(the loveliest, natural looking curls
,and waves, but it keeps the hair in :
;curl no matter how hot or how moist ;
the day, or how hard the wind blows. !
It is simply wonderful how this
harmless liquid converts the stralght
■ est. lankest hair into such pretty
curlv locks in a single night. All one
need do is to wet a clean tooth brush
with liquid silmerine at bedtime.
.draw this through the hair, and in
the morning she finds her hair has
.dried in just the sweetest waves and
crinkles. A few ounces will keep
ithe hair curly for many weeks. It
"will also keep it beautifully soft,
; silky and lustrous.
[ Electric Washing Machine And
Swinging, Reversible Wringer
"The only machine that does it like hand"
Revolving tub actually RUBS clothing against
heavily-weighted wooden disc. Process just like
hand. Large steel bench accommodates the three
tubs and a basket. No stooping or lifting.
1415-19 North Second St.
23 W. High St., Harrisburg,
You Buy The Lot—
We'll Build Your Home
Carter's Little Liver Pills 1
You Cannot be A Remedy That I
Constipated Makes Life
and Happy JSpPfj™-e Worth Living
■"fifflL. S PILLS. Caeofa. bean alputur.
—— y
many cotorleaa facae bwt help moat pole-faced people
Three Sets of Taxes
to Be Levied by Germans
For Payment of Debt
Berlin. July 24. Germany's fl
nanclad program calling for the
raising of 25,000,000,000 marks an
nually. agreed upon by Mathias
l Erzberger, Minister of Finance, and
i a group of experts, was published
j to-day by the North German Ga
! zette. The conference was said to
, be in complete agreement on the
financial reforms.
Eight billion marks will be ob
tained by war taxes, according to
the Gazette's summary of the pro-
I posed plan. The remaining 17,000.-
I 000,000 must be raised from new
! sources. The first of these will be
a heavy increase in the tax on busi
! ness turnovers. The second new
I source of income is called "the im
j perial sacrifice to needs." The third
j new set of taxes will be on the nec
i essities of life.
Lancaster Roads Are
Badly Washed Out
Lancaster, Pa., July 24. This
I county was sunned yesterday for the
; first time in ten days following an
' all-night tempest that tore great
j gullies in fields and noads. caused
I thousands of dollars of damage to
] crops and property, and made sleep
A two-foot flood that swept down
the Marietta Pike above Columbia
. along a stretch soon to be purchased
| by the State, converted the highway
into a furrowed stretch, making
I traffic impossible. Supervisor Brun
j ner closed the road and a force of
; men started work on repairs. The
; damage is estimated between *5.000
| and {IO,OOO.
Prince of Wales Will Be
Guest of Government
London, July 24.—The Prince of
Wales will visit the United States
next month as a guest of the Amer-
I ican government. King George, on
' behalf of the Prince, has accepted
lan invitation, sent the Prince by
President Wilson to visit the Presi
i dent in Washington.
After his visit to Canada the
: Prince will go to Washington for a
j few days as a guest of the American
j government and later will make a
brfef visit to New York, where ho
will live on board the British bat
j tleshlp Renown in New York har
; bor. although still a guest of the
I government.
in joints or mns
cles, give a brisk /VIsTHSi
massage with — 13j/wjA
'Every Member to Present Jar
of Canned Goods to
I Colonel F. R. Keifer. commanding
• officer of the Army Hospital at Car-
I lisle, gave an address before the
! Kiwanis Club at their weekly lun
| cheon at the Y*. M. C. A. yesterday.
Every effort is being made, said
I Colonel Keifer. to keep the boys
' amused and entertained and not an
j afternoon or evening goes by without
j something being provided for their
amusement. At present the Carlisle
I Hospital is the only military one in
ithe State, and for that reason also]
I the authorities are endeavoring to
I make it a model one.
I The Children's Industrial Home
profitted by the meeting yesterday
when every Kiwanis member agreed
to have his wife or mother fill a Jar
for the home, when the canning sea
son came around. A committee was
also appointed to arrange for the
dinner to be held at the Home in two
"Baron" Neefe being away, A 1 K.
Thomas presided. Ross L. Beckley,
of the Harrisburg Electrical Com
pany, donated the silent boost in the
shape of a supply of match boxes.
Ernest Doepke won the attendance
prize, an engraved ticket to the inter
city Kiwanis picnic.
Mt. Holly Springs Water
Rate Is Given Boost
The Mt. Holly Water Company,
furnishing water in Mt. Holly
Springs, has filed a new tariff of rates
with the Public Service Commission
t.i become effective on August 15. The
new tariff makes the following in
creases in existing rates.
Residences per annum —Hydrant,
from $7 to *10; pave wash, from $1
to *2; bath tub, from $4 to *5; bath
tubs, each additional, front *2 to
*2.50; sink, from *2 to *3; basins or
sinks, each additional, from $1 to
j *1.50; Urinal, each, front S3 to $3;
water closet, from $3 to *4; water
closets, eaich additional, from *1.50
to *2.
Hotels—Hydrant, from *lO to sls:
, basins or sinks, each aditional, from
*1 to *1.50; water closet, from *5 to
*6; water closets, each additional,
from *2.50 to *3; bath tub, first,
from *S to *10; bath tubs, each ad
ditional, from $2 to *2.50.
York. Pa„ July 24. Former Presi
dent William Howard Taft is sched
uled to speak In Hanover, this coun
ty. Thursday, November 20. An
nouncement to this effect was made
this morning by E. Fred Carver,
chairman of the Y. M. C .A. fall meet
E. S. Gerberich attended a meeting
of the Board of Trade at Mt. Joy,
where he will head the new shoe
factory. The members of the Board
of Trade guaranteed that they would
take *150,000 in preferred stock and
the newly organized company would
provide *150,000 of common stock.
Mr. Gerberich had been head man
ager of the Kreidler Shoe factory
T. C. Smith has been appointed a
notary public by Governor Sproul.
George Rehrer, who has been
working at Greenville, Indiana, for
the past eighteen months, has re
Mrs. Harry Baker and son, Wil
liam, of York, are guests of the
former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Schentz, Catherine street.
Miss Carrie Sehiefer, of Philadel
phia, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
N. C. Fuhrman, Swatara street.
The local shoe factory resumed
operation this morning, after being
shut down for several days on ac
count of making repairs to the steam
Samuel Robinson, has returned
home from a six weeks' visit to his
I son, Harry Robinson, at Camden, N.
Mrs. Harold Kauffman, nee Miss
Irma Lutz, was given a surprise
shower at the home of Miss Ruth
McNair, corner Union and Eraaus
streets, Tuesday evening. Mrs.
Kauffman who was recently married
was the recipient of many beautiful
gifts. Those present were: Mrs.
David Wallace, Mrs. A. B. Cressler.
Mrs. Raymond Gilbert, Miss Verona
Keiper, Miss Erma Brenneman, Miss
Nellie Seltzer, Miss Martha Swartz,
Miss Romaine Kinnard, Mrs. Harold
Kauffman. Mrs. C. Lloyd Lindemuth.
Meehanicsburg; and Mrs. Edward
Marx. Altoona.
The Jitney Club Girls, have don
ated *5 to the Auto Truck Fund of
the Rescue Hose Company.
. George W. Keener, who is em
ployed by the local car company, will
leave August 2 for France in the
interest of the company. Mr. Keener
has spent over a year in France
for the company. He will be ac
companied by his wife and son.
Ebie Weirich, Jr., six-months-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ebie Weirich,
died at the parents home in State
street, Tuesday evening from bron
ical pneumonia. Funeral services
'were held this afternoon at 2
o'clock. The Rev. James Cunning
ham, pastor of the Methodist Epis
copal church, officiating. Burial was
made in the Middletown Cemetery.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans and
sister. Miss Beatrice Evans, of Pitts
burgh, are the guests of the former's
WiUiam Holland, of Royalton, has
left on a month's trip to Detroit
Toronto and Buffalo.
Mrs. G. E. Benson and daughter,
Jean, have returned home from a
month's visit to the former's mother
Mrs. M. M. Fairman and his sister'
Mrs. J. L. Hickernell.
The Wincroft Stove "Works pre
sented the Rescue Hose Company
with a fine gas range, which the
boys will chance off for the benefit
of the Auto Truck Fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner and
two children, have returned home
from a two-weeks' visit to relatives
at New York City.
The Middletown Baseball team,
played Central Iron and Steel Com
pany team of Harrisburg In a twi
light game last evening, on the fair
grounds and this evening they will
play the old Y. M. C. A. team, and
a good game Is looked for. On Fri
day evening they will play the Com
monwealth team of Harrisburg and
on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock
will cross bats with the Lebanon
Independent team. Thus far the
home team has only lost three
games. The home team played the
Hershey team at Hershey on Mon
day evening and after playing eight
Innings resulted in a tie 8-3.
Doeks and Railroads Not of
Much Use in Peace Time;
Market Value For Food
Fori*. July 13. France will of
fer to take over American military
property in France, consisting main
ly of docks, railways and real es
tate, at one-fifth of its cost to the
Americans, according to a statement
given to the Associated Press by
Louis Morel, under secretary of.
State for the liquidation of stocks.
M. Morel said that what seemed to
be a low offer in realty is liberal be
cause much of the military construc
tion will be of little value in peace
Many miles of railway tracks, he
said, are mostly sidings located
where they would be useless under
peace conditions. Ten thousand pas
senger automobiles and 50,000 trucks,
owned by the Americans, he said,
"would ruin the French automobile
industry if unloaded on the French
have 1,300 locomotives and
17,000 freight cars," he said, "which
are too large for our railways and
too heavy for our tracks."
An enormous amount of lumber
scattered through France, Belgum.
Luxemburg and Alsace is owned by
the Americans. M. Morel said there
was nearly enough lumber to re
build the devastated regions, but
that persons who lost brick or stone
structures are unwilling to accept
wooden cottages as homes.
Food at Market Value
The supplies most attractive to the
French population are the many mil
lion pounds of flour, rice and beans
held by the Army. On armistice day,
according to high officials of tlie
Quartermaster's Department. there
were American rations in France suf
ficient for a year .and flour, rice and
beans enough to feed a million men.
Some of these supplies have been
used at American camps, but much
These supplies, M. Morel said, will
be purchased at market prices on the
basis of foreign exchange prevailing
prior to the armistice, when the
American dollar was worth five
francs, forty-five centimes.
On the thousands of small automo
biles which would be released for
sale under the proposed agreement
the French government would re
serve the right to charge 66 per cent,
duty on the actual purchase price.
The French government's proposal,
to be made through M. Morel, will be
presented to C. W. Hare, American
director of sales, who is expected to
arrive here to-day with a staff of
Foods and other movable stores, it
was said, probably will be returned
to the United States.
Cruelty in Prison Camps
Is Admitted by March
Washington, D. C., July 24. Ad
mission that American soldiers, held
in prisons and camps in and near
Paris, suffered brutalities for which
several minor officers were convicted
in court-martial proceedings was ob
tained from General March, chief of
staff, late yesterday by a special
House War Investigating Commit
The prisoners, as far as the rec
ords showed, were held because of
absence without leave late last year
from their military units, and a ca
blegram from General Pershing sent
three days ago from Paris declared
'some of these men were among the
hardest characters in the American
Expeditionary Force."
General Pershing's cablegram, sent
in response to an inquiry of the War
Department after its attention had
been called to alleged mistreatment
of the prisoners, disclosed the con
viction against four officers at Prison
Farm No. 2 and its adjoining stock
ade. Two of the officers, it said,
were imprisoned after being found
guilty by court-martial. Conviction
of four other noncommissioned offi
cers was disclosed by jeports of
Brigadier General Edward A. Kreger,
acting Judge advocate general.
Lieutenant Frank H. Smith, the
well-known "hard-boiled" officer in
charge of Farm No. 2, it was dis
closed, is serving an 18 months' sen
tence at Governor's Island because
of his maltreatment of prisoners.
Smith, the chief of staff explained,
came from Kentucky, and was sent
to Europe after he had tried to get
a commission in the Philippine Scouts.
Smith's original sentence of three
years was reduced by reviewing au
Air Traffic Rules Urged
by Senator Sherman to
Avert Further Disasters*
Washington, July 24.—Prompted
by the "Blimp" disaster in Chicago,
Senator Sherman of Illinois has in
troduced a bill to prescribe aerial
lines of travel and require licensed
regulation of air traffic using them.
Dirigibles containing inflamable
gases would be prohibited from flying
over cities.
Officially Notified
That He Was Wounded
Reading. July 24. John Hicks
was reported on the official casualty
list to-day as being slightly wounded
in action. He had the pleasure of
himself opening the telegram notify
ing himself that he was wounded.
He has been home since March of
this year. On June 7, 1918, he was
wounded In battle.
YOUR lim?
Let us tighten your glasses or he
of assistance to you in any small
Sometimes a minute's work saves
your glasses from falling and break
Our repair work on spectacles,
eyeglass frames and lenses Is espe
cially fine, as we operate our own
factory and are in position to give
you the very best service.
Eyesight Specialist
Over Schlelsner's Store.
Community Sing Also to Be
Held Tonight in West
Reservoir Park and Fourth and
Seneca streets will be the scene of
community singing to-night, accord
ing to the program arranged by the
Community Music committee of the
Chamber of Commerce.
The Municipal Band will play a
concert at the Park in conjunction
with the singing there, where Mrs.
Florence Ackley-Ley will lead. The
J. H. Troup Music House has pro
vided the band for the occasion. At
Fourth and Seneca streets Abner W.
Hartman will conduct the singing.
These community sings which are
being arranged throughout the sum
mer are the efforts of the War Camp
Community Service in conjunction
with the Chamber of Commerce.
The community singing program
at Reservoir Park follows:
"America' - ; "Good Morning, Mr.
Zip-Zip-Zip"; "Smiles"; "Madelon";
"HWdy"; "Till We Meet Again";
"Star Spangled Banner."
The program at Fourth and Sen
eca streets follows:
"America"; "Smiles": "The Navy
Will Bring Them Back"; "I'm Sorry
I Made You Cry"; Battle Hymn of
the Republic"; "Bong. Ix>ng Trail"
(verse by Mrs. Ley); "Pack Up Your
Troubles"; "Rose of No. Man's
Land": "Oh, How I Hate to Get Up
in the Morning"; "Old Folks at
Home"; "Dear Old Pal of Mine"
(verses by Elmer Ley); "Good
Morning, MJ-. Zip-Zip-Zip"; "Wel
come Them Back to Their Homes";
"Good-by France"; "Till We Meet
Again"; "I'm Always Chasing Rain
bows"; "Ring Out. Sweet Bells of
Peace"; "Perfect Day," solo by El
mer Ley; "Star Spangled Banner."
Mrs. Florence Ackley-Ley, director:
Elmer H. Ley, soloist; Miss Mildred
Rudy, accompanist; cornetist from
Municipal Band.
Dives, Pomeroy Stewart
Friday Is a Profitable Day For Shoppers
The Demonstration and Women's Pumps at
Sale of Hair Goods Friday Prices
• a charge of Mis. Apple- c p |m p> hand ,urne<l sole* ,„d h,|h
baum, an expert hair dresser Cinn „„„ „ . . „,, v r , . , - J , ,
Ne%v York, will con- $4 -°° gun metal calf Colonial P um P s with gun metal
tinue this week. Miss Ap- buckles, made on narrow toe lasts with high Cuban heels.
*> ' 1 plebaum will be delighted Special Friday only $2.95
A ( AI-PF&I in advising vou how to ar-
as*- I / lA Jsik * • ,i .. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor, Rear.
jC 7range your hair in the most
/ becoming and stylish man
v'\ W ner - Among the newest # #
J Vli doi f " g te ns "eigh7 *5 Friday Specials m Girls'
'% Chignon. _ _
h">4, v Washable Switches, in a
%V*.,. J shade to match your hair
gg pricedHor the' demonstm- tses pumps made on round toe lasts .
' " ■■ 1 tion • with low flat heels; sizes 2y 2 to 5, Special Friday only,
24-inch Switches $1.95 DLVEG PO & STEW GTREET FIOOR _ REAR $ 195
26-inch Switches $2.49
28-inch Switches $2.95
Others up to $25.00 _ _ _
lateSti" d c s Wi " be executed for wigs ' ,oupces ' venti " Men s Oxfords Reduced
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. , -.
For Friday
rnrfain rinAria onrl PAiroli Frwravxz $4.50 dark tan calf oxfords, made on English toe lasts with
50c to 65c printed and plain marquisette, some fancy all Dlves> Pomeroy & Stewart> strect F , oor , Rear> ?3,25
over patterns, others in plain blue or brown. Special Friday
only, yard 19£
$2.00 linene couch covers, plain center with blue or green -
border. Special Friday only $i.69 Colored and Black Dress Goods
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. <M ir 1 • cr\ ■ i • i t J c
$1.25 mohair, 50 inches, wide, shade navy, fine quality
for bathing suits. Special Friday only, yard 95c
T-* rx • -i -r-s • $4.50 plaids; 48 inches wide, good styles. Special Friday
Boys Pajamas Special for Friday ° nl y- yard $2.69
$4.50 wool jersey cloth; 54 inches wide, shade grey and
Boys' $1.35 two-piece pajamas, stripes and plain colors; tan. Special Friday only, yard $1.95
sizes 6to 16. Frog loop trim. Special Friday only, $1.15 $4 50 men - s serge; 56 inches wide> shade dark navy Spe _
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. cial Friday only, yard $3.95
$7.50 Tyrol wool; 54 inches wide, three good shades. Spe
cial Friday only, yard $4.50
Men's Shirts Reduced for Friday 89c navy scrge: 36 inches ™ ide ' Spccial Friday ° n,y ' 3$
__ ~ .. ~ „ $1.25 black mohair, 50 inches wide, for bathing suits. Spe
-79c negligee shirts with soft fold cuffs, sizes 14 to 17. c i al p r j day on ] yi yard 95^
Special Friday only $2.00 black mohair, 44 inches wide, high lustre. Special
Boys 95c blue denim overalls, sizes 4 to 8. Special Fn- Friday only, yard $1.69
<fey only 75£ S2.M) black silk poplin; 40 inches wide. Special Friday
59c and 75c money belts. Special Friday only 25<f only, yard $1.95
Children s 50c striped fast color overalls, sizes 3 to 7. $1.25 surf cloth, 36 inches wide, shades, black and white
Special rriday only 39£ with black polka dots. Special Friday only, yard ... 95<*
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. „
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Women s Sweaters—Friday Specials Friday Specials in Groceries
$14.95 and $13.95 worsted coat sweaters, assorted colors. , 1 - or/ ,
Special Friday only $9.85 Pillsbury health bran, package 12^^
1 Queen Olives. Quart : 35^
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's store. Junket, delicious desert, 10c package 7 $
Sunshine soda biscuits, lb 19^
Lobster meat, can 43<
Basement Specials for Friday ptlTßuSr'giai p " kage ::: 1 10J
38-piece gold band dinner sets. Special Friday only, $3.98 Kneip's malt co^ c ®. lb 23^
35c gold band china cups and saucers. Special Friday only, Swiss Cheese, J4 lb 43^
, . „ . . _ . . . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement
6 rolls crepe toilet paper. Special Friday only 25£
25c bottle sewing machine oil. Special Friday only, 17£ >
98c fibre brooms. Special Friday only -V ir <, i TT L/ -RT • 1
$2.75 heavy square end wash boilers. Special Friday only, ±3OO. betS Sit Hall BTICe T Tlday
White cups and saucers. Special Friday only
10-piece fireproof baking sets. Special Friday only, 95£ mixed colors, scalloped edge. Special Friday only $3.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor.
' I
Youngsters Enjoy Every Min
ute of Outing After the
Rain Ceases
Like a swarm of fireflies emerging
from the ink-like darkness of the
forest and rivaling the Indian war
whoops with their lusty voices, about
40 dr 50 of the "Y" boys, carrying
flashlights, broke into Camp Shikel
llmy last evening to gather around
the cheerful campfire. Archie Dins
more was bringing the boys in from
a hike just as a party from Harris
burg arrived for a brief visit with
A large circle was formed around
the campfire and the visitors were
initiated into some of the mysteries
of the order of the Red Rog, Blue
Rog and Green Rog.
Archie Dinsmore then led the boys
in their songs, chants and camp
yells and related various stories and
gave interpretations of Indian lore.
From the tent of the great Medicine
Man came "Doc" Miller, who had
been busy building a prize-winning
design in u medicine cabinet for
first-aid remedies. But as the boys
are such a healthy, chearful lot, the
"Doc" thinks the cabinet will most
likely have to be turned over to the
commissary for a kitchen cabinet.
The stunts that "Doc" and Archie
puts them through is nature's best
tonic for this bunch of youngsters,
judging from their increasing ap
The camp is now in ship-shape
style and this clear weather will
permit the daily program of sports
and instruction to proceed to the full
est extent.
Among the visitors to Camp Shikel
limy yesterday were Mr. and Mrs. J.
\Y. Bowman and daughter. Jeanette,
Mrs. B. M. Ogelsby and son. Martin,
E. R. Seidle and Anton Benson.
JULY-24, 1919.
Court Decrees Will Not Count
if Proposed Law Goes
Washington, D. C., July 24. The
enforcement of war-time prohibition
will present no legal difficulties If
the Volstead prohibition enforcement
bill become a law. Attorney General
A. Mitchell Palmer stated.
Mr. Palmer Indicated that if the
bill went through Congress providing
no liquors containing more than one
half of one per cent, of alcohol shall
be sold, there would be no further
consideration given to Federal court
decisions so far as the war-time pe
riod was concerned. This action, he
indicated, woula be unhesitatingly
taken because of the vast discretion
ary powers lodged in the government
and its agents by all general war
time legislation.
Regarding enforcement of consti
tutional prohibition. Mr. Palmer fore
sees possible difficulty. when the
wets begin their fight against the
power of Congress to define intoxicat
ing liquor. This may introduce com
plications which the Attorney Gen
eral interprets do not exist in con
nection with the war-time enforce
Senate May Drop Treaty
The entire war-time section of the
bill may become inoperative if the en
forement legislation is kept in the
Senate long. Senator Sterling, chair
ma;; of the subcommittee drafting
the bill, expects to report the mea
sure to the full Judiciary committee
by the end of the week, and it is ex
pected to get the bill into the Senate
early in August.
Senators to-day said consideration
of the Peace Treaty would give way
to prohibition if necessary, although
some members have expressed the
belief that it would be delayed until
the Treaty debate is at an end. The
dry leaders, however, will press for
early consideration and the passage
of the bill is now anticipated early
in September, if not sooner.
According to War Department esti-
mates demobilization will have made
sufficient progress by that time to
warrant President Wilson in declar
ing the war-time prohibition at an
From Fare Lv. A.M.
! Harrisburg 12.75 440
! Hummelstown 2.75 45g
| Swatara 2.70 6^02
, Hershey 2.70 6.05
| Palmyra 2.60 6,12 '
I Annville 2.50 6.22
[ Cleona 2.50 6.2$
I Lebanon 2.50 5.33
| Heading Termin. (ar
i rive) g.16
j War Tax S Per Cent. Additional.
RETURNING Special Train
will leave Philadelphia, Reading
Terminal. 10.00 P. M., same date
for above stations.
! These special excursion tickets
will be good only on date of ex
; cursion on above special train in
i each direction; they will be ac
! cepted on any train, date of ex
! cursion. from Philadelphia to
• destination and return to Phila
-1 delphia.
Tickets do not include transfer
| through Philadelphia. Conven
ient transfer between Reading
; Terminal and Chestnut Street
! Ferry by Subway trains. Children
j between 5 and 12 years of age,
I half fare.
Philadelphia & Reading